Supplement To THE MADRAS PIONEER, Madras, Crook County, Oregon, April 14, 1910 Madras Locals (, K. I'ounsei.d, a hit!- and fur deal, ol I'mtlmd, was m the city Wednesday. I he Union of this seclion u . i nirriiiiL' csteiday which i laryely attended. j C Cockcth.nn and W. C Mather .-u.i-il il. in Madras tie sici"iiiiK . 1- wcfk Mr I .ickctham left for Pou nd 1 Inesd iy Miss Uolly Hodges. Mis Stella mine. I'cttit, W Id Haines and tub Ouackenliu-ti, weie down lo the ance hnd.iy evening. A dance will be jjiven Saturday even. )g Ainl i lor the I'riiieville baseball 1.1. 1. .l .t t nr ..t. .1.. Hn,u.. A ' rii rrnwii and MM in. .! r (joml lime i expected for the event. )r 1 l.-ng yestnday purchased a 2 Imtse Diiet rnid atl'nmobile from lull. ( Urates', who is the auent for hi, sect Ut I.onn will use the car in 1. I... mtU.tinnil nr.irfirr. Luri.iiy .mil lu linttitainment 1.1 1.- ..: ... C ....(,. I I . .ll WINCH 'I OC ;ivcii .11 .iiiui.iiii n Apt it 21. by llir Lubes' tndtisiiial Soci ety for the benefit of the Ch'i'lian church. Iiitininirntal music Miss Kryiiolds ... in. c ...... 1 IUCIMH011 .11111 uii iiiiiiiu . . . . . . . sn 11 Ai is iiotvaru. I'antnmine music Mis Sanfotd K-cuumn Miss Claik F 1 1 t into Madias. Duett MrunceSiiunk and Myille Kojgeis Recitation Miss Mamie Moyce Dull Eijjht little ;'uh First Railrnadmt ol M idras. - You know what h good i icbr means 10 n comin mlly, uiid rHprulttlly loa uliild TIim Normiil School Ih where tint teacher urn hel trrtlnrd. You have it valuable ilitiu nl Moti mniiili, worth mure iIihii $1(M).00i). H'lii't abandon thl, l.tit volt- Yi-m for Miiiunniiili itml mim.iIm ilit- Normal Bclinnl. Tin- i-iini . d.iir centH un u thoiiAHiiil tltil itt r h J. B. V. MUfLEIt, a7U Hi" retnrv of Committee. Ask your grocer Him 3 lb. and ft Hi cans of Clf vt'liiml'M Making Powder. They Intvf tin. Hcrew top svllli metal handle under rci;iiUr u.vit. AIwuj hu llKtit hiiiI iimi fill ulirn empty. OREGON TRUNK LINE TAKES SHORT CUT i('ontinui'd from page I ORDINANCES OF THE City Of Madras i taken nM a further conllrmation of the report that Hill now controls the I'ueHlu A EoBtcrn, The mad, apparently, la to be extended ft urn Mutto Falls to the north of M0ut McLaughlin or Mount I'itt, as it is nluo called, mid then down IntoUio Klamath baiiln, there connecting with the OieKoiiTrunkUno near Pelican. A large timber belt will he eervod by the road. ORDINANCE No. 2 AN OIUMNAVCK entitled, An ordinance defining the duties ami fixing the compensation of the Itcco'der of tin; City of Madras, and regulating (he proceedings in the Recorder's Court. The City ol Mad ran iloei or (lain as follow: Sec. 1. The Recorder IimII, on or before the first Tuesday, In Apr 1, 1910, n ni l followlnic hi election, or In case lie ha been appointed by the Ton n -rll to flit a vacancy thru within five day after inch appointment, take and Miburrlbe the. tli prencrllicd by law; and lie nliall, tcfnre entering upon ilie dlncliarge of the duilc of liU ofllce, execute a bond In the mini of VJthW (ilvo hundred dollar) with two nr more lurelle to bo approved by the Council, conditioned for the faithful and Impartial dlrcharg" nf the duties of hla office, and the prompt paying over to the proer oiilccr or persons, all tnonoyi coming Into bin lianda i acli Itvcordcr. hc. Tbo Iteeorder ahnll rcccUe a oiniimnllon for his servirea an Itecorder and auditor, nr clerk of the council, tlir on in of 110 u (ten dollars) por mouth, Ukiii warranti duly drawn, and all flue and col fixed by iilm, a provided by any city ordinance In the trial of any cafe for the vio lation of any city ordinance, ahall, when collected by hlni, be paid unto the general fund of the city, fee .1. Alt proceitca Lulled by the Itecorder, ihnll be dated thu day It I (ailed, nlgncd by hi in and directed to the .Marshal, the procc shall run In the name of the city of Madrai. In all action for the violation of any City ordinance the proeeas ahall run In the name of the City of Mad ran and all procetiea Wined by the Itecorder by virtue of any statute of thl note shall run In the name of the Htate of Oregon. Bcc. 4. The Itecorder shall keep a docket In which he xliall enter: (1) The title of etery action commenced before him. (2) The name of the complaining wltnesa and x brief atatcmcnt nf the caliM! of action. (3) The date of the warrant and the time of It return arid the time of the appearance of the defendant, or hi non-appearance u I on adjournment, If defenac In) made, (4) The plea of the dcfiudaut, and If It I a plea of not guilty, a brief and correct alniement of an ilefeuso bo may make. (f) Kvery adjournment, and ai n hoie request and for w hat time. (C) The demand, II any, for a Irml by Jury; by whom and when the same wa made (7) The name of the Jnrorn ho are Mvorn, and the namei of all the wltucMC iwiim and at whose requent. (H) The verdict of the Jury when received ; If the Jury dlia'gice and are discharged, the fact of uch dlnagrcemcut and dltcharge. (9) The Judgment of the Court and the time of (Mining execution or commlttnn nt. (10) The (hi t of appeal having been taken and allowed and the time when. (11) Hatlnfactlon of any fine, penally or coat or any part thereof, and the time when. (12) In the margin each Item nf coat and the sum of the whole thereof, and In favor of w hoiu : and, (12) Much other eutrlca a may be material. Sec. 6. Upon omplalm being made to the Itecorder by any cron that any City ordinance haa been violated, he ahall examine the complalntaut under oath, and alao any wJtucc produced by him. and hall reduce the complaint to writing anil caurt the same to be subscribed by the com plaiutant and If It "hall appear that audi offemo haa been committed, the Itecorder ahall Inane a warrant reciting the subatancc of the complaint and requiring the Marshal forthwith to airent the accused and bring htm before the Itecorder to be dealt with according to law. The warrant may bo iiibatantlalty In the following form: HTATE OK Oil KG ON, COUNTY OK CltOOK, CITY OK MADHAB, To the Marshal of the City of Madras: Whereas ' ''! day complained In writing, under oath, to the undersigned Itecord. erof the City of Madras that on the . day of , A. 1) , 19..., In ' said City that one did violate ordlnadce No ol said City by . . . (here enter substance of complaint) Therefore in the name oi the City of Madras you are hereby com. inanded to forthwith apprehend the (aid and bring him before me to 1a) dealt with aceordingto law. (liven under my hand and the seal of the City of Madras this day of 13 jHKAl.j Itecorder of the City of Madras, Bco.6. Upon the return of the warrant with tho person accused, the Itecorder shall Immediately proceed to hear, try and determine the case, unless the same be continued for cause: And the proceeding on the Join Ing of issue and trial of the cause shall be In the same manner and subject to the same rules ns are provided by statute for criminal proceedings lu Justice court, except as otherwise provided. 8co. 7 Whenever any person shall be arrested v. Ithout a warrant hav ing been Issued, and brought beforo the Itecorder charged with any offense It shall bo tho duty of the Itecorder to examine tho ofllce r or other peron making tho arrest on oath and make on entry of the substance of the com plaint lu his docket, whereupon the same proceedings shnll be had as upon arrest and return of a warrant. Beo.8. Any defendant shall be entitled to compulsory process to com pel tho attendance of witnesses In his behalf and the Itecorder shall also Issue subpoenas for witnesses that may bo named by tho complalntant, the nfllter or person making the arrest to appear and give their testimony upon any trial or examination landing before him. Her. 9, If the accused be convicted and sentenced to be Imprisoned the Judgment shall be executed by virtue of a warrant of commitment under the hand of the Itecorder and the corporate seal specifying the particulars of such judgment and directed to the Marshal of the City of Madras. Bcc. 10. Whenever any crson shall be committed to Jail for the non payment of any fine of coat or any part thereof the Itecorder shall, at the time order that such person shall under the direction and control of the City Marshal labor on the streets or other public works of tho City one day for every two dollars of such line and cost remaining unpaid. Pec. II. In all proaeeutlous to? the violations of the City ordinances, II the defendant Is acquitted and It shall appear that the complaint was malicious and without probable cause the Itecorder shall enter Judgment against the compalntant In favor of the City of Madras for the cost and disbursements of the action and unless he excente an undertaking to the City of Madras with one or more good and sutllclent sureties to pay such Judgment : Ithln thirty days trom the date ol entry thereof, execution shall Issue therefor. Bee. 12. In all cases of conviction the Itecorder, In addition to the fine Imposed may enter Judgment against the defendant for the costs and dis bursements of prosecution. Sec. 13. If the Itecorder shall enter Judgment against tho defendant for costs as provided In section 12, or against the complalntant a provided In section II, he shall Include In such Judgment, a a part of the costs of such proceeding, thi same fees for the Recorder and Marshal as arc allowed by law to constables and justices of the peace for similar services In criminal prosecutions under the law of the State of Oregon Provided : That when the same shall be collected the Recorder shall forth with pay the same to the City Treasurer and take du licate receipt there for, one of which the Recorder must flic In his office. hee. It. The same fees and compensation shall be allowed to witnesses and Jurors In the Recorder's court a are allowed by the laws of the State of Oregon In Justice courts. Bee 15. The Recorder shall make a report to the Council nt the regular meeting i:i each month which shall contain: 1. The title of all actions In which the City is a party, that hare been entered In his docket during the month, the cause of action on each, the name of each and every case, together with the pen alty Imposed and the manner In which the same has been dis charged, whether by payment of fines or by Imprisonment. 2. The amount of all fines paid to him and the date of payment thereof. v 3. The exact and specific amount of all fees, costs and disburse ments paid or collected by him In all city cases and the date of pay ment. 4. A statement of cah received from all sources, as shown by the Treasurer's receipts filed with him, and the reports of the Treasurer. Her. H. The Recorder shall keep a book In which be shall transcribe In the order of their adoption the title of all ordinances which may be passed by the "oanl, with a reference to the IhoV and page of the record where the enrolled copy thereof shall be entered as hereinafter provided and the original ordinance shall be presered and filed In his office He shall keep two ordinance records, in one of which he shall enroll and record all ordinances which mav be In the nature nf general laws affecting Un people nf the city genorallv, and In the oth"r shall Ik; enrolled and re corded all ordinances which relato to the appropriation of money, the Ini provement of a street, deed or contracts of the City, and all ordinance for special purposes, which are not properly laws of a cencral nature. Such records of an ordinance passed by the Roard shall be certified thereon by the Recorder, as provided by tho charter and law. and submitted to the Mayor for his approval, as provided by the law and the same shall be con sidered the enrolled copy of Mich ordinance provided by law. and If the same shall not be approved by the mayor the recorder shall note such fact with a reference to the book and the page of the proceeding of the Hoard where such fact shall appear, and If such ordinance become 'i 'aw w Ithout the approval of the mayor a provided by the eharlc, then the recorder shall certify such fart and sign the same with hi nam.- nu I title of office provided that nothing herein 'hall be constructed to iinnul an ordinance otherwise legally enacted, if the recorder shll by mistake or for any other reason enroll and record an ord'intncc of a general nature In the special ordinance record or a special ordinance In tho general ordinance record contr ry to tho provision of thl section. The recorder shall a.'so keep a record of all warrants Issued and upon what funds drawn. I, J. II. Jackson. Recorder of the City of Madras do hereby certify ttiat tin above and foregoing ordinance I a true and correct copy of the orglnal ordinance and tho whole thereof as the same wns passed by the Council of the City of Madras on the 4th day of April, 1910. HOWARD W. TURNER. Miyor. Attest: J. H. JACKSON, Rceroder. ORDINANCE No. 6 AN OROINANOK entitled. An ordlnanco concerning tents, half tents, and canvas topped houses; the City of Madras does ordain as follows Pee 1. Any person or person, or agent for any person or persons owning any lot, half lot. or block, or parcel of land within the corporate limits of the City of Madras, who shall construct, or cause to be construct ed, or suffer to remain on any lot, half lot, or bUvk, or parcel of laud within tho corporato limits of the City of Madras, any tent, half tent or canvas covered house without first obtaining a permit from the City Mar shal shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Recorder's court shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty five dollars, or bo confined in the City Jail not less than five nor more than twelve days, at the option of the court. I hereby certify that tho atmve and foregoing ordinance Is a truo and correct copy of the original ordinance and of the whole thereof as the same as passed by tho City Council. Passed April 11, 1910 HOWARD W. TURNER, Mayor. Attest; J. H. JACKBON, Recorder.