The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 20, 1910, Image 6

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Farts of the World.
Less Important but Not Less Inter
esting Happenings from Points
Outside the State.
Truce arranged between Republican
regulars and insurgents in house.
Tho British house of lords is engaged
in a vote which means life or death.
A gigantic graft plot involving mil
lions has been uncovered in Pittsburg.
The political situation in Spain
threatens the downfall of the present
A diver at Long Beach, Cal., won a
desperate battle with a devilfish on the
sea bottom.
Mississippi ice gorges have filled tho
levees high with wreckage, and the
river ia rising.
President declines to permit Repre
sentative Mondell to introduce land
bills tagged "by request."
C. K. Hamilton, an American avia
tor, failed in an attempt to beat Paul
ban's altitude record of 4,155 feet.
Paulhan made a successful flight
across the country at Los AngeleB, but
failed to beat Curtiss' speed record.
Both East and West are suffering
from heavy snow and floods. Trains
are Bnowbound throughout the Missis
sippi Btates.
President's message urges reform
of land laws, conservation of timber,
preservation of forests and improve
ment of waterways.
A Utah mail carrier was frozen to
death sitting on his horse.
The National Livestock association
has endorsed Pinchot'B policies.
A Nicaraguan rebel army confronts
the government forces and a battle is
Japanese Ambassador declares his
government will stand by America's
Toft is reported to bo trying to re
store harmony by making peace with
the insurgents.
Henry S. Graves has been appointed
chief forester. He is a friend of Pin
chot, and served under him.
Paulhan broke the altitude records
at Los Angeles, rising nearly a mile.
Cutiss broke the speed record.
The New York academy of medicine
is planning to eradicate the common
houes fly, claiming that it spreads all
kinds of cantagious diseases.
The steamer Czarina
was wreclced1
at the entrance to Coos Bay and 30
men are believed to be lost. One man
drifted ashore and was picked up un
conscious. The steamer Btruck in the
same place as the old Arago, lost 13
years ago.
It is the present prediction of lum
bermen that more timber will be cut
in the lower Columbia river district
this year than ever before and at
higher prices.
Russian explorers have found in Tur
kestan the ruins of a subterreanean
city built by a highly civilized people
before the Christian era, entrance to
which was effected by caves.
An amphibious automobile, shaped
like a boat and driven by a propeller
when in the water, has been purchased
by the French war department and as
signed to an engineer regiment.
The Chinese government has adopted
an elaborate scheme of education, mod
eled on Japan's, but with a western
curriculum which, when carried out in
its entirety, will compare favorably
with that of any other nation.
The British admiralty iB trying out
a torpedo which is said to pick up
Rounds by microphones, so connected
by delicate mechanism to its rudders
that the torpedo is automatically di
rected to the source of the sounds.
The proclaimed boundaries of the
national forests now include nearly
195,000,000 acres of land within
which, however, about 16,000,000 acres
have been alienated by congressional
grants and the patenting of claims.
The agreement between the Boston
Sheet Metal WorkerB union and the
employers, which went into effect Jan
uary 1, calls for an increase of wage
from a minimum of $3.60 to $3.75 a
day. Under the agreement there will
be a further increase to $4.00 a day on
June 1.
Aviation conteBta began at Los An
geleB Monday.
Guggenheim proposes Federal con
trol of the copper market.
Roosevelt and party have reached
the land of the white rhinoceros.
The government of Argentina has
contracted for the construction of a di
rect cable from that country to Europe.
When Pinchot leit hia office for good
he was given an ovation by his em
ployes, Boston's strictly non-partisan pqliti-
cal campaign cost tho candidates about
A. F. Potter, successor to Pinchot,
Ib a former sheep owner and an expert
n range conditions.
Captain of Ill-Fated Steamer Czarina
Last to Go.
Mnrshfield, Oro,, Jan. 14. Ono by
ono six men, who had clung all night
to tho frozon rigging and shrouds of
tho doomed Czarina, jumped to thoir
death in tho foamy breakers, a thou
sand porsons who had kopt vigil, sot
ting bonfires to cheer tho wreck vic
tims, witnessing each dosporato loap.
In tho throng that linod tho beach
was C. J. Millls, fathor of Harold
Millis, who at dawn this morning was
descried gripping tho rigging. Near
him Captain Duggnn clung, his faco
turned toward shoro.
Evory leap of tho doomod half-dozon
men was deliborate, all stripping to rid
thomsolvos of weight if, porchauco. the
breakers swept them toward shoro.
Whon Harold Millis' turn camo ho
waved his coat in farewell and' dived
into tho turhulent sea. His father in
agonizing susponso, would wait for an
other glimpso of his son. Ho was lod
captain uuggah was tho last to
make tho mortal divo. Strinninir him
self, ho rubbed his limbs to forco cir
culation, straightened at full longtb
and hurled himself far into tho
IIo was tho last to leave tho shin
i.1 1 A . . .
mu iasi seen. A'recoaing him vouni?
.turns, iuum iUciMcnois, .assistant engi
neer Hobinson and two scamon had
leaped into tho soa. None roso to tho
Then tho waves dashed higher and
higher over what was loft of tho wreck.
Nothing could bo seen but tho remains
of tho mainmast and oven that, at
times, was covered from view bv thn
combors, which piled one upon another
wim ueain-aeanng lorce. Tho wreck
was over. Those who stood for 24
hours watching and working in an at-
iviui.t io aavc mo lives OI tho unfnr
tuuuiu iui-u vuruca away, rnero was
nothing left to do but to leave tho
t1inA ....... 1.. J m.
czarina to tho soa, tho crew and young
Millis to their ocean graves.
Only one escaped from death's grip
on tho Czarina Harry Ivontzol, first
aaaioi.mi, ujigmecr. xwcnty-lour dead
was mo ton or tho Coos Bay disaster.
Loss of Waterpower to Special Inter
ests Is Greatest Danger.
nasmujjiuu, oan. it. mo censer
vation ot natural resources nnrt thn
conservation of popular government are
oocn at staKe. The ono needs conserva'
uon no less than tho other."
This statement epitomizes tho formal
announcement made public tonight by
uiuuru jrmcnot, recently removed' as
chief of tho forest service. Tho ex-ofll-
ciai declares that tho groat moral issuo
which now faces tho country is not the
loss of natural resources so much as
whether special interests or tho peoplo
shall rule. The statement, in part, ia
"At this timo I have no comment to
make on recent events. Whether in or
out ot the government service. I Dro
pose to stay in the fight for conserva
tion and equal opportunity. Every
movement and measure, from whatever
source, tnat tends to advanco conserva
tion and promote government by men
C 1 i ...
xur iiuman weiiare l shall trv tn hnln
I Krflrv mnrnmiinf oth-i e
.. . - tj i
; y r """
nuaiwur uuurcu, mat ninucrs conser
vation and promotes government by
muuvy iot -prone i snail endeavor to
oppose. Tho supreme test of move
ments and measures w tho welfare of
the plain people. I am as ready to
support the administration when it
moves toward this paramount end as
I am to oppose it when it moves
away. ' '
Will Not Willingly Yield Manchurian
Interests Dearly Bought.
Tokio, Jan. 1. No doubt may bo
entertained concerning Japan's attitude
toward the American plan to neutral
ize the -Manchurian railways. Secre
tary Knox's proposition has not called
forth a word of favor from any source
in Japan. Tho diplomats here, whilo
disinclined to express opinions, cer
tainly do not support the project.
j. no jvoKumin, a somi-oiiicial organ,
representing tne view ot I'remicr Jvat-
sura, says the Japanese reply to tho
American note will bo couched in
friendly terms because the suggestion
comes from a friendly power, but at
tne same time inquires whether Ger
many and Franco would bo willing to
neutralize onantung and Yunnan pro
vinces. Steamship Lane Threatened.
New York, Jan. 14. Wireless reports
received horo today indicate that tho
Atlantic steamship Lane is swept by
severe storms. Tho worst sufferer from
the wild weather, so far as reported, is
tho Hamburg-American liner Kaiserin
Augusto Victoria, which, according to
tno dispatches, put into 1'Jymouth with
50 feet of her port rail torn away by
a wavo that threw down a score of
passengers on deck. Tho giant comber
also threw tho ship on her beam ends,
but she roso to tho attack of tho seas
and rode out tho storm.
Zelayan Army Falls Back.
Washington, Jan. 14. News of n
battle at Acoyapa has loaked through
the strict censorship at San Juan dol
Sur Nicaragua, and reached Washing
ton tonight. Details aro lucking, but
representatives of tho Estrada govern
ment are of tho belief that Chamorro
ongaged Vasqucz somo timo betweon
midnight and daybreak today and that
tho romnant of tho .Zolayan army has
talJcn back toward Managua, where a
final battlo will bo fought, probably at
tho gates of the city. ,
Morgan Gives Yalo Gift.
New Haven,-Conn,, Jan. 14. A gift
of siuu.uuo from J. l'iorpont Morgan
for tho establishment of tho William
M. Laffan profossorship of assyriology
and Babylonian literature at Yalo was
recoivod by tho Yalo corporation today
and accoptod. Tho gift is a memorial
to Mr. Laffan, lato editor of tho Now
Yor Sun.
Big Projoct In Baker County
Walts for Settled Woathor.
Baker City With tho opening of
spring work will begin on tho two res
ervoirs planned by tho Powdnr Valley
Irrigation company, tho main reservoir
being situated in the Thief river val
ley, located onjlho old Fisk and Gilbert
ranches, soven milos east of North
Powdor and 20 miles north of Baker
City. This reservoir will conserve 60,
000 acre feet of water. Tho other res
ervoir, is to be Bituatcd about 30 miles
northwest of Baker City, at the half
way house on the Union atago lino,
near Sanger, and will conaorvo about
24,000 acre feet of wator.
When completed, tho entire system
will irrigate about 65,000 acres of
land, extending from the MiIcb bridge
east to what is known as Table rock,
or five miles east of Gooso creek, on
both sides of Powder river, covering a
strip of fine land about 30 miles wide
The immensity of this irrigation
scheme can hardly bo realized, but tho
difference in the amount of bay, grain
of all kinds, fruit and what not, that
will bo produced on these broad acres
in the very near future, will toll the
tale in tho farmers' bank accounts.
Coyote, Umatllla( May Be Division
Umatilla May Be Abandoned.
Pendleton It now seems that tho
long pending Coyote-Echo cutoff on
tho O. R. & N. iB to become a reality
soon. Rumors ore current hore
among railroad people that tho sum
of $707,946.25 has been appropriated
for that purpose. This, coming on the
heels of the announcement that $1,-
020,000 has been set aside for elimina
tion of curves between Yoakum and
Pendleton, means that the O. R. & N,
contemplates the expending of nearly
$2,000,000 on improvements in Uma
tula and Morrow counties, as it ia now
understood that the big cutoff is to
be made from Coyote to Echo, via
Stanfield, that will eliminate 8.8 miles
of present trackage. Coyote is to be
made a terminal, as it is understood
the order calls for terminal improve
ments, including a ten stall round
house. The general understanding iB
that, as far as the main line is con
cerned, Umatilla will cease to be a di
vision point. It is a matter of specu
lation as to what route the cutoff will
take, as engineers have surveyed three
possible routes. As to the improve
ment between this city and Yoakum,
it is said the work will reduce the dis
tance 14 miles. The maximum curva
ture will be about four degrees, while
at present it is ten. The stretch of
track at Horseshoe curve will be
brought up to a standard roadbed.
Defective Lemons Destroyed.
Roseburg California lemons cover
ed with parasite, known as oyster shell
scale, has been discovered in Roseburg
by the fruit inspector. The lemons
were shipped to a Portland commission
firm. Acting on instructions from
District Horticultural Commissioner
Carson, Grants Pass, Inspector McCal)
had them destroyed. Carson stated
that if California is going to continue
to send such fruit into the state, Ore
gon will have to compel an inspection
before sale. This is a condition already
imposed by California on fruit shipped
from Oregon.
To Get Motor Car Service.
Pendleton A motor car is to be in
stalled on the Oregon Railroad and
Navigation company's line between
Pendleton and Walla Walla to replace
the steam service now connecting with
the Portland trains. The motor is ex
pected to arrive this month. A motor
service has been in operation between
Dayton and Wallula via Walla Walla
for a month, and is reported as giving
excellent satisfaction to patrons along
the line.
Poultry Show at Woodburn.
Woodburn The second annual ex
hibit of the Clackamas and Marion
County Poultry association will be held
here on February 3, 4, and 5. Many
birds are being entered. H. C. Scholl
haus of Vancouver, Wash., Ib superin
tending the show. The judge is Will
B. Dixon of Oregon City. The secre
tary is Mra. Ella Plank, of Woodburn.
Coos Bay Men Adopt Slogan.
Marshfield "Better fruit, more of it
and better prices," was tho slogan
adopted by the Coos Bay Fruit Growors
association at the annual meeting.
The organization will take atepB to
ward securing a cannery to create a
greater market. P. M. Hall LewiB
was elected president.
Mill City Mill Operates.
Mill City Tho large sawmill be
longing to the Curtiss Lumber com
pany in this city iB again in operation
after a forced lay off of several dayB,
owing to the recent cold weather, and
the large quantity of ice in the North
Sontiam river log pond.
Brick Building for Lebanon.
Lebanon Samuel Labbo & Son havo
let the contract for a brick building,
44x100 feet, with full banement. .Tho
structure will be occupied by the firm
as a furniture and hardware store.
Buys Wallowa Farm.
Joseph S. M. Lozier has purchas
ed the G. C. Gowing farm of 120 acres,
on Prairie creek, for $7,175.
BurnB will have a
steam laundry;
maybe a creamery.
Prolonged Cold Spell Provonts Dig
ging tho Crop.
Salom From $6,000 to $7,000 worth
of potatoes have boen frozon in tho
ground in tho vicinity of Salom sinco
tho recent prolonged cold spoil began
Becauso of peculiar woathor condl
"tions it has boon impossible to dig the
potatoos this fall and probably moro
than half of tho crop still remains in
tho ground and now tho roport comes
from different localities that tho pota
toes in tho ground havo frozon. The
enrth in somo districts is frozen to a
depth of fivo inchos.
Tho oarly fall began with hoovy
rains and tho farmers wero unable to
take care of tho potato crop. Follow
ine tho continued rains camo tho cold
spoil, increasing in sovority until tho
damaga has followed. Somo growers
say that part of thoir crop thut wus
dug was ruined whilo others aro keeping
fires in thoir potato houses all in the
effort to savo the crop that was gnth
Potatoes aro Belling in Salem at 50
cents a bushel, but in viow of tho dam
age done growers confidently expect to
cot $1.25 before tho new crop comes
Irrigate 150 OOO Acres.
Klamath Falls Tho Warner Lako
Irrigation company was recently in
corporatod with a capital stock of
$25,000, for tho purposo of irrigating
a large tract of land in Lnke county
under tho Carey act. The officers of
the company are: W. H. Bradford,
president: E. C. Belknap, vicc-presi
dent; and chief engineer: C. H.
Gleim, secretary; H. B. Millard, as
sistant treasurer and manager.
It is the intention of tho company
to reclaim approximately 150,000
a'-reB. lho Wnrner valley is n beauti
ful district of approximately 100 miles
in length lying in the eastern pnrt of
Lake county. This vnlley is so she
tered by the mountains that it has a
climate all its own; so different iB tho
climate from the surrounding territory
that the Btock men have for years
made a practice of wintering their
sheep and cattle in this district.
Hood River Men Buy O I Land.
Hood River Twenty local capitalists
of Hood River met and organized a syn
dicate to invest in Malheur county oil
lands. Tho company will secure 3,200
acres of land in the southern part of
the county. J. H. Hibbard left for
Vale, Ore., where he will look after
the location and interests of the com
pany. C. L. Morse was elected presi
dent of the local company and A. T
Allon and J. H. Ferguson, secretary
and treasurer, respectively.
Heating Plant at Asylum.
Salem Bids advertised by the state
for the construction of a central heat
ing and ventilating plant for the nsy-
um. The plans wore accepted Inst
week. The cost of the system as auth
orized by the legislature is $55,000,
Bids were advertised once before, but
were rejected because nono were with
in the estimate of tho first plans adopt
Wheat Track prices: Bluestcm,
$1.21; club, $l.ll(7i$1.12; Red Rub
sian, $1.10; Valley, $1.08.
Barley Feed and brewing, $30
30.50 per ton.
Corn Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton
Oats No. 1 white, $32.50033 ton.
Hny Track prices : Timothy: Wit
lnmette Valley, $18(&20 per ton; East
em Oregon, $19(g22; nlfalfa, $17(?D18;
clover, $16(3)17; cheat $1617; grain
Fresh Fruits ApplcB, $1(77)3 box;
pears, $1(5)1. 50 per box; cranberries.
$9 per barrel.
Potatoes Car load buying prices
Oregon, 66(S)85c per sack; sweet pota
toes, 2c per pound.
"Vegetables Artichokes', $1(72)1.25
per dozon ; cabbage, $2 por hundred;
cauliflower, $1.75 per doz.; celery
$3.50 per crate; garlic 10c pound;
horseradish 2c per pound; pumpkins,
1M(3)1Kc; Bprouts, 67c; squash, W)
lc; tomatoes, $1.502.25 per box;
urnips, $1.50 por sack; cairots, $1;
beets, $1.50; parsnips, $1.50.
OnionB Oregon, $1.50 per Back.
Butter City creamery extra, 39c;
fancy outside creamery, 34(ffj39c; store,
22?4c. Butter fat prices average
lc per pound under regular buttor
Poultry Hens, 16j(?)17c; springs,
18c; ducks, 20c; geese, 18c; turkeys,
live, 1920c; dressed, 22K23c.
EggB FreBh Oregon extraB, 39?J40c
per dozen; Eastern, 2527Kc per doz.
Cheese Full cream twins, 18(3)
18c'per pound; young Amcricns, 19
Pork Fancy, lOtfMOc per pound.
Veal Eitras, llX12c per pound.
Cattlo Best steers, $4.76(74; fair
to good,$4.254,50; medium and feed
ers, $3.50(T4; cows, top, $3.50(4,00;
fair to good, $3. 00(5,50 common to
medium, $2.50(77)3.75; bulls, $3.25
5.50; heavy, $4.00(?7J4.75.
Hogs Best, $8,75(77)9.05; medium,
$7.758.50; Btockers, $6.50(71)7.25.
Shoop BeBt wethers, $5.506; fair
to good, $4.50(7j5.00; ewes, c less;
yearlings,, best, $5.00(77)5.25; fnir to
good, $4.504.75; larnbB, $6(77j6,25,
Hops '10 crop, 20(7j22c; olds, nom
inal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1623c
pound; mohair, choice, 25c pound.
Hides Dry hides, 18(7j)18c per
pound; dry kip, 1818c pound; dry
calfskin, 1921Kc pound; salted hides,
lOtTMOKr; salted calfskin, 15c pound:
green, lc less.
Cnrhmnii Aatounds Mllltltuao anu
American OutUoo Him(
Los Antrolos, Jan. 12. Broken roc
ords, thrilling flights with and without
., mill four UOrOIlllUlOS 111 111
lO0Uvu m
ulr at tho same timo, breasting a som
gnlo thai sported daugorously with tho
dolicato contrivances, mado u thrilling
flualo for tho 30,000 spectators at Avi
nt inn flnlil vnHtordnv uftoriiooii that
hud promised only tamo llttlo foats of
Ulonn H. Curtiss, tho sllont Amor
can. dofoated "his mcrcurlaTFroirch
rival, Paulhan, in tho keen raco for
honors, and shattered tho speod roo
ord for nasongor-carrylng aeroplanes,
Rising into tho high wind that hold
tho ponderous dlrlglbloa of lvnauon
shuo and Bonohoy helpless, the Amorl
can ilow a wido circle In front of the
grandstand at tho rato of 55 miles an
hour, with his friend, Joromo
l'aiichuilll, bosidu him.
Not to bo outdouo, Paulhan took ono
nC hin mochnn o aus into his macuine
and ilow twice around tho nillo and
half course. Ho failed to equal tho
speed Curtiss had dovelopod, though ho
covered moro ground than his oppon
In tho beginning Jho intrepid little
Frnnohmnn soomod to have liL'llill IllO
nonollzod all tho honors of tho day
Thrleo ho drovo ono of his big Far
man biplanes aronud tho course, disro
garding tho stilt wind blowing in from
tho soa. Thou, in a tiny Bloriot mono
plaue, that looked liko a huge horse
lly, ho gave tho immonso throng in
tho stands and boxes tho first thrill of
tho dav with an exhibition of norvo
and daring that surpassed anything ho
has heretofore attempted.
Sovornl times sighs of apprehonsloii
and shrieks of nervous women rose
from tho crowd as tho tiny machine,
tosaed bv fierce irusts of wind, rollod
and caroonod in tho air. livery mo
meat wus fraught with daiiKor so grwit
that when the night was saioiy over
and tho monoplane had landed, fur
across the fluid, tho throng applauded
Apparently sccuro In his renewed
rolo of star of tho mooting and do
lighted by tho applause, Paulhan
brought out his Furinnn and flew
twice moro, once going probably two
milos north of tho ininienso aviation
field, out over tho trees of n contigu
ous ranch.
Curtiss remained silent. Garbed In
oil-spotted working clothes, nn old cap
and shoes that had scon duty, ho spent
his timo tuning up tho oight-cylindor
motor on tho biplano with which he
won tho international cup nt Itheims.
Never once did ho look at Paulhan.
When tho fourth flight of tho Far-
mnn ended, tho American's machino
was trundled to tho starting point nnd
without hesitation Curtiss motioned to
Fancullli to get in.
Climbing in beside his passenger, tho
aviator gave tho word to his assistant.
A pop and rattlo liko automatic artil
lery followed and tho most remarkable
flight of tho day had bogun.
Describing n wido circle in front of
tho grnndstnnd, Curtiss flow nt all
angles of tho wind, giving his mana
ger a thrilling night. Ho landed al
most at tho spot from which ho
Lioutonnnt Pnul Hock, of tho army
signal corps, ono of the judces. an
nounced that lie figured tho speed nt
55 milos nn hour. When tho record-
breaking figure wore nostod. tho
crowd wont wild. Shouts nnd choors
roso from the seats, automobile sirens
shriokod and hats wero thrown un in I
tho nir to bo blown nvny by the wind
rauiuan, standing uosldo his biplano
. ,, , .. . 7 . . . ...
on tno side oi tho hold, saw the per
formance through binoculars. Ho
dropnod them suddenly, gesticulating
wildly as ho rattled off instructions to
his crow, sending thorn racing to start
his motor. Thon ho mountod his goat
and roso mnjosticallv. At Alio same
timo Willard and Hamilton brought
tuoir machines to tho start in front of
tho grandstand. As they roso. Curtiss
bockoncd to Clifford Harmon, tho New
York sportsman nnd balloonist, and
swopt upward again. Tho four aoro
pianos circled tho courso and tho
crowd cheered with ronowod fronzy.
Paulhan landed In a few minutes,
uotorminod to regain somo of bin lost
lntirols. Ho ordered ono of his assist
ants into tho soat with him. Thon
ho nroso and twico circled tho circuit,
his groat biplano soaring as gracofully
wim mo oxirn man as it nad onn
with rnulhan nlono.
In quick succession, Curtiss tried fo
a starting record and a record for
landing. Ho Bucceodcd in establishing
ijuwi, uui, wiiinru, coming noxt to tho
trial at landing, beat tho host his ehlnf
could do. Curtiss, howovor, sot a now
record ror gotting away, rising from
tho ground 08 feet from tho start in
0 2-5 seconds from tho timo his engine
Paulhan trlod to boat bntli mnrifn
but tho best ho could d
in 12 socondH from thn 11 run 1i 1 nn.
gmo started, nnd li s mnchlnn mn
moro man iuu reot along tho ground
uuiuju it rune.
Hordors Dio in Storm.
Casper, Wyo Jan. 12. Hnlnfml m.
ports from tho snow-bound rnngo
country indlcato that a inimbor of
shoop hordors mot death with their
flocks in tho oxtromolv enlil
of Hocomber. Antonio Oalorizo, who
stuck to his Bhoop through a blizzard
lasting 21 hours, succumbod to an at
tack of pneumonia after reaching
camp. Tom Mahonoy, who drlftod
boforo a storm of throo days and
nights, had both hands and feol
f 1O7.0II,
Cannon Is No Qulttor.
Washington, Jan. 12.8poakor Can-
Yuii uHKou about n roport ho
d not bo a cnmtlilntn ii..
sneakers!! p of tho next congross, do
dared today that ho would quit nubile
life when his constituents failo, to
oloct him and not before, nnd that hn
had not the slightest IntoSon of ro
tiring from tho spoakorship.
FIND Nlllil 1, 1(1 n
m iiiwmmi Muiinvi w uiiu i iiiiii
w - "Mil
Deeply Involved.
rnilNni UPUHPDC nniir.. .
uuuuuiu inL.inuL.niJ UUUUIll I
- v nnion.. o i . . .
""" w.nwui a wnuum fVOprr toy
men wnom I hoy Brlbod to Public Money.
Pittsburg, ,Tnn, Iff. President Jj,
Jo n ii Intra and Vlnn. I'm.
ft - 1... M. -
arlllln of lho Columbia National 1
Max 0. Leslie, county delinquent '
oollootor and ox-Kopubllcan city th
i Jiuiviiri, ox cnnniii.
nnd V. F. Nicola, a eniiltnlinf H
ostnto operator wero arrostcd toriW
warrants issued bv DUit-ui
Blakoly, charging then,, 3
ncy to eauso tho selection of thlv
Itimbla National bank ns a e ?!
positorv. c'v
I I.llll.... T... .11. .
l lm "J ... IIIIW1IIUI IIIIII f I Ifllflai ..11
that for two yours ho made n tm.
i it
Tho chnrges aro tho ru,.n
ii i t p.
nw.uM.un oi juuo, when it ,,
brought out that coiuieilmeti j,ni W
g.d.yhad7ko,r;7;,l;por rt?
other cases. As no decision eeS
likely until Mnrc h. wlu.n m. .;:.Ti
of limitation would lmv '.
those arrested today, the d.stnct it
torney took summary action.
It is cli arced in "ilm i. .t... ,
-May, JliOS Stewart, as n,?
Milieitod from Griffin 17,000 f $
veto and influonco hi tn
dJiuuice that authorised the (ohimh.
-National bk depository ft
Uo charged that Nicola mangel J
wove on the part of Htowart. (irS,
I c"7rKi with conspiracy to dcfraW
he city by corrupting member 0f tu
ity council mid it l fnri..
-V00 for their votes and i!i.Iu,DCe
favor of (ho ordinance '
-2,.,00 to influence coi.ncilmaiuc voltt
U in also charged that boforo tho trnS
uiry investigated this charuo LmIiI
porjurod himself In denying that h
had received any navmenu tnr ...
purpose whatever from any of tho an
Dcop-Sea Artist Wins Desperate Tfitt
on ucoan Bottom.
T . ...
i-om; uoach. c .. Jim. isr .
from nssistnncu from nUv a t.
hrlsty, profossioiinl
Hpent tho worst 15 minutes of Ids li't
today in dosporato battlo on tho Mi
wuuiii wiin n Jargo devilfish.
v.... .si, m, KtU)0 own t0 in t
h0 (niSSOHS and tiinr nt ll. .u.
wharf for tho fit v. T.i w-n,i.i
round ho taiiL'led his bfn! in ft itn ia
that when ho felt the octopus ioii in
leg he was tillable fo givo tho ligwl
for liMonding.
rreeiving thnt tho lino was f.ut Iw
iirned to the oelotnis. wlnrh bv tUt
tilllO hml foiir tOIlllielon wmnn.l rnnn.1
his loft loir. Pivn timnH I... .in.wi
tho monster with his hit
nife nnd each time severed a ti'ntnclt
At Jnt, the octopus moved away sal
liristy htlStttllod to M(rniirlitin nut tt
ife lno nnd gavo tho signal fo U
hatilod up. Ho has been in a ft
bordering on nervous collapse ever
(dnee, but his condition is not sorioot
Walsh Signs Agroomont.
, f 'hiego, .Jan. 1C John 11. WnUb to
day attached his signature to tho nirrce
meiit of sottlomont of his financial
troubles and sent It to tho First Trait
ami .Savings bank, to bo held until the
guarantors of tho note sign thoir part
ft the agreement. Tho signature giVM
t tho Associated Hanks of Chicago,
which bnckod tho adjustment ot
Walsh's financial affairs after hU
banks were suspended in 10u5, tb
$1 1,0.10,000 in securities ho put up to
cover a note for $7,121,887 in return
for tho oancelod note. In addition, th
banks will got 4000.000 from the guar
antors signing tho note, who are then
t he given tho 9 19,000 in sccurltlci
inoy put up jih surety.
Port Arthur to Bo Open.
Washington, Jan. 15. Notico to tho
intention of tho Jnpauoso government
to ojion Port Arthur to world wido com
moreo In indicated in Tokio dispatches
to tho Japanese Kmbnssy about two
months ago, but It was said tho issuing
of tho order would bo withheld until
tho government was able to fix tho
oxuet dato for tho oponing. Tho pur
pose is not to imikn l'ort Arthur a free
port in tho sonso of Hamburg, whew
goods may enter free of duty ana bo
placod in bond, but simply to put It on
tho footing of Now York or any otter
commercial city.
Harvostor Company Waxoa Tot,
Now York, Jan. 15. Another "we1
on" of largo proportions tho ui""'
tuition of rtUO.000.000 in common Htock
-Ih to bo glvon to tho stockholders of
tho International Harvester company
Tho now stock is to bo distributed
ratably ns n stock divldond to tho pro)'
out 110,000,000 of common Block. Th
directors of tho compnny hnvo rocom
mondod that tho ontlro $80,000,000 ot
stock ho placod on a -1 per cont divr
dend basis, beginning noxt April.
Bwitchmon War StilL On.
Wmhin.,in.. Tii is An airrcomonj
botwoon tho railroads oporatlng out o
Chicago nnd thoir flwltchmon in ot y
In sight. Conferences botwoon tho p
tlos involved and tho modiators unJ
tho Knlman act havo boon in progro"
for throo days.