The Madras Pionee Published every Thursday by -THE I'lONBKU PUBLISHING CO.- :- 8UD80RIPTION RATES t puo year... $t.50 Six months . ... 85 Three months.. .50 ADVKllTISINO UA.TKS OS APPLICATION Entered ns Recomt class matter AAjntst 29. 1901. at tho rostorilCo nt Madras. Ore under tho Act of Congress of March 8,1871', THURSDAY DEC. 2, 1909 WORKING FOR THE WEST Oieconijin "Thfe Government should d everything in ils power to uV velope every acre 01 grouiu Avithin its own domain," s:u a Senator Borah, in a deliunt pro test against the policy of the faddists of the Pinchot sbhoo Senator Borah has pledged Jnmselt to support a measure that will regulate the forestry service, so that there will, be less so-called conservation o the forests aud more real bene lit to- the settler. "Out of the reform which Senator Borah suggests, he hopes to secure .the adoption of a policy by which every acre of ground within the domain of this counirv can tie developed, and thus prevent th migration of Americans inn Canada." Senator Borah, lik Secretary Ballinger, is of the "West aud he knows the West its requirements and its possi bilities. Theories aud fads are oiot given serious consideration .by practical, well-informed men of this tj'pe, and it is for that reason that their deductions are seldom faulty. No. one from the West has invited the Eastern faddists to coma to the Pacific Northwes aud show us how w,e . should jconduct our affairs but Oregou especially, has been receiving advice and suffering interference in liberal quantities. In the iattack on Secretary Ballinger, in the current number of Hamp ton's Magazine, one John L Matthews is especially verbose and egotistical in his assump ions of knowledge as to what js needed in Oregon. This self appointed expert on the needs of Oregon assures us that "If .the Deschutes could be develop ed along the lines I have suggest ed, the Country would fill up -with people and the increased nassencer and freight traffic .would very soon wipe out th extra cost of construction." 1 Foe declining, tp elevate their tracks to a point where all of the value of tile water-level grade would be lost, the jail- roads are accused of being "penny wise and pound fool psh," although elsewhere in his , .article Mr. Matthews states thai the "old routes, .from San Fran cisco North , circle tUe .base of Mt. Shasta, after a heavy climb in each direction, and make .travel and ..freight hauling slow and dpstly either way." By the .new route through, the Des chutes Mr. Mattheiyd admits that It is possible to ounu a railroad from the Columbia .Rive to San Fraucioao with a .maximum grade of but 1 per cent. Every one at all familiar with the situation and with modern railroad construction knows that ''along tho lines I (Matthews) have suggested," there would be ho railroad up the Des chutes, and without a railroad there' Would be no development. The Borahs aud Ballingers of the West have th confidence ofthe Western people who are predl Aiming this jaud from the wilderneos and the desert. Ab true Wasterh repreaeutatives of the West, they know far better, what is needed here than either .millionaire faddists of the Pin. tchot t) pe or yellow muckrukeis of tin Matthews stripe. The wdhderful. possibilities for induqtrinJ, explo.taipn(i,h Alaska arb reliected iti .tjje r.ail road building now U(ujer yay in that land of gold qnd mystery. The first fifty-four miles of the Copper lliver & Northwestern Railroad, which will be in opera tion December 1, costs $5,770,000 and the entire road will cost $20,000,000 This rond is being built by .Eastern capitalists who have made a thorough examina tion of the field and are perfect ly familiar with the resources thai will yeld tho returns on this enormous expenditure. Railroads which cost more than $100,000 per mile in new tern uny are not very plentiful, evet in localities much more thickly settled than. . Alaska, and the gieatness of t)ie underiakuig is a high tribute to the territory ihut possesses natural resources of sufficient quantity and value to warrant such an enterprise Oiegoniau. BLassIfied locals 'i,WRiVt. HOUSE. FOR QAL12 Single driver, flieodyi go(nl,nii(l gentle. , Wpn flvo trAlght hento In redout rftOo-HTieot itt The Dallas. Jtivoed MUessln. Uvo laoo" 2:.20. to a ueo.k 011 tho WII Inmetto Circuit. Good 4mrg.rtiu for cash, If tnlton nt oucim Seo oMvrltc to H. P. 80irEUltEU, Halm llolel Jtadrac. Dreiz'011. d2 POTATOES WANTED. Best price until bv MttdrtiH Traitiiiir Co. i!2 STltAYED Saddle horno, color sorrel ronoh mine; uoi'it about 800 Ihf branded on hip. Ilewaid when re turned. MDdiiuhl k Nelson, mouth of Troul Cref k. d2 NOTICE TO WJIOiJIMT ilfAT CONGE UN: Notice Is hereby given that there will he presented to the Honorable C unity Court rbrtho Cdunty of Crook, In the State of Oregon, at Prineville, Oregon, on ed nesday, the 5th day of January, 1010, at JO o'clock, A. M., for consideration of said Court, an application by J. II. Jackson forty-nine others for the incorporation of a certain portion of Crook Cjunty, Ore tfon, into a municipal corporation to bo known as the town of jiuurns. And that at said time the said Court will be lequestt'd to grant said petition, and to make all Mich other aud further orders as may be necessary in the premises. A true copy of said application is as follows t-wit: PETITION VOll THE INCORPORA TION OF MADRAS , To the County Court of Crook County, State of Oregon: "We the undersigned, your petitioners respectfully represent unto your lloilora ble liodyj that we are qualified- electors of Crook C unity, and State of Oregon, re siding in the territory hereinafter set forth aud described to-wit: j wseff, find sw' Section One, sseli; Section ,2Vd, vi He, and iivw)f; mvjsej Section Twelve, nc, and nJ$seJi netfswjf eKnwJi Section 11, Township Eleven South, Range Thirteen, East of the "SVil lamette 3feridian, and that there are now residing within the limits of said afore described territory, not less than 150 in habitants. Therefore your petitioners respectfully pray that .the aforesaid territory, To-wit: WKsetf. and swtf Section Onesjfsejf Sect ior Two, wjfnejf, and nwf, nw4- seH Section Twelve, ne, and seM. nejjswh'i OAsi Section Eleven, Township Eleven, South, Range Thirteen, East of the Willamette Jlerldlan, may be incorporated in a municipal'corporntion to be known as ".Madras," as Is provided for by Chapter 1, of Title 27, of Bellinger and Cotton's Annotated Code of Oregon. And your petitioners further respectful lypray for such further orders of this Court, as your Honorable Douy may find necessary in the premises. J II Jackson A C Sanford F J Brooks Robert Ilea C G Ramsey J W Robinson W C 3oore C N Baker G V Stanton MVf Bennett Ora VanTassell Wm. B Chllders J P Halm J L jWaddrou 11 K Nis6en GillisDizney E M Tiffany Elmer B Kerns Harry G Key E E Dunn, F H Oreen Ralph Sharp O A Waterhouse B S Larkin Howard W Turner D W Barnett tt R 3oorhead W II Coolc i H C Robinson J .1 Oonklin J W Baker W S Smith C B Bye 'rA Long G-W Kidder B 0 Dove Stanley A Oray T B Tucker Chas. Jf Dlzney A W Boyce F ilf Cooper V R Coqk Gilbert Danby ill F Doitzel Archie Powell Bah Puett S D Pcrtdval James Kans OREGON gricultural - - College WjNTER COURSES January 4th lo February 1 8th, 1910 Practical work. lectures and demonstra. tioiis will be givun in such vital subjects as (ji'Jierai F.ii mmg, r run uuiture. Annual Hiisbamlryf Hairying. Poultry Keeping, tno jfuiuioMH Mine or r armiiigi ;ari)eniry. Foruetry, Blacksmithing and Jfcchanicaf Drawim.', Coo);iui, Sowing, Dres&makJiiK. Home iUaimKciiiiiit, etc. All regular courses oegm Jan. l and end Feb. 11. Farmers Week, Feb. 1J to 18. A cordial invitation is extended to nil intonated. Goud accommodations may bo secured at reasonable rates. No'uge limit above 10 years. No entrance requirements. Prominent lectun!iH have been secured for sneclal tonics. The instructional lorco of tho college nuinbera (100. Excellent A aneciai fealure Id the Parmers' Wwk wlilnli (unnun this'vear Feb. H to 18, Lec- tures, dlsouMlons, and a general reunion. For further Information address Addresa, Oregon Agnoultttral Oollege, CORVAhhIB, Oregon. The Pioneer'q clubbing llet In nu- other ooluniu contuitiB an exception- Ily good uBSortment of publlcatloua, aud at prices to btilt everyone. KOIt SALE -Sniltli-Premier Ti'p" writer, with metal cover, at reason able price. Inqulro'iit The Pioneer Otlloe. MONEY TO LOAN ON PAKMS. Mndras State Bunk. See $25 REWARD A rewaid of $25 is pficred for infornia tion leading to the conviction of any per son or pet sons guilty of the offense ot cutting the lines, destroying or temoving (he poles, or interfering in any way with the properly of the Pioneer Telegraph & Telephone Co. tf . PioE6etTelBOTli&.TelGiilioiieCo. MADRAS, OREGON Aol Coal Laud . HOMESTEAD. Notice5 Tor Publi cation, Departmentof the Inter lor, U S Land Olllce at The Dallef, Ore gon, November 4, 1900. Notice is hereby glveu that joiin j. Mcdonald, of Madras, Oregou, who, on February 12, 1004, made Homestead soilal No. 03084 No. 13234, for nej see 20, tp 10 a, r 13 e, w m, has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud ubuve described, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. 8. Commis sioner, at his office ut Madras, Ore gou, oh the 18tbduy of December, 1000, Claimant namds: ns witnesses: CTMcOall, JE Campbell, Antone Batalgla, 1) 11 McDonald, all of Mad ra8, Oregon. C. W. Mookb, nll-d9 Register Not Coal Land rj OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion, Department of tho Interior, U S Land Office atThe Dalles, Oregon, November 6, 1909. Notice in hereby given that BARNEY L. CUMMINGS, of Madras, Oregon, who, on August 1, 1904, made Homestead Serial No 0878 No. 13698, for ne sec 35, tp 11 a, r 13 e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Tumor, U. B. Comraissjon er, at his office at Madras,! Oregon, on the 15Ui day qf.December, 1009. Claimant narries as witnesses: Fred Green, W R Cook, Homer I Alexauder, John F Convlre, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MoottB, nll-d9 Register Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publl cation. Department of the Inte rior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oclober 22, 1909. Notice is hereby given that WILIIEJLM THIELMAN, of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 14, 1903, made Homestead Serial No. 02859 No. 12470, for ejnel, nisei sec 14, tp 11 s, r IB e, w ra, ' Has filed notice of intention to make final flveiyoar proof, to establish claim to the laud ubove described, he fore Howard tV, Tumor. U, 8. Commla- Ills oflicp at Madras, Oregon, on the 2nd day of December, 1909. Clafmant names as witnesses: J P Hahn, 8 E Gray, John 11 JaCk- hou, Fred DaviHy all of Madras, Oregou. C. W. MooiiK) o28 d2 Register Notice for TATE SELUCTlON. iltei Oregon, Noveiii' STA1 Pu Office, The Dalles, her 12, 1900. Notice is hereby given that State of Oregon has filed in thjs office its up- plication Borfal No 05528, to select un der the provisions of the Act of Con gress of August 14, 1818, and tbojAets, supplementary and umeudatory there to, the seise ecu 27, tp 11 H) rJl e, W. M. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the land desdrllimf, or dl'sfrlng to object because of the mineral char acter of tho land or for uny other red son, to the- disposal to applicant, should file their nilldiivHa of protest in this office on or before tho 29th day of November, 1909. n25-d23 C. IV. Mookb, ReglBter Not Con! Laud HOMESTKAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. li'ind Office. The D.tlles, Oregon, November 8, 100l). 1 Notlco Is hereby given .that ALI'UED MOULL12T, of Aittolopo, Oregon, who, on Deceiii her 10. 1004. made Homestead, tSorl',J No 03420 No. 14072, ,for eiWj, ,ye: hwI, nwlil eo 8, tp 8 s, r 17 e, V M, Has filed iwitlce of Intention to make final, flve-yc'ir proof, to entalillsh Uhtim to the land above desolhud he foro H. 0. Hooper, U. S. Coui'iils sinner, at Ids ollloo at Antelope, Ore gon, on the 20th day of December, 1009. Clnlnmnrntime n wltues-e- Ike Hlxnn, T A MhIouC, George Patterson, lid PrillM, all of Antelope, Oregon. C. W. MOOKK, nlS dlO Riiglsier. Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Noiluu mr Puhllun Hon. Depai tniontof thu Interior. U. S. L'uid Olfico at The Dalles, Ore gon. November 0, 1909. Notice is hereby given that JAMES LEU, of Madras, Oregon, who, on Mny 29, 1003, made Ilome-tead (Serial No 02912 No. ..12070,. for wti oiiUvJ see 32, tp 10 h, r 14 e, W M, Has filed jnttleu of Intentidh th make final five-year proof, to etablih ulalni' t6 (ho laud above iltirlhed, he fore HowariAv". Tumor, V' S. Commis sionon at IiIm olfi. e t Mndhtt', Oregon, on the 15th day of December) 1U09. Claimant unmus ns wituessen: LAYom.g, of Youngs, Oregon; W Il-Slouehoclter, S P Loving, W A Lee, of Madras, Oregon. ull-dO C. tV. MooltK, Register N' Lint No. 05177. OTIOI5 KOU PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Otllce, Tho Dalles, Ore 1:011, Nov. 2, 1909. Notion In hereby given that the Northern Paeffio Rail way Company, whose poMolficu ad dress is St. Paul, Minnesota, has this 29th day of October, lOlrt), tiled lu this otllce its application to select tinder the provisions ot the Act of Ooi.grexs, approval July 1, 189S 3i) Stat. 697,020 uwIhwI, sec 21, tpOs, r 13 e, W M. Any and all persons claiming ad verseJy tho lamis described, or desiring to object because ol the mineral char acter of the land, or for any other rea son, to the disposal, to applicant, should file their affidavits of pro test in th'i office, on or befoto the 14th day of December, 1000. C. W. MOORE, nll-dO Register. Not 0 al Land tJOMEHTEAD. Notice for Publica 4 1 ttou. Depsrtmeut of the Interior. II. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, November 0, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that CHARLEB T. McOALL, of Madras, Oregon, who, on January 24, 1908,. made Homesteud 8erlal No O4307 No. 15803, for nvi sec 22, tp 10 r 3 e, w m, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, lo establish claim to tile land above described, be fore Howard W. Tumor, U 8. Commis- sioner, at Ids olfice at Madras, Oregou, on the 15th day of December, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Antone Uatalgiu, J J McDonald, Charles Ortman, D R McDonald, ull ol Madras, Oregou. 0. W. MooitB, nlldO RoKlster fNot Coal lmndl LJOMKSTHAD. Notice for Publica ' ' tion. Department of tho InUrior' U S Land Otllce at Tho Dalles, Oregon, October 19, 1U01). Notice Is hcrphy given that CHARLK0 B. McCOIJ.UM, of Ash wood) Orsgon, who, on Movinber2l. 1902) madu Ifomostend Serial No Otol No. lisil. for sejne sec 2U and sHuw, nesw see as, 10 , r j, e, w m( II a liL'd notice of Intention to make flunl live year proof, to oNtabliNh elalm to the land above dorcrlbed, before tile Register and Receiver of tho ITnltid atates hand Ollleo at The Dalles, Oregon, on tho 4th day, 01 j;eeomtior, juuv. Olaliiiiint names n wltnpsiost James 0 Clark, John l)ayli, Marvin Klklns, Riiy D Clark-, all of Ashwoud, Or egon, O. W. MotfiiBi oSW-il2 Itetfliter. ' 1 ' Not Coal Laud HOMHSTliAD.' Puttee f,r Publication. Depart t'UHitjdr the Interior, U.S. Land Onlco'ut Tito Dalle, Oregon, October Notice Is hereby given that JOHN W. JON lift, i ' . of MAli-as, Oregon, who, 011 Mny JBOl, miide Horiienteiid (Sotlal No. 6lJI7(l No, J8181, for b4 usii fa, tp 10 r J , w 111, Has lllod nollcB of intention to make final five-year proof, to CHtuhlUli blalm to the land above donoilOetl, before Howard W. Turner, United States Comiiilsalonnr. at his office at Madras, Oregon, on tliu 7th day of December, 1009. Claimant mimes uh wltnesves! MC Mason, 1 V Himtt, Bimuol llabof- stlch, Mlelmel Braun, nil of Madras, Ore gon, o28 u20 C. W. MOORE, Register DRIVERS WANTED For slip, wheel and Fresno scrapers at head of Por ter Spring Canyon. Wattes $110 and ' k 10 per month. Dwyer A Co. LlST YOUU FARM property with l Ron, 'If you Want quick notion upon It, lluve buyers for deslrahje plitueH. AUOTIONEElUO-bol. W. lis ftuyM Holds, of Madras, Oregon, Hu liust erti Auctioneer, Will, sell ull kllulsf .Itierohautllsv r, stock farm sale- 11 specialty. Will go uny Whero hi Or egon or adjoining Mutes, Regular prices. CaII on or write Col. W 11 HEV.NOI.DS. or. A. O. Hauford. L ni. l.i 1 mi vo. jo FN3! Mateiilj i'UllBALE.nClol(d, Ireai.Tn fur 1 n notion eii,. ,:. : H,uce 6t. Ailr, KINDS ofl,, I. tHllnl..:.. """" "V I' IVS l it ,... . 1. lti Trip in. ti... , . wntlted at mis.. . . l " 'n I" M . ..-..r. ll'IIPl. I.08T Siitiirdni. 11... i.J. " . . 1 1,1111 i.mI.I ..I.. . "l"l 1.1.,,,,. ... ,1, . . ... mi rmni..r niltce. ---.V'Jl'O- JI"0fe, t!fl 1 Mu ri'lfa i. o. Hamilton, rres. j.. 11, I'lusscn, Vlee Pres. J (; yu ow mr, C(ir. EASTERN OREGON FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AtlD SOLO DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Stock, $90,000 DepoSlto, $200,000 SHANIKO, OREGON ,?5 . THINGS TO EAT THiNGS TO WEAR We arti paying for first-class butter, 35c per1 lb. Eggs 45c doz, llMMliHIlllllniMtltfltlttlMHWtMMllH((iMwMtfM Ti r i nn Madras 1 ra C. E. ROUSH, ding Co. MANAGER I mt, I i MM '" !' Ml 1 " ' I TO DO ALL KINDS OF WE ARE PREPARED WOOD AND IRON WORK the best equipped shop Ih Central Oregon FtRST'CLASS WORKAlEft EMPLOYED HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY CHILDERS & GRAY MADRAS, OREGON ltu& Vfe iA. JV iflr JUJfk.Ji.JI, ow -A Jit AJVjUtjfli fStj6oCi. 1 1 A. C. SANFORD IIAB TJIH AOKNOY FOll EDISON S - - LATEST tDli m mm U r Art Dantirte t iitl rn jj i iiuiiuyi o(Jiia Anuu iiowuiwu" i r...... - V . ... .. - .. . . . i- i. owitli. Give - veivu it Hnipmont 91 me niic'Hi rj-'ciinin uuvu HI mo your list In tliuu fo you uiln uhviiyd ot tho novoiie nn dfirfn nk I lini' ii ni mi t hnAiHTATK.q can mi FOUND KVKliYWJ t;i w. Pacts Worth Noting flu. fAmjCjtJ '"y ITl.TKIK,Wr HIU Y.L I: IT-1,1 .iITi.i I 1 airMiPEPrSScSI Enrollmonl of iluduntt pmt yeir 400. All gradual placed In O00j potlllon Filled but 50 per cent applied" 'SI Reputation tor thorouah' Sale and refining Influence. Send forntfw Fdldornd 6uccM Slorlo