The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 16, 1911, Image 7

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fihtnnl,Vi,i;tln. Octllin"'
liDlW ?.Vi.. in vuur nrlicli;
lfr eodj- i"Li tiimu In. tho
,S in.l ""! itl S." our ffl""1 "
!' sony A nuur
cuchl Th ?,", ki rlilit " no"!
-. ''7'u M. Mfr fur lb'";
' Mffl f"w' A'WE.If:
liMi'."-.-;.,, .i,,lh,i 3vr worn I v
,u. thin act now
. wci mi mon are
In IS W1TtoiM. br kUney onJ
F .r. promptly rellov". At
& C.,. lllnthamton, N x.
I ciet to Oive u.
f SSrt you think
linemen , ,. Amorlcan.
Ei. '
1 h, of E W CItOVE. Ul tho
t Thougnuuinc...
F t ... lAlnfr lit.
Ueiies; tnoughtfulness has an
S or .eelng tho ,Utl th,nBB
need to be dono, and then for
( them.-"""""
I vi rfu I T;
L . A Ul., ISC, MJIiurairri II
B front Strwt Portland. Ore.
usnis tanks uutters
i -
jwn Spouts Steel Ceiling
Market Portland. Orcaon
i and Timber Lands Located
i Farm or Property u For Sale
i Sell it QUICK for CASH
i Dwcriptlon ind Prico. Addirss
.IIICT nip.iiT
uy ' '""in ,
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
Thljwondofulmnn hsB
Property of 'loot,
erU nml Ilarkn. unci
( NnM. .
ISa? orDruM Used. No
'UeeWo Medicine Co.
-orriion, Portland, Or.
Btudylna the Huge, .Ungainly Birds at
Cloti nange and Obsorvlng Thilr
Method of Feeding Tholr Young.
The flrat time I over aw a motley
jrowd of half-crown pelicans I thought
nature had uuroly done her boat to
mako Bomnthlng ugly and ridiculous,
(t was a warm day, and tho birds stoo'd
around with tholr mouthB bpon, pant
ing llko a lot of dogs nftor a chano,
tholr pouches shaking at oyery breath.
Whon I wont near tho youngsters wont
tottorlng off on tholr big wobbed feet
with wings dragging on this sldo and
that ,a If they wore poorly handled
crutches. Tho youngsters huddled to
gether by hundreds In u small place,
riioao. on tho outuldo pushed and
climbed to got noar tho center, till It
lookod woroo tlum any football scrim
ruago I ovor saw.
In this wldo nroa of low Islands
and water It was necessary, slnco we
wanted to study tho pelicans at closo
ran co, to adopt some matuod of hid
ing. Wo took a largo wagon umbrolla
covorod, wlth a ploco of groon can
vua,' thai hung down around tho sldos.
ThU wo planted among tho tulos at
tho odge of a largo colony, and cover
ed tho top well with roods. Tho wholo
thing soon passed as part of tho en
vironment, whllo from tho lnsldo tho
camora man could point his camera
out through a narrow silt In tho can
vas, take pictures and mako observa
tions at will.
One might wondor bow such a huge
billed bird as a pollcan could feed a
holplesu chick Just out of tho egg. It
was done with apparent ease. Tho
old bird regurgitated a flahy soup into
tho front end of the pouch, and the
baby pelican pitched right In and help
ed himself out of this family dish. As
tho young bird grow oldor, and larger,
at each meal ho kept reaching farther
Into tho big pouch of his parent until
finally, when ho was half grown. It
was a most remarkablo sight Tho
mother opened her mouth, and tho
wholo hoad and neck of her nestling
dlsappoarod down hor capacious maw
whllo ho hunted for his dinner In tho
Internal regions. Collier's Monthly.
for Hed, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyea
and Granulated Eyelids. Murines Doesn't
Srnurt Soothes Kyo Pain. Druggists
Soil Murlno Eyo Homedy, Liquid, 25c,
COc, $1.00. Murlno Eyo Salvo In
ABoptlc Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eyo Books
and Eyo Advice Froo by Mall.
Murlno Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago.
Yield of One Pennsylvania Oak.
Tho (largest oak tree In Huntington
township, 'Adams county, was cut last
week on tho farm of John II. Sadler.
The treo was flvo foot across tho
stump and took the mon several hours
to placo It prostrato. Eloven hundrod
and throo largo wagon spokes wore
taken from tho trunk and twolve
cords of wood wero cut from tho top
and branches. Phllnrt'lnhla Record,
Sore thront Is no trilling ailment. It
will sometimes carry Infection to the en
tire HVHtcm tliroiiL'li the I odd you cut.
lluinlins Wizard Oil uroi 8oro Throat.
oalntitncsa unpopular.
That state of mind, which lot us oe.ll
tho Ignominy of tho virtuous, Is not
entirely confined to boys of nlno
years. I havo soon grown men and
women, being accusod of salntllncss,
ovor whoso faces passed an expres
sion of mortification. They would ac
cept with more complacency the trlb
uto that they wero getting to be devils
In tholr old ago. Max Enstman, in tho
Mothers will And Mrs. Wtnlow Soothln8
Byrup tho Iwst remodv to uso foi their cliUdroa
luring the teathlng period.
Takes tile Hiu"t View.
Don't go Uirough llfo looking for
troublo, for faults, for failures, for the
crooked, tho ugly and the deformed;
don't sco tho distorted man see the
man that God mado. Just make up
your mind firmly at the very outset In
llfo that you will not criticise or con
demn othors or find fault with tholr
mistakes and shortcomings. Orison
Swett MnrrWi
inless Dentistry
1 our prld-oar hoblii-oar tndr for 7fr nd
now ourcucceu. and oun ) tho bout palnlot work
to bo found noywhoro, so nutter how much oa
ijr. Comparo our Xrlc,
tvo unun piitioana
Driiike vrorx lur oui
nt -town ikitroni In
on dr If diwlrail.
l'alnleti aitrnrtlon
Ton when pifctr or
rldao work ii order
ed, CoMtiltillon Iret.
yGold.-illinn l.UU
tumil tilling!
Silver Fltllngi
Good Rubbtr
n . . i n. i n. ll ..
wpi mil nuuuvr w p. n
piiiii 7.50
CR.W.Jl.Yltt,rutiTiuMuuii Pilalui Eilr'Hcn .50
ti mil iiuiiiuis u iimiu best methods
Al w-urk fullr runruntecxl for flftoen year.
Painless Dentists
Falling Dulldlnz, Third ind Waihlngtan. PORTLAND. ORB
HHSBL- "mil
te, Right Way
' to AH cases of J
S-... . T"ulMturora. ' "
i " 11' a
. -
Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Mortnn'H fin
toreUwo ypars with fomalo dlsordors,
my Health wan very
bad rmrl T ii
continual backaclio
which was simply
awful. I f.onlfl nnr.
fltaiid on my feet
longenougn to cook
a meal's victuals
witlintifc mv lmlr
nearly killing mo,
anu x wouiu havo
such dragging sen
HarJnrin T rAiil1
b.ardlv linnp 4f T
had soreness in each sido, could" not
uianu iignt ciotnmg, ana was irregular.
I was completely run down. On ad
vice I took Lydia 33. 3,inkhams Vege
table Compound an'd Liver Pills and
am onloying good health. It is now
moro than two years and I have not
had an acho or pain since I do all my
own work, washing and everything,
and never have tho backache any more.
I think your medicino is grand and I
praiso it to all my neighbors. If you
think my testimony will help others
you may publish it." Mrs. Ollte
Woodall, Morton's Gap, Kentucky.
Dackacho is a symptom of organic
weakness or derangement. Ii you
havo backache don't neglect it. To
got pert tont relielf you must reach
tho root 1 tho trouble. Nothing we
know of U do thi3 so surely as Lydia
E. Pinkt i'8 Compound.
Write Mrs. Plnlcham, at
Lynn, 1 sh for special advice.
Your 1 ;r ivill lo absolutely
coutltlcn tl, and tho advice free.
We seldom feci JUST RIGHT
At such a time KASPARILLA is the best and
lafest Blood Purifier, the most successful
prescription for spring humors and such
disorders of the blood as boils, pimples,
pustirfcs, blotches, sores and cutaneous
eruptions. Kasparilla is admitted to be
the best remedy for that lack of energj
and the peculiar debility so prevalent
during the close of winter and the opening
of spring. For derangements of the di
gestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating directly upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthy activity. Iti
beneficial Influence extends, however, tc
every portion of the system, aiding in the
processes of digestion and assimilation oi
food, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breth, irregularities of the bowels, con.
Itipation and the long list of troubles
directlv traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency due to inactivity of the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract, v It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
Hoy CiiKMiCAl, Co. Portland, Oregon
You can't sow thistles and
reap ngs. u you plant
ferry jeea you
grow exactly wnat
you expect anu in
a prolusion
anu pence-
tlon never
vr nf
study and
make them re-
'everywhere. Ferry'i
mil Saad Annual
'tree on request
D. M. FERRY ft CO.
Detroit. Mich.
Bought and Sold
V T1M Pr.rtli.nrl dm.
1 J
oft i&l
I The Ftrat to lfre New York Novem
ber 1, 1911. and the Second from San
I . .. 4.i. 1 ni 1
XTancisco, tcoruaiy w,
Duration I tfihfl ia p, WaJiat til iwttsur n-
1 10 Day 3 I Ywww tisti twia ua uwi.
optional Tours OK 17 DAYS IN INDIA.
Sond lor Illuotrated Booklot.
41-45 BkOADWAT, lcw
WO OIi and
313 and 315 Front St. PORTLAND. ORE.
fnr rntJCHfg Ji COLDS
Business Becrets That Seem Unim
portant, but Are Guarded With
Much Jealousy.
"Slnco I began to moot pcoplo who
won't lot anybody boo how thoy do a
thing because they havo a secret
mothod which they are not ready to
divulgo Just yot I havo boon llko a
crazy woman," said tho housokeeper.
"Thoro uro plenty of those budding
geniuses doing odd Jobs about town.
Ouo of them carno to our houso tho
other day to mond a suitcase. It was
an easy Job. Ho could havo taken the
thing into tho storeroom nnd mended
it In half an hour, but Instead of that
ho Insisted upon taking it homo. He
had a socrot process for doing things
llko that, he said, and proforrod not to
work whero anybody else could And
out how he did It.
"Whllo my curiosity ovej tho ouit
case was still seething a woman who
Is quite handy at draughting patterns
stirred It still moro by refusing to cut
out a waist pattern at my house bo
causo oho has her own mothod of cut
ting that sho Isn't ready to advortlsa
Just yet.
"Right on tho heels of that a car
pot renovator was proof against all
blandishments to como to tho houso' to
take spots out of a rug. Ho has a
cleansing formula which ho will not
tako chances on giving away by doing
work outside of l is own shop, so the
rug wont to him.
"The other day a man camo around
to fight water bugs. In a sense I had
him at my mercy because ho couldn't
tako the bugs home, but ho did the
next best thing and ordered me to
stay out of tho kitchen whllo tho
process of extermination was going
on. Was the process dangerous? I
asked. No, it wasn't dangerous, but
It was a secret which ho didn't wish
to reveal, not even to an innocent
housekeepor llko iuo.
"And so they como and go through
all tho trades, overy man studying out
a system better than anybody else's.
Whon all thoso geniuses let their
ldeus loose upon tho world something
llko a revolution ought to take placo."
5 BITl I
If there is any weakness
tiy the Bitters at once.
Its results are certain.
Time to Think.
A man who is really thoughtful of
the Family Name should begin to
think about it quite a while before it
occurs to him to enter tho name of
John Doe on the police blotter. Atchr
lson Globe.
Is not a "food" it is a medicine, and tho
only medicino in the world for cows only.
Made for the cow nnd, no its name Indicates,
a cow cam. Bprrenness, retained afterbirth,
ofTectlono positively and quickly cured. No
one who keeps cows, whether many or few,
can afford to be without "Kow-Kutf.
It Ii made especially to keep cows healthy
Our book "What to Do When Your Cows
Are Sick" .sent free Ask your local dealer for
" 'K oio-Kure, "orsendtothemanufacturers.
Dsiry Association Co.. LyndonvMIe, Vt.
Thorough, practical and unlimit
ed course. We assist students to
secure positions as chauffeurs,
repairmon, etc. Write
Automobile School of Oregon
21S HvdiuU Tnul BuiUiit
Be One of the First
Our two complete 1911 Catalogs will illus
trate and explain the many superior points
of excellence of the complete high-grade
lines of Dairy and Creamery Machinery
and Supplies and Gasoline Engines which
si we carry. These valuable books are com
plete guides and are sent postpaid free of
charge upon receipt of name and address.
Send in your request now. State whether
you wish Dairy or Creamery Catalog.
Monroe & CriseHS
Dictionary's Defect.
Tho occupant of tho fourth-floor
flat was looking through tho pages of
tho dictionary the agent was trying to
sell him. "No," ho said, closing the
book and handing It back, "I don't
want It. It's 20 years , behind tho
times. It defines 'Janitor' aa the 'care
taker' of a building. He's the caro-makorl"
To Mend Tablecloth.
To repair a tablecloth lay it quits
flat with tho hole uppermost and cover
It with a piece of plain brussels net,
tack it on and darn with flno flax.
When ironed it will scarcely bo no
ticeable. It the tablecloth is beyond
repair cut squares from tho best part
of it and hem round. These will an
swer as serviettes for everyday uso.
Remedies are Needed
Wero wo perfect, which we are not, medicines would
not often be needed. But since our systems have be
come weakened, impaired and broken down through
indiscretions which have gone on from the early ages,
through countless generations, remedies are needed to
aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise
acquired weaknesses. To reach tho scat of stomach
weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is
nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, a glyecrio comnoun'd. extracted from nativo medic
inal roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to nil users. For
Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating.
Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal
Derangements, the "Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy.
Tho genuine has on its
outside wrapper tho
You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alcoholic,
medicine of known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may
thereby make a little bigger profit.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy.
Take the Game Seriously.
Girls play a strenuous game of
hockey In Australia. In a recent game
between the Waratah and Thistle
clubs the casualties were one finger
broken and another severely crushed,
an eye blackened and a face irre
trievably damaged, a knee bruised
and shin cut so badly that the blood
saturated a boot, several mouths cut
and a number of shins sliced through
Bhin pads.
Prlzo Horseshoe Colleotlon.
On tho walls of the old castle at
Oakham, England, is a great array of
horseshoes. Every peer of the realm
visiting the town of Rutland gives a
horseshoe, and many of these shoes
have histories.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Do not gripe.
To Soften Glue.
"When one is In a great hurry to uso
the glue, Invariably It Is found to bo
hard and impossible to uso. It may
be softened by heat or by adding a
teaspoonful or more of vinegar to tho
bottle, and allowing It to stand for a
few minutes. If the bottle can be kept
In a warm place all the time it will
stay soft as lnmr o tvmro I3 any left.
wniy neai ixeea ror competence.
The pursuit of wealth is not the aim
and end of existence. For whether It
be laborert his bench or the man
aging director at his desk, the accu
mulation of a competence Is only de
sirable in that it allows each to en
Joy his life In his own way.
Good Demand tor Onyx.
Near Santa Catarina an American
company has extensive onyx quarries.
The onyx is haulod 60 miles by mule
teams to the coast and shipped to
San Diego, Cal., where it 1b polished
and prepared for market. Notwith
standing the expensive method of
transportation, the company is in a
thriving condition and proposes to in
crease the outnnt of tho nntrrlea.
Vourdrutrarlst will refund money If FAZO OINT
MBNT falls to cure any case of Itchlnfr, Blind,
Dleedine or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 60c
It's Coming to This.
With apartment housee along River
side drive New York, advertising "ten
rooms and three bathe" and "11 room3
and four baths," before long one may
oxpoct to be offered five baths and a
room, or, In the Rooms for Rent col
umn, "Nice suite of three soapy baths,
in cleanly neighborhood, with privi
lege of UBlng fire escape for uleoplng
purposes." Judgo.
Only a Temporary Advantage.
The gift of good look's Is of such
primary advantage to every man, that
it seems a wonder how ugly people
manage so frequently to excel thossj
who havo It In the battle of life.
Munyon's Rheumatism Remedy relieves
nr.lns iu the legs, arms, back, stiff or
swollen Joints. Contains no morphine,
opium, cocaine or drugs to deaden th
nnln. It neutralizes the acid and drives
out all rheumutic poisons from the Bya
tera. Write I'rof. Munyon, 63d and Jeff
erson flts., Phlla., Pa., for medical aa
vice, absolutely free.
Chanco for Compromise.,
Cobble I should like to lend yon
that ten dollars, old man, but I know
how It would be If I did it would
end our frlondBhlp. Stone Well, old
chap, tbero has been a great deal of
friendship between us. I think if you
could mako it five, wo might worr
along on half as much. Life.
"I have used your valuable Cascarets
and I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them for
some time for Indigestion and biliousness
and am now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, yon
will never be without them in the
family." Edward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe.
10c 26c 60c. Never sold in bulk. Te gren
trln tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to
cure or your money back.
Sabtts Positively Cared,
nlr authorised Keoler In
sulate In Oregon. Write)
for lllastratod circular.
Kiarr iNtnTUTL 71 E.1 1TH tt.
No. 10 '11
WIIKK writing: to advortlsera pleaso
rnuiilian this paper.
jl7ifl 2.m3t3m&.4 Shoes S
W. L. Douelas shoos cost more to mako than ordinary shoes.
because highor grado leathers are used and solocted with groator
c.iro. Thoso are the roasons why W. L. Douglas shoes are guar
anteed to hold tholr shape, look and fit better and wear lougor
than any othor shoes you can buy
(sroEWAneoF sudstitutes.-iu
The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and tho retail
price stamped on tho bottom, which guarantees full value
and protects the wearer against high prices and inferiorthoes.
If Toar dt&le r fAnnot innnlv von with th rcnnlno W.T. rWitrU ihni wpUa
for Mail Order Onialotf, Hhoea eent direct from factory to wearer, all cfiarge
Boyb SHora
W. JU Xouiclus, 1A5 Mpurk St., lfruektuu, Mu.. $2.00,S2.BO.S3.0a
color more Fooda brlrrhter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c paclcaco colors allk, wool and cotton equally well
and ii rruarartteed to civo pertoct results. Ask dealer, or we wiU Bend, postpaid at 10c a package. Write for free booklai
BowJ 'to dye. bleach and inu: colore. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy, Illinois.
! i