New Managemne m SANTA GLAUS On his way to take charge of the Madras Trading Co.'s store during the holidays The entire stock of the Madras Trading Co. has ueen turned over to me (Santa Claus) until Christmas eve. I have rearranged the whole in terior of the store and here are a few of the many things I have on display: All kinds of Toys; balls, horns, and book; Dolls that talk and animals that walk. In the NOTION DEPARTMENT I have all kinds of Fancy Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Mufflers, Vanity Bags, Toilet Sets, and a thousand other things. MV StatiOlierV Attr?cts.fthe eye of every one, J for m it are the neatest and most fancy boxes and stocks ever sbown in the Stationery World. Wafr-hc Xr L-vtArolftT- You will find a complete line of Waltham cUUUCa JCWCliy and Elgin Watches, Clocks, Rings, Scarf Pins, all kinds of Buttons, and the most select display of Rogers Silverware ever brought to Central Oregon. TOYS Santa M Madras R emem ber The SHOES For You know this is one of the strong lines at the M. T. Co.'s store. And ex tra for the HOLIDAY TRADE you will find a good assortment of HOME SLIPPERS FUR TOP AND PLAIN FOR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN Cf , doing to this department you will find loads and OnreCllOner y 0,l(a 0f au kinds Candies, Fruits and Nuts, To mention all 1 have would take a week and I cannot spare the time. Come in and see for yourself, you will be surprised, for a more complete Christmas line has never been shown outside of the large cities. I am so busy that I cannot be at the store all thet ime, there SURE December 17 and 24. COME EARLY so that I can show you all my presents. Madras Trading Company SANTA CLAUS, Manager Water QVr Carvina JLj o Do Not Forget The J? The Madras Pioneer Published every Thursday by THE PIONEER PUBLISH INO CO. 8UB80RIPTION RA.TE8: One year $1.50 Six months 85 Turee months 50 A H VERTIHIKO KA.TKS ON APPLICATION Entered ns second class matter August 2V, 1904, at the Postofflce at Madras, Ore., under the Act of Congress of March 3,1879. THURSDAY DEC. 15, 1910 More Extension (Continued from page 1) In the meantime, the company will endeavor to complete as ear ly as possible all of the projects already underto.'ken. All of the present contracts on the Klamath Natron cutoff, says Mr. Krutt schnitt, will be completed before the end of the present fiscal year June 20- -after which he will recommen d that that the remain der of the route, which he viewed, on Monday, he contracted for p.nd the work finished with al) possible speed, so that the Pew 22-liour schedule between Portland and San Francisco can be put into effect on the earliest possible day. In the work through the Des chutes canyon, he said, joint trackage agreements had been entered into with the Oregon Trunk Railway over some of the most difficult portions. The Harriman line has progressed ahead of that of the Hill system in some places, and the former line likely will be completed over the 137-mile stretch from the Columbia river to Redmond be fore the latter is finished to Bend. t In a recm Idler fronvH, K. W. Tay lor, it states that Mr. and Mrs. Taylor arrived at their destination at Ft. Lauder dtle, Florida, Dec. nt., which is on the Atlantic Coast side of the peninsula. Mr Tavlor says that they are in a corn ea wZ new own and that building op Sons are going ahead rapidly, ft' lh. ham ners and saws that can be ha be- ng in use. Free Silverware The most liberal coupon system ever offered to the public .is being given by the Madras Trading Co. Every cash purchaser receives a cash register coupon for the amount of the purchase. These coupons ate redeemed in Rogers Silver ware, of which they carry a complete line. There is no gamble or chance to be taken. Every coupon shows its value. LUMBER FOR SALE We are manufacturers of high grade lumber, both pine and fir. We have on hand first-class flooring, shiplap and rustic. Wood and slabs in any quan tity. Our prices are right. Wallenburq & Farrer, Grizzly, Oregon. Mill on Coon Creek, three miles east of Grizzly. Leave orders for lumber with Bert WinteJs, Madras, Ore gon. s8-tf When in town come to the POSTOFFCE RESTAURANT And Get One of Those Good HOT DINNERS 25 Cts Notice For Publication. Department ol the Interior, V. 8. L-1-Office at The Dalle, Oregon, November CO, 1810 Notice U hereby given that Albert Kamrifer, orSbanlko, Oregon, who, on October 10th 190C. made Detert Laud Entry No. CJO Serial No. oWi. lor nnae, aec 11, tp. 9 a r It e. w. in., has tiled notice of intention to make final desert land proof, to establlah Walra to the land above deorlbi'd, before II. C. Hooper, II S. CommlMloner. at hla office at Ante lope, Oregon, on llio Uth day of uanuary, Itfll. Claimant namea a wlliieaava; Auguat Hater ol Slianlko, Oregon, Uottfrled Kampfer.of Hhanlko, Oregon, Conrad Btraaier, of Madraa, orpgon, John Kelclien, ol Madraa, Oregon. C, W. MOORE, dlf-J15 Keglater Isolated Tract. Public Land Bale. No. 00510. United Stutea Land OHlc, The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 23, 19K. Notice la hereby given thai. h directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, ui)riirjM.rpj virions ol Act of Congress approvedfune 27, 1900, Public No. 3u3, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 9:30 o'clock it. in., on the 19th day of January, 1911. at this office, the fol lowing tract of lan,l, to wit; swlnej, and lie, sec 20 tp. Igtf at J0 t, win. Any persons elaiinliiKladveraeiy the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objectibna, on or before the day designated for sale. O. W. Moore, dlo-JlO. ltegletsr. There will be services at the Christ ian Church next Sunday, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. C. A Sias will preach. ITEMS OF INTEREST HAYING lately settled in Oregon would like to hear from owners of farms, dry or litigated: grazing or timber landp. Want snmelliiuu that will turn into money within the next three or four years. Only replies from owners considered. Address II, care of M.idrus Pioneer. FOR SALE My lot in Madias, with good well of water, gasoline engine and pump, in good working order; also, good team of horses, weight about 1355 lbs , heavy harness, 3 in. wagon and light buggy, Terms, cash. Inquire of J. D. White, Mad ras, Oregon. x 2t-pd. FARM LOANS!! Mate Slate Bank NOTICE Save your canh register tick ets at the Madras Trading Co. Tlu-i are valablo. FOR SALE Ranch 100 acres fenced, all Improvements, etc , 1 mile from Madras on the Little Plains. $25,00 per acre, Half down, btlmice long time atOperecnt. Or will Iride foi Redmond. Bend or Prlneville bind 'fptdierfy. Apply to Jtan Schiffr, ' filvner, 60i 2nd Slreet, Portland, Oregon. i'21-ti MOST COMPLETE LINE PAMPLES Jn the city at the Tailor Shop next to pool hull. n25 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS. 80. Madras State Bunk. ORDER that suit or overcoat at the Tailor's. We will keep It prweeil free. Next to pool hall. n25 NOTICE Any person wbhlng cross ings put in or the sidewalk in front of their property, notify H. E Eeh " ilbergar, the sidewalk contractor , tint he may order the material re quired for Kline. LOCATED Nine miles mirth of Mud ritH, in 100 acres of excellent land for sale at only $10 00 per acre. 300 aura of A I farm land; bdnuce past ure with cood spring; 160 acres ready for the plough ; good house, Particulars. addnnH, ' Owner'' No. 1301 Jordan St. The DiIIhh, Ore. o27 W1U UUHV.r . --saat-r 3d- I.O.O.Rj night StrangM Howard W.Ti aj w Hf9. Sea HOUSE FOR SALE New lius', Ilx 20. Will tell cheap. Inquire at this ollh-e. ! 0 1 SI IIO.MEV1E D KELlNQUIsllM ISN'T -near MailniH. for sale at a tm'gnin. See I'ainutt. FOR SALU-Ou Hit) Agency Plains, a qiiurier Kectlnn of laud, all feueed ami partly under eultivatliin. Price $2500,01, terniH reaHoniihle. Set Kay re & Ilendileks. o27 FOR SALE CI IK a" I - A gw.7fonr page Ideal Newspapar Pres. Inquire at the Pioneer Office. FOR SALE! A nearly new Automobile in perfect running order. Inquire of Sayro & Hendricks. o27 NO. 3851. The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON B. F. ALUM, President. T. M. IUi.puin, Cmhlur. Witt WuiwitBB Vice I'rea. It. liAtDrViN, Aiat. Cashier. ESTABLISHED 1808 Capital, Surplus Mid I'udlvlileil rroflta $100,000.00 OREGON The Last Call of the West Did you see this beautiful article pic turing Oregon in four colors in the No vember SUNSET? $25,000 IS BEING SPENT BY SUN SET MAGAZINE on a series of articles superbly illustrated in four colors pic turing and describing the attractions and resources of the WONDERLAND OF THE PACIFIC We will Bond you the noxt three issues of SUNSET commencing with the spe cial December issuo in which begins the the best serial novel of the year "THE SPELL," by C. N. & A. M. Williamson and a supo-bly illustrated article in four colors on "SAN FRANCISCO THE EXPOSITION CITY;" and in addltiou we will include a copy of the November issue containing the beautifully illustra ted article on Oregon. ALL FOR 25 CENTS (Stamps or Coin) SUNSET MAGAZINE WELLS FAKCO BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON. 11 HORSESHOEING General Repairing West of Hood k Stanton's Barn THOS. H. MADDRON Madras, Oregon Warren PR0PRIETI Elite Tonsil NO LONG m BATH MADRAS, m Passtime Pool Ha Oulp & McCall, Proprietors SX G Q Cigars, Tobacco, Confectioifl I f A 1 I f I AlllC itpl omoKers Articles, incw- Kl Shamfoe; TOMMY McCORMACK, i SOFT DRINKS AND C0t