n - IV 1' , ij 'Si ff' v 'til if I. 4 y ::! , , ? if.- i '. if GURKENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK STRIKES MUST END. UKJt'UXilVlXVXiJJ IUII Willi. Fronch Govornmont Takes Stops to. En. force Arbitration. Paris. Tho text of tho govorntnont measures formulated for tho purposo of provonting general strikes with pnrtic- INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE MODEL ROAD UNDER WAY. "ftnlnrta XVA n4-' T provonting general strikes wi """'5 Wi tll """U at MgC war roforonco to tho employes of tho Orator Lako Highway to Bo Woudor in TOld III Brief public sorvico corporation was mado Its Way, public hero. Bonjamin E. Heidol, conncctod with Tho measures constituto a comprohon- tho nffi nf H, pi,1( 7?nn,i. nf H,, IsivG tlnn tor nmlinrr (tin etrlbn li I v. 1 tt ........... - C l" .... ' " v UWI. ux u cuucumuon commission tond tho Orogon Good lioads convon composed of representatives of tho men tion, Mr. Hcidcl was sent to tho Med ..u Uuii4iuii. xno commission Will ford noonlo hv thn frnvnrnmnnr. in tnko h A Ticomn bink tolW fcno mvv, ""."J, T08??,r intorvals' and whon charge of tho work of constructing . 10V3 ?r ',doa.tho principle being in- macadamizing through tho greatest Prosentod In Condonsod Form for Our Busy Roadors. damlzlng through Aftor tho supromo court hold tho Tho flnmmisslnn fnrm nt nni-nrnmnnf .1 1L.1 .. . .. is proving a great success nf -Rnkor hr . urunrai son- 8conic section in tho world." ' " icnco imposes an additional chargo, tho - w . . . V.MVJl II V, JJILtlU i.1111 Lllll I - V t'VllllrlUll l4tlt ill 11 1 UJl LI LIH! 1 1 1 1 I II f II I I colliery at Bolton, England, entombed whereby tho railroad or other service bonils lssucd for the Crater road wore to obtain $30,000 by privato subscrip tip. $3000 of this bointr raised in Portlnnd. , Thtf work of constructing tnis inmous liiguway wns started soino timo ago and 30 men and 12 teams nro now encaged in buildinir tho road on Pumico Hill, where a 33 por cont graae is being reduced to 4 per cont. "Tho Urater .Lako xoau. when tin ished," said Mr. Heidol, ''will oxeced in scenic beauty tho Yosemito roadway or any road that traverses tho Alps in Eur'opo. It will be a rock-surfaced drivoway 18 feet in width, while the mam road will have a width of feet. At Pumice Hill, where wo aro working, there aro portions that will cost $14,000 a milo, most of it being rock work. Tho contract, which was lot so in o timo ago, is based upon the unit system ana can bo continued with tho present contractor until it is fin i3hed." Tho work of tho Mcdford people starts on tho .Roguo River nnd con tinucs 45 miles. At tho end of tho road tho government is taking up tho work and building 17 miles through tho forest reserve. This takes the traveler to tho edgo of the park, where tho gov ernment is engaged in making surveys tor a 12-mile dnvo to tho lake. 1'rovi Russia is aroused over tho numerous attacks on the Cossacks by Chinese in JVlanchuna. About 20 Philadelphia firemen and police were killed by falling walls at a liru 1U 1 11 III. Clljr. Robert S. Lovott, successor to E. H. liarriman, favors government supor- vision oi rauroaus. Firo at Cincinnnati destroyed one of the best blocks in tho city, causing a loss or aoou .uuo.ouu. Government officials boliovo that fraudulent refunds on sugar exports at XT V 1- Ml .... - j.ivw xurtv win ruai;u millions 01 aoiiars. Customs officials aro holding goods valued at $600,000 imported by Duveon Bros., art dealers, of Now York, for auogea undervaluation. St. Johns, Newfoundland, experi enced one of the worst storms in many I years, and it is feared many coasting vessels are lost. James T. Harahan has resigned tho presidency of the Illinois Central and will be succeeded by C. H. Markham, formerly of the S. P. A shipment of I oysters from Now Jersey will bo seized upon arrival at -Labor Commissioner, who will bo one of the 8,?,n 18 "lso penff .made tor ou to su San Francisco. Thoy aro reported to principal figures should the Brotherhood of Loco- m"cs ot roaaway m ino parK proper. have been taken from polluted waters, motive engineers decide to go on strike. An imturanrta (ivnnrl ontta Watt. "lr City is at tHo mercy of the firo fiend, fan secure compensation, either by rais should some accident burst a water lnL rate? or othor. meas- main and 11U11. ..4 4.1. ti it.- BIG DITOH TO OPEN SOON. Baker County Prepares for Sottloment I vi(o pmnlnvpq likn nt.hftr wnrkpr? hnvn vnf MTnInrtfilrnn in firnrrnn Tf iin.ilirna isco. The stutt was shipped . v; " r" ":V.:'," i," 72Z?:Z:V" . "ir Vr". "Vnnr Vnrlr nn1 5r Kiiil fn ' pnTitiin " h " l" nmciiuianuu ui aiiuuuuus, ino imiiiuuiuii; uunairuuiiun ill IWO nil- a . and in conciliation and' arbitration it is menso storage reservoirs, with possibly "as a third one later. Flood waters of of Vast Acreage. Baker. Ono of the biircest Carov act After lying unconscious for 18 months man to prove that public services havo irrigation projects under way in the a Greek laborer in Portland, who had been instituted for tho public good, not Northwest will soon bo thrown open for been injured by a blow on tho head, for the benefit of thoso to whom thoy settlement. This bier tract covers about - V. I 1. 1. r T 1 1 I -o rir , f l i t 1 lv.ia reiicvcu uy a suignai upciauuu, i uuvu uuc-ii tuuiiucu, lium wuica it uo- ii),uuu acres, nil oi wiucn is in iJaKer and is now recovering. duces tho conclusion that tho interrup- county. Its 150 miles of main canals United -States authorities seized a "nJ f Pw". "e7xc5 a, cn- At will coyer the entire tract making it lnr rnnsitmmont of tomato nasto in u.,u "." i puuncser- casny tno argest project or its Kind San Franc from j - " t- o I nrnnnfipd tn triv thorn n. wesinnn i -.a i i. i m , . 11' . atiini.. UUWi !V.tlU UllU lUnUCI 11VU19 Will UU Tho companies must accede, the ro- held in quantities that will guarantee tho dark for valuables, was caught in port declares, "because it is now con- an ample supply all the season. a steel trap. ceded as a principle of nurisprudenci The Powder Valley Irrigation com -.-,.., ... .n that the state, in conceding public ser- pany, which will furnish the water for Considerable opposition to the exon- . mnnnnnr' ' Anoa nf ua -;nf iu:i; : t,. i. eration of Senator Lonmer has dovel- . .. , ,,, '-. ' ... i i oped in.the senate. . i i:5..t: . xi.- i t m .r a. , luiica i,u giaui umuuuriii.iuii9 iu iue iu i or concrete, ana many miivn wi us ca A Pasadena. Cal., mUlionaire Wi" con- lerest oi puDiic goou ami 1110 preserva- nals and lateral ditches will be con struct the finost office building on tho tion of public order," Istructed of tho same material. The Coast in Portland. I I company expects to expend over $4, i mv. t.- i:a.: SHOOTS FROM AEROPLANE. 000.000 for construction dunnc the ,TJ1H llXKUUilL Ul LUU lUCiaviUi: V-A V 11 I ; I . . - ... 'i . . IV Rni-Vnwnv B-Mh. N. Y.. turned turtle "oxt..lwo. vears- wflon ims project is and two of the crew aro missbg. Aviator Latham Kills Duck for Game fKy KroJ!n,K f0r S." l. 1 I LULi U (Til I1U UUIlUt kJV til VUln 1 UOU A San Jose, Cal., lawyer will wed the Dinner. for tho choice lands, some of which is daughter of one of his clients who has - Anpeles. Dec. 23. When Hubert ,ocated tut a fow m,,os from Baker peen semenceu to B ouu u,u- Latham, tho French aviator, sat down MODEL OKOHARD. Twolvo Thousand Applo Troos on Pro joct in Irrigatod District. Frecwater. A model orchard of 100 acres is being ostablbhod near , this nlaco. J. H. Hull, of Froowator, and C. iM. Hall, of Walla Walla, aro financ ing tho project. A largo forco of men has boon en gaged for sovoral weeks planting tho tract to Jonathan, Winosap and Homo Beauty applo trees. This soctioncan now boast of n single tract containing over 12,000 trees. Wator for tho land will bo taken from a largo well with amplo wator to supply tho ontiro tract. Tho water will bo forced all over tho project by a pumping plant run by olcc trio powor, arrangements for which havo boon completed. This tract is planted on tho triangu lar or California system, 70 trcos to tho ncro. There will bo thrco roads graded across tho tract. Ono thousand Caro lina poplars havo already boon plantod along thoso roads. This land has been laid out nnd planned very systomntic allv from beginning to end. Thoro is room left for a house on each 10 acres, and everything will bo uniform throughout. Growers Hold Hops. Portland. With only a handful of hops remaining in control of tho grow ers, and with tho visible supply, i all hands in this stato extremely limited, growers nro asking 20c a pound for their hops, and some havo ontiroly with drawn them from sale. "The market is entirely blocked nt this time," says Herman Klabor. i' Growers will not let go. Somo nro asking 20c a pound, while others will not soli just now at any price" Short interests nro very much alarmed, and therefore trying to dis- lodno tho crowors from their hold on t lie market. ' Even woro growers wilM ing to sell every bale thoy now possess, thoro would not bo nearly enough hops to fill tho orders nlroady taken by shorts. Shorts nro said to have sold fully 10,000 bales of Oregon hops for lato delivery, but as there aro only a eouplo of thousand bales in tho hands of all growers, nnd loss thnn 10,000 bales in all hands, including dealers, the outlook from a short seller's point of view is extremely gloomy. Socrotary of War Declares United Btatos Could Not Itopol Invasion. Washington. Tho full text of th confidential report to congress, prepared by tho socrotary of war. which declares that tho United States Js unproparod to ropol Invasion, has boon secured by th press, it is tho report which tno houso refused to roceivo in soorot. and which wns withdrawn by onlor of thoiProsl dent when this refusal was mado known Tho roport declares that tho rogular army is doficlont in numbor und do fectivo in othor onumorntod rosnocts. It says that tho organlzod mllltla also is deficient In number. Jacking in equip iiumt, too widely scnttorod, nnd othor wlso below tho mark. Tho coast do fouscs aro doficlont In osuipmont and ammunition, tho roport goes on. Tho total authorized stronirtluof th army, including tho Philippine nnd In dlan scouts, tho Porto Itfco rofflmonl and tho hospital corps, is 00,700 officers and men. Deductions of non-combat nnts nnd men not availablo loavos an proximately 01,000 Amorlcan combntnnt officers aud men, of whom 47.U00 nro or ganized into IS roglinonts of cavalry, 0 regiments oi noiu nrtiuory, uu regi incuts of Infantry, 3 battalions of on gineors, and -1 companies of signal troops, and 17,000 aro organizod into 10 companies of const nrtiHory. Tho total strength of tho organized militia is 110,000 officers and men. Do ducting the number of mon who could not respond to a call, loaves approxi mately 80,200 combatant officors nnd mon, of whom 82,000 aro organlzod Into iroops or artillery, cavalry nnd infantry. u mi 'i,;uu iiru orguiuzou ior coast do fonso. POSTAL BANKS JANUARY 3, .tin to dinner tonight, wild duck was served TRADEMARK LAW FAULTY. Customs authorities have discovered as tho honor dish of his menu. It was an oil painting believed to bo a famous a little duck of the "scaup" species, Legislature Will Try to Correct Dofoct in Statute of 1862. Salem. Among recommendations to masterpiece stolen in Berlin some years and familiarly called "bluebill" by ago. nunters or water iow. Ann tne Dira . ... . , i whs Kuiea nv ijainam nimseii. A Mexican ffovernmont supply train T u nfn ti nnyf apgninn nf tm and 500 men have been trapped in the driven little bird with the firBfc Bh0t legislature, will be one for amendment mouuiaiiiB u i0vuiuUUni. iuu ""i'- fircd from his fast-flying Antoinette of tho trademark registration law. This monoplane while going at tho rate of law has been in forco since 1802 with- A Dayton, ' Wash., duck hunter car- 50 miles an hour, at tho Bolsa Chica put amendment, and tho secretary of ried a charge of buckshot in his thigh Gun Club, at noon today. state's fprco is of tho opinion that it for a week before he would consent to The bluebill dropped into tho ocean should he changed for the protection of call a surgeon. 50 yards from the beach, but was car- those who havo trademarks or trade- ... . Ainnnnnnn t i. t riea asnore Dy tne sun anu piCKca up names io roJBtur. With a gift of $10,000,000 John D. .ii. i... ' e J mu . ,:n. i i tt DUIJ3, I t-vi iw uKiiiti diuviibi k in niut universuy oi unicago. rie hub givoa . It is possible for one concern to about $35,000,000 to the institution. resistor a trademark bearing, a certain ii The new lift span bridge at Portland Plaguo Seizes Sailors. firm name, nnd another concern may is thrown open to the public. Seattle. One man is dead, another is incorporate under that same business Karl Hagenbach, the animal show- i the citv hosnital and four others aro "wov, ?B. 'n" I0""i n.T0 .Ba,H man. is not dead, as reported. .i. u: ,s. ? n ino. V wius cover- r " ouiiuuBij in wii.ii umi ucn, jiuuukui tnlg bmnch or the secretary's do- i Aycona appeals to the people of tho disease which broke out on the British nartmcnt which havo caused conflicts United States to protest against Diaz' steamship Beachy early this week. Tho and trouble for some time, and tho anegea tyranny. disease came to the attention ot tno legislature win no requested to inaug a. ii .ii. -i i i , . . ii; i i . a; . : e l !i T f Tho railroad machinists' strike inlnc!UU! uepariineni; wnn ivrpni tu, urate an liivvaiigaiiun oi cuiiuuions. St. Louis has been settled, the men 1 B"l,or umj.-r,..i.e xuub- - ... ' day night. An investigation was made ICCUIWUB mule Fa. . WMM. ;n,iltl ?n tt,n rnmnoal nf Tr,l The commercial and labor organlza- AH. another Hindu, to the municipal tions are planning to drivo sharks" out of Chicago. l$Four girls were saved from tho tido at Seaside, Or., by Captain Geo, H. Smith of the life saving crew. , Annual Fair Is Wanted. TfnanYinrf .PH linlil Aria nf flin T?nqn. loan hospital for treatment. Ho is not ex- bur Park an(1 pir Association mot P.ecteii to Survive. It is asserted that rn,nnflv tn AffWt. nn nrfrnni7nt!nn nnfl fnnr nMior mn nm ill i.ui: rf 5- r!..i .. Chief Justice White of tho U. S. su preme court took tho oath of office, to consider holding a fair in Douglas county annually hereafter. According to tho stockholders or tho association, tho citizens of Douglas county demand that all connections with tho South- Germany Gets English Spies. Loipsic, Germany. Two British offl .1 11. i..! i wm cen. uantain Jiornhnrd jrredorlcK era urogon wistnct uair Association anu, t . Tron(5h( 0f tho Roynl Marlno Infantry, h0 severed, end that a local fair bo Adjutant General Lauck of Califor- and Lieutenant Vivian H. Brandon, of held annually instead of every threo nia declares that state's entire coast tho Royal Navy, wefo found guilty of years as ha beon the custom. In hold is onon to invasions of foreign enemy, espionage on the German fortifications ing a fair annunllv, it is argued that iUU JJUlHulll llllll BUlllulluuu UUUU IU 1UU1J tllU laiiiiuio 111111 , MUntUVOD 111U11 Will Senator JameB Frazier of Tennessee years' imprisonment in a fortress. Tho manifest more interest denies that ho "whitewashed" Senator British spies were arrested at Borkum Lorimor of Illinois in tho. recent mves- on August 22 and 23. Brandon is a Filtration Plant at Eugene. tigation. brother-in-law to Sir William Bull, M. Eugcno. By .Tanunry 1 Eugono peo , P. Trench is a grandson of Lord Ash- plo will bo quaffing citv water which Prosecutor Ileney-would block the town hnfJ porconto(1 through filtors, propara- attempt of Jr, I Mays and winaru Av,nr Tnt nt Ha-. tions for whoso installation aro being Jones, guilty of land fraud, to escape rapirlly pushed fonvard t o complotion prison sentences. Doyor, England. The greatest anx- at tho cit waterworks plant. At tho at i na Mrrhteon school s folt concerning tho fato of Cecil rnar of t10 p1)mpin(, station and bo- infj 1 marched a buffi n1 f m;ttlhCT L U nlflo the filter plant excavation is being children woro roarejod from 9 Clb, who in an a tempt to win the flo for t, Prcction of a hnmin school building Sn Boise, thinKing tuoy Tnrnn ,i v0rrost nrizn of &20.000. flew l s .h i were at practice drill. v ovor tho English Channel from Dover, t, contrlfucnl pumpi wjlIch wJ11 (lra 7 f Jo choice heavy calves, f5.2flf?7 v.nM.h Tories are bitter over their jenchea the Be gium frontier onlv to tho watPr frmn t)0 rjVor while the on-r'J.a,Lt ? l0". W.7B(f defeat and threaten reckless filibuster- nK m ing. in parliament. frn, ihnrn on flin j10mnwn'rii Mlt function of filtering. Tho leading hotels of San Francisco across tho ehannol and has 'not slnco will allow women to smoito in uny imt of the building, the same aa rocu. Klamath Falls Must Walt Klamath Falls. That Klamath Falls is not to enjoy tho privileges of a pos tnl savings bank until tho middle of next year was tho announcement mnilo by Postmnstor Kmmitt. Mr. Kmmitt states that while ho has not boon of ficially notified as to tho time when this postal savings is to be opened in connection with the local postoffice, ho does not think such will bo dono until aftor the end of the postal quarter ond ing Juno 31 next year. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Blucstem, 73c; club, 81c; red Russian, 80c; valley, 82c; 40-fold, 82c. Barley Food, $22.50 per ton; brew ing, $23.50(a24 per ton. Hay Track prices: Timothy, Willam ette Valley, $19ffi 20 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $2122; alfalfa, $14; grain hay, $14.5015.50; clover, $13(f314. Corn Whole, $29; cracked, $30 ton. Oats No. 1 white, $2828.50 ton. . Poultry Hens, 1415c; springs, HCffill'jc; ducks, white, 1820c; geese, 1314c; turkeys, alive," 22fo)25c; dressed, choice, 23(&25c; squabs, $2 per dozen. Eggs Oreson ranch, candled, 42c; Eastern, Aprils, 3033c per dozen; Eastern, fresh, 37MiC per dozen. Butter City crearnory, extra, 1 and 2 pound prints, in boxes, 37c por pound; less than boxes, cartons and delivery extra. Pork Fancy, 11c per pound. Veal Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 13 J'ur puuiiu western Postmastors Confer with Hitchcock About System. Washington. Postmaster General Hitchcock says that everything will bo In readiness for tho Postal Savings Banks to receive deposits on January 3, tho first working day of tho now year. The tasK 01 drawing up roguln' tions, forms and instructions has pro grossed so far as to assuro the begin. mi n lt of operations. Ono experimental offlco will bo opened in ench stato nnd territory to mako tho first test of tho sorvico as thorough as possible under tho limited appropriation. Tho offices designated are an 01 1 110 second class und in lo ealitics where conditions nro oxcontion ally favorable for tho dovclopmont of a postal savings businoss. Severn! of tho offices selected aro in communities inhubited by foroigit born Americans, who are remitting annually considera ble sums of money to tholr nativo enuntriofl by postal money orders. In tho last few days, the postmnstorH at tho twolvo offices in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Const states havo bsen in Washington nt tho roquost of tho postmaster general for n confor once. Among tho postmasters taking part were: Bebo, Poour d'Alnne, Ida ho; Harper, Anaconda, Mont.; Kmmitt, Klamath Falls, Ore, and C'avannugh, Ulympla, vnnh. They wore instructed how to put the new system into operation, and how tho business should bo conducted. EMPLOYES SHARE PROFITS. Apples King, -10(7T75c per box; Wolf River, 75e(T;,.l; Waxon, 15c(w$l; Raid win, 75c (5$l.y;; Northern Spy, 75c(?S $1.25; Snow Banana, $1.753.50; Ro'l Cheek Pippin, 75ctfi)$1.25. Sack Vegetables Carrots' 41 ra 1.2.1 hundred; pnrsnins. $167)1.25: turn'ms. $1; boots, $1.25()1.50. Potatoes Oregon, $1.25(?Z1.35 por hundrod; sweet potatoes, $8.50 por hun dred. Oitions Buying price, $1.25 per hun drod. Green Fruits Pears, $1.25(2 por box; grapes, $1.75(?7.2; cranberries. $12 (5-12.50 por barrel. ' Vegetables Beans, 12-c por pound; cabbage, $1(1.25 por hundred; cauli flower, $2(Tt2.25 por crato; colery, Coli fornia, $3 per crato; hothouso lettuce, $11.25 per box; poppers, 10c por lb.; pumpkins. 1(77; Uc nor lb.- unrm.i. irr 8c; squash. (fl)ljc per lb. ' imps iuiu crop, lipiflc; 1000 crop. 10c; contracts, 12(77)120. $ 11 725!rn 0rfiKn. 1317c lb.; illoy, 17(7J)19c per lb. Mohair Choico, 30(7733c por rmund. i.att 0 Prime steers, $0.50(77j7; good to choico steers, $0(770.50; fair to good steers, $4,75(7i5.25: commnn .(,. Iax 4..i0; choico to primo cows, $4.75(725.75'; 5", " "'"- roi cows, l.l!f)(fi)4.75: fair to good bcof cows, $3.75(?7)4.25 common to fair beef cows, $2(7i)3.50 good to choico hoifors, $1.75(77)5; fair to good heifers, $4.50(71,4.75; common to fair heifers, $4(774..25; choico to good filt l&nt4'85 fnr to Kood fnt nulls, sj.50()4: common bnll o Ktuth 2 rnS t0 Ch0iC ifilt CnlvOS, '$7fO 7.50; fair to good light calvos, $0.50(71) Hillman Prepares to Boost. Hillman. Tho town of Hillman, sit uated in tho heart of tho Deschutes vnl- Steamer Lost With Twentv-ono. i v t si Oro died of lockiaw Hamburg. Tho Fronch stoamor Sa- Joy, Orook county, fiias organized n A boy at oaiem, uro,, uiuu ui OJ . . 4i.t I a....,,..(i ii, intn xr rr -ciiini hut not the slightest evidence or inrec- v , u, u u, T. ' V., ""ZX tion could be found upon nis no y. hefCTm of 21f w,jlo boua from thU (lont. E A cioland, sccrotary and ironnfSn brakes operated by wire- port for Naples. Tho Savona is a siBtor treasurer. An organization of this sort t.. T!AI mado entirely success- ship of tho Palermo, which was recently speaks well for a town juBt starting in -M i -n . ii n 1'jinnniiiu xubuiu -w . . lui uu 'a new country. r.ua; common calyns, $3.75.75; good J0&nt 800,1 t0 r0"y,,nrJln wotiiors, grain fod, $4 755; o ,l wethers, grain fed, $4 21 Afa ,Ch0!c. 0wnH- Krnln '!. W-25 3.75! foodors, $2.25(75)3; choice lambs, 'i trrJ!!. ' Kod to choico, grain fed, $5.50(77,5.75; poor lambs, $4.05(7i)5. Hay fed sheop and lambs, 50c lower than grain fed. Steol Corporation Distributes Bonus of $2,700,000. New York. Tho United States Stool Corporation nnnouncod its plan for dis tributing a bonus to tho officers and employes of tho corporation and sub sidiary corporations in accordance with its annual practice. The sum to bo distributed for 1010 nmounts to approximately $2,700,000. Tho amount is determined by the annual earnings. Tho bonus will bo paid 00 por cont in common stock at $70 a sharo and 40 per cent in cash. Last year the bonus was paid 00 por cent in cneh nnd 40 por cent in preferred stock nt $124 a share, or common stock nt $90 a share. This year tho usual opportunity will bo given to subscribe for shares of tho corporation on a basis of $114 n shnro for proforrod and $70 a shnro for tho common stock. How Cudahy Bottled Estate Chicago. Mlchaol Cudahy loft. an cs tato valued at $11,000,000, only $2,000, 000 of which is in real ostato. Except for $25,000 bequeathed to various char itable institutions, tho ostato will bo hold in trust by Joseph M.,Ctidahy. Tho widow will receive $30,000 annually. Mrs. WiDinm Cudahy, n sistdr-in-lnw, will roceivo $0,000 annually for fivo years, and then $5,000 nnnunlly. At tho closo of fivo years six children of tho packer will dlvido tho ostato, aftor tho widow shall have received $500,000 in cash. Toamator Killod by Striker. Chicago. John Donnolly, a teamster omployod by gnrmont manufacturers whoso omployes nro on striko. wns shot and killod whllo at work. Tho police arc Booking his assailant among the striking garment workers. Aftor ho hnd been shot, Donnolly drovo his horsos hnlf a -milo boforo becoming uncon scious. Ho died lator at a hospital. Tho police hnvo no clow to tho idontity of tho slayer, but every effort Is bolng mado to discover him among tho strikers. Island Sinks Into Son. Port Linton, Costa Rica. At leant seventy families, variously ostimntod at from 150 to 170 mon, women and children, woro drowned through tho sinking into tho sea of thoir Island lioinn, Tho iHlnnd. In flin center nf tho Ilo Pan go lagoon in Ralyador, disappeared aftor a surlos of ourthqtmko shocks and slid Into the depths of tho lagoon, carrying with it noarly nil tho Inhabl- B&lllngor Inquiry 813,844. Washington. Tho Balllngor-Pinchot congressional investigation cost tho country oxnetly $13,844, according to n roport filed by tho secretary of tho sen ate Tho oxnonso for stonographors was $5,701. Tho costliest witness was Ilonry K. Lovo, who enmo from Falr bunks, Alaskn Ills foos and mllongo cost tho country $531. THIRTY Fjj mg and Fa" Catch TwJ . W'icago, Dee, 22...,. j "own and boi.. woro killed nnd 40 o ,M 1" a lire which le"' catisod $1,000,000 A.:eir,l o 'clock ntil, threaten d L' 1 xtockynrds di,trlet t'o Are started.,, 1 woro two commit. . ?H eWof. These men Z The 'lehrismadobi. 'Vsslslinif ' Woutcniwi Ftl ri ih.m.r.W.Kl'J orders for directing JM " Treading namc,", " f'H ! they went ,lft.. ITN Horan. """"Hi the other parts of the W.Vi. H and souirht Wi. .WN Jragnpi7rt tl o gloZffia out the body of 1 12 V companions. .it'M ,'l fort they obeyed 'V ? of Assistant Mlrih.!? Zgfr loubled thoir efforU S spreading of the flamM. P Tho b nze was dliMTfreJlll o'clock by a watchman Ki bcof house, nt Fbrtr-Uw Btreets. An mM!i ' stnrted comhmtifi. nri uiekly that tho watebV.Cj timed In tho nlm u,.. 'ril began bursting from the 3 Kiro Marshal Horan itKJ the West Hide, heard i L., apparatus, nnd went tothefc&J .1. jiib iiuioinoone. UjiUtuil arrival his nssistanti k.iil tho offort to save the bJtol wore ondeavorlni? to h,i ,..! of fire townnl nthnr V,ni:. .1 woro coming from wml td near by. The awnins lifivJ Kumv uie ucstroyer of a ma soomod to offt-r n ikli iJ ilamoH. I'nder thu the atnjJ . uer, ud oy uoran, BtnrdJ l-ltTigernld. r;l On top of tho canopy tnoJ of flromen played jfreanutfifcl tho heart of the lire. Mlrtl t . w . . .rim luiuuii .losqwi .MSCKer, IWffM hand above, felt the will fajl shouted a wnrninc to tboHWhl jupmcd with his men and eiail jjui. ooiow inc canopy loaural .Monnwniio iircmen waa bnil ng of this, nnd auementdhtsl ly arriving aides, were ituqil pain or tno unmet lit; Ml ground nt building after tefi to Do driven hack. UPPER BERTHS EEDUCEl Prices Also Soon to B 16 ill "Lowea" Washington. Formal ettojl nnounend hv the Interstate taH commission reducing the pwiH fore exacted by the Folium m for upper berths in ileepltfl An order also was lmA$l that after February 1, Mil, j iflod reductions in tne eu-g . . it ..i .1 IV nn-nr liflrt is norinww T should be made by tie PaH lmny' ial In the decision annonneed V In the Loffus rase "bat this Seattle shnll not exceed ilU nn upper berth f'a&r Chicago the upper bertli rjfj exceed $1.(10; fr..m l W tho upper berth rates ihW $1.25. and from St ftd Orand Forhs, tho upper benii(' not oxcood $1 00- . . , T .lfh mil BUi"-! in oonsunau -7 ordor is nintu" rcijun. j compnny to put in tnw i not lator than February 1. malntnin thorn for at lent till Pll to Dei- Los A nceles. Hurled m A onth to tlio grouni oxnndria Anp ' "jj work elevator, Er Tnrnr.(.( are M4.a Tentz and Wove urnrn Inliired. )Ut .;". AJ ".7". " ;: ii.. .Mm Of M"J cjinging to wiu P -. jg shaft until r"cued'J0$ started from tho gSV oral barrels of P. reached an upper w . load to a total of ibw t Wja Tt is snid this weiga j tlm olova or was w I Explorers MW, Vln,ln. H. f. Tl.e t'l nr...., -nrrvint' Ailm'"".k,4l .mum, v....-- n nr? tho Japanese -- j.plitl South Polo, wij .' :;vn httforo the KUilw'R ' f M ,riP. which nrrivod e j, niiHii Hay following ' Z m ing, all imiuis , nalaco to g " : :eMV ill toiupiu iu ij Thirty Tt"rA oscanoit ue' Mv ini destroye.1 rVXi &fA warohouso of JJJPJ ffl paper U J cinnosodly reP ;iV.tJl1