The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 17, 1910, Image 5

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    -Ml M H
t.:iu Mntivo Snake
Charmer m
... -wible to Him to Lure the
p ' lit- w iikAi. nnu mw
..iu. nto ni ;
... u.i n no w"u-
WW . Ulm a Job.
. j i ai nil it."
..a inn lww v
fflODg '" ,.u tmiMlMlir to
. niiiiu i-i riiii" a
OW'""" , reillllslVO tlUIII
none is .....
0"1'" " ...i,,Mnrn IIVO UllUII'liy
akc; willing body and
- iurnrim pi
OUS fit t uiifo
li 11)11111 I
dCDtw ' . . .,i .InaofM.
m '.' .. . tmtlitub Hcarclicd ov-
ana ct , .. ,
"1 e, whites "kite. K.
n bu""- . .i ... i..,. in.
rci. . . i. mi
una ...I . .r
,n,l IIVIT III UlOrilll IL-HUI
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in glCl'P W llOl" " "
10 RM-1'. .. ... I ll Xt
i. n WIIVH n-m
... i,i ,im unawares mm '- "-
i- ...i.iir ir. i iiuih
IlilllU " ..,... I
.i i .fjiiitiffi fiiriJiiii nn ii
..nlt.ii nil. n r ii wuhiu u iirit
i... nil u in 11 ill a miunu nuuuiu
jmmIv from tm eeuuiu.
- Iin I'll II IHK'lIll'U 111 11
... ,.r rnol. (llltllP phlCCH 1111(1 Of It'll
... .....1 i.i.ituif lmm
i.n iifitiironiu iiiiij nwiMwiini-f
.. t t. .. ..I... . !. ..IllIll fl
..,h fnr I 11' r 1IIIIIUIWWII. muni "
discomfort of IIh rightful hubltue.
U not unalloyed nun w iivu m u
ce Inftwted with serpents. With
,ini,i,. i.iicinlcri. oiio never
... . i.n ,.iiiiii(inn. nor to L'unnl
il.nli. urMKIIl'li mill HllUIH'II in-
k. It uinkeH one nlvrt to be in tlic
t ...1.1.. ..t.l. t in llfr.
. t .t . urn HIV
CUi - "
. . liMfll Utlllk'f-M Mill
was persuaded to huvo a uutlvu
mAim1 in Inni flutfii
rmer HiiiiiiiJUiiv.v v .... -
Tt ntpnnntlnit u'lr(l
ajt ii . v. - I -
-fnn mwl dtrritirrik tiotft K11T-
. it. - .H.l... Itrttint tTLl(ll fl n
1 1 . fitni nni in i m i i ii i' 1 1 1 i inni
skill nro considered phenomenal
the cast.
018 BpfLIUIU.I un ul.
deep, cavernous eyes nnu an n-
. . II - .1 ,f 1. Ih nf-lar irltf It
T-n ri n n i hum urn n i int. ii
nf nim hiiii muiu iL'iJuiuiut. uv
m H I'lllllll 1L11 11 11 11 117 ULUll.ui,Ui
nun v it i l ii in. i jiil iii i ii ua .uu
Kra. unn ciirriiii 11 ciuhhi iiunnui
his arm.
make his "enlnnui," vhlch is the
approached (bo aloo licdgo which
nr inaninn nn inn rrrnau nnu itntvnn
produce weird, plaintive bouikIb on
nutc, to wnicn music tno reptiles
i iv i ii Mf i i nnmnnirna n vrtii n m n i rn nnu
ffAI BATflA I TY t n nnnlrn nttnnnMA1
..HHV ' I'l'
lnf 0 1 ATirl T find Itfnn 1 Mt 1 1 Arr
hftlcA fnwnrd ihn nnnf tvlirtrA If
v lU'VIA Ul WUtiU
- ..wi.uu. 4uuwuu 11UU JUL UU
holding n basket ready to receivo
TAH 1 t nn. 1. t A m
nwi an1 - m a. .
. HM . SJ 44 niui ui.
. llin 1U4 1UU III 1
-!' . lIIUU 11
VH Ihn lnAA TT. .. .
....vw. iiu UDOUUIL'U UUU,
-r uunnui, uriJUllUU Willi
Sllflkf-q wKlinnf i i
...viivi.i VVUI UUUnlULT IU
r hlU llnnn. l ...
rrinrra nn.l n .
Hin Diim r
. v vuvu bliUUU IUUH U1H
r-i.uii iiiuiuaiiur mill
. ..VMbW IUU (funic pcrroruinnco.
- -v. .,, mv Hiuno way until I
in7 tv ua H"'i?a to uc UIll-
IUOIMIIIIIF fhnf 41. . .
" iiuy worn Rnnron nni
,.ui io iientn. it looked
11 o replaced iim
"in HUII1H.
Was finally forced to linVA lllm rn.
n.;..X."lu Puco n threatened
"""iiiut'Ill 111 onlnr in lnnr, l.lrr.
XNOtlllllf u-m.1,1 " .
t. r "wuiu uiiNiiiifin inn rn
. . . - "w .t; iuwh in nnrnr m v
A.i.. - .. .
. r'j muh 1 1 TiBfi.
ronn inH...
"Bbtw vni " ,0l, WU,d Wl my
n 2 'If ,Un"' you ,nU8t Proyo
HAtlafuctloil Hint vn I
.Mm.lU0 UIHll.p dlHnn..rn,rl..
""inuiTH, Htronrrtl.
t... o... ui L-iiui uui.r.
mi lnUoniltn.l in
,:-"-.uovonll,nn ability to l,or
.turiUUD. IInv , ... .
tr nuo. v " uu yuu wiau
rsi. " "iviiiir Riiinnu nf iiia
'"more 1 .7 Woro dlamondu
ffot a bit of t' nY"8BU0Uur"
deatb. ?i Sho Wni Jt tickled
Th Uib of tha Barograph on Aero
planeo and Balloons,
Wlint the vompasM Is to tho mariner
tho barograph Is to tho aviator. The
barograph Is an instrument for mens
tiring altitudes. Tho pressuro of tho
air us It IncreiiHOH or deurcaseH causes
a dcllcato iieedlo to trace n wavy line
upon a cylinder which revolves by
clockwork. This lino indicates nut
only the oxact height that is reached
by thu aviator, but also tho speed at
which ho In traveling.
The barograph Is kept in a weather
proof box witli a glass front, which Is
attached to a bur of tho aeroplane or
to a rope tho balloon. It is ofllclal
ly ficuled before tho aviator uinbw.'ks,
ho there Is no possibility of tamperlug
with it, nud tlio seal Is taken off in
tho presence of witnesses at tho end
of the lllght. In this way It is possi
ble to establish absolutely and graph
ically tho altitude which an aviator
attains In his aeroplane or balloon.
It is necessary for the aviator to
watch tho barograph constantly, as It
indicates a change In the elevation al
most to the foot. The sky pilot has to
keep his eye on the Indicator much as
the man at the wheel of the seagoing
fllilp watches his compass. Should the
neroplano or tho balloon rise or full
ten or twenty feet the aviator would
not bo conscious, of it unless he looked
nt tho wavering needle tracing It
permanent record on a chart before
lilm. This tells him immediately of
any changes in the nature of the air
currents and gives him timely warning.
of aerial dangers.
Thcso instruments arc so delicate
and so accurate, it is said, that a man
might hang ono of them about his
neck in its glass case or carry it in ills
band and climb a flight of stairs, the
height of his nscent being graphically
Indicated by the inked needle on the
machine. New York Press.
His Indecision In the Mattor of Em
ploying a Doctor.
Tho parsimony of the old New Eng
landcr of thu type now almost vanished
was uobly exeraplllled in Mr. Benny
Huntingdon, who lived with his maid
in sister in n little town in western
Massachusetts, Neihcr had ever spent
a penny unnecessarily und when in
his old age Mr. Denny became crippled
with "tho rhcumatlz" and had. as well,
strnngo fluttcrlugs of the heart, which
wcro unrelieved by tho best recom
mended "yarb teas," they wcro greatly
shocked at the suggestions and warn
ings of their friends and neighbors
that they ought to send for a doctor.
Mr. Uenny refused, declared his scorn
of tho entire medical profession and
continued to save his pennies.
But tho pain grew worse. Mr. Ben
ny was confined to his bed In great
agony and overheard somo of tho
neighbors tolling his sister that he was
going to die. Then he sent for an old
schoolmate, a mnn as "careful" as
"Josinh," he asked, In a low, confi
dential tone, "havo you ever had a
Josinh shook his head. "Dunno as
I have," ho answered.
Mr. Bonny reached out and lnld a
trembling hand upon his old friend's
arm. "Joslah," he asked again, "did
you ever hear bow much ono o' them
doctors charges for a visit?"
Joslah looked nt his suffering friend
with pitying sympathy. "Well." ho
snld, breaking it as gently ns he could
"well, I huve heard, Benny, that they
chorgo as much ns $2 a visit!"
"Two dollars!" Mr. Benny repeated.
"Two dollars!" Then ho sunk back on
his pillow and sighed in a voice of
strangely mlugled relief, regret ana
resignation. "Well, I dunno but I'd
rather spend $5 than dlo!" Youth's
The Licorice Plant.
Tho licorice plant resembles n rose
with a Blnglo green stem, reaches a
height of about three feet and bears a
small purple star shaped flower. The
flrst year's root growth resembles a
loosely twisted string of tow and may
run to twenty feet in length. Tho sec
ond year it assumes a woody sub
stance when dry. nnd tho third year It
acquires its commercial value. The
tltno for digging tho root is the win
ter, when it Is dried and crushed un
der heavy stones drawn round on it
by mules, much as olives aro crushed
to extract their oil.
Queer Kaffir Custom.
Kafflr women will not pronounce
their husband's names or even use
words which contain tho emphatic Byl
lublo of those names. Ono old woman,
being taught to say tho Lord's prayer,
changed the word from "come" In
"Thy kingdom como" to something
that nindo nonsenso, nnd it proved
that tho proper "como" word was the
main syllnblo of her husband's name.
Proving His Contention.
"Jones 1b an optimist, oven In the
most discouraging clrcumstuncea, Isn't
"Why, uo. Ills mother-ln-lnw is
slightly indisposed, and ho thinks
tuoro'H no hope for her recovery."
"Well, what did I toll you ?"-Clove-land
Chess In Anolent Ceylon.
In anclont Oovlon tho game of chess
was plnycd with local variations pe
culiar enough to note. Tho king may
not castle, but ho Is permitted to jump
llko a knlcht till chocked. Tho pawns
nro exchangeable on tho Inst row for
tho pieces on whoso row thoy stunu.
Though tho world may owe every
mnn n living, only tho persistent coi
lector gets It.
U. S. Keprcenutlve
Craword, ri-
Laflcrty, K
Manning, I
Pratt, V....
Sicrelary of &tate
lleiiaoii, H
Davii, I'.
McDonald, S
Oliver, V.,
State Treaiiurer
llutler, P...
Kay, K..
(men, 8...
Jut. tup. Couti (4 yr,)
lira n, K
Urlght. P..
McUrlde, Non-Pol .
Myers, S....
Kyati, tt
Slater. Non-Pol
Jmt. Sup. Court (6 yrs. 1
llurnett, K.
Jones, ii...
King, Non-Pol..
Moore, Non-Pol
Kamp, S..
Attorney General
mix. A
Ctuwlurd, K...
bupl Public lunruction
Aiaerman, k
Hinsdale, S...
Horner. li
sted, P
State Printer
Bylander, b-
Duuiway, R.
Godfrey, D
Com. of Labor Statistic
Curry. S...,
Hoff, K..
Houston, D.
Railroad Commissioner
McUaln, D
Miller, R
State Kugineer
Koob, S-
Lewis, R -
Wat. r Superintendent
Cor hran. R.
aaxlou, D..
circuit ludge
Dradshaw, P..
Start. R...
nelknap.R .
llisbop, D..
Thompson, D
Katon, V
Richards, S..
West, U..
Hal four. P..
liikins, K..
Nichols, S-
Drown, P -
Levcrenz, S
Jordan, R-
Wtlhoit. S
Allen, 8
liaytey, R..
Homey. 8..
Rice, R..
Hyde. R...
Weaver, S..
Count Prohibition
Home Rule
, For
Prohlb. Const. Atnend.-
State Promuluoii
Deschutes Couuty
Against i.
iiin loi New counties
a i
a "J.
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