The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, June 09, 1910, Image 2

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The Quest of
Betty Lancey
Copyright, 1909, by W. V. CtuifEUUi. Oojritsht In Great Britain
I a r- 1U
Bailed on and on to the south, 1th SIX STATES FAVOR inuumu in
Betty fast asleep and ati uncotittatoua
of the world-wide search for her, now
paralleling the mystery of the murdof
Of Cerlsso Wayne.
One day Betty, tired of watching th
seascopo sup monotonously by, sam
Five Rojoct, Two Postpono Final
Result In Throe Yonrs,
Washington, Juno 4. Six states
thus far through tholr legislatures
hnvn rntlflwl tho incomo tax amend-
Industrial development and
nnnrDrCC HI? fuiU UfXhTD nmi,
pnuiTnu.. ifi i vi iii nil iiii. vi'i
Moko Es- County to Coonoraln ui.l .
pica putting her foot to the deck. Tho ment to mo consuiuuuu, uu ,, Cost of Rnllroou. -o, in nooc od W.l
I tlOn, ... I..rft.v lum vnnnlvnn
Most of tho states will act during -' engineer M"
tho coming winter or the winter fol- .. ', ' " .... """ 1 w tho ton of
lowW. nnd tho fate of tho amendment of tho Northern race - f - m on tno old Fort KIm
Ikn nnal nf rntiriKlllC tlOIl Wl 1I1U WOrK IK Id lin llnn ivh
OHAPTER IX. (Continued.)
Tno visit nf Mr. Franz threw no
new light on the "Wayne murder mys
tery. As to the disappearance of Bet
ty Lancey and of tho Man-Aperllla
these riddles were still at their baffling
inception. The police found them
selves up against a polygonal enigma
The murder of Cerlsso Wayne; the
Identity and whereabouts of Hamley
Hackleye; the unparallelod resem
blance between Mrs. Harcourt and
Mrs. Wayne; the dlsappearanco of
Betty Lancey; and tho appearance
s.nd disappearance of the
ail surrounding the death
Lrfxrry Morris grew thin and gaunt
as tho days passed on, and no tidings
came from the missing Betty. Har
court's wife had boon taken to a sani
tarium and Harcourt was held In Jail
pending her recovery and tho clear
ance of the mystery. The copy of the
letter Harcourt had made was pro
nounced by experts to bo a disguised
hand, and the signature of Harold
Harcourt on the hotel reglstor was
found to be almost Identical with the
formation of the Initials H. H. append
ed to tho letters found among tho ef
rects of the dead Cerlsso Wayno
Opinion was dlvldod among various
speculations and some thought that
Harcourt had killed Mrs. Wayne, other
theorists held that Harold Harcourt
and Hamley Hackleye were the same;
others still, that Harcourt had been
masquerading as Hackleye, and In .that
way explained the vanishing of Hack
ieye. This left still unaccounted for
the abduction of Betty and the mys
tery of the Man-Aperllla.
Larry Morris persistently held to it
that it was only right that an expedi
tion should be fitted up and sent to
Africa to soo if there might be ny
further clews picked up there. His
paper laughed at him, and one editor.
who guessed the condition of Larry's
heart, called him a "lovesick fool.
i-Jirry fumed until one night late In
August he had a dream about Betty,
He saw her In a Jungle, amidst a horde
of llbyans and hideous black men. And
she was standing there stretching out
her hands to him. Her voice, thick
with pain, called out to him. "Larry!
Oh, Larry!" That settled Larry Mor
ris. He threw up his Job tho very next
day, and with Johnny Johnson In tow
left for New York. Flvo days later
Larry had made a tie-up with a press
syndicate to go to Africa, along with
Johnny Johnson, and see what could
be done towards tracing out that end
of the tale. They had no charts, noth
ing but a few half obliterated post
mams torn from letters found In the
safety deposit box kept with Double
day, Franz & Co., but on these Larry
was pinning much faith. It was the
mustard seed ho hoped would move a
grasp from which oscapo was lmpossl
bio, endurance intolerable.
Sho glanced at the heap of draperies
by tho sldo of tho couch, watched the
swing and sway of tho room about her,
and tried to gather her tortured senses
together. Betty Lancoy had novor had
any imagination, but she was possessed
always with tho polso of six men and
the common sense of a dozen. Sho ex
amined her hands carefully, and found
them without scratch or bruise. She
felt no soreness of body but a numb
heaviness of brain, and
touch xf tho timber wakened ambition Ijcctcd it and two havo postponed ac
wiuiiii iiur, bo uio Becona 1001 siowiy
followed tho first. Then Betty made
another try, and found that she could
stand erect rathor tottery, It was true,
Then sho tried to walk, but hardly
naa sne gone hair a dozen steps whon I ' ... , A fSmnlrn
Tyoga was with her. will bo definitely known in two or t mates
"Careful, careful," smiled the no- threo yonrs at tho very
gress. Don't try too much, and bo f ,ini nn thn nmnnd-
careful, mighty careful 'round this " . . ... T . . . W V .
ment it win uo aeicnica, uut i. iu
mains to be seen whether 12 Btatcs will
venture into tho opposition column.
Friends of tho incomo tax express
tho fullest confidence that tho amend-
tlmalo'on Cos! of Rnllrond.
nivdo B. Aitchison, Oregon Btnto
Klamnth Fn a V
VI Hill III M . i
tho Meadow Lnko nnwiiiTl,N
boat This Is a bad boat. Missy, It
ought to fly the pirate flag."
Betty shivered. She had grown to
llko Tyoga, for tho negress had been
davotlon Itself In tho services she had
given to tho young American girl.
n in IWU oi l.a,l nn cnn. ltun t.lnn n n,l ..It t... TteS
i imi iitnit itnna in i iri'if uu itwiiu wa i,iw iiimii iiiiu ui kimii i mir th. ti
. 1D iauj ... w-- lt . . . ; At' "-"J iUCllw..
wero exclusive of tho injur- ino proposuion nmdo to (ho
est in the Spokane, Portland & Sonttlo that if tho county will furM
railway and tho 40 per cent interest in rock crUBhor ami ono mnn tocr
the worinorn i-iiuniu "'""' ",m'i u niuauow
Taciturn and commanding, Betty had ment ultimately will bo adopted, and g727 mjcs of
. company will hnul tho rock, m.!:,?
Tho total mllengo of tno iNormern mo roao, roil it iown and do ill 7
Purine lines ill OroKon Ih given at balanco of tho work 111 ennniwiU- .
97.27 miles. Of main lino there Is the building of n good ronrlUi "3
II... "'USB
never been able to evoke from hor believe that ono or two of tho states fi miles: branches, 44. 92 milca, othor cost to thu cotintv.
Olthor tho nhlwt nr Ihn iMrooHnn nf I nnw nn rornni ntrnin'lf. It Will rcVOrSC I . i i I 11 ftU tnllna Tlw. KTnn,ln... T t.. .."
n hutlh0CMJ
Thu blfftrcst nlncr n triietlnn nmrln,. v.u"&
item is for right of way and Btatlon to haul tho product of tho mill to
grounds, tho figures being given at kct In this city. Tho rond leading
Tho cost or grading is 0f town toward Fort Klamnth UrZ?
city llmita to tho top of the hll! t,
their Journey beyond what tho nogress thoir attitude when new legislatures
had told her that llrst morning. That nre chosen.
sho had been very 111. Botty know, and The six states that have voted to
that Lo Malheureux was a physician of ratJfy thj3 nmendment are Alabama,
n I CT 1 1 nlMM Ah A 1 A J mm V. ......11 m mi - . . 4 ... . . A
" Dnl" " Blirowuiy KUUBSUU. I Cll. roK.. TIKnnla Mnru nnri
The estimate of expenditure on tho tlilH offer for tho reason that tho
lino from Goble to rortlaiui, -io.n ty jinn given thorn tho privilcfrnT
miles, is $3,000,892.12.
a numb nw V., ; --,v" oouin uaronna, Illinois, juiiryninu, ......j,
confused itS'Z nB Kentucky and Mississippi. The states g""
n.ii t . .
tiuiiy Lancey came drck to con
sciousness and the world of things as
mortals think they see them, with a
most monstrous smell of sulphur chok
ing her. As nearly as she could distin
guish the room was filled with glass
globes the circumference of a fair
sized musk-melon, and every globe was
a-twltter with lemon yellow or pale
violet lights, bathing tho room with
odd sputtered flashes.
Realities reverted slowly. Betty
made out a celling, domelike and cor
rugated, later a floor, and eventually
descried that she was nestling on a
couch piled BOft and easy with pun
gent pillows. Barely had she discern
ed these facts when a swaddled per
sonage confronted her. It was tall
and garbed in sombre swatchings that
left the outlines of its great bulk all
In doubt.
"Ah, that Is better," came tho gut
ural comment, "do you wish more
"No, indeed," she expostulated. "I
didn't wish any in tho first place. Why
did you give lt to me7 Where am
The being answered with a shrug,
"Pray, calm yourself, my dear Miss
Lancey. I only trust tho machlna
tlons of this electrical apparatus will
not disturb you too much. Do be quiet!
Do not excite yourself unduly."
"Oh, but who aro you? Where am
I? And why 7" asked Betty. "There's
such a rushing In my head, such
sounding In my ears, and that swish
and swash of watei' what does It all
mean? Am I delirious or dreaming?'
"You've been both," replied the flg.
ure, "out you're oetter now. Well
enough to go Into the salon whero you
can rest far more comfortably than In
hero. As to who I am well, you may
call mo L.e jviaineureux ir you llko It
suits me better than any othor title,
for I am the unhapplost In all the
world! My baptismal name was Fran
cis Francis the free but freedom
for me never!"
The llgure sunk in a heap. Above
the sputterjngs of the electrical ap
paratuses Betty could distinguish the
swirl of waves, and the surge of deep
water. She tried to rise but was too
weak, and reclined once moro upon
her pillows. Vainly she endeavored to
recall what had passed before, Event
after event raced through her brain.
She remembered dimly as a child
traces back the progress of an evil
dream the Incidents of her last waking
hours. The Inquest of Cerlsse Wayne,
the scene In the Directory Hotel, the
quest for the papers, her attempt to
Interview the mysterious woman, and
last of all that shuddering fright, that
fearful, struggling embrace with a
twrrtble furry being that hU her In a
one awaKonca from dreams of a
meal at Le Roy's with Larry Morris
urging her to "havo Just another pieco
of this steak, Betty, do.
By her side was a small table, neat
ly spread With dainty linen, fragile
china, and exquisite silver, laden with
a dozen aDDetizimr vlamls. A
woman of hulking build was gently
bathing her temples.
mat's right, child," said tho black
woman, "open your eyes and you'll feel
better. Open your lips, too, and taste
tnis nroth. It's so nice! I made lt for
you. Just the way Mr. Francis likes It
He says lt is the nicest ho over ate."
Mention of "Mr. Francis" fetched to
mind tho shock of an earlier hour to
Betty. She suffered herself to be fed.
which the negress did as gently as a
mother might With reviving strength
uotty round her tongue again. Sho
questioned her sorvltor closely.
Have I beon sick or drugged?"
"You'vo been very sick, my girl. But
this sea voyage will put you right
again. Whon you get back from Af
rica, you'iy "
rom Africa?" shrieked Betty. "Oh
where and why and how am I going
there 7 Oh, what has happened to
You're sailing straight for Africa In
the most comfortable manner possl
Die, answered the nogress. "but as I
tell you, you'll be sent home well and
Betty sank back quieted and dutiful
ly ate for the negress. When she had
finished the black woman went away
and camo back with steamer rugs and
"My name Is Tyoga," announced the
negress, bluntly. Then she set about
combing Betty's sadly tangled hair.
and wound the braids loosely around
her fevered head. "I'm going to take
you up on deck, now. Mr. Francis says
you need the air."
Tall and strong as Betty once had
been the giant negress picked her up
as If she had been a little girl, and
boro her to the upper deck and placed
her In a luxuriously arranged steamer
The glare of the sun on the water
hurt Betty's eyes terribly, but the salt
breeze refreshed her and the relief
from the smell of sulphur and the
sputterings of tho electrical flashes
was unbounded. The surface of the
water was unwrlnkled and sea and sky
were Joined without a visible seam at
the Juncture. The craft on which she
was sailing was the oddest Betty had
ever seen. Not larger than a comfort
able yacht It was devoid of rigging,
machinery or oven Bailors so far as
the casual eye could note. All around
pervaded that uncanny silence born of
the dearth of human companionship,
ryoga pusnea a uttio table covered
with books close to Betty's side, tuck
ed her round with the blankets, and
handed her a little bell
T shall be busy below," announced
tho negress, "but If you want me.
Then she disappeared down a hatch
way. Betty picked up the magazines
listlessly and found In addition sever
al current scientific Journals in French
and In German, numerous of the light
er American and English periodicals.
and a Ban f'ransclsco dally of a dat
several days prior to the murder of
Cerlsse Wayne. Tho yacht, for such
Betty termed lt In tho absence of any
more accurate Knowledge of the nature
of the craft, made good time through
the water. Its soft motion, and the
glare of the sun, sea and sky acted as
a gentle hypnotic and Betty, with a
rew nnai euoris lor tno retention of
consciousness found herself slipping
into a aream or wild unrest Once it
seemed to her that the Malheureus
stood beside her, and then again Tyo
ga sho had hard shift to differentiate
between them, both wero so tall, so
hulking, so sombre. Had she not heard
their voices In a guttural converse
whoso syllables sho could not dlstln
guisn, sno would have thought that
the dual personality was but a trick
of her rebellious fancy and that only
one person beside herself was aboard
this yacht of enchantment or delirium
ino goiaen day faded In a rainbow
clash of scarlet and silver. Jasner ami
Jade, pink and purple and gold and
green. Palo evening, star-shot and
misty followed In its footsteps. At in
tervals Betty roused to bo fed, only to
ran again Into her dreams of thlntrs
chaotic and things Incomplete. Then
whon lt grew the dark gray dusk, with
a tight and shrivelled little quarter of
moon abovo them, Betty heard the
twang and tinkle of a banjo besldu
her, and looking saw Le Malheureux,
deep In tho shadow, picking from tho
strings of the Instrument melodies
with all tho heartbreak and all the
soul-ache of tho world within their
As the night darkened the music
grew more weird and from tho hatch
way Joined In Tyoga's voice, deep,
rich, alluring as the Jungles from
whence she had come, and the yacht
"u nuHury in me music maao . , - cHitmuic m
her heart throb and her eyes fill with Louisiana, whilo Georgia Nf ns t10 cost of tlio work
appearance neaviness or brain, and a confused iiht .h "h .h ' ,' ,,, j,"' iventucKy nna Mississippi, ino nuura $7rfi or9 or Th
"uls aTd' an r!; fr,0Sed rr StS voting adversely are New York Rhode gK,
ath of Mrs. and agate dropped into a numbness. mystery and misery In the music mlde !sln?d.. Massachusetts, Virginia and b An caUmntc f
work on
distance of 33.74 miles. Tho cost of this road geta hub deon In
grading for this section is Btated to be it is inmost impossible to get thttS
$242,781, and of right oi way ana nia- it with any kind of a rig during
ennr. 4jn TQ la ,Arnn ,.t t. !.'.. "
umrlf nn tlin Wash- rmntv rfnrtntr ttwt ,!..- ... 0a
tears. It was tho wall of a heart and Jersey have postponed a vote until tho , . & Q n lino to pcnu0On, a tho flat about a mile ouWHntSi
of a soul In prison, and in desnalr. All next session of their legislatures.
endeavors to elicit any Information Senator Norris Brown, of Nebraska,
from hor surroundings having failed, who has kept close tab on tho incomo
Betty had resigned herself to tho lnov
ltablo, postponed the finding of tho an
swer and estimating her own enfeebled
condition had got down to taklno
things as she found them, reveling In
the salt and sweep of Nature and the
sea-air and tho willy-nilly voyago that
had fallen to her lot
Time and Its reckoning had all been
lost. Botty, finding that tho compto
meter of the days had slipped from her
tax fight, and who was ono of the fore
most advocates of tho incomo tax
whilo tho tariff bill was before congress
lost session, predicts that the income
tax amendment will be a part of the
constitution within three years.
believes that more than three-fourths
of the states will support it, and says
it will bo indorsed in every state
where the income tax is made a pollu
tion grounds, $154,008.33. I'rom time of tho yoar.
Smeltz to Athena. 10.83 miles, tho ua
timatcd cost of work is $357,740.20. snno uolobratlon at La Grande.
Tho cost of equipment for tho road La Grando Tho Contfnon.i o.
He in 0reKn ia estimated nt $324,140.05. rtcbb of 1776 will bo reproduce
" tuy, " nu BpeaKers will b
Iirnrbcd in continental dreas. itv
Hood Rivcr-Tho strawberry grow- "wlH bo hero in likcne,
crs are not the only employers of labor ,Ul Declaration of Independence
mind did not try to retain lt Sho cal issue in tho legislative campaign. who are having their troubles these r V,: . V V ii V ,K ,l'rcummi
. ... . . . , ... ... I TT J X l A 1 ' - VT I . ri f T t .... VI UUIV 'I lUIIUWIlILT (II'IMHinnfl M.AJ
luun-iy rcsiuu ana waitea. uut there no conccucs inut rennsyivunia, new mays, ine urcgon jjurnuur cuiupuny . .. ' .v.oiu;
wero times, occasions and remarks Jersey. Delaware and some of tho New 1ms almost boon forced to closo Itl mill uy",e um4iuqun committee.
that Tyoga and Le Malheureux both England states will be among the op- at Deo on account of tho scarcity of In- , 1,lcro WIU uo. ,n "trenuous cfrortb
ou.u oumes majte mat caused Betty position, but all of this was expected bor. Manager Charles T. Early says xV n,K""wl aQnng tit
to shiver and forced her once more In- when the fight opened. New York, they use three crews "ono coming, l'"rlr!,f N,9 1nroc,rnckerB, fireworkia
to a wonderment of the wherefore and however, he believes wilK in tho end one working and ono going." The in- cfel will be allowed onthegrooaii
OH Well Roaches 3,730 Feel,
1 f VMg ...
uiunnoino on well is downbi
depth of 3,730 feet. Tho drill lsort
ing In a harder dhale than has bea
round in tho well and tho color of &
fall in line and vote to ratify the borers do not seem to stick long at any
amendment. job and whilo tho yard workers aro
According to Senator Brown, nil the getting $2,50 a day they will not stay
states of the West without exception, with their jobs. One morning recently
will ratify the income tax amendment, with the aid of Marshal Lewis, Mr.
most of them durinir tho comine Win- Rnrlv rnundnil nn 20 mrn In tho iunc
ter. He predicts also that the South- les and managed to persuade 13 of them hale Ib darker than the bluo which la
ern states will ratify it within two to take tho train for Deo and go to ,,ccn i" ovldcnco bo long. This it li
years. Virginia failed to ratify be- work. Eleven were put to work in tho ort of enp rock usunlly found jost It
cause the speaker of tho Virginiohouso yard and two othcre sent on to the foro entering n sand, lt is Kcneril
was able to bring about an adverse timber camp. At noon the Deo office believed that a sand will sooa le
vnta. Thia vntn Ptvium linlinvna mm, .. II . i.t.i f- t. l.. , i rfiifhiul nml fits, nil flntrnlAnmnnt t ilL
yours t x en me. do. Your English Is he reversed, narticularlv if thn inrnmn Ln,i fL u, -...!... 7i... 1 1 sect on w 1 ho nmit thn nvnortmJ
poncction. i , j . , ..... j. aw .1 w n . twuuw-u', o ntu 1 , - - .. (. . .
the why.
"Don't, Tyoga!" she frotted now.
'You make mo so unhappy when you
speak like that I'm restless, anyway,
and I want to be amused. Take me
some place!"
"Do you want to go Into my kitch
en, suggested Tyoga. humorlnc- her.
'Most little girls like to mess In the
kitchen. If you want to you may go
down and make fudge."
Tyoga," asked Botty, "whero did
you get that wonderful education of
A shade of pain crossed the negress'
face, and her features set In immobility.
"Do you want to go into tho kitch
en?" she repeated.
No," replied Betty, Imperiously. "I INCREASE OF WAGES TO KAISER
want to go seo Le Malheiirnnr. T
tax is made an issue in Virginia. Tho men from tho vnrd wro hnntlmr it stage and bo n permanent rcnlitv.
it.? 1. j . . : . ' :
aumu wung may do aone m jviassacnu- down the track. Fortunately these
i.1 . 1 it. t it . I . ... '
acini, mougn me cnances inero are not loafers do not stick long in Hood Riv
particularly favorable, he opines.
cr, as they Jget thirsty and hnvo to
move nlong to Tho Dalles or Portland.
don't like him. Tyoga, he repels me as
much as if he were a horrid beast But
I feel sorry for him. Take mo whrir
he Is."
(To be continued.)
High of Cost Living Affects Imper
ial Household.
Berlin. June 4.
claration was issued todav explaining tho opening of the ennning season. A
the causes of the finnncinl ntroaa i,n,i0F larKe amount of money has been ex
which the emperor finds himself and Pended on the cannery building since it
the requirement for an increase in the was Purchscd from the Allen company
civil list of the king ' of Prussia as car'y in the 8Pri"K. The packing de
agreed upon by the leaders of tho Prus- Partnicnt has been moved to the basc
sian Diet yesterday. ment of tne building, where a good
lt has been decided to introduce a ""r nus ocen mm am every conven
Marcola Mill Starts.
i.".. ..... a ,ri.. LT ..H. t 1 in. '
uukuiiu 1 nu auuuiurii x nciuc ao
puny has ntnrted ono of its sawmilltii
Mnrcoln in operation aftc a shutdan
of threo years. Tho other two eEi
owned by tho company in that vici
ity will bo started up as Boon u tlsj
Cannery Ready for Work,
Eugene The Eugene Fruitgrowers
association has fa largo force of men nL i ,u. ...u Lu ...:u t. t.A
,,, ... ,11. , . I u 111 IVUUUIW, rvjlll.ll Will UK IUH
employed getting the plant ready for of n fow wcck ' T,IC80 , Bte
operating to their full capacity, ea-
Too Ilealliiflc.
A schoolmaster looked anxious and
What's the matter 7' asked tho
"I'm worried about the boys in tho
upper classes, sir. I've been teaching bill to bring His Majesty's allowance ,0.nco installed for the employes.
mem uuw 10 rovive tne apparently up to S5. 000. 000. room on mo b
drowned." The Dublic is reminflnd tlinf thn used as a packing
"Well, that should not worry you," Prussian crown surrendered to the for otner PurPOscs
replied the good vicar. state in 1820 properties yielding at
res, sir; but I havo caught Bom that time nearly $2,000,000 annuollv Work 33 Davs on 0 I no-
ox me boys trying to drown one an- ?na tne value of which has been great- Tillamook The crew of Hadlev litis
ploy 300 or 400 men.
All Oregon Items Remain.
Washington The rivcre and hsrtoa
bill was slgncnl by the conference com
mltteo with all Oregon items nxiW
down. There htw been a hard 6it
agalnat tho Oregon Items, but the to-
liiir iwim nn it,n n t V Kii mo urcgon ucmH, oui me kj
u K nlkinfZn rmcr,y Ute conferees, at Bourne instance
useu as a packing room will be uacd Lfo...i .i i .11.. iu v,u
1 Dioiiu uiiu iiiinuy uvvri'uuiu uiu iw
conforecB' opposition.
Creamery Roady for Business.
La firnncln The now crcamenB
Prom IMteaburo-.
'Toung gentlemen," announced th
other In order to practice what I havt Iv augmented since. The increased ael shingle mill, which !h owned by C. ready for buaincsfl, The machinay
taught theml" 11 e thl Prcnt aI: W Gi,mor. worked from April 9 to has all been tested and tho plant fib
avn """""i"-" smtemeni May is, cutting 141,000 ahinglca out readincaa for tho season's run. W
vLh vnnr h5 nr,f r u . . onc ,loK 11 feet 10 Inches in diiim- machinery ia of tho latest and most
xijacn year his Bunnort nf tho mnrf nn t 1 . . m . . .
professor In English literature, '.'to- theaters 'alone costs th cmMnn Z iTn'Tr..lV- ?or. cut e.uc.ent type.
l i 7 ' . viii ijm 1 mi w tin iii'ci'NNKrv 1 r 1 1 v 1 1 r 1 m
' wv. In , re.ccnt years he has in- into eight pieces with dynamite the PORTLAND MARKETS,
creased the nnlnrioq nf thn j 1 . . ""'" me
hold by a total of $250,00P0. Sf a cor 1 ofSr, , .. , "?! 2284 C,U''. 8081c' rcd
- -
morrow I wish you to come-propared
to discuss this sentence from th
works of Henry James."
"Tho entiro Bentenco, professorf
groaned tho class.
'Well, tako lt as far as tho first semJ.
colon." Pittsburg Post
Spring Clean-Up SI, 176,000.
felling the tree an nrm 60 feet lonir
Auu in uiamcter was broken
of Tact.
Blank certalnl
Mrs. Pyne Mrs.
possesses "tact."
Mrs. Hyno What is your deflnitIo
or tact7
Corn Whole, $33; cracked, $34 1
Hay Trnck prices: TImotny, n-
asicrn w-
tJnmn Alnalrn Tnnn A WU o I to SnHnters. nnt n l!l nt U I...! i
4 "M JrinK ' ' Ui '"uingimvcu. inmetto vnl ov. S20fT)21: E
goiu ciean-up or tne iome district s COn $22(Tl2C nlfnlfn SlBMlC;
f;fS,VlI?i'J!aJ"F Wr- , Transplant Eastern Oysters. h iZt'pTl ?'
Zi" Y AZJIV: . ",,ru. "oncn our hundred and twentv Oats No. 1 white. $2C(i27
'"""- waiiuiu uuvit will conrriniirn 1 HiinifR nt i oaifn .... . 1 l
per W"'
PrultB Strawberries, 76c
Mrs. Pyne-That is a woman's abll 8TicFngo t the , veaTS!, nP.lnt,0BtcrT com'inn havo been re- box; cherrlea bbcl.25 per
ity to make her husband believe h, SSbSf tolo? mST " B0U"d'. V seborrleB, mic per pound.
fnrthpr fmm thn no .. u 1 !C u "',7 luo Hcemings that havo t'otatocfl Car oad buying pn-"'
lurther from the ocean say tho weather been used heretofore nn,l 1.1" rw, An . i,,i,i. C
is Btill too cold for work. There will ahnnt. fl " . r, TV! - "T"7
bo no lack of water thin ..; " Ui,; ZZ"uJ .... icnt for " ?4flJ!c per pounu; wc r-
Rnrln nut nnf nt th'Tr. """il'l T T. X ,1'. UUt UU?Ut. IZC Of an WCB, lC.
--''"v "u xuua- uiympia oyster and w m.. ,
lnn nnn j u i. c n. Vr , v. -- owm xor trans- rruiis oiniwuiinwi
$3UU,UUU and tho creeks of the Knti.nlnnt.lncr nt rpUi..n.i a. . . Ii An i. it tuit nt
carokwill vielrl ssnn nnn tu KL-i b "'""u .lor loko Icr cram; nppies, i.,-r-
l 1 1 t i . " I ""J w
ia xiuviiiir n r nnrn 1 hhi..ixi it m . . 1 nvviu
cj "'w;oii lurinerirom the ocean aav tho weiitw heon ti0,i i,r... ;. 0 .7 . .Vu V r 7 ' ". n.v.t
a 4 ... . is Btill too cold for wort ' vh ,Th ;C .mm wlc. c Pr nunorca? new r
Me no speakeo Chinese velly oll
explained tho hostess on welcoming the
distinguished vlsitpr from the Flowery
"No matter," responded tho latter. "1
can converse in English." Kansai
City Journal.
With Wllen and ftinlle.
Maud Thero'fl no use trying youi
arts on Jack. Ho is wedded to hit
amy. Boston Transcript
wivmmn rwrutnr n,l ...ill . ir . . . .. . . finrntta
rod In estlmntfl nf si 9ko nnn LT ' m" . u yv'" '"aiuro in two vegomuiCB ArucnoKCB,
rod IB estimated at $1,250,000. years. This is an experiment but the dozen; nsnarairus. $1.2156x2 per W
Conductor Takes Blame. y PCPl0 b!i!;.!8 fcafllbl' !'0nd 1?ttuco' COCOc I,or ,doZfn'!:
uakland, Cal., June 4 W. J. Hoi- Farmers' Unlnn i Lnlnna nhnrh. 2eP
dorf Hip OnHnm! ,ntt . ..., winon m UOOS. "lUOOB, XOC por UOZCn muoitru, ry
aorf, the Oakland traction conductor, MarshlfieldA ln,i . u nound- ,iL-h un(n nor POiM
in n ai nrnni otntntvi . ui i i ww miuiiuii in nn i t miuimvu, vvv i ....
has taken all rcBDonBlbmtv Tr ihi mT8 , Co'0Pcr nd Educa- "bagns, $1.25??)1.C0 per sacK!
Leona Height SrW "ff !" ? S&!fWls bCt8'
vm I wwu j t. uLiirjin ni!riiiiiMiir inmrni i.j ri'i wiivv 1 .
1 (archly)-Oh, I don't know. I surrendered himself to the police and t!SSZrZ r, fiv mcrcnt nS'S;1 J.Am W
1 could make him commit big! was today charged with manslaughter" andThev S 1 ?5, V"" t?Z' fi
Boston Transcrlnt. reieasea upon h s own remrrn. n,in. ' " "1. '"""'" wgetnor .r ; j-i
. ..""""V UiKIllllZUllnn. Am I I'wuuu; DIAJVU. UC. 1)UIIU " r
ettortwill bo mnde to securo 1 000 nver"B per pound under fCgu'"
members in Coos county. ' butter prices.
bKKa Fresh Oregon ranch,
Ilunlneiia la Ilualnoa,
Count (to the matrimonial agent)
Ono other point I am living out ol
tho country; my Intended must be
shipped to mo. Are your towns f,
or do you pay
J! 1,.: .. . " 7 n ",m" "
niiuu, jjunuing me veraict of tho cor
oner's jury, which will meet June 7.
TU.f. It , . .
uveroa oy ,torm. Marshfleld lmnnnu. u, .
Salinas. Km, .Tn a r,..-. m.uc,., ""roni.
Are your terms f n h n i : urini u "ouiium -xjiq MnrHhfi.i,i i.
.v.u nuob ux iii;i-tf. iiiiirinri rnn oh-Fa 1 1111 1 if 1 1 nrm ue ti.,.i is, .
Pork Fancy, 1213c per pound.
Veal Fancy, 10010 .c per pom
Lambs Fancy, 9(Jei2c per pound.
Pnnltmr linn. 10. lirnllcrt.
.1VIID, VW, )(J
Tactful Tnoiic.. on n truck and took it some distance to have a wide wharf cxtoll tu 3(Jc; ducks, 1820c geese, W
Miss Saphron-Do you sell anythlm "way, where it was cracked open. Six full length of tho business TsoJtff i tuoyB, Hvo, 2022c; dressed, W
restore tho complexion? h dollars In cash and $1,000 In do this it will bo ncZri8.0""0"'. To I squabs. $3 n lon.
stamps wero taken.
to restore tho complexion?
Chemist Restore! You mean
serve, miss.
(Deal to tho amount of 17b fld im.
mediately executed.) London Tatler,
Step br Step.
$1,000 In do this it will be necessary U .condom!
some of tho buildlnirp. y cndemn
Italians Stone Princon.
n. 1.1 t, , . uuBno 10 ue ohrato P
r. nw nmHiakiu. .!.'. ; ;. U1 f. .u 01 Juy In an o sbomtn i..i
Llnne. ami hl hm :"V..Y, 7U"U1 n an elaborate Z
. I ni kurviri I nn Thn Kt.,11
,.v mu umuo me worm m oorors win 0 motor mr vestordnv nri tu n " . . u ' "'e mattor
for men to live In wo Bhall Btill n.ed Prince Julius receS 5,.,!f, J? "ftr tho Commercial club haddnoll,!
to make en flt to llv. f head. Later m.lo. nd oth-
iiwiiva jjucuwonn. were arreated.
Eugene to Colobrat
taken up tho mattor
An t I.
asBallanta er big attractions will bo
I that day.
"l"""") po wuigii. ,1,, .
uattlo Bcof cloors, good to ; ;,
$li.7C(f3G.90; fair to medium, $4.W0jj
cows and holfors, good to choice,
Btags, $35; calves, "
7; heavy, $4tf55.C0. , 4 jl.
HogB Top, $1010.40; fair tomeo"
Sheep -Beat wothors, ?4.60
fair in hnat ttmthnva tii7f)4.2o;
v. iU4 uwea, $a.76frt)4; lambs, choice,
1 6; fair, $4.7f5,25.