The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 07, 1910, Image 8

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All MtlllM IMebti W lh Mrk of
J. t!. M. . lloblitJp Arb rfeb.ue.ted
td coll and fHakitlelnt nt oce.
ImplKnt fifthly bn youfminrj
to iJdsitivbly t56 hfere find Hike
advdnt&ge bt Ihb fcreat6st
m in
event In Gentrdl Orbgdrh A
stock rif hlgH-feraJS dotHlAg
for riieii, tobrnen ati'd children
froni AttibHc&'fc leading mdh
ufacturersk Everything' Will be
Ldwest Pf iees
just td Impress firftly oh ybUr
mmds that ih the filttire tiil
store5 is lh fcilace For you tB
trade lb seclire the bargains1'.
IP Vou AkE fibf HkRE
Tuesday, March 15, 1910
we expefct ybli later- as y'bti
O are nb doubt Siware oi tile
i .
fact $1 buys $2 worth of
wear here, during lilts' mElfett
don bargain bvdnU
Morris Bl'g, Near Qclioco Bridge
TjdMEHTjSAD. ftotlcb for Publlci-
lion. Department or the Interior:
P. 8. Laud Oftlnft nt The Dal Its, bre
ion, March 3, ltilO. hereby elvn that
W.tfcABEtH E. FjCH.
f Madra, Oreiron, whd, .mi My
3, llXM,4'tuad Hnhiestead. Serial No
03160 No. 1&488, for pjuei, n$sei seo
12, i 12u, r 12 e, w m,
has filed nnflpB or Intention to rriake
Qnal five-year proof, to establish
olalm. to the bnd ,above described! Be
fore Howard W. TuHierl U. 8. Ctoralhla
sinner, tit his tilllce tit Madras, Oregon,
n the 20th ilay or April, 1010.
Claimant nathe aa witness:
n ..........
o. w. Jidthik,
ra!7 all Register
ilmant nallie as witness: , .,
utxliiro HHrtnagel,; L T Dnm, J II
R, Henry L EVaus, all of Madras,
J0IiiE3TAb.-NoUbe For Publlcv
t Imi. Dentin men t of the Inte
rior; U. &. tland Ofice at the Dalles,
Oregon, March 21, 1010
Notice is ijereby given tbilj
of Lamonta, bregnn, wlio, on AtluUal
15, 1908, made Hpmestead, Serial No
0639, for ,n4nwt, wjnel and sejnei
sec 11, tp 12 a, r 14 e, w ni,
Hhb Hied notice of intbbtib'n to make
tinal commutation probf. te establish
claim to the land above described; be
fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. Coin til Ib
lioner at his olllce i at Madras, Oregon
on the 3rd day of May, 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses!
1 1
IdaV Fratikf. Carl McGheel Totii
Bennefield Albert Slurmer; all of
Lamonta, Oregon.
m31-a28 C. W. Moore, Iteijlsler
Water 80 ctd. per 1000 gallons
All Kind3 ot grinding done for cafjh of toll
Feed Steam oDry Boiled
Not Coa.l Land
l OMESTEAD. Notice for Publa
ijni lion, Department of (he Interior,
U. 8. Land dffice, file Daileok Oregon,
kin rch 7, 19101
Notice is h,e,nby yvpn, that
Jaoy FOltMAN,
pf Antelope, Oregon, ,who, r,on May
S, 1903, niaije.Home(ead, Serial No
-02909 NO. 12061', fdr bw eec 35, tp
i s, r 10 e, w m, . , , o
' JIu8 filed notice of Intention to make
final fiveytjar proofn to .establish
claim to the land above described) lie
rfore H. C. Hooper, pultedjStateH Com
aaUsioner at bis olllce at Antelope, 0r
fc egon, ontlieeatli day .of April,. 1010.
Claimant names as Witnesses: ( ,
lice Hixson, Frank Formaiij Grant
.'Brasjiett, Tliomas Braskett, all of
f Antelope, OrCEou. v '
C. W. irdoftkj
, 3.m3 - - lteuiHtbr
U OMESTEAD. Notice for Iubllca
tipn. riepartmentiof tiie Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at .The Dalles, Ore
Knit, February 24, 1010.
Notice J hereby civen Hint;
of Madras, Oregni,.whn, on.D"cember
12, 1904. njsd? Homestead Serial No
uaj jso, 4JB.a, ror nwj auu
sej sec 35, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m)
Hum filed notice of intention to .make
final live-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, .before
Howard W, Turner, U. S. Coiumls
moiier, at his olllce at Madras, Oregon,
on tlie riUUi (lay or April, 1H1U.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
MleiiHel Bratin, A W Boyce. of Mad
raf, OreKon, H J Ilealy, S S Brown, of
uulver Uregon.
C. W. MooKE,
ml7-al-t Reuister
LJOME8TEAD. Notice for Publics
tlon. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Laid OfflceatTlie Dalles, Oregon,
Jiaren ii, lain.
Notine is hereby given that
f Madras, Oregon, who, on April 11,
lUUi. niHde uomestead (serial xso,
03547) No. 14360, for sei see 3"4, tp 12
, r 12 e, w m, has
riled notice of intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim
to the luud above described, before
Howard W. TilrLer U, 8. Commisfelon.
r, hi his ofllce at Madras, Oregon, on
the 21st day of April, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses!
CUS'amp. JC Tucker, FA Fal-
uliani, j E Grout, all of Madras, Ore
koTi. mi7-ul4 C. V. MoortE. Register
QMESTEAI).' Notlne'loV inibli.
cation. Depariraent Of -the. lute-
rUvf, U. B. Land Otllce at Tlio Dalles,
! ? lor, U. I
V Oregon, March i5, 1010.
Notice l)erjdy gIVeii tlint
TrliiT.ji! umifw
' ,nf ITwcreek) 6rewti who, oil Wav
?, 10:i;, Jhude Jlomesti-Md, fi'e'i ial N .
1 .itelM.-i So. islgl, i.foH.-nwi, inVinUl
Sen 11 and netiri sec 10, tp 11 1, r 14
p, AV M,
-iltus filed nptlce of . Intention to ninkv
inal t'omitiutation iiroor, to uxiuhliHii
fi'aini 19 tlie Jo,nd above deHnrlliisd', l)
preHowari,Turllbr,..TJ, S, Coinm.iH.'
flloner, at U ofiiuH at Madras, Oregon,
on (hetS7ih day of April, 1910.
Claimant nttuies as witnesses: (
1 IJvj'ld i.iudsay, Wulter. Darrar, W 8
iPficwell, .ofy Madras,, Qiegou, J W
JJmues; of IlftyfcrtekOwqn.
... U.W.MopjiB,
fkZ4 &21 Rl8ter
Homestead Notice For pubiica-
lion, lieparimeut of the Interior, U
3. Land Ottlcei The Dalles, Oregon,
piil 1, 1910.
Notice is hereby :lven tliat
of Madras, Oregon, wlio, on December
8, 190o, made Homestead, derial No.
03759 No. 14837, for si'iei, neisei sec
22 and nwiswi sec 23, tp 10 s, r H ej
w m,
Han filed notice of intention to make
final five year proof, to establish
claim to the laud aMove described) be
Howard V. Tnnt-r, H B. Cominis.
tiiouer utiliiP hlllce at, Madras, Oregon,
on the lOlh of Muy, 1910.
(jlaimaut names us witnesses!
E'mer Mothers,' W Mathers, A D
Tliayer, of YouiiL's, Oregon) Douglas
Hood, of'Oregou. v
h7-ui5 . .0. V.-Moore,Reglfiter
TlM IJElt .'LAND. Notice Ito PaDlica
tion. DepnrtmtOit of tire lptcHor, U,ji
liiUiiW''.iilce at Tlie Dalleu, Oregon, Maich
25, i At
Notite Is liereby cn tliut
w HuseKtiillU'u (juldiess iHi.yballcn.'.iOnj
goV, litl, on tfii'lli day of Jhiiiej , Jid!l, bie
li'th'H olllee lii-'Uvoin S aleiiit'iitaiul t
)litliitioiij'iXii.,oi,.i,.ll. to tiiil-jjIiaAo tli)iieji
iw'i bee Jl'.ldp , r 15 ti.jV' M, viilinl
llie tl.iibur lln'-ri'iiii, uiuret llur pnft'HIoiM
ill lll aei oi Jiinu , inco, iiuii vx jii I'liu
r.. .. ... ,i... !.. .i:.riK w ,. ...
"r- t v.:. :j: r.:r.r-,v. .r.s" i. i
. W." Ill M1LTI1 Villlltl 111 lllll'L Ull IXC 1 1
jipralHeineot. and lint, tin uautV iitcfi
it .plltJaihili, lilt laud aiwl' thiilier tlleleon
liavu iml'li aiipiitised. the UiiIIib-, itftllmatetl
J no eortU wood at 5 twifn ; jjw Aifrd. mid
ami till' otiid -Vfi i; that ?al(l uonlleiint ylll
oll'id' Hi al proof hi snppy t of iil.ippiiea
tioij aiid swoin stateiu -ni iMi the tut t!:tt
if J lint; ll'lo. he oio II. H. R6bpei'; U.dti'd
tiUUvA ("oniiiilKsioiier at Ilia office at Ante
lope, Oregon. VVl,.- ' '
imicliaxo hefuru cntryi or Initiate con
test at any time before patent IssueM, by
filing It C'11'roborate.d iirflilarit in tills of
fice) alleging facts wiilrt would defeat.tlie
entry. O. V. MOOItK."''-
u7-J Iteglsttr
Gateway To Central
Thd first city ifi Central Oyeri reached
by both the Hill ah$ Harfimah railroads'
I) lilil'n
Prfjmiss safe investments. BUy lots
before the boom strikes the city
Prices will be raised after June 1, 1910
The best
In Central
Art stirroutiding MADRAS Desirable farms can
yet be had at reasonable prices
Have agents in all large cities of the North-r
faest, including Portland, Seattle & Spokane
We are haviRg m&nj Inquiieis for fa m lands;
if you desire tjuick sales list with the
Madras, Oregon
the MADrlAS TOWNSITE COiyiPANV is spending $2000.00
advertising Madras arid Central Oregon
f3ot tJoal Land .
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca.
tlou. Department of the Interior.
U. S. Lind Ofllce at The Dalles, Ore-
gori, April 6, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that
of Madras) Oregon wlio, on. .Tdnol2;
90S. made llonlosteail Serial No
01468 No. 160f4, for sjuei "Hk
sec 27, tp 10s, r 14 e, W Mj
Has filed notice of Intention to make
final commutation proofi to establish
claim to. the laud aboVe, described, be
fore Howard Wi TllrneK U. S. Do m this
sioner, at his ofllce at Madras, (Jregou,
bn the 10th day of April, 1910.
Claimant dames aa witnesses:
'AD Thayer, David TraVifi, Andrew
JlVyJorf Bert White, all of Madras.
mio-i.14 C. V. Mooltn, nbglslor
tiOiiEStEAD. police F-r j'ulillca
iTltnMii Depiii trneni iif the Interloii
U. fJ. i-'ind quid, nt The D.ill3fl, Gre
gau, &tulih 1, 1910.
ITntlbelK hVrebv itveti l hi .
' . , (JHARLEH, l1'. Ki.AN'M,t;
bf-iidi.Hs, Oregoiv, who, on May 16,
'1903, made lloiiirateid, Srlal No
Ii2f98 No 12022, for uw sec'2il! tp U h,
r 13 e, w m, , , ' ,
Has filed notice of Ih'feiltlnb jfo rtinke
final five-year proof, lo estaldish
clfim to ihb taipl above defirljiH.I, be
fore Howard W.tfufiier; U; 8. Coul
inlssloner iitthis olllce at Madras, Ore
gon, on tlie 3rd-day of Mayj 1910.
ClalmuhtiianfeM' as witnesses:
Miles For, OCFoxj W'8WHIIuine,
Of MadritifJ'Oregoii; Wm, Brownlll, of
youngs, Ciegdn. t . i
m'Jl-ttUS 0. W. Moore, JlsgUter
H0ME8TEAD. Nb'Ice for Publica
tion. Departiiieilt of the, Inte
rior, U. 8. Land oflice at The Dalles,
Oiegonj March S, ll)oi).
Notice Is hereby given that.
geoug'e T. ItbWAN,
of Cdlverj Oregonj tVlmi on February
24, lGfJS made HollleHtead derial.No
d433lj No. 15891, for ni l seoSO, tp 1& b,
r is e,w In
Has filed notice of Intention to make
llnal Ciimthdtatlon pronfj td establish
claim to the lain! above described be
fore Howard Wi TUrfaeri United States
Cdminissioucr, at his otllco nt MadraS,
Oreuronj on the liJlli day of April,
lDlD. i,. -
Claimant names as wltubaaeni
Chas. N Lorlng, .Dlvlght Itoberts,
Isaac Martin L L jNlblidld, all of Cdl
Verli Oregon.
m 10 aI4 b. W. Mooro, ReglsleK
OMlSST EAD. Nothie fdr lhihllca-
t Inn heiiarttiiniih of .llie Inte
rior, U 8 Land 6h.yiiil 'l'lia Dalles, Or
caon, Mareh 10, irtlO.
icn Is hereliy glv'-i,! thatj.
HALLlsV. C Mtjfi'rGOMEttYj
of Otilvt-rj Oregon, who, on January
23, 1W)5M made Hoiubilead, Srlal
j No 03i No. 4157, Air sei eii 2d, tp
13 s, r 13 e, W M,
I Has-filed notice of lutelitloh to inilhe
(filial flvli-yi-ilr pr-iofi to -I'Sfabllfill
oltilm I i'1!" '"" "bovo dennritied, be
fore Howa'rd V7. Tumor. U. &. Crniul
slbtieh, at li oilluo Ut Madras, Ore
gon oh the 2iltll Uuy Of April, 1010.
(jlaliiiun.t pinnies as witnesses: ,u
Colby ..Flbunurj Walter 11 Itifbto,
Dwiglit ltobetis, Vm. II Ihitita, all of
Culver, Oregon. .....
. v O: W. Mooj,v i -
tn24-a2t Heuloter
HtiMEbTEAD. Notlco Tor Publi
cation, Department of the Inter
ior, U 8 Laud Olllce atl'hb Dallesi Ore
gon, April i, 1910.
Notice Is hereby urvpL' that
of Madras, Oregon,,, who, on August
23 1904,, made ? Homestead serial Not
03280 No. 13757, for nei sec 2?, tp 10
a, r IB e, w m,
laa filed not Ice of Intention to make
filial flve'-yeilr prork to ehtllhllsh
clalnj to the land abovu described, lie
(ore Howard W, Turner, U. 8. Conimls
Oloner, at IU olllce at Madras, Ore
gon, the lth day of Mayfcl01().
Claimant uuines as wltiieunes:
Michael BraUn, 6mli Haborstlch, II
E Jacobs; Chatlefi Ortilmu, all of Mmh
las, Oregon, x,
C. W. Mooiu:,
7-nl2 ' . Ueglsler
LlOEBTEAD. Notldefor Puhlha
l t,lon., tin Inte
rior, U,f3, Lind Olilcc, at Tlie JJillles,
Oregon Mulch 16, 1910 f
lotlbo Ih hereby given that
or YoiIiik; Oregon, who, on .Wnni
her il). l(llil mud Hnnlesfeid. Serl ii
No 02,14 No. iai)7(j, for w.Jk And
Hnei.sec 7, ip 9 h, r U e, W M,,
Has-II led ImtlcO of Intention id make
final fiVe-year proof, fo eslubllHli
blaim to the Und nnote. tlenoijlied bo
tore HoVHhl W. Turner, D. S. Cotn'rtls
flloner, tt his oflhui at Madras Oretrou.
on tho 27th day or April, lOlU. '
Claimant naihes as wltuosses:
Guorgo ilonner, A Monner, of Mad
ras, Oregon, Wm, Drownhill, l'utor
Vlbbeyt, of Youngs, Dregoru
m24-ji21 O. W. Moore, Ueglster.
I I UMliDlXlill. flUHtu "
II tlon. Department of
rlor, U. S. Lantl Olllce at The
Oregon, February 20, 1010.
Notice Is hereby given that
oi .u auras, ureK'ni, wow,
1907. mada Homestead,
011431 No. 16599, for Aw1 soofi
fl, r 12 e, w m,
Has filed notion of Intention t
uuai comnnuaiion nrooi, vj
(dalm to tlie land above i
lore nnwiirii v. l ornor. u.o
..... ... ... ...
Niniifir i.r iiih nmm ill i.1'"'
gnu, on tho lSU tiy ot AprlJji'
ClftliitHnt iianles aa wIIuobMW
J W Nlohols, E K Plktf, 'A
gnum, a i) jl'iho, an oi
K"' - O, Mortj
w A n nf IrOTIr. A fi -TJnMPH IUf
. I iil
- lion, uepiirt ni e ii- "
U. 8.;Lun.l Olllce at Tho
goU, March fi(.l9i0.
Kotico lo lier'diy glvod tliat- (
rYouniiB, Oivgon, wliojoi''',
9. Hllifi. maili. Itomodti'ild I
OIlllHl Nn. 1.1IM. for the Hf"!
ami wiiu-i, invi-i'l aeo23, lW
e. w m. 1
..i . . - . . , 11...1 id
in. riiu.i .mi i. ii. - r iiiieiiiiiiu .i
liiial five-ytiar proof, I" " .
s (inur at iiih oilluo at iuu""'
op the lOtli day or April, H"
Hlalmnnf. tinmHM as wltUCSSW1.
W m iiiulr. Aimx Rnlcor, 3'!
ton. of Vniiiwn. Dm iron I l'lv'
of Madrus, Oregbir,
urni 4