SMITH PAYS SB follows for good, fresh pro duco ho novor charges .com mission: Livo Chickens 15c Dressed Chickens. . . 10c to 17c Live Ducks ...16c to 18c DrcBsed Gccao, 16o Dressed Turkeys, .. 250 Drcsqcd Hogs . . . . . 100 DrcBsed Veal up to 180 Iba 11c Largo Veal Less. Address, FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fighting the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON. That Kent ISstute Auont. HouBo-huntor Soom to mo this houso Isn't very woll built. Tho floor ihakoB whan wo walk. Agont Um y-o-nj that's tho now kind of spring (loor for dancing, you know. UouBohuntor And these stairs croak terribly. Agent Y-o-s; wo furnish this now pacnt burglar alarm stalrcaso with out extra charge Leslie's Weekly. Jfo Clinnce for nu Arjrcunent. "If you hnd any llfo In you, Henry," ho snapped, "You'd co out thoro and fire th cook!" "But I haven't, you see, Flo," h pla cidly yapped; And ho burled himself In a book. Chicago Tribune Only One "UROMO QUININC" That Is LAXATIVK 11HOMO QUININE. Look fur ths sltrnaturo of K. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 26c Troubles of Uio AnelVHt,' Fonelopo was bowalllng tho protract ed absence of Ulysses, "I might an woll bo tho wife of n commercial traveler," alio said, "and bo dons with lti" Scorning to avail hcrsolf of an cany divorce, aho plunged deeper than over Into tho pages of the Lndlea' Homo Journal for consolation. SEEDS Catalogue for tho Asking Send for It. J. J. BUTZER 188 Street Front Portland, Oregon Some Excellent Rooms Still on Sale (or CLARK'S CRUISE OP THE "CLEVELAND" R 18,000 Tons, Brand New and Supctbly Fitted D OUND THE WOE rnOM SAN FRANCISCO FEB. 5, 1910 ONE STEAMER lor the Entlro Crulso of nearly four months, costing only ICoO and up. Including nil necessary expense. ROUTCi Japan, China, Philippines, Borneo, Java, Hurmo. India, Ceylon, Crypt, Italy, etc. An unusual chance to visit unusually attractive places. ism. ORIENT CRUISE February 6. 1910. by 8. 8, "GroMer Kurfuent" 73 days, Including 24 clay Btryptand Palestine. V100 up, Including bold, shore excursion!, etc ItANK C. CtAflK Times Bide. New York ainless Dentistry Oot of townptopl can b tlolr plutf end uriueoHcrx on l.tiort id cue da) V. nertmsr. Wi mill lit yea s eooi 22k giii or porcilt" ercnlor $3.60 5.0C 22VrjridffeTth 3.50 OolJ fllllngi 1.00 Enimil rillinji 1.00 6ii;.r rillirn .50 lliy rilllnjl 2,50 Good (lubbtr piitii 5.00 Dili Red "lb. , tirPItt. 7.50 PtlnUiibtfiton ,50 ' i OH, W, . Vflll, rnnmi in Mtvu ll uui uuitaaii n nmin mitoetl. Modern elnctrlo cqolpment. Most nistboiU. Wise Dental Co. TnraDWni,HTit. PORTI-AND, OREGON OrXIOS UOURII S St. X. Hlli W. IMMJIi VH . A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Means an unfailing water supply. It means Uiat you will havo the moat practl. cal Domeatlo water supply system now In use. No elevated tank, no frozen pipes In winter, no stagnant water In summer, no wator supply troubles of any sort. Tank placed In basement, out of sight and way. mado of pressed steel, will not rust and will last a lifetime, . . You will be pleased with the LEADER system of furnishing Domestic Water Bupr'y. Ask for ouf catalogue and free booklet, "How I flolyod My Water Supply Problem," LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. E eJaVassm. irnt- TVwj I A Ken! Danger. "Gentlemen," said the president of tho public servlcs corporation, In his address to the stockholders, "It Is my duty and plcasuro to Inform 'yoif that our balance shoot for the year now closing will show a' highly satisfactory condition of affairs, We hdvo addod matorlally to our assets, and our prof Its have boon such that we shall be able ,to declare a very- handsome divi dend. In fact, gentlemen," ho agded, lowering his voice, "our prosperity Ivea mo somo uneasiness. I cannot disguise or conceal from you an appre hension that J. Plcrpont Morgan may have found It out and may bp evon now preparing to open his Jaws and engulf this corporation In his capaoloua and insatlablo mawl" A dense silence ensued, and a thrill of horror ran through the assembly. Woll may we ask, "Who is safe these days ?" Chicago Tribune. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnilow's Soothing Byrup the bs t roihcdr to use for tholr chUdroa during the toothing period. ( , Sluorl HnrrrnKtle. Vomen of tho Maori tribe of New Zealand are now appearing as features of tho stiow at tho lllppodromo lu Now York City, and as they are educated and cultivated persons, and have the right to full suffrago in their native land, they choso threa delegates to rep resent them at Mrs. Pankhurst'a lec ture in Carncglo hall recontl. They woro Klrl Matao, wid,ow of an old Maori chief; Wnapl, a young political leader and a prohibltloitlBt, and Orana, who Is 21, and cast her voto for tho ConBorvatlves at the last election. Eng lishmen In Now Zoaland havo extend ed to women all tho rights they them selves havo, and that Mrs. Pankhurot and tho English suffragettes of all sorts ask for. Springfield Republican. No Misrepresentation. Doardor (at summer resort) Didn't your booklet say there were no mos quitoes horo7 Proprlotor It did. sir, and It told tho exact truth. Vo had thtvbooklot print ed In February, and I am proparcd to provo that thoro wasn't a blamed (slap) mosquito within 600 mllos of hero at that time. Chicago Tribune. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINtMCNT Is guaranteed to cure any case of ItchlngHllnd. Weeding or Protruding: 1'iles in 0 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c Blot SIncliltie for Suicide. Washington. "Drop a penny In tho slot and (ret a ticket to tho other world" might bo tho Inscription on a machine thut Is suggested by Rev. Dr. Donald Guthrie, of Daltlmoro. Dr. Guthrlo was talking on "Calvinism" at tho closing session of tho synod of Daltlmoro at tho Metropolitan Presby terlan Church here. At tho closo of a plea for a wholesome, enthusiastic In- torcflt in llfo, ho said: "Life has bo- como so meaningless and so useless to somo that I advocato the setting up ot a sulcldo machine where ono can deposit a cent and bo killed cosily and respectably." f Children Like m am umn tor (uM.stf(iM It is to pleasant to take stops the cough so quickly. Absolutely safe too and contains no opiates. All DruggUtt, 25 cents. FERRY'S To crow tho Un ci I nowrn auu most Iu.vIouj vc(TCtab!e. plant tno uosi seeds. Terry s Bonds aro wn becaus tney novcriwunyiciu or QUOUty. Uio nets narucii- ers and farmers ovcrywnero lrnmr 1'crry's loodi to bo tno blsbcit itandard of quality yet aiininuu. Arw everywhere. y ixaars tsio scd Anmut Froo oa request d. u. raxt 4 co., emorr, wen. The MUelnir I'nrt. Landlady You say the chicken soup Isn't good? Why, I told tho cook how to mako It. Perhaps sho didn't catch tho Idea. Boarder No; 1 think it was tho chlckon sho didn't catch. The Cough of Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air ind good fpood are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence, we suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick ling, quiets the cough. A We publish our formulas J from ourmealelass ijers We urce you to sonsult your dostor One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause an Increased flow ot bile, and produce a fentle laxative effect the day following, brmula on each box. Show it to your doctor. He will understand at a glance. Doae, one pill at bedtime. Kads by tat J, O. Ay st 0., LswtU. Mass', - COST OF A SILK KIMONO. Cook Three Women nnil Plve Af.ert a 11 x Value on One In IOtilaTlIIe. It took five mon and three women it tho custom house nnd tho silk buyer of a LoulBvllIo department fix tho value of a kimono which arrived at tho office of tho surveyor of customs for appraisement, tho Times of that city says. It was a dainty silken thing, laven dor In color, which lay on the table of Cashier Thomas for two hours. Tho garment was sent to tho custom houso by tho postmaster at Somerset, Ky., who received it a few days ago through tho mall from Japan, ilo did not send in ho address of tho owner. ThlB was aggravating to the young woman oxporta called in. "I know every woman in Somerset," ono said, "and I'd Just like to know who Is go ing to wear that," For half an hour It puzzled Surveyor Taylor and two or three of his men assistants' to discover . Just what tho garmqnt was. "It looks to mo like tho court gown if the queen of Zanzibar," said Clay J.llller, who measures steamboats nnd superintends tho loading of merchan dise at tho custom houso depot. "Don't you know anything at all 7" exclaimed one of tho women clerks, pushing her way through the puzzled group. "Why, that's a kimono," "What In tho thunder is a kimono?" Inquired Deputy Sam Barber. "They don't have that kind of thing down In Dath County, where I came from." Finally when the officials decided that there was nothing dangerous about the garment thoy started in Ax ing tho value. It was estimated to bo worth all tho way from $1.50 to $1G0.' Tho kimono was Anally carried to a department store, whore tho silk buyer said It was worth $14. Later the kimono was bundled into a box nnd started back to the Somer set postmaster with instructions ix chargo tho owner $8.20 duty. THE SELF-SMOKING PIPE. An Interextltiir Kxiierlmctit That In Kually Performed. After Ailing a decanter about two thirds full of water closo It by means of a cork provided with two apertures. Through ono of these, pass a short pipe stem, affix a cork provided with two apertures. The apertures may be easily formed by means of a red-hot 1'jpe. poker. Tho later aperture serves to Ax tho pipe. Finally, with tho other cork and a bent tube, form a siphon. After tho latter has been primed and is onco in operation It will tend to empty tho decanter, and tho vacuum formed will bo Immediately Ailed by tho external air flowing In through tho plpo. It Is then only necessary to light tho latter In order to seo It "smoko Itself" tranquilly as long as any wator remains in tho decanter. This experiment Is very Interesting nnd may easily bo performed. Scleu tlAc American. A Future Argument. If tho adoption of aeroplanes means an end .to war, it cannot, according to tho Cloveland Plain Dealer, mean an ond to somo ot thoso disputes which mako llfo for somo people a perpetual dobating school. "Good gracious," Bald Mrs. Ebbs, "Isn't that your husband across tho street thoro quarreling with the man on Uio opposlto porch?" "Oh, thoy'ro not really quarreling," said tho wlfo of tho man In question. "Thoy dlsputo that way every night. Georgo is a monoplnnlst, and Mr. Stlg t;lns Is a blplanlst" Terror of tho Dlrds. First Yokel Wot about thoso yert. halryplanos? Second Yokel I'd llko to seo 'em all gormod! LaBt week wo 'ad threo chlck on run ovor by them motors, and now tho pigeons won't dare Ay about In case somo hnlryplano sli'ld cut 'em down. Llfo ain't wot It usod tor be." M. A. P. Took TIioiii lu Too. "Tho peoplo on that farm aro such warnvheartod,' hospitable folks. Thoy will tako anybody In." "I know thoy will. Wo boarded with them last summer." Daltlmoro Amer ican. Iiom Dnd to Worse. Dlobbs Why don't you consult a doctor about your insomnia? Slobbs Whatl And run up tnoro bills? Why, It's bocauflo ot what I owo him now that I can't sleep. Tlt-BIts. Not Acquainted vrlth It. "Pa, what's a slno qua non?" "Oh, pshnw, don't ask mel I ain't had my automobile long enough to loam about all of theso technical name yet." Chicago Record-Herald. feSfejtfcience Puro radium never has been pro duced, the almost priceless metal al ways being in combination, either a chloride or a bromide. Tho British government has organ ized a special department In- connec tion with its national physical labora tory for the investigation of problems of aerial construction and navigation. An automatic time signal sent out from the Hamburg observatory by tele phone to all instruments connected with tho systom of that city has been heard as far as Copenhagen nnd Paris, In tho spring of 1909 seventeen American ro'bln redbreasts, male and female, after being confined for a time In a large aviary near Guildford, in Surrey, England, were set at liberty. They built nests In tho surrounding trees, nnd in a short time there were some thirty young robins added to the folony. Efforts are being made to re tain them in the neighborhood dur ing the winter, and it Is hoped that thus tho American redbreast may bo come a permanent addition to the bird population of England. Tho Electrician notes some Interest ing facts about the ventilation of tho great Slmplon tunnel. Tho change from steam to electric traction has not altered the arrangements for'ventlla Hon. Tho two entrances, at Brlgue, Switzerland, and Iselle, Italy, aro cov ered, excopt at the moment when jx train enters or leaves, by huge cloth icreenB, which aro automatically raised and lowered by electricity. Two electric fans, nearly ten feet In di ameter, and making 350 turns per rain ute, drive air into, the tunnel at Briguo at tho rate of 1,000 HterB per lecond, and a similar station at Iselle draws air from the tunnel. The air- pressure on tho screen at Brlgue amounts to four kljograms per square meter, while on the screen at Isella the pressure Is twelve kilograms per square meter.. Max Bermann of Budapest has re cently shown that the spark rays made by the Incandescent particles thrown off from iron and steel when put upon an emery wheel afford a means of test ing tho composition of the metals. Carbon steels, manganese steel, nnd Bteels containing tungsten and nickel, each give a characteristic spark, of different forms and colors, which are easily distinguishable. The form of the spark picture changes with the quantity of carbon. Even so slight a difference as .01 per cent of carbon, Mr. Bermann says, can be detected in this manner. Pointed branching lines denoto carbon steel; tool steel shows the appearance of "blossom" on the branches; tungsten steel gives red- streaked rays arid shining points, "with litle balls thrown out of the formation," and "an explosion appear anco in tho articulation" denotes the presence of molybdenum, vanadium or titanium. COW IN A PAHLOB. It Took Possession of the Ifouao When the Fnmlly Was Array. The placidity ot the cow has been a proverb for all time. That she is ?ndowed with a good bump of the "curiosity that killed a cat" a subur banlte learned to his sorrow one day this summer. Mr. Blank lives In the east end with his family of wlfo and Ave children, the Louisville Times says. They havo n cow that Is a pet, having been raised from babyhood and now furnishing all tho lacteal Auld and by-products used by the family. Not bo long since, after Blank had como In town for tho day, Mrs. Blank took the children and went for a day's outing to a neighboring suburb, leav ing tho house (supposedly) carefully closed and the cow In her stable. But missing familiar forms and the sounds of domestic activity, she grew lone some nnd managed to escape the in closure and came into the yard and proceeded to investigate. Sho climbed tho steps to the back porch, consumed threo loavos of bread left by the bak er's boy. Sho succeeded in getting the kltchon door open, where slie devoured all but the granitewnre part of a three pound crock of butter. Her nppetlte still unnppeased, she also ato tho fancy paper off tho shelves, and in so doing pulled down all tho tinware and scattered It about the floor. Sho could not work tho combination on tho Ice-box, so moved on through tho dining room Into tho sitting room. Mr. Blank had the day before purchased four new Bhlrts nt $1.50 each, and those had been sent home and were left In a bundlo on tho couch. She "considered" theso, ate all but a few fragments, and wont on her way. She wrecked chairs, and even a bed, and upsot the contents of table3 by pulling at nnd eating the covers. When the family came back lato that evening an nffoctlonate "moo" of welcomo greeted them from tho cow, her head thrust through tho parlor window. Mr. Blank said it took ten mon and a derrick to got tho cow out of tho houso, and tho cost of repairing damagos would purchase enough -milk and butter for tho family for a year, "Bans care." There's a cow for sale; sho's no longer a big hit in tho fam ily. Peoplo novor havo confldenco In a Big Talker. Thoy know hU state ments must be cut down, but thoy can oevor tell hor much. Hood's Sarsaparilla ts tho World's Greatest Blood Purifier and Strength-Giver. It builds you up. Accept no sub stitute, but insist on having Hood's, and get it today. In u.unl 1'quid form or chocolated tab ets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses $1. The Label Language. "There's a languago In hotel labels, the same as In stamps or flowers," laid a courier. "All over Europe tho hotel porters pasto the hotel labels on jrour trunks In such a way that the porters In future townB will know what sort of a tipper you aro. "Up at the top of the trunk the la bel means you ar generous. In the middle it means you're a middling sort Down very low It .means you aro no good." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Soars tho Signature of The Nature Place. He What is the latest topic of household Interest my dear? She Oh, the fall housecleaning Just now Is on the carpet. Baltlmora American. Biliousness "I have used your valuable Cascarcta and I find them oerfect. Couldn't do without them. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now completely cured. Recom mend them to everyone. Once tried, you will never be without them in the family." Edward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y. CUT THIS OUT. mail It with your ad dress to the Sterling Remedy Company. Chicago. III., and rec Ivp a handsoma sou venir Gold Bon Bon FREE. IFYOUVE 3 NEVER WORN -rUOTSs natwr SUCKER you've yet to learn trie bodilv comfort ft gives in the wettest weather MADE FOR hAno.SERWCE AND GUARANTEED WATERPROOF 322 AT Alt GOOD STOBIS catalog rats T JUTOWtO CD. BOSTOH.UUL ton cmusuh u uwTr.D.TOHNraoui j7 II SSSSSSSSSSSK m PLEINE tut STEADY WHITE LIGHT Genuine it mcan3' They fit like a rest and relief. No them on and off like a provides perfect fit over fSESSwtrW iff ") Biiimiirmx r 4 1 KWif know how comfortable a good looking 8hoe can be until you have worn MARTHA WASHINGTON COMFORT SHOES ' Beware of Imitations. Only the genuine and Mayer trade Mark stamped on the Your dealer will supply you; if not, FREE If you will send us the name of a dealer who does not handle Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, we will 31 send you tree, postpaid, a Dcauurui picture oi marina , Washington. Slse 13 x w. Ve also make Honor bllt Shoes for men, Leading; Lady Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special Merit School anoes ana worx onoes. F. MayerBoot&ShoeCo. MILWAUKEE, WIS. KM sfere sis Tss, A man was waiting patiently for street car the other day at a transfer station, says the Boston Record, when a woman, highly excited, rushed up to him, and, cried, "Are you the man here?" "I don't understand," he said. "Aro you the man here?" she ra peated. "No, madam," he said, concealing a smile. "Tho man hero is that man ovor there." Instant Relief for All Eyes that are irritated from dust, heat, Bun or wind, PETTIT'S EYE SALVE. All Hnifro-iHtn or Hownrd Bros.. Buffalo. No Trouble Olherirlse. Professor (of English literature) At times you And It difficult, I dare say, to comprehend the Involved style of Mr. James. Miss do Mulr O, no, professor I never have any difficulty In under standing him. The only trouble I have Is to find out what ho Is driving at. HOWARD E. JJURTOS - Amwrer and Choml.t, lailrille, Colorado. Bpecimon price: Uold, aiK.p. 1mA. II. Onld. Ullvet. 16a: uold. U)c: .mo or CoDtwr. tl. MaIIIiik enrolope nnd foil price list ont on application. Control snd Umplro works. .6- Holloa. Awierencei iaiwusw ...uuiuu SEND FOR PRICES AND BUY YOUR GROCERIES WHOLESALE Portland Wholesale Grocery Co., 264i Taylor St Portland. Ore. COFFEEC TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CLOSSETaDEVERS PORTLAND. ORE. MODERN EXPER7 DENTISTRY At Prices that Defy Competition rccnt WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY PAINLESS EXTRACTION - SILVER FILLINGS ..50c u GOLD FILLINGS $1,22: 22K GOLD CROWN f"22 GOOD RUBBER PLATE SS'Sx THE BEST RUBBER PLATES v?5'25? WHALEBONE PLATES .SlO.Op Out-of-town patient can obtain perfect worts and save money by calling at oar office. NO STUDENrS NO GAS NO COCAlHB All work guaranteed for ten years CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323H Washington SL. Cor. Sixth Established 15 yean. Here to stay; PN U No. 3-10 WHEN -writlnr; to advertisers please tnonliiin ttits paper. A flavoring used the same as lemon or TanlTIa, By dissolving granulated sugar in water ana adding Mapleine. a delicious syrup is made and a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by grocers. If not send 35c for 2 oz. bottle and recipe book. Crescent Mfg-. Co., Seattle, Wn. 3r The RAYO LAh.P Is a high grade lamp fold at a low price There are lamps that cost more but there is no better lamp, at any price. The Buruer, the Wick, the Chimney-Holder all are vital things In a lamp; these parts of the RAYO. LAMP are perfectly constructed aim there Is nothing: known In the art of lamp-making that cnuld add to th value ot the RAYO as a llght-pl ving device. Suitable for any room In tho houso. Every dealer everywhere. If not at roars, write for descriptive circular to th nearest Ageucy of the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Martha Washington Comforr Shoes comfort that's what to wear the stylish Martha Washington Comfort Shoes. clove, and insure complete buttons or laces just slip slipper. Elastic at the sides any instep. You will never haoe tho name Martha Washington j sole. Refuse substitutes. write to us. mm llsl SSl .XNVCCVSW 1