Deschutes County Not Needed j (Continued from Pago 1) tunitcs-Theresa so mudi' to attract now settlers toMhis region, without In the least overdrawing tho picture, that disappointment is rare among the new comers; This Fall colonist movement ia the hoa"icst ever known, but it will be eclipsed by the rush that will come in tho Spring. Next year there will be opened up for settlement the Great Central Oregon region, a territory which will support a greater population than can find homes in the Willamette Valley. Now rail lines will also have opened up the great Undeveloped country lying between the Columbia RiVer and the oeean. It will be many years before Oregon will be unable to offer the strongest kind of in ducements to new settlers, and as tbe real merits of the country are better understood this colonist rash will not be limited to Spring and Fall period?, but will be in evidence throughout the year. "OREGON Theast Call Of The West," by Walter V. Woekle. Beautifully Illus trated in Four Colors in November Sunset Magazine. Now on sale n Ail News stands. o27-m!7 and very certainly it is not de sired by the remainder of Crook county. If it were left to a vote of the people of the proposed new county the project would be defeated 3 to 1, perhaps 5 to 1. Of the 10,163 names on the initiative petition for Deschutes county, only 217 were obtaihetl in Crook county, The people of Prineville, the county seat of Crook county; of Bend, the second town in the county, and Madras, the third town, are on record in opposition to this county division scheme. Kedmond, the proposed new county seat, has been incorporat ed since this new county scheme was launched. It is a growing town, but the rest of the county does not feel like contributing so heavily to its real estate boom. Madras is included within the limits of the proposed new county. Laidlaw and Sisters are . other towns included. All are llatly against this movement. A great many of the farmers are also opposed to it. This 4is no time to divide Crook fe county. The appro aching rail roads have produced a some what feverish activity in this country. Development is sure! to be rapid and candor compels the statement that lines are not yet firmly established and will , not be until transportation become an accomplished fact and industry and commerce are shaped to it That Redmond is upon two projected railways, both of which are under rush construction, is true, and it is also true of Madras, tfend, La Pine, Crescent and 'even of fake towns of Hillman and Opal City, miles of right of way not yet . platted. Even in Crook county we do not ree-ard evervthincr as ? I. , ,.f . . Mayor..,., Howard W. Turner ,oi meiropuutan or county seat Recorder.. j. H.Jackssn dimensions simolv because it is ) 2.- upon the railroad right of way. couneiimen The railroads have to build some where on the earth. The boundaries of the proposed new county are arbitrarily run .and utterly without regard to the j convenience of the people. All the southwestern part of Crook county would have to go through Deschutes county to get to their own county seat. The most log ical of boundary lines natural features are totally ignored. The lines go up to the same township in which Bend is sit uated and almost as near as to Prineville. And. after all, for what? For a real estate boom that is ortly partially indorsed in its own home. J. M. LAWRENCE. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED STATE 8 President William H. Tatt Vice. Presides r James S, Sherman Secretary otSiate Philander C. Knox Secretary of Treasury ...Franklin MarVeagh Secretary of Interior ...P.. A. Balllnger Secretary of War ,....J. M. Dickinson Secretary of Navy Geo von L Meyer Secretary of Commerce Charles Nagel Postmaster General Frank II. Hitchcock Attorney General fieo. XV. Wlukcrshara Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson STATE Governor F. W'.'flenson Secrataryof State Treasurer G A Steel Attorney General A M Crawford Supt. Public Instruction J II Ackerman State Printer W S Dunnlway Dairy and Food Dommissloner J W Bailey n c i J BourneJr U S Senators J Geo- K- chamberlain Congressmen .' w 9, Hawloy f Will R King Shall Supreme Judges J T A McBride n caicin I W T Slater John II Ebwls State Engineer SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRIOT Judge ! W L Bradshaw Prosecuting Attorney Fred W. Wilson CROOK COUNTY j Judge H. C. Ellis Clerk Warren Brown Sheriff Frank Elklns the I Treasurer W P King Assessor J D LaFollette School Supersntendont It. A. Ford tO SaV nOthinff Ot the 72 Surveyor t. K. A. Rice ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR SALE Good clean seed ry8. Inquire at tbe Madras State Bank. 21 FOR SALEN-Good olean seed rye and seed oats at my ranoh four and one half miles south of Hayoreek. At market price. W. R JJuohlen'v 4 I LOST Betweou the Barney Cum mines place and W. F. Hammer place, a grey and green atrlped coat ; coutatniug book and valuable pa pers. Leberal reward If returned Intact to owner. J. A. Dobklns. 2 I FOR SALE Cornish Organ, 6 octave, chapel style; Corinthian action. In quire of E. T. Mijner, Mndras Flour mill. CITY LAUNDRY Good wrk guar enteed. Reasonable prices. One door Bouth of Owl Reataurnut. 2t FOR SALE At my ranoh, about six utiles south-wpBt of Madras, about 80 bushels of clean White Eaton, winter wheat, and about 000 Uushela cf Red Cross, winter wheat. Christ Haguauer.. o(M2 WANTED-About four dozen hens, at tho Key's Rooming House, Madras, Oregon. FOR SALE One thorough bred Jer sey Bull, two years old. Inquire of Christ Hagnauer. oG-t2, FARM LOANiM Mairas .State Bant PASTURE-Stock taken to pasture by month or all Winter. Inquire of J. P. Read, Culver, or Perry Read, Madras. . s8tf MOST COMPLETE LINE SAMPLES in the city at the Tailor Shop next to pool hall. a'25 BRING in the old suits or skirts. We will make jhem look like new. Tailor Snop. 25 MARES FOR SALE Span ba Dr. W. marea for 'sales. Madras. H. work nook, si ORDER that suit or overcoat at the Tailor's. We will keep It precped free. Next to pool hall. n2fi TO LOAN Money to loan on Improved real estate security. Inquire of J. G Fiaeli. o!3.2t Coroner J. A. IfcCall ts Rice Bayley Commissioner., I CITY OF MADRAS T. A. Lone ) W. R. Cook Warren Smith coot Tucker Marshal Frank M. Lovelaad ) warrc i W. II. ) T.B.I PIANOS I have three new first-class piano, just received ftom the factory upon which l can make right price in mommy payments to suit pur chaser. Ctll aud see them. A. C, faamord, Alaura, Or. n!8 iu iKAuii-i nave a lot in a good location in trie city or Madras, that would trade for either unbroke hor ses or cattle. Inquire of Mrs. M. Bradford, near new Culver. MONET TO LOAN ON FAEM8. Madras State Bank. . See FOR SALE One good Jersey Cow and calf; or will sell the cow separately. Inquire at this office. Mrs. B. M. Owen. A . E. CROSBY EVERYTHING IN DRUGS & KODAKS THE DALLES, OREGON Colonist Traffic Is Record Breaking Exclusive Agent For EASTMAN Transcontinal railroads are handling a record-breaking rush of colonists, both the Hill and the Harriman lines being taxed to the capacity of their equipment to handle the crowds. This movement is unusul at a time when the East and Middle West are complaining of dull times. It would seem to con firm the general belief that Oregon, even in perio3s of temporary dullness, is bo much better off than other parts of the country that it is a most at tractive place to live. The present record movement is the result of many years of careful exploitation on the part of the railroads and the commercial or ganizations of the state. This adver tising by newspapers, maps, pumphlcts anu dooks nas ueen Buppiciiicuicu uy mi even more powerful advertising force the testimony of the man who Jias given the state trial, says the Ore gonian, There are thousands of these men and women scattered throughout the state. Their experience has proved so satisfactory that they have been the means of brimrincr many others who might not have come had they been de-, pendent on other sources for their knowledge of the Btnto and its oppor 1 HI KODAK COMPANY Rochester, N, Y. A full line of Pho to supplies always on hand. Printing and developing done. Mailorders will receive our prompt attention. Write for our new 1910 CATALOG Try a bottle of Mur flne's Cdlnol Devel oper. Will develop any PJnte or Paper A. E. CROSBY EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS A. C. SANF0RD, AGENT All Records, both two and four minute, kept always on hand All the newand latest records received each month MADRAS, Crook County, Oregon .7 EDISON LAY THE FOUNDATION FQ a Fortune wi ri u r i l im ill rv f-i i 1 i zn i i 1 ij l. 11 i 11 111; . . M w mm mmm m . v V 1 I 1 11 may save a tew nunarea aouars in a life, time, but fortunes are the result of wise investments. OFFERS OF INVESTMENTS Madras Is One of the Best on the Pacific Coast Today It is not a paper made town, nor one of those "Dollar down and dollar a u - n vai i eniiri rrAntimf nnrvmtinuv in maicn mnnw nn n uiuuusuiuua. i a iwui, out.., ri j "j ?WAiu small expenditure. MADRAS is already a town of importance. The railroads recognize k and we lookine to Madras as one of their heaviest shipping points. They advette MmL Madras a Big City. WATPH MAHRAS f.ROW. On v 5 weeks unti the turn rnilrnti - Madras, then things will happen and happen quick. Prices will go high, M4pr 1 U rrrAA MADRAS WILL BOOM. Purchase a lot in Madras and tCM A a wise investment. More money can be made in Madras in the next six month tU -I I . .... A T ,lw0m t lntinn I I Arnaili nnt KniIirfiH HHiiah -ILi T $ the heart ot the business center where values are oounci to increase rapidly. Kfeep touch with what the mayor and City Council arc doing for City Improvements. M. E. THOMPSON COMPANY Exclusive Selling Agents for the Original Townsite and Railroad Addition to Madras, Oregon. oivdc o. ucvniirai- .m nn rv in nil a Local Afltfltl HENRY BLDG. COR. 4TH & OAK STS PORTLAND, ORE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w. H. SNOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Offlco in Drug Store. II A DRAB OREOOR Qua van tassel NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE MADRAS, OREGON J4 H. HANER ' ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTARY PDBUO Fire Iniuraore, Life Imursnte, Buret Oonda PRINHVILLE, OREOON 0, C. C0LLVEB NOTARY PUBLIC Justice of tho Pewo COLVER PRECINCT CULVER OREQOff John T. Ross I). L. Wylde U. P. Wylde CROOK COUNTY ABSTAfT CO, INCOHrORATED Complete tract Index t all land atd a I t I . . . wwn ioib in vjtovk county. Auplractr made accurately on short notice. PRINEVILLE, . OREGON Howard w. turner U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE HAJIKAo OREU( K 0, W. RARNETT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON Collections n Specialty. Madras, Oregon- Do Not Pelmy Your Fall Planting MM AUTUMN CATALM tutf laStMAtf W Pi u ft STRAWBERRY Wto PLANTS Oh Mimatl imporUUoei bar ar nrw inm rKAJICK. KOXXAHW, Jk.VA.TS and th AZORXS wd A mUo itock tax sow ready. Karly oriara aacar aalaet raaarraUooa. ASK PON CATALOa NO. l (DRTLAND SEED GO. FOBTLANV. 9MKCON Notice for Publioution nvpartinent nftijo interior. U. fi.- Una ronVv1.."10. '.Ile. OfW". oitcmUr so. 1910. otlco Is liLTftiy Hlvun that tm .. I-OTTIE (J, MONUOK offtlianlko, Ort-Kon, who nu Juno J9, 1037, anwndcil April 11. IW6, mailo Desurt Lantl Rnuf ho. iAi, Hrlal No. 02m, foroj.iiio4 and noKc'4. Hecj.1. tptf, r 14 0, w m, ha fllud noUco itllnttnllou lo make Final I'roof, to establish claim to the land axvo desorlbod. before Howard JV. Turner, V. H. CommUft)iie at his oilloo at Madras, Oregon, on the Htl U hi Aovember. 1910, Claimant names as witnesses: V T Monroe 11 A Marks and 11 I, I'rldar. all of HIiHtilko Oregon, aud Joe Htuart. of Young, Oregon. C. (v, MOOKK, ReglHlcr. I HORSESHOEING General Repairing Weat of Hood & 8tanton' Barn TH05. H. MAODRON Madras, Oregon Notice For Publication. Department of tho .Interior, II. fl. I.anf l'JIU, Notice Ik hereby given that JCI'KIK 1. RICK formerly EOlo 1. Kads, of Lamonta, Oregon ."li-WViS'".'.1 ,nB,Je bomestea. entry No. i.'.7JC, HerlM No, J1211. for swKneh, HnwJ.l and nwlsw5v see it. Ipha, r 1 1 e. m, hastied notleeof fntentldii to mako Una coinmutatlon proof, to establish (dalrn to tin laud above described, before Howard W Turner, I. H. CommlMloner, at his olllee n jafd "' a'",n" tUtut ' fovemboi iJUJmnnt names as wllnessesi John MoKI Carl MeObeo and Mrs. Ida V Franks, nil o Umonta, Oregon, , u JW-W ( ' . XV, MOORK, Reg Is tor. Noiice For Publicatioiu Popartinent of the Interior, U. H - t. n"! '.,ttlle". Oregon. Henleu 191 . Notice la hereby given that III.(AB! j'uhi;k T.anr pleinber 2C bfM 'lris, Oregon, who on July a. 19M, mad. Hum tstead entry No. l:ii Horlal No. u;io7o, fo sUne; . e!noHi eetlon :, tp 1 riae, m,,,l lP nollro of Intention t make II tl llve.year proof, to establish elaln to tho I, tud abovp described, beloro Howan JV. Turn. V". I'.H Commissioner, at hlsoiilro a Mailras, ( lrt'gon, on the 8th day of Novcinboi Ulalmaii 'I flames as wlluessesi Frml lfnnilin Christ Ha. t"5,,r Jbcou Wuohjlng and fiml Zemke.all vJladras, Oregon. llff A wyrru law B ia i m mmm wis w PROPfllETOR Elite Tonsorial NO LONQ WAITS RATH LUMICrl FOR . . . .u....tiif.M M , . IT lumber, both pine ana nr. l.on,l tit.lnmi noons?. niHtlc. Woodaml8lbtai t itv. Our Dnccs are m . U1U41I 01111 on wwii w.fcv, of Grizzly. HTI-.. IS III ILH . t it,. ucpariineni ."" WVSk. if Offlce at Tue v.r. . . n nn iruu" nxf Useli. see ll, tp '";: u t ..Main fir lniriiMv- " .......ii. .ruif in 1 1 ism" v. land above dc.ermo, Turner, I?. H. tv.mmlwlon t, ft Madras, ureiton, on 191". . Hi l! a mailt nainc 'iiimi. ai dChc-ster UHtmP.. , s'J2-o20 . . ta n.ih ra JNouce roi . neparlmcntoflbelel"'"-, ti diIph. Oregon, Mj"-1"' U hereby Klvcnv,, of Madras, Oregon, llni..,li.all Klliry !T.,ut for e)5iieJieeau and w.'i""''' " 4. r He, win, ntentloa tpe ifXL -'".inVAritoi. iW.VSi irovon. on in" '.unMin. ""5 f I nuit nn the tiaimani PrclirishVr.-Naneyffhll-; I)e,.artmentoCiI'7vil The balles. OrcKOi'. Otw hereby given tVfl xr.,w...OreuoD.tfl'0.?.vilik. " .7" ... .1 lllnnll. Vt CU r. W I iiu u:-V-"iiiM Hit ti "V. n MM men "uVi ubiiiU cll7fd nrion on the J u"' v.. 13nl0 r-u3 u. w. nuuuis, Jicglitor.