The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 06, 1910, Image 2

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1 Vt
' ' . "fJ'
Second Blizzard Stops All Traffic
and Communication.
Thousands of Cars of Coal on Tracks
But Cannot Bo Delivered
to Consumers.
Chicago, Dec. 30. Slowly and pnin
fully emerging from two provlous
Jienvy snow storms, followod by ox
tromoly cold weather mid intormlttont
snow lor two weeks, Chicnco and con
tiguous torritory tonight was swept by
another florco blizzard, which nulliflos
nil tno worn or cioaring away the uo
brls of tho carlior storms and loaves
tlio transportation compauios aghast at
tho tnsK lacing thorn.
With 0000 cars of coal nt its doors, on
sidings nud terminal tracks, Chicago is
on the vorgo or a fuol famine ltail
roads and dealers admit tonight tho
condition is alarming.
Tho city already has consumed 00 por.
com oi us repcrvo iuoi, ana oy mo
most rigid oconomy will bo cold within
live days unless tho situation is rollovod
Tho railroads had hoped, with good
weather, to got in sonio of tho coal, but
tonight's storm moans that they will bo
unnblo to movo a pound for two or
threo days at tho best. Tho snow to
night is driven by a high wind, whloh
menus heavy drifting and increitsod
troublo for tho railroads.
Tho storm blockado is folt soriously
in tho grain and provision trade. This
was mndo nppuront todny when whoat
that was good enougli for December do
livery sold on track hero at three cents
under tho Docomber price. Tho buyers
woro unwilling to tako chances on got
ting tho whoat into olovators and avail
ablo for delivery before "tho-closo of
business noxt Friday. This was for
grain actually within tho city limits.
It was assorted on tho Board of
Trndo that ono of tho western roads
leading out of Chicago has nioro thnn
S000 loaded cars of grain on its various
sidetracks, which it is totally unnblo to
move in cither direction. Tho condition
applies to other roads, perhaps, in a
lesser degree
Census Director Durand Sots February
G as tho Date.
AVashington, Dec. 30. Any person of
good judgment, who has rccoivcd an
ordinary common school education, can
readily and easily pass tho test to bo
given applicants for consus onumerat
ors' places on Saturday, February (5,
the date set by United States Consus
Director Durand, according to an an
iiounccmcnt from tho census bureau to
day. This will bo a comforting nssur
anco to tho several hundred thousand
persons who aro believed to bo con
tcmpluting application for the places.
It wits emphatically stated at tho
bureau that tho tost will bo au eminent
ly reasonable and practical ono, similar
to that applied to applicants at tho
twolfth census. It will consist of fill
it'g out a sample schedule of population
from a description in narrativo form of
typical families; and, in tho caso of
onnmorators whoso work will be in tho
rural districts, thoy will bo called on
to fill out an additional snmplo schedulo
of agriculture, from information fur
nished by the consus bureau.
All persons, whother women or men,
who dosiro to become consus enumerat
ors, must be citizens of tho United
Statos, rosidcwts of the supervisor's dis
I trlct for which they wish to bo appoint
ou: must uo not less thnn is nor moro
than 70 years of ago; must bo physicnlly
nuio to do tho work; must bo trust
worthy, honest, and of good habits;
must havq at least an ordinary cduca
tion, and must bo able to write plainly
and with reasonable rapidity.
Thoso who can comply with theso re
qiiircmonts aro invited to put in their
applications, as there will bo at loast
08,000 enumerators' places to bo filled
by tho middlo of March in preparation
for tho enumeration beginning April 1(5.
Application forms, with full instruc
tions as to filling in, and comploto in
formation concerning tho tost and the
method of appointment can bo secured
by writing to tho supervisor of consus
for tho supervisor's district In which
tho applicant lives. All applications,
properly filled in, must bo filed with tho
supervisors not later than January 25,
as any recolvod after that date cannot
be considered.
Davenport Is Sick Man.
San Diego, Doc. 30, Homer Davon-
,rt. noted cartoonist, is suffering from
'-Jf3s?5'' Vuh 1"" collapse. Ho camo
Xi 1st week in tho honos of bulldinn
ithKttflfed nervous system. Ho
en feeling well for somo timo,
o pressing need of chango of
climate. Ho accoptod tho
to visit tho homo of Mr. and
O, Spalding, at Point Lomn,
jl 18 now un,lr tho enro of a
-' Jt'j '.u1! by whoso advico no visitors
'rvl received,
and all corrcspondonco is
nfcOTt untouched
Bolglum Ropublic Duo?
Brussels, Dec. 30, Socialists in tho
hambor of doputlos today opposod tho
ivll list of tho king, which amounts to
IfCG0,000, and reaffirmed thoir allegiance
'';'I a republic. M. Bovor doclarod that
- "il'ynl chatoaus had been turned into
4 - j'Jtnriiim. Tho appropriations, how
a voto of 100 to
is tho samo
10 now
- ' '4't : -T ,t iV'Hk iVt-sij vonrs a case or leprosy
A" SLK " ''ittlo today, and tho
&,''?- -" ' ' .Ct' -.Vtjd to tho govern.
:f4''dr--..'ft ;JVV' VHiotho Hawaiian
Ai r.-- - . : . a -.r ;j& ?v & ,
Zolnyn Says Socrotary Has Boon Bys
tonmttcally Misinformed.
Mexico City, Dec. 31. "Mr. Knox
In not tny judge. 1 nm answorablo only
to my govornmont."
Joso Santos Zolaya, who arrived thl
morning from Bjillna Crux, thus replied
to a question tonight ns to what uttl
tudo ho would nssumo should Secretary
Knox scok to oxtrndito him from this
country. Kolaya rofusod to discuss such
n probability, but strongly intimated
that tho socrotary of stato would no
have tho right to request his prosonco
in tho Unltod Statos,
Tho formor dictator's baggago in
eluded two valises bulging with Ainorl
can gold, and n third filled with paper
"I have no fooling against tho Amcrl
can people at largo, nor tho govern
mont," ho said. "Socrotary Knox ha
boon systematically misinformed, and
public opinion in tho United States has
boon prepared against mo, but tho real
facts must become known in timo, and
it is to time I trust for my vindication
"My relations with tho preceding
American govornmont woro exceedingly
friendly. Tho situation contains many
uufortunnto conditions. Socrotary Hoot
had tho comploto conlldonco of Central
Amorica, nud ihis policies woro drawing
tho pcoplo closer together politically
nud commercially. I am afraid tho at
titude of Socrotary Knox is undoing all
that work throughout Jjatin Amorica.
.el ay a said American marines on
gaged in several recent battles iu Nic
uragua, ami that oi them were
killed. Ho said:
"Do you know thnt thoro wero -100
Americans fighting with tho insurgents
at Bumaf Do you know at tho battle
of Colorado Junction, on November 1,
tho bodies of 20 American marines were
picked up by our forces, nil dead, and
all from American gunboats anchored
in tho river to protect Amoricnn inter
cstsf Tho ollicinl explanation given mo
was that these men were deserters."
Great Britain Mourns Loss of Yoars of
Work and Socrocy.
London, Doc. 30. Tho wholesale
theft of wireless plans, models and
sketches which, in the hands of an ox
port would reveal all tho workings nud
innermost secrets of tho wireless serv
ico of tho British navy, is charged
against Richard Knowldon, who was
placed on trial at Portsmouth today,
Kuowldcn is n draughtsman attached
to tho torpedo schoolship Vomon. In
his room were fouud uo less than 80
plans for wireless improvements and
coding books of tho most confidential
The authorities attach tho greatest
importance to tho arrest, for thoy con
tend if tho documents abstracted from
tho Vernon had reached foreign govern
moms an tno labor oi recent years
given to tho perfecting of a wireless
system for tho British navy would hnvo
becti rendered practically lruitloss.
Valuable Oro Find Mado.
jjonvor, woe. w. According to au
assay made today by Herman Fleck,
professor ot chemistry of tho Colorado
school of mines, tho largost known body
of pitchblcudo iu tho world has been
discovered in a mine at Central City,
Tho discovery was mndo December 21,
and tho assay mado by Profoasor Fleck
shows, it is asserted, that tho ore runs
almost treble the highest percentage of
ill uranium ores over discovered.
It is said tho striko was made by' the
rogular force of men engaged in taking
out gold oro, ami tho assay, it is
claimed, ran 85 per cent pure, whereas
tho previous best rocord was 30 per
cont pure.
The mine is owned by Bishop Matz,
of Denver, and is leased to Philadel
phin capitalists.
Offer Takon Back Again.
St. Paul, Doc. 31. Tho railroads to
day withdrew thoir ofTor to abldo by
tho Chicago couferonco and ro-omploy
striking switchmen as soon as thoy have
places. Tho embargo on -wheat ship
ments in somo small towns of tho state
by tho Great Northern road was ro
moved. Railroad officials say that tho
strike is over so far as they aro con
corned. Jt was roportod tonight that
tho old switchman will go "back to work
on tho Great Northern ut lititto tomor
row. Tho Northern I'uuiflc says that
conditions on that road aro satisfactory
at Butto,
Bubmarino Saves Lives.
Toulon, Dec. 31. The submarine
Cigogno performed n romnrkabla lifo
saving font in a recent storm. Tho
boat was practicing diving In tho open
sea when the commander saw a fishing
boat suddonly sink. Tho Htibinarino Im
mediately divod under tho fishing craft,
of which tho masthoad nlono was nbovo
wator. Tho valves wero operated quick-
and tho Cigogno roso to tho surface,
fting tho boat and holding it above
water long enough to tako off tho crow.
Dickinson at San Juan.
San Juan, P, It., Doc, I?. J. M. Dlck-
nson, Amoricnn socrotary of war, ar
rived today on tho convortod yacht
Many porsons gatliorod ut tho wharf .
Tho visit of tho socrotary has boon the
occasion of olnborato decorations. Sec
retary Dickinson has boon on an in
spection of Santo Domingo, giving es
pecial attention to revolutionary con
ditions. Ho will ulso mako an Inspec
tion of Porto Rico,
Soattlo Discovers Lopor.
Mp. Dec. 31. For tho second
sli m nkii,rmianiiam. n biiii tn ii iimii i m
Pacific Canal Co. Incorporates for
si, ooo.oao to Build ahipway.
Portland Monoy makes tuo soa
port, tlion tho people come. Uptin this
policy, it is announced tho Pacific
Canal company has incorporated with
a capitalization of $1,000,000 to con
struct a Bhlpwoy botweon Floros Inko
and tho ocean. Pacific City Is to bo a
now town maintained largoly by tim
ber Intorsots,
"But tho building of tho city Is in
entirely different bands than tho canal
project," said L. Recdor, nttornoy for
tho promotors of tho canal. (
"Tho mon who are backing tho enter
prise, I might say, went down (to
Floros lnko and looked over tho situa
tion. Thoy saw a natural wooded har
bor, needing but a short connection
to opon it to tho ships ot tho son.
Thoy measured and found 10,000,000
feet of virgin timber, and tho clourod
land vnlunblo for dairying and near
ly all of it arable It was practically
an unopened country. They docidod
that it would bo a euro investment to
build a city; tho canal cumos as a mat
ter of course
"In 1012 wo will hnvo thoro a city
of 10,000 poople, possibly. Tho land
la capablo of supporting fully thnt
many. Railroads nro coming and tho
largest ships will be given a fresh wa
ter harbor two miles long, throo quar
ters of a milo wido and evorywhoro 40
foot doop. Located about 40 miles
Bouth of Coos bay, wo aro at a conven
ient shipping point for all coast cities
und for tho trndo of tho Orient."
Valuos Roach Now High Flguro
Demand For Moro
Portland Orogon's moBs crop has
boon found a most valuable production.
Ordors for it aro constantly Increas
ing and it has been sovora) years sinco
tho supplies hnvo boon adequate for
tho demand.
At this timo holders of Oregon for
est moss aro asking us high ns ?fiC a
ton for tho growth, f. o. b. csrs, and in
recent years tho price hns advanced as
high as $G0.
"Dick" Hosklns. tbo woll known
fruit broker of this city, ic perhaps the
groatesut shipper of moss In tho coun
try, and practically all of his supplies
como from tho little section around
Gates, on tho Corvallis & Eastern
"I havo already shipped out five cars
of moss this season," says Mr. Hos
klns, "all of it going to California. I
havo orders for several moro cars, but
havo been unnblo to fill them.
"Tho moss that I ship is tukon from
tho foreatH und is utilized by tho as
paragus Phlppers of California, ns well
its tho florists of that section. I have
paid as high as $37.60 a ton for good
moss, but tho price Ih considerably
above that figure ut this timo. The
best moss comes from along tho lino of
tho Corvallis & Eastern and is in heavy
Big Hospital for Mcdford.
Modford Tho mothor provincial of
Oregon, who is in charge of all hos
pitals in tho northwest undor tho man
agement of tho Slstors of tho Holy
Names, is iu Modford for tho purpose
of meeting local business men and dis
cussing with them plans for the oroc
tion of n $125,000 hospital in this city.
l or somo time tho Misters of tho Holy
nnmcs havo been considering tho mat
ter of erecting a hospital in this city,
but this is tho first deflnlto stop.
RIverton Has Fino School Bulldinc
Coqullle Riverton's public school is i
mpleted. Tho diminsionB of thtt
building aro 82x34 foot, with three
foot cornices and a porch 8x16. It Is
built on a concrete foundation and has
a basement nine fcot high. Tho new
building has been erected at a cost of
$3,000 and would bo a credit to a town
many times the size of Riverton. The
progressive citizens of thut village
may well bo proud of it.
Thirty Potatoes Wolgh 00 Pounds.
Junction City Floyd Howerd hs on
display horo hIx potatoos which weigh
1G pounds. One potato weighs (lvo
pounds. F. W. Thorn raised about
4,000 bushols on hit) IMvervicw farm.
Thirty potatoos filled a sack, which
weighed 80 pounds. A dealor pur
chased threo Backs of potatoes from
Wm. Michaels and found ono that
measured 4 inchoB in longth.
Value of Property Moro than Doubles.
Klamath Falls Ono million, four
hundred und ninoty-slx thousand, sev
en hundred and eighty-six dollars is
tho assessed valuo of personal and roal
proporty in Klamath Falls, TIiIb is an
Increaso of 100 por cont ovor last year,
Tho council made u lovy of 0 mills for
gonornl purposes, nnd 2 mills for pay
ing the intorest on outstanding bonds
and to create a sinking fund.
Wild Cats In Linn County.
Albany Tho foothills of Linn coun
ty aro abounding in wild animals.
Wayno Menoar brought tho BkinB of
threo wildcats and two cougars to tho
county clerk's office, for which ho was
given tho state bounty nmounting to
20. Uo will bo givon noarly as much
county bounty at tho noxt term of tho
county court.
If Qn
W t
Now Brldgo Near La Grande.
Grando The brldgo at Oro Dell is
I, and tho county court will in-
Indopondont Company Oonnocts Boiso
With Oontral Orogon.
Ontario Ontario's indopondont tolo
phono systom is nearly completed. Tho
telephones have been rocolvod and tho
swltchboa'rds will soon bo installed. It
Is expected that all will bo In working
order by tho middlo of January.
Rural linos will bo Installed from
horo to Nyssn, and from hero to Vnlo,
including ranches nil along both linos.
A modern metallic circuit will bo put in
from horo to Valo for long dlstanco
use, to connect nt Vnlo with tho lino
already practically comploto from Vnlo
to iiiirns in Jinrnoy county. Tho Vnlo
Bums lino is being installed bv a Drew
sey corporation, of which W. D, Bakor
is ono of tho principal stockholders and
tno inaniigor,
Exchange with this lino has been nr
ranged by tho Ontario lines, which will
also hnvo exchange with tho Pnyotto,
l'ruitland and Idaho towns as far cast
ns Boiso. This will irivo in effect a
through service from Boiso to Burns,
which will bo tho largost torritory that
has ovor boon Borvod by tolophono In
this locality.
Tho Drowsoy lino roaches Westfall,
iietiian, iinmoy and JJunis, will soon
bo in nt .lunturn, and will Jmvo con
nection with nil tho ranch homes in
Otis, Malheur and Harney valloys.
SPEND 3377.000 ON ROADS.
Clatsop County Has Noarly 200 Miles
of Pormanont Highways.
Astorlu As a result of Improve
ments during the past few years, Clat
sop county haB,Z4 miles of macadam
ized roads, 23 miles of graveled roads,
28 miles of planked or punchooncd
roads, 14 miles of roads covered with
rock and DC miles of graded road that
has not boon covered, much of which
will bo completed during the coming
Under tho Carnahan road law tho
several road districts are permitted to
lovy a spccinl tax of not to exceed 10
mills each year for road improvement
purposes. In that manner over $30,
000 was raiBcd by tho individual road
districts in Clatsop county thin year.
All that has been expended in building
highways na well as slightly over $28,
000 additional that was appropriated
by tho county court from tho general
fund, making a grand total of $Gj,000
thut lias been spent or contracts let for
during the past 12 months in better
Irgthe public highways of Clatsop
count In addition to this over $12
000 has been used in building and re
pairing bridges, making in all slight
ly ovor $77,000 which tho property
owners of Clatsop county havo donated
to that most commendable work of de
veloping the agricultural districts.
Land-Hungry Mon Busy in Lake.
Silvor Lake During November 12,
800 acres of land woro filed upon before
('ommimiioiirr Wost at this place. Thoro
wero 1.1 homestead filings of 100 acres
each, 2S additional homestoads, throo j
dosou uiings oi iihi acres each, I
rind ono of 320 ncros. Thoso fig
u res show how eagerly land iu this por
tion of Lake county is boing sought
after. From tho way Doeomlrtir filings
hnvo continued, tho number will bo fnr
in excess of those for Novombor.
Wheat Track prices: Bluostnm,
$1.20; club $1.10; rod Russian, $1.08
1.00; valloy, $1.08.
Dnrloy Feed nnd brewing, $306(31
per ton.
Corn Whole, $35; cracked, $30 ton.
Oats No. 1 white $32.B0(d;33 ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley,
f('JZ Pr ton; bust;rn Orogon ?18
fifC'Ul.BO; alfalfa, $10f()lC.C0; clovor,
$1C(?)1G; cheut, $lff10; gruin hoy,
Butter City creamery extras, S9c;
fancy outside creamery, li-iQi.lidc;
store, 22f(i;24c por pound. Butter
fat prices nvorago lc per pound un
dor regular butter prices.
Poultry Hens, lCc; springs, lCc;
duck?, 20c; geese, 12c; turkeys, live,
20c; dressl-2Cc.,
EggB Fresh Orogon extras, 41(ji)
42c per dozen; Eastern, 28(i(.32c. .
Pork Fancy, lOCOlOc pound.
Veal Extras, llfjjllc por.pound.
FreBh Fruitu Apples, $l(ii3 box;
pears, $16(1. 60 per box; cranborrlos,
$9 per barrel.
Potatoes Carload prices: Oregon,
G5((7;6Gc por Back; sweet potatoes, 2c
per pound.
Vegetables ArtichokoB, 7Gc dozon;
beans, 10c per pound; cabbngo, lc
per pound, cauliflower, ?1.8Gf(2 dozen;
celory, $3.GOCD4.00 per crute; horse
radish, $1. CO por box; pumpkinB, 1J$
((ll He ' radlshos, lCc dozen; sprouts,
8c por pound ; pquuBh, lfj)lc; toma
toes, 7Bc(fr$l; turnips, $1 por sack;
carrots, $i; boots, $1.00; pursnips,
Onions Oregou, $1.C0 por sack.
Cottlo BestHtjers, $4.50)4.75; fulr
to good, $4(ff)4.2tP, medium and feed
ers, $3.25(Wi.G4f i cows, top, $3. 50(d)
3.85; fair to gol $8(rf)3.25; common
to medium, $2,.D(a)3.7G; bulls, $5.25
5.50; houvy$4f!)4.75.
Hogs Boat vothors, $5.505.75;
fair to good$4, 50(ifj5; owes, c less;
yearlings, host, S5Gi'j5,25; fair to good,
$4.504.7; lamtfl, $G6 25.
Hops IS09 crop. 2021;c; olds,
nominal. ' '
Wool-j-Eastfern Oregon, 1023c; mo
hair, choice, 25c pound.
Cascara bank, 4c pound. f
Hides Dry hldos, 1819c pbr
pound; dry klfo. 175)18c pound; dry
calfskin, l2cf. pound ualtod bides,
:1JS) boycott TRUslli
-jwoBK or rlt
Fourtoon Bllllo
In Oouifeo
Washington, Doc
junto idea of
tho postal Borvilco oi
Jnltlod States
and tho magnll udo o
business can
bo gained from a brl
Uvlokv of tho
salient facts disclosed b
lfl ljntost an
urg show
nunl statistics.) Thoso
that tho sorvlco now has
employes, and tint those
,out 325,000
IploUos hnn-
dlod during iho Inst flscn'
14. 000.000.OOCk pNcccs of in
yonf nearly
bor of postofllboM in oporat'Jn i 00,144
Thoro are 2u,C5B domestic trnmsporta
Hon routes, aggregating 448,018 rtniles in
longth. with anunnunl travel (I
1(51,121 miles. A delivery sorv
f G42,
Ico by
carrier is providod on 40,021
routes, and in rfliO cities and
Ordinary postairolitamns to tho
of 8,712,007,031 loro sold durhlg tho
yonr, and domostil money orders Uo the
value of $401,074,844 woro issued. 'I'Jol
total receipts for tho fiscal-year 1009
woro $203,502,383.07, an increase of
0.31 per cont ovor tho receipts of tho
provious year. Tho total expenditures
amountod to 221,U0i, 102.80, an increaso
of 0.07 per cont.
In its early days tho postal service
was soir-supporting. For 30 years, from
1780 to 1810, it fnilod only onco to yiold
an annual profit, but in rocont yoars, al
most without oxcoptlon, thore hns been
a deficit. So long ns tho deficit amount
ed to only a fow million dollars, and did
not increaso in proportion to tho growth
of the sorvlco, it attracted little atten
tion; but when, in the last fow years, it
leaped to upward of $10,000,000, and
finally in iuui exceeded $17,000,000, or
dinary business prudonco suggested
that tho causes bo definitely located.
Tho loss on second-class- mall matter
has been Increasing for mnny yenrs, un
til it now amounts to $04,000,000.
Tho loss from rural delivery, a sorv
lco begun hardly a dozon years ago and
of unprecedented growth, reaches as
high as $28,000,000.
In thoso two items nlono tho postal
servico now suffors nn annual loss of
moro thnn tho cntiro national deficit of
tho last fiscal year.
Tho most striking fact disclosed by
recent investigations is tho tremendous
loss on account of second-class mail.
While this class of mail provides a rev-
onuo of littlo moro than 1 cent a pound,
tno cost to tno government for its hand
ling and transportation nveragos 0.23
cents a pound. Tho nnnual loss thus
incurred, ns already stated, is about
$01,000,000. Tho grbwth in tho quantity
of second-class matter sont through tho
mails hns been extraordinary. Sinco
tho pnssago of tho act of 1870 .describ
ing conditions under which publications
may bo mailed at second-class rates tho
woight of such matter has increased
moro than 1300 per cent. Last year
it amounted to over 700,000,000 pquuds.
If Diaz Bocognizes Zclaya, Will Loso
Friendship of United States.
Washington. Doc. 20.- Whilo somo
porsons boliovo that Secretary of Stato
lvnox has boon too sovoro mid undinio-
matic In hnndling Zolnya, tho ox-president
of Nicaragun, thoro aro thoso on
tho insido who know that Mexico, with
tho "blood-thickor-than-wntor" prece
dent has offered a doliborato insult to
tho Unltod Statos, and may havo to bo
callod to time with tho rest of tho
littlo row-breeding dictatorships of Ceu
irai ami aouin America
uhilo the state department haill a
tentative understanding with Prosi hint
Dinz through Knriquo Creel, special
commissioner, regarding permission for
Zolnyn to board tho Mexican gunboat
Ouorroro, it is said hero that any effort
n tho part of Diaz to entertain the
man who has apparently stolen millions
from his country nnd committed all
mnniior of outrages on frlond and foo
nliko, will bo considered ns an un
friendly net, to say tho least.
Tho abuses heaped upon the plain
pooplo in tho Central Amoricnn so-called
republics has been a matter of knowl
edge to tho nations of the world for
decades. Tho wonder is that Kurope
hns not callod upon tho United States
to oxorciso somo sort of jurlsdictiou
ovor tho littlo "Control American trou-blo-brocdors,"
Tho most sorious sldo of tho situa
tion is the turn tnkon by Mexico in
harboring tlio fugitlvo Zolnyn. Tho
sinio, war ngiu navy departments , are
watching with calm deliberation the
clslon thntlfehtyl havo Leon roachodV
uin7. as iowaemor or not hyiiimtt
cnooso noiwoorr ino rricndsiiijf' 0f Zo
laya or.tho friendship of ,IJs6sIdJint Taft
A f. 1
Woman -Trio to Kill Ohildron.
Cincinnati, DoJl 2). Becoming
of ago, attomptcd'to cromato four of
her eight children. Tho lives of tho
four littlo ones woro savod bv nolnli
bors. When tho mania solzml M. n Wntnnti
viio is report on to hnvo sot flro to nn
1 1 . . '
ouiuuiiciing niu to havo hurled tho
family dog in o the flames. Tho nolgh.
bors arrived barely in timo to provont
illA L 11.1 .
mu luur uuareu irmn hii Tor l,n
snmo torrilo fnto. She fellod one of
mo rosc!rs with a e in r boforo h1,
was orpoworod.
inzod by Storm Troublos.
olphia, Dec. 20. B. H. Bail
second jco-presldont and freight traf-
no mauiL'cr or tno Bonding railroad.
suddunlf becamo insane in his ofllcos
nero xoay. jio was rnninvml fn n..
isylum.lBnll Is known to
groatly lorried by tho trafllo domornll
zation cihsod by tho rocont storms thnt
luti-n uu'inf ill.. A.ln..tA 1 1
.....w mu .ti.iiiiii.iu BuuDuaru. ills
ofTorts it koop frolght mdvlng during
his perlcl nro bollovod to bo partially
rosponsibl for his collnnnn
. . -
Hi Onnnot Recovor.
Itomo, 1. 20. The condition of nr.
dlnal Sal II, who Is sulTorlmT frm
iiophrltls.ninpllcntod by au attack of
1)1(10(1 POlillinL'. is unnlinnirnil rpi,
attending jU'slelnus say ho will nrob.
ibly linger tevoral days. His rocovory
s consIdonlUmpoBsiblo. Mossngos of
yuipatny tHinuo to. nour in from nil
m. if-
ItYl ZmU iden of
KlnltWd States I Hp J
iV business can 1 Ul,,
ll-vlokv of tho
Geriman Plan Is' To M Givftl
Trial In America
National Anti-Trust Leaguer JmiMake
,ar on uomDinations thnt in
crease Cost of Llvlrg.
Washington, Jan. 1. Plans for a na
tlrn4 boycott of thoso j!ombinntions.
tint 4 ncronso the cost of living woro-
laid pto tonight, when tho National
Anti-K nat Longuo was launched.
Met hers of congress nro interested
in thAl View movement and immediate
stcpsjv 111 be taken toward perfecting,
stato to ganizations,
Th(7'j when prices soar, league mom
boraJiy stopping tho uso of such arti
cles i r commodities as havo gone abovo
a coitain level, will try to put thcni
buck by refusing to furnish a market.
Th' i plan was tried in Germany a fow
yean ngo, and, according to a report,.
brok . up a combine that had raised tho
price of coffee to an almost prohibi
tive point.
Th ) meeting wns informal, and no
final organizations wns effected. It was-
undcrsnod, howover, that tho crusado
just be
gun should go on in tho namo-
of the Unti-trust League, and that tho
ition should bo non-political,
ion ns congress reconvenes a
permanent organization will bo effected.
tho sponkors tonight wero
McK inla
Tho w
bo take
terms w
voico in
loader Clark and Congressman
, of California.
mien of tho United Stntes will
i into membership on equal
th mon, and will havo equal
-the campaign.
innl fco will bo charted mem
A no in
bors to
bers to dbver tho cost of mailing proc
Jamationi'J against articlos of food that
havo beoju pushed too high in tho raar-
Confirm Story
That OirL
i Stole $07,820.
Chicago!, jan. 1. Angolina Schia
vono's. dr.unntic story, in which she-
told how jJ(,o robbed hor fathor's bank
of $07,820
nnd gave it to her uncle,.
1 1 Schiavouc, to gain a. hus
Icoivcd stronir conflrmntion
nami, re
from othe
r witnesses today in the trial -pco
Schiavono and his fam-
of Franci
ily before!
Judge Tuthill.
orpginal packages of monoy
taken fror
i I'asquale Schiavono 's bank
were trace
d to ono of the defendants,
linvone, daughtor of Fran-
Mollie Sc
cisco, nnd
saii to havo inspired her
i tlin id O.I Hint llm i-nnlil
cousin will,
buy n husWnd.
D. Coste
plo, formerly receiving teller
from tho
West hido Trust & Savinirs-
bank, tost
fled that Mollio Schiavone
requent deposits of $500 for
had mado
hor father,
J- rancisco Jschiavone.
Mollio nil
krays mado a deposit for her
father, Francisco, the witnoss said, and
no did no
I recall an instanco when
jliad depositod such money
SUITS Trm-R a tp wrn
OU Mon to Suo Standard
pil by Thousands.
Muss., Jan. 1. Sovcr1
will bo in
oil reflnorj
promo co;
tho circuit
amngo suits against tho-
1 company of Now Jorfcy
Muted bv tho independent
if tho United. States su-
upholds tho docision of
ourt for (V Missouri dis-
trict order
1 the '-orporation dissolved.
didale ntrC.
msgon, prosidential can
Indopoudonco party in
10 w, president of tho In-
oiiendcnt Pe
roicpm -Marketers' asso-
elation, today
dependents w
ings under tin
announced that tho In
uld baso thoir proceed
section of tho Sherman
that any porson or com-
law providing
ny injured
ing netioU'nYl
magos. VI
Third Ph
ui' n corporation mov
inst it for fourfold
3h in Tong War.
New York. ilTni 1. Bonownl of tho
tong warflfll0 JiUj -New York's China
town clnimri1 p'fior victim early this
morning, M'k i Chinoso actor was
shot and killV Jlf1'0 hnllway of a ten-
omont house, lJslleforo dnybroak. Ah
Hung, who w'as' prominont momber
of ono of til" fflnoso socrot organi
zations, wcw ml h'i rm when a voico
domnnded adn!H10"' A1 Hng oponod
Iho door nn inij1' or two nnd peopod
out. Thoro ivijl n shot and then n
senmper of foot jdciwn tho stairs. Neigh
bors found Ah lig lyinir dead. A
bullet had penftruoa tho body.
Zolnya RoRarc,od ns Martyr.
foxlcn Citv. 'Tn" nr- Oroosbeck
Walsh, formerly ?ting United States
consul at CorinV pnspd through horo
tflllflV. iTI, un ill jtelaya was looked imon
as ii mnrtvr bv V10 I)eol,lQ of Central
America. Dr. v""8" 8nitl tlmt no know
thnt when Zolai,ft wns in Pwor ho had
cnusod consuIur sports to bo intor-
cnusod consuli
copied nnd hni
I muzzlod tho press, Pa
Itica nro bristling with
h as "Down with tho
o must stand togotlior,"
pors of Costa
paragraphs su
ftoos," "V
s a martyr."
Lamphmt0 30,08 ln Prlson.
Porto ifd- Jan. 1. Bay Lam-
. .,,W,1 slnvnr nr Afro Tlnlln
plHBi, con
Ou'Aoss, o
'murder farm" fnmo, and
i, died tonight of tubarcu
Michigan City ponltontiary,
IosIhIIh tin
. ..k
groon, lo less.
frionds l
ho v
is sc ving au ludcterraiuate
UUUOU OtatOS. term
- -
WW- .
t ;
h -
' 1 lf
, for nccoptanco early In Jun-
10X 11c;
od calfskin 5 Oc:
ivor tno v
i nnd minrtloularly from whor
1 1