DO IT NOW! Solve hClftrrobl 9 inr On. and A". a raw iji M "-"- n r.rJ. BeindfiiIUniDMIW,v","T . J1lr btlt with a loi- jortwew" ... M tn .if-rimmC To (jaw - - Cra - eoma br rsturn mall. ..JTii Espousal RlnO- . .rlr boautiful form or 08- nKea ri"6 :- .... to ol " .. ..Un n rou cut wnicu 1 III! a.' V - ring .tgwnj" uiiiMtii Prisoners. many Engiun pn i.. hir first name. In- 0( by numo. - - AMrcr and diemht. 4.ill. Wiornuiv,. """17--".AM rji. V-7lf i MO. .i "-- i . fUltlWVW nd fall price llt rn work to- uirl n broken mnchlnory nnd castings WfcLU ofell kinds by n."1 Prof0"; j' . Morhlnn work of i vnrii u Hunt . U"i " "TL . . .1.1.,.. rrt!,oJ Qif.Atttrbw (Warn, JOS U SCnUMALriLK ruit r,t vr. haw rum wuuu ivH" . , i t.i 7iiii Hi jamain .TOMntsTi T Portland. Oregon .-..A mivb nuTi q isari until EN I d wcurcd, ltook of accural " w ifrmt,in free on reuuwt. O, V, " ODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES i-l.. .. anl llt-nttiPM nAVAlmlnir noiUlM' ' - Fortlana vnoto supply co. HtVtKY COFFEE'- TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CU)SSETADVfiS dmuti lun nor BEST . i . ,m . t- 1 I irvrn inn rucino luihi ib uimuini unci L.llJW iin rannlaMnti nn It- 1 Oil CAX icniqunlay whI cannol get Ufiir pajnie uijwbwA zu uutUr Low much you pay. ? " Piftto ana bridge Korx for ouii of. town patrona in on rinv If lliulr jlnl oi traction unago work u order d. CftBtullBflAM Im . ..... 4 tt 1414 H..m I m i AM laanil III!... I llll 8iW miiori .50 r.i b..i.l.. mi.i O.UU DnlRtdRutikw. puim 7.50 U,riustaMiHiu4u Pttaltu EiIHUm .50 work f ulljr rusrantetid for Mf toon Tnr. lse Cental .Co.. Ibc jraimess Jientists V ami 17 . ' 11 VM,J3. JAJL. HI US 1(3 JT'Ki . AJIV MUST HAVE BEST MACHIP& Win Qreatly Wrourjht by Qlowlno vcoounu ivan by nt Paml.tent Aoentt, Look here, sir," oho eald, nn shu entoroa a lowing-mnclilno offlco tho other day, "your agont hm lmposod upon mo." "la It possible, ma'am? In what ro- Bpoctf "Yos, sir, bo ban; and I don't want your machlno!" "How baa ho doooived your "Why, ho camo Into my houso and told mo that your maohlno was the bost In tho world. I have witnesses, and can proro orery word of It" "Dut that wao not decolvlng you. ma am. "Yob, It wasl I hadn't the machlno two days beforo another agont called and said his was tho boat; and ho had a clroular to back It un. Ho had hardly got out of doors when another called and said his machine had taken cn medals." "Dut wo haro taken flftoon, ma'am, "Oh, bavo yout" "And we haro Issued a challenge for a publlo trial, which no othor machine daro accopt. "Is that bo 7 Then your machln. is tho boat, aftor allT" "Cortalnly." "Then you will please excuso me. thought I had boon imposed upon, and I'm afraid I was a llttlo hasty. The othor agonta must havo boon tho do- colvors." Roumanian Funoral Custom. In Roumanla a curious old funeral custom showod an amusing thought fulness for tho very natural human vanity of tho dead, two openings cor responding to oars bolng out In tho casket so that the corpso might havo tho ploaauro of hearing the songs of mourning sung on either side of him as tho coffin was borno to tho grave, Who Know.7 A boy in a Chicago school rofusod to sow, ovldontly considering It beneath tho dignity of a ton-yoar-old man. Ooorgo Washington sewed," said the principal, taking it for granted that soldier must; "and do you consider youraolf better than Oeorgo Wash IngtonT" "I don't know, timo will toll," sold ho, seronoly. Popular Education. Cork -Known In Ancient Times, Cork was known to tho Greeks and Romans, and was put to almost as many uses as at present, although thoro is no montlon in Roman annals of llnoloum, notwithstanding Its Ro man sound. Gloss bottles with oork Btoppers did not corao into una until tho mlddlo of tho fourtoenth century, 00 TOO WANT AN INOOMIf Tho VIavs Kcmallai euro baekachn. nervoui. nc, fcrnalo trouble nnd rectal dlieaaeii. Send for our book frvo. Wo want Rood women ngenU every wnero. Make money at home. Write foi particular. The VlavJ Co.. 009 KothchUd Build inif, I'ortiand, Urcsron, FILL YOUR OWN TEETH " FILL-O If you hare achlntr troth or cavities and you an too nervoui for th dental ordeal, try Kill-O. the home aeniuc At dru ire lata or by mall. bOc nUU MFC CO, 3S1 taviri Ml. Sual. Wuk. Blumacr-Frank Drug- Co, diatributora for Oregon Sa 1 ' - unur..i iT.,..,;; - .uu,52.oo&$3.00 -uiau ..r l nn M amn t. .... - IfUklflVflV f fin . i mnif H. ....ww HUBUian Mlmnm A.. . I mr. . . - ,ini.i, 'or you to buv. Tfttt .1i-. M - &irSVi!nrh.05ml,VbntlioaUii- J. "'"I HI'H 1 Ilinicn Hflil aIl mraa . ..w aviHi if ill . , it . . . - f3.00, S3JS6 rtr ti m li " "r" -lim" uain v a y v .uuri tiiu ran mi vv . ''J VWUIILH. Ult.l ..1i.. "J "-'7 HIB I I. n r a - - J v. UinA...L, ,ur' PUreliain nnolliAr nnlr. v.ut nin rtiatu..,.. i Fv" ' u. alliil truw. ...... ; "w wa.vw WHCtAUr. wnm "u oiiaillUlWt Kow-Kure la not a "food" It Is a modicino, and th. only modicino In the world for cows only. Made for the cow and, na Itanome Indicates, a cow cure. Iinrrenneis, retained afterbirth, abortion, ocoura.eakedudder.ond all almllar afTectlona positively and quickly cured. No one who keeps cows, whether many or lew. can afford to be without Koui'Kur: It I. made especially to keep cows healthy Our honk "wh.i in Do When Your Cows U Are Slek'', sent free Askyourlocal dealer tor 1 'KowKur: "orsendtothemanufacturers. I Dairy Association Co., Lyndonvllt., Vt. RELIABLE DENTISTRY REASONABLE RATES in Trrth s.f. . . $5.00 rrtp-vork w Tetlk uui. .33.50 lo J5.00 f!R.Utr rlilttiilf ..$70 (MRArHilci Jt..$S.03 lU M riii Crown J30 1 J5.00 (U H tmiltk Wail, $1 sp Mtct FSCnji lf . . .50cU Jl Ptirlin CitruliM m'i . . . ,50e rRtE ba rUlti ire iaH Our Work guaranteed perfeot Hiwolnl nen(on o out of lown nairona, Iroi a itl 'or api-olntment. Oal-of-town or compln'ed in dr- No Initcer work u. whew Modern equipment, hi erjr oierator leelllt. l.nilr uttoiidnnt THE NEW YORK DENTISTS DR. II. A UTORDEVANT. Mfr. Hun: htiw. 9 a. . U I s, ii N. E, Cr. ftk ad M.rrii. Pwtlwl Oftts Tififhfinvr the Dental Trust" i1 WthoCMii,KO,,.thoICAST where our cxpenM nro very low, not- I'nrlori.'V' Kl''clnHS of dental work, for much loan tliuu tho big West Side tW. ... . ..' 0 lire n I'nml.w. n. I nnan.i 4ent, wo dnl'e,?iber' wo lmvu no hired dotittsta. no so-colled "specialists" nor . ThW-wS?,?"' ?wn work-and guarantee It 18 years. . . . 0 ALT. a r ' Mflmt Wo inea'n whim wa nnv ONK LOW l'RICK. THIS BAMJ5 "MlKJlj, Wo Clleertully Examine and Eatlrnate Your Work rreo. THE BIG EAST SIDE ONE-PRICE DENTISTS flic, u corner union Ave. and East Morrison we havo Uu . .. . .. uickuii oiju ronuma mora unn yswo- CAP and MAN MAKES AWFUL MISTAKES Old Not Recognize Cook on Streot Car, Allowing Her to 8tand Wlfo Afraid of Criticism. "Why didn't you get up and giv her your seat or permit mo to givo her mine?" said a woman to her hu&-hand. They had Just got off a car. Tho woman'B faco expressed great anxiety of mind. "Why should wo givo her a seatr tho husband asked. "Just because sho was so richly dressed, I suppose," ho added. "Is it possible that you did not know her?" tho wlfo exclaimed. "Of coureo; I am not supposed to know overy well-dressed woman who comes along." "Oh, James, sho Is our cook, and I'm afraid sho will treasure up against ub our lack of courtesy." "Why didn't you tell mo?" the hus band exclaimed. Tho woman did not reply, but, trembling violently, leaned heavily upon his arm. t According. Mistress (to prospective servant) And what wages havo you been get ting? Servant Well, you see, ma'am, wages vary according to what you do. Mistress You moan that tho more you do tho moro wages you would ex pect? Servant Oh, no, ma'am. That's what you might think, ma'am, but my brother Is a student of political econ omy and ho said It's Just tho other way: Tho more you do, tho les3 you get. And so, ma'nm, if I take charge of the wholo houso and do the wash ing, I get $3 a week. If I Just cook and help with tho upstairs, I got ?5. If I do nothing but tho cooking I get $7, Lippincott's. KNEW NEED OF FRESH AIR Ben .'ranklln Showed That Ho Under, stood the 8ubject as Well as Any Modern. Another means ot preserving health io bo attended to Is tho having a con stant supply of fresh air In your bed chamber. It haB beon a great mis take, tho sleeping in rooms exactly olosod and tho bodi. surrounded by curtains. No outward air that may come to you is bo unwholesome as tho unchanged air, ofton breathed, of a close chamber. As boiling vnter does not grow hotter by long boiling if tho particles that receivo greater heat can escapo, so living bodlos do not putrefy, If tho particles, so fast as thoy becomo putrid, can bo thrown off. Nature expols them by tho pores of tho skin and tho lungs, and In a froo open air thoy nro carried off, but in a close room we receivo them again and again, though thoy becomo moro and moro corrupt. A number of porsons crowded Into a small room thus spoil tho air In a few minutes, and oven rendor it mortal as tho Black Holo at Calcutta. A single person ib said to spoil only a gallon of air a minuto, and there fore requires a loncer tlmo to bdoII n chamberful; but It is dono, however. In proportion, and many putrid dis orders henco havo their origin. It Is recorded of MethusGlab who. bein tho longest liver, may be supposed to havo best preserved his health, that ho slept always in tho optjn air; for wnen he had lived COO years an au said to him, "Ariso, Methuselah, and build thee an house, for thou shalt live yot 500 years longer." And Methuse lan answered and said: "If I am to 'llvo but 600 years loneer. It is not worth while to build mo an houso; I will sleep In tho air .'B I have beon used to do." rnysicians, arter Having for ages contended that tho Bick should bo In dulgod with fresh nir, havo at length discovered that It may do them good It Is. therefore to bo hoped that- they may In timo discover likewise that It is not hurtful to thoso that are In health, and thot wo may then bo cured of tho aerophobia that at pres ent distresses weak minds and makes them choose to bo stifled and pois oned rather than leavi open tho win dow of a bed chamber or put down tho glass of a coach. Confined air, when saturated with perspirable mat ter, will not receivo moro, and that matter must remain in our bodies and occasion disease. From Benjamin Franklln'B "Art of Securing Pleasant Ireams," Written In 1798. Real Considerate. Tho aeroplane was stranded In the top of tho applo treo. 'Help! Holp!" shouted tho air pilot 'Can't you see I am up hero In tho top of your apple tree?" Tho old farmer blew a quid of to bacco at a wide-eyed grasshopper and chuckled softly: "I soo yeou, bub," hi drawled, "an' I was Just wondering." "Wondering what?" "Haow much yeou would charge to pick them thor apples, being as yeou aro so close to them. The hired man has the rheumatism an' can't climb a ladder." AWFUL HOT. She Do you believe in tho theory lhat tho sun Is losing Its heat and oventually will bo burned out Ho Sure. The sun Is losing its heat and wo aro getting It Beyond the Styx. "I boliovo you wore called tho fath er of your country," remarked tho shade of Bonaparto. "Did you llko tho title?" "I did," answered tho shade of Wash ington, "but between you nnd me, I'd lmto to bo oven a stopfather to somo of tho cities theroln today." Proof of Her Ability. Tho Ono I can't understand why ou Iraagino sho has wondorf ul convor- atlonal powers, when, as a matter of fact, sho talks extremely llttlo. Tho Othor Tiiats just it Bho shows remarlcablo discretion in tno selection of things '.o bo left unsaid. Just Asking. Bobby I say, dad Dad What is it now? Can't you lot mo havo a minuta's peaco? Bobby I only wanted to ask you If a nearsighted man could have a far away look ' In his oyeB. London Skotd Effect of a Confession. An Atchison married woman thought she noticed that a certain man of her acquaintance was paying her a good deal of attention, says tho Atchison Olobo. Sho had not had any "atten tion" for somo time, and responded (or thought she did). , Finally her con science hurt her. She thought: "This la not treating Georgo (her husband) right Of courso he is thoughtless and cannot always remember to kiss me when ho leaves the house, or ad mire my new bat or put bis arms around me, or pay mo tho thousand nnd ono little attentions a woman loves, but ho la my husband, and I ought to bo ashamed to hurt him by carrying on with this othor man. I shall tell him all." She did, and what do you Buppose that brute of a hus band did when Bho tremblingly fin ished her story? He not only laughed, but ho roared, and his wife Is the maddest woman In Atchison. Boston's Mayor and the President President Taft attended the recent aero meet, at which Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston made a trip with Grahamo White. Aftor the flight the piano was landed near tho automobile occupied by the president, who congratulated Mr. Fitzgerald on his coolness and nerve. "Aro you not afraid to go up in such a flighty machlno?" "There Is only ono machine that am at all afraid of," was tho smiling reply of "Honest Fitz," and that is the Republican machlno." Tho president, composing himself with an effort, Inquired: "And could you seo people on earth very plainly while you were away up In tho air?" "Well," replied "Honest Fitz," a droll twlnklo in his eyo, "I could see you without any difficulty." Success Magazine Adaptability of Brain. Each vocation makes a dlfferont call upon tho brain and develops faculties and qualities peculiar to itself, so that as tho various professions, trades and specialties multiply, the brain takes on new adaptlvo qualities, thus giv ing greater variety and strength to civilization as n mass. When tho world was young tho brain of man was very prlmltlvo, bocnuso tho de mand upon It was largely for self protection and tho acquisition of food, which called only for tho do velopmetii of Its lower, Its animal pnrt Ab civilization advanced, how ever, thero was a higher call upon tho brain and a moro varied develop ment, until today, In tho highest civil lzntion. It has becomo exceedingly complex. Success Magazlno. Why Ho Left. Long why did you leavo tho plnco whoro you formorly boarded? Short Becauso tho landlady had too much curiosity. Long in what dlrocaon7 Short Oh, Bho was continuously asking mo when I was going to pay my board bill. 1 The King of Entertainers m A Gieriuiri Edison Phonograph Outfit Sent Without Cost to Y ou on 1 0 Days' Free Trial Why Not Consider ; This Offer Now? This is an invitation to every reader of this paper to write us, at once, for our free trial offer no money down 9 months to pay no inter est charged wo pay tho freight and give 10 days to try an Edison Phonograph in your own home. Our Outfit No. 12 costs $J4.2U i i i 1 n l . . . . . 1 . l... i .' uon reprouueer io piny & ana t-njiniue recorus; new oyirmu jy r - . . . . . . . . ywy 1 1 nrrt nlcA crtniial Hinflr-Hrtrn1 hnlr rlnrnn H.marin Am- berol (4-minutc) Records and half dozen Gold Moulded Atv a .7 i r . n utti di XO ' sraDh Oil. Oil Can nnd an Automatic iJrush attach- et'-?ic ment. This offer is fair to you and' to us, because wo want you a satisfied customer a boo3ter for Eilers our best advertisement. Send us the coupon cataloguo and full par ticulars will como to you by return mail Eilers Music House I O ItTL A NO, OREGON, Largest Western Dealers in All Makes of Talking Machines, Records, Pianos, Organs, etc. V ITS Ml lITCn VX Portland. Or.. Ay O e n 1 1 men; Pleaso ii caituugues arm Apartlculars of your, fy Edison Freo Trial Offer. 67 Ay s . Address. . . SWAlIVIP" I" no recommen3ed for every- ROOT. liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderfu new discovery by mail free, also pamphlet telling; all about It. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binehamton. N. Y. The Right to Dlo. The man who has, killed hlmseltion Monday would on Saturday have wanted to llvo; but ono only kills one's self once. Man's life is made up of post, present and future; so life muot bo a burden to hlrn, If "not for the past, tho present and tho future; at least for tho present and tho fu ture If It Is only n burden for tho present he Is sacrificing tho fufure, The evils of one day do not authorize him to sacrifice tho life that Is ahead of him. Only tho man whose life 1b nnhappy and who could havo the cer talntj' which la Impossible that It will always bo so, and that condi tions and desires will never change, either through modification of circum stances and situations or through habit and tho Iapso of time which again Is Impossible only this man would have the right to kill hlmaelL 40DQleon Bonauarta, The Philosopher of Folly. "Women are sure their husbands are smart," says the Philosopher of Folly, "because thoy think maybe they can make some other women think it's true." To Test Tinned Foods. An Infallible tost for tinned fruit or vegetables of any kind Ib to open and plunge Into tho contents a very bright steel knife. Keep It there a few min utes, and If copper Is present, even In the minutest proportions, It will be visibly deposited on the blade. r r - nave Kjne Doctor No sense In running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him In time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. A Ws publish our formulas m wa Daman aioonoi from our medioinei We urc y,u to cemult yoar doctor ers Dr. B. E. Wright Have your toeth out ard plate and bridge work dene. For out-of-town patrons we finish plat, and bridge work in one dny if necessary. KMCE3; Ko'tr Crowu ...,$5.03 22kDnfaTt!i $3.50 Ce'd FilTnw $1 is EumI Fflhj... $1.00 SJier REnu . . . . 50cn Cood RotAer Males $5.00 test Red Raiiir TLtu $7.50 rinSe-.i Eitrirtha, . 50 BEST METHODS Paln'ess Extraction Free whn plates or brldgs work is ordered, Consultation Free. You cannot ,get better painless work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. All Work fully Guaranteed for Fifteen Years Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 i Washington St, Portland; Oregon TaV car at depot and transfer to Washington St. Always Some Ideal. God finds some Ideal in every hn nan soul. .At some time In our life ve feel a trembling,, fearful longing jo do some good thing. Life loblest spring of existence in this hid len impulse to do our beat Robert Dollyer. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDV For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and 1 GRANULATED EYF? JDS I Murine Doesn't Smart-Soothes Eye Paih DnVfliU Sell Marine Eye Remedy, liquid, 25c, 50c, ll.Ot Murine Eys Salve, in Aseptic Tubes, 2Se, $1.00" EYE BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIt MurineEye Remedy Co.,ChIcago I '.A a l a u ? I mil Hbi OPIUM TOBACCO nsblts PoItIvelr Cored. Only authorized Koeler In. in ureaon. tvm .B in llrat tor Illustrated circular. kuuy (NsnniTt, 71 1 u th h. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY Painless Extraction Fret Silver FUlines 50 Gold Fillings., ...,...75i 22 K. Gold Crowns $1 Porcelain Crowns ..,,,,.,.,$ Molar Gold Crowns ti Bridge Work, 22 It Inlay Fills. PureCJoM ti Verv Nice Rlihher PUta fti Best Rubber Plate on Earth $1 inia WUKIt J3 QUAKANTECD, TWl'f ttim.u ,,. ....... A .1.11 - 3 s t wodollars earned. Our original reliable Modera i minima lumnoas ana our perfected oflice equip, ment saves us tfmeand your money, BOSTON DENTISTS, 5thaMorrIton, P.rtland Entrince 291 Vj Morrlion, opposite PostoEce and Meier 4 Frank. Ettibllthed la Ponlsnd 10 run. Onen nln mull S and Suodun until 12 1 30. (or people wbo work. IMImm Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache, How many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. 1140 ky to. J, O, Agtt Co., Lowsll. aus C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man baa made a life study of th. properties of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and la giving the world the benefit of hU services. grt No Mercury, Poisons J5pJ or Drugs Used. No .OSSS wperiipns or lulling Guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, tind all Private Diseases of M n and Women. -1 A SURE CANCJER CURE Just received from Pckln, Cliina' safe, sura and reliable. Unfailing In Its work. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps, CONSULTATION TREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co, 162H first St., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. P N U No. 49-'I0 WHEN writing- to advertisers ploasa montlon this paper.