The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, June 09, 1910, Image 8

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    A A A itk-Jtr ftrrfw A A A A a A A yyyt, Anffr 1W1A ifbft a a a a a a A A AAAA AfioOcA
MADRAS the Best Investment
in Central Oregon
- ft.
5t V
i .-
i i
J BNITED STATES Land Office, The
W Dalles, Oregon, May 9, 1910. 8er
. ial No. 0B088. Notice ia hereby given
that Charles M. Cartwright, whose post
office address is Haycreek, Or., has filed
BpPl!,c,at,?n to Belect, under act of June
4, 1897, the following described lands:
Nejnwi, swinwi sec 17, nejnwi sec 10.
T . 7' ocu o, aejne sec la.
neinej sec 13, tp 11 h, r 15 e, w m, and
eejnwi, sejswi sec 23, swswi Hec 13 and
Beinwi sec 27, tp 10 s, r 15 o, W M.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly thereto, or desiring to otiject, because
of the mineral character of the land, or
for any other roason, to disposal of the
above lands to the applicant, should file
their affidavits of protest in tfils office
on or before the 20th day of June. 1910
ml"-jl6 C. W. Moore, Register.
HOMESTEAD. Notice forPu'
tlon. Department of
rior. U. S Land Office at Tlijfe i 1
Oregou, May 13, 1910. "eB
Notloe is hHreby given that
, J J0"N C. STARIt,
of Madras, Oregon, wha, 0M Mav
27, 1903, madH IlonAeafeaj. TSerKl N.
m616 No. 14499, Cose4 be0 16, t , 0 '
r 14 e, w m, ' "
Kas filed ftdtloft qP. Intvuttor to roaie
Ve-yeac prooA,, to establish
Mm to the landcS J
fore Howard W. Tur-uer- XX a rw ,
sioner, at hla ortT'e Tt mS?"'':
gon on the day of Jur Co
Clalm,aat names us xtlf e' 1
SjiAtden A Whit. -ot
qti. William JUto? ElmrE M:an,1"
be?n,ai:ofMad,ur8' William Co
, Orgou.
a19-J2a ' W. Moobb,,
a0'..Af:'D TRACT. Notice for Publi
' .r TL.I.IIn 1 .anil Rlll Nil. ()f0Jtt-
- cauu i ....... ,
II B Uawd Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
ir.' .. 10 nun
Notice Is heieby given that, as directed
the CoiDiiiissioner of the Gtin rnl Laud
office, under provisions of Act of Oijn
oras approved J tine 27, 1000, Public-No.
5uS we will olfer at public sale, to the
iX'hest bidder, at o'efock a in., on
1 l o Dili i day of July. WW, at this office the
foUowlng tract of land, towlt: ny sec
81, tp 9 b, r 16 e, w m.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-df'scrlbed lands aie advised to fllo
their claims, or objections, on or before
:!' --. ..I .lnal..tinil fur K!tl.
tlie (lay muuio uchih"""'"
ju26-J30 C. W. MOORE. Register
SOUATED Tit ACT. Notice for Public
ootinn. Public Laud Sale. No.051U5.
United States Land Olflce, The Dalles,
Oreiion. May lfl, 1010. , Notice
Is hereby given that, as d reeled by the
Commissioner of the General Lund Olflce,
under provisions of Art of Comtrm ap
i roved Juno 27, 1006, Public-No. 803, wo
Vlll tler at public sMe, to the t lie highest
bidder, at 10 o'clock a.m., on the 6th day
of July, WW, ut this olflce, the fdlo Alng
tract ot laud, towlt: netfawtf and Xrii
seo 24, tp Oh, r We, wiu.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above- ttWlbd lunds are . dvlbed to lle
their claims, or objections, on or bwfore
the day above designated for sale.
1H20-J30 0. W. MOORE, IieRlstcr
Invest your money in a lot in the ORIGINAL TOWNSITE, the present and
future business center, where a few dollars invested now will make you
independent. Do Not Let Yourself Be Deceived by the Dreamer who is telling
You the Business District Will Be Changed.
Stop and Think!
All Roads Lead to Madras. There's a Reason. If you are from Missouri, let us show you the surround
ing country and natural resources, then you will know. The construction of a $30,000 Brick Hotel will
be started at once. C
v m - m
IJ OME8TE A D. Nptice for Publlca-
tlon. Department of the Inte
rior, U S. Land Office, at The Dalles,
Oregon, Juno 4, 1910.
Notice is hereby civen that
of Culver, Oregon, who, on June 22,
1905, made Homestead (Berlal No.
03643) No. 14565, for sejswi seo 10, ej-
nui uwuei sec 15, tp 13 s, r 13 e,
Has fiiii notice of intention ta make
(inl five-year proof, to establish
m to the land aoove described be
e Howard W.Turner, TJ. 8. Commls
s' oner, at his offlco at Madras Oregon,
on the 12th day of July, 1910.
Claimant names us witnesses:
Thomas J Wilson, O E Spink?, 11 A
Merchant, R 35 Waldorf, all of "Culver,
J9-jy7 O. W. Moore. Register..
LT0ME8TEAD. Notice for Pnbll-
cation. Department of the Inte
rior, XJ. S. Lund Office at The Dulles.
Oregon, June 4, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Culver, Oregon, who, on June 22,
1005, made homestead (Serial -No
03044) No. 14500, for nsei seo 9, 8M
swj see 10 and nwiuw sec 15, tp 13 ,
r 13 e, w m,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to est a Mi nil claim
to the land above described, before
Howard W, Turner, U. 8 Commission
er, at his office at Mr.dras, Oregon, on
the 12ih day or July, 1910,
Claimaut numea us witnesses:
O 12 Spiiiks, R F, Waldorf, R A Mer
chant, 0 II Wily on, all of Culver, Or
egon, C. W. MOORE,
J9-jyT Register
NOTICE For Publication. North
ern Paclh'c Railway Co., List
No. 220, List No. 08884, United States
Lund Office, Thfr Dalles, Oregon, May
28, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Northern Pad flu Rallwuy Company,
whose poslofflce address is St. Paul,
Mitiut'sotu, has tills 27th day of May,
1910, filed in this offlco Its application
to select utnler ulie provisions of the
Act of Coiigresn, approved July 1,
1808 (30 Stat, 697, 020 , the seiuej seo
3, tplle, rlOe, W M.
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desir
ing to object because of the mluerul
character of the laud, or for any other
reason, to the disposal to applicant,
should file their affidavits of protest in
this office, ou or before the 12th day of
July. 1910.
O. W, MooltE,
J9Jj7 Register
Why Pay Busin
Do not let the opportunity pass, get in on the ground floor
Put your good intentions into action by calling today at the.
"Ui w v
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior.
U. S. Lmd Office, The D.illes, Oregon,
April 29, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Haycreek, Oregon, who, on Sept.
7, 1904, raaile Homestead, Serial No.
032961 No. 137b2, for wiswi. fwlnwl
sec 24 nud ueei seo 23, tp 11 s, r IU
e, w m.
Has tiled notice of intention to make
liual five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described be
fore Howard W.Turner, United States
Commibuiooer at his office at Mud run,
Oregon, on the 27th day of June, 1910.
Ciaiouant names as wituesHeH: "
J H Jarretc, James Clark, Stanton
Black, K D Houston, all of Haycreek,
ml9 23 . Register.
DESERT LAND. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the In
terior. TJiiited States Land Office at
at The Dalles, Oregon, May 3, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that
of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on April
21, 1908. made Des-rt Land enlery Ser
ial No. 0002, No. 727, for Lot 15. sec 15,
tp 8 h, r 14 e, W M,
Has filed notice of intention to make
Final Proof, to establish claim to the
laud above described, betore II. C
Hooper, U. S. Commissioner, at Ante
lope, Oregon, ou the 28th day of June,
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Farre, of Hhuufko, Oregon; W
K Johnston, of Antelope, Oregon; 1' U
Johnston, of Luldlnw, Oregon, P IS
JoMiustou, of Battle Ground, WuhIi.
iu2C-i23 0. W Moore, Register
NOTICE For Publication. Northern
Pacific Railway List No. 219.
Serial No. 00793. United States Land
Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 20,
Notice is hereby given that the
Northern Pacific Railway Company,
whose post office uddress is St. Paul,
Minnesota, has this 17th day of May,
1910, filed in this otllue Its uppllca
tlon to select under the provisions
of the Act of Congress, approved July
1, lb98. (30 Stat. 697, 020) the nwjsei
seo 27, tp 11 s, r 11 e, w in.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the lunds described, or desir
ing to object because of the mluerul
character of the laud, or for any other
reason t the dispose! to applicant,
should file their alfidavits of.prntest
in this office ou or before the 30ih da
of Jyne, 1010.
m20-J30 C. W. Moore, Register
land 12-inch gong plow complete, also
walking plows odd harrow carts, In
quire at Pioneer offled.
oss Pnoos
- - - -- - v w tm -w
HOMESTEAD. Notice For Publica
tion. Department of the Inte
rior. U. S. Land Office at Tlio Dalles),
Oregon. April 5!9, 1910
Nutlet hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on April
10, 1905, made Homestead, Serial No
03546, No. 14865, for eist-i, seo 13, tp
12 s, r 12 e, aud Lots 2, 3 and 4, seo 18,
tp 12 s, r 13 e, w in, ,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish claim
claim to the laud above described, be
fore Howard W.Turimr, U. S. Commis
sioner at his office at Madras, Oregon,
on i lie 27th duy of June, 1910.
Cluimuut names as witnesses:
Pred Fulghaii), C A Whitsetf,
.imbaugh, II L Evans all of Mu
On iron.
ml 9 )23
C. W. Moore, Register
HOMESTEAD, Notlee F. r Publics,
lion, Oeptrtnieut of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 29, 1910.
Notice Is heieby given thai
of Madras, Oiegon, who, ou May 11,
lOO.'i, made Hotnestend, Serial No
0358iil No 14439. for s.Jnw and s-inel
sec 34, tp 12 s, r 12 e, w in,
Has filed notice of intuiiilon to make
final five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above descrlliMd, be
fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. Com
missioner at Ills office ut Mad rax Oro
gon, on the 27th day of June, 1910.
Cluimaut names as witnesses:
W A Hamlev. I V Limlumtrli. f! n
Stamp, H L Evans, all of Madras, Oie-
ml9 Jv3 C. W. Moore, RcgUter
Not Coal Laud
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca-
, "-i, i Hi-Mi. in ma interior,
U 8 Laud Office atThe Dalles, Oregon
April 29, 1010. '
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on February
4, 1900, made Homebleail, Serial No.
02345 for swjswi mo 20. eejMel sec 27,
nejnei sec 84, nwjuwj sou 85, tp 12 s,
r 12 e, w in,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
final commutation proof, te establish
claim to the laud above desoribed, be
fore Howard "W. Turner, U. S. Commis
sioner, ut his offlee at Madras. Oregon,
ou (lie 27lh day of June, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
I V Limbaugh, Mrs U floroucn Ber
Iruiu, J W NioIioIm, William A Ham
ley, ull of Mudias, Oregon,
C. V; aiooitu,
mll)-J23 KeglHlor
YOU CAN FIND Dr. Clark at the Keys
rooming houo, prepared to do nil
kinds of Dentul Work, Thoeo having
work to do should call without delay,
as the doctor will have to work at
.other points part of the time u28-t2
for Residence Lots?
m w m v m r V 'jpr- "jbi- -Tar- Tp- -pr -vt n
TlMDEIl LAND. Notice For Publica
tion' Department of the Interior. U. S
Land "Mce "t T'' Dalles, Oregon, March
25. DUO.
Notice is hereby given that
whose poidofllce nddress is alianlko, Ore
gon, dill, on the 17th day of June, lOoV, tile
In this oltlce Ills Sworn Htntiini'iit mm An.
plication, No. o-ilfJl, to piirclinsti tliu iii'1!
nwKseclO, tp 8 h, r 16 e, W M, and
the Umber thereon, under the provisions
of the net or June 3, 187H, nud acts amend
atory, known as the ' I'hnnor nud Stone
haw." ni such value as might be fixed by
appraisement, am!, iitiintiaut lo siicu
application Hie laud utiil limber tlieieou
have been appraised, the timber estimabtl
loo cordh wood at 6 cents per cord, and
uml the land $5o: Hint said applicant will
oiler filial proof iustippoitof ids applica
tion and sworn siub'iiii-ut on the lot , du
or June. Win. be.oie II. O. Hooper, UnlU-il
States Commissioner at bin office at Ante
lope, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest this
puieliRHe before entrj, or Initiate a eon
test at any time befoie patent Issues, by
filing a corroborated alfldarlt in tldsol.
hoe, alleging tacts wlncn would defeat the
'utiy. C. V. MOOUK,
u7-J Iteglster
KJOTICE for Publication. Northern
1N Pacific Railway Co. List No. 218,
No. 00703. U. H. Land Office, The
Dalles, Oregon, May 14, 1910.
Notice Is lurliu l.ltf..!. .tint Hi.
- - " " J llllll. tup
Northern Pacific Hallway Company,
whose post offloe address Is St. Paul
fo.i'i"?.".'".8! ,,a.H,t,llH 13H uy of May
1910, filed in this office its application
to select under the piovlalons of tho
f );,1"' C-ougresH, approved July 1, 1898,
(30 Stal. 697, 020 . The UfrJw 3.1
IP 10s, rlOe, w m. '
Any and all persons claiming ad
versly the lauds desurlbed, or deslrluc
to object because of the mineral char
aoler of the laud, or for any 01 her roa
win, to the disposal to aimlleunl
Wi" fi!?rtlH'lr ttf"l,v'?H of ' "roles;
d"y oIuntio'lO. " befrU UllU
m20j30 C. W.Moore, Register
M0MK8TEAI). NoUce for Publlca
Hon. Department of the Inte
rior, U. H. Laud Office at The Dullw,
Oiegon, May 3, 1010.
Notice Is hereby given that
formerly ICuilinrln.. a 11.
of Madras, Oregon, who, on October
A!, TV', ,u n"wJ rferlal No
01 180 for nlnel. selnni ,. 0.1
Hseol3, (pllB, riae.wm,
nas nieu notice of Intention to make
final commutation proof, , esUblish
claim to the ,l ubovo (leHUrlt.eJ be
ore Howard W, Turner, Unlte.l State.
UnmnlbB.oner, at his office at Madras,
Ormron, on the .25 tb day of June,
Claimunt names as wllnesseo
RS.?nU,,.njf?UiX ,,",M' Jfi0' w
rii oSjoL 1 "" UU 6f filttU'
n2JW 0. W. Moore, Register
OUMMONB. In the Clrttit
Elltkboth WoodHird.fJiijO,
To Albert W. Woodwni, tl"
T 1 1... ... ..f 01. 1. A,
hereby required 10 titr u
lain! Hind urilnil toS U
titled null, on or helute ihi.W
limn nminriian 111 innnrarrui
fhi. iiiintnAH wit. tail iniTinci
ine lUBiiiiin win p iiiwim
liBI 'IJV4 lll 111 INV wp"l
tVtfi duowiA nt Alt fir Hi ttiiH
irxiniiiiK uviHrcu itiitiuiiH .
awnriiiiiir pimmiu mu h"-"-
uiiiimeii quartern
koiiiIi ot 1Uiik0 !'!
1. 11... - 1. .
acre.' Kslenled to mid Ic(cniUu;
For f 160.00 null inoDtr,
V... - nt.lnlan.n ii. .llnvlttt
month eommenciiiK 0''nriT,
ciiiitlniiK Inr llin future. Ida
iiriirr iiruiiiuiiiiiK I ,
. 1 .1.. ..1. mi
ii. nii..r, in iiik tiiore orKii"
nr riwiulrlnv rnilil lielennMI Wl"
pfrniriiv iiiiiu .vim1.
. ...i..H.. ..i.i u
... ..1. . mi 1
mill'..? Kiln. l
rur wiu rcii,rii"n , rr.jt
...... .. .....a ii.. .umi, Aiii.r idui
,l,UU, Mill, IUI I.HI.M
...... ....... .... and III. I.
111.T rrriii ,ihtv ... . .
II..., IV I. fllfCUlli
....... ... 1
lOUIIIy. (irt'KUII. mm. "-'7
ifwfilrn mil (liMffalHUl Oil bl'w'
Him Of Dili uiiiwoul5r!
llcation. Pul'llc U
05075. U. ri. Laud
Ornimi. lv HI 1010.
x?. ..I.... i.. i....uiiu oiven w
...i .... .... ...i.aTmiiir 61
11IILII!M II. Wtr '
eu oy mu uoiiiii"'""""".iM
i mi fiiiii... iiriiiiir imuii-".
i , M
Uoneress annroveu jw-i
N :uvi wh will offer (I
- . . . . mm ii
))...! ni .num. ivivi
. -' - i.,i
1110 10 loWlllg truuiuj
tvt sec iu. in i- , .
A, iv mirnnns i-iuiiidmb
I . I ...Inif 111
. . . ii. ...i. mrm
(ili........,Utt..vl,illl1 1ILI1UD .
I lu thoir clalniH, or.vT
iminrn inn iinv uiiuhb
I ..... .I.Ul
mlO L'3 V. n . w-.
.1, llmrt.
MOMJiSriiAU sww;
. . . IT., M f
tlon. I)eartineui'
B. Land Offloe, Tlu W
M..u oi mm
Notice Is litTHiyt'! i
1 4 M VU ti. tit''
..I lln.L.a llrllDII. WUl" ,
l, IIRIIIRl'l ' l..rt
in inn, K.illieatC'0!.'
iii. IUUIi uimi" .i. j
11(4(4 1 ran. llUDli : .
4 uiiil Iii4iih
Huh filed notice oi i"-w
IIIIHI II VH V IT 11 1 i 1
claim lo the laud "".
u nr rfi.Ptiiif. U'
ulitliliK r II iy IIII1LD rw ' ,s
.ii til .. It I.
,.li III., flfllll llllV Of JU"I'
n ui...,.ni nuinHH n.
Vlllll"lv - il Bill
n .ui.i avnvis. w
l...liu lruJllll ; j
. . if. ...... ..j. nr
mUO.130 O.W.'i