d -MAM. M A fT SMITH PAYS IZacruw ruim fSv tory of this oltr him s thtf. W ntvtr ' chanr commU!on. vBood, fat produce we wiii par as '' lows ship anydayi LIveHena .... ,Ba gua " ::::::::::::::::iiy"t i FRANK U SMITH MEAT CO. 'TleUting tho Beef Truat" PORTLAND, OREGON i-..iiv Anureclnted. Raymond, aged 6, returned from ....... .rhool In ft otnto of evident .i..r.nr. HO BiriUlCa Iirouuu Uiu . n. if about to burBt witn import- ... Tho uympathotlc eye of hlo .1... n. tint IllOW 10 ODBCrTO UHB. ULIIU " " - "What'i the mattor, itaymonur eno 0h mothor," exciaimea mo nmau .vnn anarkling. "tho BUporln- endent said somothing awrui nico hnut me In hU prayor thla morning." "What did ho eayr "Ho said, '0 Lord, wo thank thoo for and Raymond.' "Woman's- Homo ............... H i ' A Worthy Kemeay If vnu suffer from any Stomach, Liver, Kidney or Bowel trouble, you will find Hostetter's Stomach Bitters a thoroughly re liable remedy and wor thy of your utmoat confi dence. Give it a fair trial and see for youraelf how good it i in cases of Poor Appetite, Belching, Sick Headache, Indi gestion, Costiveness, Colds, Grippe & Gen eral Weakness. Get OSTETTER' OBLBBRATED STOMACH BITTER nil: IITRIAIS of tho NBEPEM9 i ssFvokk smmtoj PAW llk B i RESOLVED ITS PRETTY HARD TO GET ANY assistmTce A MAN VHO?E L1VERA OR STOMACH LS OUTOP QRDERMUNYCtC PAPwiLAXATTVE FILLS TCEEPwU WEIL CHEAP INSURANCE 'Woodlarlc" Squirrel Poison la the most reliable anil flpatnirtiv no-mr vr-t deviled tnr !. --,-..!......'.. f " . C ! - iui uic CALCiiiiiiiuLiiiii ill i iiiiiiirin. mull. the chearw-it inaurnnpo nrrninat tlirir 1.1 ml ... ... o h do not destroy its strength. Ke- niltr.fl VA HIVTU. nn nti1tiitiitnvf T .1 . . aiwnvs renilv inr Wo ntlirr In an gouu. sealers win reiunu ine purciiaso Pnce II not as claimed. Pnmnhlet ire. tlOYT CUKMICAL Co.. Portland. Oregon P N U No. 12-10 HKM writing to advertisers please ...... bins iuinr. IT BaeoiriigiMtii, Tho family had stood tho long strain of Uncle Hobort's illnois well, but tho peculiarities of tho physician, chossn by Undo Hobart himself, had boon, to say tho least, trying. "Do you ronlly think ho will rocovsr, Dr. BhawT" askod tho oldest Bister of the invalid, who had borno with his va garlos patiently for years. "I know how you fool, with Thanks giving coming on and all," said tho doctor, poorlng at hor from undor his "baggy eyebrows, "but it's too soon to toll. Ho may got woll, and thon again, ho may not' I can't encourago you yet either way." Hood's Sarsaparilla Is Peculiar to Itself. There h no real substitute for it, Any preparation said to be "just as good" is inferior and yields the dealor a larger profit. 0t Hcw.fi Bxnapnrilla today. In usual HquM form or toblaU called Banatabi. HOWAnD t ntJUTOn - Ai.,r na Cheml.1, Liille, Oolatmlo. HpwImcD prlci Oold, Hllmr, ImA. II. Oolil, f)llr. 14o Oolil. Ux Zlnt or IJoppar, It. iUlllna nrlcKt and fall prlcoll.t tnl on application. Oonlrorand tTmnlra work K lloltad. lUf.rencxi Carbon. ta National lUuk. frenobera not Urarpnld. la England tho early Mothodlsl preacher, when away from homo, wai ozpeotod to get his food from his con gregstlon, and when at homo was al lowod 80 conts a day, with tho stlpu latlon that the acceptance of an lnvl' tatlon to dino led to a due doductlon His wife was allowed 96 conts a week, with a further concession of Are dol lars a quarter for each child. At the Bristol conforonce of 1752, however, i definite salary was fixed. For the fu turo the proacbor was able to call $C( a year bis very own. Had fo Keep On. "I didn't kuow you Intended to gt. around tho world." "I didn't whon I started. But I went through Europo without tipping and was afraid to turn back." Louts villa Courlnr-Journal. m.- i . in. .nil inn lire Into aftlvlty by gentle methoda. UUey do not scour, gripe or wtokeu. They are a tonte to the atoatuch, lUr and nerreat InTlrorate Instead of weaken. They en rich the blood and enable the stomach to Ett all the oonrlshaeut from food that Is pnt Into It. Tbcue pills contain no calo mol: they are soothing, healing and stim ulating. For Bale by all druggists In 10c and tie sites. If you need medical ad; vice, wrlto Munyon's Doctors. They will adrlae to the best of tbHr ability abio lntely free of CharR. MUNYON'H, M mad JafTorson Bit., l'lUUdelphlo, l'tw Bend lOo for trial package. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company . -aaM4 Seattle Spokane Ail for Their Goods and 'SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost mMfoailM JHiI'AI'Icm. HP THE EMPIRE LINE r thin "ve? wM?Lplro .C.rem Ssparators for 1009 was arreat unlvcrial its. Ct U convlnclnir proof of 1U mexlU and veryVberW d..! u.'f r" ot Empire machines for their otl.Sr.. uf'J P8'")nlB1''. n beB to aaaure you. as well as any Pleaaa you andtook "Lf0"11"" to do tho very beat we can to ' Bna l00k f ter our machlnea and your needs. coirpsnhyn,J'h Policy of the Empire Cream Separator ! osi wr? u mchl,! P"'W. "n that would Jurubl.. ami ' t&T.l t tu.rn BnJ c'Mn' well as simple and ve succeeded S UM t bow well Uiey Ul to ma8,,!;?ady0mlllnnJwt h W,W,U We w'ah all nC . " m th oouwn below. w art all milkers of cows a Hsppy and Prosperous New Year, Empire Cream Separator Co., Ltd M Nerd Ski. Street PORTLAND, OREGON Ktat ... 91 "V Ctwi ""Of Saparau Alien. .... Vol Aotaallr Weceaanrr. The lawyer proceeded to examine Use rltness, "Pardon the question, Mrs. Cliueks ley," he said, "but your answer consti tutes a part of the record. How old aro you?" "Why, you ought to know, Mr Bharpe," she answered; "my birthday Is tho same- as yours, only I was born ton years later than you were." "Ah, yes, 1 remember. Well, It Isn't Important, anyhow. Oo ahead, Mrs. Chucksloy, and tell the Jury what you know about this case." Chicago Trib une. WHY Buffer with eye troubles, quick relief from using PETTIT'S EYE SALVE 25c. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Tlie Syndicated Hero. "Let one man stand at my tight hand," lloratlus quoth, quoth he. "Lot one abldo at my left Bide and keep the bridgo with mo. Threo men, I wot, can mako it hot for caitiff foes llko theso; and when wo writo about tho fight, wo'll Bharo the royalties." Louisville Courier-Journal. It Cures While You Walk. Allen's Foot-Eano Is a certain cure for hov ;wontln(f,callu,aiidsirollon,achlngoot. Sold by all liruggUts. 1'rlce 25c. Don't accept any ViV'11' Tr,.M, Package KJIKK. Addrow Allen H.OImtcd,r.oJloy,N. Y. - jus snare. Councilman I've como to 009 if you will subscribe anything to tho town cemetery. Old Resident Good graclousl I've already subscribed threo wives. Lon don Tolegraph. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to euro any caa of IUhlnir. Wind, lileerllnir or Protruding I'lloa la 6 to 11 days or money refunded, (Oo, Ancient Instance. 'Things are getting too hot for met" gaaped the phoenix, with Its expiring breath. "Here's where I retire!" Thus the historic bird set an exam ple that mankind has been provorbteJ ly reluctant to follow. It quit under fire. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That la LAXATIVE HKOMO QUININE. Leofc for the alanatura of E. W. Grove. Ueed the World over to Cure n Cold In One Day. M No L'ao. "You say Jones Is down and oatt Why, It was only a llttlo whllo ago that he told mo ho had the key of sue- cess." "Ho did. but tho poor fellow waen't able to And tho keyhole." Cleveland Leader. Motheri win And Mrs. TVlnsloWs Boothia.. Byrup tho best remedy touio for their ohlWrw aurlog the teething period. Its Btronar Point. "How can I tell." asked the cuatom er, ': whether I am getting tender nae1 or not?" "There's only ono sure way, ma'aaa," said tho butcher, "an' that's by etla' of It," "But I have to buy It before I csua 4e that" "Yes'm; that's the beauty of tho pro scription." Bud Doblo Tho greatest of all horsemen, says; "In my 40 years' experience with horses I bav found Spohn's Distemper cure the aaosl successful of all remedies for the horses. II is tho greatest blood purifier." Bottle, BOc and 11.00. Druggists can supply yon. or manufacturers. Agents wanted. Bend foe Frco book. Spohn Medical Co,, Spec Con tagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. Ai SCvtnced. Grocer Well, Mr. Dorklns, how awe you feeling over thla Idea of boyeet ting all meat products? Customer Perfectly reckleea, Briggs; perfoctly reckless. Give me four pounds of dried codfish. Chloago Tribune. PIPE REPAIRING Ofmrj iacM Vr nil AHBER.BRIER ai MURSaUUH. Artuiciil UIcHk. SIG SICHEL Bt CO. 92 Vai Slrnl PertUaJ Halt CIranrdA blocked BOe, wllh HrwTrimmlnn SI Paaa- amaa$l Udlrt ttrivlUH w moJtled. Be pon(t rnilli 7mt tollbtttoui. 315.17 AlaVar St. Portland, Uresoav s Dentistry Oat ot town,popli can bare their plela and brlJsework fin. jihed to one da It neeeatary, Wa mill sla you S ro4 coia sr Dorsum crown lor $3.6( Molar Crowni O.DI 97VrirlJ.Ti.lk3.E( Gold Hlllnp 1.0 1 r..m.l rtlllnlr. I. ill Stiver ninngs .6D Inlay Fllllrre 2.6fl Qood Rubbtr m Plstee O.UQ But M fSb- - en r. . uT.7" btrritiH i.uu US. W. a. nl.. rMMtl.l mmr-m r ij I . Rl h Vuu wmu.i h mniM Painless Ealtloa .OH WORK OUAnANTKSCD rOR 15 YBARSJ Palnleaa Kxtraotlon t reo whaa flatee or bfldte wel fi prJaraJrOonaultatlon Free, You cannot . battel palnleaa worVdone any where All work fulll ajuar. Titeecl. Modern electrloeqnlpmant. lloat metke, Wise Dental Co. S2 PORTLANDREOON OrNOI BOOail A. U. U V. K. goasayi, lUi Painles r Seeds Don't waste time and monoy plant ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First Grand Prizo at tho Seattle Exposi tion. Our prices aro roosonnblo. Bip; Catalogue frco. Sond for a copy. Vogeler Seed Co. Salt Lako City, Utah Has Escaped Tltna Far, "What a ourlous thing this universal habit of gum chewing Isl" remarked tho philosophical boarder. "What's curious about UT" asked Mm tntlva boarder. Free Mrs. Cora B. Millor Wants To Send A 60o Box of Her Eomody Freo to Every "Woman Suffering' From Any Form of Female weak nets or Files, Horns of Mrs. Cora B. Miller, Kokomo, Ind. In a terr yenra alto bna apeut tbon nnda of dollnra In plvlnar free Medical Treatment to afflicted women. This Is ths simple, mild and harmless prepara tion that has relieved ao many women in the pri vacy of their own homes after doctors and other remedies failed. It I eapeclally prepared for the treatment of female diseases, displacements, falling of the womb, IrrcirulAritles, painful periods, ieucorrhea or whitish discharges, ulceration and tumors: also palna in the head, back and bowels, nervousness, melancholy, desire to cry, hot flashes, wearinesa and piles from any cause, or no matter of how ionic atandlntr. Every woman sulTerer, unabte to find relief, who will wrlto Mrs, Miller now wlthoutdelay, will receive by mall free of charge a DO-cent box of thla simple home remedy, also a book with ex planatory Illustrations ahowina-why women eufTer and how they can treat themaelvea at home with out the aid of a physician. Don't wait another day; not necesaary to write s letter, almply aend this notice with your name and address at once to Mrs. Cora It. Miller, 8061 Miller Dulldlntr, Kokomo, Indiana. Honey No Object. "I don't care anything about It my self, for I'm no Judge of cuch things," said Mr. Gaswell, "but my wife wants me to buy a rare old violin, and she says they come high. Got any?" "Wo certainly have," responded the dealer. "Here's one In this showcase, genuine Btradlvarlus, that you can have for 13.000." "She said she thought they came higher than that. Haven't you some that are a little r straddyvarlouser than this one?" Chicago Tribune. Portland b the big market place of the Northwest Send Your Produce THERE We are handlers of Eggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live or dressed; also Apples, Onions, Pota toes. Consignments, whether large or small, are solicited. We can give you good prices for good stuff. Wrlto Us. McEwen & Koskey COMMISSION MERCHANTS 129 Front St, Portland, Ore. P SOTS is the word to remember when you need a remedy Cis-fl r n REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND SEEDS Catalogue for the Asking Send for It J. J. B U T Z E R 188 Street Front Portland, Oregon FE1RTS' SEEDS To crow tho fin est nowers ana moat luscious verotamca, plant tne boat uixli. Kiirrv s Hoeaa are ueit iMcauaa tney never mil in yieia or Quality. The beat garden- ira ana rarmcra everywner know Ferry'a aoerta to be tho hlirhtst standard of quality yet auainuu. cur auia everywhere. , 1 FEKUY'S 1910 Seed Annual Freo on request S. M. FERRY ft CO., Demit, uica Cured by Electropodes Ktw Elactrle Traatmtat. Metal lMol-worn InilJ. ihoi, Dodr bfcomea wraiMinM ! cono.rtlor vlrra. roltla cure lor Rtuumatliin, Neuraltfa. lucaach.. KUaty eod L'm "J1' nltlBU. Only 11.09 pair. Guarantaa ilcota wltn Tach iila. II HltttrotxxlM lalt to cura. mor.tr ra. turned. II not at your lrvuilit'i itxA ua ft.OO. Wa IU aa that you are lupplled. ntniminu T-T vfTl CXI(TW C( rLoa Ansalaa Bt., Loa Angrlaa, Cal. BROWN'S Bbonchiai Troches Aa abaolutaly aartrdses ramady for 8oae Throat, iloaraanau and Cougha. Glva immaiUta reUei ta Bronchial and Lune Affections. FHty yaara' raputatlon. Price. 35 caoU, 60 cantl and 11.00 pat boa. ample sent on requaat. rrerlerlelt'a Thonajnta, A young mother went upstairs one evening to be sure that her son was safely sleeping. As she paused at tho door of the nursery she saw her husband standing by the side of the crib, gazing earnestly at the child. As she stood still for a moment, touched by the sight, tears filled hor eyes, and she thought, "How dearly Frederick loves that boy!" Imagine the shock to her feelings when he sud denly turned toward her and said: "Amelia! It is Incomprehensible to me how they can get up such a crib as this for three dollars and sixty cents." Next Thine The shades of night were falling. Swiftly and gracefully an aeroplane descended, landing as lightly as a feather on the smooth roadway of the boulevard. Forth stepped an elegantly attired man, wearing a mask. "Snatching a purse from a richly ap pareled dame who was passing, he stepped back Into the aeroplane and was soaring aloft and disappearing In the distance before It occurred to tho astonished victim to let loose a scream. Chicago Tribune. An Admonition from Japan. "You shouldn't call us Japs in your newspapers," said a Japanese Journal ist. "We don't think It's polite. You wouldn't want us to call you Yanks In our papers, would you? A western Congressman said to me the other day: 'What nese are you Japanese or Chinese?' I'd have liked to Jiu-jitsu him, but I only smiled and retorted: What key are you monkey or Yan kee?' " Free Late Catalogue of Reierson Machinery Company NET PRICES. Write for Copy Portland, Ore. k ' M-Cf (itsUOOuf Sep REIERSON MACHINERY CQ TheGASENGlNEUOUSE O feef esrMTwtftr IS 2434 IsyfarUoti 8t. Portlind.Or3on The Family Phy siaan The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trouble Is with your inroat, oroncniai tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. We publlah our formulae yers We banlah aleohol . from our medicinal We urfe you to OOriault your doctor Bilious attacks, sick-headaches, indiges tion, constipation, dizzy spells theso are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases. The doso is small, one pill at bedtime. S Made bv the J. C. -r t oil. jf. More than That. , Elderly Stranger (disposed to be so ciable) I s'pose this is one o' thenv new fashioned pay-as-you-enter cars. Conductor Yes, uncle, and It's also an enter-as-you-pay car. Please step Inside. You're delaying the proces sion. finite the Contrary. Rankin Do you have any trouble Id assimilating the fruit and vegetabla meals you are eating nowadays? Fyle Great Scott, nol After getting up from eating one of them I'm hun grier than when I sat down! C0FFEEC TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT Hct CiQSSET&DEVERS fUKIlANU. UKU CRIMSON WINTER .RHUBARB $1.50 Per Dozen. 16.00 Per Hundred. $40.00 Per Thousand Now Ii the Time to Plant Rhubarb and Berry Plants J. B. WAGNER, Tho RHUBARB and BERRY Specialist Pasadena, California STEINWAY AND OTHER PIANOS Oh. Sherman Hay & Co. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES SIXTH AND MORRISON. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. PORTLAND. ORE. We Sell Pianos and Player-Pianos of Unquestioned Reputation In addition to our resrular line of beautiful new Pianos, we hare many very desirable used Pianos which we are offering for a mere fraction of their original cost. Thoush yon may not have contemplated an immediate purchase, it will pay you to take ad vantage of this opportunity to aecure a fine Piano much below the cost of a new one. Our Rental Purchase plan makes piano buying easy. fill Out and Mail Today. Please mail me catalogue, bargain list and Rental Purchase plan. Name Address Name of friend who expects to buy a piano: Address Please send free copy of Musical Celebrities. More Guaranteed under all Pure Food Laws Friends Every Yeair We'll soon count you among them. It' s just a matter of time. More and more housewives are giving up the old- style, high-priced, Trust-made Baking Powders. Thousands are turning to BAKING POWDER One trial does it. You'll never go back. Speak toyourgrocer. Lighter, sweeter baking or mone-p refunded. Far bet ter. Costs much less. You won't believe It till you try for your self. 23 Ounces for 23 Cents mo' lUtSHajtfO Jaqnes Mfg. Co Chicago WORK SHOES It is not necessary for sw & work shoe to look clumsy to give good wear. Have your dealer how vou the cood looking, comfortable. well-fittinR. Mayer Work Shoes. Mrl nf tr.nr! iirvlr. kesw aolea. tolid counters. b .- 1 V. I .. I 1 aiiK . lj.tht in. Hniihli. t.mi. Ivlarifi aoiid and will last longer thsn any other shoes you can buy. MAYER WORK SHOES are made for woiling men of all claties and aro " built on honor." You can lave money by wear- ina them. Will outwear any other make. r,r , .. a CI tL fn 10 na aura you aro gcuuig inajw uuwii wu iui the Mayer Trade fvfsrk on the sole. Your dealer will aunDlv vout it not. write to ui. .r ... t. i w i- km it mm ..nri u. um una oi a aaaier who aoai not handle Mavac wora sdm. we wiuhw you ir, P- . kj.Milful niriuH of Gaorm Waihlaatoa. itl I3a20. rr..1 - ' . v; i m. oi i " i? j We aiao make nonorout anocs lot roan, treading uor Shoe. Martha Washington Comlort shoes, Yerma Ctuh ion Shoei and Special Merit school shoes. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS, cms i I mm a "Nobody has mentioned It as ono 04 jgQWN U SOMaten. Ma, Ike causes of the high cost of nviasv