"Catarrh invito Consumption ...kens th lleto ,unK tlM"ci LSS? tho LdKMtlV0, w,?8' nd 4fJj A0a the jfonoral honlth. Man causes headache and dlwl W impairs tho taste, ameU and J J and attocU tho voico. a constitutional dlscau k re. iiconBtltutional remedy. Sood's Sarsaparilla CSeaiiy nd p"nRn6ntIJr 0UrMt r.J llaold form or in chocolated tablet M8rRtU. W0do.Mll. RumpU -t Hand. hi P.itor (dining with the family) l Yd Brother Bmlthora, It Is the thing-, of thin Wo that countl i litis Willi ,oud whisper) JZ ; iht' tho olxth biscuit b.'a took. Ucblco Tribune. njtlni tbt year 1003 no leu than i4 different books were published In rt Bolted Htatca. The number la 800 tban durlof the preceding year. rpAXIDERMIST A AND TANNER FURS BOUGHT' F. B. FINLEY 19 Columbia Portland, Ore. MOOCRN DENTISTRY exptftr At Price that Defy Cempetklon IKIH WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY mm tUVUCSS EXTHACTION iW80c IlLVER FII.MNCH ,.60c UP GOLD KJU.INOH Sl.OO UP aaoiv chown c oo SbOKUBIIKIt PLATE 5.00 e BEsr muiiiKii plates ,,?b.oo WHALE DON K PLATES ...SiO.OO OtwMown patients can obtain perfect work is) Mt monry by calling- at our office. KOSTUDENrfl NO OAS NO COCAINE All work guaranteed for ten year CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS J23M Washington St., Cor. SUtb buMUhod It yr. Hera to alar. "What did papa say, George r lie 15, i.rV t0 hot t0 Mk nonsense." But did ha know that you wanted to !!.!.' "'Ink he did." "And Giant ha iiflpnii..ft. .... ..... -- -..-.. uu iu proceed yes, ne held the door open for me." f: I A V . 1 M A Ttl.l. i ....... v. a inwi Leaier. Titer Haloed lama. Vlaltor I don't aee how you cat, reconolle yourself to being a farmer. SI Seeder I couldn't If I didn't aet yu oy men once In a whlle.- i iiiiauoipnia uuiietln. ttnrllnar la.. r . "Old chap, you ought to shave 'on that lonr hrri . . germe-thafa what the doctor. ay. h-i? ar u .y' you ouht t0 tr'm tha, ?h.r.'.Ueh, hR,r on your - -""uiigi w .T0U.f."n l Alltn'a root.Ea.. TREE. Wriln Allan U ril ..-.. .... . If ea . ample of K'. ti Ks;W,if ' ,or lUMtauiU i&o. Don't accept any lubitltute, An Inconsistent ISannnan. "I wonder why long telegraphic meunnRcs aro bo expensive." "Why do you wonder7" "UocatiBo thoy aro Intended to co oa uck." uaitimoro American. Ilia flumiuer Job. "Got a aummor Job, eh?" .aid Torlca Ham. "On a fftrm." exDlalned iinmiutt ..t "What do you know about farm worn 7 "O. I'm hired to talk itai - .. benefit of tho .umraer boarder.." vouner journal. Broadonlnir KSocI of Traral, "Aunt 'Mandy, now that you'vi made that long anticipated vl.it ti China, tell me what you think of th Chlne.e aa a race." "Well, child, thoy certainly do know how to cook rice," Chicago Tribune DOOTOE'S PRESCRIPTION. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor Tbl womief ul man ba. made a Ufa ttudy of tha rropartlea of lloota. lerba anil Iiarlci. and la a-lvlnir tha world tha bcntflt of hta acrrleaa. No Mircury, Polaone or Druje Uied. No Opcratlona or Cutting CwnntM to cure Catarrh, Aathma. Luna', BlooMb and Kldnrr troubka, and all Frlvata vuoua or M n and women. A SURE CANCER CURE fatrKtlvedfrem Pekln, CLm af, aura ialr!UU. Uf l!lnif In lU work. If jrou cannot call, writ for ayroptom blank t& drrolar. Incloaa cent. In atarapa. CONSULTATION TREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. v: j Quickly Cures Rheumatic Pains, Alsc Bplondid System Builder. Oo to any good prescription druRgisi unu got tno following ana mix Uimn u no does not hove tlicse ingredient ho will got them from bis wholcial lionso. "One ounce compound .yrup of Sar hnnnniia, and ono ounce Tons com pound. Add those- to a half pint ol lim-clan wni.koy, and uie a tabio spoonful hoforo each meal and at hoi time. The bottle must bo well shake each time." This simple remedy is ont of tho most effective known. Tht restorative action will bo felt after tb first few doses. Tfa Sort of Man lie la. "Differs Is a singularly narrow and selfish porson, Isn't he?" "He Is, Cook at tho steak is fai moro Interesting to him than Cook at the pole!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Orcr Iter Head. "Where are you going to spend youi honeymoon?" asked the prospectlvi bride', rlrl friend. "O, it will not be a mere honey moon I" exclaimed the prospectivt bride. "It will be a honey cycle!" "So you'ro going to take your wed ding Journey on bike., are you? Hon perfeotly dotlghtful!" curgled the oth er. Tho Kind You Hiivo AhvnytJ lloufjht has borno tho sljrna turo of Oliiin. II. Fletcher, nnd 1ms been inndo under his eronul Hupcrvltdon for over 110 yenrs. Allow no ono dccolvo you in thin. Counterfeits, ImltntlonH niid "JuHt-a8-irood" nro hut Experiments, nnd cndnnirer the realth of Children Experlonco njfttlnst Experiment. Caatorla Is ft harmless mihstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare- nor other jnrcotio vnHji in, m it jiiirinicnn niumnniiu torle, Drops and Soothlntr Syrups, contains neither Opium, Morphine II It., a .. v a. I . f a. J lavillivi VI'IUIIII ' w- Vr ). Its nco is Its fruanintco. It destroys Worms s EoverlMhnc.HH. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind BiihHtanco. And fillnvu Colic. It relieves Toothln Teothlnfr Troubles, cures Constipation nu l- lutulcncv. It assimilates tno x- ooti, reK""j " Di . - . 111... . .1 ntaianl UlAtn oiuinocii and uowcis, iriving' ncaiiny juhi. imimw Tho Children's Panacciv Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Hare Always Bought a, a I Boars tho Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. tmi eiNTkua UHMin. tr nuaar oratrr, wawvoaaeiTT. aWH a Wear W. L. Douglas comfort able, easy walking, common aense shoes. A trial will oonvlnoe any ono xn y I r i .i,vMa hold tnolr shape, fit better and wear I . . . .a,akaa M SB U M H . i longer wan otner "; : iT . unrin nnnn nnnnr. of the best leathers, by tho . all ....mI.maM In 1 1 most SKiuea vuiimi.., f.ahlnna. BihOOS in every stylo and shape to suit men In all walks of life. CAUTION stamped oa bottom, which IP" rTVeaBSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaBBal " maw iBSaSjaSjBanaSjaSjaSjaSMTTW-TTal I1 ii i liBWffrrsai'ilrii i i fw 'fYM'fiU llittfiiUm stamped oa douoiu, y4""" full taloe and proteots the wearer MOUNT AINEEE'S SAVINGS. Moatly n Oold, nnd Some at It Una lleen Burled for Vilir Ycura. Tho First National Dank of Logan, W. Va., has received a deposit to-day which has an interesting story behind It, the Roanoke correspondent of the Baltimore Sun aaya. The amount la fG,020, of which 5,000 is In gold coin, some of which Is fifty years old. Twen ty dollars is In silver and thero aro fifty $20 bills. The money bad been accumulated by Milton Mullens and represents tho aavinga of a lifetime. Mullens began hoarding his savings when a young man. This was before the civil war. All his surplus he con. vertod Into gold, which ho burled in the yard. A few years ago, when gold coin was scarce and almost out of cir culation, Mullens began to exchange his smaller money for S20 bills. Theso were hidden in a safe place in his barn. It was believed for many years that he was hoarding his money and on numerous occasions marauders havo endeavored to force him to re veal Its hiding place, but without suc cess. A few days ago his wife died and believing that he would not llvo long he called his grandson, J. M. Perry, and told him whore to search for the treasure. Tho young man, after dig ging for some time, found the treas ure, and this snug llttlo fortuno went Into the bank to tho credit of the now aged and infirm mountaineer. m Kliort Ilrenth. Inspiration in health and under normal conditions of rest or moderate exercise is an unconscious act, almost as much so as digestion or the beat ing of tho heart, but it is very easily disturbed, even In health, and in cer tain diseases its disturbance is often one of the most distressing symptoms. The short breath following violent ex ertion, such as running or hill-climb ing, la familiar to every one. It is due to the increased call for oxygena tion of the blood and tho temporary inability of the heart to pump the blood in sufficient volumo through the lungs. When shortness of breath Is brought o tint i f hv mHnTa ro nvArolan fit monttil MWUUI J J UIVUVIM.U UAV WIWV V MIVUMt. excitement, It is due to some abnormal .1 1 I U I n I , A I oie ef the PaopI. Celenol, what will be the overshai iwlng Issues of the next campaign?" "Well, I can't tell you about that, If ceurse, until a few of us have got together and had our little conference." No matter how lone; your neck may be or how soro your throat, Hamllns Wizard Oil will cure It auraly and Suickly. It drives oat all soreness and iflammatlon. A Secret Soelelr. Carrie I've got a dandy Idea for s girls' secret society. Belle A secret wcietyl Do you think It would be practical? Carrie Surely. We wouldn't keep secrets; we'd swap them. Puck. One niatlncttoM. Irate Caller Your paper accused me this morning of running over a man with my motorcycle. It i.n't true. It was an automobile. Editor Well, what's the difference? Irate Caller The difference? About wor Pettit's Eye Salve for 25c relieves tired or overworked eyes, stops cyo acnes, congested, innamea or soro eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Output. Truth Seeker What are the Issues In the coming campaign? Ward Heeler Well, we haven't is sued anything yet but a loud call for money. Kipped br Late Froal. "Pulsatilla, I've been coming to see you for several years, and I think It'a high time for roe to er " "Quit and give some other young man n chance, Mr. Slocum? Thanks; so do L Don't stumble over the rug in the hall aa you go, Mr. Slocum." Chi cago Tribune. For Asthma, Bronchitis and all Throat Troubles Take PI S O'S Tilt dS WLuUt TOR (SU6a5tfVJjS The relief is as quick as it is certain. Pleasant to take and guaranteed absolutely free from opiates. AH DnifguU, 25 cents. condition, such as anemia, obesity, a weak heart or indigestion. This ten dency is relieved by attention to the weak point, whatever it may be, and a judicious system of exercises a sort of modified training. Permanent shortness of breath, or dyspnoea, as it Is technically called, is a more serious affair, and is usu ally due to some actual disease. What the disease is of which this dyspnoea, is a symptom can oiien oe discovered only by n careful and thorough medi cal examination of all tho organs of the body. It Is often called asthma, and treat ed at home by Inhaling the furaee of burning niter paper or by some other of the ordinary remedies. But asthma Ib a distinct disease, although its true nature is not yet definitely determined. It occurs In paroxysms, usually at night, In the Intervals of which the breathing Is generally easy and quiet. Permanent dyspnoea is another mat ter, and is an indication of something wrong. It may be due to a great variety of causes, only a Tew of which can be mentioned hero. Anemia, or poverty of blood, may give rise to permanent dyspneca, as well as to shortness of breath on exertion. The symptom Is a regular accompaniment of diminished lung ca pacity, either through consolidation of more or less of the lung tissue in tu berculosls or pneumonia, or through compression of tho lungs by an accu mulatlon of fluid or air In the chest Anything that Interferes with the free action of the hoart, such as weak ness of tho cardiac musclo or dlseaso of tho valves of tho heart, prossuro by fatty deposits, an enlarged liver, or as in the stomach, will produce short ness of breath. Short breath in children 1b com monly the result of obstruction In the air passages, caused by enlarged ton sils, the presence of glandular tissue In tho pharynx, called adenoids, or a swollen condition of tho mucous mem brane of tho larynx. Persistent shortness of breath is a symptom that should not be neglected. vowotvy SLICKERS wear well and they keep you dry while you are wearing them EVEJIYVVMERE GUARANTEED WAJEPPROOF CATALOG WEE A f"nhArtrr Hr ba--a ne a rZ TbWBt Canadian Ca umitid, tooohto. Cam. alnlessDentistry 1 M. w. a. WIM, rttvtm aUuna ti tun tnuuuii n rimiu Fal Oot of town, people can bare their plate and bridsework fin. lined in ona aaj It Deceturr. We will riv. jrou a rocd 22k .old or torc.lal crown Isr $3.50 Mtlir Crawnc 5.00 22k Br!Jf.Tlh 3.50 Gold Fltllnsa 1.00 Entmtl Fltfirifl 1.00 Slim FWuin .50 Inlay FilUnn 2.50 Good Rubbtr Plitu 5.00 Out Rd rsb- - bor Plata. 7.50 Patoltii ExtrMon .50 mi F!tr.fttlan Fr. whan nl.taaor brldcft work bordered. Oonmlutlon Vrea, Yoa cannot vet better palnlen work done anywhere. . All work fully ruar anteed. Modern electrlo eqolpment. Beat method. Wise Dentstl Co. TnraDWnu.sii. PORTLAND. OREGON OmCX E0VU: Ju U. U S . K. Saaiajra. to 1. nudillin. Tha orlidn of Buddhism, which ranks In numbers among tho groat re ligions of the world, is wrapped lu much uncertainty, and tho personality of its founder is moro or less obscure. It is K&nerally believed that Buddha was a prince of a potty Indian nation and that ho was born about tho begin. nlng of tho nrtn century before Christ, He was named SIddhartha and was also known as Sakya, his family name. Tho title of Buddha, which was given htm, means "tho on- Hg3itoned." Ho Bpent many years In study and solitary raodltatlon and finally evolved tho philosophy waloh he preached for over forty years In northern India. He was about eighty when be died. Youth's Companion. Sherman, Clay & Co. Sixth and Morrison. Opposite Poatofflca PORTLAND, OREGON WE MAKE PIANO BUYING EASY AND SAFE It la not difficult to choose a satisfactory instrument when you havo as many from which to se lect as wo can show you. A child or inexperienced person can select a Piano here and have tha snmo protection afforded an expert in Piano values. We sell on tho One Price System. We guarantee every Piano we soil If you wish to purchase to the best advantago, write for our catalogue. Steinway and Other Piano. Victor Talking Machines. Bit SMITH WANTS YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Or., Nov. 16, 1U09. We have our own 22 markcta and wo aupply some others. As ha ajwurs been our policy, wo shall give tho Portland public only fresh, absolutely choice native noultry. We refuse to use the Eastern cold storage poultry that is being brought In here In carload lots: We are loyal to the Oregon xaroier. ino priia iuuug wuojr .nvno. Dressed Turkey 20 to 22Mc ureeoea, ua u'i "i.ivrz Dressed Ducks..... .....20 ta 22Hc Draaaed Chickens, Um mi rftkn, 15 1 16c AH prodaca muat be rood, fat quality: poultry dry-picked, rente to laria cum. The mailer tha tarkry the better. V ythlnir. We will raralt with ehaek drawn on tha Flrit Na preference to lar M anvflilnir. W draaa all ahipntenta to the Live Chickens, none and springs 14c Dreased hosa .. Dressed veal, up to 130 lbs lOo Large Veal Less. W went irm.n tnrkeT. in National Bank of Portland. Ad- FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fighting the Beef Trust" Portland, Oregon Nobody ProteatlBaT. "Was this decision a case of 'square deal'?" asked one belligerent politician. "No," answered the other. "It was a case of don't dare squoal." Milwau kee Sentinel. To Enjoy the full confidence of the Well-informed of the World and the Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen tial that the component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, arc assured by the Company's original method of man ufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from piants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Raises the dough and complies with all pure food la we. CRESCENT l,f I Slir3Tf.il iJlU4 CRESCENT MFG. CO. Makers of MAPLETNE (better tban Maple). BARBER SCHOOL WE TEACH THE BARBER TRADE to both men and women. Expert Instruction; dl plomaa .ranted; clean, modem, up-to-date. Money earned while learning-. Complete conrae for S30. Write for frea particulars. NATIONAL BARBER COLLEGE 68 West Waahineton St. Seattle, Waah. f -r A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Mean an onfallln water aupply. It meana that yon will hare the most practi cal Dome tic water auoply ayatem now to use. No derated tank, no frozen pipe in winter, no atagnant water In summer, no water aupply trouble of any sort. Tank placed In basement, out of sight and way, made of pressed steel will not mat and will last a lifetime. . You will be pleased with the LEADER system of furnishing- Domestic Water Supr'r. Ask tor our catalogue and free booklet. "How 1 Sohred My Water Supply Problem." LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. FN U No. 48-09 TTTTJEN writing- to nilTertisera pie YY mention tht a paper. Cheapness vs. Quality In the matter of food you can't afford to sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy is ngnt ana gooa Dut inferior 100a products are dear at any price. w RAKING i IV V POWDER I .OUHCES .B''-J I I i UANre ,'VRH. is economical not Cheap. Try it The best at any price or your money back. JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago. GaaraBteea under all Pore Food Laws From Arctic to Tropics in Ten Minutes No oil heater has a higher efficien. cy or greater heating power than tha PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) With it you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of thej Tropics in 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prevents smoking. Removed in as instant for cleaning. hnlrla i nnnrr nf nil miffirirr in nrlvn nut limla for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top coot handle oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan In a variety of styles. Every Dealer. Everywhere. If Not At Yours. Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Ajrency of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) rtm im rrm isr mm m rasft rt L 13 Solid brass font k m m Mr PUTNAM FA riTTT.P'Cici nvtrc KwtJdTeTbleaohd ue.r, ox we win a.aa pyld i ffS.8?.0,018 aUlc, wool and cotton eaually weli tPaid St IOO a oackasr. Writ fnr r. VinnvtZS DRUO OOUfAtrr, Qulncy, XMsutta. asaeasaaaaaaeaMaiieaaai a ir,"T'' -