I IJl,WillJH M Not Coal Land Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Not loo for Tubll cation. Department of the lute rlor, U. B. Land Offtco nt The Dulled Oregon, October 30, 1009. Notice 1b hereby Riven that MATTHEW LON8BERRY, of Madras, Oregon, who, ou Novetubet 8, 1901, rondo Hoaiestend, (Serial No 0338O No. 139913, for nwj 8e0 24, tp II b, r 13 e, w m, Has filed notlco of intention to tnafet llnal five-year proof, to establish clnlm to the land abovo described, befon Howard "W. Turner, U. 8. CommlsBi.ni or, at his ofllce at Madras, Oregon, oi he 8th day or December, 1009. Claimant names as witnesses: Roscoo Gard, Max Wilsm, Charles Qrtman, W M Mcelroy, all 0 Mudnis, Qregon. C. AY. M00UE, ,n4-d3 - Register " 1 1 . . . - .. . 1 . : if - 1 1 Not Coal Land WOMESTEAD. Notice for Publka- Hon. Department of the lute rlor; U. S. Land Ofllce, at The Dalle, Oregou, October 28, 1909. Notice is hereby clven that TOMAS BRASKETT, of Antelope, Oregon, who, ou Jaunary 1903, made Homestead, Serial No 05460 No. 12043, for wjnw sec 12 aim eJiueJi sec 11, tp Q s, r 16 e, w m, Has filed notice of Intention to make fiual five-year proof, to establish Claim to the land above described be fore H. C. Itooper, United States Com missioner at his ofllce at Antelope, Oregon, on the 14th day of December. 3909. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Forman, Roy Forman, Ike Hixson, Grant Braskett, all of Ante lope, Oregou. 4-d9 O. W. Moore, Register. STATE SELECTION. Notice for Pub lication. United States Land Office, The Dnlies, Oregon, October 25, 1W. Notice Is hereby given that the State of Oregon has filed In thls.ofljce its applica tion, Serial No. 05ti2, to select under the provisions of the Act of Congress of Au gust 14, 1848, and the acts supptcinentary fintl amendatory thereto, the Lot 4, sec 4 and mvse of sec 9, tp 12, ?, r 14 e, W M, Any and all persons claiming adveiselj the lands described, or desiring to objict because of the mineral character of tin land, or for any other reason, to the dis posal to applicant, should file their athdn vits of protest in this office on or before the 8th day of December, iyoJ. Ji4d2 O. W. AIOORE, Register. Not Coal Land TJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tlon. Department of the Inte rior, U SLaud Office at The Dalles, Or egon, October 21, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that GEORGE M. ELKINS, -of Ashwood, Oregon, who, on Janua ry 21, 1904, made homestead Serial No 03071 No. 13201, for v$ue, nwe, nenwi sec 19, tp 10 s,r 10 e, V M, Has filed uotice of intention to make final five-yeur proof, to estnblish cIaimAio the laud abovo described, be fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commis sioner, at his olllce at Madras, Ore gon on the 1st day of December, 1909 Claimant names as witnesses: James Clark, Bert Clark, StuiHon Black, Miller McPhersou, all of Ash wood, Oregon, C. W. Moore, o28-n25 Register Not Coal Land LJOMESTEAD. . Nflllce for Publica lion. Department of the Interior. U.S. Land Oflice, The Dulles, Oregon, October 28, 1009. Notice is heruby given that DAVID TIIAVIS, of Madras, Orenoii, who, on October Ig, 1804, made Homestead, (Serial No. 03327) No. 18850, for nnwjf sec 27 aird M,mM Sfc-2S. tn 10 s. r 14 e. V M. Has filed notice of intention to make final ilve-yonr proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commissioner at his ofllce at Madras, Oregon, on the 7th day of De cember, 1109. Claimant names as witnesses: v Jl Monahockor, James S Fleck, Charles W Parrigh, of Madras Oregon; 1, A i oung, of Youngs, Oregon. nl-d2 0. W. MOORE, Register. Not Coal Land M 0MESTEAD, Notice for Publica. tlon, Department of the Inte rior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, November 9, 1909, Notice in hereby given that ANDREW J. TAYLOR, of Madras, Oregon, who, on May 18, 1908. made Homestead, Serial No 01427 No. 10018, for s)awK, swjsei seo 22 and nwinei sec 27, Ip 10 b, r 14 P, W M, Has lUed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the laud above described be fore Howard W. Turner, United Stales Commissioner, at his oillne at Madras, Oregon, on the 21st day of Decem ber, 1009. Claimant names us witnesses: . David Travis, Charles ' PurrJali, James Fleck) Jumes Taylor, all 01 Madras, Oregon. C. W. Mooliu, j tilO-dlO fityiletti-. gon. HOMESTEAD. Notlco for Publica I I tlon. Department of the Into rlor, U. B. Laud Olllne nt The Dalles, OrcBOti, November II, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that william Mcelroy, of Madras, Oregon, who, on December , 1004, niacin Homestead Serial No 113417 No. 14050, for eJnwL Lot 2, seo SOund BetswJ seo 10, tp 11 b, r 14 e, w m, 'las filed notion of Intention to mako dual five-yeur proof, to entutill.Mli daim to the land above described, be fore Howard V. Turner. TJ, 8,CominU- sioner, at his ofllue at Madras, Ore gon, ou the Q2ucJ day- of December, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses:. M G Irwin, A S phllHps, W P Schauble, Edward Sweeting, all of Madras, Oregon. O. Y, MooR, ul8tdlG . Register Not Coal Land LJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica- 1 1 tlon.' Department of the Interior, U.S. Lind Office at The Dalles, Oregou, November 13, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that JAMES E. GROUT, i f Madras, Oregon, wlio, ou October 28, 1904, iiindn Homestead (Serial No. 03347) No. 13899, for Lots 1, 2 aud sj- nei stc 3, tp 13 s, r 12 e, w m, has filed uotice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Howard W. Tmnor, U, 8. Commission. er, at his ofllce at Madras, Oregon, on the 23rd day of December. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank T Davis, William E Hamley, Chester R Stamp, Edward R Pike, all of Madras, Oregou. nl8-d23 C. W. Moqiik. Recister Not Coal Land LJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica- lA tlon. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Ofllce at The Dalle, Ore gon, November 11, 1909. Notice is hereby given that ciiarles h. Mcelroy, f Madras, Oregon, who, on December 8,1904, made Homestead serial No. 03415 No. 14Q48, for the iiwi uud ijswj sec 19, tp 11 s, r 14 e, w m, Has hied uotice of intention to make linal five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described be fore Howard "W. Turner, United States Commissioner, at Ills olllce nt Madras, Oretron, ou the 22ud day of Decem ber, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: M G Irwin, A S Phillips, Y p Schauble, Edward Sweeting, all of Madras, Oregon, C. W. MOORE, nl8-dl6 Register Not Coal Land IJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publication. Ill Department of the Interior, U. S. Land I Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon, October 18, 1MW. Notice is hereby givon that GENERAL L. PAN-TON, of Madras, Oregon, who, on September 29, 1904, made Homestead, Serial No 0511 1 No. 13828, for swJeJa', setfswjf ivc 7 and nv,'u. i, rienwij sue 18, tp 10 s, r 14 e, v III, Has filed notice of intention to lfiako final Gve-yt-ar pro.f, to establish claim to the land above dascribed, before How ard W.' Turner, U. S. Commisniouer, at his ,pfllcc at Madras, Oregon, on the 30tji day of November, litOt). Claimant names as witnesses: William II Stonehocker, S V Loving, George H White, Fred Fisher, all of Jlad ras, Oregon. o28.ni5 C. W. MOOItE, Rggiifgr Not Coal Land OMEVrEAD. Notice For Publico.- tioii. Dtipartmeut of the Interior, U. 8. Lind Oflice at The Dalles, Ore gon, Nov niber 0, 1109. Notice Is hereby given that I HA D. EAGLES, of Madras, Oregon, who, on October 1W, 1904, made Homestead, Serial No. 03332, No. 13807, for sese sec 21, nuiit'l sec 28 anU w;uvi se 27, tp 11 s, r 14 ?, W M, Has iilud notlce.of intention to make final five-i ear proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, butorellowaid W. Turner, United States Commissioner at Ids ollice at Mndras, Oregon, ou the 14th day of December, 1009. Claimant names as witnesses: MJ Irwin, W P SchaubleM.Iamrts Ar kins, J Smith, all of Madras, Oregon. nll-dO C. Y. MOUKE, Register. Not Coal Land LJOMESTEAD. Notlco For Publlca- tlon. Departtiiont of the Interior, U. 8. Laud Ofticd at The Dalles, Oregon, November 5, 109. Notice Is hereby given that . WILLIAM J. EAGLES, of Madras, Oregon, who, 'on October 19, 1901, mrde Homestead, Serial No. 0333!t, No. 188(18, for ucXnoli, wjtfnetf, nenw sec 28, tp 11 s, r 14 0, W M, Has filed notice of Intention to mako final five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud abovo described, before Howard W. Turner, United States Oommlssloiiotvat his oflice at Madras, Oregon, ou tlio IJtli day of Dycember, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: William l Schauble. James.Arkl is W F Fields, W J Smith, all oi Madras, Ore nH.dO C. W, MOORE, Register. Ml GATEWAY TO CENTRAL OREGON The Homeseeker's Merchant's And Manufacturer's BEST OPPORTUNITY Products of 850.0Q0 acres will be shipped from this city, Physical topography prevent any qthcr outlet. TIXA X VJ VV CJL 1 .' 1 1 .j More wheat land tributary to MADRAS than to FOR POTATOES, RIVALS GREELEY, COLORADO, Cabbages, Onions, Melons, Corn, RqqJ Crops, and many other vcgctablos, also fruits, are specialties in this locality. 2,000,000,000 feet of Yellow Pine Timber will find its outlet through Madras. Bituminous Coal and Petroleum prospects now tinder development. Madras will be the first division point qii Oregon Trunk Line $3,000,000 is being spent upon railroad ponstruption within 20 miles of this city. Railroad transportation and people arc needed to develop the country Harriman And Hill Assure Transportation At Once TWO ROADS ARE BUILDING. The people will follow to develop. For information about Madras and vicinity, write to Pioneer Publishing Company, JVIadras, Oregon Yout .THE PIONEER'S CLUBBING LIST i Oregnian, N, Y. World, twice-a-week Spokesman-Review, " Oregon Journal " Oregon Journal, daily and Sunday Oregon Journal, Sunday AMERICAN Campbell's Scientific Farmer McCall's Magazine This list includes a number of the best publications irt in the U. S. You should include soi;ne of them with your subsription to The Pioneer IH J 1 JtW" DESCHUTRS RIVER WITH OVRR j,WX0 HORSE, "Or j Ms POWER ONLY SI AHLE? PRQM DRAS JL KJ VV CI .; 1 PIOHUnn PKIHTnns. Muiirai, O.rqon mxep s weekly, including WEEKLY, Formerly S. F. Examiner MAQRAS is included n prospective. Government irri, gatiqn project of more than 1 25.0QO qprcn. any other city in the Northwest The Pioneer $2.25 2.15 2.25 2.25 . 7.00 3.25 2.00 2.00 1.80 u 1 'i . '1 n (OVER)