JDRAS And The Ldras Country i,.,.l,r was In from Culver Mondny. fo. IMUton was a vis.tur in the city fculver Tuesday. f Rnbertion has returned from a L, ,rip to Spokane. F . i., from his Willow Creek iec , . LevemLlays the latter part of the , Clark and family were in town n..n ihr sessions of the t's Union. fulerwa here from Haycreek He reports everyone uusy nay filial section. II C. Cosper ol Portland is visit Fihe home of her sisler, Mis. W. C. i of Agency IMaim. L Clara Homey who has been nt 6 , r..iifif!ii Walla Walla. V Willi"'" "'"-hV ic for the summer vacation. i ..,! n Snrlnner ol irge us"'''" i were in town Tuesday atieiiuinj; Lons of the Farmer's Union. K. Hennenmen of Sell wood Or, Is bokuitf after business and visiting' He will slay several weeks. Segal of Shaniko, father of the l0BBist was here Tuesday, going Kth lo Ilend on a business trip. y, Randall, a special agent for the aul Insurance "Company, was m k haiuiuay iuukihk " and Mts. S. E. Gray and children, Pillett, Mrs, Carlhon and Mr. Way- pent the day yesterday at ihe Cove Ifiuit for canning. Commissioner Turner and wife IrtUml Monday for Coose Hay on tamer Breakwater. They expect lo ho Portland Saturday and reach Wednesday of next week. i Read of lone, accompanied by his in law, E h I'ellit, were in the vera! days this week. They came ilake home several head of horses IMr. Read had hired to I'orier Bros. irict Qinrtetly meeting will be held Free Methodist Church from June BO. Several ministers will be pres. mong them It. F. Smalley of ihe f, M. Church of Portland who will pe the meeting from June a6. I. Robinson has commenced work machine shop and auto garage He has purchased lots near Science property and will establish ip there Much of the material is ' on the grounds and the woik is ndep way. Sanford went to Shaniko the f the week to look after receiving ee Holt combined harvesters which tred for Linibaugh and Evans, A. itk and II Links. The machines inved there and will be brought lo 1 and made ready for the approach vest. pst office has been established at In, to be supplied by special service Redmond Etvin A. Cleland has Ippointrd postmaster. "Uefore the : dream city had a tent. Hut the Irned in the fire and now that a post Ms been established it is presumed other tent has been purchased or puildinghas been constructed there. SKnoor of Umonta and Ed Cull d for a ten round boxing exhibi- ISanford's Hall on the evening of PViJuue 25. Hcsides the mam Ihere will be two preliminaries. who have seen Cult in action think Ihard Willi tO beat, k'nnnr nlintin . . w w UI epute as a fistic artist, among local I M Mrs. John J. Hnieht have sold me on Trout Creek which' has ppular stage and auto station for p several years, to George McGreir llope for $4-00. About 200 acres are included in ihi nnrrhti... khl retaining all his horses and Lt.ro I t"UUM property, Mr. McGreer l"nue the station. Mr. and Mrs. we not determined on a new f as yet . Join, k , pnrlinnfi , Ind Mrs. Unlfiht is visiting ft tends r- ey ,ay ,,cnew m m Klamath county. "umbers of camners nrr r-nim. "tractions at the hot spiiKS on I '"crvauon , prCSent whcrc ntwl r. i . t ,5n'Kre ,,e chief attract- ' those who have been there ! 'ew weeks axe, 1 a c.u . F Waimc. N Hully nnd wife . ic unwell and wife of ' Wf J. Bonbon, D, Tal '''' y.W,,, Mnrn nnd son, . al J"iper Flat, K. Olds, D R" ol Grass Vf.11... t. , . c campers re jolly g00d feIl0W8Hand I10 have been il.. . . Imes as we , " ",lc P? Pleasant : balhs nC 1 .as ncfirinl effect. lprinBS mcu,cll,al qunlitics of Charley McMeen was in from Lnmon ta Wednesday. James T, Robinson of Culver left today for a trip lo The Dalles. J. II llnrney and 'family were in town Tuesday attending the farmers meeting. Mr. nnd Mrs. N, S Jennings departed last Kridny for an extended visit In Ihe Willamette Valley. , A. J. Weston, Madras "big cop" left Sunday for a visit to St. Joseph, Mo. lie will return within a few weeks. General Manager J. I'. O'Drien, of the llarriinan lines in the Northwest, passed through Mndras Wednesday, in his pri vate autn, returning from a trip through the interior. State Game Warden R. O. Stevenson of Forest Grove was In Crook County this week looking for a location for a trout hatchery. Hend may be the place selected . The baseball game last Sunday after noon between teams from Ihe Orego.i Tiunk Line forces nnd the Madras Club result' d in n victory for the town learn with a score of 9 to 8. The game fur nished more amusement for the players limn for anyo eclse.Th c Oregon Trunk aggregation had the better team, but were weak on the one important position of backstop. Thompson pitched for the railroad nine and Ed Brown for the Madras bunch. H F- Lock ml. of Oklahoma arrived here this week to visit for some time with his brother S. II, Lockard, the Heisler Mndras stage contractor. Two refreshing showers have fallen over Central Oregon dining the past week which has made sure fine crops of all kind in this section as well as relieving Ihe air of the dust which is stirred up by 'he great caravan, nf freight teams and automobiles that are constantly moving over the roads. How. much the rain is appreciated by the farmers is shown by the following.- While it was raining one rancher noticed his hired man out in the garden at work. He called him to come in nut of the rain, "Oh, a little drizzle like this don't worry me", said the man. "No, but hang it, that's not the idea", said the farmer, "1 want you to come in off the land so that the rain can fall on it.' NO. 3061 . The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON B. rVAU.r.M, l'rcxtilent. T. M. IIAU'WIN, I'mliler, War. Wurzwkii,i!r Vlcol'rc. (, Hamjwin, Ast, C'wililer. ESTABLISHED 1800 Capital, Hurj.lim nnd Undivided 1'rolll $1 00,000.00 A. E. PETERSON SHANIKO, OREGON Watchmaker -it and Jeweler t KHMM VAN TASSBfj LAND COMPANV, MADRAS, OREGON Jewelry of all kindi made to or der and repaired. Settingt for IVeciout Stones made. riiiai-uiAaa wuiik uuahaniccu TUCKER & GULP Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK Firsl-CIass Wort Guaranteed Located in the old Brooks shop MADRAS, OREGON WE ARE LOCAL AGENTS FOR ALFALFA SEED FARMS r1""""""11 1 fBSMlsSf Wc are placing on the market the W. F. HAMMER RANCH of 1080 acres situated eight miles south of Madras. It is to be sub-divided into S$5- '$Zr TEN-ACRE TRACTS and condition of the sales are that each tract will be placed in the best order and all SEEDED TO ALFALFA ready to bear seed when delivered. It has been proven beyond doubt that Alfalfa will bear seed on dry land much better than where irrigated. -$t VanTassel Land Co ' Culver, Oregon, June 1, 1910 VanTassel Land Company, Madras, Oregon, Gentiemen: In reply to your favor of recent date, I can only give you my experience and opinion. I have grown alfalfa on- my farm near Culver 16 years without irrigation or reseeding. The yield per acre has been from 3 to 3K tons. For the past five years 1 have cultivated heavily in the .spring with a disc har row, under which treatment the stand is improving. I have no doubt but that the same may be profitably grown as a seed crop if planted in drill rows and cultivated. Yours very truly, G. SPRINGER. On my dryer-ground where I cut only once I frequently have a fine quality and good yield of seed, but I have never grown seed for the market. G. S. TA3EIj LAND COMPANY, MADRAS, OREGON WI1VBA1CB theso hot days when you can buy homc-mado bread and pastry at Fosa'a Delicatefloen Bakery ? MST YOUR KARM property with R. Ren, If you want quick action upon It. Hnve buyers for denlrable planea. 1 I General Drayage T 1 1 A P..MVMMM Leave orders at J. E. Wilson's harness shop or postofllcc. I 1 P Prk-fr J ft li HORSESHOEING General Repairing West of Hood k Stanton's Barn Hart & Maddron Madras, Oregon Howard w. turner U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE MA0RA8 OIlKdON JEWELER J'KHMANKNTI.V I.OOATKD 0110 HI I'K I'Oal'OKFIOK All Work on First-Class Watches Guaranteed YOUR - PATRONAGE - SOLICITED HOMESTEAD. Notice for Tubllca lion. Department of the Interior U. 6. Lnml Olllce at The Dullen, Ore gon, Mny 23, 1910. Notice Is hereby Iven that EUGENE A. OILLETT, of Madras, Oregon, who, on June 10, 19(15, mailb llomesteud flerlal Ni. 03G38 No. H5S0, for njnei uud Lota 1 2, neo I, tp 12 h, r 13 e, w in, tutu filed notice of Intention to make flunl five-year proof, to establish claim to the lnml above described, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commls. sloner at Ills office at Mndraw, Oregon, on the Oth day of July, 1910. Claimant names uu wliiieHRes: James 8 Arklns, J II llorney, 0 C Hale, of Mndras, Oregon; J B Brown, of Culver, Oregon. 0. V. Mookb, J2-30 Register H0ME8TEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Inte rior, U. 8. Land Ofllco ut Ttie Dallef, Oiegon, May 3, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that KATIIERINE A. ROUSII, formerly Kutherlne A. Ilorintr, of Madras, OreRon, who, on October 7, ISO'S mado Horneslead Serial No 01180 for ninej, seluel see 21 and sej- sel see 13, tp 11 h, r 13 e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described be fore Howard W. Tumor, United States Commissioner, at his olllce at Madras, Oreiron, on the 25th day of June, 1910. Claimant names as witnessed: M G Irwin, Max Wilson, Geo. W Riclmrdson, M L Loucks, all of Mad ras, Oregon. IU12J10 C. W. Moore, Register SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 6:45 P ,n- Everyone cordially invited. G. R. MOORHEAD, Pastor. FOR SALE-Complete threshing outfit nt the Ed Kutcher ranch. Call at the ranch. j9-al ! l-FURN ITURE In all lines Is constantly arriving. We call special attention at this time to our Land Wanted We buy and sell Farm and Ranch Lands in Oregon WRITE FULL PARTICULARS Wilkes Land Co. NEW YORK BUILDING Seattle, Wash. 4 na- I Warren Smith i J PROPRIETOR I ! Elite Tonsorial Parlors E NO LONG WAITS BATHS I I MADRAS, ORE. cCatrgat, Bates & JaiVely REAL ESTATE Wo handle Central Oregon protvrty. and are inak inn a specialty of CROOK COUNTY LANDS. If you . xl-l II ...-In ltd nave somuLiiiuts iv ou, wnm i MAX LUEDDEMANN, Manacer RCAU nSTATB oniT. 318 Falling Building PORTLAND, OREGON t Bedding Department I LOUCKS BROTHERS ! 1 ITHING WOOD TT-OIC The best equipped shop in Central Oregon FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY GRAY & SON MADRAS, OREGON s TIN SHOP Tin, Granite and Copper Repairing AT LARKIN'S HARNESS SHOP F1MF LINE HARNESS ON HAND Tents, Wagon Covers, Suit Cases Land. Owners ATTENTION If you wish to sell, list you property with us I e represent capital interested in yonr section e have immediate pnrchasers will pnrtee for onrselves e own aud operate two large 60-horse-power antoniobiles in our business SEE OR WRITE US TODAY Epping-Brydle Land Co. FRUIT AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN OREGON Portland Hood tjivet Shaniko OREGON ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO SHANIKO, OREGON i t ra 1 11 fl 11 r, T 1 Mi w Ft: I pi 11 .ft ,. hOX'XX,0 ok