The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 06, 1910, Image 5

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f4 v
ADRAS Anti Tlte
n II. Licktird i vtsltlne relatives nt
tlMs week.
SlVtiff Elkins was a visitor in town the
uifjart of the week.
i Wiglc and Gily AllihghaVri were
roin I'tincville the first part df tlir
frl Roller and Wid. Harris of I'rlne
. .. . J! I .LI.
V CI W III UV4I fid L w v. i UT
Charley logics is.aite 111 St the hoth'e
Georce Pontius, caused by a recent
Gtorjc Fytle nnd Mr. Mickblsen ol
aycre:k were business visitors in Mad1-
...... i,...
Roiley Doty ol I'owcit umies is vish
r m town this week with his brother,
tnest V Doty.
Mrs. Linna Wood, Mrs. M. A. Rob
son and Kia Robinson are spending
e week in I'rineville with friends.
Henery Kchoc, has returned from a
ip to I'orMand and Spokane, and will be
the Madras vicinity (or some time.
Fred Davis, who has been spending
in Pnrllmrl nnil ll f Wilt.impllp
alley, returned home the latter part of
i lit f rtU itittri line h..n cnanrlfnit
J( . . UUt "IIU IIUJ M' I...
in U Willi... lt Vnllh... mi
turned to the vtcinhy oT Madras.
Warren Hrown is at his place in the
erk's olli e again, after spending sev-
.1 J -. f 1 1 i-i niaat. i. Itta l n iii n n.'ir
i'.ras. I'rineville Review.
15. Dombrow'c has recently purchased
SeJ. W Look rancti in tne naystack
buntry, and will remove with his family
the same in the early Spring. It is re
brted ihe deal was made for J3G00.
L,ast Saturday hlght Mt. Jcfferstin
Lotlge ko 196, 1.0 0. F. held annpfch
installation ol Ihe following officers! 14.
O, h. C. Hi Knnsj V. II, Howard
Turner secrctnry, W. H. I less: trensurer,
Jdhn McTnggart. After the installation
ccifcl'nohlcs n luncheon was served ill the
lodge room (oV the members and their
I r lends. An instructive nnd pleasant time
was spent by those present.
.Silent' gather intmd us,
Tun lire In hiirnliiK low,
lire 11 few moro liourH piisn us by
Tho (hint- old your miwt go.
AVhat a faithful Mend Its hum
To help us on ottr way:
It gave ns-tlmc to sleep nt night
And do our wtlrlc by day.
It brotight UK aliowors hnd aiinsliliio
Wltli uU tin li.lglit ami intilii,
Aim gave us nice warm weauiur
To ripen our Holds of grain.
When wo think of tho many blessings
Thut it u im Uhl give;
W'v should be triilyllmiikfrtl.
Tliat it poiniltleti us to live,.,,
Of cnurxv wo'vo hnd our troubles
UnH been with tm ov'erywhbro.
Ami sorrows bard to boar:
Itut our dear old friend Unit's dylhg
illiMi 1 Its getting weaker. ,
Its Htens are faint anil low;
It stays Just for a moment,
Til mi wb know Its sure to go.
AIns ! Its fcone forever, , .
Wn'll ini'i t It. nonir inn'rc!
Hut hnrlc, the Is'ew Yenr's kndcklng
Anil standing at our door.
So let us greet It cheerfully,
And oulcklv ask It In.
That It tuny be lis truu to f
As the dear old one has boon.
December . 'II, lHO'J. J. V.
Sunday school at 10 a. m,; Epworth
League at 7:00 p. in.
Services at the M . E. Church next
Sunday January 9 both morning nnd
The ladies aid society will meet on
Wednesday I. M. January 12th.
Everyone cordially invited.
G. R. M 00 K HEAD, Pastor.
Robeu Rea left for Priheville Sunday 1
1 will b? in attendance at the County)
ouit, where he expects to have his plats
"Madras" accepted,,,, and also some
..all tracts adjoining the town of Fal
m. In the 'ast issue of the I'ioneer an error
as made in giving the dales which the
m of J. C. & M. A. Robinson will close
store for the annual inventory. The
rrect dates for closing are from January j
1 to 16
Mat Clark, right of way agent for the
regon Trunk Line, has returned to this
fclun after spending the holidays in
orhr.d, and is looking after the inten
ts of Ins company in regard to right ol
ay South of Madras,
Georg" Jones of Uend, who recently
Jrchased the large freighting outfit of
hades Liherage, better known. as "Tex",
fid the misfortune to lose ol His 'wheel
is" Satu-day night while in Mddras.
he horse was valued at Szid. ,
A. heal, who will .'e associated with
is father in the drug business in Madras,
s openen a small line in the Harnett
mldiiig A complete stock will be plated
the building recently occupied by 15.
Larkin, as soon as the necessary re
irs can be tnade.
T Al Hoylen, formerly with the Mtr!-
company, but recently with the Uald-
in 5heep & Land Co. as superintendent
the company's business hear Denver,
oleraJo, has returned td Haycreek,
here he will be associated with the corn
ny at thrtt point. Messr3. Hoylen and
yn Nirli'ds were in Madras yfisterday
tending to business matters.
Lau Saturday afternoon while h6lp!ng
rank Jones with a load of Iimlber near
e Uallenburg & Farrer sawmill, Willie
rtman had the .misfortune to freese the
iges of both Jands, the members bc
g afn ted back to thej knuc'Ib joints
e was brought to town ' Monday and
'r Keie is endeavoring to safe the
liters from amputation.
Dui 'an wlacleod, who visited Madras
'b week, says he encounternd more
"ids of weather than he had a license tb
xpft doing down, there was & vetita
lelV'ird which drifted snow in spots
"r feet deep. The blizzaiU occurred
;,rlh ( f Crhtiy Qap, while in Crooked
i.'tr 'a'!ey there was not a capful of
"ii'l C ')n,:ng back tollny, thinob'k had
ch b'i y, with the reslilt that the road
is fo f-f ,epp with mdd, causing traf
: to iv Prirfevillc Review.
J.A Sivyef and C. H. Jrafrer catnfc
froi , t! p Coon Creek sawmill near
" V M ' ! iy The sdwiniil at that
ce ! iit sh-it ddwii on account
col: w ithcjr. i Founctiii men In all
at v,;rk Tins mill belongs to II. C.
rrerai ! O .". WwllenbUrg t'mh.
tylnvea contract with the Hotter
' i fu'.isb trom one iblllioh to W
1.. ... j (
"iifti i' i ni bridge, culver) nnd. ttknel
1 I'T "J i r ( ontrartors are now in
r.d 10 r, 11 . , ore machinery foe
jnt and lt n,j,tttiei n rorce 0,
Directions regarding voting for Mad
ras Trading Company's piano.
Write name or society voted Tor plainly
on lace of ticket nt the top. Tickets are
giyen only lor cash purchases at the time
purchases are made. Tickets after being
voted cannot be transferred.
Votes will be counted and published
every I wo weeks. Following is the list of
names which have received over 1000
votes) counted Monday morning by . M.
Conkhn and H. W. Ttirncrt
Madras public school
I. O. 0. F.
Ella Richardson
Mrs. Gilliy Dizney
Ulanche Harton
Mud Springs School
Stel'.a Haker
Oral Moore
M. E. Church
Inez Hennrtt
Marie Moehrihg
Mrs. Harry Key
Mr3j C. G. Ramsey
They Aire
for farm, ranches, hdrrie-
steads, timber lands and
city property faster (hnn
we can list therm
Buyers Are Here
' I 11 1 11I 1 immtA
Realty Oevelopiiieiii 'Go,
Pi O Dox 10 Roorn 10 Adarriion Dlott
Not Coal Liniil
OKIESTEAI). ITotluo for I'ubllca.
lion. Denurfmotit of tho Inte
rior, 8 Lund Oltlco nt 'l'lio iiulleHj Or
egon, Deccmbur 3, lOtlO.
Nolie.o Im hereby given ttbnt
of filianlko, Oregon, who, on Ifovoth
bor lifl, 1001, miulo IloinUatead, tHcrlnl
No oaUM No. ldOll), fbr iipJ eu 2'J, tp
' h, r 10 e, XV M, v,
linn filed notico of Intt'iitlon U hm!to
Dual flvu yoMt? jiroof; ib wViblloll
glalfn ilie land riliovtMluuorlboil, bo
fore ilorbort 0. R6opor. U. R. CommlH
6mor, at, IiIm (illluu at Antlopo, Or
gon oil tlib liiill day (if .muiiry, 1'JIO.
blultiiiiiMiuimWj iif w I hVitloa ,
Cieofgb Vij'M, Cliu'iJpo SV ijlBlit, rf
SliiiiilkotjPu'goii ; TwUlu 31 Uunnbtt,
JNunk L Ht'uuMtt, of TI10 bulleM, Or
8 TATfe IfeLKOION. fc ftotlco for
Publlontloiu Unltod Smti-H Laiul
blllof, 1'ho Utflloe, OfoKou, beceih.
ber S3, ll)l)l)v
Notloo 16 liorl-by glvoii tlmt Rlnto
of rjrogon Int8 tiled In tblu olHoo Uh ni
tdloatlon, ribrlnl No 05775, to mtluct tin
tier tho provlhloiia of tho Ant of ijon
krnoA of August 14, 1818, and thu Acta
hlipplehiunlnry nnd nmundntory thiiro
to, llio nwlHci hco 0, Ip 18 rlilo,
Jiuy and rill pbrgniiR olalmlng nil
verst'ly tb'rj I'untU dUHorlbnl, or delrln
to ob)uot beoaWsu or tli mlnoral char
notbr of tho land) or for uny otluir rim
flon, to tho ijlnpoxul (o nppllcant,
Hlinuld (He tllulr nllbluvltH of protont in
t.lilH oltlcii, 011, or bo fore the lOlhilny
of Ffbrtiiiry, 1010.
jO-fiO 0. W. ftfooiti:, RurlHor
Edward G. Pease Go. Inc.
ftntOotil Lund
HXJMteSTEAD. NUIIon for I'ubll
outlon. Uupr.rttiR'iit of Urn Intu
r,lor, U. 8. Lund (Miou nt Tlio DulleH.
Oreijoti, iWombiT 'ih; 1000.
NoHQ(,lJofby nlvoii tlmt
onoiof tho lielrf, ami for the liulru tf
llonry Hnolitimnin deoutiHed,
of MudraH, OrcKon, who, on Juiumry
20, 1005, niado IIoih'uatuHil, urlal No
01730 No. 141 10, for )ijnwi, invinwl
hco 26, and ueinei sou 20) tpllH, r 12
0, W M,
Huh (lied notico of Intotitlon to tnuko
II mil five-year proof, to GHtabllnh 0I11I111
to tho lnntl abovo described, beforo
Howard W TUrnor. U. 8. tJolninlnnlon.
er, nt IiIh ollluo ut IMatlrus, Oregon, on
the 8ih day or FohrnurV, lOtO,
Claimant nunCH iih wltnt'HhOflt
Fred Ilonuhh, 1) K AroliiHtiiolor, M
V Dennett, Theodore Ilurtnugol, all
of Madras, Oregon.
JO f8 Rpulhter
Pre-lnventor-y Sale
biirlng 'the mdrilri of MNbARV, V9l'b, In ofderlo Kdd'licebur
TBto6l: before the t&liing of our Annual Inventory, the
In the HlslorV bt this fetore 111 be Held.
" irtbes are loWer thah the actual dostbf
the goods. Such bargains are feirte and
you cannot afford tb miss them, dust
note carefully the following itefrisl
i DOZEN Ladies Gorscts, assort'eo! siici
ariJ qualities. Regular values, 2$2; prfe'e 50c
100 PIECES Wool Dress Goods, '(pfr
nants from I io, 2 yards) popular coloVl,
your choice Tor ond-half TJrice.
1'6 DOEN .cnyooicn. ShSts W
Drawers, hssotecl grades, Assorted sizes, -n t
worth $1 . per fVarnlcnt. Sale price", 75c
3 DOZE pair .ren Leather nee
boots; splendid wearing . qualities; $3.00 .f ,
grades, assorted s1zes Sale price, - $2.00
STATE feUriEOTION. Notico For ,
Publication, United Btnteu Lund
Olllco, The iiulItM, Oregon, December i
14, 191)0.
Notice Is hereby (fiv'on that' Mie8tHtu
ofOreKon hiU filed in thin oflleo llnap-
plication, Serial No. 05000, to ncWol
under thu provlnlonH of the Aot of
Conurt-hs of Atlgnet 14, 1848, atul lio
Acw Bitppleiilentury uuil aineiidutory
thereto, the nwinei nee 13, einei seo
10, niiflt'4, nw'loei nee 22 and wjnvj
of hoc 2.1, tp 1 1 h, r 10 e, w in.
Any nnd all pernoiiH clalmliiK "d
Vorttely the IhihIm denurlbed, or denir
liiK to otiject becaiiHe of thu uunpnil
uharacter of the land, Or for any other
reason, to the IIbiouI to itpplluunt,
Hhould file their ullldavlta of proteHt
in tlilH oflleo on or before thu 1st day
of February, 1010.
(123 j27 C. XV. Moore, Itoglster.
. .
Three feet high and wide 111 frrbportidn and life-like tb be
given away FREE--January 5 1910 to pnrchasers of
iii '
r r
aTHAYKD Saddle horo, color eorrel
roach liune weight about 8fK) lb'
branded qn hip. Reward when re
turned. HoDonald'A NoIhou, month j
of Trout Creek.
Madras F
imiVIiVlB WANTED For h1I, wheel
and Freioio BcraporH at head of rorf
t.T flprluf? Canyon. AVanes H5 and
per ruonthi l)wyer A Co.
Pool And Billiard Hall
Cigars, Tobaccos, Smokers Artfcles
'All the Latest Magazirlei And 'Periodicals
ihtly l.M;tfl,.l.(M.I...l. I. M l.lttiymyMI ..l.t.ll...l.ll.K.lM..'.
l v ir fH-r'x rn ttv T in L 'L J)!k
'ranch hands, sawmill men wood choppers,
cooks, chamber-maids, blshwashers
u x Send In "S2To"u.r Orders - -
Frank h. pratt, prop.
S. W. ROBARDS, M'gr,
it and ice
Madras, Oregon
All record bptWo andfour rnirl
jjte, k'qpt .donstahtl pri Vanfj. .All
th6 ne,.aA latORt records received
each month.
& Bye
Goods At
I4!b:ht Prifeei
-ONTlfc'.r: NOl'ICI-i. Deparimentol
tlio Interior tJ. S. Land Olllee,
The I)ales, Oregon, Decomber 10, 109;
A miiilulenl CdiiteHt afllduvit liavltiK
been filed In thta nlllcu by
contcfltant, ngalnnt liomuRteud entry,
No. 01003, made X"veinbf.c l i, 10U3,
for ni'l . flot? 92, lp 13 h, r 13 e, w tn, by
Albert A. Hedrlolt, contestoe, In whloh
Itlsalleued that Hald. Albert A Hed
rlolt bliH wholly abatiUoued nalddioiue
Hteitil and li8 fulled to IthprovO or cul
tivate tho same as required by law fbr
the past alx month; that Raid alleged
ubHi'iido was ntit title to hla etiiploy
ment in tile army, -ilUvy dr .niiiMiib
corps of tlio United Otatea in tituo of
war. .. t
Bald parlies iironhureby tiotltied to
a)p(mr reHjibnd and oiler evldende
tontililiiK Hidd allocation ut iq,o'ulool
a. liv on Jan. 1810, diefdre Howard
U'.rurne,. Notary PiJbllb at li Ih oltloo
tit Jliulra,, Oregon, and' Unit fluul Hear
Jug vYIII'.bo held at 10 o'ulonk a, in. on
l ob. G, 1010, beOre Hid Hector aid
lleoeivi'rof.tlie'Unlred States L'nd Of
tlue in The Dalle, Ort'n.
'jjliti Htild conlesUnt knvltiKi ! a
prOr-er ulllilavli.. Illod Deo. B, 1009,
nut forth facts whioli' fllow,'lhat after
dlto (jlllitenue puraijioU cprv,lfe of thli
nollee Cannot be .made, lo heteby
oitleruil.aii dkeiMU'd tlmt tMioli notice
ierlvehby due uindv proper pu.blldas
loir- O. W. MOO UK,
u-l-dO Heulalor
(frrcz rr- r A ; a r r
A reward of $dj is Offered for informa
tion leading to llje conVitliori of any per
son or Jlersons giiilty of the offense of
ctittbg tlib lines, destroying or removing
the pples, dr ihterferirig in any way with
the property of the Pioneer Telegraph' &
Telephone o. . ( ' tf
hwmy eleE & .Woiib Co
Madras, Oregon
KdU SALK-SmltluPremier Type
writer, with nlotal ooVe'r, at reason
able price. Inquire at 1'he i'ioneer
TAT 13 SELECTION. Notice Fof
Hubllbittlon, U.'.S. LaiKtlOnkW.
The Dulles, Oregon. December .liOf,.
Notice Is hereby given that thp StaiV--of
(irtijjoil has.fllcd' in i tills oflleo 11
pfdiouMon,.orlal Ho. 05C7d, to POlecit
under tlio. irovIsJusof.the otof Qbiir
Ki('H' f Ausst 1818, and tho Act
ttippleiueitar and aoienitatoiy ther
to, the nwinwl, (Lot 1) of boo 18, tp 11
s, rifle, W M.
Any uitd all persona claiming ad
versely the lands described, ordeajr
AwtZUf nlijrjct lleoaupu of tho mineral
blnliacii'i- of tllu laud, or for any other
rcabnn, to tho disposal to applicant,
who'uld file their affidavits df protest
In fills officii oti'-or before tho lt day
of-FYhritary, IttlO.. :
J2a-JilV O. W Moore, ItogUter.
r t .. J . t '
n will be employed day and nigl
0. W, MpouH,
nfviiie Jo rnal