OARETTE GETS 68 i ii'fin wuit Minium i.riiifii by Violation of Rules NLK AU U 1IAVL A bmUht n v in ui du u u in iuiu mm iiiuiit a - - - a H I. II I J 12 LJ UULUUaU I uu nil WUUIU Not Ronch Them. .ni-nrln Tnrnn Trnh. It. linn nf inn .. A A. t I IM 41. UlnU... A ILU laallallJU. VlWlfc IJIUVU UUUU ill bllU Inn rnn minn. nfc IaIIM Ennnrfinzn.fi. . j no vuii ui, uuiuuii iiAu wiiivii uiu penalty of noirligcnca on tho part Bomo miner, according to mo latest i . f . i 1 .. i. r A 4 .tt i rnnnrr. m mm w i n ir n.v iiiviim. lwii vn nil . A. -. I . t -. O -I. 1 A .... 1 ... i- .1 t i 1...I1 . J U f , ii ti ii i iMiinn vw l i i aiici viui!Ui in 1 1 1 is tho total to CD. and three others a. a I I a . nn i u i ni viim i inn iriiiM i iir nn. a a i at ..i.ii il... no tho coal mino of tho Esporanzaa 1 1 1 1 1 LS L.UI11III1I1 V UIIU ID UKIil 1UU bl.U W a-wt it mI In nrivlhiitnl rn ignition of goa from tho llamo of cigarette of a minor. Smoking Ib trnrv to mo ruics. III milium, wiuutir uiUAibUiiu uiiu I . I .. m to.nnlB HI ......nnr. n n rl I . I 1L.I. 1. a A 1 . . .1 1 J r f-ifmii fit iiiihl. ikiiii niiiijHU innjru onlookers roalizod tho moaning of d.Bustor. assistance wua immedi- I V A w A kllWVtlflMHI purified sufficiently to pormit res- IB LU UUOLL'IIU. II1UIJV VUlUillVDiD tTUiQ 1 . A., t I- ,. II I ..I A ntfrnp fhntr n trip If on hrnfhfrn hnlnw. Cugo wcro sent down, loaded to niali-ii 41 (ntwn llnnn tiHnlfn tho first and uocond levola every- . I 1 . . . A .1 A. I i ii n iii n r.rt rnnir nnin w tii n n n inmrwi. nnnixnmri iinnui. in viin H III HI LlllIlFl III LIIU WlirMIIUtl L1IUV .ui 1 41 . -1.1 .-.. 4LA nri Tim rinriiPfi in inn mnn niiiifiniiLMti. . i . it .. m it . .. it a. . .i Pi. i MdytkU ttfnplf.rl I Ii I (l l ( A f six hours' work 63 bodies hud boon ir oacuno 10 mo met tnni. muy wcro A. II M A Al A. 1L ... - ...I it.,... r il- . . L I J f A A nnrnriunn uiin r ii iiniHiiitn ri imr i 111 AA A JA. fl.l A - explosion and a deduction as to tho 1111 II Kill A.AAUHU LIIU UU I UI I1U1 U J A f i r i.tia mi i a a J II IIM'HI HIM MliriLII'H III LNHI1 N1ILTI1 HI . - I I ...A I I At .... 4 ...i. A. II 11 n LI II V LlETlTIMI'll I ULUDH11I V UIILA At 1 . I . 1 A CUD WW A Tho Puiau mlno is ono of tho best uipneu coai mines in ino uonuuiic. has an ndetiuato ventilating syotom ' t r . t A t l f i a ining olliclfila oro ut a Iobb to account A I. . t .1 1 A t V UIHKO Half of Force is Spared. Drakfflboro. Kv.. Feb. 3. Th rtv- - - t A. I I iuu nullum nru niiuwii lu iiuvu uuuii Hod. two nro miflninir and 15 are in- ran no n rnaiur nr rnn nvn na nn in I A . I i .uui v wa va j n a wti via aia r . i i i i Liu v. liiuru wem xuxi iiiiiii in liiu u uAiiiuaiuiia uui liiu uu in liiu Yvunw I ... A At W A l Al. i A ( A. t WWIII.V'I Ulllll IUI Vll A llUUli bIU ut tirtnr fiir rti.t vuii mta nr Tik n v riHinn. inn nrr r.un nr inn inm rir i .1 I ..... A L. I r ... . 1.11. II U. S, May Dn&olvo Big Firm. Chicago, Fob. 3. Oliver E Pogln, t i a At a - rf i' w " - w r .1 Ia f. t tii m aiiva aiiw ia UUUIIV.U ua aiiaa a uuiii ill n Knrinrni mil m nrp rrnrt f da re w a vuviiHi uuaavalllaA kutu 1 lliu a.u A u lil nil if fn Hfuanltfn fhnMftflnnnl Pnnl. uutirui ifrunii mrv rnnriniinri iih in. the National Fucking company. Prlmero Victims Number 75 Prlmoro. Colo., Fob. 3. Monday's ino explosion in tho main mino of ii i .fimrniin iiiini if twrsn nnn mnnu aimea n total or Yi) victims ana oft t lltlrlntif II nnrl Ilk n limlAnn !. I I iitBo uiciH wero aeierminou mco tnifl ftnrnnnn tnthnn llifi nfTlnifil Anminaa ii 1'iirnn wnu pn nn nron 11 tin r t t nnmna tho miBHing mon chocked with tho . I it t . i a niiiriiiv m riiiu T-nii n iriu nnrnna nnun I J - f-t Aavi Ull A ULUlui AJLIb IJII1IJI1IIIII wun HI! Board Discusses Cla m 1.IMJ iiuuuu, run. o. 'uuiuru i nu ntriln nmirf nf ni-Mtrnf Inn InMnit inn. enezuela exenanged momoranda on 11 iimniirn rurrnninrr rurt nini rr nr Mn itwiw Mwuiiiguif wviiitijr uh ma it n irnvfirnmnnr tr vinnvnn n i'H iiirnnnin nr nnnu n rvi n nat . I . WW. - vkb h waaaa awa uu miiwiuu ' n-ii a " nnn 1117 rnn I Tn arm ctrmrrrnr f- Wells Fargo 8tock Sold. Now York. Fob. 8. It wan ctnid In uthorltativo clrolea today that the innrinnn lrvninaa inmnahn hnri mM hused tho Southern Pacific Railroad ompanya holdings of Btock in the OUH-Farco Co.. which Id taken to in. Ic&to that a merger of tho two ox roBB companies 1b under way. PLAN TO RULE CUBA. Nogro Party Could Win Everything If Held Together. Havana, Fob. 1. Organization of a distinct nogro party, with tho avowed intention of obtaining control of tho Cuban govornmont, is boing agitated through tho republic and tho move ment has become menacing from tho viowpoint of tho whites. Thin Ibbuo has been brought to public notico re cently by raco conflicts upon tho botol quontion, and tho numerical strength of tho nogrooB, united, gives itportont. Provision, tho organ of tho Partido Independonto de Color Independent Party of Color printa tho nowly con structed platform of tho party, which contains theso significant provisions: "Tho Independent Party of Color shall bo organized throughout tho wholo ropublic with a national charac ter, to maintain Its equilibrium toward all Cuban intercuts. "Tho ropublic of equality, uovorolgn and independent, without raco discrim inations or social antagonisms, shall got our Bupport." To what extent promoters of tho now movomont may bo successful re mains to be seen, but thoro can bo no doubt that, if tho organization of tho negro race as a political party evor should bo cfToctod, it would rulo tho republic. Thojmportanco of tho congressional elections in July can hardly bo over estimated. It is not so much a ques tion of which party shall return tho greater number of candidates, as whether tho independent republic, un aldod by American supervision, shall prove itself competent to conduct an absolutely fair and peaceable election. PrcBidont Gomez' appointment of Sonator Manuel Sanguilly as secretary of state ends the long suspenso regard ing that important office It is signi ficant that tho president should have gono out of tho ranks of all political parties to soloct Sanguilly, who over has boen an independent of tho inde pendents. Tho senator lived in Harlem In tho warof tho rovolution and returned to Cuba under the first intervention, busy ing himsolf at once with protests against tho interference of tho United States in affairs of Cuba. Ho' is the author of eovoral unsuccessful bills to restrict tho immigration of foreigners nto Cuba. THUMB NOW INDIANS' PEN. Sorvice Requires Impression of Digit Instead of Crossmark. Chomawa, Or., Fob. 1. Orders have been issued to tho agents in the field of tho Indian scrvico to require thumb mark signatures by Indians who aro not able to write. Thumb-mark signatures are now re quired on all checks, receipts and other official papers, which Were formerly signed by a crooa-mork by Indiana and others. Tho improEsion Ib to bo made with the right thumb placed after the names instead of the crosBmarrk aa be fore. Tho thumb-mark la then wit nessed to make tho identification cer tain and thus be an infallible method of identification in aiso of diBputo or at tempted fraud. This wub first done in tho Indian ser vice in 1905, when tho system was adopted as evidence of tho authenticity of written agreements with Indians, the thumb print of tho signers being required in addition to their signatures or their marks. The system now includes tho entire business of tho de partment. Peary Wins Flag Case. Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 1. Tho de murrer inturpoped by Robert E. Peary, discoverer of tho North Pole, in tho action for desecration of tho American flag, growing out of the display of the famous "North Polo" Aug at tho Hudson-Fulton celebration, was sustained today by-Justico Lyon. Roswell R. Mobs, an attorney, who brought tho action, announced that ho would carry tho coho to the Supremo court rather than acknowledge defeat. Goobel Dies, Heartsick. Cincinnati, Feb. 1. On the 10th anniversary of tho assassination of William Goebel, tho funeral of his brother, Arthur Goebol, who died in Phoenix, Ariz., on January 20, waa held in Covington, liy , this afternoon. Commonwealth Attorney Franklin, in his funeral orution, dociared that "tho bullet that k'llod William Goobel, togother with tho liberation of all thoso charged with tho murder, just as certainly killed Arthur Goebel." Arth ur, ho said, diod of n broken heart. Lips Fastened With Pins Lob Angolca, Fob 1 Fastening hie Hps together with safety pinB bo he could not curflo, Vernon E. Bennett, formorly a missionary nmnng tho In dians, waa carriod, a raving maniac, into tho roceiving hospital yesterday. It was necossary for Nur o Morgan and Probation Pollcoman Leo Mnrden to pry his jaws apart with instru ments to get at tho ordinary nins and noedloH with which ho hud filled his mouth. Po May Overflow Its Banks Romo, Fob. 1. Although weather conditionB havn improved throughout Italy, reports aro still boing received of tho flooding of much territory. Tho river Po threatona to overflow its banks, while at some points landslides have occurred. Dispatches from Peru gia say that tho river liber continuoa to riBo and Ib three feet above the highest lovol of tho last flood. Asiatics to Work on Railroads San Francleco, Feb. 1. -Tho Pacifio Mail steamship Manchuria arrived here tonight four days bolimd hor sched ule, having on board 400 Asiatics, 175 of them Hindus, for work on Califor nia railroads. I PRflf FFIWS fIF nflWfiRFSS IN RRIFF I i iiuuLiLiUiiiuu ui uuimiiLuu in ui&iut i Washington, Fob. 4. -Senator Hoy burn today completed hie criticism of tho postal savings bank bill in tho Bonate, but aside from his speech, lit tlo progress was made in the consider ation of tho measure. It will bo be fore tho scnato again tomorrow and Senator Carter, who ia in cborgo, ex pocts a voto not later than next Thurs day. Mr. Hoyburn dociared that tho bill had been drawn ao loosely that, if en acted, it inovitably must result in scandal. It should, ho said, bo safe guarded moro carefully than soma past legislation, and ho instanced tho cor , poration tax law, which, ho said, al j ready had been proved unsatisfactory. Declaring his objections to the bill, he , said that there wha no proviaion for securing deposits, that in providing j for aocrecy regarding deposits tho bill dha mado it impossible to find invest jmcnt for tho poBtalB avings fund. "Never in years has any session of congress done as much work as the 1 present one," said Representative Dwlght of New York, Republican I whip in the house, in a statement to day. "Congress has been in session less than six weeks since December 1 and in that time the houso has passed tho army, urgent deficiency, District of Columbia and agriculture appropria tion bills. Wo have also redeemed two pledges of party platform by pass ing bill to establish a bureau of mines and mining and to admit Arizona and New Mexico. Washington, Fob. 3. Secretary Bol linger was criticised on the floor of tho senate today for sending a communica- i tion to the senate inclosing a bill pro viding for on insane asylum in Alaska. Although Mr. Bollinger said he transmitted the measure in obedience to tho direction of the president, Sen ators Hoyburn and Bacon succeeded in obtaining annulment of rcforenco in tho bill to tho committee on territor ies, on the ground that neither a cabinet officer, nor even the president himself, had authority to introduco a bill in tho senate. Senator Klklns today mado bitter complaint in the senato concerning the treatment ho received in connection with his resolution providing for an in vestigation into the high cost of food. Ho charged Senator Aldrich with a desire to shield the tarifT law and the truBta in the inquiry, and ho intimated that hereafter he might bo an "insur gent" if hia wishes did not receivo moro respectlul consideration. Tho discussion was precipitated by Senator Stone, who soon after the re porting of tho Lodge resolution to in vestigate the cost of living, in mock solemnity, raised the question whether the committee on contingent expenses had yet reached the Elkins resolution which had been adopted lost month. Responding, Mr. Kean said that prob ably tho measure would bo amended and reported Boon. Taking the floor, Mr. Elkins com plained that the finance committee had reported the Lodgo resolution after a day's consideration, whereas his own measure hai been held up for a month. After a short but torrid open hear ing, followed by an executive session of an hour, also filled with dissension, the house committee on merchant mar ino and fisheries today voted, 10 to 7, to report favorably the administration Bhip subsidy bill, as introduced by Rep resentative Humphrey, of Washing ton. Washington, Feb. 2. A livoly po litical debate occupied nearly the en tiro time of the house today in defense of the bill to amend the census law bo as to provide an enumeration of ani mals slaughtered in country butchering establishments and of hides produced in such establishments. 'Mr. Crumpacker, of Indiana, ex plained that this amendment waa to give accurato information on tho sub ject, upon which there has been much political discussion. With this amend ment and others providing for an enu meration of lands under irrigation and in relation to irrigation projects, the bill was passed. I Should the postal 'savings bank bill become a law it would greatly endan ger, if not destroy, incomes to tho amount of hundreds of millions of dol lars, declared Senator Hoyburn todoy. The Idaho Senator waa engaged in a general discussion of the bill in con nection with an amendment presented bv Senator Smoot for tho regulation of the removal of postal savings deposits from banks. Ho contended that, inasmuch aa tho fund under the bill would reach fully $700,000,000, it would enable the board of trustees to dictato tho rate of in terest throughout tho country. "In other words, tho government purposes to go into tho loaning busi ness," ho said, "and intends to fix tho rato of interest at 2 per cent." In viow of this fact, he askod what the oiTect would bo on incomes derived from funds invested at 5 and G per cent. It waB announced at the State de partment today that cither a complete agreement or a rupture between Ger many and tho United States on tho National Coal Reserve Sought Washington, Fob. 3. Tho coal Holds of Alaska aro tho subject of a lengthy bill introduced in tho houso by Dele gate Wickorsham, of Alaska, provid ing that 15,000 acres of tho best coal bearing lands of Alaska be set OBido by tho United. States in perpetuity aa tho national coal reserve, Provision ia made for the withdrawal of 5,000 acroa each from tho Katalla and Ma tanasuka districts, and 5,000 moro from tho Kenar and Peninsula areas. present tariff negotiationa might bo oxpected tomorrow. Washington, Feb. 1. A running firo of criticism was poured into tho for estry department in the houso today when tho agrhulturo appropriation bill was under consideration. Tho session was dovoted to the forestry schedule. Representative Taylor of Colorado questioned Chairman Scott as to the reason for including in the forest re serve lands without forest on them. Mr. Scott said ex-Chief Forester Pin chot had asserted that such lands could bo planted with trees. "Do you know," declared Mr. Tay lor, "that at elevations of 7,000 and 8,000 feet it will tako 500 years to grow a forest, and at higher altitudes tho time required will bo longer7" In his own state, he said, land worth $200 or $300 an acre was included in tho forest reserves. However, in no instance was an ap propriation for tho bureau of forestry reduced by the house. To protect tho government postal employes on the trains and prevent the loss of mail by fire, Representative Carey, of Washington, is in favor of tho government buying its own mail cars and contracting with the railroads for their hauling. He baa introduced a bill that authorizes the postmaster general to proceed with tho work of contracting for theso cars to put them in use jib ripidly as possible and to have all railroads fully equipped with them by 1915. Washington, Jan. 31. Postal sav ings banks wero discussed at length in tho senate today, Carter of Montana, leading off with an argument in favor of the bill for which he is sponsor and Hoyburn hinting plainly that he would oppose it. Saying that the United States is the only first-class power which has no postal banks, and recal ling frequent platform pledgee, Carter proceeded to answer objections. He denied that postal banks would menace the present banking system, saying the latter could not reach re mote rural districts. He said postal banks would encourage thrift, draw money out of hiding and induce for eigners to deposit money in them, in stead of Bending it abroad. He con tended that the new system would only be an elaboration of the use to which money orders are now put, that it was as constitutional as the money order system and would be a source of strength to private banks. The army appropriation bill, as re ported to the senate today, carries $95,440,568. which is only $142,860 more than is appropriated in the bill as it passed the house. The law for tho present year carried more than $102,000,000. The senate committee on military affairs added $517,860 to the amount fixed by the house" for contingencies of the army nurse corps, transportation, etc., maneuvers, shooting galleries and ranges and for blank ammunition, but reduced by $375,000 appropriation for barracks and quarters in the Philip pines islands. Representative Hays, the Republican insurgent member of the house from California, will not circulate the peti tion for a Republican caucuB on the subject of amending the house rules, at least, not before Wednesday of this week. Washington, Jan. 29. The many angled fight in the house over the ques tion of revising the rules of that body took a new turn and assumed addition al importance today when Representa tive Champ Clark, of Missouri, leader of tho minority, introduced a resolution providing f"r the election by the houso of a new rules committee of 15. Spe cial significance is attached to the resolution by the fact that Mr. Clark is a member of the present rules com mittee. An investigation of tho expenses of the immigration commission, a sequel to the recent flurry in the house over charges that members had "junketed on their trip abroad," is provided for in a joint resolution introduced by Rep resentative Macon, of Arkansas, creat ing a joint committee of ono senator and two representatives for the pur pose. Mr. Macon was the author of the charges on tho floor of the house. Secretary Dickinson today informed Delegate Wickersham, of Alaska, in a letter, that ho could not accede to hia request that Major W. P. Richardson, of the army, be relieved from duty in Washington, ob his Bervices were re quired hero in connection with the work of the board of road commission ers of Alaska, of which ho is president. Mr. Wickorsham based his request for the removal of Major Richardson on the ground that ho wob lobbying bo foro committooB of congress "for his Bpecial work in Alaska." Land Grant Report Walts Washington, Feb. 2. In rosponBo to tho Chamberlain resolution, regarding tho suits to Bet aside Oregon land grants, Attorney General Wickersham sent a lotter to tho ponato today, stat ing; "To comply with tho resolution, it is necessary to securo certain detail ed Information from Oregon, This in formation has been Bent for, and rb soon aa it is receivod tho report will be transmitted to tho senate " He added tho information was boing gathered. Senators Ask for Report. Washington, Feb. 1. Senators Bourne and Chamberlain united today in a requost to the life saving service to cauBe an investigation to be made by an unprejudiced officer into tho wreck of the Czarina in Coos bay, The senators also requested the improve ment of faoilitioB and service along the Oregon coast. ASKS COOLER CRITICISM. President Taft Asks Magazine Pub- 1 . Ilfthnm tn hn Mnrinrnln. Washington, Jan. 81. President Taft told the periodical publishers of tho Untied States tonight that, if they overloaded their criticism of men in the administrative authority with unparliamentary expressions and inti mations as to lack of honorable mo tives, nobody is going to pay any atten tion to them. Although he made no direct allusion to "muckraking." it was plainly evi dent at what he was directing his at tack. Tho president, "addressing tho period ical publishers association of America aa their guest at dinner, did not give this advice to the editors assembled from all parts of the nation until he had prefaced hia remarks with good humored treatment ofhis relative po sition to the wieldera of public opin ion. "This is a formidable gathering to address," said President Taft, after ho had been presented by C. H. Smith, tho toastmoster. "Gentlemen who act as fates as to what ia or is not current literature, would under any circum stances, bo formidable to address, and under conditions prevailing in Wash ington and in legislative hallB, it re quires a brave man, standing in my po sition, to face them. "As to controversies, let me oay that all evidence questions of facts must be weighed broadly to reach, an ultimate conclusion. It ia the case with every trust, aa much aa we con demn them for their iniquities. The evidence must be weighed. It does no good to denounce a person on the wit ness stand, if he testifies againB t you. "You controllers of public opinion and controllers of the rulers of the country may hammer a man into indif ference aa to what you say, but at that he will come nearer to doing right than if he tried to fight. "But, seriously speaking, I would like to say that when you criticise a poor devil exercising a responsible po sition, first give him the benefit en joyed by every criminal, that of rea nonable doubt. WILL PRESS MERGER SUIT. Pacific Roads Must Face Trial by Next April. Washington, Jan. 31. The preBident baa determined to press to a conclusion the pending suit against the Union and Southern Pacific Railroad companies, looking to a dissolution of the merger, and today concluded to deny the appli cation of Mr. Lovett, Harriman's suc cessor, for a dismissal of the suit. Soon after Judge Lovett and a num ber of influential railroad people ap pealed to the president to squash pro ceedings before Judge Vandeventer's court in Salt Lake City., Mr Taft, following the course that had been adopted in the case of the famous New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad company, when a similar appeal was made, referred the matter to the at torney general for examination. In the New England case, it was found that, because of action taken by the state of Massachusetts and the insig nificance of the government's interests, it would be best to abandon the prose cution of the railroad, and this was done. But Attorney General Wickersham reached a different conclusion in the Pacific railroad merger case, and today he handed to President Taft a volumin ous report, conclusions of which justi fied the president in the announcement that there was a good case against the railroads, following the decision in the Northern Securities litigation. There fore, proceedings at Salt Lake City will be pressed. The status of the case at present is this : The government has put in its testimony. The defense must begin in April and the usual evidence in rebut tal must bo submitted thereafter. Then the case will go to that novel tri bunal of four judges provided by the anti-trust act, known as the expediting court, and doubtlesB in the end it will come before the Supreme court of the United States. Panama Libel Suit Dismissed. New York, Jan. 31. The indict ment against the Press Publishing com pany, publishers of the New York World, charging Joseph Pulitzer and others with criminal libel against Theodoro Roosevelt, President Taft and others, was quashed today in the United States District court. Judge Hough ruled that the statute upon which the indictment rested was not pufficient in authority, in other words, that tho court had no jurisdiction. Children Forced to Work. Chicago, Jan. 31. High priceB for food in Chicago are driving chil iron to work. In the last three months 1,000 more permits have been asked of the state factory inspector's office than in the corresponding three months a year ago. This is an increaso of more than 33 per cent. It is attributed not to any Budden demand of emnloyes for the services of minors, but to the necessi ties of workingmen'e families, which have compelled children to work to buy food. New Cabinet Rebuffed. Budapest, Jan. 31. An early rebuff was met by the rocenily formed Hed frvary cabinet, when the chamber to day with a largo majority voted a want of confidence in the ministry. The premier told the deputies he wob unable to decide immediately whether to resign or to disso've parliament. He then drew from his pocket an im perial rescript adjourning the house to March 4. EXPLOSION KILLS 79 Primcro Coal Mine in Colorado Scene of Disaster. BODIES PILED AT FOOT OF jSHAFT Nearly Seventy Others Were in Mlno and Little Hope That They Are Alive. Primero,. Colo., Feb. 1. Seventy nine bodies of the victims of yesterday afternoon's explosion in the Primero mine were found piled in a mass at tho foot of the air shaft shortly after mid night. When the explosion occurred tho men evidently made a rush to escapo through the air shaft, and wero suffo cated aa they battled with one another for freedom. It has been shown by the time keeper's records that there were 149 men in the mine at the time of the ex plosion. Few are thought to be alive. The main shaft of the mine is com dletely wrecked. The mine authorities telegraphed an order to Denver early this morning for 80 coffins. One man only has been found alive. Ho is badly injuredand has not been identified. The explosion occurred in the mino of the Colorado Fuel & Iron company at 4 :30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Three men at the mouth of the mine were killed by the force of the concua sion. Both fans with which the mine was equipped were shattered, but were re placed and J. H. Thompson, superin tendent, and a rescue party entered by the main air shaft, but were unable to reach the main shaft, which was com pletely blocked. The party returned to the surface after securing five bodies, which were badly burned. A party equipped with oxygen hel mets replaced them and coritinued the search for more bodies. Miners were ruBhed to Primero from Trinidad, Saundo, Starkville, Sopria and Coke ville, and labored frantically to clear the main shaft, relieving each other every few minutes. Most of the victims are Slavs and Hungarians, although Electrician Will Helm is among the missing. The camp was a scene of indescrib able horror last night. While every ablebodied man was taking bis turn with pick and shovel to clear the shaft, the women and children, kept back by ropes, gathered about the shaft, weep ing and calling loudly upon their loved ones who had not been found. Members of the rescue party say that the effect of the explosion under ground is indescribable. The bodies recovered were horribly burned and unrecognizable. One body was im paled on broken timbers. PARIS RECOVERS. Water Recedes and Work of Repair ing ia Begun Paris, Feb. 1. Improvement in the general situation continues and the spirits of the Parisians are rising as the waters fall. Street hawkers are selling postcard pictures of the flood and the boulevards are once more gay with thousands. With the crisis past, the mercurial French temperament faces the subsid iary troubles with a light heart, but the papers already are warning the people that measures must be taken to avoid a repetition of the disaster. The prefect of the department of the Seine has, issued instructions to the owners of flooded, houses to clean and disinfect their premises to the satis faction of the municipal architects within 24 hours after the subsidence of the waters. The government has ordered the tax collectors to show the greatest len iency to delinquents, and the Mont de Pieto is extending pawn tickets for three months. Public and private benevolence continues to respond to the call of the sufferers. Theaters and societies are organizing benefits, while the various race courses are arranging a big meeting for the spring, the receipts of which will go to the poor. A resolu tion has been introduced in the cham ber of deputies asking the government to award special crosses of the Legion of Honor to those who have been con spicuous in the rescue work. Although tho papers are printing columns of pitiful stories, a hundredth part of the horror never will be known. Many corpses have been swept down river, and occasionally a corpse is found in a boat, broken away from some tuneral procession. Suffrage Union Bars Meat. New York, Feb. 1. The Gotham beef party, named in memory ef the Boston Tea Party, was formed today by the National women's progressive suffrage union, which has been active in the campaign againBt higher cost of living. Mrs. Sophia Loebinger and others addressed an open-air crowd in Madison square. Mrs, Loebinger Boid she and her assiocates proposed to open public cooking schools in the streets, to teach cooking without moat. Trust Attorney Testifies. Chicago, Feb. 1. The federal grand jury today resumed ita investigation into the methods of the so-called "beef trust." Ralph Crews, general counsel for the National Packing company, tes tified. Documents and books belong ing to the National Packing company were examined.