The Madras Pioneer f'ubllslusd every Thursday by THE I'lONEEH WTIUjISHIO CO. 8UB80RIPTION RATES: due year . $1.60 Six months 85 I'hree niunths 60 AU.VKHT18INO KATKS ON ArPI.lCA.T10N Entcrt'd as second class matter August 2tf, IflOl, nt tho PostofHcp at Madras, Ore., under tile Aqt of Congress of Mnrcli a,18"0. THURSDAY - MAY 5. igio FORTUNATE CENTRAL OREGON. Tlie most important an nouticeiuent that has been made concerning this part of the state Bince the stating that actual railroad building had com menced into Central Oregon, comes this week when Presi dent Louis W-llijl, announces 4hat he will spend the summer in Oiegon and inauguiate one of the greatest colonization movements and publicity cam paigns ever opened in any sec tion. Vast regions of hitherto unsettled countty have been brought to be thickly populat ed and prosperous regions un der the Hill guidance in Mon tana and other states which have been fortunate enough to come under the eyes of these . premier developers, and with so many great resources, magniii ceut climate and other natural attractions, Mr. Hill very rea sonably thiuks that the same efforts toward getting new set tlers started this way that have been expended in these other less favored states ought to bring wonderful results in in ducing settlers to come to Cen tral Oregon. - In an interview in Portland Mr. Hill says : "We started iu Montana. What we accomplished there is well known. Everyone is sat isfied with the result. - Mon tana was less known, and re garded by the world as less in Tiling than Oiegon. Thousands of homeseekers have flocked iu -there, and are planting. the soil. -"What we did in Montana should be easier here, with less energy, and the same energy here should produce twice the results. The world already tnows Oregon, its climate, soil, fruits and other products. When we connect the bomeseeker di rectly with his Oregon oppor tunity, there should be great results." Mr. Hill does not worry about any alleged semi-arid condition found in portions of the coun try east of the Cascade Mount ains. He simply replies to questions on this score: "Montana had regions th were thought arid and nonsui ed to agriculture. People Were prone to say of the region east of, the Rocky Mountains 'That$ is too far west and too far' north.' But they lind Montana j $ one of the most inviting home districts yet opened in the west, j Great Falls laud office has re ceived more homestead filings in the last six months than any other land office of the United States had ever received before in one year. Further inquiry shows that one of our new dis tricts, of which the Glasgow laud oflics is the CIRCUIT COURT Ncwb from the circuit court now in session at rrincvillo in briof is ne fol lows : Only one indictment was returned by the grand jury, that against Dell Eads of Taulina, charging him with the larce ny of Gilbert Luwson's wad of some thing near $180 which the latter lost on the street in rrincville and which is alleged to have been picked Up and claimed ns his own by Ends. Eads is on irinl. "Willis Brown of Heisler was foreman of the imuul jury. Other members were Charles Foote, J. F. Blanchnrd and Colonel F. Smith. The trial of C. Sam Smith was post poned until Octobor on account of one important witness being unable to appear. Chriatal llartmnn has been Uncharged by the Rrand jury, this body failing to indict him on the charge of attempting to kill tho Franks "boy with a shotgun several weeks ago. All the Madras people who werq bound over on charges of violating the local option and gambling laws havo been discharged. A large number of witnesses wore sub poenaed from here in connection with an effort to wipe out' that portion of Madras known as "Yakima Avycnue." Only one witness was examined and the effort came to naught. The case brought by A. P. Clar,k charging forgery against A. C. Ruby in connection with tho purchaso of a stal lion was dismissed. Tho other mem bers of tho company havo purchased Mr. Clark's interests and assert that so long as the horse is as represented they have no complaint to make. Three Italian rock workers on the Oregon Trunk grade were injured Tues day night near the Ed, Campbell ranch by the unexpected explosion of a blast. One man lost an eye and his face was terribly lascerated while the others es caped with less serious injuries. They were brought to the local company hos pital and then taken to Shaniko, the one most seriously injured being taken to Portland. They had discharged a set ol blasts, but one tailed to go off. When they began stirring around the loaded hole it exploded. SERVICES At'm.'e. CHURCH Sunday school at io a. m.; Epworth League at 6:4.5 P- Union tempetance service at 8 p. m. at the M- E. church. Everyone cordially invited. G. K. Moorhead, Pastor. WARNING The public is notified that a promissory note payable to me has been lost. I have not endorsed, nor authorized endorsement of same, and you are warned not to negotiate it. J. S. ARKINS. m LOST or Strayed Horse, bob-tailed, hip shot, weight 600 or 700 lbst form erly owned by Jack McMann. Re turn ro Frank Pratt, Madras. $5.00 reward. Fmnk ft. Lnfollcttc, tie youngest Son of T. H. Lnrollette, died at Prinevtllc last Sunday 'df pneumonia Frank was a splendid boy jut "reaching man's estate and his untimely death robs this county of a citizenship that would have been to its credit. Scores of friends in all parts of the county Will sincerely mourn his death and sympathize with the bereaved family in their .sorrow. Stx hundred kegs of powder were fired in one charge in a big blast in Willow Creek canyon last Friday afternoon on the Oiegon Trunk Line grade. Several residents ol this city went to witness the event and say that they were well rcpitcl for the tup. A huge mass of earth and rock was lifted into the air to a height of 100 feet or more and kept practically in tact until the descent commenced The mass tell on the opposite side of the can yon from whence it was loosened. Con trary to general cxpection there was no loud report accompanying the blast. CM. Dizncy has completed the taking of the census of Madras and vicinity, but slates that he is not allowed to make the report public at this lime. The popula tion is growing so rapidly that at this time an ollicml count of the inhabitants under the census will hot to any degree give a satisfactory idea of the number of persons here any way. There are hun dreds of laborers and transients in Mad ras who cannot be officially counted in the census, yet so far as business and economic conditions are concerned are actually a part of the town's population . Madras is the busiest town in Central Oregon. i - 1 mil I HIM I . on. Com. issuing votes rei's Ten-Year Guarantee, We have jnst reclvH.l Hip UPTON PIANO that we have , been .oour stofauli.yliuMnst.un.eut. It carries the tnauulaotui AVe cordially invite ymu" inspection. MADRAS TRADING COMPANY A. E. CROSBY EVERYTHING IN DRUGS & KODAKS THE DALLES, OREGON COWS FOR SALE 2 Jereys; 0110 has calf, other fiefili iu few days. Apply at ranch 8 miles south of Madras. W. R. Richards. TRY Those cinnamon rolls and coffee at the Model Bakery and Cafe. Exclusive Agent For EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester A full line of Pho to supplies always on hand. Printing and developing done. Mail orders will receive our prompt attention. Write for our new 1909 CATALOG Try a bottle of Mur ine's Ildinol Devel oper. Will develop any Plate or Paper A. E. CROSBY JO T A. ' 'a - - 1 c : at $ Henry tivins 9 i.irwn Ola WW sk in Si A. C. SANF0RD, ACENT All Records, both two and four minute, kept always on hand. All and latest records received each month MADRAS, Crook County, Oregon center, has made a similar record. If such things have been done there in Montana without the aid of any great irrigation plans, what will be possible in'Oregon?" PERMANENTLY LOJ3ATED O 1' J'.O SITE I'OoTOFFICK All Work on First-Class Watches Guaranteed YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED mm tmm n ! FARM I Automobi Most satisfactory umderato piioed oars. Low cost ol' maintenance, fmv n'pttirs, light running. See John Moore MADRAS CAFE SOFT DRINKS MORGAN & HOWELL T. S. Hamilton, I'riH. K. If. KitF.snr, Vicc-Prca. J.C. Fowun, CLr. EASTI OREGON Bailing Co. FOREIGN EXCHANGE B0UCHT AMD SOLD DRAFTS OH ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $50,000 DcpoLlU, 250,000 SHANIKO, OREGON l - . A A . A vAr. rv vr tv rv x l v v a. l v h m 5 O- rus - -r. r?i rtr CP-. - jC". QEM - RESTAURANT The Registered F1ST0N i 4 i MEALS AT ALL 110UUS WE NEVER CLOSE UP 1 J i Popular Short Order House MEALS 35 CENTS AND UT PIRST DOOR NOTII 01' MI2AT MARKET ft MADRAS, - - OREGON A Blsck Belgisn Stallion &&&&fy&&& BE AVEBNAS I! 1 R RkMmun I & & DEALER IN 4 1 HARDWARE, flPLEiEITS P THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES $ fr & , & Terms: Cash, or Its EcmivalAnt ' Large SSiipments Of Goods In all llnoo oro conotantly arriving. Wo call apodal attention (it this tlmo to our Bedding Department COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK LOUCKS BROTHERS OGSCCUl Tents, Wagon , Covers, s Suit Cases AT LARKIN'S HARNESS SHOP A complete line of jine hand-made harness saddles, bridles, collars, nnrlc whins, etc ' J -ww.vJ yUV4UI IT " ' taa-toinaat matgasngraii nsga-aazao Property of the Madras Black Belgian Horse Company will make the season 1910 as follows: Madras Pridav and Saturday, at Hood & Stanton's. Opal Praierie Balance of the week, W. G. Killing beck ranoh Terms Single, $10'; season, $15; to insure colt to stand and suok, $20. U. S. PRINE, Caretaker RIGHT . A i THING WOOD .3STX5 IBOKT -WOS T,lV: bl:st etl"Ipped sliop in Central Orojjon FIRS'I-CLASS wnDiMBM niwoi nvfiD I-JORK lis HOMING A SPECIALTY t Terras: Cash, or Its Equivalent GRAY & SON 2S ' s. MADRAS, OREGON