EVENTS OF THE DAYl Newsy Items Gathered from All Farts of the World BOAT CREW IS FOUND; MISSING NINE WEEKS. Men Who. Loft Wrecked Steamer Far- rallon in Row Boat Picked Up by Revenue Cutter. HAPPENINGS FROM ABOUND OREGON FREE SEEDS FOR FARMERS. PREPARED FOR THE BUSY READER (.ess Important but Not Less Inter esting Happenings from Points Outside the State. M. Lorame, a French aviator, fell 30 feet in a Blcriot machine and was badly injured. A Colorado woman stopped a runa way horse which she had been driving and then died from the shock. San Francisco and central California had a sharp earthquake, the strongest since the great disaster of 1906. aix persons were injured, two ser iously, by a collision between a freight and passenger train on a Seattle subur ban road. The mayor of Trenton, New Jersey, orders the street car company to run cars even if it has to give in to its striking employes. The United States circuit court of Uew York, has ruled that stock specu lation is no legitimate part of the bus iness of a bank. Citrus shipments from' California are 1,700 carloads behind last season, and it is estimated there are 17,000 cars of the crop yet to be shipped. Three paymasters of coal companies in different parts of Pennsylvania were held up and robbed about the same time of sums aggregating $5,000. The Northwest Corporation, owning the gas, electric and water plants of Oregon and Washington towns, has been taken over by an Eastern syndi cate. It is reported that Peary is taking the proofs of his North Pole discovery to London and will make them public at a meeting of the Royal Geographi cal society. A colony of 100 families of Mennon ites sold their farms in the East and bought a large tract in California and now find their deeds worthless. The promoter made about $500,000 on the deal and is now being sued by the vie tims. A car of 100 non-union paper mill workers was blown up at Corinth, New York. The Standard Oil company denies the accusations of combine, conspiracy and blocked competition. The Southern Pacific agrees to fur nish the rock if California towns will entence tramps to the rock pile. An Ohio farmer, angered by the low price offered for a carload of turnips, gave away the whole load to consum ers. Since the death of ex-Senator Piatt, United States Express stock, in which he was heavily interested, has ad vanced. A rich Arkansas man, 80 years old, who figured in several breach of prom ise suits within the past year, has been assassinated. Many briefs assail corporation tax law as unconstitutional, ex-Senator Foraker, of Ohio, attacking the law from all sides. No parental blessing is fortcoming for Philander C. Knox, Jr., and his young bride, and they will proceed to hustle for a living. "If Charles W. Morse would tell what he knows of the connection of financiers in New York with the panic of 1907 about a dozen men who stand high in the business world would be buying tickets for Europe and other places for trips of indefinite length," Baid W. P. Reid, of Boston, after a conference with the former " ice king. Two women and a child were frozen to death in a sleigh in a Dakota bliz zard. Farmers along the Rio Grand are at war over the chancing of the channel of that stream. A 20-year old son of Secretary Knox was secretly married to a girl aged 21 who worked in a department store. The secretary of the Ohio minework ers says that unless the operators yield to new demands of the union there wil be a strike. Seward, Alaska, March 12. A wire less messacre here from the United States revenue cutter Tahoma tells of the rescue of the boat crew that set out nine weeks ago to seek aid for the survivors of the wrecked steamer Far allon. The Alaska bteamship company's wooden steamer Farallon was wrecked in Iliamna bay on Cooks Inlet, January 5. Two days later Second Mate Gus Swanson and five men, three of whom were passengers, set out in an open boat to row to Kodiak for assistance. The men who went with Mate Swanson were Seamen Charles Peterson and Otto Nelson and Captain Wedding and En gineer Albert tJaiiey, ot the launch Seawolf, on their way to Kodiak to join their craft, and Chalres Bourne, a resident of Afognak. February 2 the survivors who remained on the snore near me scene oi tne wreck were rescued by the steamship Victoria. No word was received from the boat crew, which had been missing nearly a month when the Farallon sur- vivors were rescued, and after two steamers cruised about Kodiak island and without finding them they were given up for lost. As a last resort the government was asked to send the revenue cutter Taho ma on a cruise around the island. It was thought possible that the men might have sought shelter in some in let and be waiting the arrival ot a steamer to take them off. The Tahoma sailed from Seward two weeks ago and no word was received from her until tonight, when a wire less message was relayed by the steam ship Olympia stating that the" Tahoma had been successful in her search. No details concerning the rescue of Mate Swanson and his men have been receiv ed here and efforts to get into direct communication with the Tahoma have been unsuccessful. The revenue cutter is expected to arrive at Seward tomor row. O. to CITY CRIES FOR RELIEF. Be- calL Philadelphia Urges Arbitration tween Warring" Interests. Philadelphia, March 12. The for arbitration between the Philadel phia Rapid Transit company and its 4,000 or more striking employes be came insistent today. From all quarters of Philadelphia the demand for mediatory measures was voiced. Everywhere it was recog nized that failure to arrive at any ar bitral agreement was the only thing that prevented a speedy ending of the general sympathetic strike, which has paralyzed the industrial life of Phila delphia and which, the labor leaders say, will spread if the deadlock . con- tinnues. These threats, perhaps, were the very things which stood in the way of an amicable adjustment. Ihe vested interests," as they are some times called, resent the hint of coer cion. After discussion of the strike question, a large gathering represent ing more than 30 business organiza tions of the citv. adopted a resolution in which three separate influences are invoked to end the industrial war. R. & N. Demonstration Train Distribute Seeds on Trip. Free seed will be distributed by the O. R. & N. demonstration train, which is to tour Eastern Oregon this month. The varieties will bo Canadian field peas, Montana grown alfalfa and Min nesota corn. The seed will bo civen to farmers selected at the various places to be visited by the commercia clubs or the Farmers' union. This system, it is believed, wil bring better results than if the seeds were given out promiscuously, as the farmers will be selected upon promise to carry out experiments with every possible care and attention. In this way it will be possible to ascertain ex actly what results may be obtained The demonstration train will leave Portland Sunday evening, March 20, in time to arrive at Heppner the follow ing morning. The first lecture will be delivered there between the hours of 8:45 and 10:45 a. m. Then the itine rary as heretofore printed will be followed until on March 31, when the last lecture will be delivered at Hood River between the hours of 1 :45 and 3:45 p. m. Colonel A. A Morse, of the O. R. & N. company, will have charge of the tram and the following experts will lecture : Dr. James Withvcombe. director Oregon experiment station, Corvallis: Professor H. D. Scudder, agronomist, Oregon experiment station, Corvallis: Professor F. L. Dent, dairy husband man, Oregon experiment station, Cor vallis; Professor James Dryden, poul try husbandman, Oregon experiment station, Corvallis; H. Umberger, su perintendent Moro experiment station, Moro: K. W. Allen, superintendent Umatilla experiment station, Hermis ton; A. L. Applewhite, foreman Ore gon agricultural college farm, Corval lis; E. H. Spillman, assistant horticul turist, Eastern Oregon experiment sta tion, Union; A. G. Lunn, assistant poultry husbandman, Oregon , experi ment station, Corvallis; R. W. Rees, assistant poultry husbandman. Oreiron experiment station, Corvallis; Robert J. Dryden, assistant poultry husband man, Oregon experiment station, Corvallis. AID OREGON MINING INDUSTRY DUDLEY PEARL IN AMERICA. J. P. Morgan, on account of his vast wealth, has not a friend whom he can trust, and finds his greatest comfort in the companionship of his petPekindog, Eight persons were poisoned at Far- mington, N. D., by eating hot cakes made with arsenic instead of baking powder. Two children are not expect ed to recover. Two bombs were hurleu into a room where a party of clerical candidates in Lisbon were dining, and the explosions killed two of the diners and wounded seven others, including the priest who was presiding. Jacob Schiff, a banker who loaned much money to Japan, says the United States must fight Japan Boon. King Edward is visiting in Paris. He attended a performance of the new play, "The Chanticleer," and applaud ed it freely. The National Convention of Millin ers, in session in Chicago, announces that women's hatB will be larger than ever this season, and the strictly up-to-date woman must have at least six or different occasions. Famour Gem Worth $165,000 Is Pur chased by New York Woman. New York, March 11. It became known today that the $165,000 pearl received at the custom house yesterday is the famous Dudley pearl," once the property of Lady Dudley, whose collection of pearls was reputed to be one of the most remarkable in the world. The "Dudley pearl" is said to have been a jewel in the coronet ot a member of the Spanish royal family. It was supposed to have been stolen with other jewelry belonging to the Dowager Countess of Dudley in 1877 and returned when Lord Dudley paid a large reward. The collection was sold at auction in London in 1902 and brought $447,650. The name of the New York woman who is said to have bought the pearl lor a pendant was withheld. Establish Nursery Near Stanfleld. Stanfield A plat of ground has been purchased near town and about 200,000 apple, trees and 50,000 peach trees are being set. This planting is made up of what are known as "June budded" stock, which will make prime trees for planting next year. The planting of orchards on the Furnish-Coe project, near btanheld, is in full swine Among the heaviest planters are Page & Son and Dr. Watts, both of Port land, each setting'out a full quarter section, the former using peaches and pears and the latter apples. Some 40 or 50 smaller orchards, ranging from five to 15 acres, are being planted by owners. Alfalfa Land S360 Per Acre. Central Pointl-H. T.- Hull has sold his farm one mile west of town to Mr. Heron, a recent arrival from Iowa, for $17,500j The tract contains 49 acres and 'is nearly all first class alfalfa land. Mr." Hull recently sold 30 acres of the same tract for $9,000. The Orlopp place, formerly the Van Vleit farm. was also sold a few days ago for $17, 500. This is one of the finest 'fruit farms in the valley and has produced much prizewinning stuff. Branch of Amorican Mining Congross Is Orgnnlzod. Tho Orenon branch of the American Minim? contrress has been organized, with hendnuarters in Portland. With a vlfiw to mnkinir their orcanization in elude all parts of tho state, the board of directors will consist of nine mem bers, not moro than fivo of whom may be residents of Portland. M here are three places in tho board still to be filled by election of representative men identified with tho mining industry in Eastern and Southern Oregon. There are at present fifty-five names on the roll. All interested in promot ing tho development of tho mineral re sources of the state should join this or ganization and send their names at once to the secretary. Members of the Oregon branch must be members of the national body and the proper appli cation blanks will be forwarded on re quest. One of the purposes of the state or ganization is the establishment of a bureau of information concerning the mines, quarries and mineral doposits of all kinds in tho state of Oregon, and the names of the companies or individ uals owning or operating them with the amount of capitalizati6n, number of shares, treasury stock and full descrip tion of tho properties, with the amount of development work done, tho past and present production, representative samples of ores, building stone, lime stone, gypsum, coal, or other mineral products of commercial value. With this object in view the following reso lution was passed at the last meeting, March 2, held in the rooms of the Com mercial club. -.lltlb .111 W Kill IipfVlllf . "committee of three members who shall make a list of nil mineral nrnnertios being promoted in the statp p Orbgon, with, all possible information concern ing them. This information to be a record for public information." All owners of mineral property are asked to co-operate with the organiza tion by furnishing the desired informa tion and by giving it their active sup port as members. It is believed that full and accurate knowledge of our mineral resources will bring an era of development that will benefit all and make Oregon, as,it should be: one of the foremost of the mining states. Address the secretary, Frederick Powell, 605 McKay Building. HISTORIC RELICS FOUN D. un- To Get Drunk Man's Right. New York, March 12. "Three times a year is not too often for a gen tleman to get drunk," said Surrogate Daniel Noble, at Jamaica today in de ciding a will contest, where two broth ers of the testator sought to have the will declared void on the ground that their brother was an "habitual drunk ard." Surrogate Noble promptly de cided the will was valid. The will was that of William Trester, of Evergreen, who left an estate of $4,000,000. To one brother he left $5 and to another the same amount. Wire Will Unite Tafts. Pittgburg, March 12. A private tel ephone wire from the house of Charles P. Taft in Cincinnati to the White House is being arranged with the American Telephone & Telgraph com pany, it was learned tonight. Tho 725 miles of wire will be at the service of Charles P. Taft from 6 p. m. to C a. m. No outside hands will manipulate the switch board plugs and no outside ear will hear the personal conversations of i the brothers. It will cost $24,000 a year t - New York Central Gams, New York March 12. Indicative of the business revival during 1909, the annual statomont of the Vanderbilt lines, issued today, shows that tho rev enues of the New York Central in creased from $83,297,354 in 1908 to $93,171,864. The cost of operation shows an increase of only $3,304,522. Now a Potato Union. Weston The potato growers of the Weston country will hold a meeting with a view to organizing a union. Since organization in all branches of industry is the method of the day, the "spud" men think that they may as well be in the swipi. All who axe in terested in getting the best market price for their produce are invited to assist in the organization, which is ex pected to prove an invaluable aid to every potato farmer in this neighbor hood. , Orchard Sells for 530,000. Central Point E. M. Andrews and Conro Fiero have bought thfc Hoagland place of J. P. Knudson for $30,000 The place sold about a year ago for $17,000. The place contains 79 acres, part of which is in brush and about 30 acres in orchard, one half of which is just coming into bearing. The orch ard is one of the most promising in the valley. Mr. Fiero has also bought ine oiu Aiioru place at Talent, con sisting of 160 acres, for $25,000. Freewater Roads Inspected. Freewater County Judge .Gjlliland, commissioner Horace Walker and County Superintendent D. F. Lavender were in the city recently and drgve out on an inspection.. . tour of ' thcrnnfln in this section of Umatilla countv. A contract has been let for the buHdintr of a new steel bridge across the Walla' vvalla river at the McCoy settlement. PORTLAND MARKETS.' Wheat Track prices: Bluestem, $1.121.13; club, $1.04; red Russian, $1.06; valley, $1.04; 40-fold, $1.06. Barley Feed and brewing, $28(ft 28.50 ton. Corn Whole. $35: cracked, inn Wnshlnuton and Mrs. Lincoln Como to Light, Wmhintrton. March 7. In nn lighted corner of the attic of tho house tntives. tho committoo i.i...ikiimI n largo number IICLUUIIID imp .v".. of letters and documents of tho early c. Among them are letters from Washington, Jeffer T,nfavottc. Jay and Monroe. ' .. ,i To two of thorn a peculiar sonumoii- tnl interest attaches. These nro let ters written by Martha Washington . i it r .-, Tndfl Lincoln. UlU lormui (ItlU IAtJ - concerning the proposed removal of the body of her husband from Mount Ver non to a crypt in the capitol, and tho other applying to tho government for a pension. Both are addressed to tho speaker of the house. Hio house to day voted an appropriation of $2,500 to have these historic papers cared for and deposited in the library of con gress as "the house of representatives collection." Tho two letters aro as follows : "To the Honorable Speaker of the House, Sir: While I feel tho Keenest anguish over the late dispensation of divine providence, I cannot bo insensi ble of the mournful tributes, respect and veneration which are paid tho memory of my doar deceased husband. And as his best services and moat anx ious wishes were always devoted to the welfare and happiness of the coun try, to know that they wore truly ap preciated and gratefully remembered affords me no inconsiderable consola tion Taught by the greatest example, which I had so long before, me. never , to oppose my private wishes to tho public . will, I must consent to the re quest made by congress which you have the good wishes to transmit to me, and in doing this I need not can not--say what a sacrifice of individual feeling I make'-to a 3onsc of public duty. . With grateful acknowledgment and unfeigned thanks for tho personal re spect and evidences of condolence ex pressed by congress and yourself. I remain very respectfully sir, your most qbedient servant, MARTHA WASHINGTON. ; Mount Vernon, Va., 1779." The letter from Mrs. Lincoln is as follows : "To the Honorable Speaker of the House of Represnetatives, Sir: I here with most respectfully present to the honorable house of reprcsentativs an application for a pension. I am a" wid ow of a president of the United States, wiioBe me was sacruiceea in his coun try's service. That sad calamity has very greatly impaired my health and, l)y the advice of my physician. I have come over to Germany to trv the min eral waters and during the winter to go to Italy. But my financial means do not tv.r. mit me to take advantage of tho advice given me, nor can I live in a a;tyle becoming a widow of tho chief magistrate of a nation, although I live as economically as I possibly can. In consideration of the great services my dearly beloved huslmnd h fia run. dered to the United States, and of the leanui loss i have sustained by his un timely death, his martvrdom. f m.. say, I respectfully submit to your hon orable body this petition. yearly pension may be in-anted mo ho that I may have less pecuniary care. remain very respectfully, v , , MRS- A- LINCOLN. Frankfort, Germany.?' fMrrSAi?'nco,on wns prante(1 n Potion of $5,)80 a year. MANY DOUBT PF Freewater Seeks to Sell Water Bonds Freewater The city council at its last meeting instructed Recorder G. P. Sanderson to call for bids for bonds for the construction of the vnew water works system. The bonds are for $16,- uuu and will run for. a term,-of 1G years, bearing interest at '5 per cent. The surveys have been made and the contract for the pumping plant and res ervoir will be let as soon as the bonds are sold. ' Teacher Makes Good With Cattle. Lakeview R. B. Jackson has sold to A. A. Davis, Klamath Marsh, about $33,000 worth of cattle to be delivered at Williams river April 15. Ho nlsn retains about 500 head of vearli from his herd. Mr. Jackson embarked in the cattle business about eitrht years ago in Northern Lake county. At that time he was a school teacher, havinf a i-ujiuui oi m money. uats xmo. l white, 31(? 31.50 ton. Hay Track prices: Timothy, Wil lamette valley, $20(t21 per ton; East ern Oregon, $22(?; 23; "alfalfa, $1718 California alfalfa,..SlG(7U7; chyray$15 16; grain hay, $lG(f'18. Fresh Fruits Apples, $1.25(&3 per box; pears, $1.50fr 1.75 per box;trajj, linn-inii QC. ft 1 '. 1 . ' " ' Potatoes Carload buying prices Qregon GOtfiOc per hundred: sweet potatoes, ac per pound. Unions Oregon, hundred. Vegetables Turnips, nominal; riita- oagas, iwji.Zb; carrots, $1; beets, n..n n i ' 1 uuner iuy creamery, extras, 39c; Auucy outBiue creamery. a5ft.39e' tnr On7..Q!l T..i r .i . ' . uyou. uner mi prices average 1 i-c per pound under. regular better Jggs J? resn Oregon ranch, 2223c lv uuzun. Pork Fancy, 12tfM3c. Veal Fancy, 12(?.13c. T ti V t - i-ouury uens, iuc; broilers, 25tf? fiK-, uuckb, zuc; geese, 12(?13c; tur- KuyH, live, z-mzbc; dressed, 25(?i29c wiwo uest steers, $5.75(?T6.10; fair to good, $G(7i;5.50; strictly good 4.50; light calves, $5.50fr0; hoavv calves, $45; bulls, $3.75(4.25; TT fn or P' UI0-C; fair to good Sheep ui uuiuui i iui uiiLfti nn h mm was Alone, SUDDEN SPEED VERY Inforonco Is that 20 Mli. h rtf Eyrnnds Limit nf u . nuranco in Kolnr Region, J I a m wasningion, March 10.. n I niiiv ii imiinininiin ltd,.. - " -","""' uie UXIflV II. I'finimlltnn nr llm " ,ul i rommft! I. DUHiiiHiil luivuru UllOn 11UUV-1V AJ, 1 Ulll V MIILM hl.. North Po c. rcacfci RonroHcntatlvn M 11,.. n,.i.m,ll... 1 v,.w v .vvw mill, i n ru.j , llMnlnxnl A.. if " ' . . - -r utinint ittn'itn HIlatHillAilu T..r .. ..... .... uuiorothm eft the party, it had trnvoi . miles a day. When Pcarv except ior a negro vnict and ton kiiiioh. no ronnrnxi nn.. . ...I .. m . I.. UI lllliun il uiijr ll VO UUyS. WRu uuiiunii urou v nnn nihAM i-u . . . "kill. I n. I J I TM that 1U or 12 miles n dnu r i.. VTi-i un.i nuuo WHO 1110 limit Of endurance. r "I confess that I am act BKopucai atout Mr. Peary'? Ing discovered tho Polo'. Mr. Macon today before tlm tee, "and I am going tb prolcjti any honor being conTorrwl I... I ... . . "f"! uy conirrcsa-ainiii no n neyonu n reiiBonab o t ou hi iKn t. .11.1 1J -r. . . juHrtivnr jr r miitir i.n n.i.nt ( . uiu ujum, mm noi. in tijc dark." miiAiun LiitMi Hiiiii rnnr ii. caiiuicniion to '-one discrete' tXOru Ot mnrchincr rmwWrwl I... n. pioror. flincoa 8AIU he regaried OUUUi. II ilLLIUL'I 1LL1III1 fl I HMtAsl A ll U I II f Ml I ti ' It 141 a "inn flMTiM IH Mi n rv rinVf r If- n itriitiTTWint " ni1 fm i, : uhiu mucin, II number of mflcs ho traveled per iiuur Dinim leiimm and whej ... v"''Mii!JUD uuujir 'US ll M " vaici. anu xour UHKtmoH. were an norm or tho Bnrtlctt From thnt time forward, going role and returning to Cuno Coin l t .... u bv ituvu IIIIUIU UI1 UYCIIR nn i ii .... t . .... . . l.t nl .14 II... - . II. i i i, iiuicn iKir uay on nis wtT to Rnrtlett's camp, and 28.2 mlla , m-, ... .Vt VW U VV V'UIV Wl "Tho greatest speed he had before Bartlett left him was 9.03 per day, so Peary must have n i . 1 1 v 1 1 r 1 1 ... . iIh... .... 1 .It jjiu ucu iui I. nun as ne uia txiore order to reach the Pole." uomiii. rim nnr vntit rn tifAw vr . fill 1 M , I f - - ........ MIM4 UUIIIV llrllV J'J UVIV fcV4' It. ROUTE IN AIR ESTABLISHED. New Minster to China In Training. Chicago, March 7 Fnr Pki- students entertained William J. Cal houn, the newlv China, at lancheon today at the Kinir Joy Lo restaurant. The new minister listened gravely to many suave exnres ion. of OrieriU good I will S ,m gravely consumwl a dinnor of Infinite variety, served in mandarin style. Al- ndahalf, it was said to bo more of l".ff f"00" tea aH ."""pared with the $1.50(3)1.75. lPer Kvn " n"WM1Ch Mr' C",houn 1 -will be expected to grace bovnml it... raciiic . ' w,v Rogulnrly From Munich. Muttim. Kti.trtwi.. Mnnn iiim firBt romllnr in'r niivlirntton HcrvIcC 0 . , -n t I Europe will be Inaugurated on Mar I Regular trips will bo made from u -J ......vw.j v -II mnmerirau. A dirieiblc balloon of Parseval tvne and driven by two t used. .... 1 - . ... f la.IL I.. . tit t .1 f . - rtr.1L if . ' nr TM rtri Knnt itMhow i a t iiwfr i rum "Vt MMMI ItblU IllUlilb W I'- , , .. - Jble. Two Men Go Over Falls. Niagara FnllBf N. Y MrMi n Twouldontinod mo,, thVow "f rom n Tit V VC.rUlrncd in tl' '"Ten? ot tho Niagara river a mile and a half above the falls today aro repor led I to mve been swept over Horseshoe .fall? , . "--o"i men bent the oars, but at every pull they los distance. Tho ,,J : :..lcy l08t darurnrnna t, . ' .7. , " " l""C0 tOO iu r a"y i be sent nl n i ill n iiiiuj l r tM.Aui . death to h. " "KU,n ce"in Shuberts Confirm' Rp mor. Initiative Bolnjj Amended. Iloston. Murnli 10. Favorable i ; .. i. .ii r nmnnnm nun uii ii reHniuLioii ior uii to the state legislature providing the initintlvo and referendum nas iHKon unanimously iy mo ua-- kuiiiuiiLLeu on conunmn""'" ,.j montH. The resolution provides If ,n:ui..ii .. i. i..ui..,wl mi. netitif of 12 per cent of tho vote cast forgo' urnor at the last previous state Hon, and that iiny act pnascd by t legislature may Imj referred w rr, lr voto upon potltion of 20 percent the last previous voto for governor. Li. ft. I ntrn tlnn In Stoned. fiogota, Colombia, March 10. -J American owned railway lino and I !' Hco Ofllcnr Intn vilnrinv WAS fo!WtfW wniivi ijunt wiiLiiurH. iim ii niit i i j.' i ill ijaKeview Three years aero nst full U r. r.n V ' -"" ... nuos m wh eh : e b"uui "pu.uuiuiu. in: gooa ewos. n. win nuim aro n,.nu. o.. " .""Jr larnua,? 7.75. ' Portland. wi.,..r. . x 1""t-'co a quarter section of land was offorpd lor sale at $3.50 per acre. This piece of land was on the "West side," about 12 miles from Lakoviow. A recent oner ot $25 per acre was refused. Buys at Hood River. Hood River Edwin Pilson of Wash intgon D. C., has bought 20 acres of William Stewart for $12,500. Mr. Pilson will remove his family from tho East shortly. Hops 1909 cron. 1Gi7Ji20p ru nn.i. Vrauna. Rim ni 1 hk .8 Anfe'oloH, olds, nominal: 1910 confr.oiu iVT. Snoknnn. rw 1 '..""" . "tte, r,rv,Jr..,l ' r i- . ' J-"'KO a,)U Kacrmrwi..l Wool Eastern Orocron. 1 fitTDon,. pound; valley. 22ffr,2Ao- mr..!.J choice, 25c. " ' ",u,m,r' Cascara bark. 4(Ji5e nor nminfl Tr:,in -n.. t.,.r: MmBfl-.ury nmes, i7(?i)18c pound dry kip, 17(2)18c: drv calfskin ison ' Baited hides, 910c; salted calfskin 14c; green, lc less. ' vt ir . -...w, , i cu u enr iita vpurnrnnv win - nuw Y nrir m..i. n .... i. j v . iri,....i.i...i ' ino anuhnrl ov a r ot. i urlnrr whluh a moo wiiuii:iu aHOC at nn ,.f( i .i i ' . . rrhAr Ot- vijiiiii iiiiff l inn i (i iii wrnnv r in a t rnnr piitm. vmv " WVU bilU IJ v .v V v ... . . v nt? ( nnl nnnrl ff anmn f ltnO 1 Hiu . iwl ii. a i t a! rVhA 1M1KI the mob, after wreaking itfl vengen on tho rolling stock of tho comr! otoned tho Unitcd States Icgniion- 12 thn .fnm i " ncuuinof Frnni i Anj 080. 1 n o -V "VAl, BUIlHOn, Farman Breaks Record. Mourmolon. i, . "onry Farman I , . 72, J ? 7 world's record T"' . B"cu .no.W with two nn." "u' , 'Kht air for one hn'Vlm3nit n tho . uu wu minuiea. Bodlos Sont Out Rapidly. Wolllngton. Wash.. March lO-r!! tho last iinnnnnf. T.K bodies Ilfld I?c": taken out from tho avnlanclio run 'Pl. in i .. iir.11!.,,. Inn IS" " vraii uotween iit Scenic is now so well established tho bodies aro boing pent oui r after tholr recovery to Seattle, or orett, most of tho dead railroad w Imvlng lived In tho latter city.