DRAS And The ras uuutij rwn was here from Hay- Kiddle went n....- - I... tin tS. n mi in-" ... I Ifltftl.lPK aliendMiK to limine-, rom.c... ... l-fi Monday for an vnit at her old home ni re- . new rottnire in Hntneu " ddition almost ready for occii- .1.. firm of Porter ..ii vciteiday lor a trip w i nc t ...... ,livn irom rimc- ..... i,v,tMnL' after some ijrnm rn.iv iu"' o the city rtn .i i. " ..... m..,.Iiiv and vitited with U, Peicivai. Preston and T. V. Mi.nroe mode homestead proof on their claims icintty Monday. . i ...i- r...l son were 'n from t t I ...I. ia iinuinff ... ... ..II hi r:i.icll. I U Una Kn VI4 Maine w0,, he home of her parents north ol returned to Prineville last Saiur- .1. - at. !. .uitli e, sodm and ice cream at erry pool hall and confectionery at . .1 tn I nmn I lip p j. oss reiurncu w " - i.- i. -iirr nendittL' several I 1.. ft, i.l Cnrinu making nomestcad proof. His . 1 . MnrrMUf . flf. 5 WCII-. mr relatives m - C IU liuarw - w . A. W. Hoyce, Smith, who has been on a visit I t.- t. .t. nt XT nn1Lunnr. . - I eta (iiw nut " ------ . . t t at ak 1 t lilt w 1 1 iiuiii nil-. vwmn t "- " - .. nil cMfiifiin trp Warren Smith in his barber !-! .- .1.-. rH.i rniintll I I . I. .1 . . -., l.na 1 1 1 J IJ I IU1 LII3UIHL I 1 I-.. 1 1 1. 11. Vvntrsl i- I I l. ...... le is i.u c aim nc (.uincs iiwui si C. Alien of Youngs made nnni Conmissioner at Madras Tues mis w. nrown anu r-imcr main i ms witnesses. leeana nas uoucnt a new iiuick ohn Moore passed through town i ninni miin imn mirruna nnimn I t r tr . a rtULII I1CUI UillllUIMili A i f t'l.- orove ms new macn ne in iron. it i . s rox, a nomesieaaer on mc Pi nl n uimrm 111 (ill imme C. A. Sias, pastor the Christian uui uf viwun wuuii.jr. . . ..uutt Ills WIIHIIfb hu a iiuuc oi ueneinnni' Airs. , u tne latter part of the week en- loitland where he will receive attention. Mr. Hindman was out of a buggy near the Crooked -I, v i niicviiie, wnen ms team mitened at a motor evele some 01 the Collar hnn. Tl- f,..,.. " r. . iiiiii iiiiiiiiir nnn the city seeking relief. H Hoffman jr, who now makes -""i vnn., is m wad- week shaking hands with hii Cn(l. Mr II. .CI ' """man is here to n it.. . i""i'mon oi establishinii newspaper in Madras winch is to IslirH ... .k. " ",c "Heresi of the retorm Mr. Hoffman says there is no "e county which U liliililnfT n -'".ys sake nor 0Dilni in u V" wmcl' every hand threat were of ,lc peope . . intends to make the - mi parts of the county in"uence. He J,:.. "u i.uii3iucr L ence in newspaper work and 'J new venture be launched there dQlbt that the reform .in Jel( Ml In this portion of the Mrs. G. Springer and Mrs. E. C. Mil lering were in town from Culver last Friday. A. U. Kutebenet and A. W, Howell have bought nut Han I'uett's soft dii k place and will hereafter conduct the same. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Key, formerly of this place, but who arc now located at Holmond, were m Madias sevcrul days this week, Archie I'owell h is bought the inlcresls in the toll drink business from Ralph Sharp, his former partner, and will con tinue the establishment. C. C. McNeely has finished the burn ing of the biick kiln at this place and will go to Prineville in a few days to manufacture brick there, K. S. Nancs, (he Walla Wnlla flouring mill man, who has made several visits to Crook county in the past year or two, was here again this week on business, Mr. and Mrs Kred Wilkey of Youngs passed through the city Tuesday on their way south, where Mr, Wilkey will seek n business location along the line of rail road coiistiuctiou, G. Springer wus in from his home near Culver Tuesday ar d Wednesday looking aftrr matteri in c nnection with winding tip his share ol the bu.iness of the Grizzly Lake Lumber Co. Messrs, Springer and Henry Windom have sold their interests in the lumber crmpany to W. H. Peck, who was associated with them in the en terprise Mr. Peck is no sole owner of the sawmill and liuHness. George Kay of Post passed through Madras last Friday returning home from Portland, where lie went to attend his father, who Is unconscious at St. Vincent's hopitat. 1 he e tier Mr Kay was picked up n the klrrrt m Portland on the 5th of May Miih a broken leg and was uncon scious nt the lime and has never regained conscit usnr i. Thr mannrr of the acci dent is not known. There is little hope of his recovery. Mrs, George Ray re mained in Portland with the injured man who is over 70 years old. Mrs. M. E. Pcrcival left for a visit to the Willamette Valley Monday. In the list of Eighth Grade pupils who passed the final examinations re cently, the name of Mil's Grace Van Tnsflcl of Culver was omitted. Miss VnnTassel pnsBed with an average grade of something over 90 percent. Willis W. Brown of Hcislor was n visitor in the city Tuesday. Mr. Brqwn is In the midst of haying at his ranch and suys the first crop of alfalfa is heavy. There is plcn.y of water in the creeks and taken with the exceeding moisture of the Boil, two other good cropB are assured, with the result that the stockmen of this section will have an abundance of hay for the coming winter. The Madras and Shaniko baseball teams tried their strength on the Mad raa diamond lost Sunday and the homo team was bested by the score of 8 to 3. The game was fiercely contested for seven innings with the score 3 to 1 in Mndrna' favor, but in the eighth inn ing the local team went to pieces and Shaniko becamo easily the winner. The Shaniko boys are a gentlemanly lot of fellows and play good ball. They were accompanied by several fans who cheered the team to victory. The Madras nine pluys well but their lack of practice is a great handicap against team work at critical stages of a game. TWENTY-ONE MILES OF STEEL LAID IT. A. Brandon, construction engineer of t tie Denchule8 ltail roud Company, wus here yes terduy. He suys that the work is progressing rapidly. The track has been completed from the month of the Deschutes to a point 21 miles up the river. The grading of 71 miles of road bed lias been completed. The Dalles Chronicle. HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Interior U. 8. Ltti'l OIIIuh ut The Duller, Ore gon, May 23, 1010. Notice in hreliy given that EUGENE A. GILLETT, of MudriiH, OreiMin, who, 011 June 10, 1005, made llotneeteud hotIhI No. 03038 No. 1-1550, for pjnel and Lots 1 2, moo I, tp 12 h, r 13 e, w 111, has filed notice of Intention to make II ti n 1 five-year proof, to ehtahlUh olaim to the land above desorlbed, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. CnmmlH. nloner at Inn ortlue 111 MtulruH, Oregon, 011 the (Itli day of July, 1010 Claimant iiiimuH 11 h wit lieges: J am ex H Arklns, J II Hnrney, 0 O Uule, of MndruH, Oregon; J B Brown, or Culver, Oregon. O. W. MnonK, J2-30 HeilHter HOMKhTUAI). Nntltwfnr Publica tion, Department f the Interior. U. ri. LhiiiI Olllee ui Tim Da I lea, Ore gon, May 25, 1010. Notice Ih liereliv trivet) that UI1AW.UR N. LORING, of Culver, Oieuon, who, on May 18, lfla), made Hume tend Serial No 11350(11 No. 14450, for hw4' see 20, tplll M, r 13 e, W M, Huh tiled notice of Intention to malto fiuut five year proof, in -hIhIHhIi claim to the laud ulove dexorlbed, be fore Howard W, Turner. U S. ConitnlH Hloner, nl din ollho ut Madras, Oregon, on the 5th day of July, 1010. Claimant nam us iih wltt.tH-ih: Dwlght Roberts, Robert Morris, 0 E Spinas, of Culver, Oreitoii; Waller It Ruble, of MadritH, Oregon, J2-80 0. W. Moonii, Register SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m.j Epworth League at 6:45 P " Everyone cordially invited, G. R. MOOKIIKAI), Pastor. P VAN TASSKfj LAND COMPANY". MADRAS. ORE I General Drayage i and Express Leave orders at J. E. Wilson's harness shop or postofllce. L. E. Parker THIS SPACE BELONGS TO -all wa 1 w- : A. E. PETERSON : SHANIKO, OREGON : Watchmaker r and Jeweler ! Jewelry of all kinds made to or- der and repaired. Settings for Precious Stones made. FIRST-CLASS WORK CUARANTEED TUCKER & GULP Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK First-Class Wort Guarantee! - ri wit uiu r'f.o oinj g MADRAS, OREGON 4 GUN I Van Tassel Land Co. Watch It for Next Week's Advertise ment as we are the local agents for ALFALFA SEED rARMS In 10-acre Tracts VAN TASSEL LAND COMPANY, MADRAS, OHEGON I I-FURNITURE-! In all lines Is constantly arriving. We call special attsntlon at this time to our CENTRAL OREGON MERCANTILE GO, Madras Agents for Parlin & Orendorfs Implements, Including Superior Drills, Canton Plows, Disc Harrows, "Success" Suikey Plows, Etc., Etc. Bedding Department ;Buy this line and you get the best and longest service T . . a. 1 t t LOUCKS BROTHERS I Tents, Wagon Covers, Suit Cases AT LARKIN'S HARNESS SHOP A complete line of fine han-made harness saddles, bridles, collars, pads, whips, etc. si 1 & Bye DEALERS IN GROCERIES HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS Land Owners ATTENTION If you wish to sell, list you property with us 'e represent capital interested in yonr section e liaye immediate purchasers ; a,: ' -M will prcte for ourselves Standard Goods At Rierht Prices BAST SIDE MAIN STREET MADRAS i own and operate two large jfljmejower antoniobiles in our bnsiuess SEE OR WRITE US TODAY Epping-Brydle Land Co. FRUIT AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN OREGON Portland. Hood fivct Shaniko OREGON ADDRESS ALL COA1MUNICATIONS TO SHANIKO, OREGON