Ahhh idras Country toRAS VanTasid was n vbilora in IInc Jwiheweek. ' J Ct r.l,l l,U rAnrU ' Moore w,vC, - ... J last Saturday. . ' piurrof Litmonm Ji.ln Mnil , n . .1.. tii.niitU lillllle. r. n SiiuHi went to Umontd I"' . .. ..I, !, iKironli Lekfirn vik r-;- rie(i.horn wa viiyrm town iom hon,c nrr 5ngMlHB. r and M r- w lvlton Miwcr u . In. Iiiki H:ttnrd:iv. Imt Ko.w and wife wefc in town Jrfaf ffoin their ranch ncUr Culver. Unhns and Inii.lly were viHtors Uidtai from " in MtTaKcart was In rrincville Me I0f the week nttcmilnK to buslncw be"' 5,I,,Pjlonof the Fialiervlllc ncijjh- jjod onde final prooi upon ins nomc- ,J Tuesday. frtJDvn returned home Saturday sHwland hcaillc. ,nd Mrs i N. Vibbctt were in rtTuediy tr.id.nK', 'roll! the North fuirt horte' (.pent iuonuny mm in town upon business connecter! ilt H.idr,s Oil & ta Co, fiait Monroe of Seattle arrived in .jrolat we ami i atsUlinjj warren lallie bartering business. Idf Robmson left Thursday fdr Port fire he Mill attend the Holme i College during the Winter. for A S. Wriuht will hold services t hee Methodist church next Sun Dec 5, at II a. rn. and 7 p in. jbbt Kea wns at Kcdmjnd and Hend ittk in company with f(Maf Clark, ufway agent for the Oregon Trunk t),S Dwytr, who hat a sub contract 4t Describes Kailtoad, was in town Saturday from his headquarters in Wtr Spring canyon. F,M McClintick, whose homestead is iv Round Huue on the North, was in sTctrday and made 'final proof be- Commisnoncr Turner. Mr.md Mrs Thomas Iirngan of An- arrived in Madras ti c first of the and are viiitinc at the Lome of daughter, Mrs. J, C. Robinson, Teesday night n sneak thief entered the of J W. Koblnson and purloined pcitt book which contained $20 odd 1. There is no clue to the identity le thief, 'ttkthomc of Mr. nntl Mrs. Herbert 't hit Malay occurred the death lltir inlant son The little one was I few d,1ys old, The bereaved par- tare the lifeatt felt sympathy of their I friends. Wiis lesne Hartley, who is teaching in nlnenlle school, was in Madras 9at Tnd Sunday lodging after Iter home- wd visiting friends. She was ac- "patd by Miss Ethel Ridden Who is the high school nl'l'ridei'ille. CwtgeMelstJn, a Uiother of W.K. 'Aon, trendy deceased who was the fpromiier and locator of the Oregon Lie. was ri visitor in itlivn List ''da" fr )in Ins construrtiori camp near mouth ,f Trout Creek, where he has conttai t on the Oregon Trunk Line. lifcSBITT-DflBKIHS WEDDIHG Wednesday. December. 1. mho. Mils . ' ' ' 1 v al) Wm. dliliplurr nf Mr nnil Mrs. A. lo'ikrn, and Mr. Williant.O. Nes- Ue:sfr, Idaho, were United in tt ili? home of the bride's nar- ;!lu" llay$inck neixhboHtopd, Elder "etIioUbc ofdeiatinff at the hanny M'tl'rnt wtdding dinner Was pre- Mr and Mrs. Nesblt Idft for n !'A t Pcirii.,,,,1 ,..i t... 1.1-1, " u j-.ujjwuu, unci nun.., !ilgo ia CMft i(j(li,H vvj,cre ,i,e ili a Itvraiive position, tt make Jrh" Mr. Nesbitt wiis forttlerlv W lief. (-mrn with lite 11. S. ft L. Ill Il.iy- rr,.k for teVera years amj ,c """"I" ire favorably known in this lr county, they have the ftl!h'" 0' their nmny friends, '"""rporation ItnVc been V1'1" Ml.iwillir hniniiAntf- with the toth u whlcli expect i. Western Crook CoUntyi SERVICES AT Ml E. OHURdH Sdnday school at io n, m.j.Epworth League nt 7ribd p, Hi, I ( Preaching' Sunday Dec. at'ffa. in." Class iticetlng at ii m, .Services in Uie evening at 7.5. Everyone cordially Invited. O.' H. MorJltintArt, liaJtor, BAPTIST SERVICES I'rcficbing tit Madras the 41I1 Sunday of pficll iilnnili Union Sunday nfchool nt 10 ft. i every Sunday, llliickbbrtrcl nod wftll roil exercise for the children. I. D lllwit, Superintendent Yoll art conlially ntvitcd to ntlcnU these services. CARD Cf THANKS W'i mke this manner of extending c-ur itncoro rhanks to iljc many ftiends wltVi so kindly gave their help and sympathy dur ing the sickness and death of, p'tir dear inollnr. lr. and Mrs. C. C. Vox. The Irtw and Order League will meet on Mondity night, Dec 6, at 713d. All citizen arc requeued to be present W. . Stebbins, Vice-l'rcsidcnti Ed Uronn, Secretary. D., mt. .,r "-....-.-.' 11. 1... - villi line ir'. ' linnndi capital mcU, $lot ',a -oipwamra, (1 E Uoljson. Harold , ' r, aiocum, rnintlnr.1,-1,1 ... ... . .-m c, i'ortundi capital tocn IOCnrnf.i r, tral u, ei 'n Investinrnt Conipnny Vii fin ' 1 nil mi nn 11 j- TUCKER & GULP Horsesljoeiiig and General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK Flnt-Class 'Wort GrarantccJ Lucdtal in the old llrixilm tltop MADIMS, 0W.C10N , They Are CALLING for farms, ranches, home steads, timber lands and city property faster than vc can list them. Buyers Are Here LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US Realty Development Co. P.O. BoX 10 Room 10 Adamion Block PRINEVILLE, ORECON ..A Warren Smith 1 PROPBIETOF Tonsorial Parlor BATHS uu uil 1 "T TOWN LOTS, AND PERSONAL PROPERTY HANDLlU) BY D. W. BARRETT MADRAS, OREGON Offioo at Rdsidouoo, South Main St. hist mirH aie NOTICE l''or I'ublloHtlon. UU The Usilh'H, Mut Nt. 0551ft, United SlntoB Lfiiul OlUuo.TliolMllefl, Oregon, Novoml.or 10, 1000. N"tloo l hereby ulvoii that the Northi-ni lclllo Hallway Company, wliriHU pout olllco uildrosn in St. L'hhI, MIiiiiohiiU. IiiMLlilH Oth day of Novem ber, 1000, (Hud In l lla "Meo "H "lP nation to Hdleot muter the provUlond of (ho Xol f CdnijrePH, approved July 1 1808. (CO 8tH.'tf, O'-W) h eStoiidot by thoAotofMny 17, lOOC tltoHwM Heo 10, tp U e r 11 e, w nt. Serial N.w 06515. Any and nil porflnnn (JlaltiilnK atN vurwoly tl lda tlrtorlbfcil, or deslr lnK t dlsjdut tiMfctwfc .on eb; Wlncral ulinradUrrnftUfo llttimi r fur ntry other reamr... tl.er, dlt.pOa.il to applicant, 1.1 111. tlifilrHffliluvltBof. pr.oteatln tills office, 011 or before tlieSBth day of December, 1000, n85.dS8 ltu"(Hter CHURCH 9F CHRIST SERVIBES Sunday schodl at Lamonta evefy SUn- iltiy nt'laa, Hi; t K. ' , . . 1 .' ,1 . ' AT MADRAS Sei Vices fp.tidtl J; cljows, liall. Sunday sciidol tit id a, m. Communion service immediately fol- loU-lny Slinday schodh You are InVited to attend these services. H' Not Onwl Il'Ulil OMUSTJSAD.-N.iiico for I'lilill-n- lion, OiMiurtrrii'iit. of tliu 1-tcrlor, U, 8. JumI Oflicjp, Tin. Diille;, Oregon, iViivcinl.er II, ItlOii. Notlc.i Ik heji-by art Vf 11 Hint WILLIAM A.M-Lin, of MntlruH, Oreitoii, u'llnj on October 2(1, 10113, nmib' IlinliO'leHil, HerlnlNo. 1 00I3, Nn. 13010, for hwI ho IS, tp li m, r 13 v, w in, IIhm filed notlco of Intention to 'rrmko lliiul fiye-yiar jiroofj to eHtnbllHli uliilm to tliu land nbnve deHorlbed, be fore Howard .,Tiirner, 'fj. 8. Com inlHHloiier ut IiIh olllco nt Madras, Ore iron, on lllo iilHt day of December, 10C0. Cliilmant tinmi'M hh wllfiefHc: M 0 Mnftoii) I F 8lmtt, J II Homey, J 1' Iltilin, nil Of MnlniH, Oregon. O. W. Moojib, nlfldlO Re'lrtter CONTK3T NOTftlS. Department of tbo Interior. U, S. Land Oiilce, The UalleH, Oregoiti October 20, 1000. A Hiiflluielit COiiteHt tillliluvlt liaviilK iieun tiled In lliin olllco by NEWT 13. MI5LTON, enntpctant, ni;iltiHt liomeHieiid eiitrj N'o 0486, made Feb 24, 1005, for e twl, nwwl seo l!p, hihI iieiwi ce 30. if) 0 8, r 13 e, w in, by William V. Zuerner, contehlce, In which It Is nl-; leced that suld Xticrner Iiuh wholly , abandoned ulil lonil for more than olx j moiilhn hint punt, nntl that fitiid ubiin .lonmentHttll oxIhIh. Haiti purlieu nro hereby untitled to , appear, rewpontl and oiler evidence touching naitl allegation at 10 o'clock h. m. on Dec. 10, 1000, before Howard W. Turner, U. 4S. Commlfsioner at Madras, Oregon, and that final hear ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Deo. 10, 1009, before the Register and Receiver of theUnited States Land Of fice In The Dalles, Oregon, The said contestant having, ,ln. a proper atlldavlr. filed Sept. 21, 1009, Met forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that eucli notice be given by due and proper publica tion. O. W. MOORE, n4 dO Register Edward G, Pease Go. Inc. THE SHANIKO STORE Sole Agents . vwisssssssBr a& m v wn-a wl: m m b u anas u am v Ba -bm& in Sole Agents It is with great satisfaction that we announce our Sole Agency in Shaniko for the LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS PATTERNS EXCELLED RY NONE; tlio most economical, uuritie3lioutilly the leaders In originality, and fault! bs ns to lit, A 10c Gt 15g each monthly style book mailed free to each customer on rrqtint. to be put on our mailing Hit. A Otiide Chart given free with each pat tern, which lolls the exact quantity of materia! (if eil and full instructions in cutting nntl fitting same. Send us your name and address ! A. E. PETERSON I X SHANIKO, OREGON t Watchmaker ! and jeweler I lewelrv eff 'H Lindi madotobr- der and 4pqired. Seltingi for Predoutoei rnsde. FinST-OLASS WORK GUARANTEED Tlic Pioneer gives yon tho home and county news and keeps yoti lu touch with your ailrroundings. Subscribe for It. l'rlco $1.60 per year. COMPLETE STOCK Of' GENERAL HARDWARE A flue II11V of the famous Diamond Edge CUTLERY TRY OUR DIAMOND EDGE RAZORS The best op the Market HMUl, y TIGER HEAD TAILORING 500 HUNDRED sn ippy a"d a tractive sample of all-wool worst ed and fancy suitings for Pall. The crem of the UOVAL TAILOHS' stock in Chicago has just arrived, nntl now ready f.r yonr Inspection. Stilts made to order in lat et stiles and every suit guaranteed to fit and hold its shape until worn out. Try us for yonr Fall suit. Prices from ? 18.00 up. MENN0MTE services . r . tin ... ....tfj o..l.,uH lM A.i.tt H.l 1 1. t I ' JIAI'IVAO ct'CUIIil Diimm; iii .. 11 a. m. und 7:80 p. rn. in free Jldthodtet Church, - , ., . OPAlj 1IHAIHIE Bvcry Sunday at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ih- Oral lValrle Cliurchj tiiltoh SUndBj- grhool ercry 8unday at 10 a.- ra JUMl'KK BUTTE School ItoUsg-EVtiry Sun day at 3 p. m. Union Sunday school every Sunday at 2 p. rri. MOUNTAIN VIEW Schdol Houso-Ftrst and 3d Sunday Of Bach mbntli at 4 :M p. in. Un' Ion Sunday school evtirr Slinday 3:30 p. m. All arb cordially Invlttid to these services, Altf HUR and Jtl.VA dltEABEY, Pastors. Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior U. Si Land Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, No vember i, 1WV. Notlco is hereby given ,t)iat AfILLlAM P." SCUAljiLEj Madras, Oregonj who, on Ueccmber 2j lWl.jnatlo Homestead, Serial No 031O4J pNo. UOai.for BvKneX sc ?0 aiidjwMiiwH tntj iiXsw.y sec 21, tp n s, r 11 ej w lias tiled notice of intention to make final fivo-yoap proofs to establish $alui ?n tile land nbrjvo described, t before lioward V. Turner. United States Commissioner nt his office nt Madras, Oregoiif .on the 14th day of December, 10oH. Olnlmnnt names as witnesses: Ira D EaKles, W 4 Eagles, james Ar kins, A S Phillips, all of MadrasOregou. nll-dO O. V. MOOKE. Register. mm Scientific All advocate DISCING your land immediately after the crop Is removed, preparatory to Fall plowing This con Serves the moisture already in the soil and prepares the land to. retain the moisture occasioned By the Fall rains. You need one of our DISC-HAiRROWS. : " ''K for this olass of Work.'. Prioes redsoriabld foi4 a standard ar tide. BUY ONE AT ONCE. (IROGERiES-llARDWARE-IMPLEMENfS-STOVES-RANGES - W - " - ... .... ... ,f. .. .m. . .. . JMAGGART k BYI Madras', bregori OREGON MORE GALLS PEOPLE" PaSs the Wor'd to your relatives and friends to tome nov; ,,- ,, - ,, , tr. , T.t,' - - - - . . . , ;.m . Low Colonist Rate To Oregon vill pt-evall frorn the East Sept. 15 To Oct. 15 Vta the Oregon Railroad And Navigation Gompanf ' SOUTHERN. PACIFIC (Lines Bi Oregoii) ?y From Chicago, $33 u St. Lou'fs, 32 PARES Omaha, 25 St. Paul, 25 Kansas City, 25 CAN Tte PREPAID bepoalt (lie amount of the fare with the nearest O. R, & N. or S, P. aeut picket will be delivered In the ljast without extrt cost. Bend us the name and address of anyone Interested In the state , , , for Oregon literature. WILLIAM McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon 13l SB Not Coal Land , L.I OMfiSTKAD., MotIc forubllca tlon. Department ofltlie Interior; U. S.nnd Onice at The Dalles, Ore 15011, Noveinbe.r . 1909, . Notlco la herelty tjiveii tliat' v iiAttuiijOiSr a. qttiTlsri, x of Ash wood, Orpon, who,' on April 4, .lOqi.Mutvile Ilmnesteail Serial Kb 031&T ITo 1832i for wnej, nejnwi tiiuJLot 1, seo 18, tp 11 8, r '17 e, w nil Iiuh filed uotlue of lutantlon to rnnhe tin nl fiveye!tr pfoor, to estnbliall olnih to tho lapd MioVe tlesorlbed, before-, How a hi W Turner, U. S. Com mlmlotiur, nt liin ollU-e tt AUdrns, Or unon, on the 13th tiny of December, 109. xM t X Olal mant tiantpa nujVltes.iet IDlliiHtoi .1(3 Olarft, S d UltidU, of Afhwnjotl, 0rejon; A V Wnrren( of Htiyoreek-, Oregon, . kt f( . ' O. W. MhoitE, nil tin ' ReubMer -5 1 ..r,.., y, vi- i HSTttAV I lwvu (akuu. ;dp i HlnrJt dtiu eolorddstiorse, bruudetl clrolo 3 on left st' tie; a ween led In left shonl durt,;Owif,r oim lmye,ju8.Uy Ciillhifdi hvanau)Kyl8g olides. A. L. Illlam Madra. HOMI tinn. Not Coal I.tuull OMESTeAD. Notice for ,PubIca Department of the Interior, U. S. Lud Otllct? nt Tho Dalles, Ore gon, November 13, 100i). Norjlee s hereby given thnt V, HotfEllT E. GALLOWAY, of Mudrn?, Oregon, .who, on.De.QmhPt 6(lfltVi,majto.,omoBtead Serial No 03(JS No. a4033; for efcnej, awnei, nw l-n' aeo 20. tp 11 s, r 18 q, w m, , Has llled notice of Intontlon to mnljg ftnul llve yenr proof, topatubliuh olaliu to the lund above described, before Howard "W. Turner) U. S. Commlar Hioner, iU hla oillce flt Mndnia, Oregon, on the 23ud day of December, 1009. Claimant names us witnesses: JIrn. Fannie Barton, dhrla Ileg metier, ,11. pombroe, Glllls DiznVy, all 'of StudrttB, OrQgou. O. W, UooitB, "l8-lll , . , v. lteslster. NOTICH-i-AII OQoonutB duo me forpru feislonal service or ollrwlfo, I liave left vlth-IlowardW. fflprmg tor coIleotion. .tP,le8emaU'aUd ifath. nt earliest couvouIono.--Dr. 7. C Bartlett. I; BT4 1 4 , -v""iui) licit 1 1 nimiswi " L N-ill, Mary L. McDowell,