- -.. uti im mt tm -' mt- The Madras Pioneer THURSDAY - JUNE 23, 1910 What's this the ubiquitous lit tie flock of houses known 11s Redmond is proposing to the people of Crook County ? Now that under the strongest kind of a protest we knew how to make, we have been forced to help build an $S0,000 court house for Piineville, they pro poBe that we nhall have Red mood for a county peat, located just as tar away from us, less than 20 miles from the present one, offering absolutely no con venience over existing condi tions, and that, too, including the moat unnatural division of territory evrr dreamed of. Well, hardly 1 STREET GRADES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED PROBABLY VALUABLE DEPOSIT OF CLAY What is believed to be a valuable de posit of fire proof clay is being experi mented with in the Opal Prairie coun try. On the homestead of L. S. Lam bert, the photographer, there is a basin comprising about 10 acres, which ap pears to be a deposit of clay which will make first-claes pressed brick and pos sibly fire-brick. Chunks of it have been pressed into shape and burned in a primitive way with the result that a very satisfactory building material is produced. The more it is burned the finer it becomes, but as there has been no one with technical knowledge of such material who has made any tests nor examined the clay or bricks, just what may be expected of the discovery cannot be stated. Expert opinion is to be consulted to determine the value of the deposit. This basin acts as a natural water res ervoir when the snows melt in the spring. It seems to be impervious to water, which stands until it is all evap orated. The clay has stood all the fire tests to which it has been subjected thus far, and ueither cracks nor crum bles. It is undoubtedly a valuable deposit for the manutacture of common brick, if it does not prove to be the very finest of raw material for making pressed and fire bricks. Oregon Trunk engineers this week made surveys and notes for establishing n street, sidewalk, nnd sewerage grade on five of the principal streets of Mad ras, and as soon as the figures are in shape Engineer Griswold will turn the report into the streets and public im provement committee of the council. This is the preliminary step taken by the city for permanent work on the streets, nnd will be followed by street grading and the construction of cross walks on the part of the city, and or ders to property owners to construct continuous sidewalks along their prop erty. CHURCH OF CHRIST SERVICES Sunday school at 10 a m. Preaching service at 1 1 a. m ; the com munion service wili follow. Sermon in the evening at 8 p m. You are invited to attend these services Elder J. H. Barklky, Minister. NEWSPAPER PRESS FOR SALE Six-column quarto Ideal Hand Cyl inder newspaper press for mile cheap or cash. As good as new. Write the Pioneer, Mad ran, Oregon. FOR SALE A first class quarter section of land, ipartialy improved). Niue miles north of Madras. For price and terms address "Owner". "N'o. 1301 Jordan St , The Dalles, Ore. II ft li HORSESHOEING General Repairing West of Hood & Stanton's Earn Hart & Maddron Madras, Oregon I I General Drayage ! I B and Express Leave orders at J. E. 'Wilson's harness shop or postoflke. L. E. Parker i Millinery AND LADIES' S HABERDASHERY I have a new and com- & plete slock of latest milli nery and ladies' furnishings H PARLOR LOCATED AT CLARK S R00MINC HOUSE 'a I Mrs, L E. Akeyson ISOLATED TRACT, Notice for Publication. Public T.nnd Sale. No. 05CCG. . United States Land Oftlce, The Dalles, Oregon, June X, 1910. Notice Is hereby given tlint, ns directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Otllcc, under provisions of Act of CoiiRress approved June 27, 190fl, Public No. 30:1, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 9:30 o'clock a. ni., on the VMth dHy of July, 1910, at this otlice, the following tract of land, towlt: Hisei4 and seK!4 sec 20, tp 11 s, r 14 e, V M. Any persons claiming adversely the alove described lands are advised to Hie their claims, or objections, on or before the day above designated for sale, 116-Jyll C. MOOKE, Register TJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca- tion. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofilce at The Dalles, Oro iron, May 21, 1910, Notice Ih hereby ijiven that SARAH E. FLECK, of Mad ran, Oregon, who, on December 22. 1904. made Homestead Serial No 03433 No. 14086, for nwHeJ, Hjiini Heo 9 and 8vlnw sen 10, tp 10 a, r 14 , w m, lias filed notice of Intention to mako final live-year proof, to eHlaliliHh claim to the land above deacrlhed, before Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commlu sioner, at bis ollJco at Madras, Oregon, on the 30tb (lay of June, 1910. Claimant uanieH aa wltneHHPfi: JameH Bplcer, Elmer Ma-thorn, of Y'liingft, Oregon; Divid Travis, W II Stoneliocker, of Mudriis, Oregon. O. W. MooltK, m26J30 Register HI.H.ttR.VH.-' . -r 1 r 11... IMATNin " OS V (Jf vnn.i..! . v"- .. . ... .1 .... nniw twn tnniH conn h. , une mi unu juiv 1. hrti. U0, lit O J). HI. tMlUS Lilt- UJiuroi . - t". MADRAS TRADING COMPANY THY our fruit cakes and ginger snaps. At Fo.ms'h. STRAY TAKKN UP Uuekskin iar about lfi yc.ire old. liranded row lock over bar diamond on ric.ht fetifle. Had ly cut on wire when taken up. Owner can recover panic by paying expense of care, veternary bill and cost of advertis ing. -Mrs M. E Bradford, at W (J. Killingbeck place Opal Prairie. jlOlmo HOMESTEAD. Notice lot Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U.S. L.nid Olllce tit Th Dalles, Oregon, M .y 23. 191(1. Notice Is hereby given that ALEXANDER SPICER, of Youiil'h, Oieuon, who, on June 1), 1905, made Honienlead Serial N a'5027 No. 14527. f.ir h ff 3, and einel ee 10. ip 10 s, r 14 e, w 111, lias filed iiiiiIch of intention to uiHke final five"year proof to eHiabllsb claim to the bind above described, before Howard W. Turner. U. s. Commission er, t Ills olllce nl MhiIthh, Oregon, on the 5th day of July, 1910. ClHiniHiit names as witnesses: James Oolt, Charles Morrl-, J C Allen, JameH Fleck, all of Young-, Oregon. J2-30 C. W. Moouk. R-glster BU Lrl AIIIM nu uiitlullKMOrV IMOI1HIILIH TlIIOt'M 'ltrH. .nu ,., of niuinti'iiont'i', JVw ri'pnirH, light running. John Moore MADRAS CAP -1 -m m -. - 11 1 mmrwm. l p.n jPUW"Lw 1 mum JW1 if Vi-' ir W "jiP Vfc "o vt" ir kr "Si m '4 . SOFT DRINKS MORGAN & HOWEL PREPARE TO SPEND 19s MADRAS GRAND Sunrise Salute Monster Parade String Band Music Patriotic Speaking Basket Dinner at Noon Grand Ball at Night Fireworks $1000.00 Display Will be the best exhibition ever shown in Central Oregon BflS ALt Li IN PROGRMME AS PERFECTED TO DATE 9:30 a. m., Parade 50 yard dash, free for all - 3.00 2.00 1 1 a. m., Patriotic Speaking ' Sack race, - - 1 .00 DINNER Boys' Race, under 1 2 years - watch .50 A? Boys' Race, under 14 years - 2.00 1.00 1:00 p. m.-CONTESTS 1 st prize -2nd 3-legged Race, free for all - 2.00 Rock drilling Contest - $5.00 $2.50 Wheelbarrow race, 50 yds and return '2.50 100 yard dash, free for all - 3.00 2.00 Obstacle Race, - 2.00 Potato race, 1 5 years of age Tug of War, 10 on a side Boys' Pony race, free for all Horse Race, free for all Broncho "Busting" . , . Baseball game, - - $loo.oo In Purses 8:3o p. m FIREWORKS 1.50 5.00 5.00 lo.oo 5.00 2.00 5.oo 2.5o