The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 17, 1910, Image 7

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    .... M J V 1 ft
II rav muic iui iuia
nt. .- mv auaniiir. or rronuce rou
H. never charges commission. Bh t by
rt" W will per as follow! for good, fat
Iff ...... i. iia Ihi 12Ue
I ttM1 ....... .....
U..ICKn i7u,
T i i.iAti .in ,,,,,nyie
.....alalia KHI
a... nf TTilf llffTAf Pft.
n"'" - :
"FiBntillE vno bbbi
An Knar On.
.... .h.y
o. nil -.
mean aaapiea to soiso.
: you can rerpombor thRtt" ' ,
- i ,
i... ma a. lentonco In which tho
a la rnrractly uaoa."
See ,th good imp, now prononauo
noaTi inn nor
k. ,niMnrr felt hr farmer and '
r.nrr in Pem'h Ectdi to-dar 1
rwouldltavc been Impowlble Jo fecUnJ
I any teed! two (core
ol jreargai
i aco. we nave nam
Klcncc oi Ma
, ctowlns
jdwnri do 1
exactlr what you
i.rrKY-1 nl ihcm. Tor tale
everywhere, rntnra M SEEU
.AatnOiL Free on fequet
B M 1
D. M- FCRny.k CO., Detroit, Mloh. '
rial Dottlo Free Br Mail
. will -nil., n.tiiia.a .bit...
iU .U.IW lUu ML"1!'"; . J J '
a m . r 1 . mi. 1 1 l I l 1 1 ri I 1 1 1 . l 1 1 11 w 1 1 . 11 1 i n .
. III - .11 - a 1 . .1 .11 a. a... tfl
I - I A T?.-.. a. I . I AO III-.),., nf Tip U.V'l
BII Wl I irtlTlw HI.HII m J " - . - -
Epllop'tlolclo Ourol
i uu cured iu7upiin..a initio Qit-rj
lrd. itusrsmeea ut muj jnruic
11C I UK'
aborsto 7
UT I i uiu " i mi uiuki iii,-jiitiwnTi.i
.rani- iio. invii. I iciii TTriLO lur uun r i I " M
llotlle tiJ (rive AOS nd coin (Otto nddrtts
W. n. MAT, brc voi oireei, new toil
not h food" it ta n medicine, nnd tne
ride for (tin row nittl nt it- unntA ltinlrntUM.
kiit iiiaji nun, pwuis, Litacu iitisut ( n
l. .1 ...1! 1. -1 1 -1 -..1 1l
nnv or few. can n lion I to le without KOW-
If It' I Km tnmlu aunnnlrtllu hi Irntt n ft ITVU
th mannfnrtiirtm. '
th manufacturer.
Ljntionidlle, YL
C. Gee Wo
Tie Chinese Doctor
Till wondeful man hna
mudo nllfoitudy of the
itropmiea of Hootn,
!rl)B and Darka, and
i ulvlnir the world the
UinoAtof bU rvlca.
I No Mercury, Poltons
orDrugillsed. No
&?2 Opcrotiofts or Cuttlnn
Runrantcoa to euro Cntarrh, Aflhma. I.unir,
Blomnch and Kidney troubles, und all 1'rivaU
UUouiui of M n and Womun.
Jut received from Pokln, China aafo, sura
and reliable. U..falllnir In IU worka.
If you cannot call, writo foraymptom blank
and circular. Inc!oo 4 cerU In atcjnpo.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162V. rirtt St., cor. MorrUon, Portland, Or.
CRIMSON WINTER RHUBARB vr nmen. ffl.00 I'or
Aoif h the Tlmt la Plant
Pacific Coast Biscuit Company
Portland Seattle Spokane
Atk for Their Goods and
hev Will Snriirn Ynll Mnnv I
Articles Without Cost
Sura euro and
are Infocted or oj
Illood and Olands, expels tno poisonous
temper In Dotts and tlheep and Cholera
stock remedy. Curos La arlpponmons
indy. Curos
dy too and
noy remod;
It. Show
A Carlylo Retort.
Aa empty hoaded duko opc Mid to
Thomas Carlylo at a dinners
"Tho BrltlBh people, sir, cYaa tCord
to laugh at theories."
Carlylo, Bcowllng, replied:
"Tho French nobility of a hundred
years ago thought that the could at
ford to laugh at thoorlsts too. Dut a
man came and wroto & book called
'Tho Social Contract.' This man was
Jean Jacques Rousseau, and his book
was a theory and nothing but a thoory.
Tho nobles could laugh at his theory,
but their skins went to bind the sec
ond edition of tho book."
No Appetite
"I took II( od'ii Bnrnapnrllla when I was
n very sick woman, hud no appetite what
ever, and could uot rloep mora than three
bourn a night. I was pi-rimadcd by a friend
to try it, took two hot lion of It, and It
greatly lcneflted me, giivo mo a good nppc
tito nnd sound Mer p." Mrs. John Edens,
2220 W 8rd B,t I)iivenp6rt, Iowa. . "
Jl.oo4Hnr'Upurllla restores tho' npp.'titc
nnd linkcs sleep round nhd refreshing by
I nlliling up the wliolo syNtcm. It purifies
tho blood, strengthens tho ncrvrs, aids and
perfect tligoxtum. Tnko It tins spring.
i- i ii l . ii iiy i..i.i
Get It IflAy In ununl llgdld fonn or UbloU
ru.Ub. 100 lionet) Un Dollar.
A aUIUful Arlntor. 1
you intorosted In these
"Intensely. I watched one this mofn
lng who was an adopt. He tase, dip-
tied, circled, turned corners and alight
ed without trouble and without a mis
hap." ' . -
"Well, well! ' He must have been a
"Ho was; of the 'sptfrf o'w 'yarlety."
Washington Herald.
Flrat Aid.
Nervous "Wreck (tramblln and shak
ing) Have you any "
Druggist Already T Yes. Adelbert,
hand down a bottle of bromide of po
tassium. wisely directed, will cause her to
givd to her littlo ones only tho most
wholesome and beneficial remedies
and only when actually needed, afad
tho well-informed mother uses xnly
the pleasant and, gcrttlo laxhtivd rem
edy Svrub of .Fics and Elixir of
Senna when a laxative is. required,
as it is wholly froo from all objec
tionable substances; To get ita ben
eficial effects always buy tho genu
ine, manufactured by tho California
Fig Syrup Co. , ,
Ii Clctncd A bloclctd BOe.
Ill NnrTrlmoilnri II Pan
ama 9 1 Ijaillfi SiriMllinrt-
mnlrltd. Sc poiuic Willi ypur
bakloni. 3J&.17 Alder
St. Portland, Oregon.
Portland is the big market place of .the
. Northwest
Send Your Produce. THERE
Wo arahrfndloraoiC'EBfflj, Butter,
Veal, Dressed Hopi!, Poultry, live or
dressed: also Apples, Onions, Pota
toes. Consignments, whether largo
or small, aro solicited. We can give
you good prices for good atuT.
Write Uu., '.
, McEwen & ICoskey'
129 Front St, Portland, Or.
Don't waste tlmo and money plant
ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First
Grand Prizo at tho Seattlo Exposi
tion. Our prices aro reasonable
Big Catalogue free. 'Send for a copy.
Vogeler Seed Co.
Salt Lako City, Utah
V- . y
Hundred. .w-w 1 '"""
f Tlmt to Plant Rhubarb winerryPlatUt
. The RHUBAKB and BERRY fipoclallat
Pasadena. California z
Pink Eye, Epizootic,
Shipping fever
and Catarrhal Fever
-..-7- "Wl.,
La Or ppo among numan ocinuoniiu
tl n Iwitlej ISand 1Mb doxen. Cut thUput Keep
nosltlvo preventive, no matter how horses at any aga
SoVffiPLlauld. on tho tenguo: aeU on tfi.
griusarvuiMJui-M. -w"-
fn I'oultry. Largest eolllngllva
Show to your druggist whowlllgotlt ror you. rrse oooaiew
icmper, vnuses anu wuru. uimni-"" aim it n a
SP011N MEDICAL CO.; Bsctsrlologlste. uOullliN, IN . .
" r nnria I huuii us whiiisui
Ah, Teal
la to "rernember
How easy It
When 'tis only to mourn or to praise
herl .
iloW hard to recall her when some one
would fain
Boo a few dollars voted to ralso herl
Aligning Illraaelf.
"Brother Hardcsty, you've heard of
what they call the higher criticism,
haven't you 7"
"Yes, I know all about that."
"Well, do you tako any stock In It?"
"Not a bit, Drother Irons; I'm ortho
dox. I'm no Insurgent" Chicago Trlb-
To Urn I'erfcadr Krnnlt.
Ills Lawyer They charge you with
burglary. Now ru will have to tell
me, as your counsel, whether they have
any direct evidence connecting you
with the crime.
Client Well, I believe they r
caught me In the net.
Jho Gibson Roeo Numerics
20 Acres of Roseat
Two-ye ar-old buohca
Grown In tho open Held
Now Is a good time to plant
Catalogue Fico
liOO Mllwauldo Road, Portland, Oro.
Kercr Would Do.
Little girl," said tho oculist, "your
, ... i . ti
eyes are in an excecaingiy uau cuhui
tlon. You ought to be wearing glass
"And havo to trim these beautiful
long eyelashes of mine 7 responded the
littlo girl. "Nit!"
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boora tho
i The l'rnctlcnl Vler.
. "Do you bolleve In tablo tipping?"
Sucrlcd tho woman advocato of spirit
"Not me," replied the matter of fact
man. "I havo found waiter tipping
moro satisfactory when I'm hungry."
rtnxtnn Herald. .
Mothers win And Mrs. Wlntlow's Soothing
Jyrup tho bcstreinedr to uo for their cauaroa
luring tiie tothlug icrlou.
ClillUiouil'a Unfullliiir Jor.
Ab long as there are children in the
tforld tho golden and objcctlcsB occu
jation of make believe will go on; tho
pursuit of delight Itself, untrammcled
)jr rulea or purpose. Eton College
Looki Dorrn on Others.
Fuddy Yes, that's Curtwrlght over
there. He's won several aviation
prizes, and consequently holds his head
pretty high.
Duddy Considers himself one of the
gerostocracy. ehl Boston Transcript
rl I.ATATIVF. nilOMO Oulnln Tablets
DruitrlnU refund money If It falls to cure. E. W.
GROVE'S slynatura to on rach box. 26c.
Unilerlinnilfd' Trick.
"Mammn, I don't never want to eat
At this restaurant again."
"Why not. dear?"
"Tho under side of my .chair seat lu
all wlro springs, and my gum won't
stick to It. '
Ifo- Ambition In Tlint Direction
"George," Bald Mrs. Fergusou
there's an Item In this paper that telle
you how to know a mad dog when you
see one."
"Shucksl" exclaimed Mr. Ferguson
"I've no deslro to know any mad dogs.'
PAZO OINTMENT Is m-arantecd to cure any case
of Itchlnff. Ullnd, Hlowllnir or rrotruain nice in
8 to U days or money refunded. wc
Ilia Stntna.
"Your Husband doesn't seem to take
a very active part In politics," observed
tha rnllnr.
"No," said Mrs. Lapsllng. "He doesn
bcllcvo in going to extremes in an
thing; he's a conservatory."
Catalogue for j
the Asking
Send for It
J. J. B U T Z E R
188 Street Front Portland, Oregon
Cured Right at Home
by nt.nCTROrODES. Ntw Elfdric Treatment.
CaWanic Inioleatopptr and tlnc-..worn In. Id.
thtxt. lntlroi4lonllr. bclir. Kitrti bccora. 'lite
wlrtt." I'uiltlvs cut. lor KkauniaUtm, Neurilrla,
Ilacktclat, Kldnar and Urn complaluti. Trie
only ll.M. Your mooty rrturncd II not iatlilactorjr,
Cuarantia alsntd with tach aala. Hltctropodaa are
nallatila. if not at your Prugillt'l, tend ut J1.00.
SUM whathar lor man or woman,
115 Loe Angeles BU, Lot Angeles, CaL
inless Dentistry
Out of town, people
can nsvn tueir pisia
tueir r
ana onugewori
Ulied in one
If nnoeaasrr.
Wa will give you I good
22k gold or porctlaln
crown lor $d.bli
Molir Orowm 5.00
Gold Fillings 1.00
Enimil Fllllnn 1.00
Silver Fllllnji .60
Inlay Filling! 2.50
Good Rubbor m nn
Plat 5.00
Dut Roc) M) cn
tor PUtH 7.50
Ptlnlm ExlHtlon .50
H. W. . Will, faimut un Muca
.r criago wor
worK rullfgiiar.
iieat moiuoas.
Wise Dental Co.
BIHOI H0OMI A. K. U . U. ittUjt. U L
'alnleu Extraetlon Freo whenrlstes
sordeMdTOonaoltsllon Free, Touw
Inl.u worn ooao rBro. "
If nil.m AiMitrio AaulDtnnnt.
Don't Wear
A Truss
After Thirty Years Experience I
nave Produced An Appliance
for Men, Women or Children
That Cures Rupture.
I Send It On Trial.
If yoa have tried mont everything else, come to
me. Where others fall Is where rhavo my ercot-
est success. Send attached coupon today and I
will send you free my illustrated book on Kupture
and Its cure, showing my Appliance and giving
you prices and names of many people who havo
tried It and were cured, it is instant rcuei wnen
all others fall. Remember I use no salves, no har
ness, no lies.
I send on trial to prove what I say Is true. You
are the judge and once having seen my Illustrated
book and read it you will bo as enthusiastic as my
hundreds of patients whoce letters you can also
read. H1I out free coupon below and mail It to
day. It's well worth your time whether you try
ny Appliance or not.
C. E. Brooks, 2659 Brooks Tlldg., Marshall,
Mich. Please send mo by mall In plain wrap
per your Illustrated book and full information
about your Appliance for the cure of rupture.
Addrcssi ,
City State.
Mr. KaJones. who had happened to
step into the parlor while looking for
a book, was Just in tlnjo to see some
body slip hastily oft somebody else's
"Ah, Bessie," he observed, pleasant
ly, "this 1b a mercer. Is It? Or Is It a
limited partnership?"
"Neither, papa." said Bessie, recov
ering herself Instantly; "George Is n)7
holding company that's all." Chicago
Tribune. .''
Striking an. Average.
"Glycerine McCurdy, I love you!"
"Orlando Spoonamore, I hate youl"
"Well, then," ho sighed, forlornly, "I
suppose we'lf have to compromise on
Platonic friendship." Chicago Tribune.
In 111a Hind.
"Old chap, wherp ro you going foi
your vacation?"
"All over the country. In fact. I'm
taking It now reading summer resort
Will Gel It.
"You should. Insist," said the doctor,
"on your boy's accustoming himself to
cold baths."
"I don't have to Insist," answered
the worried father. "He'll be out skat-'
lng before the lco is- an. eighth of an
tach thick." Washington Star.
Easily Ananrered.
The teacher had written a difficult
problem on the, blackboard.
"Now, children," she said, "what' Is
the first thing to do with this?"
"Erase Itl" shouted tho bad little
boT on the front seat
Baby Smiles
When He Takes
So cUsMct tktl be Eta ItsnS ceoUini now' I
sle. There U nothing Eke it .for Brooch. tu, E
Asthma snd sQ troubles a! the throat sad longs. I
A Suodud Remedy loc hsU s century. ,
All DrMfgts tt.t-'cq . ,
Nl ) " , u. 'i 1 . ' ' . . t i n - - i.
I TT,-J--t ' . il
One Year
If it is possible to frame up an absotUtejy safe, sane anq cpnservaiive
investment, and at the same time give jthe Investor big returns oh I) is
money, we have found it read the following and Jijd.b.foifilyodrself.
at llf' a ,
No chance to lose, and you cannot 6036 seres at $50 peracre $301,800 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO PURCHASING .
h..P mk!K a bte pront. Hore ,8 f flj ' , ; , : StHHTE
ourstory: ' aj.rQ $603,600 WiUfbe- received I for Fyndicate units
Last week a client of ours read , . -' -on. bRsii3 of- 3,018, .payable.' s fa-
nnr nrivnrtisGment ior lanas lor coi
... . m i f
onkation purposes He thought bo
had what wo wanted and camo to
see us. He broUgKt with him a der
Bcription'of 6036 acres' It reads aa
Situated in a level valley, 40 miiea
wide and 90 miles long, completely
fenced, 640 acres under plow, 3500 in.
hay and 1896 acres virgin soil, com
pletely equipped for irrigation, all
main ditches completed and lateral
ditches Bufilcient to irrigate every
aero except the virgin land, and
water can bo put on every 40 of the
virgin land for a cost not exceeding
$25 each 40. The owner has a per
netual and exclusive water right;.
sufficient supply of water to Irrigato
A. ii.. ..... n nnvnliia
m Z r sunnlv another tract with capital stock of $301,800 This
sufficient to supply another tract Jtal to bo represented by
equally as larg;e. ioo units of tho par value of 3,018;
Tho property is ready for subdl- that tho Union Bank & Trust Co.
vtBon shall have tho management of the
mi utA'n iAbn cn nn tft syndicate, cause the .title of tho
Tho proposition lboked bo good to to bo placed in tho nanle of
us that wo took a .30 days option nt 'tll0 union Bank & Trust Company
$50 per aero, including water rights. n8 trustee, nnd at once tako tho ne-
cessary steps to subdivido tho land
OUR PROPOSITION. into tracts of 40 acres each; to sell
uu'w" tho 40racro tracts at $4,000 each,
Wo propose to form a syndicate . to b,e qO down, $800 in one year
buy tnia lanu, anu iimucuiui-oi-jf
thereafter to put it on tho market,
. . , ,,,. A f,rr rniorn thoi snv othor dvo. One 10c pacUoero colors silk, wool and cotton eQuallyweU
Oolqr moro srooda brighter MdlMtwc 10o pa(tjaBo. Write for freo bookUt
fefet -oSS A.aealor,orwowuiBon jaoNROE DRUQ COMPANY, Qulncy, IlUnoU.
military Itni.
An old military dictionary tells ui
that rats were sometimes used In wai
for the purpose of firing powder maga
zines by means of lighted matches tied
to tholr tails. Wo cannot offhand re
call any historical Instanco of this, but
presumably It did occur, seeing that
Marshal Vauban laid down special
rules for counteracting it. Anyhow
tho dodge Is ns old as Samson, who,
you may cecal), used foxes In a similar
way for a somowhat similar purpose.
As to the royal rat catcher, we may
add that he had a special official livery
According to Pennant's "British Zoolo
gy." It consisted of a scarlet costume,
omhrntriflred With vellOW Worsted, In
which were figures of mice destroying1
wheat sheaves. By tho way, rats were
not tho only animals honored with a
special catcher. Llecester, for Instance,
used to pay a yearly salary of 1 lis
6d to lta municipal mole catcher.
London Standard.
Another Form ot It.
Visitor Como here, my dear; whose
pretty little girl are you? '
Housemaid 'Sh, Mrs. Jlmcsl Tho
courts 'aven't decided yet
StnnilnrdlclnflT Hla Gratitude.
Wareham Long What'd you say ef
Rockefeller wuz to glvo yo a million
Tuffold Knutt Tanks I Chicago
Thought lie Had.
Speaking of tho boycott of. beef have
you ever tried horse meat?"
"O, yes, I presume so, and goat meat,
too, I dare say. I've eaten In all sorts
of restaurants."
Johnny's Mistake.
Against his littlo playmate's breast,
By her "1 dare you" goaded,
Ho pressed tho pistol ah, you've
You're wrongl IT WASN'T LOAD
ED! Headache
"My father has been a sufferer from sick '
headache for the last twenty-five years and
never found any relief until' he began
taking your Cascarets. Since he has .
begun taking Cascarets he has never had
the headache. Thev have entirely cured
him. Cas carets do what you recommend,
them to do. I will give you the privilege
of using his name." E. M. Dicksori,
II20 Resfner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind.
Pleasant,' Palatable, .Potent. Taste Good.
'o Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe.
10c; 2JC- 60c. .Never sold In bulk. The gen
uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back.
..Tfe Sell 'Pianos,
i of Unquestipnm; Keputation ;
In addition to our 'regular line of
beautiful ney Pianos., we have- rnaj-jj ,
very deslrpble used PJanoa whlwe,
ae offering for a niere'fraitlotj, or
their original eoaf ThougM you may-
not have contemplated an ' Immediate .
purchase, it.vill pay you to take ad-j
va&'fage of this opportunity to "secure
a' fine Piano much below tBe cost of
new cine. Our -Rental Purchase plan,
makes piano buying easy; .
How Would Ym Appreciate
on ah Investment
t . .
i r At
- uross proiit 01.
lesg $150,000
, r.
Making net profit of $1 5 ,800,
.This land can be purchased oh tho.
March 16, 1910. .
June 10. 1910.
Sept. 10, 1910...
March 16, 1911...
March 16. Idl2...
i 4
March 16, 1913.
March' 16. 191-1.
March 16. 1915...
March 16. 1916 30,000
March 16, 1917 30,000
March 16, 1918 10,000
Total .' $301,800
Tn nrirnnizo a Purchaslnn bvnuicnto
uu in vwo yvuits, -fovw .
years, and $800 in four years.
Have One
No sense In running from one
doctor to another. Select the
best one, then stand by him.
Do not delay, but consult him
In time when . you are sick.
Ask his opinion of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for- coughs
and colds. Then use it or
not, just as he says.
We publlih our formulss
h w bsnlsh aleohol
from oar medloln.i
We urge you to
oonflat your
Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the
house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and
then, will ward off many an attack of
biliousness, Indigestion, sick headache.
How many years has your doctor known
these pills? Ask him all about them.
- Made by the 3. C. AyrCo..IiOwll. Msss.
' Eluton AvcnneT
Stranger Is this a pay-as-you-on-ter
.-Native That doesn't classify It ac
curately. It's a swear-as-you-enter
TIo, Is Kssentlnl.
,"Dad, wha,t sort' of. a bureau Is
matrimonial bureau?"
"O, any bureau that has flvp drawer
full of women's flyings and one raan'a
tie In lt'-rllouston Post
For Hbmestoad relinquishments, and can sell your
farms and ranches quickly. Let us handle your
business and we will guarantee your satisfaction.
Give full particulars .in first letter.
510 Dekum B!dg. Portland, Ore)
No. II-'IO
HEW Tvrltlng to advertisers ploaao
mentlofe thTs-ptiper. t-
lay& Gttr se
I (a
and Playerf Pianos, ,
Fill Out and JViail Today. -
P N U.
Please mail me catalogue, bargain list and Rental
Purchase plan. , ' ; rr
ITS-''.' -'.v ' '-- "I .
. i i;tv it -
ess . .i....,.
of friend who expects to buy a piano:
Address .' ' ........
Please eend fr(s boi5y" of Musical OdebrlHes.
f$5? Mp
I a . ' . 1 ' At
lows:- .. . ' 4 .
With subscription... ....,..$ 325
JuheT "10, 'MO'. . . J.. 293
Sept. 10, 1910: !. 200
March 16, 1911. 300-.
March .16, 1912!',,.. v7....:. 300 ,
March 16, 1913... :; 300 .
March 16, 1914'. 300 .
March 16, 1915..'.-:....:!. 300'
March 16, 1916 ...... '-300 .
March 16, 19l7 3.00
March 16, 1918... 100
Total! . , . . tv. ;'.'.. . . . . ,$3,01 8
We have no hesitancy in saying that
unit holders will not be called upon to
makc,apy additional payments after the
Our inquiries from the East after
this class of land . are such that we
believe We can sell every acre of it
during the year 191'0; and, inasmuch
as the proceed from- the sale of land
will ho anDhed on deferred oavmenta
duepreSent owners, there ft very
little probability that tho unit holcf-
ers will over bo called on for anything
but tho $325. Send in your sub-
if you, want to know what tho
Union Blink & Trust Company is do-
jng in its Real Estate and Coloniza-
tion Department, como and boo us
and we will show you.
Respectfully submitted,