The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 09, 1909, Image 2

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    What Gold
Cannot Buy
Author of "A Crooked Path." "Maid. Wife or WldW,M "By
Woman's Wit." "Beftton'a Bargain "A Life Interest."
"Nona's Choloe." "A Wi man's Heart."
Miss Dacre wai a very persevering
young woman, nor was she restrained
Ijy any sensitive delicacy In pursuing
lier designs. Hitherto she had rather
liked Mrs. Savllle In a surface fash'
Ion, flattering herself that she was, a
favorite with the stern little woman.
On this supposed favoritism she was
always ready to presume. Hope Dea
:nond and Mr. Rawson were therefore
Komowhat appalled when the sounds of
voices and approaching footsteps In
the pleasure-ground to which the win
dows of the smaller drawing-room
opened made themselves heard about
tea time, when Mrs, Savlllo had come
In from a short stroll with her confl
dentin) adviser, and Hope had descend
-d from her own room, wimre she had
n;oyed a couple of hours' solitude
These rounds were followed by the ap
jea ranee of Mfss Dacre, Sayllle. Lum
ley and Lord Everton.
"So sorry you were not able to come
to church this morning, dear Mrs. Sa-
ville!" said Miss Dacre, effusively; and
with the unconcerned assurance of the
class which does not hesitate to rush
1n where the sharper-sighted fear to
tread; "so we have all come over to
Inquire for you. You are looking quite
pale. You see I have brought poor
"Lord Everton,, who Is so distressed at
Delng expelled from this paradise
You really must make frlend3. He
could not foresee that things would go
wrong, and he Is so sorry. Now, for
my sake, dear,. Mrs. Savllle, you must
forgive him, you are such near rela
"Connections, you mean," corrected
Mrs. Savllle, a bitter smile curling hei
lip. "If Lord Everton chooses to come.
I can only admire his forgiving nature
and accept the olive-branch."
"You are, as ever, just and gener
ous,"- returned the impecunious peer,
with a delightful bow and smile.
am quite charmed with the vision of
myself as a 'dove, which you kindly
Mrs. Savllle turned from him with
undisguised contempt, and addressed
.herself to George Lum ley.
"So you are staying at the Court?
How does your regiment, or your
troop, get on without your valuable as
slatance?" "Disagreeable old- cat!" thought
Lumley, while he said, "Oh, I ride over
every other day, and the intermediate
ones they stumble on as beat they can
without me."
"I thought you were going down to
"Here's metal more attractive," said
Lumley, melodramatically, with a wave
of his hand towards Miss Dacre, who
was deep In conversation with Mr.
Rawson, on whom she was smiling
with her habitual belief In her own
power to fascinate all male creatures.
"Metal! Yes, I dare say. I some
times wonder if you are as foolish as
you seem, George."
"Oh, a good deal more so," said the
handsome hussar, showing his white
teeth in a pleasant smile. "You know
I haven't many Ideas."
"Yet I dare say yoii would be less
easily taken in than men who have,"
scornfully. ,
"Very probably, my dear aunt."
"What is the matter with you?"
rasked Miss Dacre, in a low tone, draw J
lng a chair to the tea-table, where
'Hope Desmond presided. "You look
'pale and 111, and as If you had been
crying. Pray forgive me," she added,
seeing the quick color rise In her vic
tim's cheek, "but I knew quite well you
could not stand Mrs. Savllle for long,'
In a low tone.
"Oh, yes, I can," said Hope, smiling
a brave defiance. "Don't you think I
am likely to have worries and bad
news apart from poor Mrs, Savllle?"
"Well, I suppose bo; but it did not
occur to me. She Is not popular, you
know, though I always get on with
her. I am going to play a bold stroke
Just now; It will astonish you alL
'Nothing venture nothing have,' you
" 'Jockey of Norfolk, be not too
bold,' " quoted Miss Desmond, with a
somewhat tremulous Bmlle.
"She has been crying I am certain
she has; though she Is braving It out.
At any rate, she Is going to stick to
Mrs. Savllle. I wonder what she Is
Baying to George Lumley. Nothing
amiable, I am sure."
Here Lord Everton, who had been
speaking to Savllle, and of whom the
mistress of the house had not taken
the slightest notice, approached and
begged for a cup of tea.
"It Is a beverage of which I am ex
tremely fond," he said, "and I think a
decided liking for tea ought to be a
patent of respectability to any man,
You have been a good deal on the Con
tinent, I believe, Miss Desmond?"
"I have traveled occasionally in my
aunt's lifetime."
"Ah! and enjoyed It, I dare say?"
'Yea; but I also enjoy returning to
"ladwdl Well, I do not. The mo
ment I set foot on my native soil, I
cease to be a Tree man; invisible detec
tives put me In social Irons; cruel
warders imprison me with adamantine
barriers, where I am obliged to eat
and drink and speak and have my be
ing according to rigid rules. I must
(glve my money for what satlsfleth
not, and go to the funereal hosfelrles
frequented by my peers. I must don
evening dress, and wear unlimited pur
ple and fine linen. Then my exasperat
ing relatives will pester me with Invi
tations, because they think they must
not neglect 'that poor old beggar Ev
erton.' Now, on the other side of the
Channel my only habitation Is an airy
bedroom, outside which a whole world
of cafes and restaurants are 'befor.e
me where to choose' my breakfast and
dinner, where I meet pleasant, Intelli
gent people of every shade of opinion,
.with whom I can converse freely In
happy ignorance of their names and
condition, as they are of mine; and
occasionally I stumble on old acquaint
ances who enjoy life In my own fash
Ion, cheerfully accepting the contemp
tuous treatment of Dame Fortune, who
in emptying our pockets also relieved
us of tiresome responsibilities. It Is
wonderful the clearness of Judgment
and general enlightenment of those
who are not weighed down by this
world's goods."
"I dare say you are right, Lord Ev
erton. Still, a few of them are advan
tageous; .though I do not see that
money can purchase any essential of
"That depends very much on what
you consider essentials."
"That Is true , But Miss Dacre
Is going to make a speech," for that
young lady had said. In an audible
tone, "I am going to tell you a story.'
"I know," whispered Lord Everton,
"If her pockets had always been emp
ty, she would have known better how
to hold her tongue."
"This story came to me In a letter
from the wife of a cousin of mine
whose cousin was eye-witness of the
adventure," Miss Dacre was saying, as
she posed herself on an ottoman and
every one turned towards her. "Scene,
a dark, stormy night, a distant sea,
one of Her Majesty's big ships tossing
about on the waves, which make noth
ing of her bigness. Young sailor, do
ing something Incomprehensible with
a rope or ropes, loses hold or balance
and drops into the black depths of the
raging waters. Captain orders boats
to be lowered. 'He'll be gone before
you can reach him.' they say. 'He can
not swim,' crleB another officer, throw
ing off his boots, while he spoke, and
springing over at a bound.
" 'This is suicide,' exclaimed the
captain. The young officer is a huge
favorite with the crew, the crew work
with a will, the boat is lowered, a life
boat probably, they surmount the
waves and slide Into the watery hoi
lows, they come up with the gallant
lieutenant, who Is supporting the
senseless sailor and nearly exhausted
himself, they drag them Into the boat,
they regain the ship, the men crowd
round the whatever you call it where
they get on board, their cheers ring
above the roar of the storm, the res
cued and rescuer are safe!"
"Most dramatic," Bald Lord Everton.
"Worthy of Brandram," added
George Lumley.
"I don't exactly see " began
Richard Savllle. ,
"No, of course you do not; there Is
nothing to see exactly," Interrupted
Miss Dacre, quickly.
"I have heard the tale before. The
only difference Is that the weather was
not quite so stormy as your correspond
ent represents It," said Mr. Rawson,
playing with his double glasses.
"It was really mucn worse than I
represent," exol'' ned Miss Dacre,
with an air of profound conviction.
"Now, does no one want the name of
my hero7"
There was a moment's pause. Mrs.
Savllle sat silent In her arm-chair.
Lumley's laughing eyes sought Miss
Desmond's, but she was sheltered be
hind a massive urn which always ap
peared at tea-time. Only Lord Ever
ton rose to the occasion.
"I am dying of curiosity, my dear
Miss Dacre," he said languidly
"Name! name!" cried Lumley,
"Hugh Savllle!" said Miss Dacre,
rising and assuming an attitude.
"I thought so," said Richard.
"Just like him!" cried Lumley, cor
"Give me your arm, Mr. Rawson. 1
have letters to show you In my study.
I avoided church because I did not
think prayers or sermon would Im
prove my headache. I did not bargain
for being obliged to sit out a dramat
lo recital," said Mrs. Savllle, dryly,
then added to the company, "You will
excuse- me, I do not feel equal to gen
eral conversation," and she touched
Mr. Rawson'a with the Anger-tips of
her right hand, and walked with
much dignity through the door which
Lord Everton with a sad and solemn
expression of couutenanco held ppon.
As soon, as she had passed, he closed
tt gently? and advancing a step or two,
glanced from one to the other with so
comic a look of dismay that both Lum
ley and Savlllo laughed,
"Courago such as yours, my dear
Miss Dacre, deserved success; and yot
It has not been successful," ho said,
with an nlr of deep sym-athy, to the
fair narrator, and sat down on the ot
toman beside which she stc '
"I never saw any one like Mrs. Sa
vllle never!" cried Miss Dacre, grow
ing red with disappointment and mor
tification. "I really hoped that such
a story of bravery and humanity
would havo dona .so.--, thing toward!
softening her heart; and I (latter my
self I did It pretty well."
"If you had asked my advice," said
Richard Savllle, "I could havo told
you It would bo simple wasto ol
"But," exclaimed Miss Dacre, with
a sound of tears In her voice, "Mrs.
Savllle always used to mind what 1
Bald, and and seemed so fond of me
I was rather proud of It, bIio likes s
few people."
"I am afraid there is some differ
ence between past and present," said
Lumley, pushing a chair forward
"Come, Miss Dacre, you have dont
your best, and your best Is very good
Now tako a cup of tea, nnd pardon
my aunt her scant courtesy. I am go
lng to write to Hugh, and I'll tell him
of your championship."
"You ought," said Miss Desmond
who had not spoken before, but whost
voice showed she had not been un
moved. "Very few can count on such
courageous advocacy of the abseni
and of a losing cause."
"You are very kind to say so. Yes
I will have a cup of tea. My mouth
feels parched."
"No wonder!'' cried Lord Everton.
"I am sure my tongue would hart
cleaved to the roof of mine, had
dared to utter such words to the Lion
of Inglewood. Excuse me, my deal
"Do not mention It, my dear uncle."
"I wish you would come out nnd
take a little walk with me, Mlsa Des
mond," said Miss Dacre. "I feel fright
fully upset."
"I should like to do so very much
but Mrs. Savllle may want me to wrltt
for her, or something, and I do nol
like to be out of the way."
"What penal servitude!"
"You must not say so. I agree tc
perform certain duties, and It would
not bo honest to run away from
"Why do you always take her part?"
and Miss Dacre made an Impatient
grimace. Then, addressing the'gentle-
men, "Just walk back to the court,
and I can follow by myself. Then I
can have a quiet talk with Miss Des
mond." "Very well," said Lumley, rising. "J
will escort my uncle to the court, and
return for you." Miss Dacre gave him
a nod and smile, and the gentlemen
left them.
(To be continued.)
A Quick Cbnno-e.
Mr. Newcar (about to start on his
first trip in his recently purchased
motor car, to his chauffeur) Now,
William, I want it thoroughly under
stood I will not have fast driving. Al
ways keep well under the legal limit
not as close to It as you can. Ten
miles an hour Is fast enough for me.
What I want is comfort, not excite
ment. Do you understand?
Three days later, "Erer William,
I must be back to the house by 7
o'clock. This road seemB very straight
and wide. Don't you think you might
go Just a little faster without dan
ger?" Two days later. "William, this dust
Is very unpleasant. If you could pass
that car ahead It seems to be going
rather slowly.''
Next day. "Put on a little more
speed, William. There's no use In be
ing a crank. This road is too good to
lose the chance."
A week later. "Open her up, Wil
liam! There are no police within Ave
miles, I'll bet, and If there are, who
cares? I'm. out for fun! Let her zip!
Let her zip! This Is no steam roller!
Let's have Borne speed!" Life.
What He IXemembered.
"An' ye fell from a window, Jerry t
How far wuz It ye fell?"
"Tin stories."
"Well, well! That was a great fall.
And what did you think on your way
"Begorry, I didn't think of nothln'
until I passed the fift' Bthory. Thin 1
reralmbered I left me pipe on the win
dow sill." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Dellcuto Hint.
"Poor Miss Oldglrl! Did you hear of
the Jolt she got at the seedsman's?"
"No; what was It?"
"She told the man sho had a little
garden of her own and asked him to
recommend somo suitable plant. Ho
gave her one look and then suggested
a wallflower." Baltimore American.
A Clianifeleaa Name,
De Quiz Was that an unmarried
woman you met Just now?
Do Whiz YeB, I knew her several
years ago. How her face has changed!
De Quiz Has It? Well, when a
woman's face changes as much as that
she can never hope to change her
name, too.
The Old Man's Joke.
"Mary," called her father, "haa that
young man gone yet?"
"No, pa," replied the maid. "But
he's going right now."
"Then ask him to empty the pall
underneath the Icebox before he, goes,
will you? I forgo't It?" Detroit Fre
rieef Cnttlo Vrd on Sltnixe.
During recent years a number of
tho statq experimental stations havo
carried on a series of experiments
which havo demonstrated that sllago
can advantageously be fed to boot cat
tle The Tennesseo Experimental Sta
tion has especially given closo atten
tion to this mattor, probably moro so
than nny other station, nnd in one m
Its hnllPtlnn pimwn how sllago In
creases tho enrrvinc canaclty of tho
land. Ordinarily from two to three
in rnnulrcd to carry
a 1,000-pound stqor after six months, J
when gaining from 300 to 40U pouuus.
Four 800-pound steers were fed ior jou
days on the production of less than
an aero of land In tho form of allago
and gained 8GG pounds during that
When beef is raised on long that Is
high-priced, the above facts Bhow espe
cial strength In favor of suage. iu
1903 a feed test was cnrrlcd on by tho
Mlchiirnn Station for tho purpose of
ascertaining tho relative number of
pounds of beef that could be prouueeu
from corn fed In the form of silage, In
the form of shock corn and In the
form of corn and corn meal. The corn
was secured from three different pieces
of land, each nearly an acre In size.
In addition to the corn fed In this man
ner the steers were fed dally rations
of 6 pounds of corn and cob meal, 2
pounds of oH meal and 4 pounds of
clover hay. After tho experiment had
continued for twelve weeks tho aver
age dally gain of the steers had been
as follows: For the sllage-fed lot,
2.22 pounds; for the shock-(ed. 2.02,
and for the corn and cob meal lot,
1.89 pounds. While It may be argued
that this experiment should be re
peated before conclusions can bo drawn
from It, still so far as these figures go
the results were In favor of harvesting
tHe corn In form of sllago.
For Darb AVlre Cuts.
When a horse has been Injured on
wire tho first thing to do Is to stop
the flow of blood; this may as a rulq
be done by bandaging it up tight. It
may also frequently be best to app'.y
powreded alum or common saleratus,
both qf which will generally bo found
effective. In a few hours, considerable
swelling will set In; this should be re
duced either by applying cold water
frequently, or, what Is really better,
applying pure kerosene oil, not only to
the wound, but also to the swollen
parts. No bandage should be kept on
where kerosene Is used, as it will then
cause the hair to fall off temporarily,
and as soon as It is safe to do bo, tho
sore should be carefully washed with
toft water and castlle soap. This ought
to be repeated daily until the sore
heals. One of the best healing medi
cines for horse flesh that I have ever
used can be put up at any drug store,
as follows: One-half pint of alcohol,
one-half pint of spirits of turpentine,
one ounce of pure, glycerine; mix all
together In a large bottle and shake
well before using. Apply only with a
feather at morning and night. Tho
sore should never be bandaged. By
daily washing It will In this way heal
up very rapidly. I can personally tes
tify to the effectiveness of this simple
remedy, as wo have made uso of it in
numerous cases, with the best results,
where every other remedy we tried
failed to heal up the sore on the horse.
Agricultural Epltomlst.
Four Home Itelna.
A correspondent asks how can a
pair of lines be rigged up for four
horses so that each horse will have
a line to each side of bit, thus doing
away with the tying together of
horses heads.
The two sketches Indicate arrange-
ments of lines that should prove satis
factory. In the first Illustration A A
A A are two-horse reins and checks;
B B are short ropes with snaps and
C C are bridle reins on Inside of bridle
with snaps to snap In check bucklo on
Preferring- Ileef,
When the animal heat is all out and
the meat thoroughly cooled, cut It Into
convenient sized, pieces for cooking,
weigh out the meat and allow eight
pounds of salt to 100 pounds of meat.
Sprinkle a light layer of salt In th
bottom of a clean, sweet, hardwood
barrel or a stone Jar, then pack beef In
closely to a depth of, say Ave to seven
Inches, then put on a layer of salt and
so on until the beef Is all In, reserving
enough .salt for a good layer on top
of the meat. After the package has
stood over night add for each 100
pounds of meat four pounds of sugar,
two ounces baking soda and two ounces
saltpeter, dissolved In a gallon of tepid
water; three gallons more water should
cover this quantity, Weight to keep
All under the brine.
I'oaaltrliltlen of Our Turin l.nnils.
From tho standpoint of tho most re
liable nnd recent Investigations and
Information, our land, ha'ndlod In ac
cordance with certnln natural laws
that determine Its proper cultivation,
will not only furnish food and cloth
ing for nn Immensely greator popula
Hon for nges, but will supply fuol nnd
light and powor when conl nnd petro
leum shall have boon exhausted But
wo must look to better methods of soil
usago for tho alternative of bringing
under -cultivation unused and aban
doned swampy conditions, although
adding a vast total to our cultivable
fields, will not always siiffico to meet
the growing demand, Already many
sections of congested imputation are
calling upon outside sources for food,
and many of the large cities at timoa
actually suffer from vegetable famines.
Such shortages are due to more or
less local and abnormal conditions, but
might becomo general and pcrmanont
unless wise foresight should make pro
vision for feeding our rapidly increas
ing population.
The producing possibility of our cul
tivable lands becomes almost Incon
ceivable to tho mind when wo consid
er that only a small proportion of the
land nominally In farms Is actually
under cultivation, and that our acreage
yields are ridiculously low In compar
ison with those of highly doveloped
agricultural countries like Germany,
France and England, notwithstanding
that our soils are naturally as produc
tive, says tho American Revlow of Re
views. Hot Water 1 1 enter.
As a means of providing hot water
for washing In tlio kitchen or for
cleaning and storllzing dairy utensils
tho tank shown In the Illustration Is
simple and cheap. Any stove In which
tho Iron colls can bo heated will sorve
the purpose.
Strength of Bone In Hogs.
The effect of feed on the strength of
bone in pigs forms the text of a bul
letin by Nebraska Experiment Sta
tion. Tho experiment shows very
marked Increase In tho strength of
bone when tankage or ground bone Is
fed in addition to corn. In determin
ing the strength of bones the two
principal bones In eaoh leg of each
animal were removed and broken In a
machine. There were four pigs fed In
each lot, making tho figures given the
average of the breaking of thirty-two
bones In each lot. The average break
ing Btrength per 100 pounds live
weight of hogs after twenty-two weeks
feeding wus as follows; Lot 1, corn,
325 pounds; lot 2, corn and shorts,
30G pounds; lot 3, corn and Hklm milk,
509 pounds; lot 4, corn nnd tankage,
580 pounas; lot 5, corn an'd ground
bone, 681 pounds. ,
Dulrr Fnrm Implements,
Every dalyman should endeavor to
havo as many labor-saving appliances
around and., in his barn as possible.
For Instance, tho removnl of manure
from a dairy barn entails a great deal
of hard work. However, tho work
may bo greatly lessened If the fnrm
ers will Install a manuro carrier,
which runs on a track. These carriers
cost little In comparison to tho amount
of labor they save.
Every dairy farmer should havo a
manuro spreader. One spreader may
do tho work of several men In the
spreading of manure on the fields. The
manure Is spread more evenly and'
each ton returns moro value for this
reason. No dnlry farmer can afford
to bo without a manure spreader, But
ho should buy a standard make. In
land Farmer,
Beea and the Henae of Hmell.
Roccnt experiments on Bhowy flow-
ors llko tho poppy tend to show that
insects aro not always attracted to
flowers by the brightly colorod potals,
but rather by tho perception doubt
less by means of smell that there is
honoy or pollen, in those experiments
tho unopened flower bud Is Inclosed In
a gauze net, sq as to protect it from
Insects, and when It expands the pot-
alB are carefully removed without
touching the remaining parts with the
fingers (for bees avoid a flower If
the smoll of human Angora is loft on
It), and tho potalless flowers receive
practically as many Insect visits as
untouched flowers do,
f.arg-eat Grapevlae,
The largeet grapevine In the world
flourishes In San Gabriel, Gal, it was
planted by the Ban Franciscan friars
and is 120 years old. The Ktalk Is Vj
feet In diameter and 8 feet high, and
the branches and foliage cover 6,000
square feet. Last year H produced
2Vj ions of grapes.
s l
1012 Chnmplaln arrived In Canada to
ttiko up his work as Governor of
tho country,
1077 Tho Assembly of Connecticut
regulated tho prices at which hides
and shoes Bhould bo bought or sold.
1701 City of Philadelphia chartered
by Wllllum 1'nnn.
177G Continental Ytangress adopted
wo 1'inu Tree nag.
1796 Spain nnd tho United States
concluded a treaty defining tho
Louisiana boundary.
1814 The Fultorf, the first ntcam war
vessel, launched at Now York.
1820 Thirteenth amendment to the
Constitution of tho United States
raunca by a two-thlrds voto.
1851 A meeting of cotton planters
neiu nt Macon, an., to dcvtBo ways
nnd means to prevent fluctuations
In the price of cotton.
18C4 United States ship of war Al
bany left Asplnwall, and was never
aguln heard of.
1868 Alexander II. Stephens nddrcsied
a great Democratic mans mooting
In Atlanta..., Opening of railway
communication between Toronto
and Montreal.
182 The Mexican Congress assem
bled, and protested against tho
French Invuslon.
1884 Federals repulsed In battlo nt
Hatcher's nun, Virginia.... Raid
on St. Albans, Vt, by a party of
Confederates from Canada.,,.
Maryland proclaimed a free Stato
by.Gov, Bradford.
1865 The reconstruction of Arkansas
was officially recognized by tho
1879 Dedication of Confederate monu
ment In Macon, On.
1886 Bartholdl's Statue of Liberty, In
Now York harbor, dedicated.
1889 Cornerstone for Soldiers and
Sudors' Memorial Arch in Brook
lyn Iuld by Gen. Sherman,
1891 Great flro In Minneapolis, In
which seventeen flremcn were In
jured by an explotilon.
1892 Flro In Mllwaukco destroyed
pro-perty valued at $5,000,000.
1893 Mayor Carter II. Harrison, of
Chicago, assusslnuted.
1894 Prlnco Clovis von llohonlohe ap- ,
pointed German chancellor..,. Six
teen persons perished In a Are In
1895 Tho main building of tho Univer
sity of Virginia was destroyed by
1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition
at Nashville closed.
1900 Count von Uuelow succeeded
Prince Hohenlohe as chancellor of
1901 Joseph F. Smith succeeded to
tho presidency of the Mormon
church, ...Czolgosz executed at
Auburn prison for the murder of
President McKlnloy.
1904 Tho New York subway wni
opened to trnfllc. . . . Japaneso as
saulted Port Arthur.
(906 First airship -flight In the South
was made ut Piedmont Park, At
lanta. 1908 Andrew Carnegie gave $1,250,000
to found it hero funu in ureui
Britain,.. .Tho Amnrlcan battle
ship llcot arrlvod ut.Amoy, China,
Fall Cam of I'oullry.
Kl,. r..ll It... ,.,.nr In lh llmfl tO
II U -ui UIO jvi - w
buy puro bred stock, whether of males
only or or both sexes. Breeders do
not keep over winter more than
enough to complote their breeding
pons, and will readily dlsposo of their
surplus stock at a fair price. It Is bet
ter to buy fowls In tho fall than to
procure eggs of pure breeds In the
spring. A pair of hens will lay per
haps 250 eggs at least 100 of them
being early In the season thus pro
ducing1 a large number of chicks and
avoiding the shipment of eggs by ex
press and the likelihood of breakage.
T. i. in .i,.h. ir huvinc purs
ii win uu nun iiiiuu'i, - -
breeds, to procure half a dozen, a mi
and nvo puilots, as iney win
proportionately and givo an opportun
ity for hatching chicks huh .
the spring without boing compe -
wait too long to secure a """' ;.
eggs. It will pay every one micros tea ann LXIO
in poultry to use puro oreeu-. -
fall la the best tlmo to buy wow
Field and Farm.
. .... ii-llluh Aatro
.. . . . .... Morn.
Tho Journal or u.o ..- b.
nomical Association ltl9
llteratlon of tho uhuui "--. the
surface of the planet rn ng
some kind. The change my
be connected
..i ,mi tho abnormal
conditions of the sun.
. u.i. permit'
ry u , f
way to prevent we vv
in a town recaptured W
." Hi.covered
of saloons
the liquor
eiomcni "- ,, Text.
put li
l .Want At 10Uril ,,
the prohibitionists ww
make application for WW
flrst to
the law limiting tn (M
These being '",,:bl(, tb
, more being yalUW M
anil the
prohibs kept n
. - tlvht.
their pockets
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