CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Doings of the World at "targe Told in Brief. General Rosumo of Important Events Presented in Condensed Form, fo'rfoVlBisy Refers! I Jfw th L'U. PlnceryHlo Cal., Inijn vrhjlo plowjng lis' orchard, lias gathered gold nug- In theofiglt ojfhjgherfreight ratos; o rauroaus dirt lurn onrsnippcrs, A ldernlSgrandMury williinvcsticat violations of tbo corrupt practices act Threo prisoners in an Iowa jail beat tlio shcriir into insensibility and cs caped. A in bis gets rancinrr in value from $1 to $119 A Danish btmnt; is2 raid t6 bo Vorlting witn pick and snovol in Tacoma. Ho is heir to the throno and vast fortunes Isaac W. Hnllam. nrred SI veara. is dead rttJtlinjnfctonj pel.-'Ho haf .been a Western TTnion' operafor continuously lor over years. The chicaco school board has decided to admit adult foreigners to the public tciiuuis, proviueu iney iare oi goou moral character and vouched for. bv someone known 'to 'some 'member of the board Two collisions between motorcycles ana carriages occurred in San .Bornar dino, Cal., within a few minutes of each other. One. man is dead, four ba.dly injured, both machines and both buggies wreckedj and three horses will bavo to be shot, A logging locomotive at Dunsmuir, Cal., got beyond, control and dashed down a four-mile grade, the terrific speed heating sovcrnl boxes so that thoy finally stopped the engine just in time to prevent it from plunging through tne sawmill buildings A gale is sweeping the Texas gulf i tj j. : ' 1 i . . L cuuab unu a guvernmeiib muucu la una sing. Sir Wilfred Laurier,. of Canada, will aid in the improvement of the. Upper Columbia river. The emperor and empress of Russia have arrived safely in Fnedberg, Ger many, on a visit. Senator Dolliver; of Iowa, insists that Roosevelt will .be the insurgent candidate for president in 1912 Three, cars were wrecked by , dyna mite and four persons injured in the streetcar strike at Columbus, 0 The cholera scare in IBerlin has greatly 'subsided, and physicians de clare that it is not cholera at all. C. F, .LibbVi president ,of the Maine Bar association, denounces the election of senators by direct vote, and also op poses the income tax. A lone highwayman held up the stage between Ash, Wash., and Shep herd Springs, and secured about $180 from the three passengers and the driver. The failure of the Fidelity National bank of Cincinnati, 23 years ago, is about to be investigated by Chicago men, who claim the failure was caused by a run purposely started by a rival house. Maior Henry Reed Rathbone, who -was an aide to President, Lincoln and received' a stab wound in.trying to save the life of his chief on the night of the assassination, is near death's door in a ward of the asylum at Hildersheim, Germany, of which he has long been an inmate. What is believed to be Asiatic chol era has broken out in Berlin. A new comet has been sighted by astronomers from Algiers observatory. A bi-plane carrying five paBsongers and the driver made a successful flight in France. Cotton sold for 20c on the New York stock market, the highest price since the civjl war, ... Kaiser William explains his relation to God as being the same. as any other good Christian. Rioting continues in the street car strike at Columbus, Ohio, and 39 ar rests have beep made. Colonel Roosevelt severely" criticiz ed the U, S. Supreme court in a speech before the Colorado legislature. The British government has sur veyed a railroad line into the great Bauchi tin mineB of Northern Nigeria. The daughter of a prominent New York lawyer will marry an American ized Japanese and the couple will then go to Tokio to reside. A project to widen . Washington street, Portland, is meeting with ap proval of the property owners affected, although the move will cost many hun dred thousands of dollars. Mrs. Adriance, who admitted smug gling a pearl necklace and gold purso, is now hejd on charges of smuggling $115,000 worth of othpr jewelB which were found in her possession, and her fine home has been pledged to furnish bail. The stork again hovers near the roy al houso of Russia. t rintnnni TJnnoouplt Anfnvfed 'a 30-mile ride across theWyomjng, plains onaJ cow pony. The kaiser's outburst on his "divine' right to rule" is attributed to irrita tion at the Socilists. The city of Bog6ta,Colombia, has bought the streot car lines from the American owners to avoid complica tions resulting from recent riots. SMUGGLERS INDICTED. Of Offlcors Say Thoy Will Break Up tho Practice If Possible. SrNojK Vfr.k-T5 loncTitsno against .Mrs. Ii lioynolrts Aflriaiicd' of. Ptfughvke$pte, "NF Y.?wS n d thtft against Mrs. Maymo McKonim of Chi cago, who wcro arrested by customs authorities upon their return from Eu ropo on charges of sniiiggllhg-wci returned by tho Federal grand jury. Suspicion was arousod in the caso of Mrs. Adriance by tho finding in tho tcrown.qf.her expensive. Jnrisvan hat n Wbilclaco valued at $0000, Sho had in hor possession other valuable jawolry the gems- being' roughly CsJllma't'od as worth in' excess ;of $100,000. The au thorities also soized a $3000 nccklncd from -Miss Marion, tho. daughtor. Mrs. Adrinuce, who accompanied her. These nrrcsts woro made on Sunday .and thcro has been much activity in tno case since that time. Relatives o Mrs. Adrianco summoned jewolors from roughkeepsie, this city and qthqr points and she proved, today, that .ol thtso jewels excepting tho necklace had been purchasod in this country. Sho ox p.rauicd the presence of the necklace in her hat with tho statement that sbbfditl it io ion possible robbers on ship-board and aftcrihe hhdUlisembarkcdV. , . She does not admit or deny that this necklace was purchased abroad and tho 'authorities are holding her under bond of $7500, pending it thorough investiga tion. ' ' . The customs ofBcinls assort, they will break up smuggling practices, regard less of who is hit. Customs authorities are addinrr manv investigator to the -force, in view of the unprecedented rush homeward of 4 5 A ' 1 ' 1 j -. jimcncau lounsis, wnp iear tne spread of cholera in Europe. It is dxnedted that, a largo number of these tourists will endeavor to smucelo in iowelrv ana otner 'dutiable' goods and tho ofli cials are. preparing for tho rnsh. . AVIATOK BEATS TRAIN. Curtiss .Makes- New Record in Flying Over. Water. Cleveland,. O. Racing with a fast Lake Shore mail train, Glenn H. Cur tiss, the aviator, drove his biplane over the water from Cedar Point to Euclid Beach, an air lino distance of 60 miles, completing a 120-mile run ho began yesterday and establishing an unques tioned world's record for ovqrrtho-water flights. He beat tho train into Clove land by 17 minutes. Encountering' contrary air currents, uurtiss was unhble to maintain high speed, taking 1 hour and 42 minutes for the llight. Tne actual distance tra versed, estimated at tho United States hydrograpbJC oflice, was Gl! miles. The first ten miles were covered in 13 minutes, but after that the breeze grew gusty, necessitating many , dips and ma neuvers. The 100,000 people lining the lake-front and perched on the top of every available bujlding in Cleveland had opportunity to judge the difficulty of air navigation under unfavorable conditions. Later the aviator was entertained at a banquet given by the Cleveland Aero Club. PHONES TO BE REGULATED. New York Commission Also Assumes Charge of Telegraphs. New York The public service com mission of the .Second district lias as sumed jurisdiction of telephone and telecraph companies operating in New York State and opened its Now York City ofhee in the Metropolitan' tower. Under the new" law. all 'telephone companies,, corpora tipns, , associations, partnerships or persons bwmng or oper ating any telephone lines in tho state for profit, whose property is bi excoss of value of Sltf.OOO, will come under tne jurisdiction of the commission. The new law is very similar tp that which has been in force during tho last three years, covering other public service corporations. , . . , , , Telephone and telegraph companies are required to afToTd adequate Service at jusfc and reasonable rates, and dis crimination in iavor or any particular person or corporation and in giving any unreasonable preference, of any kind, is prohibited. - , Plumas County Goes Dry. Quincy, Cal.,, Sept, 3. Every saloon in Plumas closed, its dpors at 12, o'clock last night 'and went ' out of business. Each, of the six saloons in Quincy this morning had a great sign across its front with tho sinclo word "closed." Tho local option law,- that was voted for somo time ago, wont into ouecc at midnight, and while tho saloon men have made up their minds to ooey Hi thev evidently intend to make cqndb tions just as disagreeable as they can, hoping to hnve a moro favorable voto at another electipn on, the liqupr ques tion in November. Enraged Indian Kills. Six. Ely, New-AVord has . reached here that an Indian named Gully, -chief of tho Shoshone tribo,onraged because his mother-imlaw refused to marry ihim, killed six members of his- Who and wounded a peace ofllcor and six Indian children, somo pt tnom ratany, nt ww, low Patch, near usceoia,, vyiwo rpv County, and was then shot to death by nnnflinr Trwlinn. named .Too. as ho lav bohind a pilo of rocks -waiting for moro victims V f ' Largo Sea,' Otjef Kill? Tlbquian, Wrfsn.--A ''lngV I ' Hoa 'otter of exceptionally finn quality was killed off Point Granville bv William Garfield. h well'known , member of iq Rqinalt tribe of Indians. This makes Uarliohl tho champion ottflr-huntcr of his. tribe, 01 of these valuable animnls succumbing fo his ready shot. This is tho first ono vnini In this Boicbborhood in two years. The fur is wortjj $300, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME BAK3oNEARfcE6wg 1 STATi WILDEST ON EARTH. ' & Pondleton Show to Eclipse Anything Ever Attempted In Wost. , Pendleton Deputy ,District Attor rio'y Frederick Stofwor',' of Umiitlll county, formerly a well known athlete at the University .of Orearon. who is chairman of tho 'committco,. oh !com potitivo events f) 'iTlto Round-Up.; which ia to bo eiven in this city Sep teniberr29,- 30-and .Octobor 1 has drawn! up. q proyis.i6nal !dra'ft?qf tho ovontsfojr.thpiUig: frontier- ibow", and from that it is evident that tho cxhib tion hero will bo the wildest western show over pulled off in the Northwest. Tho list includes bucking contests steer roninc- contests, relav races men's rfrfd wb'm'eri8, and pony dxpr6ta races lasting over three days, wild horso races, ;wild : mule ,rnces,' wild steer races, tug-o -war on horseback, slow mulo races, Indian pony races fancy and trick shooting, hat races horseback, pistol contest Jtaijcy roping ana buiiaogging ot stcorS:- utner. events will be added from time to time as the committee completes arrange ments, and for all of them purses will be huntr up for the winners, who 'will receive in addition the title of all Northwest champion. Besides- the competitive events there will be In dian war dances, military spectacles, parades fend cowboy band concerts. FARMERS PLANT FRUIT. Apples and Poors on Commercial Scale Popular Near Weston. Weston Farmers in the mountain country adjacent to Weston are pre paring to plant commercial orchards and 30 or more, have contracted for trees. Visiting experts have pro nounced the mountain soil to be wel adapted for winter apples and pears without irrigation, and each of tho farmers interested will plant from one to ten acres of these fruits this fal, Small orchards have been tried here tofore, but received no attention and frequently contained a score of differ ent varieties. One or two standard commercial varieties will now bo planted by each farmer, and the young trees will receive thorough care and cultivation. Since interest in fruit culture has been aroused in the past few weeks many fine specimens of mountain pears and apples, raised on a few thrifty trees, have been brought to town for display. J. R. Beaton exhibits two apples weighing three pounds. DELEGATES ARE NAMED. Representatives to Farmers' Conven tion Get .Credentials. Salem Delegates to the Farmers National congress to be held at Lin coin, Neb., commencing October 6, and to the American Mining congress, to be held at Los Angeles, Cal., from Sep tember 26 to October 1, were named by Acting Governor Jay Bowerman The delegates to the Farmers' congress are as follows: Austin T. Buxton, brest Grove; B. C. Loedy, Corvallis; Fred Crane, Cleone: C. D. Huffman, La Grande; A. T. Shoemake, Salem; A. A. Bonney, Tygh Valley; A. I. Maison, Hood River; J. Edwin John son, Vale; B. F. Laughlin, Yamhill; C. L. Shaw, Albany; T. E. Griffith, Klamath Falls; C. L. Griffith, McCoy; W, D. Barnes, Laidlaw; C, N. Wheeler, Pleasant Hill; W. P. Kirch am, Oregon City. Delegates to the Mining congress are: W. T. Wright, Roseburg; J. S. Day, QIa)l. Rush Work on Cut-off. Klamath Falls Construction is be ng pushed on the Kiamatn rails Natron line, but no construction is bo ng donp by the Oregon Trunk in Kla math county. Surveyors are at work in the Wood river valley and vicinity. No locations for the line from the head of the Upper Klamath lake to Klamath Falls have been made. It ,is believed that the road will be built so that the vast timber holdings of the Weyer- haiiser company can be tapped. These holdings are on both sides of the Upper Klamath lake; The branch line to Medford will be the first to bo built, as most of the contracts for this have alroady been let, and supplies are b6 ing drawn to some extent from this valley. Plan Townsites on Railroads. Klamath Falls Several new towns are being promoted on the survoy of the Oregon Trunk. Crescent was the first of these. It is situated in the ex treme north ond of tho county at the point where the Oregon Eastern ia upposed to cross tho Klamath Falls- Natron line and where the Oregon Trunk survey runs. It is being adver tised as tho railroad center for both tho Southern Pacific and the Hill in terests. Further south is Wakefield. Investigate Log Stealing. Astoria Prosecuting Attorney, John O'Phelan, of Pacific county, WaBh" ngton, is investigating a wholesale system of log thievery in which sev eral) prominent business men of North Beach arc said to be connected. Dur ing tho past sevdral months., Mr. O'Phelan states, logs to tho amount of more than $5,000 havp been missing. I'FIRE BREAKS oNEARS WOOD Blazo in Vicinity of Prospoct Is Not Yot Undor Control. r-.l-..l All firout firi'M 111 SnlltllT 'ern 'Oregon arc unflot cantfol except tlio blar.o west ol rrospeci, unu uuiv which has broken out at Demi wood, in tho Dead Indian country. Clover Creek and tho Threo inilo Crook fires are out and 100 inen'whd liaVo boon fighting them wcro discharged. Assistant Dis trict Forostor Buck - has a lnrgo forco of rangers patroling all .tho fqrpstfl. Ju Southern Oregon, on the lookout fpr now fires and for tho breaking out of old ones now under control. The Prospect fire continues serious, on tho oast side along lnnnho Creek. Assistant District Forester J. B. Knnnp sent 2(1 soldiers from the Butte T'ls district today to holp tlio fighters along this creek. ' , . , . , As many men as , can bo found, aro being hurried from Ashland to the Dendwood fire. It is burning through valuable timber but.npjSdtJlOtriOjits 1150 in danger. Somo M "tho Yqnnhiiies of soldiers bq. fctjlorju Jw'v; the fire districts for Vancouver district. ;. fiscal Agent Cousins said Hint fire in Southern Oregon' lind 'already cost the Forestry department $10,000 in extra expenses. STATE PAD LOOMS BIG. ' Good Yield of Clover Seed. Albany J. AJones, who had 81 nvAfi nf pa1 Mavav fwm urMli tin trwiL seed harvested 262t bushels, or a trifle more than eight bushels per Acre, Many Improvements Mado in Buildings and Q rounds. Salem With a general atmosphere of newness hovering over tho entiro ground, the Oregon Stnte Pair will open m this city September 112 for a five days' run, which .promises. to bo the most successful in its history Land scape elTects, buildings, amusement fea tures and cenornl improvements all go toward increasing tho added wonders of me iair. A genera) rpsumo of the fcaturos at tho fair indicate only a portion of wTmt may bo gceo, .according to tho miinngo;no,nt. Tho dairy department will hnvo a number of new features, in cluding n niodol 'dairy barn, which Superintendent Paul V. Maris considers the leading addition in his section. An other new bam has been erected for the stock exhibit and is constructed on different plans than those which have been iu use. Kaoh stall in tho now bnrn has .a conc.roto lloor and is pro vided vith running water, Fruit Display To Bo Elaborato. When tho exhibit of processed fruits and products is completed for tho Port land chamber of commerce, Oregon will havo the finest display of this kind in existence is the way members of tho exhibit coninjjtUe express ,themsclvc, Professor II. B, Wright, with four as sistants, is rapidly assembling tho var ious specimens and hopes to havo his work completed by tho latter part of October. Evory county in Orctron is to mvo a; display or its products., i Five Ranch Houses Burn Astoria Persons wETtf arrive"d from tho Nohnlem Valley, via the Necanicum trail, report that during tho past fow days the homes of five ranchers residing in tho valley of the north fork of tho Nehnlcm River, between Klsio and .Ah- lors, have been destroyed by fires, which' caught. in the clearings and "swept 6ver nilitn n Inrrrn frn.f "Z V .V Portland Markets. Wheat Blucstem. 05c: club. 87et red iiussmn, ouc: vnjicv. uuc: 40-fold. SHc; Turkey red, 80(? 92c. Barley Feed and brewing, $21.506D 22.C0 per ton. Hay Track prices: Timothv. Willnm- otto Valley, $1819 per ton; Eastorn urugon, ?:uro.i; airaiia, new, $13 M; grain hoy, $13(14. ' .h. Uorn-j-Whole, $32; cracked, $33 . MillBiufTH Bran. $20 nor ton: mi.n dlings,;$30; shorts, $2122; rolled bar-loy,;$2o(?i)20. Eggs Orctron candled. 20tfiM0n nnr doz. '' Butter Citv Creamorv. solid nniw ar. ".-. im i iMnijiu; prims, M'C nor iniiiiiii :..iuiLiL'r int. .me nor riniiiK nnn. try stf(ro butter, 21c por pound. j'ouitry liens, limine; Spring, 17 miVx ducks, whijo,, lGU.c17ai geoso, ; 22 Mr ("25c; turkbvs,. lvo 20c: dressod,, 22 14 tf? 25c; squabs, $3 por doz. i urn. rjiiicy, 4.)C por pound. Veal Good, up to M0 pounds, lie por pound. urcon Iruits Apples, new. 50ci77 $1,25. pQr box; apricots, 75e(fT$1.00 por iua: iiiuiiih, (.JCWTl por box; tinnra 5(rm.50 per box: pcacWs. -hoia. 40 r)75c;ugH, $1.10(fll 25;;gr;ipes,,f$l(Jt) 1.50 pen box; watermel6ns,j$ll423 per hundred: cnntaloupcs. $2.50f??3 nor crate. Vegotnbleg Beans. .irfTfie nound: cnb. hagO, 2j(fiMc; cauliflower, $1.50 por doz.; ccorv. pnC; corn, 12(7D15c; cucum bers, 25tft40c por box; eggplant, Co pnr pound, garlic. 8(7?10c nor pound" ornnn onions, 15c per dozen; poppers, 50c por box; radishes, 5frD20c per dozen: quash,. 10c por crato: tomatoos. 30fflrtnn per box carrots. $1(77)1,25 sack! hnntH. $1.50; parsnips, $1(7?1.25; turnips, $1. Potatoes Now, $1.25(7D.50 por hun. dred. ' Onions Now, $1.50(rj)2 per sack. Livestock Beof steers, imnd in cholco, , $5r?J)5.25. fair to medium, $4(7?) cgws nnu noirors. good to choico, $3.75(0)4; fair to medium, $3.25(77)3.50; bulls, $3.25(7T4: stn CS. trond tn o.hnpn $f(7i)4.25; calves, light. $077)0.75, hnnvy, $3.75(7?5j hoes, ton, $0.75(71)10,. air to tncdlnnf, $0.25(77)0.75; ehoefi,, best. Mt, Adams wethers. $4T4:lffi bh'VnUni wotlierff. $3.25(77)3.50. falrfid Sorfil U-ftthV ers, $3(73.25, best ValjflV! Wch. S'3 3,r0; lambs, choico Mt. Adams, $5.25(77) C.50. cl(oicn Valloy, $5(77)5.25. Hops 1000 crop, 10(77)12K'C: olds, nominal; 1010 contracts, nominal; 1010 fufcloB, nominal. , Wool Eastern Oregon, 13(77)1 7e. per pound: ynlloy. 18(77)20o por pound; mo hair, cloico, 32(7!)33c por pound. Cnscnra Bark VAc por pound, Hides Salted hides. 7(a)7Vjc pound: saltod cnlf, 13c; salted kid, 8c;i ssUod stags, pc; creon hides. 1c IpsV;! drV hides, flf?i)17c; dry cnlf, 1718c: dry stags, U12c, ' ' SCORES SUPREME COURT. Roosevelt Says Doclslons Aro Mon 4. .ifnco to Domocrncy.-iHkr . ' Donvcr Acts of tho Suptcmo-ourt' of tho United StntcB wcro Blmrivc?it Icizcd by Thoodoro Roosovolt In ntnin cnnltol horo boforo tho Colorado legislature. Tho ox-prcsldont cited two decisions oC ;tho. Supromo court whlrh. hn ticciarcu. werw cuuvriujr i" tho principles of domocrncy. Ho do clnrcd emphatically Xitl t - thbso 'd,b calona(ndicatedtt'I)prmnpntlttltUdo of thoourt, tho cntiro Amdrlcnn Byo tern of nonular covornmont would be -uPsotruu-?;?irJsri Colonel'. R6osuyoR' -Bp.c6ch iuofpro ; ? , r i hn lefflslnturd was onoif nvo wliici: ho delivered in Denver. Everywhoro ho wont ho was greeted by cheering multitudes which blocked tho Btreotfl, Inturforcd with 'traffic jind pucklcjl,tb; sultocation tho various buildings In which ho Bpokc.; .,,!,;'..:., ) . Tho auditorium, in which ho deliv ered his speech on conservation, holds lf,000 persons, yot it wna lnrgo enough to seat only, v pnrtjOf the tlirqng which clamored for'iidmlttfthco. The streets outaido tho building were crowded with bther thousands who sought in vain to gain entrance. "I just 'feel as if I'd like to Btay horo for good," Colonel Roosevelt Baid aftor ho had fnudo three of his' ft vo speeches. Ho added that ho was taken utterly by surprise by the sire of tho crowds which turned out to greet him. An unqualified indorsement of Colo nel Rosovclt was given by Governor Shaffroth apd Mayor Spoor, both of whom aro Democrats. ThiB indorse ment was given in tho prcaonco of thousands of men and women, assem bled In tho trreat auditorium which was tho scene of tho last Democratic national convention, where tho colonel spoke under the auspices of tho Nn tl'onal Livestock association. Tho ova' tion wbb fnr moro rnorked thnrt that received by him ot any other plnco in his present journey through tho West. "The great mnjority of Republicans throughout the West and mnny Domo cratB will not be silent until they see you at the helm of this great nation," declared Mayor Spccr, in addressing Colonel noose velL "You aro loved because you are not controlled. You arc independent and your honeBty of purpose appeals to tho heart. Your courage huB made your opponents won der what you will do next.' "You havo work to do, wrongs to right. May your )ifo bo spared tp ac complish the great work which the American peoplo believe you aro des tincd to perform JJ . . , .t Covernor Shaffroth was hardly less enthusiastic in his reference to tho visitor. "Speaking of the three essential qualities, honesty, courage nd perse verance," he declared, "wa havo tho courage of Lincoln, the cnduninccy of j acKson- ana mc perseverance oi-urant, embodied in Theodore Roosevelt, These references to Colonel Roose velt just before his presentation to tho great audience assembled in tho auditor iupi called forth a demonstration which resembled that, given a successful candid a to on the ocaalon of a national convention 111 iin n,.. 9 313 $20,000,000 (W CoBtofllco nfflM.i. . . oporatiVo tA tr.i . rill Mi.wwi I'm- Wu. Miiijrr r ut i - was pmictured t...lw nit, wiiiium II. 1 ili.n...i. .'"""t goneral couiuel. M"; pojitoiiico ijibdm.!.,;. UeilOt littnr 1.1- " V. " rirl llllftOM. I) f ""HlBl y 'T(ig 71 TM.... 1.. .1. V Jlolcdinb i uuunu OIIICITB coiorio! Of tyj.0 hrgh llimncn ta Ultll tlU.. 41. . . fl. If fcll IIDJI11' I rill 'tltfl t li . r . 1 ' M LJ i Jlufuj imp. Warrants for the .J nlWKjd principal jt b"? nrriiMtii )nn .. . ; ous cfforti .r?1 RUSSIAN EDITOR SARCASTIC Corcan Annexation Treaty Called Ex amplo of Sonsoloss Hypocrisy St. Petersburg The text of tho treaty by which the Corcan kingdom was annexed to tho empire of Japan wbb published here, and, in the caso of the Novoe Vrcmyn, was accompanied oy a uuteriy Barcastlc editorial. m. j . inu uocumcni, me paper says, con stitutes "a historical examplo of senseless Hypocrisy." . The judicial importance of tho treaty iB, pull, says tho Novpe Vremya. Tho paper adds that Russia's intcrcBts in the hermit kingdom ure insignificant, and for thut reason Russian dlplo- ijutj;. win not nuso us voice In pro- WBI ' ' '7 ,(' ' tho Unlted gtntcs and tirenYBrltalft nnvo neon hard hit, in the opinion of the editor, who, however, concludes that wur Is the hoIo mcanrt of annul ling on accomplished fact, nnd tlm nlf. uation will be accepted, for assuredly noDpdy would go to war for Corca." , ' - . ' a " Fierc ffros Rago In Cpljfornlft. ........ uu.. i-uiuicu uy - a ''ncavy wind, forest fires aro doing much dam ago In California. Twenty miles from here, in Chico canvon. n fW am ia rugingv'travQling,ut a terrtflc speed: Tho flames jumped two and oho-hnlf ml es In 15 minutes. Stirling City mills hovo closed and tho men are "K.htng tho flumes. Fires along Freoi man s creek are rnnnnHrur (v. c' Natiqnul park and tho giant national loresi,, containing some of tho largest and oldest trees in the. wni,i a fire Is reported on Montgomery creek. . . . i Toast Diplomat's Ruin. Stockholm Th that tho retirement nf n., ,i Lagorcrantz from tho post of Swedish minister at Washington was duo 011 tIroly;t6. his perBpnnl wiahea JMoes not conyinco the pub He. ThA rttl roaan for tho dii plomnt'a return ft to bo found in tho vii I ueuvercu m Now York, In Uo courso of which ho is re ported tp ;hnve . toasted tho nmii.i,iS' flucccess tof tho Ropdbllcan f .... nrrios Bix;Aloft. Llllo, Franco r.mii it.- avlatorj took up flvo paBsongers" in 1is bjplano. The total weight suBtalned y hkWchlne, Including tho gasoline, was Oil pounds. The feat is Gloved to be a world's record. of tho . fitromi .1 . ., . PObuti, UOIIU. f The arrest Iu n,n r....n ....... v , AJ jjcnnnrr nger w. l in ciilcaw aV (t,. ' w4 vmuvn. ruvifiiis in ti... it . I . - Z ' v fcliJI y .... yvuw ! ,mu UCen Cfl -flu ttnul-fil t... II. a. tn. i v1,ft iMniibLiuin, I hp extent of tho eonnim. "'"" " uoiuk ho a a wml SovornI hundred ilai. .. L ' , . I- W jikroiun .nun rctin..t.iti.i. -i-.i cvrn ud bhiii in in nn tl. ..." have lleon-,compvllod iMA to 5SQMnto fho tpmpliw'l $L lin-uiudp- r -wiiicii tliHWKVt nillH'ltll, In llflt-n ai.-in.ll4 ... pioyus -nro ni ioiIoki; I linn t 1 . 1.1.,, i. f t ria veil nuiiui ui hmii to bo llonded for i$S0d In tin ...t, mow. 0 IIMHU IbClI c in tho stock of the concern. 1M. t.7-t r it.. t n Aim it. a ..1.1 pnnf nfnnil mn minu "(ntaM u tu iii not i no irquirpmcniKAU nn p cllSH Is lia I a of ffatM . , ' . . --r-r T -f- I ' each appointment. PICKET NOT CONVICm ii it! . Los AngoleflJary.rfaireej rt v ; a third time In the picitnj pcing. tried before TolIceJiifei i ha aiiw iwitAiininrii snnv m have won n victory. Trnllnuinrr Htn ffl turn tfl Pf 1 1 H.r) lb in inu uiinu ui -' " : ninmiiMl ill iiiv imw v caso ngalnst James A. ursrwu rno veniremen were hwdiim" case was.sftt aside. . . i.niirr nriiiiinvi'N n iv Luai - ... 0- tV.ftlKl Anornovs xroni n - LI I- II . a. fniirt 111 forbidding pleVrtlntr. Inn wupkh niro v ,i ihiui- !''" (n .linv onfllln M'llV .W V. Aiinii. , f .in r Amni iui ui'1,." . nUllLfllL LU .l iVIV fc -t" " oxccodeil his iiiristiicHou, . Hitchcock Warns Mv h ,i . ' il el.ti mm umpvi fr'fr , . i V nflf wna rniinwiHi iy , na n nnnDflU"" ....... -. .., I . -1 hA DW 1 Tl S.ll II IL LU il'lHM V- ' I ,1 r . , - In thA WW UK! i rr.niuvni - .... .v, a 1.. .ii. I Fl 11 L . - . yonr.., ip.niso a w .0 Funilnin Allt nlll nnd ICSVO W 1 IL1I11IIIJ1UIIAIK" to! tho LcgW"tro. . ....i.t irni StorT. i i i ,ili,.tnr oi . U.. .... nnf. fl It""'. im i ninnnnv. ifuvu ' . . . - tram beautiful ynuH that a lieautiru. M rna'Sv to forrot. out ffiffl 1 noss," sain sta'tohionts aro a HSU0 01 0 il dnngli woro rr , 1 1 . . imi m I uu " , u ' m I n tllTlIlUI - artrf Ll .. . AvxnnlS Bf unnarcn , .1 II of -t r t A In n tuning irtH r.i mine 11 wrn jiuiiiiipii . td5 tlvoly.- .Tf U it. ii.A Tninft uuu w II1U11LI1 Ui LUU Into the, tunnel,