The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, June 23, 1910, Image 8

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entrai Oregon
cinct IS'o. bl"
Voiing place, Mt. View school
house. Judges J E Campbell,
"VV H Ramsey, W II Stoue
hocker. ClerKe Geo Braustett
er, J A Coulter, Ernest Doty.
Warmspring Precinut No. 26
Voting place, Agency. Judges
Carl Webster, Ben Wilson,
"VV. McCorkie. Clerks C C
Covey, Robt. Smith, Harry Mil
ler. In selecting voting places for
the coming election, the Court
I I OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
I I tion. Department of the Inte
rior. U. S Land Otlice at The Dalles,
Oregon, May 13, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras. Oregon, who, on May
27, 1905, made Homestead, Serial No
03B10J Mo. 1441)9, for sej aec lo, tp 10 a,
r 14 e. w m ,
Has Hied notice of Intention to make
dual five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard V. Turner. U. S. Cornelia-
(doner, at his olnoe at Madras, Ore'
gon, on the 29th day of June, 1910.
Claimant uaraea an wituesnea:
Snowden A White, Elmer E Math-
er8, William Matners, Willittm Co.
beru, all of Madras, Orvgou.
0. W. Moore,
ml9J23 Register
ISOLATED TRACT. Notice for Publl
cation. Public Lund Sale. No. 050JO
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
Alay IV, iuiu.
Notice Is heieby given that, as directed
by the Commissioner of the (Jen nil Lam,
Office, under provisions of Act of Con.
uress annroved June H7, I'M,, J'ubllc No,
80B, we will otter at public sale, to the
highest bidder, at ShsO o'clock a in., on
the Ctti day ut July. 1010, at t lib office, the
following tract of land, towit: nw! sec
81, tp 1) s, r 10 e, w in.
Any persons claiming ndversely the
nbove-di'sciibed lauds ate advised to tile
their claims, or objections, onorbefote
the day above designated for sale.
1U20-J30 0. W. MOORE. Register
ISOLATED TRACT, Notice for Publi
cation. Public Land Sale. No. 0511)5. .
United States Land Office, The Dalles,
Orecon. Slay 13.
Is hereby given
as directed by the
Commissioner of the General Laud Office,
uniler provisions 01 aci oi uongress ap
proved Juno 27, 1000, Public-No. 803, we
will oiler at public s.tle, to the the highest
bidder, at 10 o'clock a. in.,, on the 5th day
of July, 1910, ut tills otlice, tint foliimlng
tract of land, towit: neJswM and sjsw
sec 24,'tpOs, r 13 e, win.
Any per6oiin claiming adversely the
above-. inscribed lauds tiro mIvImh! to file
hulr claims, or objections, on or before
the day above designated for sale.
JU20-J3Q 0. W. MOORE, Register
Invest your money in a lot in the ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, the present and
future business center, where a few dollars invested now will make you
independent. Do Not Let Yourself Be Deceived by the Dreamer who is telling
You the Business District Will Be Changed-
Stop and Think!
All Roads Lead to Madras. There's a Reason. If you are from Missouri, let us ; show -you the surround
ing country and natural resources, then you will know. The construction of a $30,UUU tsncK notei will
be started at once.
Do hot let the opportunity pass, get in on the ground floor
Put your good intentions into action by calling today at the
M. E.
- ": -
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Inte
rior, U S. Land Oftlce, at The Dalles,
Oregon, June 4, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that
of Culver, Oregon, who, on June 22,
1905, made Homestead (Berlal No
03643) No. 14505, for 8eswi seo 10, ej-
nw. uwjnei aec 15, tp 13 a, r 13 e,
W M,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land aoove described be
fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. ComoalS'
sioner, at his ofllce at Madras Oregon,
on the 12th day of July, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Thomas J Wilson, O E Splnkf, K A
Merchant, R E Waldorf, all of Culver,
J9-jy7 C. W. Moore. Regiater,
LI OMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the Inte
rior, U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, June -1, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that
of Culver, Oregon, who, on June 21,
1905, made homestead ("Serial No
03014) No. 145G0, for t-JeJ aec 9, su j
swj aec 10 and nwiuwj aec 15, tp 13 ,
r 13 e, w m,
Has tiled notice of intention to make
final live-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above deacribed, before
Howard W. Turner. U. B, Coramiasii.n-
er, at his office at Madraa, Oregou, on
the 12. h day of July, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
O E Splnke, R E Waldorf, R A Mer
chant, O II Wilson, ull of Culver, Or
egon. O. W. MOORE,
J0-jy7 Register
TOTlOE For Publication. North,
1 eru Pacific Railway Co., Llat
No. 220, Llat No. 06884, United States
Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May
Noiice la hereby given that the
Northern Pacific Railway Company,
whose poatolllce uddresa is St. Paul,
Minnesota, has tlila 27th day of May,
19!0, filed in this office lis application
to select under the Diovialoua of the
Act of Congress, approved July 1,
1808 (30 Stat. 697. 020 . the aeluei sei
3, tp 11 b, r 16 e, W M.
Any and all persona claiming ad-
Veraely the lauds described, or deHlr.
lug lo object because of the mineral
character of the land, or for any other
reason, 10 toe uiaposai to applicant,
ihould tile their affidavits of protest In
this office, ou or before the 12th dav of
July, 1010.
O. W. Mooiie,
J9Jj7 Regiater 1
Why Pay
UOMESTKATX Notice for Publica
" tiou. Department of tlie interior.
U. S. Land Ofllce, The Djlles, Oregon,
April 29, 1910. - '
Notice is hereby given that '
CHARLES f.q$rARBER; I " ' '
ofllavcreek, Oregon,- who", on Pept.
7, 1904. mane Homestead, Serial No.
032961 No. 1S7K2 fur il l 1 .uilnul
aec 24 anil neisei ace 23, tp 11 s, r 10
e, w m,
Has tiled notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish
claim to the laud above described be
fore Howard W. Turner, United Statet
Commissioner at his otlice at Madras,
Oregon, on the 27th day of June, 1910.
Claimant uamea as wituesfes:
J II Garrett, Jamea Clark, Stanlou
Black, K D Houston, all of Huycreek,
ml9 123 Register.
DESERT LAND. Notice for PubiJ
Cation. Department of Hie In
terior. United States Laud Office at
at. The Dalles, Oregon, May 3, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that
of Shaulko, Oregon, who, on April
21, 1908. made Desert Luffd eutery Ser
ial No. 0002, No. 727, for Lot 3. ate 15,
tp8a, r 14 e, WM,
Has filed notice of intention to make
Final Proof, to establish claim to the
laud above described, belore H. C.
Uooner. U. S. CUmnlHutur ,.i a......
lope, Oregon, on Hie 28th day of June,
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Farre, or Bliauiko, Oregon; W
h Johnston, of AuIhI fin.. Orhiinn 'fr II
Johnston, of Laidlaw. Oregon. P H
Joliuslou, jf Battle Urouud, Wash.
in-M lJ O. W Moore, Register
TUOTICE For I'll bllcation. Northern
1I Pacific Railway List No. 210.
Serial No. 00793. United Slatea Land
Olllee, The Dalles, Oregon, May 20,
Notice is hereby uiven
Northern Pacific Itallway Company,
whose post ofllce uddresa is St, Paul,
Mliinesota, bua this 17th day of May,
1010, filed In this olllee Ita annli.....
tlon to uelect under the lirnvlnlimu
of the Act of Congress, approved July
1, 189S. (30 Stut. 697, 020) the iiwlse
-'Q 27, tp 11 , r II e, w in.
Any and all persona claiming m.
veraely the JandH described, ordeslr-
Ilir to Olllei'l li&n aliuu ut li... ...I.
character of the Lain), or for any other
reason to Mm ihu.-,..mi
-- ---- ,,D"ai iii uiM'iiunill,
f f'fJr ulfidavlts of protest
in thla olllee on oi heforo the 30th day
of June, 1010.
m20-J30 0. W- Moore. lteirHir
' n w .
lanu I2.inch gang plow complete, also
walking plowa an a harrow carts. In
quire ut Pioneer i )llicc.
Business Prices for ResK
HOMESTEAD. Notice For Publica-'
t IcjiiT Department of the Inte-i
rior. U. S. Land OHIco at The Dalloi,
; Notice i' hereby given that
if Mailrac, Oregon, who, on April
10, 190,'), made Homestead, Serial No
03515, No. 113E5, for eim-J, sec 13, tp
12 s, r 12 e, and Lots 2, 3 and 1, sec 18,
ip 12 h, r 13 e, w m,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
'ina.1 five-year proof, to establish claim
(ilalm to the land above described, bo
fore Howard W.Turnur, U. S. Coinnils
iom;r at tiis olllee at MtMlran, Oregon,
on file 27H day of June, 1910.
Claimant names as wlinesHeH:
l'red KulyliHin, 0 A Whltsett, I V
Liniimugh, H L Evan, all of Madras,
iiilO 123 C. W. Monro, Rot-Isl-er
J OMESTEAD, Notice For Publica
, lPTtmeiit of lb,, Interior,
U. h. Land Olllee at The Dalles, Ore
Uoij, Apiil 20, 1910.
Notice Ih hereby nlven that
of HadiiiH, Oregon, who, on Miyil,
190.J, made HomeHtod, LSerhd No
03f,bol No 14439. for sj, wfam li-.S
H.J0 84 , tpl2H, r2e,wn., '
Man filed notku ,,f intention to make
final five-year proof, to esli Mh,
claim to the land'above de.crlh, K
fore Howard W. Turner, U. 8 Com
misflloner at IiIh olllee at M dm. 0ro
gon, on the 27th day of Juno, lino
w . if . .. ",leMeH:
A llainley, I V Lir,,tmUL'li f! II
w ...... ,.lb wuut.HeH:
C. W. Moore, Register
Vot Coal Lund
U OMESTEAD. Notice for Puhllm
U Hl;!!:im,,n,nm',1,.!tof I"rlor,
ofMlr,A n,K A ,,,lJ1-AM,
4 looo m' drT,mi w"" t'ruary
n9MRi h t,H 1I,mi4ih"'d, Serial No
r li erw ,1'' "Wi'iWl Huoa5. tp 12 H,
Vim,",ulr?le,V'f i,lt0"liHn lomah
for.. rr. V ,V;"A! u,,"vt' utscrinoi , ie-
ah ne? aW W;Tur, U. S. Co,',h.
. i Almlrn-. Oregon,
?,"7tb' ,1,iy of Jl,,lu
U'JI'uian i iiaineH as wUne.iaes:
tram t t "vU ,AIrM U I'TUUWI Ber-
VOU C5AN FIND Dr. Clark at the KeyT
roynung Mue, prepared to do all
HUu lH of Diuitnl Woi k. Thoao having
worktodoKl.ould call without delay,
the doctor will have to work at
w icr points p ut of tho time. u28-t2
lence Lots?
HOMKsTKAD. Notice for Piibllratlon.
Department of the Interior, U.S. Lnnd
(Jllire at The Dalle, Oregon, June H, 1010,
Notice Is hereby given that
.IKItltV O. SOT 1 1. MAN",
of Mtiilrai, Oregon, who, on June i.
IUI0, made Homestead, serial No. ofJ9l6
lor itwnw't, ii,'-,sw,v4, mvwH ec 5, tp
II s, r 13 e, W M,
us tiled iiotleeof Intention to make flnnl
llvc-yt-iir proof, to ttolabllidi claim to
the land above de.Mjribed, before How
ard W. Turner, U. H. CommlMloner, nl hh
oOlre at Madras, Oregon, on the Will day
of July, 1V10.
Claimant namea as wituivoieji:
II M (Jardiier. J P NeUoii, H E (Irny,
.1 P Jliilni, all of .Vadras, Oregon.
Jlii j)li 0. W. MOOItE, Iteglstiir
LJ OM KSTKAD, Notice for Publica
A Hon. Department of the Interior,
If. S, Land OPIce at '1 he Dalles, Oregon,
Jii'ie H, lt10.
Notice Ih hereby given that
of Madrax, Oiegoii. who, on June 4, 1010,
iiiuile llomcktimd No, oilTOK, for hwhwh
see It and M.'JfeHi ViiiH scclB, ipUtf,
r III e, W M,
Han filed notice of Intention to make final
llvi!-year proof, to ontahllnh claim to the
land above described, before Howard W.
Turuur. U. H. CommiMdoncr. ut his office
U Af ailruH. Oieuou. on the lUth day of
July, PJio.
Clifiiiiaut iiiniiKs as wltiioHses:
J II ,uckHou. John LimHlnc. Ilert Loom-
It. C V iThuin. all of .Vadias, Oregon.
JHl-JyM W. MOOKK, Iteglntcr
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlcatloii.
Depiirtmeut of the Interior, U.S. Laud
Olfice atTlie Dalles, Oiegon, Juno K, 11U0.
Notice Is hereby given that
- r
of ilfadrns, Oiegon, who, on April 22, lUoS,
made Homestead (.Serial No. o!l&&7) No,
I II, fill w ...
12 s, r 112 h, V X,
Has tiled notice or Intention to make final
live-year proof, to estalilUh claim to the
land above described, befoul Howard W.
lunier, U. S. Commnwloiiur, ut his olfice
at Madras, Oregon, on the ll'th day ol
.III It' 1(11.. r, ,
II .'KI.
Clalmiuit names us wltni'sses:
.1 W Nichols, L H LiimlH-rt, Walter Men
Hlnger, D II l'utmaii. all of Madras Ore
".. O. W. MOORB.
J"Hyl Register.
L. TOM EHTHAI). Notice for I'ubllcatlnn.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
.'' Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June
Notice U herehv given that
, w , ALFUKl) WILD,
VLiM,l,ln.lH' .0rt'K"'ii who, on itarcli H,
lODI, iu .de IloiuoiHeml, Serial No. ollllO,
No. llfillW-Hfiiss, for Lit l, Xwi " i
M; 10 s, r 14 e, ami HetfseW see 31, ip 9 r
li e, w i,
Has filed notice of Intention to innko flnnl
Ive-year jiroof, to establish claim to the
land abovn i HUKi'iiuxi ii,.r..,,. n,...,,i w
jiiiiiui, u, o. u.iiiimiHHioiair, at niHornce
i i nit w,l'Hi on nil) zoui nay oi
I II 'J l ii'iv,
lihriinmit names as wltiuiBses:
iW .'go W ilto, John Tlioinas, Win. Fur
lull, Kt ul Fisher, all of mhiIiiih, Dregon
Jill jy2I 0. W. MOORE, ReglMtur
rvi'ininvii In th C
. .. tt llAAjinl i
To AltK-rt Vi Wooiiui w
. .'"v "".r.V: . .Vif in
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m2H30 0. y