The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 09, 1909, Image 3

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Whether It 1" of tho now, thront,
ih bowolii or moro uollonto or
catarrh la always debilitating and
Whavo attention.
dUdmrga from the mucous
mhrano Is because this Is kept In ft
ffi of InnflinmfttlQn by an impure
Dillon of the blood. Thoreforo, to
JJ, take beat blood purifier,
Md1 Sarsaparilla
Ilovr ie Head.
neidins not ft ,0Bt rt te
' degreo that conyeraatloB it, but
it hu la 01081 c",a Rn arrogl'1 deTo1
lament through io much reading; that
I,Ytt no osmand upon aesthetic sen
ility that one la apt to bring to
line itory full of delicate ehadoa or
jiougbt oad feeling the samo mind
,hlcb he yiolds to a newapaper, put
tat a blunt Interrogation as to 1U
BjinlDS conveyed In the terms of a
ntlonal proportion, and the writer
Aitm la wholly loat upon him. 'While
(hi render' aurrendor to the author
past be complete, hla attltudo ahould
tot b paailve, but that of active re
ipoaiWcnew and partnership. It IL
Alton In Harper'a Magailne.
In eaie of pain on the lunge Hamllna
Wlxard Oil acta like a mustard plaster,
ixcept that it is more effective and is
10 much nicer and cleaner to um.
Aveoanllaar tmw If.
Imoifn Why la It that so many
irtddlna happsn on Wednesday?
Esmeralda Well, on Sunday every
Uir wanti to sleep, you know: Mon
lU i wash day, and Tuesday Is Iron
lug dsy. Wednesday Is ths first dAy
In the week when there's really any
Urn for murrylnr.
uqwAlU) K. WHITO - Ajrr ana ".
llhtr. U4. II. Unld. Hiler, tto Gold. Woi Kino
ttCcmr. It Mailing enelot nod full price lltl
1x4. lMnaul CetUjnaM Nation! liaak.
Sfof yjH, m, t
ml. will
tlua ta.i
CulM frmi..Ur ciiim HT umi htkiL CluniaW!
Mi It nui MoipUM. U4sm. Oftum of ufMfa,
UUtfMnlaf int, X mr rali4 la riiiM, a
Idlmnlk l Mai la theM OwU4 Vllkxl
hi K.t f tpIL ! k nnA IImwwIi, It
H u Oi, It (m WUI, loo u la t
IUmI)4. M4rw v
HmIm U4IIm C,
At Pfl(t thet Oefr Competklon
Oot-of-iown pstirnU ran obUUn prfet work
ud u monrr It calllngr at our attic.
All work iruarantKl for ton yrars
32JH Wathlngtoa 5L. Cor. Sixth
buUUhd IS run. Here to ity.
There are lami
at any price.
From Arctic
s&fld bras, font holds 4 quarts of
to 9 hours-solid brass wiclJ carriers
Heater i,n,,tif..ii.. i rW
Kt7 Dsabr Everywhere. If Net At
: r m m 'm
ITs Hoatf JTacferr,
'JThat .was an error," said Seaivtoi
Bererldge, apropos of an opponent's
argument, at a dinner In Indianapo
lis. "Our friend made an embarrass
ing error. He reminds me of 'John
Wlnnlow. John spent, hie honeymoon
at Niagara. He left the bridal apart
ment late one Bight to bathe, and oa
his return knocked, as he supposed,
on his wife's door, calling softly:
"Honey I
"There was no answer. Whutew
knocked again,
" 'Honey!'
"Still no answer. WIhsIow thusv
dered on the door.
" 'Honey I' he cried, la a voice o! ae
on y.
"Thsn a reply came at last.
' "'Bneak, you blooming Idiot! a
male voice growled. 'This Is a b
room, not a blooming beehive!"
Rocipo That Breaks a Cold in a Daj
and Cures Any Ourablo Cough.
"Mix half ounce of Concentrated
pine compound with two ounces of jly
cerina anil hnlf n nlnf nt nnn.1 wiii.iiov
I w w Bww IT uiu mij j
shako woll each timo and uie in dosci
or a toaipoonful to a tablespoonfu.
every four hours."
Those Incrrmllnnf i ian Vm ntitalnaJ
from any good druggist, or he will got
mom irora ms wnoiesaio nouso.
The Concentrated pino is a specla.
pine product and comes only in hall
ounce bottles, each enclosed in an air
tight caio, but be sure it is labeled
A prominont local druggist says thai
no nas unou tun prescription Hundred
of times and that it is wondorfullj
O, don't you remember poor Trilby,
Ben Dolt.
How you wept o'er her trlale se
The world hne passed on and forgot
ten her, Ben.
And we hear of poor Trilby no more.
Best for Children
Give rrutant relief when little throats
are irritated and sore. Contains
no opiates and a as pleasant to take
as it m effective.
AH Drai. U cents.
The following produce of good,
fat quality, and will pay as fol
lows. Ho pays promptly and ho
docs not charge commission.
Ship Immediately.
Dressed Pork 9c
Dressed Vral, tf le 130 pNsk ....10c
Large Veal Less.
Live Chickens 14c
TlahUna the Beef Trust"
Portland, Oregon.
1,11 rVlV:BBlKSM
Tha rayh lamp is a hlsh srrade Ismn lold at a low price.
that cost more but there better lamp
The Ilurner, tho Wick. th C"n,W:"'a
ell are rltal things lu a lamp uieo ini ui n u
LAMP are perfectly coniiructc1 and there is notulng
TToown In tho art of lamn-maklnK Uiat could add to the
valuo o( the RAYO u a Ilght-Klvlng UeTice. Buluble for
any room in the houio. Kvcry dealer everywhere.
If not at yours, write for dcscrlptlTe circular to the
nearest Agcucy of the
Standard OH Company
to Tropics
in Ten Minutes
No oil heoier has a higher efficien
cy orereoier heailnj power than me
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Omokeless Device)
With it you can go from the cold
of the Arctic to the warmth of the
Tropics in 10 minutes.
The new
Smokele Device
prevents smoking. Removed In an
Inaranf for cleaning.
otl - iufnclent U give jJfjJSfeJS!
- damper W'
or Taoan in a variety ox siyics.
Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular
m fsm w u
M l
Bad Breath
''For months I had great trouble with my
stomach and used all kinds of medicines.
My tongue has been actually as green as
grass, my breath having a bad odor. Two
weeksago a friend recommended Cnecarets
and alter using tacm X can willingly and
cheerfully say that they bare entirely
eurcd me. I therefore let you know that I
ifaall recommend them to any one suffer
ing from such troubles. " Choa. H. Hal
pern, 114 E. 7U1 8t.( New York, N. Y.
Plsasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Rood,
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Orlpe.
10c, 2Jo. SOc. Never sold In bulk. The fen
nine tablet stamped CCC. Ouaranleed to
cure or year sooner back. 923
Bxpllclt Directions.
The Langworths lived in a corner
bouse bo easily accessible from the
street that .they were being continu
ally annoyed by persons ringing to ask
where other people lived. At last the
ion of tho hoiiso, snys a writer in tht
New York Times, decided to put aa
end to the nuisance,
"I guess," he said, complacently,
'there won't be any more folks asking
(f the Drowns, the Diddles or the linn
sons live In this house. I've fixed
"What have you done?" queried Mrs.
"If ung out a nlgn."
"And wliat did you print on it?"
"Just five words," replied Harola,
proudly. " 'Nobody lives here but ub.' "
WUI Break Up a Cold In Twcnty-fom
Hours and Oure Any Cough That
Is Curable.
Tho following mixture is often pre
scribed and is highly recommended foi
coughs, colds and other throat and
bronchial trouble: Mix two onnces uf
Qlycorine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil
at Pino compound puro, and eight
ounces of pure Whisky. These can be
bought in any good drug store and
easily mixed together in a largo bot
tle. The gcnulno Virgin Oil of Pine
compound puro is prepared only in the
laboratories of 'tho Leach Chemical Co.,
Cincinnati, and put up for dispensing
In half-ounce vials.
A Pel Anyhow.
The family lived In the suburbs of
tho city, and, much to tbo Joy of Lulu,
a little pig was given a borne in tbo
b table cellar. A few days later the
little ono was calling at a neighbor's,
where she showed great interest In the
The lady said, "Don't you keep a
bird at borne?"
"No," said Lulu, "wo keep a pig In
stead." Delineator.
llurd to Locate,
"How about this new student's ideas
of orthography?" said one professor.
"He has me puzzled," replied the
other. "I can't decide whether he It
simply illiterate or a spelling reform
er In advance of his time." Washing
ton Star.
Aa lie Daw It.
On the advertising sign was the plc
ture of an athletic feminine Individual
arrayed in a flaring and abbreviated
town of Intense blackness.
"O, papal" exclaimed the S-year-old
boy; "doesn't that lady look funny
wearing an umbrella!"
Delonared to tit Union.
"Tell me ah are you a er ah
Kood, careful, excellent cook and a i
si very superior laundress?"
"Ah-h-hl Wot d'ye tnake me fer
twins?" Harper's Weekly.
can bftre thnlr pUtf
ana uriugewarjt
1 cxi in on
If nA
W taill won 1 ffftiv
22k told or porcdali
eroxnfor $d.bU
Holir Crown 1 5.O0
Gold Flinn 1-00
Eqimil Fllt'uiffs .1.00
Silver Flllincs .56
Inlay Fllllni 2.5C
Good RiilUr - .
Boit Rod rsb-1 a
U nut BTiiuuii rimua rsimvi -u iwu iwi
atnlMt ExtraoUon Vt when rlat or brldM wnrt
jymlrgonniiUUoiiF, Von cannot BjiibeUol
Dalnlf worVdona anywhere. All work fully ruur-
Wise Dental Co
ornoi lonas: s a. u. u s t. u. sukUjo. iui,
To travel Eait
U tU the
Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company's
Oregon-Washington Limited
Portland to Chicago
Chicago-Portland Special
Chicago, St. LouU. Etc,
"Train de Luxe" to St, Paul
Latest equipment, Pullman,
Tourist and Dining Cars, eloctrio
liffhtfid and up-to-date. Block
Signal System Portlaad to Chicago.
For literature, rates, reserva
tions, etc., call on or write to any
0. R. & N. ajront, or to
General Passenger Agant
Portland, Oregon
Pain ess
ll II 1 1 1 111 HI V'
Can Cast or -Mold' AnVOilnar nnd
OfcM Make Her Own Pnllerne.
Mrs. J, H. Peters of thia placo, saya
a Rice Lake (Wis.) dlepaloh, la the
only woman Iron founder and machin
Jat in the country, bealdee being a
clever cook, a plea&ing singer and a
fair performer on tho piano.
Mrs. Peters can cast or mold any
thing that comes to hand, carrying the
sizzling hot metal and doing her own
pouring. She also bandies braes cast
ings, melting and pouring the metal
She can run a handsaw and keep it
In order and she can even make- her
own patterns from tho blue prints as
they come from tho handa of tho drafts
men. In an englno room one can flro the
boilers, keep up the proper amount of
steam and wator and run' the engine.
Not only that, she can take tho engine
apart and put It together again.
It Is tho work In the machine ohop,
however, that attracts this remarkable
woman moat, and aho likes such diffi
cult Jobs aa "keysettlng a coupling,"
"threading a piece of steel" and mak
ing a "shrinking fit."
And yet she Is not spoiled for a
housekeeper, nor has her expertneas
as a machinist detracted from the fem
inine side of her nature. She has a
good education, her conversation la In
telligent and entertaining, and, be
sides, being a cook of no mean ability,
she sings and plays.
Mrs. Peters picked up her trade
when frequenting her husband's shop,
where ahe watched the men operate
the maohJnes until she had gained suf
ficient courage to undertake it herself.
A merchant In a small town who saw
a farmer receive goods at a railroad
station from a mall order houso told
him he could have sold the same goods
for less money and. saved the freight
besides. The farmer asked why he
didn't let1 people know. Though he
had taken the home paper regularly
for years, he never saw a line In tt
that such goods were to be had. The
mall order house came after the trade
and got it Merchants and manufac
turers who fall to advertise what they
have should not expect to compete
with those who do. The very best
articles at the lowest prices will be
passed by when people are unaware of
their existence. Probably It the mer
chant had advertised and the farmer
had bought from him he wouldn't have
known that his advertisement had
brought the business, anyway, and so
wouldn't have given it credit Pub
licity often reaches much further than
Is outwardly perceptible.
Poorly Coached.
Hiram Maxim, the Inventor of the
splendid "silencer," aald In the course
of a recent Interview In New York:
"That Infringement case, too, was
won. The opposition had a lot of wit
nesses, but they were all badly coach
ed. As badly coached, Indeed, as But
"A phrenologist visited a village. H
offered to examine any one's bumps for
a dime. A burly blacksmith's helper
said bo would have his bumps exam
lned, and as he took his place, another
man whispered In the phrenologist's
"'He's very fond of veal.'
"At this hint the phrenologist nod
ded gratefully. He then read out the
blacksmith's bumps, crediting him
with all sorts of virtues, and finally he
said In a loud, positive tone;
" 'Now I come to your diet. Gents,
If there la one thing In the world our
subject dotes on, It Is veal. "Why "
"But tho sentence was never finish
ed. The blacksmith rose suddenly and
knocked the phrenologist down.
"'Blast ye!' he roared. ''What's It
got to do with you if I did steal a
A Domestic Tragedy.
"You seem a little stiff this morn'
ing," said the next-door neighbor aa
they walked to the car line.
"Yes," replied tho other man. "I
had to bring In the confounded house
plants before breakfast and there's
a rubber tree among 'em that weighs
a ton. My wife told me to bring 'em
In last night and I wish I had."
"Forget 'em?"
"No, I didn't forgot 'em. I left 'em
out. In hopes the frost would nip 'em,
but there s no such luck!" Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
of Coarse.
"The public," remarks the broker,
'Is always bullish. Always inclined to
buy for a rise."
"I s'pose," said the other man, "that
It's hard for the public to grasp the
Idea that anything Is going down la
price." 'Washington Herald.
Got on Ita Nervaa.
Hotel Visitor Are there ever any
deer about hereT
Glllio Well, there was yln, but the
gentlemen were aye ahootln' and shoot
In' at It, and I'm thlnkln It left the
deestrlct" Punch. . .
The roller skating fad. which be
came popular In England last winter,
promise to continue this season as
Iiakea Etesasm Sutlers'.
Beneath the waters of Lake Neml,
a Italy, tie buried two pleasure gal
ley. They belonged to tho Emperors
Tiberius aad Caligula, and It Is said
they contain art treasures that have
been covered for many centuries. Sys
tematic efforts were mads to recover
the contents of the old hulks by Big
aor Borghl in 1895. Divers were en
gaged, and the two galleys located,
measured and carefully examined, and
from both bronzes, pieces of wood, an
chors and ornaments of all kinds wero
collected. The larger vessel measures
about 230 feet In length and 80 feet
In beam, and the smaller 200 feet In
length and 65 feet in beam. Some
pieces of lead pipe were found in the
vessols. They bear tho inscription,
"Caesaris Aug. Germanlce," the official
namo of Caligula.
Nu lime.
"Can I interest you In the subject
ef noiseless aewlngr machine?" asked
the man at the front door.
"No, sir," said the man of the house;
"my daughter always sings when she's
using a sewing machine, no matter
what kind it Is."
Then he slammed the door In the
caller's face.
It's Pettlt's Eye Salve
that gives instant relief to eyes; irri
tated from dest. heat, sun or wind.
All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo,
N. Y.
Out Orris Mlatatrela.
"MlsUh Walkah, kin yo' tell me ds
dlffunce 'tween a lady's gown an' dt
driver of a public llbr'y delivery wa
"No, George; I give that one up.
What la the difference between a lady's
gown and the driver of a public li
brary delivery wagon T"
"De one has hooks In de back, an d
uddah has books In de hack."
"Ladles and gentlemen, the gifted
tenor, Mr. Stannup N. Howell, will
now slrig the popular sentimental bal
lad, 'Baby, Please Don't Scatter Crack
er Crumbs in the Bed!'"
249 Columbia Portland, Ore.
Raises tho dough
and complies with
all pure food laws.
Makers of MAPLEWiE
(better taaa Maple).
never worn
you've yet
to learn the bodihr
the wettest weather
AJTrr CO. COS10M.tliA.
esasjEX :
The Largest manufacturer of
Men's Fine Shoes
Wear W. L. Douglas comfortable.
! easy-walking
made upon honor, of the beat leath
ers, by the most skilled workmen,
In all the latest fashions. Shoes In
every style and shape to suit men
In all walks of life.
If I could take you Into my large
factories at Brockton, Mass., and
show you how carefully W. L. Doug
las shoes are made, you would
th-n understand why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer
and are of greater value than any
other make.
CAUTION. Bee that W. L. Douglas I
I tao ooiioin. jiaue
It is not
r . . . .
to sive sood wear. Have vnur
show YOU the sood lookine. comfortable.
well-htting, Mayer Work Shoes.
M of tnuoTi atrvlr lsiw oaIm an1l4
aoiiDia icainerioei. nntmm tfamt ni.rtA
Will last longer thaa any other shoes you can
are suda for wotlk mea of all classes and sra
"built oa hoBOf." You can save money hr wear.
U them. Will outwear any other male.
To be sum you are settiac Mayer Shoes. look
ths 1 Msyst Trade Mark oa the sole. Your
wftl supply yea 1 if set, write to u.
FREE I y s uul m Aa ssbm el a dVakr
SMI Musa Mir.r Wok Sbeet. we WUI tenet you
pun, a. iwauuul ucniM ol (Jeoiaa Waihiaaton.
we also, make Hoaorput Shoes for saea,
anoci, Manna waluagton Uoaoiort Shoes.
oa SIkmi aad Special Mail School
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe
The Family
The best medicines In the
world cannot take the place ot
the family physician. Consult
him early when taken ill. If
the trouble Is with your
throat, bronchial tubes, or
lungs, ask him about taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Then
take it or not, as he says.
We publlih our formula
W banish ftloohol
from oar mtdloln
W urf yea to
con.ult your
tlon, .constipation, dizzy spells these
are some of the results of an inactivo
liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses
Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose
is small, one pill at bedtime.
Made by 1h3. C. r"' r "
A lAtera'. Dlatlncllon.
Bishop Potter was known as quit
a wit, and often took delight In turn
ing his humor loose on bis associates,
but here Is an Instance where tho Jokev
although quite unintentional, was on
the bishop. He was to preach at a
certain parish In the West in tho even
ing, and the congregation was not a
little amused at the somewhat ambigu
ous announcement of their worthy paa
tor, who aald:
"Remember our special service next
Sunday afternoon. The Lord will b
with us during the morning services,
and Bishop Potter in the evening.
Success Magazine.
Steana an unfailing water supply. It
mean that you will have the moat practi
cal Domestic water saoply system now In
use. Ne elevated tank, no frozen pipes In
winter, no stagnant water in summer, no
water supply troubles of any sort. Tank
placed in basement, cut of sisht and way.
made of pressed steel, will not rost and
will last a lifetime.
Yon wiU be pleased with the LEADER
system of furnishing: Domestic Water
Supr'r. Ask for our catalogue and free
booklet. "How I Solved My Waler -upply
Portland, Ore.
Spjokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
PH U No. 49 Qg
TynEN writing; to advertisers pleas
1 1 lutjii 1 j 11 11 tnii paper.
in the World
shoes. They are
xo substitute.
neeessarv for
iaiu mn,t
wle dees
free, po.
tut 3x20.
Yerma Cuih
ru ai