. . Ilitva 13s for I H m I LsJ rwlr anil the WIUII I I B '.VC. nrlcol .dVeaUWK end .11 oth.j dca - i ner pound for Hr Chic51! B:SffmiSfrffrBl on anything ril sh pm;n MEAT r:iV',r'. ivhnr IV as Yof . n old darky. Ho w body . , t,,m 'Wind,;' hp aoimu. f MEERSCHAUM. Arimcul UWk . am RtnirEL Al CO. REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND COFFEEC TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CIi)SSET&DVBS Portland is the big market place of ht Northwest. Send Your Produce THERE Wo aro handlers of Eggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hoes, Poultry, livo or dressed: also Apples, Onions, Pota toes. Consignments, whether inrgo or small, aro solicited. Wo can givo you good prices for good BtufT. Write Ua. McEwen & Koskey COMMISSION MERCHANTS 129 Front St, Portland, Ore. Trial Bottle Free By M&ai u joa inffer from Epilepsy. FlU.Falllne Sickness XL. ?' m "T. children that do to, my New Die- oo li (o teoa f or a Freo Trial S3 Bottle of Dr.iiay', i Eplloptloldo Our JifJV""1 thoPnd wlicro everything eli it!EI ""Snted by My Medical LaboPato y ! l? Fo'1nd Druci Act, Juno 80th. IPOO I "i ZmI?,0 rif.fm!t or Sped. lFo nrf in .? Blvo A0K aud comjileto address OR. W. H. MAY, 548 Pearl Slroot, New York. 4i1mf your 'vi3vfl9l name wyipn't no '4MM mister. CRIMSON WINTER RHUBARB tl.n rr Dozen. J.00 I'or llundrcl. $40.00 Per Thouwind t nAI'Sl,'U'',.LtJbZ.i,'nL'0J'lant Mhubartt ami lUrru Plants J. B. WAGNER, Tho RHUBARB and BERRY Specialist Panadcna. California A Storekeeper Says: A lady came into mv store latelv and said : Underfill. Hall havo i to a lot aston- aero was Iove, and ny other lerienco, tone, and ivo Iiera thought quickly oiling fi o cotfeo o never cult or nows. at a New o you 1 No nine to the u can't eat. im.li i V Pa"d. There la no amoke, no H " ""fide heat, no drudry In the wtea where one of thtao stoves Is used" Oil Cook-stove nlcVe fini.K Cln ToP wlth ohelf fo keeping plates and food hot. Tho nd i In ,i ' wItlJ.th? bright bluo of tho chimneys, makes, tho stovo ornamental caabah.H , ?.V Mnd, with 1, a and 3 burnerai tho 2 and 3-burner stovci oo had with or without Cabinet, Bvery dealer everywhere If not at yours, write for DescrlpUve Clrculai to the nearest agency of tho Standard Oil wnoorporaieaj ATa an mature of Salt. Salt Is obtained in the United States .and 4 "J Is the most effective medicine for the complete purification of the blood and the complete renovation of the whole sys. tern. Take it this spring. Oct it today in ununl liquid form or tablats called Sarsatabfl. 100 Ooacs $1. All lit the Hume The Lawrence Times tells this ono: A roportor was cent to write up a Are in a residence Going to tho door, ho Inqulrod for tho "lady of Uio house." Tho maid said sho was out. "Are any of tho family at homo?" asked the scrlbo. "No, thoy aro all out," was tho roply. "Well, wasn't thoro a fire hero last evening?" "Yea," staid tho hired girl, "but that's out, too."Atlaata Conatitutlon. Olivlonalr, Reporter Professor, what laniruago do you suppose the people nearoot tho north polo speak? The Profossor What a question I Polish, of course Zta Severe Dignity. 1 see you'ro staying: at a strictly first-class hotel, anyhow. How do you find tho accommodations?" "Accommodations? Thoroaron't any. Everything I get In n concession." fl RIALS of the NEEDEMl OUt UU CURED HT lfUNYOT3 WW-WW VUJLSi Kuiyron'a fw faff rtlta conx tno tiTer Into activity by guutle nictbods. Tbey d6 not scour, gripe or weaken. They aro a tonlo to the stomach, liver and nerves; litTlgornto lintcad of weaken. They en rich, tho blood and cnnblo the stomach to get all tho nourishment from food that to put Into It Those pills contain no calo mel: they are soothlaff, 1)08110? and stlm ulatinff. For sale by all druggists In 10c and 2fc sixes. If you ned medical ad vice, wrlto Munyonrs Doctors. Tbey will adrlno to the best of their ability abso lutely free of Chamo. MUNYON'S, J4 and Jefferson fits., VhlladclpUla, 1. Bond 10c for trial packaaa. U I I I at ti i jlncw jrcncciion ju uook-oiovg au winter lit one now for my summer home. I think If only women knew what a reads Company fiiet .ana sisaiiia'a'tstta n "Mew Perfection." ( To Be calleA arlK "On tho morrow call me early, Call me rly, mother dcarl" Said tho maid unto her parent As sho brushod away a tear. "Aro you going shopping, daughter? Aro you going out to dlno? Or why should I call you early, Call you early, daughter mino?" "Lot me whisper to you, mother, Lot me whisper In your earj TIs to-night I marry Early Mr. Early, mother dear," Yonkart Ptatesman. Hlaalnir Hlilpa. Men go down to tho aca under bil lowing canvas In fewer and fower num bers, tho "tin kettlo" tramp now doing tho old clipper's work, but Noptune still exacts his toll from tho squaro rigged shipB that are fated to float oul upon tho oceans, bound 10,000 miles or mora, and nevor again be heard of. Ten big sailors thus vanished in 1903. Last year eight wind-jammers of largt burden wero recorded on tho world'i tog of missing ships. One was an American, the four-masted Fort Georgi of 1,770 not tons, and there aro few enough of ours left. Most of them are swallowed on Cape Horn voyages. Now York Press. IImt Old Kiililcra I.I re. Old spldorB, which have neither well nor the materials to make ono, ofteB hunt about to find out tho webs other spiders, younger and weak a than themselves, with whom they ven turo battlo. Tho invader generally succeeds, and the younger spider driven out to make a new web, and tho old spider remains in possession until a stronger spider Invades the web and drives it out. When thus dis possessed the spider seldom ventures another attack, but tries to subsist upon the fow insects that may fall accidentally Into its clutches and evontually dies of htiniter. Too Deep tor Tenra The milkman's horse had run away, and the contents of the wagon had been distributed impartially over a ter ritory two blocks long and one street wide. "No," said tho driver, as ho surveyed the wreck, 'I'm not going to do any crying over split milk, but Thereupon ho sat down on the edge of tho sidewalk, and his subsequent profanity, according to tho testimony of everybody within hearing, establish ed a new record. Aa He buvr It, Mrs. Jlpes hadn't wanted to go out In tho. new automobile, anyhow, and she was telling hur husband so in sev eral different kinds of ways. "I'd rather have waited until I had somothlng fit to rldo In," she said, "but you just would have mo come. It Isn't a bit of i'un for me, and I'd like t There! You narrowly missed running Into tho curb. What do you think you're doing I" "I'm taking a Jawy rldol" t .vagely answered Mr Jin. Chicago Tribune. Community of Interest, Profiting by the mistakes of others (he two explorers, oach of whom had found the south pole unknown to the other, held a conference. "What Is tho use." they said, "of wrangling over It? Wo will write our book Jointly, and will travel and loo turo together. One of us will do the oratorical stunt and the other will throw tho pictures on tho screen.' Bo they divided the spoils, which turned out to be quite satisfactory. Mothers wffl find Mrs. WlniloWs Soothinu syrup ine dcsi rotnear to usoior tneircauaroo aunng ino teeuung perioa. I,eaaon from the Pnat. Nlmrod had killed so much big gamw that tho people had begun to complain. "Wo'll have no wild meat at all If he doesn't let up," they said, "and the cost of living Is already too high!" "I'm not killing for the more pleas ure of It," ho retorted: "I'm a faunol naturalist, and I am making a colleo tlon." And ho kept on hunting. Chicago Tribune, Unique. "In what shape," asked tho reporter, "did your fugltlvo cashier leave his ac counts? Can you tell me?" "I can, young man," said the presl dent of tho Institution, "and thoro's a good story In It His accounts aro not only porfectly straight, but they show that wo owo him a balance of $168.27." "Tho troublo with that story," groan ed tho reporter, "Is that nobody will believe Iti" Chicago Tribune. Pcttit's Eye Salvo Tor 25c relieves tired or overworked eyes, stops oyo aches, congested, inflamed or soro eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Uuolo Allen, "One of these days," predicted Unole Allen Sparks, "some ambitious Eskimo will mako his way, with great hard ships, down to the equator, and whan he goes back homo and tells of his suf ferings and the wonderful sights ho saw he'll be hooted at as tho biggest liar In the arctlo circle." Chicago Tribune. Wanted the Proof, "You look Bweet enough to kiss," says tho Impressed man. "So many gontlemon tell mo that," coyly answers the fair girl. "Ah I That should mako you happy." "But they merely say that," sho re plies. "They merely tell mo tho facts In the caso and never provo their statements." DYSPEPSIA 'Havlntr taken your wonderful Oi sca re ta' for three months and being entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of pralso Is due to 'Cascarets' for their wonderful composi tion. I have taken numerous other so- called remedies but without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve mora in a day than all the others I havo taken would Ik a year." James McGuno, Pleaiant, Palatable. Potent Taata flood. Do Good. Novor Ulckon, Weaken or Grip. 10c, iic 60a, Never sold In bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped OOO. Cuaranta! t cure or your money back. Physicians Recommend Castoria IASTOEIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma- ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably tho result of three facts: First The indisputable evidence that it is harmless: Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi lates the food : Third It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil. It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. Tne day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to the information. Kali's Journal of Health, ' i ALCOHOL 3 IJEK CENT. AVcgelablePrc'paralbnfDrAs slrailattog iheFootfanilRedula ling tlte Stomachs dsABvtwtf mi fe'3. Krai Promotes DigesrtonkrfuH ness anaitestxontalns ndthcr OpiunuMorphlne norMtaaaL NOT JN ARC OTIC. HxkfftSaHs- Suit Ifim OanDttf IfajAynsT Anerfect Remedv for Constipa tion , Sour S toraacli.Dlarrtm Worrns.Com'alsioiis.Fntnstr ness andLoss op Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. I 1 1 i hi' f I isswsa aaiaaaaii i Exact Copy of Wrapper. Sad- tlsfar. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more cooda brighter and faster colors than any other dyo. Ono 10c package colors slllf, wool and cotton equally well and Is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or wo will send postpaid at 10c a package. Write for freo bookie how to dyo, bleach and mix colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY, Qulncy, Illinois. $L25 per Word Inserts CI minified ads In 36 lead ins' papers In U. S. Send for list. The Dako Ad vertising Agency, 427 S. Main St, Los Angeles, or 12 Geary Su San Francisco, Cat TO EXCHANGE. General merchandise store right in tho heart of Portland, West Side, on main thoroughfare, down town; cash business of last year, M0. 000; this is a fortune maker; we value stock and fixtures from 110.000 to J12.00O. Will exchange for cash or live stock or acreage, farm land or some good real es tate In Portland. Describe your property in iuIL Address AB E55, Orcgonian, Portland, Oregoa. In tho Roaafa. A man mixed some strychnine with wheat. And fed It to tho English sparrows. Bald tho cat: "What makes Tho birds taste so queer?" And there wasn't a dry eye in the Igloo, The first aid to a weak stomach, sluggish liver or constipated bowels should be the Bitters, because it has proven its right to be called "the best' It is for Indigestion, Costive- ness and Malaria. Try it. SICK WOMEN o Will Find Speedy Relief and -A-asl Absoluts Cure by Using the fJgfi YVejust Treatment jR (Bkoow LxtSr; txllsts bitmaSr.) MaP It Is an honest reliable treatmont u.ed by physicians everywhere every day In all casus of Inflammations, ulcers, discharges. Irregularities, nervous symptoms, ate. ONE MONTH TREATMENT $1.00 At Druggists or Sent Direct Prepaid. WEJUBT REMEDY CO. Forest Qrovo, Or. the keystone to health 1 HOSTETTER'Sjf 1 STOMACH I 1 ar Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago, Ilia., says: "I have prescribed your Castoria often for infants during my practice, and End it very satisfactory." Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castoria stands first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I nover havo found anything that so filled tho place." Dr. J. H. Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I havo used your Castoria and found It an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for many yeare. Tho formula is excellent." Dr. R. J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe your Castoria extensively, as I havo never found anything to equal It for children's troubles. I am aware that there are imitations in the field, but I always ceo that my patients get Fletcher's." Dr.Wm. J MoCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "Aa tho father of thirteen children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and asido from my own family experience I have In my years of practlco found Caa torla a popular and efficient remedy In almost every home." Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "Tho name that your Cas toria has made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by tho presence of children, scarcely needs to bo supplemented by ths endorse ment of tho medical profession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse it and believe It an excellent remedy." Dr. R. M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do not prescribe proprietary preparations, but in tho case of Castoria my experi ence, llko that of many other physicians, has taught me to mako an ex ception. I prescribe your Castoria In my practice because I have found It to bo a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physi cian who has raised a family, as I hare, will Join mo In heartiest recom mendation of Castoria." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCHTAUR COMPANY, IT MUHHAT STREET, NEW TOHK CITY. Hats Cleaned a blocked SOc, with HewTrlmmlnn $1 Pan amas $1Udle Straw Hati re modeled. 5c poitaf e mall, your tolt fiat to ei. a 1 5.1 7 Alder St, Portland, Oregon. Cured Right at Home by ELECTROPODES. New Electric Treatment. Galvanic iaioiet copper and sloeworn Inside thoes. Inrlforate entire bodr. Nerrei become 'lire wirea.' FoslUve cure lor Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Backache, Kidney and LWer complaints. Trice onlf Sl-00. Your money returned ii not satisfactory. Guarantee sizned with each sale. . Electropodes are mailable. II not at your Dnirzisf s, send us Sl.00. State whether lor man or woman. WESTERN ELECTItOPODE CO. 215 Los Angeles St, Loa Angeles, Cal. KASPARILLA This sterling household remedy has i long been recognized as the best and lafest Blood Purifier, the most successful j prescription for spring humors and such disorders of the blood as boils, pimples, I pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneous I :ruptioti3. Kasparilla is admitted to be i iie best remedy for that lack of energy i ind the peculiar debility 60 prevalent luring the close of winter and the opening . jf spring. For derangements of the dt restive organs it is a natural corrective, jperating directly upon the liver and ali. , nentary canal, gently but persistently 1 itimulatintr a healthy activity. Iti ' Deueficial influence extends, however, tc fvery portion of the system, aiding in the processes of digestion and assimilation oi food, promoting a wholesome, natural tppetite. correcting sour stomach, bad oreath, Irregularities of the bowels, con stipation and the long list of troubles iirectly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond fncy due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value, THE BEST SPRING, MEDICINE Hoy? CuituiCAL Co. Portland, Oregon WW C0PPEPTJWv5NC SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Co Signataro of tynw as the nyiw BEST of the year to harw. voor teeth out anil-. plate and bridges work done. Forout of .town patrons ve finish plate audi' brides work in one. day it necessary. Paioxai -Molar Crowns $5.0uf 22kBridftT.etli3.5l Gold nillrgs 1.0D Enamel Fillings 1.0Q Silver Rllinn .53 Good Rubber nM Plates 5.00 Beit Rubber Plates 7.50 DR. W. A. WISE, PitrominMuuti Ps!n' Extr'tton .50 ft visas miliums is eeiruia but snHgm Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work Is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot set bettes painless work anywhere, no matter how much yoa pay. iui worst auiiy guaranteed xor jsxieen yeunu INCORPORATED Painless Dentists Fclllnc Building. Third t Washington, PORTLAND, OREGOSl OMlce Hour.: I X. M. U 8 1. M. Sundays, 9 to 1 C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study of tho properties of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit of his services. ht No Mercury, Poisons Cl r. ii-. . i fffife. Operations or Cutting Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma. Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China safe, sure and reliable. Unfailing in its works. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stomps, CONSULTATION FREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. PI-., C ... Llnl.n n.rllnn.l It. P N U No. 17-lO HEN writing to advertisers please mention tins paper. 11ME