tew. ' ' " ' ' '" '" The Madras Pioneer ..mil ..l' v..1, -- i . .-wTw. ....- .u. mm -'"'- "H-rwt.1 J.., .-MM--l( 1111 " - " v , ruhlltdiud every Thursday hj 'Tlllt I'lONICUU PITHMSIIIKO 00.- SUQ30TIPTI0N RATE8: pno yonr , $1.60 jl.t niontlis , .85 Threw months f0 AllVKUTISlNO HATKS ON AIM'I.ICATION Kntoiud ns second clnM mntii'r Angus! 2l, 1 DO 1 . nt the l'ostoffloo nt Mudrwt. Ore. unihir llio Aulflf Congress of Maroli 8, 1871. THURSDAY JAN. 27, 1910 A PUBLIC DUTY ,The residents of Madras yealfz" the fact tliat the develop. line, recall? tljflstuiie ocourrenoe on that load Ingt year, when traffic.! ceased for alnjostn month and hardly n hand watj turned by l he officials of that system toward putting the road in opei aiion ngiiti, qr not until it sjiitni their tanoy to notice tip inoon vuienee caused this portion Hut such negligence will not ot'tMir again as the co istruction wmiU on the Deschutes ltuilrom tn iks it imperative that the , road be opened to iralUo at the earliest uossible moment. Even 1 if the Ilairiinan line had not li ing at stake, the Oregon Trunk ollicial.s. whose activity in this ... v . . ... s 'etion demands that supplies be , . , shipped in, would bring enough Jias been rapid as compared 11 . . . with many towns in other sec tions of the state. For the tak ing on of mnnioipal duties in a period ot eight years alter itt iirst settlement is an uchievment such as many older cities can not boast. T 1 n 1 ,1 1 in ever oeiore nas meru ueen :i better spirit between th various business interests, with the desire to promote a bettei btaudaid of citizenship, to which we mav 1001c oacu wnn uriae in after years, with no regret for the efforts expended to fur ther the best interests 01 oui town. The time is ripe and the conditions are favorable for a vitalizing of the interests ot Madras such as has never be fore been shown. Let us all do something for our town, and awaken to the faci that it is my town and tor its success I have a large personal responsibility. Above all I will not criticize or attempt to be little the valuable efforts of oth- eis. Our coming election for the incorporation and the election of efficient officers should arouse in each individual a sense of enthusiasm which will go on re cord for all time to come, and it is impeiative that each one act now so that in afteryeais he can feel that he was one of the many who helped to establish the prosperous and aggressive town .of Madras. pressure to b.ear to see that the road was put in operation with our excessive delay. LOOKING FOR HOMES That the people beyond the Btate of Orpgon are becoming interested in the Deschutes countr.y, is evident by great .number of inquiries that ate received from all over the East ern States by' the commercial clubs of the county and other parts of the State. . The fact that two rival rail roads are now building into the central part of the state, lias attracted considerable attention on the part of Eastern people. Yet grand who are lookiig for cheap hornet solution of these la'ter problems j ill If IllUIrt, lilUiei lllilll ilHilUMD and statesmen, ate destined to be the world's best couserva nonists. Uiegonian. RIGHTFUL CONSERVATIQN When this country enters thoroughly into the conserva tion business, it will not stop at keeping settlers out of the pub lic domain, nor at preserving vast regions, now wilderness, against present use, as they say, for p isteriiy. The country will look to more fruitful meth ods 01 conserving energies even than those. It will try to save the So per cent waste of fuel that now consumes the coal and firewood store of the nation with startling rapidity. It will seek to avail itself of the vast unused energy of tides and waves and winds. The heat of the sun, which is the source of most terrestrial vigor, may be made available for man's work through sun engines. The sub terranean fires that belch forth terrific power in volcanoes may be haruvssed for similar purposes. If men are using up the latent energies of coal and timber at lapid rate in these piogressive times, there are other sources of heat and power, some of them -veil more abundant. Tuis does not mean that men should con . 1 aiime or waste ttie resources (hey are now drawing upon to perform their diudgery and give diem comfort, but it djes mean that alai mists who try to scare the nation's lawmakers into enacting laws that will greatly curtail Western settlement and growth, are looking only a shoit distance ahead. More woudeiful feats have been achieved by human ingen uity than that of saving fuel chat wastes in smoke and heat radiation. Greater triumphs have been accomplished by the human intellect than invention of methods for utiliz.ng energies )t tides, winds and sunshine.. po-sibihties await CLASSIFIED LOCALS WANTEp. To tiny latlrai or udt JolnjiiK property that Ip remimi.rr A.ihlri't3 Investor. fitlp(B Ulo,iU-'pr oflltJO. PUUSSlSf AlINq. I nm "prpp;ioi Ip do IliHt ciuHH (IrcsfiniiUliiK, Iqtjatpil ut tliu Qieep Iotel. lr. It 13. Dixon- lluvliik! Hold my liarnotiH tdiop it ml tdioe rvpiitiiiiK Ihih1iioh tn J. 1? WIIhoii.I wlsli 10 1 1111.11 U my pillions for puct fuvors and bospuaU for thorn porfoot Hutbriuitlon from my siiauotwor. E. M. U.ivls. UEl'AtHINO NViituh, idoi-k an.) )w clry by Ilt'iiry IHvIiih ut ViiThh sel Itnd Co's ollluo, MadniH. JHO UlfiWAKD-Of wl'l bo nlvon for Information leadlm; to llio reuovry of a blauk wivoj'-lialii'd, lotiK'tHiltxi cpllli pup; about -1 m ntliH old; bti Huh) whltu undsr tbioit. 11. I'. AudriiH, radra. JitO '2l Notice is iieueuv given that wehnvusold our niercantllu titi.Htiuis to the Ct'Htral On'on Mercantile Co. The undersigned will collect all In- dolitudiie.HS nod pay all hills. J C. & M. A. ROBINSON. MONEY TO LOAN ON I'ARMS. MHilniH btate UatiK. See LIST YOU It FARM property wth I. Ilea, if you want quick action upon It. Have buyers for desirable pliiees. . .in in 11 I ! I I .'1 I : . . .. .. ..tn.... I J l,nll A.I.. Would you like tins Dcaiiiiuu piano us "' f " pwnnviy otvc it to some of our customers. This instrument has been shipped and" will be at our J vo.ir Inm.eutlo,, in a few we.-krt. It I h pr.oi worth bavin. I'l.H piano 1 n , nf tbe ,,o J make, and carrlfH tl.e .namif.ct.ire'8 ten-year K'l irai Call ut our More ami ( Tor partl.MilHf,, MADRAS TRADING COMPANY FARM LOANS! ! Mgras Slate Baft NOTICE All accounts duo in for pro- fefsional cervices or otherwise, I have left with Howard Turner for collection. Please call ntid nettlo at earliest convenience. Dr. J. C. Hartlett. H Not Coal Land OMESTEAD. Notice for Piiblleu- tion. Department of the Inte rior. 0. S. Land Olllco at The Dalles, Oregon, January 17, 1910. Notice U hereby given that JERRY 15. HARPER, of Madras, Oregon, who, on June 27, 1908, made Honiesteud, Serial No 0HU4 No. 1G0DI, for sww see II, tp lis, r 13 e, w m, 1-1(8 filed notice of Intenilon to make dual commutation proof, to establish claim to tile land above deseiilied, be fore Howard V. Turner. U. S. ConJinis- iouer, at Ids olll -o ut Madr'as, Ore gon, on the 1st day of March, 1910. Claimant names ut witne-ses: I D Brown, A L Ayilliams, William Cowherd, William Harper, all of Mudras, Oregon. C. W. Moonu, TAKEN UP. Rd cow, with chain fantened to rluht hind foot, bell on, leather sir ip around lioms. Owner can have same by paying expense. W. A. KLLIS. I H' j27-f21 Register Not Coal Lund OM I5ST15A I). Notice for PiiblL caipin. Depurtinent of tl.e lute- dor, U. S. Luid Olll.-e at The Dalles. Oregon, December 28, 1009. Notice Is hereby given that MARGARET J. hACiptANN, one of the heirs ami for the heirs of Jleury Bachinaiui, (licensed, of Madras, Oregon, who, on January L'O 1005, made Homestead, Serial So 0173(1 No. 141 IU, for nJ, nwjuwj see. 2.1, untl seluei tec 20, tp 11 f, r 12 e, W M, H is tiled notice of Intention to make llmil five-year proof, in e-lutdldi claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Turner. U. rf. Commission er, at bis otllce at Madras, Oregon, on the 8 h day of Febtuiuy, 101(1. Claimant iiitines as wltiii'S'es: Fred Henskic, D I'' Areiiismeler, M W Bennett, Theodore Hurtnago1, all of Muilra-, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, JO f3 Register l Ian Tassel Land Co' t THE OLD RELIABLE REAL ESTATE DEALERS Farm I. amis and Town Property Bought rind Sold. 1 In your property Willi iik ami receive prompt nttcnttcn OITICI! ON .MAIN STKHI5T MADRAS SAMFORD DEALER IN HA WARE, IMPLEMENTS THE RIGHT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES Terms: Cash, or Its Equivalent O 4 $ O $ $ 4fr Go to The.,, COFFEF House Ono Door South of Barber Shop FO$ K SQUARE mEALi TABLES ARB WELL SUPPLIED FISH AND GAME IN SEASON 4 T 8. Hamilton, Pi va. K. II. I'liKYnc, Ylce-Prea. J (' luMt.Uj EASTERN Meals Served At All Hours Jptters received are from fanners. while some are from busine.-- men deairoits of selecting new locations for themselvea 01 their frieiids. Tlie answers indicate thai .cheap lands await the new set tier in the Deschutes country ,and that many prosperous towiib CONTEST Nf)TICK. D.-imrtmeiit of lliu ll.Ii.tim- IT I.unrl Olllr... 'I'lli- Dulles, OreRon, December M, VMM. A suOlcient contest atl!davit having been filed in thib otfiee by JOHN O. WOLK, are Bpriliciliff up alone the lineb .nti-iUnt, Kt homo,tond entry No. lOl r IfUili: iimilu Af.iK.li lli Hlfll! fur k .'!.. !!fl .of railroad, where grains and t., i's, r 115 e, w M, 'by Cj.uide s.' WilMm. couteutee, in which it is itlleycd Unit said Claude S. "Wilson Iuih wholly abandoned uid tract; that lie lias changed IiIk ivsi- deuce lliercfrom for inure than niontlis lut jiastand that tliuie has never been' any house mi said land fur the pa-t year and tlieiu ban not been any iniprovciiicniH made 011 tlie lilaee during the paot year of an kind whatever; that said alleged ab- ieiice was nol due to liU eiiiploynieut in the army, navy or inarinu coi ps of the United State in time nt' war. Said parties aio hereby notified to aji- pear, respond, and ollVr ovhience totiehhitf -aid allocation :.t 10 o'clock n. in. 011 1'eb rum j 11, JH10, btsfuru II. W. Turner, a no- tary public at li.a ortlcu In Mudra, Oruoi , and that final hearing will held at lu relock a. 111. on February 21, 11)10, before he KeiiUtur and Hecoivur at the United Slide Land Olll 0 in The Dallos, Oregon. Tin said eoiilcdtaiit having, In a proper COod cro)S in tile more favored Hlavit filed December 18, lDOl), Hetf..ith " 1 . , . .!!! wlilnli ulifiw Mini, uft.-r line ililii'i'lu ii perxo hI hoi vice of tliU notice can nut be FRANK H. PRATT, Prop. MADRAS 0 iioof!fii Oo FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLO DRAFTS OH ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $50,000 Deposits, $250,000 SHANIKO, OREGOtl rxjra grasses can be grown to perfec tion in the higher elevations, and choice fruits in the valleys. Practical farmers and industri ous men of all classes areassur ed 01 success commensurate with their efforts in the new reit;ou, which will be rendered capable of supporting man) thousands of people, although until recently unknown to the outside world and occupied only "by an occasional stock lanch. U'he now settler can take hi. choice between irrigating the fienu-and lands or ot raising Robes, Blankets, Etc., Etc. PLUSH ROBES, $2.50 AND UP. SWEAT PADS, .(Oc EACH, TWO FOR 75c, AND A1ANY 01 HER BARGAINS High Grade, Hand-ma-Je Heavy And bight HARNESS Boot and shoe repairing Madras Harness Shop J. B. WILSON, Proprietor SUCCESSOR TO (;. M. IMV1S . I .1 Tegions witu one uie artificial moisture. aid 01 The wah-oiu on the Coluni tou Southern last Friday and its stoppage of traitto oh titui made, It is Ituiohy ordered and diiectcd that kuuh nutlot) be given by due and piMper pttbHcathiii. 0. Y. JIOQIUt, ItcUtur; LOUIS 11, Aiijfusyjf, . JtMJ.0 Kucclvur ? i 1 i i TO DO ALL KINDS OF WE km PREPMD WOOD AND IRON WORK The best equipped shop In Central Oregon FIRST-CLASS WO UK MEN EMPLOYED Horseshoeing A Specialty GRAY & SON MADRAS, OREGON 1 A. E. CROSB1 EVERYTHING IN DRUG'S & KODAK THE DALLES, OREGON Exclusive Agent For EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester, H, Y, A full line of Pho to supplies always on hand. Printing nntl developing done. Mailorders will receive our prompt attention. Wnle (or our new M CATALOG I ry n hnttlu of Alur flne'K lidlnol Devel oper. Will develop nny Pinto or Paper A. E. CROSBY