The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 28, 1910, Image 5

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    MADRAS And The
Madras Country
r,. Mnmc was bore from Lnmonin
' .'unlay
i, a iVc( ot.iicll lit litre today ftoln
f i 1 I'l.niif.
I; V JcnMiiR rif bpal I'nilric wu in
t r Hush, ilic Lfttitonta mcrchfuil,
w!1. pi town rueliiy on biuinest.
i i llimn.n and Oron Wnite were
,i, -on lucdiiy from Uniontn.
V, (,mct Thoiiin rftinc in Sadmlfiy
not i li dl Mndrai nml i
r ( ,,l .it ilie Gicen Hotel.
I , Miicncss nunc hnitle from Tim
t . , .it ill iy, where lid lifts been jn
,,, ., i, is wife who is ill there,
I r i :nn, traveler for Ndiitedri
I r v ,, in iIk; city llic lat of the wcrU
i ,!,; up biwness nmonK the local
inn i ii i
r.'r Mrs. 'All. CrniK were in the
r v fr in (.nzi!y Saturday, inttkinj; the
it i rr el n limber claim which they
ha t- ff.l'l to Morrow it Keunan,
1 1 fp'i I'atrotl of Otttimwny, Iowa,
ntnvtd in M 'dras the first of the week
for an extended vhit nt the home o! his
tluighur, Mrs. M. W. Bennett of tins
pl.K C.
f pohlnson nntl family went to
1 ( mi nid last week, lenvinj; here V rulay.
Il ry ,nl visit and look alter business
lime, one olject of the liip being to pur-
tha e a iimv 5 passenger auto.
sijdill I llkin came down from
put t viile Sunday in his auto, bringing
IJe, u'y Mtejilt ohn Ctimbs 'ind wife aim
Mr V. b Howard, who viMtcu in town
rml auciu'ccl t!ic ball game Hi tlie aller-
M A l.ciiman and R. M. iSf orris were
in tov i) I ur-.iay iroin 1 rnn wroitimg nt
icnrlii,: 10 land business. Mr. Morn
s.ii 11 work on the newennnty gradr
ni 1 ml ( nissini! biidifc is still undci
he .-!i' iy
1 1 hi e ( I. -union and family of Cul
ert. . ct iliroiign town 1 itesuay cnroiue
i , 1 'A hint-ton. where they will
-j ft. I r j rratcr pnit of the slimmur.
Mr l.aii ins lather and brother live ai pn ni
1 m(lfk, Toln Fawcett and Guy
A 1 mi fa ne in from I'linevllle Saiur
(' t 1.,, ht witi Walter Foilcr in his ctr
nn I 1 ci t Sunday in Madras and in n
tr . ' H ( a niibell ranch near Warm
'pin.,,' (my.
1 1,.'
t v ,.,
:u i 1 c
i d d.'iice given nt Saufmd hall
' y evening wiu well atiemird
m rs had an enjoyable time.
tinnUhed by n three piecr
' mp .-ctl of Mdilll, I'utttl,
. I ile.
1 1 " ' 1 n purchased a ww fivr
' " k 29'horM fllimiriohilr
I ie. the aeffit lor CtaoV
ir arrived here hut Snri
" and the purchaser ha
i '( Dalles to run it in.
nl'r J. II. Jackson cnuldi 't
, r, mi last Satuiday nfier
1 1 he Wnrrhipmig tinge s.wl
ihr Disney ninth to tiy tin- J
"'' 1 imneU with a fulling
II n I' ) . 1 ' IikpIv luniiini rlaniM' Uni
' . m ,
xr u,r ,H( r m too muddy yet tc
("it'll any r (Unlet.
ii-nini, Alderdyce wns In fr. in his
in' ,i,e 1- ,r u.c new townsile of Onnl Cnv
B'l ' 'nurd iv. William Mnrfiit
1 I"-
Tim,; the townsite company, is now on
r V " Is at-d Mr. Ahlerdyce believrf
' " ' 'I'lueiu 01 uie propeny is to
"llllllfllr r soon He SIIVS It is rmnm.ll
Imt the f TrunL- line 'Iff III 1 1 aI . at
ii't'if t 111 11 h towiuiie.
Wi" l.irber was in from Culver Sniur-n-
find Sunday (0 attend, the I'hon" mid
'if hall j.aine. Ie snys ,)al ,lc jem ,n
1 I wreU I'miieer about the clmnuc in
tnvcy thiough his townsite
1 taiMake, and that the report stalled
"maioimlmgof the lan.l for the rail
In of way through ,e property.
he for the new townsite will be
Merited at the next tenfi of coUnty cotir'.
s 1 h,llll" leturned from. Albeita
"""day and is anam-me iniMnn i.i.
Y lo their new home there. Mr.
u and ,3 fnmy ;v ' ... .i
,s re all nts of l,.,.t.... ...
I, .. 'i.itiiiy, aim an ,
E 111 1'S h is been one
"-ts to demonstrate the possibility of
'"ining I,, tins section. He
'lui'td Iron, fohn Palmehn ri l.-lrge not-
which Jie formerly
A Segal went 10 Shanho on business
J. -J. Halght of Croii Keys has pur
chased a new automobile.
Miss I.ulti Oabotn was visiting in town
lirtui Culver l lie last ol the week.
Mr nnd Mrs. jim lUid came down
from Culvei Sunday to ce the ball game
Jefc Tetheiow wi here from lied
nmtid Sunday and placed ball with ilie
Madias leaui
aim C. M. lilkins and hdr son, Mil
lard, cte line from I'rineville Sunday
making the nip down In I heir auto,
apM N"llm Keynul U, leichc in the
Hi.. ... . i
'moras tcnou, lias foren conflnetl at
llomp this wedk wiih lagrippe
Arihui V. I hnmpson, who lecrntly
nmrle final ptrtof on fu hnmestend claim,
drpatted Sunday fur Walla Walla, whetc
he will Hpend I he summer.
Thtei; hutlilred head of bed cattle were
biouKlit lo Madras lat,Fiiday for How
ard ft: Itrnwii. w ho slatmlilcr for Porter
Hios' cotistruriinn rainiw.
Joseph vv Kice, an attorney ,-it law,
has located here for the practice of his
pro!eion and has olllces on Sixth street.
vi r. F.icc came here Irom Portland.
riiiimas Lnuglon, who was formerly
foM inan of l;. I ftl construction, was
here yesterday on his way to Itend, He
has been away for the past six months.
Chailes and IJruce Vic VI ecu nnd Oral
vtoorr were among those from J.nmnnta
who intended the dance here Saturday
night and the ball game the following
James C and Thorwald Kaas left
Monday 10 go to Alberta, Canada, where
they will locate I he former has been in
that legion before and believes he can
improve his opportunities by going there.
Che new suits of the .Madras baseball
club arrived Saturday evenintr and were
put into nervtce laol Sunday Although
our team didn't win ihc game it was no
lault of the suits nm di-gracc to them j
either The uniforms ate urav. with
hlack trimmings, black belts and stock
nigs, with llic word "Madras" in blark
letters across the blouse.
The Ladies Iuduttial Society of the
Christian chinch eoridtirted an ice cream
booth J;ist Sti'Utday on Main street. Their
excellriit.cieam found ready sale and the
tecuipts amounted, to about $30. The
expense of the sle were light, leaving a
-nug sum to gi toward helping to pay for
the conMitiction of the new church build
mg, The'c ladies have pledged Si 00 for
tnal purpose
l.iitlc "Buster" Slmr, Monday took
drink of coal oil, thinking it was water
ind 111 con queiice was a pieity sick boy
or a lime. I 'r. Snook was called it
'tner and administered antidotes and the
child is seemingly getting along nicely.
Che oil had been put into a cup for some
liuipooe, and 11V ilnrsty little fellow in
n eagerness lor a diink took A good
lruitii ot 11 lirlore l e knew what it was.
rin -. r .1
1"" "I t le r.'.nrl.
ww M(, V
7l '"'lj"itm.g le townsite
M 1.
on (he cast
nn,,.. ...... 1. 1 . ,
"c"'itu another brut nf o ti
e r,,nMitiction of
ll,0w(reek he l,mi.i ...
"d unrl 7. hV' Pl u,e
..., . ",,,,n' mis land has
I" he k,iow as ti. H.',.,
-"i .urn nas been
lailJ Land Co., of
lllsnn r t
" "I rnnknni 1 1 ...i
0(j . w wiu (lean, i j,e
ij lies of many friends will follow
re. PS m,d Ws fnmy their new
purchased by the
which V. D, Wil-
Every Clerk
Every Mechanic
Every Farmer
Every Stockraiser
Every Merchant
Every Banker
Every Professional Man
is directly interested in
theprosperityof Oregon
None flourish unless
rnoney is in good supply.
Life insurance premiums
drain Oregon of vast
sums every year.
Stop This Drain
Place your life insurance
The PolicyHolderB' Company
This is the only "Purely
Oregon" Company.
Makes all of its invest
ments here, and is an im
portant factor in the up
building of a Greater
Rates are no higher.
Write for further partic
ulara giving your occu
pation and date of birth.
L U MHJJi, Iri. U BAMUSU acn. Msr
Mrs Alex Hunk was in from Ctilvrr
Tuesday shopping.
W, 0, KaUtori was In from Culler ti
day looking after business,
Horn to the wife ol Winer G Oiave
Sundny, April lo, 1910, a girl.
Dr, C A, Cline :n the city froc
Lower Hiidgr ye-terday on lnivimis
S 12. Gray lias erected a new windmill
it tils home in the 1011th p.rtt of town.
W. IS litictiien and family were in I
from llavcreek todav iriidlnu with our 1
merchants. j
Mrs. Wall has been a guest at the
house of 1W sisiur, Mts J. II. LBveall,
the past week
Gits I.'iveland is nreuarinu to drill a
well 011 hit residence propt-rty do the lull 1 j
in the southern part of town
G, K. Stamp and wile arrived heie
Tuesday fiom Mallard, Wash., and will
visit with relatives on Opal Prairie
Mrs. Henry Montgomery and Mrs.
Mary I'tizer were in llic city Saturday
and Sunday visiting friends and' relatives,
liom their home at cjnzzly
Judge W. A. Hull, formerly of Piine-
ville, but who is- now practicing law in
I'lie Dalles, passed through town yester
day on his way to I'rineville to attend lo
business in the circuit court, whicli meets
at the county seat next Monday.
Tom Fawcett of I'rineville, who has
been locating homesteaders on the high
desert, has come to Madras to locate and
continue in that work. He thinks he will
be able to reach more people here than at
the county seat, nnd he is Undoubtedly
ight nbout that.
C. E. Koush of the Madras Trading
Company this week purchasrd a fine $440
National cash register from the represent
itivc of that company. The register is
of the four dtawcr type. The salesman
has taken the machine to show in othei
towns of Crook county, but on his return
will he installed in the store and put
into service.
A box social will be held at the Lyle
Gap schoolhouic the evening of May 7.
A fine program is being prepared by the
school, assisted by outside talent. The
proceeds from the sale of boxes will be
used in purchasing a flag and a dictionary
lor the school. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all. Come I Bring your boxes.
I)r T. A. Long started to I'rineville
Tuesday evening with a party composed
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turner, W. l
Cook nnd A. W. Hnycc, nil of whom
were bound to attrnd the Odd Fellows
anniversary being held by the Pnneville
I 0. O. K,- When the party reached the I
Wiegand place beyond Lamonta the ma
chine went out of commission. About
that time Cap Healy came along with his
ear Imund for i'rineville, nnd picked up
all except Dr. Long rf3 took them to
to that pUce. Mrs. Turner has remained
in Pnneville and will return with D, .
We have just received
the Royal Tailors Spring
sample book containing
500 of the swellest pat
terns of woolen cuttings
ever displayed in Shan-
iko. Every piece gu ranteed all PURE WOOL, and every suit made by
them bears a Special Guarantee as to lasting qualities and workmanship,
also a perfect fit. Each customer is thus guaranteed entire satisfaction.
Remember we take correct measurments here and will be pleased to have you call in and in
spect these samples. Note our extremely low prices on tailor made suits before ordering else
Chilled And
Steel Plows
jrn Wagons, Hacks
Mil And Buggies
hi ,
m '
Attorney Key of Portland wna in
Madras this week attending to profes
cional bufiinpps nnd looking over the
Dr. II. G. Davis, ninnnger of the
Prineville biifceball team, was in town
Sunday with the players and helped
cheer his men to victory.
Dr. W. II. Snook is having bis drug
store remodeled ami enlarged so as to
make room for the display goods. Thfe
storo will be one of the ncatebt in town
when the work is completed.
Mr. and .Mrs. 3. J. Ilaigbt, Mrs. Bid
well Ccum, Kobert Cram nnd Miss Nel
lie Cram came in from Trout Creek to
day in Mr. Ilaieht's new auto. The car
ia a Chalmers-Detroit. They can run
into tow n in less than an hour and a
! ball'.
Agents for Parlin & Orendorf's Implements,
Including Superior Drills, Canton Plows, Disc
Harrows, "Success" Suikey Plows, 'Etc.', Etc.
Buy this line and you get the best and longest service
L-inK, who ha taken his car to I'rmr ville ! Cook who innko the best pie'
for r-pair Clovt'land's Baking Powder.
9 ...
jVIeCar'gciF, Bates St Iiively
We handle Central Oregon prorerLy, arid are mak
ing a specialty of CROOK COUNTY LANDS. you
have soffiothirig to sell, write us,
RI2A1. liSTATH t)Ulyr.
31 8 Failing Building
Goods At
Risrht Price
juana uwners
, , ,
If you wish to sell, list you property with us
represent capital interested in yoiir section
e m immediate purchasers
fe will pnrciipse for onrselyes
e own and operate two large GO-liorscpower
automobiles in our MsiucSs
rydle Laiid Co.
Portland Hood fivet Shaniko
Address all cOaimunications to