The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 06, 1910, Image 7

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nrl infill nav followH for coon.
rat Btuu wo novor cnarga com
mission on anything:
Voal under 130 lbs 110
Largo voal less, according to
ulzo and quality.
Drosflcd Hogs 9Jo
Hons and Springs, alive 140
Hens and Springs, dressed. .
,. ...... 15 to 16o
Turkeys, dressed 22Jo
Gccbo, dressed 160
Ducks, dressed 20o
"FishUng the Beef TnuT
A Jllruclfs of Science.
shown to bo possible another
UWtll W v w a. m . w
. i i I at m. Utt ill la
ilUIUblUU VwUlU lilt? V MMWUS M fcvwva,-
in run iimrnrv ni inn ninnm inconiu
mum speed on railways is no niguer
-ilny than It was sixty yoars ago,
though, of course, the train loads aro
very different. Will It b so with the
aoroplanoT '
A reep Abend.
They were about to open the Tana
ma canal in due form.
"What are we waiting for7" asked
the man who was to dsllvor the ora
tion. "We aro waiting," answered the mas
ter of ceremonies In a husky whlspor,
"to seo If wo can't scare up a few
American built ships to go through
nratJ" ChlcnKo Tribune.
At Prices that Defy Competition
iceni without plates a specialty
t!K GOLD CftOWN 0.00
Uut-of-lown patient can obtain perfect work
and uvo monry by calllnif at our office.
All work mi o rant owl for Um cm
323 H Washington SL. Cor. SUth
Eut)Uhi IS yaara. Hra to sUy.
Meana an unfalllmr wator aupply. It
mean that you win hava Ilia moat practi
cal Domestic water auuply aystem now In
um, No elevated tank, no frotn pipes In
winter, no stagnant wutar In summer, no
water supply troubles of any aort Tank
placed In bailment, out of sight ami way,
matte of prraaoU atret, will not ruat and
will last a lifetime.
You will be pleased with the LEADKIt
sy.tem of furnlhtn Domestic Water
Supr y. Ak lor our rataloirua and fro
booklet. "How I Bolved My Water -upply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
To travol East
la via the
Oregon Railroad
Navigation Company's
Oregon-Washington Limited
Portland to Chloaso
Chicago-Portland Special
Chicago, St. LouU, Etc.
"Train da Lux." to St. Paul
Latest equipment, Pullman,
Tourist and Dining Cars, electric
lighted and up-to-date. Clock
Signal System Portland to Chicago.
For lltoraturo, rates, reserva
tions, etc., call on or writ to any
0. K. & N, agont, or to
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon s
Old Favorites
Tlio Volunteer OrjtaiiUt.
A preacher In a vitiligo church one
Sunday mornlntf Haiti:
"Our oruanlst Is 111 to-day; will some
ono play Instead 7"
An anxious loolt crept o'er tho faco ol
every person there,
An citRorly they watched to see who'd
fill that vacant chair.
A man then staggered down tho aisle
whoso clothes wero old and
How strange a drunkard seemed to mo
in church on Bunday morn I
Hut an ho touched tho organ keys,
without a slnglo word,
Tho melody that followed was tho
b woo tent over heard.
Tho sceno was ono I'll ne'er forgot as
long as I may llvo,
And just to sco It o'er again all earth
ly wealth I'd give.
Tho congregation all amazed, the
preacher, old and gray,
Tho organ and the organist who vol
untcercd to play.
Each cyo iihcd tears within thai
church, the strongent men grow
Tho organist In melody had told hU
own llfo'n talo.
The sermon of tho preacher was no
IcHRon to compare
With tHat of llfo's examplo who sat In
tho organ chair.
And when tho service endod not a soul
had left u neat
Kxcopt tho poor old organist, who
started toward tho streoL
Along the aisle and out tho door ho
ulowly passed away;
Tho preacher toho and softly said
"Good brethren, let us pray."
Tlu Winner nml the Montr.
A, sinner was wandering at oventldo;
Ills tcmptor was wutchlng clono by at
his Hide;
In his heart raged a battle for right
agalnnt wrong;
But hark! from tho church ho hears
tho nvveot song,
"Jcsuh, lover of my soul,
J-at mo to Thy boom llyl"
IIo llngorod and Untuned to every sweet
IIo remembered the time ho once loved.
tho Lord.
Come on, says tho tcmptor, como on
with tho throng:
Dut hark! from tho church again swells
tho sung:
"While tho billows near mo roll,
While tho tempest still Is high!"
O, tempter, depart, I have served thoe
too long,
I fly to tho Saviour. Ho dwells in tho
O Lord, can It be that a sinner llko mc,
May find a sweet refugo by coming to
"Other refuge havo I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on thee."
I come, Lord, I come, Thou'll forgivo
mo dark pnst,
And O, receive my soul at last
Will L. Thompson.
Iliirliuuy In Pnnincllmi
Duyx Slum OnVuatvn Tliitn JVow.
When Professor Abbott travels from
New York to Princeton ho passes
through long linos of cows, tobacco
pouches, whisky bottles, suspondcrs
and goldon promises of health, happi
noss and wealth through tho eating of
various breakfast foods. Most travel
ors And In theso tho ovldonces of a
brutal commercialism; the man who
knows his Romnns knows that they
aro n classical survival.
In a way tho highway advertising
In Pompeii was more offensive than
tho cont'ewnpornry outbreak of bad
tnsto In public appeals; In Pompeii the
advertisements wero put on the walls
of private houses, and even on the
tombs! We havo not yet put our ceme
teries to this use. Professor Abbott
reprints some of these announcements,
largoly of a political character, lndl
eating, nB ono would expect, that
Pompeii, being in a city in which vice
was reduced to a acionco, had a Tarn
many Hall of its own, and there were
people In tho town in revolt against
tho desecration. On one wnll an indig
nant cltlzon put his disgust in words
which still survive: "I wonder, O
wnll, that you havo not fallen in ruins
from supporting tho tiresome produc
tions of so many Writers." On a monu
ment not far from Romo this prayer
of a righteous man found: "Bill post
er, I beg you to pass this monument
by. If nny candidate's name shall
have boon painted upon It, .may ho Buf
fer defeat nnd may ho nevor win nny
ofilcol" It Is amusing to rend the post
er announcing that "tho farmora nom
tnato M. CaBsollius Marcollus as
rodllo." Evidently there wero granger,
boforo Kansas! It is encouraging to
bo assured In largo letters of Q. Brut
tills Balbits that "ho will guard the
treasury," and of a certain Julius
Polyblus that "ho supplied good
broad." We aro romlnded that there
1b nothing now undor the nun by the
declaration concerning n candidate
that "ball players support him." Out
look. The Hot Air Fiii-unoo.
Thero was a young publisher Who
mado a suddon fortuno by appealing
to that largoly neglected class which
wo call Society. Gaining riches, tho
young publisher retired and was soon
loss and less In his old haunts.
"Wioro'fl LawrencoT" aomo ono
asked of "Mr. Dooloy."
Dooley nnowerod: "Oh, ho'a up town
Just now, warming hU hands nt tho
Social Roglater," Success Magazine.
We havo observed that tho man
who Bhouts loudest for Fair Play
wants something more than that for
Acta directly and peculiarly on
tho blood; purifies, enriches and
revitalizes it, and in this way
builds up the whole system.
Take it. Get it today.
In usual liquid form or chocolated tab
lets called Baraotabs. 100 Doses $1.
One Bucceaaful Case.
"Doctor, you're not so foolish as to
think you can make people good by
performong operations on tham, are
you 7"
"That deponds upon what you call
making people good. You can oheck
their disposition to commit crime."
"As, for example"
"Well, I onco knew a man who was
cured, by a simple operation, of a' ten
dency to rob banks and hold up rail
way trains,"
"Did you porform It, doctor?"
"No; I was merely called on to ver
ify the result after the operation was
"Well, who did perform U7"
"A frontier sheriff." Chicago Trib
une Died nt Efarhtr-elfflit ns 2rdleta.
Prophesying early In life that she
would live to too her eighty-eighth
birthday. Miss Julia H. Hancock, of
Brockton, Mass., died a few days ago
on the day she had previously set for
hor death. Infirmities of age are given
as the cause. She gave no particular
reason for her prediction, although she
soemod Imbued with the belief that her
prophecy would come true.
For who, to dumb forgetfulness a prey,
That letter in his pocket e'er resign
ed, Without receiving, on some later day,
A good-sized portion of somebody's
Save This Becipe for Colda.
"Mix half pint of good whiskey with
two ounces of glycerine and add one
half ounco Concentrated nine compound.
The bottlo is to be well shaken each
time and used in doses of a teaspoonful
to a tablesnoonful every four hours."
Any druggist has those ingredients or
lie will got them from his wholesale
houso. This is wonderfully effective.
The Concentrated pine is n special
pine product and comes only in half
ounco bottles, each enclosed In an air
tight caso, but be sure it is labeled
What 'a In o NnmeT
An amuBlng story has been told con'
cerning Mr. Phillips' classic drama,
"Ulysses." When It was being played
In America, two young girls wero sit
ting together In the stalls at a matinee
performance, and before the curtain
rose the following conversation was
heard: "Say, Maude, I know this play
Is going to be funny." . "What makes
you think so?" asked Maude. "Why.
anybody could tell thnt from the
name!" wbr the ronlr. M A. P.
Tho next time you feel that swai
lowing Herniation, tho sure sign of sore
throat, gargle Hamlins Wizard Oil im
mediately with three parts water. It
will save you days and perhaps weekB
of misery.
En Famtlle.
Willie, a little country boy, 6 years
of age, was taken one Sunday night
to a large city church, where he saw
for tho first time a vested choir. To
his mother's surprise and gratification,
he not, only kept wide awake, but
seemed greatly interested in every
part of tho service. At its closo he
turned to her and said, "I like this
church, it is so nice to watch the
preacher when he comes out with all
his wives In their nightgowns." Han
per's Magazine.
Good for Sore Eyes,
for over 100 years PETTIT'S EYE
SALVE has positively cured eye dis
eases everywhere. All druggists or
Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
, t-oint ot mnrercnee.
"Yes," said tho brido of throe Bhort
months, "I had mado up my mind to
remain in the spinster class, then John
appeared upon the scene and I ap
copted him because he was so unlike
other men,"
"Oh, of course he's different," re
joined the envious lady friend. "He
proposed." Yonkers Statesman.
Your Hair
Is it inclined to run away?
Don't punish it with a cruel
brush and combl Feed it, nour
ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula.
Then your hair will remain at
home, on your head, where it
belongs. An elegant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
Dot not change the color of the hah.
Tenants with aaoh bottla
Shaw it to yea.
liV him about It,
than do aa ha aaya
We certainly bcllovo this, or we would
not say to, Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved formula,
Is a great preparation for the hair and
scalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan
drug. Promotes tho growth of hair,
- -Maaa hr the J. O. IfM Oa Iwall, Kata
, '1,' ' I
beatroycr of Cokroi&hen -Hour II.
. Oct the, Iletlcr of Adders.
The hedgehog, that' butt of Juvenllo
rustic horseplay, is tho possessor ofj
tastes which, like Bam Wcller's knowl-
odgo of London, aro "extensive and !
peculiar.'" Hcorning rastiuiouflnesa n
can mako a hearty meal of nearly any
insect and Is ono of the few verte
brates which can tackle the repulsive
cockroach; Foif effectual extermina
tion of beetles and crickets It Is as
useful as a mongoose among the rata,
but it is not generally known that It
has a partiality toward snakes and
adders. The methods it employs for
the attack aro interesting.
Having como upon the adder it
goads that reptile to the offensive and
at the first dart immediately rolls Into
a ball, the Edinburgh Scotchman says.
The adder is then left to attack the
spines, In which encounter' it natural
ly comes off second best. After a
little, when the hedgehog feels that
his antagonist has exhausted his pow
er, it once more opens out and makes
a blto at the adder's back, thereby
breaking its spine. It then proceeds
to crunch the whole of the reptiles
body by means of its powerful Jaws,
and after that It la said to start at
the tall and devour Its prey. Of eggs
the hedgehog 1b also very fond, there
by giving Just cause to keepers and
farmers to destroy it on sight
Cases have been known where
hedgehogs actually forced the hen
pheasant off her nest and then pro
ceeded to demolish the contents.
Thero Is a tradition among country
people to the effect that the hedgehog
will suck the milk from cows, who
certainly show strong aversion to the
hedgehog, but eminent naturalists
scout the Idea, their explanation be
Ing that It is the heat of the cow
which attracts the' hedgehog, the cow's
dislike being no doubt caused by un
pleasant contact with the prickly
Bptnes. Hedgehogs are invulnerable
to moat of their enemies except man,
although the wily fox has been known
to get the better of them occasionally.
When it is a general rule that a dls
charce of the nrlncipal releases the
surety, it is held, in Gates vs. Teb-
betts fXeb.) 119 N. W. 1120, 20 L. IL
A. (N. S.) 1.000. that an exception to
the rule exists when one becomes
surety for a married woman, minor or
other person incapable of contracting
That a public official who has col
lected fees under statutory authority
in violation of the constitution cannot
be compelled to turn them over to the
state, where the legislature has made
no provision thereror, is declared in
state ex rel. McNary vs. Dunbar
(Ore.) 98 Pac. 87S, 20 L. R. A. (N S.)
The plaintiff in a suit for malprac
tice who fully describes his Injury
and the operation to which he was
compelled to submit because of the
defendant's alleged failure properly to
care for it, is held, in Capron vs.
Douglas, 193 N. Y. 11, 85 N. E. S27,
20 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1,003, to waive
tho statutory privilege of excluding
from evidence the testimony of the
surgeon performing the operation.
If any officer whose duty it shall be
to summon a Jury or to select and
summon talesmen when the regular
panel of Jurors has been exhausted,
shall be guilty of unlawful, partial
or Improper conduct in selecting or
summoning such Jurors or talesmen,
ho is held, in United States vs. Hargo
(Okla.) 98 Pac. 1,021, 20 L. R. A. (N.
S.) 1,013, to commit an act of gross
contempt of court and to be puniBh
ablo for such conduct.
Not Aptly Wonlol.
An absurdly worded statement of a
fact which was not in Itself remark
nble recently tried the gravity of the
listeners. It was on tho occasion of
tho funeral of an elderly woman In a
New England town. She had left an
old mother, nearly ninety years of age,
and an only son who was well on to
ward fifty. .
Tho services were conducted by a
timid young clorgyman recently set
tled over the parsh. After praying
for many and various things he said:
"And two we especially pray that
tho Lord will comfort and sustain in
their loss and sorrow. Ono Is the or
phan, who, although no longor young,
is an orphan still and must so con
tinue. The other is tho mother, far
advanced In years, who has survived
her daughter, although considerably
her senior." Youth's Companion.
X Ileniltrkoble DUcoverjr,
Tho efficacy of the old-fashioned
household duties as means of physical
development Is again hinted at by this
bit from Success:
"Physical culture, father, Is perfect
ly lovolyl" exclaimed an enthusiastic
young mlBs Just homo from college.
"Look! To develop tho arms I grasp
the rod by ono end and movo It slow
ly from right to left,"
"Woll, well I" exclaimed her father.
"What won't Bclence discover next!
If that rod had straw at the other end,
you'd bo sweeping."
It ia every woman's opinion that the
way to make wives more saving la to
turn oyer all tho money Into their
No one can lay claim to being
genuinely old fashioned who doesn't
uae hair oil.
A new and wonderful
musical inatnment,
which la a combination
of the erand Italian
harp and guitar. It hat
a beautiful tone and la
pofiltivcly the caaltat
Inntmmcnt toplay ever
made. We teach you a
your own home. As at
advertlaement we are
one of our I12.M Harp
nMltam tn Mh tit thm
flint ten peraona In each county who rend ua their
down K1G11T NOW and drop ua a card and be one
Chance for a Bargain.
Dejected Youth I would like to re
turn this engagement ring I purchased
here a few days ago.
JewelerDidn't it suit the young
Dejected Youth Yes, but another
young man had already given her one
Just llko it, and I would like to ex
change it for a wedding present. Tld
Blts. Tree Hronarlit Ilnln.
In lower Egypt rain fell very sel
dom. During the French occupation,
about 1789, it did not rain for sixteen
months, but since Mahomet Alt and
Ibrahim Pasha completed their vast
plantations the former alone planted
more than 20,000,000 olive, fir, cotton,
acacia, plane trees, etc. there now
falls a good deal of rain.
To-Day and To-Jtorrovr.
Happy men are full of the present,
for Its bounty suffices them: and wiso
men also, for its duties engage them.
Our grand business undoubtedly is
not to see what lies dimly at a dis
tance, but to do what lies clearly at
hand. Edward FltzGerald. "Polonlus."
"Before I began using Cascarets I had
a bad complexion, pimples on my face,
and my food was not digested as it should
have been. Now I am entirely well, and
the pimples have all disappeared from my
face. I can truthfully say that Cascarets
are just as advertised; I have taken only
two boxes of them."
Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan, Ind.
Pleaaant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 25c, 60c Never aokl In bulk. The Ken
ulna tablet atampnl C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back.
Bfor ytm par a
Cel. W, will con
vioea Ton that
lolaa prmnUT cutM nj oratiuui, uiursnUM
nt to codUIo Morphin. lAodanam. Opium or & y oth,r
hUt Nrmloc drag. Ma moa7 rtqalfvd la advaac. a
full nuntb't Uutmt xnt to toot afSicUd without
ca eiDt tit Kioto hu enrad tlionnndi. It
will car, too. 01, a It a traa trill, Yra aia to be
taa aola Juaf a. aadraaa
Manlaa Uadlalna Ca.
J2X9 U...1 II, il.taafc.Ma,
is as safe as it is effective. Guar
anteed to contain no opiates. It is
very palatable too children like it.
All Drujfjlsts, 25 Cents
On Rainy Days
A Eish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
And give you full value ia
comfort and long wear
Bold by f Irat-elisi HsUllert tbs country
orar. Send for our Tree Oatalognt
u n a. .
UIIBa VKHiaUMl' wa aw
Toronto. Canada 'ZSfBRr
From Arctic
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of
lor 9 hours soiiu Drats wjck carriers
Heater beautifully finished in nickel
Every Dtaler Everywhere. II Not At
4m i, . XlaaoaM
' ' " A DOSE OF
pis o'S
teaf O O 'Jta jf3l
rrar 'ear
name, addreas and whom tho ham for. Sit
of the lucky few, aa they are solnsr faat.
Lumber Exchange Building, Portland, Ore.
Aa Sometime Happens. '
"You'd like to have me give this
notice, I presume," said the lltorary
"Indeed, I would," answered tho au
thor of tho book; "the best in the
But the conscientious literary editor,
after reading it, classified it as one of
the worst in the world.
So Llko a Man.
"George, did you go and order that
parlor lamp I told you I wanted?"
"No, Laura; I clean forgot it"
"Why, I asked you to tie a string
around your finger to remind you of it.
and' you said you would."
"I know I did, but in the abstraction
of the moment I tied It around my
injury uone by jnoaqnltoes.
Before the draining and diking of
England and Holland, mosquitoes, ma
laria, chills and fever were as bad as
In our Southern States to-day. TJn
dlked and undralned, neither of thess
countries had risen to its place in his
tory, but had been balked by malarial
HOWARD E. BCBTOR Amarer end Chemlrt.
LeadrUle, Colorado. Specimen price.: Hold.
(Hirer. Lead. SI. Gold. BUrer. ?Sc: Gold. SOo: Zina
I or Copper. SI. Mailing envelope and fall price lias
! nent oa application. Control and Umpire workao
llcltod. Reference: Carbonate National Hank.
Painless Dentistry
W..n h.. thn(i- n .la
M and brUaswork fln
;;51hed In ona day-
it nccveparj.
We will fix you a food'
22k sold or psrctliti
croaalcr $3.50
tiotir Crown i 5.00
Gold Filling! 1.00
Enamel Filling. 1.00
Silver Filling, ,50
Inlay Filling. 2.59
Good Rubber nn
Plate. O.0Q
Best Red a!- M
CS. W. A. WISE, Puttttrt ua Hiva
berPUte, l.ou
tt rim imiiniie u rerruu
Painless Extf lion
II mis Imuran ia nnuu
fa ordered. Consultation Free. Yon cannot get bette
nalnlpu work done anywhere. AH work fullr rur
anteeu. aioaern eiecxno wjHipiiwui. in...
Wise Bent a! Co
OrnCZ BOUXB: la.U.toir.11. Suoayi. 9 U 1.
an teed. Modern elect rlo equipment, beit motnoda.
No. 1-10
WHEN writing- to advertisers pleaae
mention this paper.
A flaToring- used the same as lemon or Tanflla,
By dissolving granulated sugar in water and
adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and
a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by
grocers. If not send 35c for 2 oz. bottle ana
recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wo.
to Tropics
WW? - 1
in Ten Minutes
No oil heater has a higher efficien
cy or greater heating power than the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
With it you can go from the colrj
of the Arctic to the warmth of tho
Tropics in 10 minutes.
The new
Smokeless Device
prevents smoking. Removed in an
instant for cleaning.
oil sufficient to give out a glowing heak.
aampcr top cuui iwiiuic oh inuicaios
or Japan in a variety of styles. i
Yours, Write for Descriptive Circuit
A rvtarirW aflf til
a. ra' 'cay rpa? rai' ri rajaari ra