if, I; ; i if,!'. 1 IV" 1W it fit 4 IS.t (L T.v. I SI M . .1 -U ; l Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD NotiAo for ruultoa lion, Department of tho Interior, TJ. 8. Laud Onico, The Dalles, Oregon, December IB, 1009. Notice is hereby given that ATYS A. FRANK, of Madras, Oregou, who, on February 15, 1904, made Homestead, Serial No. 03085, No. 13230, for mvj seo 9, tp 11 s, r i8 e, w m, ilas filed notice of Inteullon to make flnal five-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, be fore Howard V. Turner, U.S. Com missioner at his office at M'idrne, Ore gon, on the 25th day of January, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: AV J Cowherd, T W Taylor, A L Williams, W D McNomar, all of Mad- ras, Oregon. C. W. Moons, d23 122 Register xsot Coal Laud HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publl cation. Department of the Inter . lor, U S Laud Olllce at The Dalles', Ore gon, January 12, 1910. Notice it hereby givef that CHARES II. TUNSTAI.L, of Madras, Oregon, who, on January 9, 1D05, made Homestead miImI No. 03447 No. 14121, for tiL mis . sejuel so S, tp U r H e, w ui, has fitted notice of intention (to mttke fual five-year proof, to estalilish claim to the laud ab've described, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Ore gon, on the 23rd day of February, i9K'- Clajmunt names as vi musses: , J V,TunstalI, y A Pulloii, Jme Kuas, W F Fields, all of Madias, Ore gon. ; C. W. MooitK, J20-fl7 Register STATE SELECTION. Notice for Pub lication. United States Land Olllce, Tho Dalles, Oregon, January 10, 1U10. Notice is hereby given that the State of Oiegon lias filed in this ottice its applica tion. Serial No. 05820, to select under tin provisions of the Act of Congress of Au gust 14, 1848, and the acts supplementary and amendatory thereto, the setfuejj, ne.VseK S c 30, tp 7 s, r 15 e, W M. Any and all persons claiming adve:sel the lands described, or desiring to ob)i ut because of the mineral character of 1 lit land, or for any other lejtson, to the dis posal to applicant, should file their afhda vits of protest in this office on or before the 24th day of Februuary, l'.ilO. j20-f24 C. V. MOORE, Register. CTATE SELECTION. Notice For ' Publication. United Slates Lmd Office, The Dalles, Oregon, December 7, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the State of Oregon has filed in this office its Application, Serial No. 0503S, to select Under the provisiouB of tho Act of Con gress of August 14, 1848, anil the Acts supplementary and amendatory there to, the neuw j of sec. 9, tp 9 r 14 e, IV M. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described, or denir lug to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, ehould file their a fidavits of protest in this office on or before the 20th day of January, 1910. dl6 J20 C. AV. MooKE, Register. Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice forPuhlica tiou. Department of the lute rior, U. S. Land Olllce at The Dulles Oregon, December 17, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that RALPH MARKS Of Madras, Oregon, who, on June 11, 1908. made Homestead, Serial Nt 05a9 No. 1(1073, for swjsw sec 13, sejsel sec 14 and ejuej sec tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m, HiB filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Howard W. Turner. U. S.Comiuis Aiouer, at his office at Madras, Ore gon, on the 25th day of January, 19)0 Claimant immes as witneKees: Mathew Lcnsberry, Rosooe Gard, Mux Wilson, Peter Marnach, all ol Madras, Oregon. C. W. MooBB, d2S-J22 Register Not Co.l Land HOMEBTEAD. Notice for Publloa tiou. Department of the Intc riur, U. S. Land Office at Ttiu Duller, Oiegon, December 18, 1900. Notice Is heieby given that SNOW DEN A. WHITE, of Madras, Oregon, who, on October 3, 1904, made Homestead serial No 03310 No. 13833, for -sw sec 15 and heinwi, uwtfnrK eec 22, tp 10 h, r 14 e, w iu, has filed notlre of Intention to make ""filial five-year proof, to establish dlaim to the land above described, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commis slouer at his office at Madias, Oregou, on the 26th day of January, 1010. Claimant names as wltnessen: 0 V Duling, A D Thayer, Fred Fish r, of Madras, Oregon; Elinor Mathers, tof Youngs, Oiegon. Vli8.'22 0. W. Moore, Register, 1 TNnt Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notloo for Pnihllca tlon. Department or the Into rior. U. S. Land Olllce at The DiUles, Oregon, December 15,, 1009. Notice is hereby given that JAMES P. READ, or Culver, Oregon, who, on January 0, 1009, made Homestead, Nn 02190, for Lots 4, 5, 12 and 13, tp 13 s, r 12 e, V M, Has riled nolloo of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish jlalm to the land above desorlbed bo fore Howard W, Tumor, United States Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregou, ou the 2oth day of January, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: William C Barber, John Suton, W O Ralston, Thos. AUlderdyce, all of Culver, 0;egon. C. W. Moohr, . d23J20 Register. INot Ooal Land! HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Ore ism), Decembur24, 1909. Notice is hereby given that WILLIS C. PAXrON, of Madras, Oregou. who, on November 1, 1904, made Homestead Serial io 033-6 No. 13922, for Lots 3, 4, seo 18, Lots 1 and 2, seo 10. tp 10 a, r 14 e,w tu, Has filed notice of intention tu make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard "W. Turner, U. S. Commis sioner, at his olllce nt Madras, Oregon, on, the 6th day of February, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Fisher, William H Stbnehock er, 8 P Loving,- George II White, all of Madras, Oiegon. C. W. Moore, d30-f3 Register Not Coal Land HOMESTKAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Interior. U. S. Luid Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January 8, 1910. Notice is hereby given that CHRIST IIAGNAUER, of Madias, Orecou, who, on April 21, 1904. made Homestead, Serial No. 03149 No. 13399, for aeii tec 29, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w ni, Has filed notice.of Intention to mako tinal five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described be fore Howard W. Turner, United States Commissioner at his office at Madras, Oregou, on the 23rd day of February, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Fred Ileuskie, Frank Galloway, Ber- tiiold Dombrowe, John Hoffman, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, jl3-fl7 Register. STATE SELECTION. Notice for Pub lication, United States Laud Office, The D.illes, Oregon, December 22j HKW. Notice is hereby given that tho State of Oregon has filed in this office its applica tion, Serial A'o. 05719, to select under the provisions of the Act of Congress of An. gust 14, 1818, and the Aefcj supplementary and amendatory thereto, the neKMv&uf sec 18, tp lis. rile. WM. Any and all persons claiming adversely the hinds described, or desiring to oh ect because of the mineral character of the laud, or for any other reason, to the dis posal to applicant, rlioulrl file their aftnla- its of pi otCflt In this office on or before the Oth day of February, l'JIO. C. W. MOORE, (130-13 Register. STATE SELECTION. Notice For Publication. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, December 7, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the State of Oregou has filed In this office Its application, Serial No. 05663, to select under the provisions of the Act of Con gress of August 14, 1848, and tho Acts supplementary ami amendatory there to, tlie nwjii i, (Lot 2J of sec. 6, tp 12 h, r 14 e, W M. Any and all persona claiming ad-ven-ely the lands described, or de'dr luif to object because of the mineral eliaracier of the laud, or for any other reaou, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest In this office, on or before the 20iu duy of January, 1010. C. W. Mooue, dlO J20 Register LUt No. 030 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Oltice, The Dalles, Ore gon, Dec. 13. 1909. Notice Is hereby given that the Northern Pacific Rail way Company, whose postofilco ad dress is St. Paul, Minnesota, has tills (ith dav of July, 1008. filed in this office its application to select Under the provisions ot the Act of Congress, annroved July 1, 1S08 30 Stat. 607,o2(l as extended by the act of Congress up- approved May 17, I08, the nelsel sen 17, I p 8 s, r 10 o, W M. Serial No 039. A 1 1 v and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described, or dedlrlng to olilect because ol the mineral char acter of tho land, or for auy other rea son, to the disposal to applicant, Mould file their nllldavlts of pro- test In tU't ofllye, on or befote tho Mt day of February, 1910 C. W MOORE, (130 fa Register, MADRAS vs WILDG AT TOWN! nffnrfl fl InOQV There are lots of chances for speculation, out cui yua " If you wish to lay the foundation for a steady income, IHVEST, DON'T SPECULATE INVESTMENT means safety WTJH. sured EARNING PQW; ... vcad dcqoi I ITION than that you will INVEST your savings What better N W Y E AR P Linn s docu I atl o n with its one chance In a W DFrnMF PROSPEROUS, avoiding speculation wiui .7.:::.. nnt miss this opportunity. It means uuuuMnq -iwg Ho is indeed n pessimist who does not bollevo that the Town of MADRAS is destineU to be come a CITY OF PROMINENCE WE KNOW that InilldlnRa of nil Ijlnds nro bcliiff constructed ni. fnat uh mntorlql ?an bo hauled in mid labor scoured (I n And while wo umhlully draw alluring picluro, ot skyscapes, wondcrfnl hM M. or Topical few garden,, WE absolutely KNOW that it is FACT, no. ncOon, that I WO RAILROADS W1 be within the limits of MADRAS in a few months, NU 1 Y t.Alw, 1' . , , ... .rr ...... t t A O ...III .,..im...w1.i POli.'Pllv NI). hill wt do Know and YOU KNO.W. that Hj bound to become an IMPORTANT SHIPPING nnd BUSINESS ciitr. and it ytm .will Hlop to uonnulur, WHERE IN THIS ABOUT-TO-BE-DEVELOPED CENTRAL OREGON, is there such another opportunity, such nu ' ASSURED OPENING FOR PROpiTABUE If4VESTVIEHT MADRAS 1-5 AN ASSVKW AND R.APIDLY GRoWINC TOWN, ONE THAT YOU CAN FIND WITHOUT A SEARCH WARRANT. LOOK OVER ITS .SURROUNDING COUN TRY. CONSIDER WELIh ITS RESoURCEJj AND THEN COMPARE IT-5 PRO-SPECT Entirely Mythical and Absurdly Fabulous f'Cities" THAT ARE BEING ADVERTISED AS mm IN EXISTENCE, AND YOU WIUU AT ONCE COMPREHEND TH'E DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INVESTMENT and SPECULATION a r MAY FAIR An ADDITION to the rapidly growing town of MADRAS, will be placed on the market early in January, and afford a splendid opportunity for INVESTMENT Lots or blocks can be bought with a small cash payment; monthly payments thereafter Without Interest -ir GET NEXT To the fact that there is a GOLDEN OPPORTU NITY right at your door, and that the "Farther Away, the Greener the Fields," is a fool's maxim. MAYFAIR Central Oregon Investment Co., Inc., Will have local salesmen on and after the opening, meanwhile make application to THOMSON, MACLEOD & NEILL, Agents 429 HENRY BUILDING PORTLAND, OREGON STATE SliLUCtlON. Notice for Putillcutlnn. tinltfcil StnteH Land Oflice, Tho Dalles, Oregou, Decem ber 28, 1009. Nutlce !b hereby tslveii that fltute of Oregou has filed iu thU olllce ltn ap plication, Herlal No 05775, to Helect un der the provlblonu of the Act of Con Krefw of Auburn 14, 1818, and the Acta bupiilementury aud utnendatory there to, the uwiHel sec 0, tp 18 h, r 12 e, V. M. Any and all persons claiming in versely the lauds described, or desiring to object because or the minerul char acter of tho land, or fur any other ma son, to the disposal to applicant, should file their ailldavits of protest in this olllce, ou or before the 10th duy of February, 1910. JO-flO C. V. arooitB, HegUtor STATE SUr.ECTION. Notice For Publication, United State Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oregon, December 14, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the State Of Oregon has filed in thf h olllce Its ap plication, Serial No. 03090, to select under tho provisions of Hie Ant of ConuresH of August 14, 1818, and the Acts supplementary und amendatory thereto, the nwlnei seo 10, seise! see 15, nejuei, nwliH'l boc22 and wiuwi of seo 23, tp 11 s, r 15 e, w m. Any and all persons clalmltiK ud versely tho lands described, or deslr iug to object because of tho mineral oliaraoter of thu land, or for auy otAor reason, to tho dlsponitl to appllcuut, should file their allldavltH of protest Iu llils ollliio tin or boforo tho 1st day of February, 1010. (123 J27 C, W, Moore, ltngisler. DROP IN AND SEE Sharp & Powel DEALERS IN Soft Drinks OP ALL IKITOS 4 - Imported And Domestic, cigars I.opcks Iiiilldlng MADRAS, OR3. vnTini,' nir ittn AT. RF, Notice Ih hereby glvoii t" undorfllirlied AdmlulHtrator w Estate of Edward lunoiiur, Aniinllllt M . i. ..in, tint niorkoi llkiu win' , (Viiinl v f'oiirl Of OrOOK of nriwnii. and tho said W f'nnr Imfl fi'xiid MOII'IRyi inio. at tho l",ur . ..I,.!....!. I K. famn 111)011 U8 U0 . ... .1.1 i.ll A'CU' HIP llOtirilllP MILlll 1" IMKl iimldng an order of I'l"' ........ i....ii. .mi f heart" JfotUiuH that may bo mu'io' Final Aaouuut. Dalud and published nr " 10, 1000. J- W. 0.NW Adihlnt.tttMorof the KHtate01 ward Kutohcr, Doomb