The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 23, 1909, Image 3

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Curea all blood diseases and
builds up the whole system.
There is no "just as good"
medicine. Get it "today and
beein taking it at once.
fmus! I quid form or chocolated tab
,lWBniUli. 100 Dol ,lf
nmiirni rruirrio.
r McCll How about your aor
... iirir The !at time I iaw you
Jott complained about hr balng so
Mri. l,lrm 0,n-h bVi Pro
''Si" McCall-Indeed7
Mr(, Hiram Often Yea, &' get
tlol doner and Blower. Catholic
gundard and Tlmea.'
imwiM) K JIOIITON - Atr and Ctenftt,
KtifTH. tallies eatelopee and full prUliu
I5..i?Vrpirril. Colrol jdTtinpIre woikeo-
A Trlbatfi.
"T E. II. Harrlmnn'a ...... -.-
tlcei," laid ft New York clorgyman,
due premlnenco wasn't given to hla
fpndneaa for little children. That, chll
drou were also fnnit nt him
...... uiu IIIUICU
by a remark my little daughter made
mat montn,
"'Mr, Harrlman li dead, my dear,'
I aald to her,
"Her eyes filled with ,..
aald, with a gulp:
will belP"Pa' hW haRPX th, angeI
Eor Infants and Ohlldn.
T)ii Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Blgnaturo o
JUliti the dough
tod compile with
Jlpure food Uw.
cwscEfrr mfo. co.
JUlim of MArUmt
(kdur loan Maple).
To travel (Cut
U via Die
Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company's
Oregon-Waste gtou linked
I'ortUnd to Chleaco
Ckkago-Portlaad Special
QilcAita. St. LouU. Etc
Train da Luae" toSU Paul
Latest equipment, Pullman,
Tourist and Dining Cnra, electric
lighted nnd up-to-date. Block
Signal System Portland to Chicago.
For literature, rates, reserva
tions, etc.? cull on or write to any
0. It. & N. agent, or to
General I'anscngor Agent
Portlnnd, Oregon
At PrlcKs that Oc(y Competition
IKIM WITHOUT I'tATCS a specialty
li 1 1. 1 . J
wwrEK Hi.uNas. :.6oc up
OOU) KILLINGS . . . ... . . . .... . ....ii.oo up
8K COLD CltOWN 5.00
001) KUUIIKIt 1'LATK ... $3.00
WHALKIIONK I'LATKH? 7 77. . ...... VilO.OO
Out-of-town pstlnnlM can obtain perfect work
M ve money by calling- at our office.
AH work tiurantonl for trn years
323M Wathlncton St.. Cor. Sllh
ftUMUhod 15 year. Hera to atay.
JJrn an unfailing water supply. It
mean that you will have tho fnotl practl
I,. i0'""iIq water u ply ytm now In
No rlovated ink, no froten plpea In
winir. no atairnaut watar In aummer. no
.' unply trouble ofanyeort. Tank
'.n lawmi-nt. out of aluht and way.
S?m f P.rel aUd. will not rut and
w'ii lat a llfetlma.
. You will be plMl with the LEADER
rtem of furnUhlnir Domoitlo WaUr
i p.r.y .Ak lor our cataloinia and free
pkl't. 'Ilow I Bolvad My Water Mipply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
A Modern Inatnnro,
The mighty Caity had itruck out
"I had to do It or apoll the poam,"
ha explained,
Year afterward, however, when he
aw how the elocutionists had over
worked It, he bitterly rogrettod the
And Ouroa Any Cough That la Ourablo,
Noted Thyilclan's rormula.
This prcucrlptlon ii one of the very
belt known to science. The ingredienti
eitn be gotten from any good druggist,
or be will get them from his wholesale
"Mix hulf pint of good whiskey with
two ounces or giycenno and add one
half ounce Concentrated nine eoninound.
The bottle is to be well shaken each
time and used in doves of a tcaxpoonful
to a tablespoonfu every four hours."
The Concentrated pine is n spcciil
pine product and comes only in half
ounce bottles, each enclosed in an air
tight case, but be sure it lk labeled
Don flometimee.
Youthful Customer (at book store)
What does "Drldge Whist for Berln
nera" cost?
Bomber Haleaman It will probably
coat you your entire wad. Chicago
"My father has been a sufferer from sick
headache for the last twenty-five years and
never found any relief until he began
taking your CoscareU. Since he baa
begun taking Cascarets he. has never had
the headache, They have entirely cured
him. Cascarets do what you recommend
them to do. I will give you the privilege
of using bis name. K. M. uicason,
Xiao Resiner St., W. Indianapoli, Ind
Pleaaant, Palatable. Potent. Taite Good.
Dotiood. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grip.
10c. 2Sc. JOc. Never eold la bulk. The Ben
aloe tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed llo
cure or your money back. M
Baby Smiles
When He Takes
iitu, I
!l W.a"JSffi-K l EaaT
jMmaM ma u u . . .
A SuadVud Rawdy I at hi emlory.
All pnnriiii.M
LONG COATS .322-3i2
cATAiot ivee
r.n. tiasTaH.uAA.
Anr1 now. children." suld the teioh.
. .... ...tiin in ha
pi, aaureasinK m"""" ,w
in anatomy uid physlolog. "can you
tII me what milk la?"
'Klcht cents qunrti" shoutf the
c.illdren, In un.ron. CY 'oao Tribune
Stops Hair
Aycr's Hair Vigor, new im
proved formula will certainly
stop falling of the hair. Indeed,
we believe it will always do this
unless there is some disturb
ance of the general health.
Then.a constltutionalmedlclne
may be necessary. Consult
t.ofrlin ahnut this.
Dot not enane n "" " - m
Jormuta with eeoh bottle
Show It to year
ilk him about It,
then dose he y
taiiiiih tmm thla .rnuhle. After
Ei.done7naure aoon brlnfiaabouta
IS I recoye y, ro.torlngthe Mr
calp to a porfectlr healthy condition.
-awiiw",vp' '
What Gold
Cannot Buy
Author of "A Crookod Path." "Maid, Wif or Widow," "By
Woman's Wit," "Beaton's Barfaln," "A Llfo Intoroat,"
"Mona's Choloo," "A Woman'"
CHAITKIt X.(Contlnned.)
Uopo looked at him with a very
puzzled oxprcBHion, then a Hmllo part
ed her li)R.
"I think you aro nil very curlouB
people hore," ahe Said. "There are
amall nlgnB of English reserve about
you. But, I don't want to hear any
more confidences; so I shall leave
"This Is too bad! when I thought
F should have a mlnuto'B talk with you
In peace! Did you over know any
thing bo idiotic as Miss Dacro's dra
matic nttempt?"
"I thought you pronounced It 'splen
didly generous.' "
"Well, so It was, considering how
mad she was about Hugh heraelf a
couple of years ago. It was a match
that would have suited my aunt down
to the ground, but he would never
hear of It. Aro you really going?
Well, It Is too bad of you! I hope
you will not go over to this practic
ing to-morrow? I am on duty, and
have to return to quarters to-night."
"What I can or cannot do depends
on Mrs. Savllle. Good-by for the pres
ent." She gave him her hand for a
moment, and was gone.
With an air of extreme annoyance
Captain Lumley; stepping through one
of tho open windows, followed the
path taken by Miss Dacre.
The dinner at Inglefield was very
tranquil that evening. Mrs. Savllle,
her son, Hope Desmond and Mr. Raw
son made upk the whole party. Mrs.
Savllle looked 111; thero wero deep
shadows under her eyes, and her face
seemed smaller than usual; but she
was unusually talkative and gracious.
She discussed politics wjth her
guest, and occasionally directed her
remnrks to Hope. Mr. Savllle contrib
uted some rather original observa
tions, and all things went .smoothly.
On leaving tho table she Bald to Raw
son, "I must leave you to Miss Des
mond's caro this evening, for I have a
very bad headache; but I shall see you
In the morning."
After a little conversation Mr. Sa
vllle ent to look for some sketches
ho had taken of the Lincolnshire
churches, and In his absence Mr. Raw
son said, "Mrs. Savllle is most friend
ly. She particularly wishes you to
remain; she says you know when to
be silent and when to speak; so I
think things promise well. Go on as
yon have begun. She talks of going
on tho Continent In a month or two,
You nre, I Imagine, firmly fixed in her
good graces. This is having half your
work done."
"Heaven grant it!" said Hope, with
heartfelt earneatness; and soon they
separated for tho night.
"I think, Miss Desmond, I shall go
abroad next week," said Mrs. Savllle,
breaking silence one dull, drizzling,
depressing November day, when they
wero sitting by tho fire in tho smaller
of tho two drawing-rooms. Mrs. Sa
vlllo had been In deep thought, and
Hope diligently making a long strip
of lace which usually occupied her
when not reading aloud.
"Do you wish mo to accompany
"Yes, of course. You aro very ready
to leave me."
"No. Indeed, Mrs. Savllle; I should
bo sorry to do so; but I wish you to
feel qulto free. The Becret of comfort
In such a relationship as ours Is that
wo aro not bound to eacn othor,"
There was nnother pause.
"Very llkoly," resumed Mrs. Sa
vlllo, as If sho had been reflecting,
"However, I do not wish to part com
pany as yet. I must say you aro one
of tho' few young women Indeed,
young or old who have nny common
senso, though your ideas on some
points are by no means round."
"What aro my chief errors?" asked
Hopo, with tho pleasant fearlessness
ffhlch was one of her chief attractions
to tho imperious little plutocrat.
"You are a sentimentalist in some
directions, and you do not recognize
tho truoValuo of money. The first is
weakness; the second, willful blind
ness." "I daro Bay I am weak," returned
Hopo, laying down her work nnd
speaking thoughtfully; "but do you
know, Mrs. Savlllo, I think 1 have a
truer estlmato of tho value of money
than yourself?"
"How do you make that out?" Mrs.
Savllle spoke with some degree of In
terest. "I know that a certain amount Is
necessary, that real poverty Is de
grading, that ever,y right-minded indi
vidual will strive and toil for a suffi
ciency, enough to secure independence
and respectability; but, after that,
what can money buy? Not health, nor
a sense of enjoyment, nor intelligence,
nor the perception of beauty, nor that
crown of life, lovo. Very moderate
means will permit of fullest pleasure
in nil these, but they must bo all tb
free gift of nature: gold cannot buy
"And with them all," returned Mrs.
Savlllo, "you can never lift your head
abovo the obscurity of a mean position,
if you only possess moderate means."
"That docs not seem a hardship to
me. It is truo I never knew what
ambition meant, and therefore I am no
fair Judge of what is essential to an
ambitious spirit; but men have attain
ed to great power and yet had buj lit
tlo money."
"Not often not often; while to
women, with their more limited
sphere, money is still more essential.
'If every one was as philosophic as
yourself, where should we be? Where
would civilization, inventions, im
provement, employment, be, if men did
not haste to become rich?"
"But I do not object to people be
coming rich, and I acknowledge that
men who amass large fortunes are of
ten benefactors to their fellows. I
only, urge that great wealth Is not es
sential to individual happiness, and
that men who increase knowledge nnd
social Improvemen., who Invent and
explore, are benefactors equally with
those who mako the money which pays
for it all."
"We are like the two knlgLts who
fought over the color of the fthleld.
Miss Desmond. You must grant that
if. wealth cannot buy health It can at
lenBt mitigate suffering; and It cer
talnly'can buy esteem, If It cannot buy
love. As to love, who feels It except
the young and the Imaginative? It
is but another form of selfishness;
some quality in another gratifies you
or flatters you, and you think that per
son essential to your existence."
"There is something more In that
that." said Hopo, gently: - "you must
know that. Did you never love any
ono yourself?" '
"Yes; at least I thought I did, and
small thanks I had for It But I am
not sure that my reason Is not too
strong for my affections."
"I think." said Hope, slowly, "that
you could lovo very much." She stop
ped, and grew a little paler than us
ual. "Pardon me If I take a liberty
In speaking my opinion."
"No; go on; you amuse me."
"We scarcely know what gifts we
xpossess till circumstances call them
out, and yours may not have drawn
out your faculties In that direction.
But I am quite sure the remarkable
strength of your nature woulf make
your love strong, too."
"Really, Miss Desmond, you are a
profound student of human nature.
Unfortunately for the development of
my affections. I am not what is called
a lovable person."
"No," said Hope, quietly, "not what
a surface observer would call lova
ble; you aro too contemptuous of
weakness, which you cannot under
stand; but If steadiness of purpose, a
sense of Justice, honor, and loyalty,
arc worthy of love, you ought to be
loved. "When I came to you, my first
Inclination was to fear you, and I de
termined not to yield to It. or, if I
found It Insurmountable, to leave you.
You cannot support the companionship
of a spirit' Inferior to your own."
"And you consider yours equal to
mine?" asked Mrs. Savllle, with a
slight smile.
"I do," returned Hope, steadily.
"You aro my superior In knowledge,
in experience, In ability, in strength
of will; but my opinions, my individ
uality, aro my own; I will never yield
them to the mere authority of any
creature, even to one I respect as I
do yop. If, in speaking ns I think, I
offend, we are not bound to live to
gether a moment longer than is agree
able I may lovo you one day; I will
never nllow myself to fear you."
"You aro rather a curious girl. I
do not wish people to fear me. Why
should they?"
"I do not suppose you do; but you
have a dominant will, which wealth
gives you tho power to exercise, and
it colors your manner."
"I have nlways been well served."
"No doubt."
"Well, Miss Desmond, you have in
terested me a good deal, and, as you
say, whenever I grow too tyrannical,
or you grow too fearless, we can part
company. At any rate, you are more
of a rational being than most young
women. Now ub to my plnns for this
winter. I canuot Btand being worried
by the people I know In London, and
my relations; bo I proposo going to
Dresden, a town where one meets few
English. I have had enough of my
compatriots for the present. I shall
como to Paris In the spring; and after
oh, that is too remoto to think of.
I had a letter this morning from Mary
Dacre. Sho la staying in Yorkshire,,
at some wild country house, where
oho hunts and shoots Ip modern-young
lady fashion. Sho threatens to return
hero with her obedient father on the
17th, and that idiot Georgo Lumley in
her train, Lady Olivia writes that
the preference dear Mary Dacra aaowB
with such girlish simplicity for aear
Georgo lf quite touching. Of Course
the Lumleyu are enchanted at the pos
sibility of such a marriage. I won
der does it over occur to them to count
up tho number of aspirants Miss Da
cre has encournged and thrown over?
1 do not myself quite understand why
George Lumloy hung about here so
much. 1 fancy he was rather laughing
nt tho future Baroness Cistloton; and
he is too much of a Savlllo to do what
ho doesn't like, even for a wealthy
"I must aay. Mrs. Savllle, that seems
to me erring In tho right direction."
"I suppose it does, to you. To me
it seems weak self-lndulgenco, when
you consider the position George Lum
ley Is born to, and which he Is bound
to keep up."
"What a terrible birthright!" re
turned Hope Desmond, laughing, aa
she resumed her lace-work, and, tea
coming In at that moment, the conver
sation was Interrupted.
Hope had been for four months
Mrs. Saville's constant companion, and.
having got over the first almost over
powering inclination to fly from her
awful presence, every day added to
the steadiness of her nerve, and to her
influence with her wealthy patroness.
She, too, rejoiced in Miss Dacre'a de
parture for more brilliant fields o'
conquest, as her constant demands on
her new confldantes time and sympa
thies were rather exhausting. The
village concert had been a great suc
cess, but the rractlclrfgs which led up
to it had been an equally great trial.
Moreover, Captain Lumley's manners
had caused her much annoyance. Pre
occupied feeling had at first blinded
her as to the true meaning of his at
tentions and efforts to escort her to
and from the Court and Inglefield
House; while the self-confident hussar
was enraged, piqued, and above all
fascinated, by the friendly, kindly un
consciousness of his aunt's attractive
companion. Ho had never met any
thing like it before, and gradually pru
dence, worldliness, every considera
tion, became merged In an all-devouring
desire to conquer the smi 'ng In
difference which baffled him, and to
revenge the endless slights he thought
he had received. At last he h.Td torn
himself away, hoping to renew at
tack with fresh effect on his return.
Meanwhile, he masked his batteries
under a very overt flirtation with
Miss Dacre.
Before starting for the ContIent.
Hope had leave of 'absence for two or
three days, which she spent with her
friend Miss Rawson. These were a re
freshment to her tplrlt, an-1 after
much confidential talk and some neces
sary shopping she returned to her
The welcome accorded her by the
self-contained mistress of Inglefield
was warmer than she anticipated. Mrs.
Savllle had missed ier pleasant com
panlonship. Her presence soothed
and satisfied the Imnerlous woman
The sincere respect she evinced was
so thoroughly a free-will offering that
It was more flattering to Mrs. Savllle
than the most elegantly turned com
pllments from a luminary of fashion
"You will go on and prosper. I have
no doubt." were Mr. Rawson's parting
words, the daj before the intending
traveler Btartert. when he had come to
Inglefield on business.
"So far all goes ft-irly. If I can win
Mrs. Saville's confidence so complete
ly that she voluntarily mentions her
offending son. I shall think I have
done well."
"It will be a long experiment, I fear;
but you have twelve months before
"Yes; and who knows what a day
may bring forth?"
Twenty-four hours later 6aw Mrs.
Savllle and her companion dining at
Meurlce's. In the former's youth the
hotel had been the favorite quarters
of the well-to-do English in Paris, and
Bhe never left It Hope Desmond had
often been In Paris before, but gener
ally in very loftily placed and diminu
tive apartments; and her present lux
urious surroundings did not please her
as much as they saddened by the
memories and contrasts they evoked.
After a few days' rest, Mrs. Savllle
set out for Germany, nnd In the quiet
routine of their comfortable life there
the current of this "ower true tale
seemed to stagnate.
(To b continued. 1
Uncle to the Farm.
There Is Just one way for the people
of the city to find It possible to buy
eggs, chickens, meat and flour for less
money that Is for some of them to
leave tho city and go back to' raising
more henB, more cattle, and growing
more wheat. The fact is that tho
country, is gottlng top-heavy. The
cities are calling too heavily on the
producing areas. Farming is getting
to be one of the moat profitable busi
nesses of the country because the pro
portion of non-producers is getting so
large. It is all a matter of supply and
demand; JtiBt now the demand for
foodstuffs la larger than It has ever
been in proportion to the supply.
Denver Republican.
The Iluohelor'a Job.
"Any one who haB the notion that n
bachelor's life Is all bliss is in wrong,"
remarked a bachelor. "All summer
long I'm supposed to ait up until the
small hours In the morning enter
taining married men whoso wivea
have gone ' away for a few weeks..
Detroit Free Press,
For the Scholar,
Medical Assistant How about this
vacclno virus? Is It all right?
Doctor I'm not quite sure about it
I wouldn't use it in my private prac
tice. Better set it aside for use only
in the public schools. Life.
Bess That's a quaiht ring you'ro
wearing. Is it an heIrloorn7 lesa
Well, it dates from tho Conquest
Cleveland Leader.
Tramp Say, mister, I haven't had
a Dite an aay. uejccica .uboi
Same here. Where did you fish?-
Boston Tranacript
"Where Is Hong Kong. John?' aaked
teacher. "I don't know, sir," answer
ed John. "I think he was in China
last time I heard."
When John had a small piece of pie-
put on his plate he grumbled: "1
wish cook wouldn't put so much short
ening in this paatry."
"My doll is very sick," said Dottie,
mournfully. "Yea," said her chum
Polly, "she does look waxy. You
ought to have her waxinated."
"What did you say last night when
Jack asked you to marry him?" 'I
ihook my head." -Sideways or up)
ind down?" BoBton Transcript
"Women have gained fame despite
the men!" shouted the sharp-featured
suffragette. "Yes, for untold ages.'
replied the mere meek man. Judge.
"Oh, mamma," exclaimed Dottle,
running In from the garden, where
jhe saw a robin redbreast for the first
time, "come and look at this sparrow
with a red flannel shirt on!"
She after a' long silence Did I
aear anything fall? He (timidly)
Why, no. She (with a yawn) Oh,
sxcuse me, I thought you dropped a
remark. Baltimore American.
Her Yes, he used to take me to the
theater and send me flowers and candy-
Him What did you do to him tr
make him quit it Her Oh, I went
uid married him! Cleveland Leader.
"But, Willie," said the bad boy's
mother, "didn't your conscience tell
you that you were doing wrong'"
"Yes'm," replied Willie, "but you know
you told me not to believe everything
I hear."
Medium (after the seance) Can any
one tell how spirits could have got in
to the room and moved the- furniture?
when all the doors were locked? Bright
Boy (raising his hand) With skele
ton keys.
An old gentleman was playing with
his little granddaughter one day,
when she noticed that most of his
hair was missing. "Grandpa," she
queried earnestly, 'why don't you
wear a switch?"
"But I don't see that you need ba
so heart-broken because Mabel Fly
away has Jilted you." "It isn't the
Jiltlng I mind, but she returned the
ring in a parcel marked 'Glas3. With,
care' ! " Exchange.
First Guest Won't you Join me in
requesting young Squalls to recite?
Second Guest But I don't like recita
tions. First Guest Neither do I. But
If the young beggar doesn't recite he'll
sing. New York ' G lobe.
"Pa," said John, the other day, "I
planted some potatoes last summer,
and what do you think came up?"
"Potatoes, of course," answered Pa.
"Nup," said John. "There came up a
drove of pigs and ate them all."
"Ma," cried Dot, "my button-shoes
are hurting me." "Why, child, no
wonder," exclaimed Ma; "you put
them on the wrong feet!" Dot looked
puzzled; then said: "What will I do,
ma? They are all the feet I got"
"I can't tdo this example," pouted
John. "You can do anything you want
to do," replied his pa. "Even water
may be carried In a'sleve, if you only
wait" "How long must I wait?" aak
ed John. "Till it freezes," coolly an
swered Pa.
"John," she said, "don't you think
this talk about trial marriages is Just
horrid?" "Oh, I dunno." "Why, you
don't believe in them yourself, do
you?" "Have to. If there's any mar
riage that ain't a trial, you Just show
me." Philadelphia Ledger.
Young Lady Give me one yard ot
why, haven't 1 seen you before?
Draper's Assistant Oh,. Maud, have
you forgotten me? 1 saved your life
at tho seaside last summer! Young.
Lady (warraly) Why, of courso you
did. Then you may give me two yards
ot the ribbon, please.
One day Elsie's mother sent her to
find a switch vIth which to chastiso
her little brother, Who had been teas
ing her. After a time Bhe returned
with a dozen or more pebbles In her
apron. "I couldn't find any switch,
mamma," she explained, "but you cau
throw these rocks at him."
"Have you ever noticed," began the
bald gentleman, who liked to enter
tain the people gathered in his corner
ot the hotel piazza, "that little meu
Invariably marry large women?" "It
may be bo," murmured a mild-eyed
fellow guest, "but I bad always sup
posed that it was the other way about
that the large women married th
small men."
He waa poor, but otherwise honest,
and he had just proposed to the heir
ess. "Are you sure," ehe queried after
the manner ot her kind, "that you do
not want to marry me for my
money?" "Of course I don't," he re
piled. "I am anxious to marry you
because I haven't tho heart to let you.
become an old maid merely because
you happen to have a paltry half mil
lion," Tho Woap.