LIVERY, FEED &SALE MADRAS, HOOD & STANTON qive Your Orders Prompt Attention Transient Stock Given i PROGRESS' OF WORK ON DESCHUTES ROAD The following, which is a part of a staff' correspondent's letter to the Sunday Oregonian from Grass Valley, will be of interest to our readers as it tells of the progress being made in track laying on .the Harriman road in the Deschutes canyon: - Tracklaying on the Deschutes Railroad, temporarily halted by anincomplete high trestle over Simmons Creek lire miles from the mouth of the Deschutes commenced again last Tuesday, and the Harriman road now has a straight sweep of 20 miles of completed grade on which track will be laid rapidly. The rails are now over the- Simmons'Creelt trestle and by the time the 20 miles are cov ered other bridges will be in, and within a month it is ex pected'that work trains can be operated to the portal of tunnel No. l'at Horseshoe Bend. This will give the road about 32 miles of track. The tunnel at Horseshoe Beud is also nearing comple tion and the tracklaying will be halted there only a short time. Possibly by the time the rails reach that point they can be laid through the tunnel and be extended on to tunnel No. 2, which penetrates what is com monly kifown as the Oxbow, about two miles north of Sher ar'a Bridge. More than half the grading from Deschutes to Madras is flow completed and Unless the construction forces are held back by delays in approval of the right of way along the river where it bounds- the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, grading will be completed to Madras within three months. Tunnel and bridge work- will hfold up completion of the work another month but the prospect now is-that tracklaying wil be completed 'to Madras within four months. With the exception of the 12 miles through the Warm Spring lands, the work is fully covered and is progressing rapidly, but the construction forces are be coming restive in their anxiety to begin work in the reserva tion. . Under the terms- of the agreement entered into some weeks ago by the Oregon Trunk and the Deschutes Road, the latter will cross from the east side of the river to the west side at the northern boundary of the reservation, near the same point where the Oregon Trunk crosses from the west to the east side. In other woids the two roads exchange sides in the canyon for a distance of 124 r,li TTnrriman road wwa, crosses back and ascends Trout Creek to the Madras plains. The agreement is partly based on early action by the Inteiior Department on the Deschutes Road's application for a right of way through the reservation. No action has yet been taken by the department.- TtY?Tjfiose cinnnmon rolls and coffee tw tu'e Model Bakery, aud Cafe. STABLE i OREGON Best Of Feed And Care) A. E. PETERSON SHAMKO, oreqon i Watchmaker and Jeweler Ti-wrlrv of all kinds raide to or der and 'repaired. Selling- for Predoui Stones tnadet ? FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED ' . TUCKER & GULF - Horseshoeing and ' General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK Flret-Cta Wort Guarantee! Located in the old Brooks sliop MADRAS, OREGON ml rTATK SELECTION. Notice Fo J Publication. U. 8. Lund Office The Dalles, Oregon, March 31, 1010.' Notice is hereliy given thHt the Stnt of Oregor has filed tu this office its application, Serial No. 08353, to select under ttie provisions of t tie Act of (Jon gress of August 14,' 1848, and the Acts suunlernentarv ami amendatory there to, tliH ne.iuej sec 23 and swjswj'seo 24,- tp 9 a, r 17 e, W M. Any and all persons claiming nil verselv the lands described, or desir intr to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any otbe reason, to the disposal to applicant should file their affidavits of protest in this office, on or before the 16th day of May. 1910. O. W MooR"E, al4-ml9 Register CONTEST NOTICE". Department of the Interior. TJ. S: Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, April 7, 1910.' A 'sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in tills olllce by CLIFF ORL E". FOSTER,' contestant, against homestead entry No. 15799, made November 25, 1907 for swinw see llj sejnei, nejsej. eec 10, tp 11 8, r J4, w ni, by It, mil Schwab coutestee. in which It is alleged that said Jbmil Bcliwab lias wholly aban doned said tract of land for more than six months last past: that said aban donment still exists; that said al leged absence was not due to his employment in 1119 army, navy or murine corps of the United States in time of war. Bald parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 19. 1910, before lit W TUrner, n notary public, at his of. lice at Madras, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a m. on May 26, 1910, before the Register auu iteceiver of the United mates Lmd Office In The Dilles, Oregon, The said contestant having, In proper affidavit Hied March 30, 1910 set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby oidered and directed that tuch notice be given by due and proper publica tion. U. W. MOORE, a21-m!9 Register II OMESTEAD. Notice for Publication I' I Denartment of the Interior, it Land Ofllco at The Dalles; Oregon, March Notice Is hereby given that WILLIAM v aiTrit.M of 1 oung-j, Oregon, who, on A pi II 1, 1005, made homestead, (Serial No 08534) No. 1482U, for sHswhi ee 35, tp 9 s, r 14 e. and Has iiled notice of Intention to make uiiui j vu-vuar proor, 10 establish claim to tho land above described, before How ard Turner, U. S. Ooiiimihsioner,t Ills OtflPH lit. Minima n ....... .... .1. 'r.i day ofAiay7lfli0V ' u"l"l30l Claimant names as witnesses: .lames Uott, John C Allen, of Youngs, Oregon; James Fleck, S A U'fiite, of Madi ran. Ort'cnn. ' James Qott, John C Allen, of ras, Oregon .0100 C. Y. ifooitK, m3I.a2S Iteulster - 0ME8TEAD,-Notice ForPublica ""'.department or the Inte- nor, U. b. Land Olllce at The Dalles. "Par'ment of the Inte- ji nt-reuy given ttiat FLOY E. McGIIEE .. .... - ' . .Mm nirilU. I (IR'ltn fnf .... 1 1 ...... . ' 1 nn tin. inl .1..., niir.... ,v,.i ' -.. t i i ni wiiiiessei"; Ida V Franks, Carl McGhee, Tom nennefleld, Albert Stunner, all of Laniouta. Oregon. ' I TImI imii ii .... .. m31.a2S 0. W, Mooro. Reeislnr' 1 SOLATED TRACT. Notice Tor I Publication. Public Lnntl Sale No. 01051. U, 8. Lnnd Offioo, Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 10; 1010. VTVtt..n la linrnhv lilvnll I tint HP (II reeled bv tho Commissioner or the General Im) Office, inidtr provi"!""" of Act of Congress upprovod J one 17, 1006, Public No. uiw,- wo win u wi t plibilosulo, to the highest buliler. ftt 9130 o'clock n. m., on tho SrdUayof Juue, 1010, nt thlB office, tho follow ing tract ot land, towlt: nwl,nel,snei 8eind sejswl Beo 17,- tp 13 h, r 14 o, w nl. Any person claiming adversely the iil.iivp.iiPsnHlicd lands are advised to lllu rlmli- nl.ilmu nr nlllent lollH. (Ill Of before tho day above designated for snip. U. Wi fliouro, u21-m20' Register U omrTlflTP.AD. Notice for PMilica- tlon. Department of tho tnte rior, U. 8. Laud Ollloe ut Tho Dulles, Oregon, March 4,-1910; Notice Is hereby Klven that CHESTER-R. BTAMP, of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 8. 1905. matlo Homestead Serial N. 06214; No. 14350-,- for neM sec 85, tp 12 s, r iz e, ii in, . , Has tiled notlco of Intention to make nni.1 flvn.vear nroof, to esiaunsii .i..i n ia iniui nhnvo described be fore Hovmrd W. Tnrnor; Uniteil I States Coiumisslouer, at nia omue uv luwirna, OrLMin. on tho 2Gth day of Aiirll , 1910. niotmnnt imnipfl nR wittiepaps: J OTuoker, W A IUmley, J E-Grout Fred Fulgnam, an ot mkuhw, ureguu. U. it. luounri, u2f , Register. HOMESTEAD.' Notice for rnbllca 'tlon. Department of the Interior. U. S. Laud Office at Tho D'ltlles, Ore gon," April 12, 1910. Notice is hereby civen that LENA- PEYENSK1, formerly Lena Frost, of Madras, Oregon, who, on May 1, 190.S. made IIometead Serial No 0357610. 14418? for eisw'tf sec 33, tp llH,rl4,WM, Has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Howard Turner, U. S; Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 24th day of May, 1010. Claimant names as wltuesneht Tillman Renter, Chrlstel Hartman, Paul F Barz, Fred L II Reuter, all of Madras. Oregon. i21 !sil9 C W. Mooue. Register HOMESTEAD Notice For Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U S. Lnnd Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon, April 1, 1910. Notice is hereby civpn that EDWARD E. ECHELBERGER, of Madias, Oregon, who, on December 8, 1905,- made Homestead, rierlal No. 03759 'No. 14837, for sinej, neiei sec 22 anil nwiswi sec 23-,' tp 10 s, rMto, w m. Has filed notice of intention to make Hnal five vear nroof. to establish claim to the land above described, bt Howard T Turner, U S: Cornmls sloner at his office at Madras, Oregon on tlie lOtti nay or may, iiu. Claimant, names as witnesses: "F!lmr MHtlieru. W Mathers. A Thayer, of Youngs, Oregon; Douglas Hoot), of ilauraB, uregon. a7:m5 C. W. Moore, Register TJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca tiou. Uepartment of tho Interior U. S. Laud Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, April 7 1910. Notice Is hereby given that CHARLES A. MeKENNEY. of Youngs, Oregon, who, nn July 11 1906, made Homestead fSerlal No 03961 No. 15267j" for swswi sec 20 8ei8ejsen27; neine'sec34 aud uwj( mvl 35, tp 9 s, r 14 e, w m , Has filed notice of intention to make nual live-year proor, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard w. Turner, u. &. uomrnis Hioner, at. ins omce ai jiauras, uregon on the 24th day of May, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: PlmrleN Morse. Alov RiiIpht V.lmar Matners. joe btiiari, an oi Youngs, C. W. MOOKB, a21-ml0-np Register HOMEHTEAD. Notice for Publlca tiou. Department of the Interior (I. S. Land O 111 en at Tlin T1,.I1oh fin, Kon, April 14, 1910. Notice is hereby plven that CHARLES C." SHOOIC. nf T-iimnnrn (rmrtt nfhA nr.... ....... w...t v K""j nnu, tin .liny 26, 1005, made Homestead Serial No 03612 No. 14493, for swinwj, wjswj and sejiwi sec 10, tp 12 s, r 14 e, w m, iias men notice or intention to make flnfll ffVA.lfUIII. ...l..f I.I .. ... ji. ..i, in L-riiiuiiail claim to the land above described, be- TTi .1 ITT m .T n 1 .y.c iiowaru w, .turner, u. o. uomrnis- SIOIIHr. lit lliu iiftnu ut Muil on the 27th day of May, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: AtillreW MormW Tlinmnu I'onnn., I ... IVCV7IIUII, Paul Franks, of Haycreek, Oregon; Mrs. Ida V Franks, of Lamonta. Ore gon-; C. W. Moonu, Register i21-m20 Not Coal Lam! tJOMESTE AD. Notico for Publlca- " tlon, Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Oflice, The Dalles, Oregon, March 7, 1010. U B L Marcli ' Notice is hereby given that UUY FUltMAN, Ainempu, uregon, wtin, on May i.ioiwnui ui inn uuiUW m AlltOIOpil.U egon, onthe2Qth day of April, 10J0. v.i, uiniib iiuuiun un willieHHes; IkoIIlxson, Frank Forman, Grant Braskett, Thomas Braskett, all of Antelope, Oregon. ' Q. W. Mooms, ,8;m3 Iteglfiter Notlco forPubllon n r...i...1,i,t nf the Into rior, U. S.' Land Oflloo ftt Tho DaUob, OrcKon, April 7,-iurw. Notice Is hereby given that of Madras, OreKon. who, 5, 1001, inane uniiicn "i 034071 No. 14030 for whwX eo 2t and cisel 800 20, tp 10 h, r 14 o, w in, p!ns filed notice of Intention to mnjo dual five-year proof, to oaln , il 8li nlaltii to tho land abovo desorlbed, J o Tore Howard W. Turner. U.S. Oommlfl. sloner, nt his offlo at MailrnR, Ore gon, nn the 17th day of May. 1010.' Claimant names as wltneeM: Fred Fisher, VV II Stoneliookor, W A Lee, Charles llftycs, uK of Madras, 0tVSlU O.W.MOOBK, nll-mlS- Register tiOMESTE'AD. Notlco Fj.r POhlloa. 4 tlon, Depirtment of tho Interior, f. 8. LVind Onico at Tlio Dulles; Oro gon, March 21, 1010." Notice Is hereby given that nrtAPT.r'.H ItV ICLANN. r-M.i.lm0 Oruirmi. wild. Oil MliV 1C ions mmln Homesteiid. fSerlal No 028987 No 12022, for swj sco 20; p 0 r 13 e, w ni, . , . Has filed notloo of Intention to mako final five-year proor, to csiani sii claim to the lnnd above described, .bo fore noward W. Turner, U. S Cotn mlsslnner at hla office at. Madras, Oro gon, on the flfd day of May, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Miles Fox, 0 C Fox, W S AttH nnw, of Martrns, Oregon; Win. Urownlll, of Yon tigs, Oiegon. tn3t-a'28 C. W. Mooro, Kcglfter H OMESTKAD.' Notlco for Publlca- iiit of the Interior. TT S. Lnnd Office. The D.UIes, Oregon, March 24, 1910. Notice Is hpreby given that CHARLES LOTT, oflmonta, Oregon, who, on April 18, 1905. made Homesteiid. Serial No. ni mi No. 14:170. for nwlswspo38 and ne.Jw'ieo 33, tp 12 a, r 13 e, w in, Has filed notice ot iiuoiuioii 10 iiiuko tlnal five-year proof., to establish claim to the land hIiovo described be fore Howa'd AV.Turnpr. United States Conitnli-Hlotier at. his office at Madras, Oiegon. on the 4fh day of May, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: n.ilu.rr AmiMtrmiir. Noil Milliirail. of Culver. Oregon; Jerry Aehey, William Utissell, or ijanionta,. uregon. C. W. MOORE, m3l-a2S Register. J-Jojikstkait. Notice For Publlca- Inn. nwimrtmeiir of t tin Interior. TJ. Lnnd Oniceiit Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 29, 1010 Notice Is bereliy given that, JOHN I". CIIUUCH. one of the helrx and for the heirs of Irn E. Church, deceased. nf IlnycreeU, Oregon, who. on April 22. 1001, made Homestead Serial No. 0315(i 'No. 13402,' for the ejnel, ejei see ho, tp tu s, r n e, w m, Has iileil notice or intention to iuhko final five-vear proof, to estubllHh claim to tlie land nbovo described, be fore Howsrd W. Turner, U. Com miesioner at bis ofllcH at Madras, Ore gon, on the lOili day of May, 1910. Claimant names an witnesses: Harry Don t bit, of Shantkn, Oregon; Walter Darrar, A I) Thayer, Glen Loucks, of Madras, Oregon.. a7-"mo C. W. Moore, Register Homestkah. Notlco For Publlca- ion. Department of tho Interior, V. . Lunii uiuce at ine jaues, uri-gou, March 28, 1910. Notice is iierebv given that JOSEPH E. BEDINGFJELD, of Madras, Oregon, who, on Octobor 2, 1900, made Homestead Serial No. 04000 No. 15345, for tiwjiiwj sec 28 and njnel, nenwj' sec 29, tp 11 h, r 14 e, w m, Has filed notice of" Intention to make final comminution proof, to establish claim lo ttie laud above described lie fore 116" ard W, Turner, U. 8. Com missioner at his office at Madras, Ore egnn, on the 10th day of May, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Will. .InrrotL M CI Truil-i Thnmno TM Black, Ira D Eagles, nil' of Madras, Oregon. a7-m5 C. W. Moore. Register TJOMESTEAD.' Notice for Pi'ibllca- tlon. Denartment of tho Interior. U. S. Land Officn atTIm Onllen. Dreirnii April 18, 1010. Notice l liereby given that . THOMAS P? MONROE. ot Madras, Oregon, who, on May 15, 1005, made Homestead fSerlal No 03593 No. 14450, for sejsw SCO 30, ejnw anu uti i, sec 31, tp 10 b, r 14 e, w m, Has filed notice of Intention lo make final five-year proof to establish claim to the lnnd abovo deRdrlhed. Iiufrir FTnwnrd W Tnn.ot. TT H Pom mv'.hbm M , vi M-uiir ti er, nt lliu (11r' nl ATuflruu HrLimii a the 30th day of May, 1010. ni..!..... .... .. i. v - ... .. ..ia..,,r, hi, li Hl.unnijr, C V Doling, J H Lep, W A Lee, Wesley tiumner, all of Madras, Ore- mm . viniui'iui. iiauii'M un wHiiuHsef; iron. n28-m20 O. W. MooitK. Register LI OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca- tlon. Denartment of the Interior. U. 8, Land Olllce at The Dalles. Ore. gon, April 10, 1910. Notice Ih hereby given that JAMES P. FOX, of Redmond, Oregon, who, nn April 4, 1004, made Homestead, Serial No 00533 No. 13788, for Heliw, wnwj, see 9, senei eo 8, tp 13 s, r 12 e, IT ill, has filed notice of Intention tn mulm flnul five-year nroof. to eHtahllidi claim to the land ubove ileHcrfbed, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. 8, Ontn mlHilnner, at. his office at Madras. Or- euoii, on the 30th day of M.iy, 1010. Claimant names us witnesses: Walter It Ruble, of Madras. Omloii! James West, or Lower Bridge. Ore gon; waiter McColn, of Culver, Ore gon . Willlum CollliiH. nf r .urn, a,, tn Oregon. 0. W. Mookh, n28 in20 IteilHler The Pioneer elves you tho homo and county nowB and keeps you In toiioh with your Hiirrounillngs. Subscribe for It. Prlco $1,60 penyoar. II OMEBTEADi HuMBSTliAO. Notlco For Publication. Deimrtmont1 of tho Interior, U. H. Lnnd Olllce at Tito JJallOfl, Oregon, JlareltUO. ljUO. of Mndfns, Orcg n, who, on Nnvomber 18, HK)1, UIIUIO JUIIIU'.IU-HU, ; oiu mi I'll u.ouj No.llHKHH, for hoo d oJtftiwK see 17, tp 11 h, r 14 e, W ill, Has filed notlec.of Intention to iniriio i final livo- ear proof, to ostabllsli olftlin to tho land' above described, before Howard W. Tlirnur. United States Ooiiniilsslonor at his ofllro at Madras, Oregon, on tho 2nd day of May, 1U10. Olaliuaiit names ns yltne8SCH: Oeorg.- 8-Mayen. Nell S Jeiininga, James 0 Knos, William A Pullon, alt of iff ml- m3r-n2H!?"' O. W. MOOltK. ReRlstcr. Not Coal Lund HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion, Department of tho Interior,' U 8 Land Olllce ntTho Dulles, Oregon, March 21, 1010. Notice Is hereby given that WILLIAM A. PULLEN, of Madras, Oregon, who, on Nviillir 11, 1004, made Homestead, Perlal No. 033731 No. 13000 for tlwi. nwi-ej and swjnej, ee 17. tp ll's. r 14 e, vv in, Has tiled notice of Intention to niakb final fivo year proof,.toestahllHh claim to'tho land above desoribed, before Howard m Turnori U. S: Commission, er, at his olfico at Madras, Oregon, on tho 3rd day of May, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: i VP,,,, .in M fl Irwin. O II Tun. stall, W J Smith, till of Madras, Oregon u. ii. niuiiitu, m31-a28 Roglstor 1MUKK LAND. Notice for Publlca- i Hon. Department of the Interior, U. s. Land Onico at The Dulles, Oregon, ,mi it 1 1 ir, li'iu. .1IH1LI1 III lll'M!"! K1VI1II lllllt WIIK1) N. VAN M'ATUU. of llend, Oregon, who, on November 27, 1908. made Timber and Stone Kntr) ,-No. 01701, forsKiiwif and Lots 3 and 4, beo 7. tp l!fl,.rll.e, WM,. it us ii led nonce ot imciuiou io ihiiko llnal timber nnd stone nroof. to establish claim to tlie laud abovi' di"cilbi il, bnfnn) ll.O. Hills. United ."States Commissioner, at Ins olllce at Itend, Oregon,, on the 3rd day of June, 1010. Claimant names at witnesies: Fred A lliiniiell, Lemuel A-ltrnnden- liurg. Wilbur X Ifuiiueil, Cruirles D llrown, all of Ileml, Oregon. mat-ja C. W. MOOHK, Keglstor HOM15STKA1). Notice for Piibllentlon. Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud OHjce at The Dulles, Oregon, .1arcli 2f, Notlco Is hcrebv given that IDA V. I'MtANK one of the lflri and fur Hit lielru of Hol' ert 3ii e-niiiK", uct'uiiMiti, 11. i 1 1 us filed nolle" of intention to make final live-year proa, to e. tain inn claim lo tin. In ml above described, before How ard W Turner, IT. H. (.'ouimlSHlouer, aVhln olllce nt .Madras, Oregon, on the till duy of Mnv. lliio. t'lalmant names as wltwHstw: ncorL-ii Ij Hendricks. Asa U 3lnhlcr. Oeoige Hiule.H. of L'amouta, Oregon; Ira D Kan en, or .Minnas, viegoii. o28-nJi 0. W. MOOUE. Ueglstr HOMESTEAD. Notice For Publlcu tlon. Departinciit of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olllce ntTlio Dalles, Ore gon, March 25; T.II0. Notice W herehv given thnt DANIHL F. AltKNSMKlHIt. of Madras, Oregon, who, on Jhlv7. 1001, niaili- Hoiiiesleail, (Serinl No 005021 No. 1JM5U, for uw4' sec !I2, tp 11 s. r 13 c, W M, Has tiled notice of lutentloii to make final llve-ycur proof, tn estnbllsh chum to the land above docrlbcd, before Howard W. Turner, U. 8. Commissioner at Ids olllce at Madras, Oregon, on the Cth day of .Vay. 1010. Claimant names as wltnocs: Christ Hegnn er, Fred llenskle,. L' 12 Wilson, L II Arensmeler, all of Madras, Oregon. iii!II-h28 C. W. MOOKK, Register. STATE SULKCTION. Notice for Pub lication. United stale Land Oflice, The Dnlles. Oregon, 3ntch lit, 1010. Notice is herehv given that ihu .Stnte of Oiegou has filed In this oi'ico Its uiiplica tlon. Serial No. OtBBI. to select under the provisions of the Act of Congtiws of Au gust 14, 1818, and the nets supplementary and nmenilntorv thereto, the nwjifswjf Sec 20, tp 11 s. r 1 1 e, W M. Auv aud all pormnw claiming adversely the lands ib xcillied, or desiring to obj'-ct lieeauseor the mineral character of the land, or for any other resson, to the dis posal to applicant, hhould file their nlli da vits of protest In this oflice on or before the llll h day of Mnv, lilfO. all-mil) 0. W. MOOUE, RegUtcr. (J OMESTEAD. Notlco for Publlca tlon DepHrfninnt of tho Infe rior, U S Land Olfico at Tho Dallea, Or egon, April 22,' 1010. Notice I liereby glvnn Mint JOHN O. ALLEN, of You nes, Oregon, who, on Decern ber5, 1004,' made Jlonu Btead (Serial No 03400) No. 14033. for awjiiet,, soJ. owl. ni'iswi, nwisei neo 85, tp 0 r 14 e, w in, Has filed , not ice of Intention fo make II mil five-year proof, lo eHtabllsb claim to the bind nhnvo described, be fore Howard W, Tumor, U. 8. Commis sioner, tit IiIh olllce at Madras, Ore gon mi the 31st (lay of May, 1010. Claimant iiiiiiihm us witnesses; Willis W Brown, of HolHler, Oregon ; George Latighlin, of Madras, Oregon : Jninea W Splcor, James Gott, of Youngs, Oregon, C. W. Moouk, 28-m20 UeSlster of Lamont,i. Oieiion,. who, on May 22, IW5, made Ilmiienleiul, leilal No. oiWnt N'n. t IfiW. for H.'scM, neKoW eclOand ii uwu ec 11. tn 12 s. r li e. W M. XIMHEIt LAND. Notlco For I'uhllca tion. Department nr the Interior. U. S. Land 'Mlleo lit The Dulles, Oregon, March 25. 1010. Notice Is hereby given that DONALD McKAY, whose poetofllco mlilress is Shanlko. Ore gon, did, on the 17th dav of June, lUoil, tile hi this olllce Ids Hworn Htatemeiit and Ap plication, No. olU'.U, to piii'chasii tlie ue4 iiwJweclO, tp 8 s, r 16 e, W M, uikL the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June II, 1878. and acts amend atory, known as the " Timber and Stone Law." al such value as might bo fixed by appraisement, .mil Unit, inrioiiant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, the Umber estimated loo conic wood at So cents per cord, and and the laud fe5u: that said applicant will offer tlMil proor In tnippott or ids applica tion and swoin statement on tluVlot dav of June, llilo, Imj'oio H, (!.' Rimper, United States Cominlssloiier nt his office ut Ante lope, Oregon. Any peiHou Is nt- liberty to protest tills purchase before entry, or Initiate a con test nt any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated atfhiuvit hi tills nf. fico, alleging, facts wine i would defeat the entry. 3. MOOUE. a7?Ji- Register- i utihiuiii jinnoMtM.. ! Notloo Is hereby t,t of, Oregon, IB, I I U 1 1 I lUn , 111-1 M ' 1 .U r m u. w in, llllU filial HaIIaa . 0 t final flve.year prS?B w t m r i .i nr m' u. iil,.,..V (. t I.I.. w" V. T ou.u ii, xiuntTf ii & ,....,.. ..ia iiiiii.n u . t. . . . - w n l ni Kiiin "ii vi i u ii il invu nf in ' W ....... .V ..llt'l, HU Vpll.. iiiiiiiiiiKi nnniii a .. t.i t i... u lit iii:iiiih. i.iiiirina i ik. A uu vifflBli raw, Oregon, n. v. n. 1-1 OMESTEAD. NUcfl flfltl fihlMI ........ .... . ."iu " miii inil'llL or M " u i.iiiiu viiiiu ut i ma 111 Mnml, HI llllll """! II U.I .....I l,ll ... ... .... .. Notice U herehy given thit " OLENN LOUCH liiiiMii uninukrii i m v ItiWVl. HIT NIVMtflV'f UiU Wr l.u Illltl I Mil. A. HUllirLi UK A 'I luH. ....IL,. I. 11... A - . IlilLII'll 111 III IMI I IIIII Ifl flail iiiiii nr iiii r. i i ituinitiibit i.i. i. iiittiKi Hiim i lui.i I..,...., if . HtMMU iMlil IIA'H) UI'II'IU iUIlXVi ffti tit Mfi.'ntH Ornifnn Hit, .:v: - vivii tiuu Claliiinnt names its wltncwi; uir wniTiir. i unries I'drru Vllion, of Mndrns. Orciron. aT'inij L-JOMlTEM), Notice f - - lion, ue "iimiii'in of tlx U.S. Land Olllce. Tin Ihiu i March 2:1. 1910. Notice U hereby ulven thnt JOHV A'llMCkT!lt ir..i.. Hm.. ....... ..u a . tnnu ...... ...j, i..i v mi i 111!.'!. ilJawlt nun nlttl nIfttB' III 11 n. I It IT HI, u...i..iiIhII.ii. ..M.r it. ..I.LI'.l ihu iiiiiu iinove iie.srriiiiii, u( et his oiiice nt Munw,UrC2oalK dav or Mav, 1010. Ornlmaut iiuiiies its wltiuaw: a. i.... a'l.......,.... t.... v. J llOllllin 1 IIIIH'K, lllllir.l AllliiJ) Madras, Oregon. Tftr....i. I 11.L1.. LJOMtoTBAI. Notlwrrorrul i . PeiMirtme'tit ot mo interior, i' riOIICO II liun-ivr KITlin luni KI-MHU K MATIIEIH ni rouiiRn. urcKnn, whu, vn ... ii. . i ru.i i Tin rrnm K'w tf. " ... . ... l,.r .ili, vl. nml nlt'. ttc 11. Tl ..wif ti itfttatillih rlllfli U ...... -v.. .. itli lUf tt 1m 1411 . m . a. rr-r. i.m a tmm pui.r ii nf Arlri. oreeon -. - : . - iv'- nnp.r nfiiM - i I OMESTEA'D. Notice I PI Dcpnrtment of tlie 1 S. Lan' Ofllco at The 1 March SW. 1P10. , , , Notice Is hBLwg.fet - If k....A.. tl.tlil III Vfll liiiiiA.u ii ill xoiniun. wii'uii ii """I miiiiu ii iiouiesieiiu ioch'.-- . tp io s, r wo, Wiiii .. ... I "Med- notice of iniemrnn w it,, ni- ni-ii,r in i'talm4u .. . . -, . . . i,....i luiinrr ... ... r. .... I CI.... .A iVtttlffi iv. i iiriiur. u ii i n n " at iiih omce nv omuiim, -i- ir..i...d ntarMfl.liB .1,1111111 ItllLL. klllllll V (IMV'l - i fi u il nurnh Tii31n2S I i!niini. Public Land Ml IL1 I r.ll' I ll(ll.'l T- fr- --r - niAril tT. 1... I UlilAtf I .III U n,.iia n,.Hm. Anril 20, WW ,..1... v,.Mr.'l - - 1 . . Knllnn lu IllirellV C1VBU - I.. ... IMI. nietm hv t ie ;onini'"""- ... . ,.1-n.f General IVind Olllce, iinilP" i... i it- .. .. j nnliraVTd iii mi' in vmn'w" "fi I., loon i),,i.ii Wi ao:t wb i I lUUl JL I I W l . I publiosnlo, tn me nn " -. o:ir o'clock a. un, on i . ... i Mr i.ttui iiiw tr-ji"''. nwiaei and neiflw vu r . ' ii A i in i ' iivt.intr k . i ,.uil...,l lutinv nin niti.Aii- ntitim. or ouec'"";' ueioro mo imj uoo aso-jii - Wntliie.ior u?lllBlJP."''J:..VnflMl rimi. jri'iti ,i U. H. Lnnd Omce nt - RliW.TAMlN F. IW - who, 00 III' III lllirilH. M I IT k 1 I ' .nr.. i. iTAitinarHHU : wlr BW1 SPU J-i HP "I ' . n 1 . 1 fl n I 1 U P. nun nil". i..K. -- IIIIIU HVO-JDlti , ..l..l.h. . n Im liitlll ii ove llll.llll U ! - TT ft I1 r TT .,1 VT Tumor. U'"' . . ..I. Mmir'' h oner at ins uuiu nlA on uieouwi .1 y4. .... k..u 1IH Wit" James Lee, Waller Suimior, J)'00.nlUofl Oregnii. u28-m 20; mm him