ITEMS OF Ntwo. was a from his n.inrvl le ..-.i, ivAi over .1. ciiitciav. i- r,nm liis rancn orn " Ciosiiog Monday. wat In town .1a d ni 1j",w j.i aiil 01 f . at Y nil 111' 5. wa IT. u . i f i : ... niiiir iiiii knd wife were down from 4 CUlVer niuuunj -n prtienU. . ,1 ihe Mndrns in iiwui. tar, imv - " n.i nurt. b.en i" ",vv" ""'',' I XI 1 ill I' . ... ah ( ti tint and A. " , CUxly were viMlors in ion ... -r ihr week. ..marl :i iinMlinn ln nb le Wdras i raw.. duiint; the holidays. ,. Tutjdav for a trip 3HIIW '" Oeschutei river to the KoUerl plice ana vimm. t ...i.t.n.i mcni leveral days b7CKI"1l "f pjrt of ihe week at rnncvmr, to business matters. . frsm Hilltt ill inp IVtTLl tIU30 'Ml. rnru. hi , a trip to bend the early part tk, returning by way ol I'rine W Saxto'i and wife were down wtnrU fit Lulver. vesterday I0IVI ' U4 LOVeiiinu iciuiiisu ... .L... . L. hnrl hffn Vltit Dome o ci jiaicnii , . Craig. , if- 0-mIA Hitrinii thm nit till jauiwiM v. . of Sunday, Oregon Mercantile store ana w j jj ji held by Mrs. Perry Read Id Standiford. secretary of the Sbeep & Land Co., was over I. rv ! t nr. nenncay oi roruana, Balfour, sheriff elect of Crook wrs in Madras several days utter part ot tne week, visiting Blumcnsaadt, of Rainer, Oregon, ui er Dart o me week in Mad- o i 1 i cily Saturday evening. Mrs mui uic niuiimrr nnn f mi via relatives ana friends in the WU- jannsen returned the latter part - , Mb III 114 '9 " " 'Mill UIC LCJ, toungi. Oregon Cornett was in Madras Friday h me uiiau ui OQtlnest at th! nninl Mr ft r- si nil nnnric r.iii i. . : .i. ,j , ufciug u ins wny inp to Mend and I'rine IN U . n 1 . . . uccn looKing niter 01 hn fatner who died recently. nlnl r ... . w.iKU tvc company uiianuE u wen nn v i - irp iuia . .nw nines norm oi M.nim. op'ehaveslfo secured a contract v a nip i i " u" 'c lanu owned hv 111 n CI ... oc uanu lo. about "si of Madras. rwown, who live ""' nsrth of Madras on the . HI vhil. -I- - , '" F'ace is to be located 'eaKaskela,werein town ,0ing after busines. d "siu mr, and Mm c.j 3a ivlVlinPV 1V1I Tk... . i i pu en it l. . - .uiomnttve on the con- Ifftln im i " usara at their place. LDmhl 'i lliananar fn U v.. 0., (or the Nn,.k. u '"aaras Mnn.i-.., U ini Ina.l!. m ' lutamy or si.u.,i rr cw n itir... Interests m u.. . " - ... imnpany gen- Unmade lni - ,' .. .' "'5 COUnlM. W4 "ceived Ti,j,.. u.. . v il.. . - r. i. "'m n 01 Mr. and Mm. r.i.....n .. . ' ':-;y 'ck last week.d.ed . "mber io. n. ,t, c. ""ni ur nnnsnHi ,0..yeats d few . .luwel A. C. Snnford, who has recently sold his interest in the hardware and imple ment bujiness here, left Sunday for Port land, where he expects to spend the holi days with his family. The Warm Springs ferry-boat broke loose yesterday; from the cable across the Deschutes river und the boat drifted down the stream about 15 miles before the per on operating it could make a landing, ft will be several weeks before the boat can be brought back to its location. M. E. Shipley, ol Hooper, Nebraska, paid this olllce a call Monday, as he was passing ibiough on his way to the land he had bought near Redmond. Mr. Shipley id a publisher of a newspaper in Nebroskn, and alter the trip from Shani ko 10 Madras, which took him two days lo make, was very iiitich Mirprird to see the growth ol these inlnd towns, and wondered how large pieces of machinery could be brought in over thnse roads. 11. ' "Wlnilnn .-j here he, ,?Mb"haL Uiuton, Pare"t now reside, w born at Port 'TITI C TAIIC" 1 1 1 tuu nuiiu Why Tito Denl Fell Through He didn't know the exact acieage, for no survey had ever been made. The land had never been abstracted; but old Dill 'ones, an honest nun hud sold him the property, so he thought the title was good. Come to find out, Ins deed was not on record; he would file it tit once The patent lie had never seen, but would look that up, too. There was an old mortgage the clerk found ''unsatisfied", yet it surely had been p ltd. The buyer wanted "the farm if the title was good, but being fiom Missouri he had to be shown.. So the deal fell through. Moral. Get an abstract snd be rea-ly. Crook County Abstract Co. (Inc) I'rineville, Ore. (We photograph the records.) PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E. Berclano Attorney At Law MADRAS, OEEGON it. bnook PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OrQco In Drue Store. MA DRAB OREGON yy, p. myers 0. c-Y0UNC LAWYERS CULVER JUNCTION, OREGON Practice in all courts and Departments of tho Interior. EWIS ii. IRVING ATTORNEY AT LAW Office or D. W. Barnett. MADRAS, OREGON Qra van tassel NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE- MADRAS, OREGON J, H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTARY l'UHMO Fire Insurance. Ufo Imuranee. Surety Honda Real Hut a to, Conveyancing PIUNKVH.LK, OREOON 0, C. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Justice of the Feaoo . , OULVKR l'RKOINOT CULVER OREGON John T. Roas D. h, WyldO B. F. Wylde CROOK COUNTY ABSTACT CO, INCOriKHMTED Complete tract Index to nil land and town lota In t'rook county. AbstractH intule accurately 011 Hhort notice. PHI NEVILLE, - OREGON MISS CCHLATTMAM PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Olllco with Doschu'teH Valley Land nm Investment Coin puny. Itep'irling nt.d Typewriting CULVER. JUNCTION, ORE. Howard w. tub her U. S. COMMISSIPNER NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE MADRAB ORKUOK D W. BARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC) FOR ORRGON Collections n Specialty. Madras, ,K)reqon Ora VanTassel left nn a business trip to Portland, Friday, In connection with the sale of an interest in the town of Vanora, localeJ near the Ed Campbell place in the Deschutes canyon. A. B. Moore of Hood River, Oreeon, and a Mr. Harz of Colorado, have been spending several days in this vicinity looking over the country with a view to purchasing land and locating in this ection, B C. Dove, a former resident of the Agency Plains, arrived in town Monday evening from near Edmonton, Alberta Canada, where he and his family have been living the past eight months. He expects that his family will follow him in i few weeks Dick says that this country looks good to him, aud that others can have all of Alberta they want, but 110 more ol it for him. "Conference Claimants Day" will be observed at the M E. Church next Sun day morning, when the annual subscrip tion for this fund will be taken. Subject of sermon, "The Veterans of the Cross." Subject of the address in the evening, "The Call of God." Special music at both services. In the alternoon at 2;3o o'clock the pastor will preach at the Mountain View school house on the Agency Plains. You are welcome at all ojr services. M. W. Weaver, pastor. MBf MADRAS IFTS Well Drill ingCo. ARTESIAN AND SURFACE WELLS DEPTH GUARANTEED ESTIMATES FURNISHED INQUIRE AT PIONEE OFFICE MADRAS, OREGON I The Madras Pharmacy Xmas Novelties fancy good-s toilet articled PER,riMES JEWELRY Jewelry Coupons given away with every SOc Sale AGENT FOR VietoFTalking JVIaehines And Records The Madras Pharmacy T3Q. E. Snook, Prop. r Blue Front W. J. COWHERD, .Prop. MADRAS Christmas Presents TOYS, XMAS TREE DECORATIONS Xmas & New Year Post Cards The most select assortment of Postcards ever shown in Madras Christmas Novelties rAMniRQ WALNUTS fir ALMONDS I mtMMiaHHMsssf)(aaaia7 mas Gifts x ROCKER.5, -5TAND-5, RV6S, DRE-5-5ERJ, MIRRORS, ETC. ETC. Are Useful Gifts Do not spend your money FOOLISHLY but purchase useful presents. - Closing Out Our entire lino of Lace Curtains and Bedding at Greatly Reduced Prices LOUCKS Bros. JVleCattgat, Bates & Iinely 0 REAL ESTATE We handle Centra Oregon property, and are mak ing a specialty of CROOK COUNTY LANDS. you have something to sell, write us, 318 Failing Building MAX LUEDDEMANN, AUmurer REAL ESTATE DEPT., PORTLAND, OREGON Just Arrived A Full Line Of Gall Cure .Collars j SADDLES ON HAND Wagon Covers, Tents, Sleeping tsags nurse oianKeis ana Lap Robes Complete line of Harness always in stock lARLflN'S . UARNFSS . SIMP MADRAS MEAT MARKET PEE3H 3ST3D MEATS We have the best line of Fresh Meats in the country : d. L. Campbell. Wholesale and Retail Dealers ALL KINDS OF GARDEN VEGETABLES IN THEIR SEASON I Automobile Stage Line ALL NEW STUDEBAKER AUTOS . t ctmnikxi. via Madras To Bend DAILY TRIPS EACH WAY I The Best Accommodations For All Passengers J FOR RATES APPLY AT STAGE OFFICE i Cnrnett Stase & Stable Co. i w 1 1 i BLAOKSMITHIMC "WOOHD A.3STT3 IISOKT WORK The best equipped shop in Central Oregon FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY STANLEY GRAY, PROP. MADRAS, OREGON I MADRAS CAFE SOFT DRINKS AL HOWELL MACHINE BLAGKSMITHING HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY WAGON & CARRIAGE WORKS ALL WORK GUARANTEED WITHIN REASON FINE & JOHANSEN Successors to Tucker & Culp MADRAS GEM - RESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS WE NEVER CLOSE UP Popular Short Order House MEALS 35 CENTS AND UP LOCATED IN OVERLANQ HOTEL MADRAS, OREGON T. S. Hamilton, Pres. E. H. French, Vice-Pres. J. 0, Fowlie, Cebr. EASTERN OREON Banking Co. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLO DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD I Capital Stock, $50,000 Deposits, $250,000 SHAK'.fCr, OREGON X 1 9 I 2n