PrrTSrui f!ASH. wsjr."" no "iXSi Mock ..I?" iSprin'i'JViIenf ih; Vnd 20o iMclen' " KirVPrlCi cse, ducks "n? Bfejiprice ., W. want Po- If 7-Me each. ... .PMT3 rRANK I ?Jfl nee' Trust Ynrr i EgInwanted IroMB AUTOMOBILES. ll0rego" Lffla - OREGON ERRY5" iEEDS a AW ttiA fl n. . ... rtnivnrfl ann moil lunaoua f rutin. J'"" "2SriTw The best Kardrjn. w uu-v - r i t...... n ind fanners v"f " mow r ,;,,.v .i .tinned. Fur alo .r.rrwucnj. IfOirS Ml Sted Annual b u rrciTica.. (tnarr.ntsit. OREGON AND WASHINGTON FARM LANDS Bought and Sold HARRY M.COURTRIGHT Yeoo Bldj., Portland, Ore. TWO GRAND CRUISES mmm ROUND itr a n t t- THE vv vntiu I ni Tint t leave New York Novcm Mr I, 1911, nd tho Second front San fnndsco, February 17, 191Z BrtlnUnr PI rtC AMI 1n.GM TrwuUanticS.8. uLCiCLArtlJ lTON3 (Duration tRCd ui a. mUat al 119 Dys( ptuaiUiiluauiwt. I Optional Tours OF 17 DAYS IN INDIA. II uais in jai'AN. Send !or Illustrated Booklet. -AMERICAN LINE lMS BROADWAY. NEW YORK. ft INSIST UI'ON WESTERN asah- MANTLES LA. KLEIN CO.. DUlribulrri arrant Strait Portland. Oref BELMONT AUTO SRHnm fee rri 4 nan tWwck 'uutroctioai is aVhttf ' in m psdiictd, aUs , in prtu au iorttt(. !r (qnirpod tticlie shop Mil itk.ol toon. Tuilioi in r..l. tin Wmtaij $10 per k, ' EUMOVT AUTOSaiOOL REALTY COMPANY. Eul 23J ind Korrbeo, Poruaad, Or. 98 3 LWtt ru iirtu o,R.. .l c... r ... "TWiJuWi. P.H' j. .T "vr" upoiuiao an ! ! irfJ Hrd, Lrn WVM Tiwr 5,!,u,.,?' "fl'iw Wir THE S1BS0N Anm. l-ortljod, Orctta BOYNTON FURNACES I Uoit ... J.CBAVFR lft.nd Market Sis. portlan1. P. ies?eads and Timhpr UrourP U,IU, LUl"6U -r Property taPo, sale 1 U! Sell i OUiriC fnr P AQU r enr huh imnu, urns. ODAKS and kodak ?..UI. " SUPPLIES ntln. u", -!" """ruture. t).vlonln- LT jQKTLAND. ona Knt,0M.6ii3ui!!;u,,'''i uoii ALCOHOL OPIUM Tn&innn unit ni t-ZT ""lUH.llg.llTMB- Hoods Sarsaparilla Leads all other medicines in tho cure of all spring ailments humors, loss of aDnotirn: thxi tired feeling, paleness and nervousness. 1 aks it. flat It tmlnv In itmtnt llnnl.i , , V r. ' ..... i" u j u 1.UIII1 ur tauioia tiuieu oaraaiaDU. 1UU Dohcb H Looking Down Woll. I noTor draw a pall or water from tho woll without an appreciation of Its charm such' aji n country-brod man, Imaglno, could never fool. Ho might gapo at opon plumbing, looking at It with his froh country eye, whoro hould simply take it for grantod; but . . . Mm t A. . i am nirtuu uo nyvor couiu tuny or potionco what might bo callod the eon tlmont of a woll, that delightful, In vartod towor of darkness and damp- noss and ooolth. If there Isn't such a wofd as cooltb, there ought to bo. A.tkloxon KlmbTll In Atlnntln. Undo Jerry's Tribute. Undo Jerry Poobles was roturntng rom tho funeral of an acquaintance Woll, I'll say ono thing for old Josh dcOlmblot," ho remarked, with an ef. ort to bo cheerful; "he lived a consist nt life, anyhow. He always tuck his Iquor straight, and In all his 85 yoars lo never drunk his ooffoe any other oy than out of bis sasser." For Dottles Marked Poison. rut common pins In tho corks of all bottles marked poison, sticking them Into the bottom and allowintr ttie points to protrude bovond the corks. Alter doing tnis you will nover plok up suoh a bottle ovon in the dark. woman's Home Companion. IN LATE WINTER AND EARLY SPRING We seldom feel JUST RIGHT At such a time KASPARILU is the best and lafest Blood Purifier, the most success! n prescription for spring humors and cucl sisorders of the blood as boils, pimples pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneoui truptions. Kasparilla is admitted to b the best remedy for that lack of energy tnd the peculiar debility so prevalent during the close of winter and the openini of spring. For derangements of the dt Cestive organs it is a natural corrective Dperatincr directly upon the liver and all mentary canal, gently but perslstentlj itimulating a healthy activity. Iti beneficial influence extends, however, t every portion of the system, aiding in th processes of digestion and assimilation ol food, promoting a wholesome, natural ippetite. correcting sour slomacn, bad breath, irregularities of the bowel3, con Itipation and the long list of trouble! directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi to OCA iinr1a a Knnlrn A mmI 1aennnr1 ency duo to inactivity of the livery kidneys and digestive tract. It is s itrengtheuing tonic of the highest value. THE IEST SPRING MEDICINE Bow Cukmicaj, Co. Portland, Oregon AMUSING ROW OVER WINDOW lones Was Perfectly Willing to Ac comodato Fellow Passenger, Out Couldn't Do It Brown to Jonos (sitting by open wlt tow In a railway carriage) 'Excuse no, sir, but that open window Is very nnoylng. Jones .pleasantly) I'm sorry, but m afraid you will have to grin and oar It Brown I wish you would dose It ir. Jones Would like to accomodate 'ou, but I can't Brown Do you refuse to dose that Indow, elrT Joneo I cortnlnly do. Brown If you don't close It I wllL Jones I'll bet you won't Drown If I go ovor thero I will. Jones I'll givo you odds you won't Brown I ask you ones mora, sir. 111 you close that window T Jonoa No, sir, I will not Brown (getting to his feet) Thon I mi, sir. Jones I should like to see you do Brown (placing his hands on the ob ctlonablo window) I'll show you rhether I will or not, air. Jones (as Brown tugs at tho win low) Why don't you close It? Brown (getting rod In the face) I n't; It It appears to bo stuolr. Jonos Of course It is. I tried to (lose it beforo you cajn in. Originality. People aro always talking about originality; but what do thoy meant As Boon as wo aro born, the world begins to work upon us, and this goos on to the end. And after all, what can we call our own, except enorgy, strength and will. If I oould givo an account of all that I owo to great pre doceeBors and", contemporaries thero would bo but sjnall balance In my favor. Goethe. Mnthr win flnrt Mn. Window! Soothing lyrup the bust remedy to ue 101 their ohtldro luring the teothiair ported, Restoring Whltness of Marble. Tn rlnmi mnrhla take hnely DOW dored pumlee stono and mix with vin egar to a paste, Lay this all over wa marble, and leave It on for Ave or six hours. Then brush It hard and wash with warm water tfnd ourd soap till clean. Then, to give a polish, rub ovor with oxide of tin appliod on a wet cloth. Should, tho artlole be stain ed, you oan remove the stain by dip ping a cloth in oxalie acid solution and nnultitr it nuloVlv over It Then wash la water to removi the el4 $mA LeVB Letter MiipI.i uut. if-- a maiaen lady of Hanlnr atatr. WhO dlCd fit thn nn.. ul iuui u inaa ninety years asked shortly boforo her death that her love letters should bo vu.jcu wun nor. Hor relatives ound soveral letters, dating back V....U uicm 10 uio -3C3, with tho ink linoflt faded. Hor last request was otnpiied with. London Evening t miiuara. , Reached the Limit. Tho last courso was' being brought on, ana llttlo John, who had iiitrtnkiiri f each previous ono, looked up and said; "Oh, this one will faint me away." onuifA WOMAN ; OlffPD WW V, vAaM By Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Ottumwa. Iowa. "For vefirn I wan almost a constant sufforer from female trouiilo in all its dreadful forms; sliootintr pains all over my body, sick headache, spinal weakness, dizziness, depression, and everything that was horrid. I tried many doctors in different arts of tho United tates. but LydiaE Plnkham's vegota ble Compound has done more for mo than all tho doctdrs. I feel it my duty to tell you theso facts. My heart; is full of irratitudo to you for my cure." Mrs. llAitniirr E. wampleil 624 S. Itansom, Street? niumwa, aowa. Consider This Advice. No woman should submit to a snrorl. cal operation, which may meitn death. until she lias given Lydia E. Pinkham'a vegetable compound a lair trial. This famous medicine, made only from roots and herbs, has for thirty years proved to bo the most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. "Women residincr in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. . Mrs. Plnklmra. nt Livnn. Mass.. Invites all Hick women to write her for advice. Iter advice is free. confidential, and always helpful. Best He Could Do. Miss Chatterton (gushingly) "What A magnificent great Danol And of course his name Is Hamlet?" Mr. Gaiety (the owner) "Not exactly; you see, I er couldn't consistently use that name. Tho best I could do was to call her Ophelia!" INDIGESTION RELIEVED AND HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS is tho medicine you can rely on to do the work It is a real digestive help. Try it today. Refuse all Substitutes BBB'snBiBvm m bhi iskh.'s mat .ire sh m kbbbbh H1H forgat rrr Every one ought to make It a life rulo to wlpo out from his memory everything that has been unpleasant, unrortunnto, says Orison Swott Mar. den in Success Magazine. Wo ought to forget everything that has kept U3 oacK, n.i3 rundo us suffer, ha l.non hIb agreeable, arid' never allow tho hldo ous pictures of distressing condltlom, :o entor our minds again. Thero Is Only ono thine .to do with n rHnnirmr. iblo, harmlul fcxperlonce, and that is lorgot, it i . , TO Cl RE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAX All VK IIKOMO Qumlno Tablet r0,tun,i moiFy If U fnlN to cure. E. W iKUVh, 8 alirnaturn In on each box. 25c Judicial Distinction. A man whose trousers were stolon from a Pullman car has been awarded lamngeB In tho sum of $429.50, which n A ...i.i.t 1 il uouoiicBB an tne trousers were vorth, but sets a ridiculously low es lmato on the amount of "mental nn ruih." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for lied, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes anuuranuiateil Eyelids. Murlno Doesn't Smart Soothes F,yo Pain. Druggists Soli Murlno Eva Itnmmlv T.lmilrl 00c, $1.00. Murlno Eyo Salvo in Aseptic Tuoes, asc, ?1.00. Eye Books and Eyo Advice Freo by Mail, lurlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Miniature .specialization. v A young medical student was being quizzed by ono of his teachers: "In what will you specialize?" ho was asked. "Disease of tho nostril," replied the student, "flood," said tho profes sor, enthusiastically. "Which nos tril?" The rhirago liro could have bren pre vented w(tli one pail of water, hut tlie wotr was not huinly. Keen n ho tl ol llainlliiH Wizard Oi hntidy and pi even) ' he fiery puiiis of inll niiuat on. A Gift Book. To givo a book Is to enrich the re ceiver permanently; to. put into bis or hor poppeswlon something which loaves reslduun of pleasure long after the particular date on which it was received has been forgotten. Hamil ton W; Mat1'- Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, stomach, livei and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny, gran- Mes, easy to take. Uo not gripe. Miraculous!" An ad clipped from a Ds' Moines paper: "In looking over an almanac, I read, of . I purchased a bot tle; In three dayB 1 felt' better. I took- fivo bottles and two months later I wont to work. My friends say it is the most wonderful euro they evor saw." COLDS Munyon'4 Cold Ilcmedy Ttellercs tho bead, thruat nnd lungs almost immediate ly. Checks Fevers, stops Discharges ot the nose, takes away all aches and nulns caused by colds. It cures Grip and oh stlnnte Coughs and prevents Pneumonia. Write Prof. Munyon, 63rd and Jefferson Sts., I'lilln.. l'a., for medical advice al solutcly free. Va f ' COFFEEUJ TEA SPICES BAKINO POWDER t EXTRACTS "JUST RIGHT v CU)SSETaDEVB5 Mnriiun nor' -n i xwwm -wwww wwm www m Is nome to remGmber i wvi need a remedy Cont.liuou i t. As tho thin man and the stout one wore talking of diet and food In gen eral the thin man said, "You can get an excellent dinner at Clapham's, the restaurant near my office, for 25 cents. Every try ono of his dinners?" "Ono of 'em I Yes. I should say I had!" said the atout man. "Why, I ate four of 'em ono day last week I" Youth's Companion. TIGER GRAIN DRILL Wc Ship on 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL FREIGHT PAID Latest Improved in tho Hoc; Single or Double Disc; Force Feed; Steel Ribbon Tubes; Re-enforced Frame no sagging; Heavy Wooden Wheels. The Strongest nnd Beat-Made Drill on the Market. Two, four, or six-horse hitch. Send for large Illustrated Catalogue, and state size Drill interested in. Drills are guaranteed. THE F00TT-T1TUS MACHINERY HOUSE 184 Union Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON COLT DISTEMPER Can be handled very eaittlr. Tho ulckarecnrod, and all othen la unuiottable, no matter how 'VxpomkJ," kp-ft from fanrfng the din. cano. br mine Hl'UHN'B LIQUID DISTKiU'EH PUBK. Give on tho tonrnio or In food. Acta on the blood and expels series ot all ionns ox ujsiemper. u . Onouotii cur.ranteeu to cure ono rase, u 1 tlOdorcn. ntdruKlttaU and hamowdenleni. ' manufacturers. Out shows how to poulth icbi. ui. tut u.inju mm uxiiui. iviiub u. ... Bout romedjr otcr known for mares In foal, d to cure one rase. COoandSlabot'le; 5 or.ont express paid bf n throats. Our Frns Ilooklet elrosorervthlna;. Ix-al nponts wanted. Largest selling borse remedy In existence twelve years. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemi.t. and BacteriologisU, GOSHEN, IND U. S. A. triQiisn aparrow aiayer ciud. Farmers In Codford and district havo formed a club for the destruc tion of sparrows, which are so numer ous that they have becomo a pest to this part of Wiltshire. The rules pro vide that each member shall kill no fewer than 100 sparrows In two months or be fined Id. a head for any under that number not destroyed. To Stop a LcaK. To stop a leak In a water pipe until the plumber comes, shut off tho water, drain the pipe, wipe the place dry, ap ply a piece of surgeon's plaster and bind on tightly with a long strip ot tho same plaster. Wind this thickly with absorbent cotton and bandage tha whole with Btrong cloth. This will hold very well for about 24 hourB. Housework Drudgery aiouscwork is drudgery for the weak woman. She brush es, dusts and scrubs, or is on her feet all day attending to the many details of the household, her back aching, her temples throbbing, nerves quivering under the stress of pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest in bed is not refreshing, because the poor tired nerves do not per mit of refreshing sleep. The real need of weak, nervous women is satisfied by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It Makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Well. This "Prescription" removes tho cause ot women's weaknesses, heals lntlant' nation and ulceration, and cures thoso weaknesses so peculiar to women. It tranqutllzes the nerves, encourages tho appetite and Induces restful sleep. Dr. Pierce is perfectly willing to let every one know what his" Favorite Prescription" contains, a complete list of ingredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do not let any unscrup ulous druggist persuade you that his substitute of unknown composition is "just as good" in order that he may make a Digger profit. Just smile and shake your head I Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cures liver ills. new r-ieias or fticnoienae. As long as the present process of extracting radium from pitchblende Is so enormously expensive It avails lit tle , that new pitchblende fields have been found In the south seas. How ever, it Is of scientific interest if not of commercial advantage. Certainly tho radium manufacturers are not us ing all the pitchblende available at the nresent tlr - tt Cures While You Walk. Aiien-s foot-t.aso is a certain euro for hot, sweating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Sold htf III hrnirnf.ta IK,. r 1. . substitute. Trial packago FKEE. Address Allen H. Olmsted. T.BRnv N V Historic Aprons. The apron dates far back. The Greeks and Romans were famous for their richly embroidered aprons. In the time of Queen Charlotte Beau Brummell showed his dislike to them by deliberately removing the apron of a Duchess and flinging it behind a sofa at a ball given at the assembly room at Bath. Mary, Queen of Scots, left nearly a hundred aprons of vari ous hues and fnrVilnnci, LAZ Y LIVER "I find Cascarets so good that I would not be without them., I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar. tic I feel very much better. I shall cer. tainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seen," Audi Bazinet, Osborn Mill No. 2, Fall River, Mass. Pleaaant, Palatable. Potnnt. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c 26c. 60c Never eold in bulk. The iron. nine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to cure or your monoy back. FOR ALL EYE niSEASES Glance Backward. Fichte once said: "Tho day that opons for us another year is best used In beginning that year aright; but ono wastes no time, in spite of this, by a backward look or two, not only to balance his own books, as it were, but also to tako duo note of .what memorable men and women haVo ac complished in tho years that were theirs. So shall he at onco inform his mind and ralso example to his future effort." And the sentences might well stand text to what has hero been written. i Safe That Floats. ' A buoyant safe that In case of dis aster will float to the surface as the ship equipped with it links, has been dovlsod by four mechanics In the navy yard at Bremerton. Wash. The safe consists of a largo cylinder of stool which is divided into two oompart monts, tho lower ono bolng an air chamber and tho lower fitted as a re- eeptaolo for money and popors. . j Firs, and Last Love. "It is the last love that makes a fool ef tho woman, and the flrBt love that makes a man look ub foolish as he is." "Towr of Ivory," by Gertrude AtU- trton. In Much the Same Boat. "If we didn't have to give back any change, think of the money we mer chants would make." "We all havo pur troubles," said the magazine pub lisher. "Sometimes it frets me to havo to print any reading matter, but I s'poso It must be dono." Kansas City Journal. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your dniBcist will refund money If PAZO OINT MENT fulls to euro any case of Itching-, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60c Wine Many Centuries Old. That the Romans of old knew some thing of vintages 1b proved by the finding of a vial of wine believed to be 2,000 years old In an old Roman cemetery near Bordeaux. Desperate Coughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole, body. You need a regu lar medicine, a doctor's medi cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A We publish our formulas vers a we tsnisn aioonol from our medlolnss We urea you to csnsull your dootor A VALUABLE SUGGESTION Information ol Importance to Everyone A great deal of pain and suffering might be avoided if wo had some know ledge of physiology and the care of tho body, particularly those parts that do tho most work and should always be kept strong and healthy. In an interview with a prominent physician he states that people should pay more attention to their kidneys as they control the other organs to a re markable degree and do a tremendous amount of work in removing the poisons and waste matter from the system by filtering the blood. During the winter months especially, when we live an indoor life, the kidneys should receive some assistance when needed, as we take less exercise, drink less water and often eat more rich, heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneys to do more work than Nature intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such as lame back, inability to hold urine, smarting or burning, brick-dust or sedi ment, sallow complexion, rheumatism, may be weak or irregular heart action, warns you that your kidneys require help immediately to avoid more serious trouble. An herbal medicino containing no minerals or opiates has the most healing influence. An ideal herbal compound that hns had roinnrkablo' success as a kidney remedy is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. You may receive a samplo bottle of Swamp-Root by mail, absolutely free. Address Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y,, and mention this paper. I ru . . io II. Herodotus tellB us, in tho first book of his history, that from tho age ofj five to that of twenty, the ancients In structed their children only on thre things, namely: to manage a horse, tot shoot dextorously with their bows,, and to speak tho truth. The study ofi truth Is perpetually Joined with vir tue; there is no virtue which does not derive Its original from truth, Just a&v thero Is no vice which does not sprlntr from a Hp Any good doctor will tell you that a medi cine Tike Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work If the bowels are con stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor recting this sluggishness of the liver. r-Uill by tha J. O, JLytr Co., Lowsll, aiaiv Painless Dentistry Is our pride our hobby our study for years anil now our success, and ours Is tbo best painless work to be found anywhero, no z-attor how xauch yoa pay. Comporo our I'rlcoa. ne nnisn piato ana wttuKH wuxh tor out- ax. town .patrons la one day If desired, l'alnless extraction fr vtuen plates of bridge work Is order, au. CooiulUtlon Ires. Mol.rCrowm 55.00 22kBridgTth4.00 Gold TiMlng. 1.00 Enamel Fillings 1.00 Silver Fillings .50 Good Rubbtr Plats O.UU Plate 7.51 0X.W,, riiuoiiTMsMuuis Palnltu Extrtlon .50 II liui urmnaii is riiHiaa UKUT METHODS) All work fully truarantoed for flfteeu years. Wise Dente! Co., Painless Bentists Fining Building, Third and WasHn?ton. P0RTIAKD, OR OUlet Hours; ( A. M. to 8 1. U. Sundays, lul P N U NO. B-'lt UKW wrltlnp; to advertisers yloast) montlon mil papar. it "Tor CQUffh? 'nd COLPgl