EPOT ADDITION TO MADRAS, OREGON JULLilJl I . E3E: :. . i. : r-7 i- I h-fH (TlTl I ' I I ' I I . f p 3 j Srrr-t S "f 1 V ( j I r v" H H: LI I L-tt fllD CuI Fl 1 ZM'L ' ' L anr-i gnm mi w J m IH be ,7 n nil HP o 'zz ziz in a ! L Slrnr i i nn i i Wc have sold 3 1 of our Second Fifty Lots. Soon as 1 9 more , arc sold wc will raise the price. It looks as if something would be doing in Madras before long. I look for big advances in real estate soon. We are Still selling more lots than the Townsite and all other Additions combined. The public knows which is the best property. The map shows the present business center at 5th and D streets. The new business center will be 3rd and G streets. The Depot, lay of the land and general conditions will make it. Wc arc more certain than ever that Madras will be the largest town in Central Oregon. Larger acreage of fine land than any other place, good prospects of COAL within 10 miles, finest prospects of OIL and GAS in the town and to the south. TIMBER within 1 5 to 20 miles, all of which will be marketed through Madras. AN EMPIRE TO DRAW FROM. Depot Addition the Best of Madras Every lot perfect. Look at the map! Let me show you over the ground. YOU WILL DOUBLE YOUR MONEY before second payment is made. New Prices from $55 to $275 per Lot Wc are yet selling at about 35 per cent of what the Townsite company is selling at, and better ground, better conditions. Look and think for yourselves. Terms: One-fifth cash, balance 3-6-9-12 months. Five per cent off for cash. Office, Old Postoffice Building. Wm. H. Lancaster Company ISOLATED THACT. Notice For ' J'lihlloitli'Mi. Public Land Sale. No. (15- (17. Hulled Kiu..H Land Ofllce, Ti Dalles, Oregon, My , MINI. Nolle In hereby uiven Unit, an di reeled by Ihe (Torn m mi-fotifr of Hit; General Land OMfH, umJfr provifdmiH or ,or oi UiugreH i pproved June 1.7, 11)00, Public N 30i, w.. will hM'thI public hhIc, to the highest bldde r, ut Wrlfi o'clock ii. in., on the inth day of Jiiii', 'H0, at, llilH olllci', iIm- follow ng traei of Intnl. town: sejnwj sec II, Ip 12 s, r II c, w in. Any percon claiming adversely I lie above-described land are advised id file their claims, or o jeurlotiw, on or tieforo tlio (Jay above de-ditiiHted for C. W, Mooe inl2-J2.'l Hegister - ISOLATED TRACT. Noilee For ! Publication. I'lilillo Land Sain. No. (Ulfii, V. H. Lmnl Offlce, The Mil-, Oregon, April JO, 1010. Notice la hereby u I veil that as iff-ri'uii-il hy IIih Commissioner of tho General Land OfTli.e, uiultr provisions ni Afi of Congress approved June 27. HMW. Public-No. SOU, we will offer at pii flit Halt, to (lie highest b dder. at 0:30 o'clock a. m., on the 3rd day of .Flint-, 1010. at this office, the follow. Init tract of Nnd, lowll.; nwjnej, nej jtfj anil scj-wj at'O 17, tp 13 a, r H e, w in. Any person claiming adversely the above-described IhikIh are advised to lilt their e.hiiniH, or objeollotiH, on or liefore the day abuve denlKiiated for ale. C. W. Moore, h2L iii20 Regiater EDISON'S i PHONOGRAPHS A. C. SANFORD, ACENT AH Records, both two and four minute, kept always on hand. All the new and latest records received each month MADRAS, Crook County, Oregon AS GREAT SHIPPING POINT Writer Tells About sr Tributary Country OF BIG WHEAT BELT Depot for Marketing Pro- f Cti from 800,000 Acras I of Rich Land greater rainfall. The Liimonta, Culvnr, Hayafnek find Opal Prairie districts atretctiiiif? nwny to IIih EitHt and Sotiili are well HHttlnd and ai producing grain, hardy vegetable, and alfalfa. PUPILS PASS EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS I Calvert, staff correspon t lie Oregonian, who ac lied the Hill party on Nit trip through the inte rs the following facts lib immediate section in I liia articles appearing in timid paper. Reneial activity and extend, over an area of Imaiely CO miles square kuraa on the north, Bend Eoiuli and taking in both the Deschutes River on It and West. Through- i uiotrict a large variety fniona ure encountered. ia i lie center of what tlie wheat country of the it Valley and, for the at least, will be the iain shipping point the North and West s" the Lamonta, Hay Jiuyaluolc and Opal Jistriuia on the Ham mul lt territory will extend out Creek on the Noith eu Kiver on the S h. I'g Agency Plains, lying f muuiiw, comprise a ,luut lfi milen I1'1 niilea wide. Little il'dna to the Southwest long and three fide. U iu MnNiii.iiii diatuct embiaced in pluina will product, "UHhels of wIimi.i ..... Iwliioli will i)e B,lij)ped 1IU8. MHu,HU,. M.... F 'out Creek, located taunts, in wlmr iu r llltJ Blizzard llid,.H ,us yt almost uuoulti r1"" tract of 75,000 ' I'robahly ahow great- P' aore of IV hunt ii..... The following pupils of schools in this part of the coun ty were among those who suc cessfully passed linal eighth grade examinations. They ure now eligible to enter any high school in the state: Mudras Jos. Jennings, Mabel Braun, Neta Campbell, Pansy Robertson, Lela Gurd, William Jennings Bryan Wilson, Olan Thomas Monroe, Ella May Oris well, Linn King, Kingsly Waw rinofsky. Lamonta Anna O'Neil, Iaac Thomas, Lara Mingers, Mabie fleudiicks, Clara Short, Lee Jones Howard. Culver My rtle-Windom, Mil dred Ho ha. Ilaycieek Holla Parrish. NEWSPAPER PRESS FOR SALE Rlx-cnlniiin (uurto Ideal Hund OyU Inder newHimpur prcKH for le olicitp loroHHli. An ki(1 hh new, Write the Plonoor, MudrHH, OrfK""- WAUNING-Tlio public ia iioUrtcd tliat a protnibtory nolo jiayublo to mo lina been luHt. I laivo not endoraed, nor uutlioriu'd endoreLMiitiit of same, nnd you are wnrned not to ncKodnto it. J. S. AUKINK. ni5 WANTI.D Freinht I hm ii ih wnntml to lmnl liinilier tiy lluniBHiid from uear ( .rlz7.ly.-l,orter Urol hern. Henry Bivins h i jeweler! 3 Il'KllMANKNTI.V l.OOATKl) I OI'I'OtflTK JUSTOITIOK 1 f ? All Work on First-Class Watches Guaranteed Z YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED OFFICIAL DIRECTORY! UNITED STATES I'rcnldont William II. Talt Vlce-l'rcldpp Jaincii 8, Sherman ft-cretary of biatu I'hlliiniler C, Knox Secretary of Treasury Kranltlln MarVeah Secretary of Interior I'.. A. Dalllnger Hecretary of War J. M. Ltlcklti.oii Secretary of Navy Oco von L Meyer Secretary of Commerce Charles XaKcl I'ORtmakter Ocneral Frank II. Hitchcock Attorney General (Ico. W. Wlekersham Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson STATE Governor F. V. Benson Secrataryof State " Treaiiurer G A Steel Attorney General A M Crawford Supt. I'ubllc Instruction J II Ackerman State I'rlntcr V 8 Dunnlway Dairy and Food Dotnmlsaloner J XV Ilalley .too. I J Bourne Jr U 8 Senatori j ()eo, K. Chamberlain W Congresimcn. 1 C Ilawley W KOJlliii f Will H King ( fa Moore J Supremo Judges TA Mcllrlde V I R Eakln I I W T dialer John II IwIr ..r. .State Engineer SEVENTH JUDICIAL DI8TRIOT Judge W L Bradshaw Prosecuting Attorney Fred W. Wilson CROOK COUNTY Judge II. C. Ellis Clerk Warren Browu Sheriff Frank Elklns Treasurer W F King Assessor J I) I.aFollotto School Supcrsntcndcut It. A. Ford Burveyor F. A. Klco Coroner..; J. A. McCall Commissioner I J1f'"e R,lc0 I H II Bayloy CHURCH OF CHRIST SERVICES Sunday school at lo a m. Preaching service at 1 1 a. m. j the com mumon service will follow. Sermon in the evening at 8 pm. You are invited to attend these services Elder J. H. Harkley. Minister. OTATE SELKCTIOX. Departim-nt of ' flu. I(it.iru.f IT Q T ii.il The Registered FISTON Black Belgian Stallion DE AVERNAS i Property of the Madras Mack Belgian Horse Company will make Him reason 1910 ax follows: MadijiH Friday and Saturday, at Hood & Sainton's. Ooal Pniierin Balance of flit week. W. G. Killing buck ranch 'IVrms "'iiiti-le, $10; sea-on, 15; to insure colt to stand and suck. $20. U. S. PRINE, Caretaker (lcii Tliilm -TrrnmrRfiiv ih j i A. G. SANFORD DEALER IN HARDWARE, IMPLEMENTS THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES Terms: Cash, or Its Equivalent J GEM RESTAURANT AlEALS AT ALL HOURS WE NEVER CLOSE Ul HOMEHTEAD. tint loo forPubllca ttou. Dpartmeut of the Interior. (T. S. LhihI Ofl.oo at The Dalles, Ore koii, April 14, 1010. Notioe ia hereby given that CHARLES C. SHOOK, of Lnmontu, Oregon, who, on May 2(1, 1905, niniln Homeatead Sfiial No 03GI2 No M40H, tor flwlnw, w.hw! and .ejiwi hoo 10, tp 12 b, r H e, w m, haH filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to ot-tatil IhIi ulrflm to thf land ahove deHoribed, be. fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. CotnmlH sinner, til tt Ih ollico ut AladntH, Oregon, mi the 27th day of May, 1010. Claimant names as wltneHsoH. Andrew Morrow, Thomas Keenan, Paul FrankH, of Haycreek, Oregon; Mth. Ida V KranltH, of Lamonta, Ore Bon. O. "V. Moorb, u21-m20 UoKlutor H OME8TEAD. Notioe for Publlca lion. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ollloe at Tho Dalles, Ore gon, April 10, 1010. Notice Ih hereby s;lvon that JAMES P. FOX, of Redmond, Oregon, who, on April 4, 1H04, made Homestead, Serial No 0flf)83No. 18788, for Heinw, wnwl see 0, Beuei seo 8, tp 13 a, r 12 u, W M, hits Hied notioe of Intention to make final five-year proof, to eptabliuh ol'ilm to the land above desnrlbed, lie fore Howard W. Turner, U. 8. Com tnlHnlonor, at his ollico at Madras, Or oitou, on the 30th day of May, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Walter U Ruble, of Madras, Oregon; Jomea West, oi Lower Bridge. Ore gon ; Walter MoColu, of Culver, Oro von , William Collins, of Lamonta, Oregon, O, W. MooitK, a28-iu20 itetfiater 111 1 1 IK' above'desarlbfil lumls are adviMnd to file their claims, or objections, on or leforo tho day atov deMlgnaied for sale. C W. MooitK, a28-J2 Register HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publl.a tinn. Department of the Interior U. 8. Land OIHch at The Dalles, Ore gon, April 18, 1010. Notice Is hereby given that BENJAMIN F. PRESTON, of Madras, Oregon, who, on May 7, 1004, made Homestead -orlal No. 03108 No. 13458, for the nnd ej- swi Heo 32, tp 10 s, r 14 e, w m, has filed notice of Intention to make una! five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be foru Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commis sioner at his otllue ut Madras, Oregon, on the 30th day of May, 1010. Cluimant mimes as witnesses: James Ie, Walter Darrar, Wesley Sumner, John 11 Lee, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, u28 m20 Register lI OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca tlon DepHrtment of the Inte rior, U SLaud OmV.oat The Dalles, Or egon, April 22, 1010. Notice Is heieby given that JOHN 0. ALLEN, of YouiH'B, Oregon, who, on Decem ber n, 1004, made Honu stead (Serial No 03409) No. 14033, for swjtiej, se nwj, iifjHwJ, nwlsel seo 35, tp 0 , r 14 e, w m, HaH tiled notice of Intention to make llual five-year proof, lo establish claim m the land above described, be fore Howard W, Turner, U. S. Com mis Blnuer, ul his olllue at Madras, Ore gon on the 31st day of May, 1010, Claimant names at- witnesses: Willis W Hrown, of Helsler, Oregon; Goorge Laughlin, of Madras, Oregon , Jamea W Splcor, James Gotl, ol Youtiga, Oregou, 0. W. MooitK, u28-ui2fi -Holster Popular Short Order House MEALS 35 CENTS AND UP PIRST DOOR NORTH OP MHAT MARKET MADRAS, - - OREGON t C C t C c A. E. CROSBY EVERYTHING IN DRUGS & KODAKS THE DALLES, OREGON Exclusive Agent For EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester, N, Y, A full line of Pho to supplies always on hand. Printing and developing done. Mail orders will receive our prompt attention. Write for our new 1909 CATALOG Try a bottle of Mur ine's Edlnol Devel oper. Will develop any Plate or Paper A. E. CROSBY H&3t bHf-REl mEu 11 Sr.l m H 1 lul,. us it has a