DRAS And The dras Country .. .1... s. Mrniorial day. O'Kellcy was in from Culver ,ge Windom was here from Culver idnv. Iler Mendenhall and Will Barber mwn Sunday from uu.vcr. f Grizzly was in . Mary Bturduv, the J5t oi menus. Galloway i working in the Cen- x-.-nnii if l nmnanv store. recoil tticn.""'"- - , , o'Neil was in the ciiy irom the first of the week ookinK 111 1 1 n,i wife came down -.m Mr tircii nuw " - CS . . heir home at Lamonta Sunday and the day m town wun menu.. ph Armstrong and Ins brnmer were n Monday fiom tlieir home north vrr. attending to business matters. McTagK'art is home from Eugene he went to attend the I O. O. V . lodge as a delegate from the local i j...,. it ill h crivrn nt Kisher- all five miles northeast of Madras urdav evening, May 28. liver) - invited. and Mrs. Abe .ell 01 rrineviuc 1 ...:n .......1 . down last wecit aim win jehu ays on Agency I'lalns where they onsidtrable farming land. Mina Magness left Tuesday for , in Jackson county. Heltite le.iv- n Unmnt In ill M IK 1 I1ICU Ull it iii.iii.-.... " neighborhood. She will return in . 1 nn dur rrmnpiirp nn tht n T. uiiney, who "ecu cuum .1.. ..ti. n( lllrtr Unit unit districts on the census rolls, was a4.. ...In.. k'lirinn mil rfnrnpfl hat section where he has completed f. Olson, manager of the Central n VI CILHIIUIC .Ul( PMIIT. IVII .'.w.i 1 ui. ........ u.. 1.:. aCCOinU.IIIICU Ull IIU luiu ur inn and they will occupy rooms over I c. T" v r...:. . I 1.1. . ... n aimn ttr. in 11.1 anu iivvenein. ar- eleeate to the Odd r ellows crnnd at Eugene. Robinson, Robert Rea and L F ft Sunday for Portland, going to la i in Mr. Knhimnn r.-ir. Mr. ... Till. WUT ...1.1 L. L.U Ul IJII 11.111 U 1 II here. osier against tne nomesteau entry r i f r i iirnpr iniriiii i n jb defaulted and the testimony given i i lie iiuinesirafi m mnn wnmrinrr iiiurirc it innciiarAiiitn a l . is not given out. The sale was through the agency of D. W. S, Commissioner Howard W. Tur , t,j ii, a mic, vvm leave I 1 WEEKS nr nnrioi. An.. - ...1... w. .w.vi iir uuc wini niirhn nicy WI9II U to should take notice, as there will nc m cnarge ot the land business he is away. C - v. . iu icavc iui me week for PnnlnnH valley points to mn,t iu 'V posvibly remain over next win- n U . I . .1 .jciiiniin. in ii.. T ill a i "J wc I. w. unvis plans to hnlrt ..,: ... , n Polk county, and Mrs. Fercival 1 to be there at that time. ....,, 0 wcn, l0 A ber,n w! ago, has returned to look business interests i this section. lv not a verv mm..,-..! , ..ftiiifj IIV.I.UUUI "P lo the king's dominions. Fall " badlv drled out and many farm. , .icu ii QUl find rmnmn tn " I w t IU grain, but the nronounpi-rt .immi. , , . t mak it probable that the will be almost ""enheles,, Mr Kn. ran. 1 u.e auverse conditions he ana he and his broils, ti. i.rt .. . i 1. 1 1 I n I -cui iracis ni ii. ii toth. ai... ... e win w "luena count! v Im.- in lAY well imd 1 Produce Co. sell right Dos- PrlHn ...... ' " 1U Rt Uio -"' UIIUICII. Primnl.tiw. .. 11 fl V 11 IK .. , i" HI. JWOrvbodv n,H..II.. Robert Armstrong was here from Cul ver Tuesday. Andrew Morrow of Willow Creek was in town Saturday. George Hrnnstetter left yesterday morning for Medford on business. A kiln of 270,000 brick is being burn ed at the Mndrai brick yard. Marry riticr wits here from Willow Creek yestcrd'iy attending (o business matters. Robert Qsbnrn mid family and Mrs. fieorge Osborn were in from Culver last Friday. Phillip Merrill U n new clerk in the Centrhl Oregon Mercantile Company's establishment, Alex Lippincntt, agent at Mndras for the Cornell Stage & Stable Company. has gone to Crecent on a business trip. A social hop will be given at Sanford Hall, Satmd.iy evening, June 4, and reg ularly tnereaiter at intervals of two weeks, Edward J. Haldner writes from Kerld Holmes, Alberta, telling this office to send his paper to thit place, where he has located. Lewis Thomson and Nels Christianson of Minnesota, brothers in law of N. P. arrived Tuesday and are guests "at the latter's home. Mrs. H C. Dove and her daughter, Mnrie, and Ernest V. Doty left Tuesday lor Insfrce, Alberta, where they will join Mr. Dove and make their future home. Our genial friend, ColoneUW. H. Rey nolds the kpriler of Culver, known to neatly i-very person in northern Crook county, left for While Salmon, Washing- 011, today, where he intends to spend the ciniiiner. T. F. McCallister of Prineville, in company with John Moote, the liuick auto agent, passed through Madras yes terday afternoon on the way to The Dalles to bring in a new car, which Mr. McCal lister has purchased through Mr. Moore Captain O. C. Applegate of Klamath Falls was in the city today enroute to the Wnsmsprings agency on his second round of the agencies since his appointment as special Indian census agent for the state. The captain is a veteran of the Indian service in this country and has had many rare experiences in his time, including the period of the Modoc war when he was a captain of volunteers and Indian scout and took a leading hand from first to last in that tragic drama. The Dtlles Chron icle. SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Upworth League at 6:45 P 1,1 Everyone cordially invited. G. R. MOOKHKAD, Pastor. General Drayage and Express Leave ordera at J. K. WilHon'o liurncHH ahop or postofllce. L. E. Parker Edward 0. Pease Go. Inc. THE SHANIKO STORE i A. E. PETERSON S SHANIKO, OREGON ! Watchmaker : d Jeweler! anc Jewelry of all lcindi made to or der and repaired. Setting for Precious Stonet made. t FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED The Peck family held a ro-union at Grizzly Lnko last Saturday. Mr. and Mra. W. II. Peck and their four eonB and tltrco daughters with their families were preaent. M. E. Brown, an attorney of St. Paul nnd right of way man for the Oregon Trunk Line, was here Saturday finish ing up some right of way matters for the company. Among other things he closed up a deal with Abe Zcll for right of way through hlB property on Agency Plains, securing a deed for the Oregon Trunk and also for the Deschutes Hue across that property. It is understood that through the trackage arrange ment recently made between tho two lines the Oregon Trunk has assumed several of these condemnation suits, and Mr. Brown is here to adjust all these difficulties so far as possible. DESCHUTES Produce Co. pays highest cash prlco for ranch products. GASOLINE ENGINES. I have taken tho agency for the International Harventur Co. 'a traction and porta ble gasollno oiik'ineH. Should you bo contemplating tho purchase of a gimoliiio engine of any size, will be ploKHed to Imvo you call and exam Irio Uih one I huve Installed, J. C. KOBINSON, Madras. mlU MONEY TO LOAN on approved farm propwrty. Inquire of Howard W. Tumor, MndrnH, Oregon. FOR SALE Good, young, fresh milch cow.Beo S. D. Porclval, Mudras. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, produce, first quullty Deschutes Produce Co. VOTING FOR THE PIANO Directions regarding voting for Mad ras Trading Company's piano. Write name or society voted for plainly on lace of ticket at the top. Tickets are given only lor cash purchases at the time purchases are made. Tickets after being voted cannot he transferred, Votes will be counted nnd published every two weeks, Following is the list of names which have received over 1000 votes j counted Monday morning by W. R, Cook and H. W.Turnen Madras public school Ella Richardson I. O, O. F. Mrs, Gillir Dizney Mud Springs School Blanche Barton Stella Baker Myrtle Ramsey Mrs. Harry Key 360,870 11 7.4S 102,425 50,960 44,540 15,720 14,085 3.95 H.755 Jo,735 9,815 5,77 1,095 TUCKER & GULP Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK First-Class Wort Guaranteed Located In the old lirnnhs shop MADRAS, OREQON "Royal" Spring Suits We have just received the Royal Tailors Spring sample book containing 500 of the swellest pat terns of woolen cuttings ever displayed in Shan- iko. Every piece gu ranteed all PURE WOOL, and every suit made by them bears a Special Guarantee as to lasting qualities and workmanship, also a perfect fit. Each customer is thus guaranteed entire satisfaction. Remember we take correct measurments here and will be pleased to have you call in and in spect these samples. Note our extremely low prices on tailor made suits before ordering elsewhere. WE ARE AGENTS FOR Chilled And jlrn Wagons, Hacks Mil And Buggies I Steel Plows Garden Seeds PACKETS OF ALL VARIETIES JVIcCapgan, Bates & Liively REAL ESTATE We handle Central Oregon prorerLy, and are mak ing a specially of CROOK COUNTY LANDS. you have something to sell, write us, MAX LUEDDEMANN, AUnacer REAL ESTATE DEPT. 318 Falling Building PORTLAND, OREGON RGANTILE GO., Madras rendorf's Implements. Canton Plows. Disc J ,3 key Plows, Etc., Etc. Is nest and longest service Model Bakery And Cafe LEWIS P. FOSS, PROP. 1 LUNCHES OF ALL KINDS Merchaols' Lunches Travelers' Lunches Are A Specialty SHORT ORDERS FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY PASTRY OF ALL KINDS WE HANDLE THE BEST The Alnrket Affords La mm WEST SIDE OP (soin.M) MAIN STREET SOUTI" MADRAS 3 si JVIeTaggar't & Bye DEALERS IN GROCERIES HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS Standard Good At Risrht Pricee EAST SIDE A1AIN STREET MADRAS I I Land Owners I I ATTENTION if If you wish to sell, list you property with us I life represent capital interested in yonr section M I jjfeliave immediate pnrchasers m I 11e will jmti?se for m m VV e own and operate two larp GOliorsB-jower i II B " automobiles in onr Msiness 1 11 I I Epping-Brydle Land Co. 1 SEE OR WRITE US TODAY FRUIT AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS IN OREGON Portland Hood Fiven Shaniko OREGON ADDRESS ALL COA1MUNICATIONS TO SHANIKO, OREGON 8AI'fi 0IIRAI).m . Oral Moore l.lhnl. ID" M. E. Church nei Bennett . E, Grout rmt