ti nnd own t'dy IEF ITEMS OF HEWS. Mrs M. VanTassel of Culver ttidy. , the wife of Robert Irvln, near i, Monday Aurimi a. 9'. Fannie Wright nnd Miu Lulu were in town from Culver yesler niinR Wend. .. . r PmiLind tins come a to tnke n position ns i.neiman . M AtiM H I n e Central urcgon ........... . . - i. in lirin here n coil weej lookinR after his crops, re ,0 Independence last Saturday. ...... nf Piinevi ie is nere im III - ....!.. in nutilnij i the local tele- .1,. Pioneer Telephone Co. lur ii'v ti . . i. if timre is spending a wee ... hi, ranch fit Haystack, looking L .iin nf his croos and other - . . . i . ..u and Mrs. O t npmKs iuvC ,u -i. rni Ci'v on the Trail i m a r Sanfmd and Mis. Hatkley. r Fnrrer and wife nnd O. r t I ... .,..,,.,11 nt Coon Creek, nt in business matters. ... t i.. r tj.i.t J K I'M", inrtnciiy j- ,,,, has hern rending in rorimnti, . L. t nf lltM Ufffft . . lt ihitf u-inir an i ' ' ? n i- . 1.-1,1 Vf T? ' f t . I 1 . . next Minuav. uh jo, uii ur...K . .. ft t-iir in tm frnilKlC nlfUC" ( n-m-iM- i .1, tt.Un line hn vioitni' home of her uncle, Gcotgr Oftbnrn. ....1 K.iii It IftlUll IVf ilfC. 1 r . lime Thomas rrsidcnl engineer nf I) ...l.nr) line flfllt4 ItlU I 1-1. tl -.1. ..!... w2 1 CIC itllll itll iiiiii.Mini' i Other nieiubcra of tlie cngi .1 .1 . .1 In l I C n lllrrtnll Srrirr, who hnrnesleaded n quai inn n L'c lv i iiini iinu ui"tu i ... ..-.I l. 1..-. Shawno, WUcinin He cx k . i nenu wcjk or iwn ncrc imm . i . . I'armh, rrprrscnting 1 he Ajnx iiiiitip i i iim:uiv in ii rw tiiik dras accompanied by his wile. iiin i irvini' in mirrrsi iiir- rni ai rxiinuiMiei nnths all nf the grading and tun- k uii i lie irstiiuics itiau win mivc he Dalles Chronicle. and Mrs, Uus Lovcl.tnd, John miillllf JlllC 'I'lllf n.t.iKl .ilnl.. j r.'-- i - and Kiund an abundance of ber l Hie ucrr iiipv iiirnni in uin fir. ihe Honds. ulyhnm ai d wife ol Opal Prairie- Ifave ihe last of the week fin - . ci a uiii ntinif ii i inrtin a u it. un.itn hit n tt .r i. : -ivi iui yciiia, i ncy oy way (i California, ttaveling by rom I'oriland, and will probabl y (or three months or longer. - M,,v4 imiiiiiv win awtii uir i week for their Medford ranch ..... ii'urvcu UlVtr I'lUtll II' i Lap en & C o, Their sons. Earl aik. will f-nrh Artu n . - V4 1 w ui UUIU IIVCI" 'd a Mop of several days will be a Crater Lake. Crook Countv Recorder I. H. lackson left Tues Hortland, where with others, he " v-ii.iinuenain incts u in rm n. 1 . aistrict which are under consider Kound-i & H ay taken a very favorable inierc-t iniMI n .1 ...m uu in.m is Detter quail "plain the situation. Velva Sanford. th iK. ...... 8hl "f A. C. banford. wh. to I'orilapd wiih the famiU " "no tne Miects in ""d gt km ,he other day. Th, i . i r mree Hours nnd tin W's-hbnihood and a number ol ,n Joined m the senrrl, Th. ho'' is on Ia 8th Mreet. and WHS hn..ll.. . "r '"""a on Kant i6h McCalliMei, who forme, ly o.ne, eohard, makes l.eouent ttii, UU tai'Ch DOW slnr. I.. ! tld "Ves 011 his allalla n,h -"cana when h i.... ,c OflldOU nenehi. nr il.. of . 1 . "" uu iiuua iiiiii tin . i . i ' ' U(,wn to the orchard Dl" d"ves In, mou. .. j . " "v.iiiic up (iiio K'Me wlillou, mucl, concerJ( BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. Mike Mayfield, the cattleman from Upper Crooked River, was here Tues day Lewij C. Glover and his mother, of Sisters, were here yesrerdiy, buying supplies. Mrs L J. RUing of Warnnpring was in the city several days this week, having dental work done, Orn VanTassel and family have gone to Crane I'rairie on the upprr L)echntes for n camping trip G V Stanton was summoned to Sis ters today on account, of the serious illness of his wif , who is camping out there. LouU Falkenhagen went to Portland yesterday un a vacation trip. He will nlto visit other points in the Willamette Valley. R. VV. I'aticngill, representing the R G. Dun & Co, commercial agency ol Poitland, was in .Madras this week mak iug financial ratings ol local people. Miss Hcitha Hornry b dangeinusly ill with typhoid at her home five miles inuthwckt of town. I)r Kelknap was Called from I'lineville today to consult with Ur. Long. M, W. Hennett arrived home Sunday from Iowa, where he was called by tin dangerous illness of his mother, t'li t lady is some h. it improved but there i not much hope ol her recovery. 11 O Lively, ol the fiim oMlcCarg.ir, Hates & Lively of 1'oitl.itid, was in Mad ras Saiuid.iy. His company holds con siderable land in tins p.ut of the H.iif and he was here looking into general condiiions. T. M Maid wiii and wile, .Miss Baldwin and M. K Drink and wife, ol t'mieville, visited at the Cove Oiclutd last Sunday They rode down liom tl c county eat by auto to the top of the hid and finished the trip on foot W. F Magill was up Irom Wamic foi a lew days the latter put of the week Mr. Magill has one thieshing ouifit in operation and he expects to have an ntner in Shaniko soon lid will brir.u i in and make a run on agency I'laius tin Fall. All. I'aikey was in M mday from his home on Agency Flams where he ha breu assisting in iuning the cmnbined harvester of 11 Links He ays grain has turned ui remarkably well thl year All thinks the combine is the right wa) to harvest the grain. J. A. Coulter of Agency Flain an nounce his candidacy lor the republican nomination fur sheiilT of Crook count) Mr. Coulter will make the campaign upon the issue of enloicing the local option laws, and has the endorsement ol die Law and Order League forces. Rev and Mrs. G. R Moorhead started vtonday on a trip to Redmond, Uend and Laidlaw by private conveyance Tl e prohibition people of this part of th county exject to punhsh a lout-column, four page weekly paper, the first issue to be put out early in September, and Mr Moorhead will solicit supp irt for this et terprite while on this trip The papet will be printed in Poitland and its mis sion will be, of course, to fight lor pro) l bition. L F. Rice and family returned home from Portland last week, where lhe went to visit litends and at the same time have an operation performed upon one ot their little daughters, Dorothy, for ade noid growth in the nose. The operation was entirely successful and the little git I is getting along splendidly Mr Rice and his family expect to go to the Sqna Creek irrigated district in a short time le live on the land the lecently filed on there. The hot weather is bringing on the ttuit very rapidly at Win. Hoegh's Cove Orchard. There are tons ol peaches ripe there now and the help about the place is rushed to hindlf them Water melons, too, are making some business. Mr. llorgli siy he is ihining of becom ing a Seventh Day Adventist, so as to get a litlie rest On Sunday the p ple flock down t p'inc and fih nnd buy fruit so that Sunday is hi-, busie-t day It's a mighty nice pi ice to spend a day or to camp over night Thr'iugh its general immigration de partment, the Gieat Northern Railroad has ofiVred to post pi lies consisting in each instance of two cups and 100 fiisi tnd loo second pure tibbons lor five tgricttltural laits to he held in Otegnu his year The i ffer has been made to 'he officials ol ihe Slate F tir nt SaHn tnd mnuagri ol tic Intts at Priiievihe, Hurnt, Lakeview .mil Eugene Foi ihe State Fair the coi dnions imposed are hat the 'two silver nips, which will be worth at least $50 emh. shall go to the test collectioiif ol shcal gi.ilns, gras-es, 'tots and vegetables exhihi ed by a hambc of 1 ommeice, Commercial lub or other society of not less than 12 members The conditions governi-g the awa'd nf the nips at the other four titlrs are left largely to the fair managements. W, G. T. U. NOTES Itemi unttnr thin hcadtne rue fhrnlihcd by the W. O. t, 0. nnd nro nMd lor t ftUvortlilnK rAtON Emll Scldcl, the Socialist mnyor of Milwaukee, la making n remarkably fine record. Wc quote from the New York Evening Post: "As a German nnd a Socialist, he was expected to"tn tcrprot the laws 'liberally.' Yet under his control the total number of saloons has been cut down considerably by the refusal of licenses to a long- list of places which have been notoriously al lowed to break the excise regulations with Impunity In the past. Last week n hundred of these 'protected' places closed thetr doors In despair. Mayor Scldcl is strictly enforcing the liquor laws In the restricted districts, a feat which was supposed to be Impossible. He has just now made It clear that the Johnson-Jeffries fight pictures will not be tolerated in Milwaukee. In many wayB he has bettered conditions In his city Yet his methods are far from militant. 'I don't like to Issue orders,' he declares. 'I prefer to ask for co operation. And I think that will gen erally accomplish the desired results.' If this be socialism, make the most of it!" DO SALOONS HELP-A TOWN? They say saloons help a town. Did you ever sec a real estate man put in his circular something like this: "This town has two smelters, two brick fac tories, fjas and electric plants, a Cnr negio library, Y. M. C. A., fourteen churches and ten saloons?" If saloons draw people to a town, why do not the townB advertise the saloons more? Canon City (Colorado) Record. All the big saloons and cafes require their bartenders and other employes to take the pledge against intoxicants. Tne reason? Because tippling bartend ers loose money and "hurt the busi ness." What about hurting the other fellow's business ? ALL APPLICANTS PASS EXAMINATIONS Of the 18 teachers who took examinations for county papers last week all were successful in passing. The highest grade was made by Miss Thursday Kent of Culver, who received 100 credits in each of six studies, and made a final average of 98 and 2-11 per cent. Her lowest grade was in spelling which was 96 per cent. Superintendent Ford says that this was the hardest in spelling he ever saw as there were 100 test words given with no options. Other high grades were won by Miss Theresa Cassiday, Mrs. Ada Strotts, Miss Flossy Berry, Miss Boyd, Miss Mary Davies. Mr. Ford says that while the supply of teachers is short, they are more plentiful than last year, and if all come from other places who have promised, the schools will all be supplied. Prineville Journal. FREE METHODIST ELf.".' C Services will be held at the Eteo MuL odist Church the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. All are invited. A. S Wright, Pastor. Union Sunday school services will be be!d every Monday at 10 a. in at the Opal Prairie cbuicb. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Everybody cordially invited to attend Socialist County Convention The Socialist County Convention for Crook County, State of Oregon, is hereby called to meet at the Circuit Court room at Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday, September 17, 1910, at 1 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of nom inating candidates for all the county ofllces to be filled at the next general election, and for the transaction of such other business a3 may come be fore said convention. This will be a mass convention and all persons in Crook County, State of Oregon, known to be identified with the Socialist movement will be entitled to a voice in the proceedings of the convention. Done by order of the Socialist Coun ty Central Committee, August 1, 1910. J. H. Homey, Chairman, J. H. Smith, Secretary. ' A speaker of national reputation will address the convention. al8 I MADRAS CAFE SOFT DRINKS AL HOWELL City Bakery UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Bread, Cookies and Doughnuts a Specialty 1 Fiietdoor nor1!, of Robertson's Stoie DAN . MASCAL, PROP GO! GO! GO! Portland Race Meet Livestock Show and Harvest Home Fair Sept. 5 to 10 BANKERS' Purse of $10,000 for trotters. Hotel Purse of $5,000 for pacers. Special fea tures every day. Wednesday and Thursday are the big days. Auto races. Balloon ascensions. Any number of free entertainments. Special prizes for flights of ama teur aeronauts in their own aero planes. Greatest exhibition of fat stock ever held west of the Great Divide. A great Midway. Not an idle minute in the week. .All entrance tickets are numbered. The lucky winner gets a pony and cart or $200. in cash. Reduced Railroad Rates ITEMS OF INTEREST PULLETS WANTKD Ht e ae, prifK, iinc'l ami hv man- you lime I'THal. H Spt-isu , Bend, O--. u25 2 MOST COMPLETE LINE -AMPI.ES in the city at the Tailo Si op n xt to pool li"ll. u-5 PIANOS I hav- tbren new fl't-ela-. piano , just rwvived itum tlif Ja'tor upon which 1 ean mk- i rg t prtecn in i!. on lily payments t wuit cur hnser. C I' nnd see tbetn. A. C. Santo'd, .Mmlr -, 0". al8 Bill SG in the old stii's or nkit ' We will make t.em t ok lik- new T-ilor h op. 25 FOU SALE Near Culver, 'otp, bl' k-, liiniiH, and nl Kind- of btifi eH bought, ho (1 n i xHiniwed y J. G. F'h li, It. I' D. N 1. Mad ae, Or-. UI'.R thl suit or overe at at tie Tai or We w 11 keep l pr hh fie . N- xt t - poo hall. 25 )AT- & MAItLLY For Hal in Imjie quail I ie, A. P. t'lnrk, Mmlm-. ill 4 r'ARM LOANS!! Malm State Bank. w ater& JEED STATION Water 80 cts. per 1000 gallons ROLLED FEED FOR SALE A.1" kinds ol grinding done for cash or toll Feed Steam o Dry Rolled EMERY WORK DONE FRED H. GREEN Warren Smith PROPRIETOR Elite Tonsorisl Parlors NO LONG WAITS BATHS PiiBH'"-tt MADRAS, ORE. .. un up un an m un fr MADRAS MEAT MARKET Campbell, Stroud 8 Co., Props. Wholesale and Retail Dealers PEESI-I OTTIRIEID MEATS We have the best line of Fresh Meats in the country t ! ALL KINDS OF GARDEN VEETABLES IN THEIR SEASON ! JWeCargar, Bates & mveiy REAL ESTATE We handle Central Oregon property, and are mak ing a specialty of CROOK COUNTY LANDS. you have something to sell, write us, 9 9 6 U H 8 ''t MAX LUEDDEMANN, Manaeer REAL ESTATE DEPT. 318 Failing Building PORTLAND, OREGON r LIVERY, FEED &SALE STABLE i MADRAS, OREGON HOOD & STANTON GIVE Your Orders Prompt Attention Transient Stock Given Best Of Feed And Gare (J T S. Hamilton, Pres. E. II. Frk.vcii, Vice-Prea. J C. Fowlie, Cshr. EASTERN OREGON nkine Co. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $50,000 Deposits, $250,000 SHA OREGON 1 TUCKER & GULP I i Unronolinninrr nnH i j IIUI000IIU0III& aim I General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK First-Class Work Guaranteed Ijicnuui in the old rtrimkk slio)) MADRAS, OREQON i Mf WELRYl repairing! H. Bivins I 9 2 I Watch cleaning $1.00 5-yr guar, main spring $1.50 All work on first-class a watches guaranteed Ono door eonth of ptB' oflleo BLACKSMITHING The best equipped shop in Central Oregon FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED rTN r x r-"s r-r t s "w tt "v r-? w t y j w r -r -w nr - r l GRAY & SON MADRAS, OREGON si i 1 mmmE& HmHV ! AUTO SUPPLIES Tires of All Kinds Oils and Gasoline I NEW MADRAS GARAGE J. C. ROBINSON, PROP. j HORSE BLANKETS j Our Fall line of Horse Blankets and Lap Robes are now arriving. Give us a call and inspect our stock. AT LARKIN'S HARNESS SHOP FINE LINE HARNESS ON HAND Tents, Wag-on Covers, .. Suit Cases 2 1 in J' , ' f 1 t I- pit ft.4 ' 1 tt ' ' I i I i; ' I