The Madras Pioneer NEW BUILDINGS ARE GOING UP RAPIDLY Published every Thursday by -TI1K PIONEER PUBLISHING CO.- 8UB80RIPTION RATE8: One yonr.. $1.60 Six mouths. Thrcu mouths 60 ADVKKTISIttO KATK8 ON APPLICATION Building operations are on m the boom in Madras at present Work is progressing rapidly on the enlareine of the Green Entered ns second class matter August Trn.i rjnrnf.nt.r. are raDidlv 2H.1Ml.ntthoPnstnfflpnntMnilrna.Orn.. r - ' . t . : -' i ... a . .. j ii . 1 1 1 iir unuor t ie Actor uoncress or Ainrcn a.i7. i7f.iiir j. ouiiiuiu o u ' r o CJ building on "C" street, between MAY 26, 19'Qltha flour xnill and Main, under way. This building will be 05 foot front with 50 foot depth, fronting north and will be di vided into four rooms, three 18x50 and one 11x50. The two comer rooms have been leased THURSDAY - It makes a difference who looks at the country. When Harriman visited Crook County a few years ago he. said: "There isn't anything in the whole re gion that is worth building a L Mes8rs. Ed Prather and tl J J. l TT. J luuruuu to. no saw every- Frftnk Tflnn nA wSl be OCCU thing through dark blue glasses. , ft movine rjicture show "NT . T - T-IT TTMI TT.. I i J " i MUW wuieo JJUUI8 V.J1U1. n.- o Qo V.f. liormnnnrv UIIU 1 IICUl J V w J says mere is no country umi Th otber room8 wiU be for oners sucn great possiDimies t m, buiidine is t0 be of. development as Central Ore- i nmniftled bv June 10th. gon, that it is similar to Mon- j. 0. Cobb is building a near lana, oniy oeuer, on account oi hfifir rept wet of Gmv & . ; " greater uiversuy, more agree- Son8 blackBmilb 8bop, oppo auiB greawr prouuot- ...e the new Suuford building. veness. me people wuo reauy Tbis 8lructure will be 18x40 1 1 . i 1. 1 iuow central uregon uave oeen . aJ k Qn tbfs saying tne same Mines tnat Hill has said, lor years. But 1. 1. C ! no uuh uue ui iiitj aiiriuumH ui , ... ,; ,f ,.,. ti the great masters in literature. I hutwapn th 0r(lfln TT.. .1- 0y0,.u Hum luiuga iijul jj0tei and Roush's store. Tbis otners nave saw, only tnat ne bnid, wilI be 40x00 feet, two story. The lower story will be fitted for business locations and the upper story for rooms. Although it is easier at pres en t to secure lumber for build ing purposes than it was a few weeks ago, many buildings are held up just now on account of the shortage of lumber. Some have been halted in the course As soon as wonc on building is well under way Mr. Cobb will commence the work says tnem better, and along with the talk comes the build ing of real railroads to back up what he says. Small wonder that the tour of Louis Hill thiough Oregon has been one continual ovation available. Among the important rail road announcements this week, ri "! U ? nnttil I - in f-v linno ,o ua, W of bui,di wbile otbers wiH be either a branch or a through . . -, " . . started as soon as lumber is line oi ine xtui system, un ins recent trip to this county Louis W. Hill was captivated by the beautiful Crooked River valley, the green alfalfa fields and fer tile soils, extending from Oneil far up into the Paulina coun try, besides the THREE MORE COMBINED HARVESTERS COMIKt GETTING IN READINESS TO COMMENCE GRADING Kennedy & Frnser, the sub contractors lor the first 10 miles of Oregon Trunk grade south of town have been busy this week establishing their first camp and getting ready for the com menceinent of their work. Thir main camp has been located about three miles south of town in the draw just this side of the cross roads at the Hahn home stead. They will probably em- dIov about 400 men on their contract. In the immediate vi cinity of the camp some of their heaviest work, three large cuts, will be done. Their main com missary will be located at the camp. It is understood they will es tablish another camp several miles south of the one ahead' ananged, and they expect to have work well under way within a few days. At present they have about a dozen men at work, but big crew of labor ers is expected to arrive early in the week. Seventeen side tracks are included in the work assigned to Kennedy & Praser. About 50 laborers passed through Madras last Tuesday, spending the night here, on their way to work lor Chew cc Silk, who have a sub-contract south of Bend. HOME tlon. OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca- Departmeut of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, May 21, 15)10. Notice Is hereby clvon Mint SA11AII E. FLECK. of Madras, Oregon, who, on December 22, 1904. made Homestead Serial No 03433 No. 140S0, for nw&nei, sjuej sec 9 and swiuw.J seo 10, tp 10 8, r 14 e, w m, Has hlu notice of intention to mnKe final live-year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before Howard W. Turner, U. S. Com mis Hioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 30th day of June, 1910. Claimant names as James Hplcer, Elmer Mathern. of Youngs, Oregon; David Travis, W H fatonenocker, of Madras, Oregon. C. Y. BlooltK, m26j30 Register Tl H O i s ft o 0 o o, s i n..... ;e iust received the UPTON PIANO Hint we have been tailing voles on. itore and try the instrument. It curried the manufacturoi'd i en-Year Qui dially invite your inspection. MADRAS TRADING COMPANY N Three more combined har-I hundreds of vesters will help in the harvest millions of feet of pine timber ing of the Madras grain crops that can be reached bv a line this season. They are all of i up Ochoco and McKay creeks. Holt make and were ordered This is good news to the whole through A. C. Sanford, local country, irrineville gave the representative oi tlie company. magnate and those accompany- They will probably leave the ing him a warm-blooded recep- factories Friday. Those who tion. The way things are put have purchased, the machines up to people make a great dif- are: ference. Our county seat is Evans & Linibaugh of Opal one of the wealthiest little Prairie, 12-foot cut. towns in the state, and if she Hiram Links of the Agency ever gets waked up she'll make Plains, 12-foot cut. a hummer. MADRAS PEOPLE SEE COMET AND ECLIPSE A. P. Clark, Agency Plains, 20 foot cut. This will make five of the! combines in use in the Madra section, the other two being owned by Messrs. Tom Taylor on Little Plains aud P. N.Vib- belt on north Agency Plaius. WARMSPRING TEAM HERE NEXT MONDAY Last Monday night citizens of Madras had the opportunity of witnessing two phenomena of the heavenly bodies at the same time ihe total eclipse ol the moon and a splendid view of Halley'e comet, a simultane i.l i. , r "- ous occurrence mat prooaoiy manager itaipu bliarp an will not Happen again in a nounces that he has arranged thousand years. Early in the for a baseball game here next evening clouds obscured the Monday afternoon between the sky but at about half past nine Madras first team and the liret the clouds drifted eastward and team from the Warm- Springs both the eclipse aud the comet agency. Thw Indians have could be seen in the clear sky. made an irop.-bouud agreement Tne comet was appearing at its to come ovf r and the contest best in the southwestern sky, will certainly be worth seeing. with a long tail stretching far Among the Indian players across to the south and upward. a,e may ot the lor mer Chem- In the southeast the moon hung " y lUe , , "I run m!i if nurd icii- lmn . at about mid distance between to ittUut they do,t Ret worflled hrl --- I ! IPH I I II II l .J . TtXi . t-tt & . r m JOHN T. KENT DEAD the horizon and the zenith in full eclipse, the shadow later passing from the bottom up wards. On his linmftat.1 r1 TrTlo Scores of Madras people saw Louth of Culver occurred the the comet that evening for the death of John T.Kent v eater- I . .! J .1 I' il. -. . " jirei umo, uuu iuuhi ui mo pop-may morning. The deceased uiation spent several uoura oi Had been in poor health for the evening out ot doors view- eoine time, havintr been tron iiifr tlift inturHHlirifr HnHf.tif.lHR I Kll ,irin. ,!... u... o o -1 nu uobuiiiu, uui WUB aOlU of the heavens. to be up and around his ranch. Early Wednesday uiornim? Iih niOTOS I am now located near the had a hemorrhatr of tli lnnoo Hahn store on Main etreet. Call and and died ill a few minutes. nave your picture laicen, ju, o. iatu-1 interment was had today at bert, Madma. the GiwyButte cemetery. The WANTED Second hand hay rake. Uecead'18 survived bv a wife ... .. . , - i r i.ii Write vox vi, it, u. i, wourae. m.o uu lour uuiiaren. 1 Millinery AND LADIES' S HABERDASHERY I have a new and com- plete stock of latest milli- nery and ladies' .furnishings Q PARLOR LOCATED AT CLARK ROOMINC HOUSE g I Mrs. L, E. Akeyson 8 : PRIVATE! Boarding1 HOUSE TABLE BOARD ONLY Will no Opened May JO, JDK), Beeoiiil Door KaHt ot Moth od 1st KplncojJHl Church. Mrs. Frankie Barnett t DESERT LAND. Notice lor I'ubli cation. Department of Hie In terior. United States Land Office at at Tho Dilles, OrvKon, May 3, 1010. Notice Ih hereby irlvn that M A II Y F. UKEN, of Shanlko, Oregon, who. on April 21, 1908. made Dem-rt Lund onlery Ser ial No. 0002, No. 72", for Lot 3. at-c 15, tp 8 h, r 14 e, V M, Hub filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to eHtahllHh claim to the land above ilHwurlbi-d, belore II. C. Hooper, U. S. C.iminlHJioner,-at Ante lope, Oregon, on th 23th day of June, 11)10. Claimant names na witiH'H.eH: John Farre, or Hhanlko, OreKon; V E JohiiMinn, ol Antelope, Oreuon; T H Johuaton, of Laldltw, Oreiron, 1' Johnaton, of Battle ground, 'iwh. in20 123 C. V Moore, Heis'later OTICE For Publication. Northern Pacific Hallway L'st No. 219. Serial No. U0793. United StateH Laud Olllce, The D-tllea, Oreuou, May 20, 1910. Notice ifl liereby ffiven that the Northern Pacific Hallway Company,' whose post olllce address is St. Paul, Minnesota, has this 17th day of May, 1910, filed in tills olllce its applica tion to select under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July : 1, lb98. (30 Stat. 597, 020) tho nwisei sec 27, tp 11 s, r 11 e, w m. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the iarj'ls described, or desir ing to object because of the mineral character of the laud, or for any otber reasou to the dispose I to applicant, should file their' affidavits of protest In ilils olllce on or before the 30th day of June, 1010. m26-J30 C. W. Moore. Register NOTICE for Publication. Northern Pacific Railway Co. List No. 218, No. 00703. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, May 14,1910. Notice is hereby uiven that the Northern Paelflo Kailay Company, whose post office address is St. I'm ul, Miniit-sottt, has this 13th day of May, .UK), tiled in this office Its application to select under tho piovlslous of the Act of CoiiKress, approved Julv 1, 1898, j (30 Stat. 67, C20). The nelsej sec 34,! tp 10 m, r 10 e, w in. ( Any hikI all persons claiming ail-1 versly the lands described, or desiring to object hecauxe of the mineral char-1 acter of the land, or for any other rea. ; sou, to the disposal to appllciuit, i should file their affdavliH of protest In this office, on or before the 29th j day of June, 1910. m20J30 C. W. Moore. Register BUICKM"! r. ... .!.. i .1 i .. .... ..1 -r i.lOSl HllllHUiuiiJi j iiiimriiuw piiut-u uur. JjOW 1 of maintenance, few repairs, light riiniiing. S John Moore CROUK UUUNTY, MADRAS, OM AGENT FOR MADRAS CAF1 SOFT DRINKS MORGAN & HOW ELI T. S. Hamilton, Pres. K. H. Fhkncii, Vice-Pros. J.C. Fotfur,W : EASTERN OREGON Banking Co, FOREIGN EXCHANCE BOUCHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock. $30,000 Deposits, $250,000 SHANIKO,OREGO w I Goods J-josiESTKAn, Notice For Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon, May 20, 1910. Notice Is' hereby given that. CHARLKY I1ENDRIXON, of Culver, Oregon, who, on May 19, 1905, made Homestead Serial No. 0300(1 No. 14400, for tho wiswj seo 5 and ejsej sec 0, tp 13 s, r 13,e, w m, Has filed notice of Intention to mako final five-year proof, to establish claim to (he laud above described, be fore Howsrd W. Turner, U. rt. Com missioner at his ollli!tt at Madrax, Ore gon, oi) the 20. li day of June, 1910. Claimant mimes as witnesses: J W Mendeuliali, J R Memlonhall, Thomas Ahlerdyce, W C Harbor, ull of Culver, Oregon. m20.J23 0. W. Moore, ReglHler Large Shipments Of In all lines aro constantly orrlvlng. Wo call special attention at this time to our Bedding Department COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK LOUCKS BROTHERS i HOMESTEAD Notice For Ptiblica tlon. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon, May 21, 1010. ' Notice Ih linreijy given Unit JAMES S. FLECK, of Madras, Oregon, who, on December 22, 1901, made Homestead. LScrial No. 03434 No. 11087, for wisf, wclsel ec 4 ami neinej secy, tp iu s, r 11 o, w in, Has filed notice of Intention to make tlnal five year proof, to establish claim to the land uhove described, be- Howard w nirner, u. b. Co mm Is- sinner at his olllco at Madras, Oregon, on the 80lh day of June, 1910, Claimant names as witnesses: David Travis, W II Smiioliouknr. of Madras, Oreion; Jamee Hiilcor, Elmer Malhers, of Youngs, Oregon, iuL'0-130 C. W. Moore, Reglator Tents, Wagon Covei Suit Cases AT LARKIN'S HARNESS SH( L A complete line of fine han-made hM saddles, bridles, collars, pads, whips, 1 -! BLACKSMITH IN oo:d ufosro ioosr -WoiH l!lI'cst cl"lppe(l shop In Central Oregon MRS I -CLASS vuhdimrm nMPl.OYED HORSESHOEING A PECIAI'1 GRAY & SON MADRAS, OREGON t 1 'IMM4Mai