The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 16, 1909, Image 2

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    What Gold
Cannot Buy
Author of "A Crooked Pth." "Mld. Wlfo or Widow," "By
Woman' Wit." "Beiton'a DtrSfttn." "A LIU Interest."
"Mont'a Choloe." "A Woman's Heart."
The young heiress was much upset,
nd, besides this, she had felt for some
time what she would have termed an
rachlng void" for want of a confi
dante. A confidante had always been
a necessity to her, as It generally Is
to persons much taken up with them
selves. Her last devoted friend, the
depositary of her secret troubles, pro
jects, and love affairs, had lately mar
ried a brutal husband who had taught
Ills bride to laugh at Mary Dacre's
storms In a teacup and two-penny-halfpenny
tragedies; so her heart was
mpty, swept and garnished, and
ready for the occupation of another
"faithful friend and counsellor," when
fate threw Hope Desmond In her way.
In Miss Dacre's estimation, she was
eminently fitted to fill the vacant post ;
there was just the difference of station
between them which would make the
confidences of the future Baroness Cas
tleton flattering to their recipient, to
whom also her friendship might be
useful. There was a short pause. Miss
Desmond's eyes looked dreamy, as If
she were gazing in spirit at some dis
tant scene, and not as if she were
quivering with impatience for the
revelations about to be made to her.
The silence was broken suddenly by
somewhat unconnected exclamation
from Miss Dacre: "He Is certainly
very nice-looking."
"Who? Lord Everton?" asked Hope.
"Lord Everton! Nonsense! He
might have been forty years ago. I
mean Captain Lumley. There is
something knightly in his look and
bearing: one could imagine him go
ing down Into the lion's pit for one's
Slove, and that sort of thing."
"I do not think I could," smiling.
"'I do not fancy Captain Lumley or
any other logical modern young man
doing anything of the kind. He might,
if extra-chivalrous, bring you a dozen
new pairs to replace the one you had
"Ah, my dear Miss Desmond, I fear
you are not Imaginative. Or perhaps
you have only known prosaic men."
"I have only known very few of any
""And I have had such a wide expe
rience! " said Miss Dacre, with a sigh,
"'You can see I am no beauty; yet I
2iavo the fatal gift of fascination in an
extraordinary degree. Yes, really It is
quite curious." Another sigh. "I feel
In something of a difficult position
Just now, and I have no friend near
with whom to take counsel. Now,
dear Miss Desmond, I feel attracted to
you. I am certain you could be a
"faithful friend, and silent as the
"I should be very happy to be of
any use to you," said Hope, seeing she
paused for a reply.
"I knew you would. I am so tired
of feeding on my own heart! 1 want
a friend. Now, 1 dare say you are sur
prised to see how earnestly I advocate
Hugh Saville's cause. Ah. there is
little tragic story which will color my
whole life."
"Indeed!" with awakening Interest.
"I trust your life will be free from all
tragic Ingredients"
' Ah. no; that It cannot be. You
must know that I bhw a great deal of
Richard and Hugh Savllle when I was
a little girl; my father worried a great
deal about politics, and I used to live
at the Court all the summer, that he
might see me sometimes (my mother
died when I was a baby, you know).
"Well, as soon as I left off playing
with dolls and began to feel, I was ih
loye with Hugh; and he was very
fond of me. Then ho went to sea, and
we did not meet for years, until after
I had been presented and had refused
lialf a dozen men. I shall never for
set our first meeting when he return
ed from oh, I don't know where. He
was so pleased to see me; but soon,
very soon. I saw that he who was the
light of my eyes was the one man of
all I had met who resisted the attrac
tion I generally exercise' Here she
paused In her voluble utterance and
pressed her handkerchief to her eyes.
Hope was bo .amazed at these unex
pected revelations that the bright col
or rose In her cheek It seemed to
Sier delicate nature almost Indecent
to thus lay bare one's secret experi
ences to a stranger and a look of
embarrassment made her drop her
eyes; but these symptoms were lost
on her companion, who thoroughly
enjoyed holding forth on the delight
ful topic of self and exhibiting her
own fine points.
"That must have been very try
( lng," said Hopo, feeling that she ought
to pay something.
"Awful, my dear Miss Desmond. By
the bye, may I call you Hope? It Is a
good omen, your name."
"Certainly, Miss Dacre."
"Well, my dear Hope, I nearly went
mad; but It la curious that I never
looked better. I flirted wildly with
every one; still of course Hugh knew
quite, well that I waa desperately In
lovs with hlra."
"Did he? How very trying! Per
haps he did not."
"Oh, yes, he did; and of course I
did all sorts of wild things to Bhow r
did not care."
"Yes, I understand."
"Then I had that disturbance with
my father about poor Lord Balmulr.
I behaved rather badly. I did In
tend to marry htm, but I couldn't!
And so we went abroad; and I felt
better. But It was an awful blow
when I found that Huga was abso
lutely married! Just think of It!
and to a mere adventuress, a nobody!
such an ambitious man! He will
get sick of her, you may be quite
"Why?" asked Hope, looking ear
nestly at her. "Is he very change
able?" "No, not at all; he Is as steady as
a rock, and very proud. But most men
tire of their wives, especially when
they have brought them no advan
tages. I never thought Hugh Savllle
could fall In love and forget himself.
Now, when I saw George Lumley, his
likeness to his cousin made my heart
beat. I soon saw that he was a good
deal struck with me, and I believe I
could love him passionately If If
memory was not so Importunate. He
is very charming; and why should I
not grow young again? for one does
feel awfully old when one has no love
affair on. Don't you think George
Lumley is very much taken with
"I suppose that sort of attraction la
more perceptible to Its object than to
any one else." returned Hope' Desmond,
hesitatingly. She had grown pale and
grave, while Miss Dacre rattled on:
"Then, you see, when I heard about
Hugh. saving that man's life, I thought
I might make use of the story to wake
up Mrs. Saville's good feelings. It
would be rather an heroic proceeding
if I were to reconcile the mother, son,
and wife. George Lumley said I wa3
splendidly generous.'
"What! did he. too, know all about
Hugh I mean Mr. Savllle?" cried
Hope, more and more disturbed.
"Oh, yes; we have quite interesting
talks about him. I tell him confiden
tially how fond I Was of Hugh, and
then, of course, he wishes he was iij
Hugh's place: so we get on very well.
He Is always coming over to the
Court, except when he goes away for
a few days' shooting. I am not quite
sure my father likes it. You have
never met Lord Castleton? He Is very
nice rather old-fashioned. Lord Ev
erton was a great friend of his In ear
ly days. Now. my dear Hope, you
know my heart history; and you will
notice Captain Lumleys manner. You
know the Lumley estates are rather
encumbered, and I dare say he feels
Bhy of approaching me poor fellow!
but. if I like him that Is of no conse
quence." "I am always interested In what
you like to tell me, Miss Dacre," said
Hope, with some hesitation, as If
choosing her words, "but T am not
very observant, and some older and
wiser person would be more deserving
of your confidence than T am."
"Nonsense! I could not tell all
these things to a stltf old frump! Now,
mind you ask Mrs Savllle If you may
come and practice every morning for
the concert. 1 intended to ask her,
but my anxiety about Hugh quite put
It out of my head. That Is always my
way: I never think of myself." Hope
was too bewildered with her energet
ic rapidity to reply, so Miss Dacre
went on: "She has really no feeling at
all. She is fearfully hard. I am
afraid she will never forgive Hugh.
But I will do all I can."
"If you will take my advice, Miss
Dacre," said Hope, earnestly, "you will
leave the matter alone. The less Mrs.
Savllle hears of her son for the pres
ent, the better. Attempts to force
him on her notice only harden her."
"Well, perhaps so; but you must
back me up whenever you can."
"Trust me, I will."
"Now I had better go home. I dare
Bay Captain Lumley Is waiting for me
on the way. I am so glad you made
me open my heart to you. It is such
a comfort to have some one to speak
"Thank you," returned Hope.
"So good-by, You are looking quite
pale and 111. Be sure you ask Mrs.
Savllle about the concert." And Miss
Dacre departed through the open win
dow. Hope threw herself on the sofa as
soon as she was gone, and sat there
lost In thought, her eJbow on the
cushion, her head on her hand, un
conscious of the large tears which,
after hanging on her long lashes,
rolled slowly down her cheeks. What
unhapplness and confusion Hugh Sa
ville's headstrong disobedience had
created! and for what? Perhaps only
for b temporary whim; perhaps only
to regret It, as Miss Dacre said. The
thought of tbeso things depressed tor.
Some Incident in her own life perhaps
made her more keenly alive to the
troUblo In Mrs. Savllio's; for Hope
Desmond was an exceedingly attrac
tive girl, graceful, gentle, with flashes
of humor and fire, suggesting delight
ful possibilities. The day had been
trying, for her good friend Mr. Raw-
son had not brought too flourishing an
account of nor affairs, and she did not
enjoy the idea of being a companion
all her life. At this stage of her re
flections a shadow fell across her, and,
looking Up, Bho Baw Georgo Lumley
contemplating hor with much Interest.
She was always pleased to see his
bright, good-looking faco, and, smiling
on him kindly, "aid,. "You have missed
Miss Dacre. She has Just gone."
"Are you all right, Miss Desmond?"
he asked, with much Interest, and
drawing a step nearor.
"Yes, or course," she returned; then
becoming suddenly aware that her face
was wet with tears, sho blushed viv
idly and put up her handkerchief to
remove them.
"The terrible effect of a private in
tervlew with one's legal advisor," she
said, with a brave attempt to .laugh.
"He must have brought you bad
news, I fear." And Lumley sat down
beside her. "Old Rawson " He
"Is one of the best and kindest of
friends," put In Hope. "Now I must
go away. I should have been in my
room before this, only MIbs Dacre
chose to stay and talk about family
affairs. If you follow you will soon
overtake her; Bhe has taken the vicar
age path."
"Why, you don't suppose I want to
overtake her?"
. "She expects you."
-Well, sho may do so. She has
nearly talked me to death once to
day. I am not going to run the Bamo
rUk again."
(To be continued.)
"How did you like Professor New
man?" one of the summer residents
of Wlllowby asked Hiram Gale.
saw his name on the list of lecturers
In your last winter's course."
.. Mr. Gale stroked his chin reflective
"Well, some thought he was kind
o' stiff in his speech at first, but I
tell ye what happened:
"H got kind o' worked up telling
us what 'men of action' meant; what
the government o' these United States
was doing In Alasky, the Philippines,
an' so on; an' he stepped a mite too
i-Igh the aldge o the platform an' lost
his balance; but as he begun to fall
Sam Hobart an' Pick Willis, that were
In the front seat, stood up an' ketched
him, one by each arm, an' brought
him up standln. He bulged on: at
the krees for a minute, but nothing
to speak of.
"And says Pick to him, 'The last
word you spoke was "omnivorous,"
and mebbe before you mount again
you'll give us some kind of a nlnt
what It means.'
"Tbe Professor looked from Pick to
Sam an' back to Pick again, kind o'
dred. and then he begun to laugh.
" 'You let me mount.' he says, 'an'
I'll see to It that the rest o' my talk
is such you won't need a dictionary'
an he kep his promise.
"Yej, sir, he gave us a fine talk
after that, an' he's coming again. Ws
had him to breakfast next morning,
and my wlf said she wou'dn't wart
to hear anybody talk more sensible
nor act more common an' friendly
than he did. But there was a piece
hi the Sentinel next week referrin'
to Pick an' Sam as 'Wlllowby's Mm
of .fiction an' I reckon the nanie'U
stick to 'em long as they live."
IIlHtory of n Continent.
Strange have been the historical
vicissitudes of the antarctic continent,
the Century says. A figment of geogra
phic fancy evolved by Ortelius in 1570,
the great Capt. Cook thought that he
had demolished it in 1773.
Resuscitated by an American sealer,
N. B. Palmer, In 1820, It took form
and definite location explorations of
1840, supplemented by those of
D'Urville, Enderby and Kemp.
Ross eliminated Wilkes' discoveries
from his charts, but the continent
was theoretically and scientifically re
constructed by the great physicists,
Carpenter and Murray.
Slowly evolving Its tangible shape
through the discoveries of the German
Drygalskl, the Scotsman Bruce, the
Belgian Gerlache, the Frenchman
Charcot, the Norwegian Laraen and
the Englishman Scott, through the
late labors of Shackleton, the antarc
tic continent now appears to extend
from Victoria Land to Enderby Land
and from Wilkes Land across the
south pole to Palmer Land.
Taken all In all, Shackleton's dis
coveries are the most Important and
extensive ever made within the ant
arctic circle. He has determined the
location of the magnetic pole, largely
Increased the known area of the south
ern continent, virtually reached the
south pole and added materially to our
general knowledge of those regions.
Favorably Ininresaed.
"Why do you Insist on having a na
tive of Italy to work on your farm?"
"Becuz I've read so much about
them fine Italian hands," Washing
ton Herald.
According to the latest figures, tbe
water-power development of this coun
try Is reported at 5.357.Q00 horse
power, and tbe number of wheels
'which It turns at 52,827,
No More "WnlUlnjj.
What the Inventor says will be a
great boon to small farmers, as the
Invention, It Is claimed, will do the
work of six horses, Is In use In Cali
fornia, but It can be adapted to any
locality. It Is n gasoline tractor and
Is a help In' plowing, harrowing and
harvesting. It will keep running as
long as It Is fed gasoline.
Built with a two cylinder motor,
the tractor him nlentv of Dower. It
has two speeds, forward and revorse
and Is easily operated from an exten
sion seat, from much the same posi
tion a driver would occupy with his
It is particularly an orchard tractor,
havinc low. wide wheels, narrow
tread, short wheel base and Bhort turn
ing raldlus. A Btieclal feature la that
the tractor may be driven from the
seat of the ordinary wheel plow or
harrow, enabling one man to drive and
operate the -levers of this plow and
cultivator with perfect ease and con
venience. It Is a one man macnine,
light in weight, with all control levera
conveniently arranged.
To obtain the greatest efficiency the
front wheels are made the traction
wheels: also the steering wheels. In
the rear are smaller plain wheels,
close toeether. with flanges to hold
against side slipping, used simply as
trailers, to which the plow, cultivator,
harrow or farm wagon Is hitched the
same as though coupled to the small
wheels used on the rear of the ordi
nary tongue when plowing with a
The nower plant Is built in a stiff
steel frame, mounted rigidly to the
main axle, and Is composed of a two
cylinder opposed engine of standard
make, rated at twenty-four horse
Thmnpa In 11 .
Thumps In plg3 Is caused by a sur
plus of fat and a lack of exercise. The
thumping Is due to violent beating of
the heart, causing shaking movement
of the sides and flanks of the animal.
Often It is so violent that tho whole
body trembles and shakes with the
movements. In aggravated cases the
pig Is weak and uncertain in his
walk, and lies down most of the time.
Before death the nose, ears and other
parts of the body become red and pur
ple with congested blood, due to weak
Advanced cases of the thumps aro
difficult to cure. When first symptoms
are noticed reduce the bedding If there
Is much In their sleeping quarters;
reduce the feed and compel the pig
to exercise In the open air. Fresh air
will purify the blood and exercise will
promote circulation. When pigs bo
come fat and lazy they will He In bed
a great part of the time, often com
pletely covered with bedding, so that
they breathe Impure air and dust.
This poisons the blood and reduces
the vitality In general, which, with
compression of the heart with surplus
fat, causes the malady.
In the spring or summer when pas
ture Is good it Is well to change pas
ture of hogs afflicted with the thumpB
so that they will be Induced to take
more exercise and eat green food, Re
duce heavy feeding and keep the
bowels of the animal loose by doses
of castor oil. A little turpentine In
the slop or drinking water is said to
be good.
ChrcU-Iteln on llonei,
When a horse stumbles he is far
ess likely to go down wnen his hor.
Is left free. In England, where thnv
are far ahead of us In everything per
taining to horses, the check-rnln hn
been abolished, the last surrender be
ing that of the artillery and commis
sariat trains cf the British armv. th
change having been made by sir
George liourgoyne, the late commander-in-chief,
and he testifies to the ben
eficial results attending It.
A Valuable Cow,
Grace Fayne IIs Homestead a Hoi.
steln-Fresian cow, valued at 8,000,
died recently at the Harvey A. Moyer
Farm, Juat north of Syracuse, N. y,,
from pneumonia. The animal was hv.
Hy Insured and held the world's but
ter record oi ao.oo pounds of butter In
one week and the thirty-day record of
134.18 pounds. She broke a formnr
record of 35.22 pounds for a week, One
of her calves sold recently for f2.flno.
MnnlU nnd SIukh.
A woman gardonor wrote to Stato
Zoologist H. A. Surfaco nt Harrbburg.
Pa., asking for Instructions how to
ovorcomo tho Buallfl In hor gardon.
Prof. Surfaco rolled: "Snnils and
slugs, although very great and seri
ous garden pests, especially whero Iho
gardens aro damp and tho vcgotatlou
rauk, can bo prevented by tho ubo of
an Impassable barrier of powdory sub
stanco around tho beds of plants to
be protected. Soot Is excellent for
this, although dry ashes will sorvo
tho purpose, and air-slaked lime will
be found very good. Also, you can kill
them by duBtlng thorn with somo
freshly Blakod lime mlxod 'with parla
green, using about thirty porta of the
llmo to one part of tho parla green,
which Is duatod abundantly over their
bodies. Also dusting their food plants
with flour and parls greon will do
stroy them. Another method Is to poi
son some loaves of plants of which
they are particularly fond, and put
this where tho snails will find and eat
thom and bo destroyed. Another meth
od Is to place boards loosely on the
ground, as traps, and In the morning
examine them and pick out and gath
er the snails and brush them Into a
vessel-.containing. Bait, which will kill
them. If the ground Is dry and crack
ed pour salt water Into the cracks
and thus destroy them. The barriers
mentioned above should bo kept dry,
or renewed every time after a rain.
Keep tho vegetation around tho gar
den mowod low, or keep the ground
cultivated, so that theso pests will
not find .suitable places where they can
Kerrent Po thole Anger.
An invention that will bo found ubo
ful by fence-makers and farmers gen
erally. Is tho post-hole auger designed
lCF3 by a Michigan man. This
a Implement dies a narrow.
fence or other post hole nnd
dlgB It quickly. In appear
nnce tbe auger resembles a
clean holo. Just the right
diameter for a huge auger
of tho ordinary carpen
ter's kit. It Is pressed
down Into the earth, the Jaws
taking In the amount of dirt a post
would replace, and then withdrawn,
bringing up the dirt Just bb a dredgor
would. Indeed, tho implement works
much like a dredging machine. Tho
advantago of auger Is in the small,
clean hole It makes. Without It a post
hole must be dug with a spade and tho
smallest spade not only makes a hole
too big, but one that necessarily slants
from the rim to the bottom and must
be filled again. It Is easy to under
stand that a post will Btand much
more firmly in a bole that does not
have to be filled In.
Selecting Seed Corn,
In gathering the corn crop, It is well
to look out for next year's seed. Next
to good soli and good cultivation, Is
good seed. Do not place too much con
fidence In abnormal Individual cars.
lect good ears from rows which pro
duce a large yield. And when seed
ing time comes next year, do not rely
too much on the character of the seed.
With well-prepared soli and thorough
culture, a large crop of corn can bo
grown from almost any kind of seed,
which will germinate, but good seed
will increase the yield, and will fully
repay the trouble and cost of obtain
ing it, ,
Homemade feed Cotter,
Hero Is a feed cutter which nnvnnn
can make from a little cheap lumber.
The knife, a, Is a common broad ax,
which most farm
era have. Put a
handle In, as
shown, and httllri n
framo of 2x2-lnch
hard wood nnd Inch
boards. Tho end of
the handle Is fas-
nw coTTixo roiiAa tened to tbe stand
ard at b with a piece of Btrap Iron.
Another pleco of strap Iron, c, acts
as a guard and keeps the ax close to
the edge of the box. Farm and Home.
' Tbe Poultry Yard.
Eighteen hens that wore fod milk
last winter laid more eggs than 100
fed on cut bone and meat.
A flock might Just as well roost In
trees as in a house full of cracks and
holes, which chills the birds In spots
and poduces bad colds.
Some people are willing to pay an
extra price for eggs on one color.
Many pcoplo get a cent or more a doz
en for sorting their hen fruit accord
ing to size and color.
Take no chances by having too
many chickens together In ono Hock.
If you see they aro getting to bo
crowded In their wintor quarters,
make thrift and health a certainty by
dividing thom up, or selling somo of
You may have an Idea that poultry
can hunt their own grit. You are
wrong, Grit Is as essential as feed.
Get a grit box, fill It with crushed
rock and oyster-shell, and hang It on
the wall where dirt will not bq
scratched Into It. Farm Journal.
Already I'reynrlH tor tho Pre.em-J
lion of the Pamtlon .Hy,
Oborammergau Is alroady busy wltJ
preparations for tho performance S
tho passion play, which will take place
noxt year, a London lottor to the New
York Sun says. Thirty dates have
boon flxod botweon May 1Q and Sent
25, of which nlnotcon nro Sundays'
LJxtra performances aro somotlmos giv
en on Mondays, when there aro mora
pooplo In tho vlllago on tho procodlne
Bundays than can find nin. ...
Tho groat problem of th ......I. '
pluy commltteo Is to provont tho per
foimancos from degenerating al0
sommerclallsm. The play commcmor
ites tho dopnrturo of tho plague from
tho vlllago In 1C33 and tho
of the nctors Is no loss now 'qn u
ban ver been; , but already this au.
tumn agents havo canvai .ud v
tiro vlllago to buy up sloeDlmr
modatlons for noxt summer and prices
uavo ocon oireroa for single rooms
which havo almost turnod the head
of tho peasants.
No ono can witness the passion pjfty
who has not spent the previous tilxht
In tho vlllago Itself. Evory house Is
registered aa possessing a certain
amount of sleoplng accommodations,
and tho total numbor of beds In the
village Is approximately the number
of scats In tho theater 4,200. One
third of tho bods In each house must
be placed at the disposal of tho local
ofliclal lodging buroau. The uouse
holders may mako their qwn terms for
.ho other beds, with a maximum ,
rigidly fixed by tho commltteo.
Three great tourist offices of Lon
don, Berlin and Munich havo secured
a certain numbor of beds for tho nleht '
botore each performance. Many of
the villagers aro roservlng accommo
dations for visitors of 1000 to vhom
thoy are pledged and whom thsy re
gard as friends.
The burgomaster, Herr Bauer, has
promised all his available beds to an
English woman, who has taken a villa
it Garmloch, twolvo miles away, and
will convey her guests to the village
In n motor car. She has already re
solved 200 applications for the .iccom
modatlon. The large firms of tourist amiu
havo already about 3,000 applications
and tho local bureau Is receiving scores
daily. Offers of $6 and 7 a night for
convertible sitting rooms, which the
villngora would gladly let -in ordinary
seasons for 25 cents a day, are being
mado by agents, but such speculative
offers havo no chance of acceptance.
Anton Lang, who will bo the Chris- j
tus. ns In 1900. Is now 35. Since tho :
last performance he has married a '
pretty young woman and they huvs
three children. Ho is still a working l
potter, and his little shop Is con
stantly Invaded by visitors. He
played Chrlstus In 1905 In a special
play on the history of David, ind bis
wife complains that ho often spent five
hours a day signing photographs.
All profits from the sale of sea'.s will
be administered bv tho committee for
tho benefit of the village as usual, The j
actors are dnly nominally compensat
ed. For them It Is a labor of love and
devotion. j
It Is expected that about 200,000 per
sons will go to the play next year, In
;ludlng fully 40,000 English and Amer
icans. Whr Are the Old Poor!
"Is It not the old man's fault that he
Is poor?" you nsk. Often It Is. The
aged man and women who drag out
their weary lives In a hopeless effort
to hold on nro often the victims of
their own sins, says Walter Weyl, In
Success Magazine. A man may drink
to excess for forty years, and wonder
that at 60 ho Is not an established and
respected citizen. The. old man who
waits at midnight In the bread line for
crust nnd coffee, may be a wretched
record of an Ill-spent life.
And yet he may not bo. Ho may be
more Binned agalnat than Binning; he
may bo turned out Into the storm, ns
was King Lear, by his ungrateful
children, or by 'the ungrateful chil
dren of his neighbors. The tottering,
decrepit, dissolute old man may be the
sonlle child of the boy who worked at
8, of tho young fellow who was cast
Into Jail for a trivial offenBe.
It Is not true to day that the right
eous In their old ago never beg bread.
The chances of life are many, and a
man may work and save, and yet m
tho last hour bo penniless and friend
ly rnl.n l.n.iirnH tmnk nittV DreOK,
lODO, . IIU iiutivf w "
the trusted friend dofraud; even the
lnsuranco company may fall to Insure.
And there nro men, honest and intel
ligent men, and great men and gem
usos, too, who cannot keep their heads
above water, and who nro driven v
tholr vory humanity Into a penniless
old age,
Poorer wllli Hntetr
"I think," said tho ambitious rosu,
"that I would llko to be a king oi
finmn'i think of It," said the great
European money lender. 'Thl nko
the dangers that beset a throne. WJjt
you should say Is that ttjSJE
to bo a financier of kingdoms, -wsw
Ington Star,
Tlieorr - , niu.T
Geraldlno-A rose by W
0ttmo would smell as sweet. aer.l
I have nover been ablo to '
believe It when I Drought you
New York Press.
After a woman makes up W
it doesn't take her long to nme
her face. . t
It's o"'much easier to gossip w
people' than to pray for then.