The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 25, 1909, Image 3

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    V , an enorgotio propaganim 10 uei-
i v. ,..m, nf tho Irish DOODlO.
I '.....vim tho editorial work of
BMtTJ mftirarino, which will bo
" a wi tho Women's National Health
bo It
XU1 Strain,
i land 8cnt ,n th0 sr9at NorthwcBt
,it described tho ltioredlblo rich
J the rciflon. Sonio one protested
aht dofendod hlniMlf, ay a' writer
i?V Outlook, with a paradox:
"Jrho truth l o wondorful that it
tki - whopper to wprcwi It!"
Wortbie peoplo are terribly caUlko
IB alwy lndlnB on th0,r tesL
An ol Hip "10St common of blood d!a
MWi,i mncli iiKuriivntcd bv tho sudden
Sinccft of weather at this timo o(
ar Hi'Kin treatment at onco with
ifood'a Snraparilla, which effecta rail-
and permanent cures, 1Mb groat
ptdlcitic ban received
40,366 Testimonials
In two years, which prove Its wonderful
fflcacy in purifying and enriching tho
blood. for all blood diseases,
i. mnil llnuld form or cliocolntod tablet!
RoVnM SoreBtnbB. wlotot ll.
j Kunr of One,
I -sugRMtlon? It'mph! Did you ever
tr of a real cure effected by 'sugges-
1 Uon'f
j 1 personally know of one. I once
! lufgfitcd to a young fellow that If ho
I didn't want to have a biff dog chasing
blm off the premises no a better quit
(omlne to my houso, and It cured him
if the habit
"Fighting the Bcof Trust." Seo tho
n uu 1 I - - A lH 41.1-
Tho Irofaor.
The Doctor Some creatures, you
.now, are exceedingly sensitive to inu
ileal nounds. You may not bollcve It,
tut It's a well authenticated fact that
(wo ong sparrows onco flow Into s
room where u Brund oporu singer raw
rehearsing an aria, listened u few mo
events, and dropped dead.
The Professor I don't doubt It. 1
fctve heard before of killing two birdi
irlth one's tone. Chicago Tribune.
UOWAKI) It M'ltTON - Awrw ait Ctwmlrt,
UUiAtAie. 0oIp4" ..Crt.MipiiciMi Oolj.
llltf.ji"l,C J.ol4. Hllirr, Wo: Oold. Wai Zlno
MtVpt.. ll Million nirloj and lull tirlmllrt
e.orillcUon. (Vmtrol anil Umnlro work to
Eitei iW.roucai Carbonate National link.
219 Columbia Portland, Ore.
totcth mn iul womon Expert Instruction; dl
tWau granled. clean, modern, up-to-date,
fciwy tarneil while learning. Complete court
In tsj Write for fro particulars.
C8 West Washington St. Seattle. Wash.
Rahei tho dough
tad complies with
ill pure food laws.
'tetter loan Maple)?
c0n Rainy Days0
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
and give yon fall value ia
comfort and long wear
BeW ty f Int-claw EeUllers the country
em, Bead for our Free OsUIogne
"ton, u. o. a. r S a. ,
-... WtUg
Tobomto, Canada 2lftM
. S"1'11 wnntB your fat turkeys, chlckcna, ducks nnd other poultry for
mo i nnnksgivlnff trndo, Dressed turkoyB nnd geeso nnd ducks should
nrrlvo botweon November 10th nnd November 22d. Ship to Srhlth. On
November 10th wo nrc pnylnjr ns follows. Tho prices on turkeys may
Shfp ffiedlatoly cxpcct n11 "nor quotations to hold good Indollnltoly.
Dressed hogs, first claas..!.., , 9o
?& Sfc222' DonB n3 opnngo, lafvo... ........140
&,,iSJl5,il2no 2nd PPrtnRa dressed. ........AH to l6o
y?l!fSy5tdr!8Jfc?'.,t vuty 20 to 22wc
Geese, dressed, fat quality ........'...............16 to 18c
X pu save commission when you ship to Smith. Ho does notcharce
ommisslon on nnythlng. Prompt roturns. Address all shipments to the
"fWitlng the Dcef Trust" Portland, Oregon
nendiiuftrtera mr ttin Jnlok,
Once upon n time a child who wai
asked upon nn examination paper tc
deflno n mountain niniro replied, "A
larjjo sized cook stove." Tho sami
method of rcusonlntf scotns to go with
older Browth. A rocent examination
papor nt the ShcfTield Hclcntlflo School
at Yalo contained tho question, "What
Is the ofllco of tho ffastrlc Juice?" And
the answer on one paper said, "Thi
stomach." Cleveland Leader.
Hniidlvnp of Hud Honda,
"Don't you realize that you an
financially handicapped by bad roads?"
"Of courso wo realize It," answered
Farmer Corntossel. "No automobllisl
dares travel fast enough to uivo us an
excuse for collectln' a fine. Washing,
ton Star.
lie Did.
Jaffcr Dut don't you believe compe
tition Is the life of trado?
Pugway Sure I Sooner or later It
leads to the formation of a trust, and
that's the way toake money.
To the Ilrlitklcr.
Coin' nlontf
To tho brighter day;
Every storm
Has a rainbow's rayl
Atlanta Constitution.
"Johnny, did you have a good vaca
tion at that little lako resort?"
"No, sir. Maw wouldn't lot me go
swimmln', and she ma do me take a
cold bath every mornln'."
Probably lu.iine.
"Wlnkley Is a good deal of a crank,
Isn't ho?"
"That doesn't half describe him. Ho'i
going nround now Insisting that if th
postoMlco department has to be madi
iclf-sustalnlng the war and navy de
partments ought to be run the larai
Before 1880 most English railway
carriages had only four wheels, and
weighed ten tons. From 1880 to 1890
they had six wheels, and weighed fif
teen or sixteen tons; from 1890 to 1800
they had eight wheels, and weighed
twenty-four tons; and since 1900 the
fashion Is twelve wheels for dining
and sleeping cars, and tho weight Is
thlrty-nvo to forty-two tons.
Slorti liirornmtluri.
Mrs. Chugwator Joslah, what Is s
Mr. Chugwator (momentarily at e
loss) Do you mean to say you don'l
know what a swastika Is? A swastlks
Is why, blame it, Swastika Is th
name of the Eskimo that helped Cool
discover tho north pole! Chicago
"Fighting the Bcof Trust" See tte
Frank L. Smith Co.'s ad in this p?vcr
ISxprnalve Water Tower.
Tes," said tho defendant In the
criminal caso, "my lawyer certainly
made a strong pica for mo. He oven
"What was his bill?" asked the oth
er man. n
"Well, as nearly as I can figure It
out, he charged m" abo'it MOO a tear."
Omlaalona of JlUtory.
Archimedes had Just announced that
if he had a lover long cnougn ana n
fulcrum on which to rest it he could
move tho earth.
"If you can't move the eartn,
ahrleked a suffragette, "turn the Job
over to usl Wo'll do It!"
But tho Journalists and historians or
that dav. beinir men exclusively, mean'
ly blue penciled that part of the story.
Petlil's Eve Salve first Sold in 1807.
over 100 yenra ago; sales Increase
yearly, wonacnui rcwi:uy, mil
lions weak eyes. All druggists or
llowaru uros., puuuiq. j..
Am It Heemed.
That man," said the court onlooker,
"will be convicted surely, nos mailing
a very poor Impression on the witness
stand." , ,a
"That Isn't the defendant," said a
lawyer. "Ho's Just one of the alienists
undergoing cross-examination." Ds
trolt Free Press.
Al Price that Defy Competition
l 'iLVER.TnAOnON ,...600
CoiifS.l'lL JNGB. "A ""'. " '...600 UP
ooVA NG8 .iM......,.,....,...i.oo up
t &ffiLNE f-ATES ..V.V....iio.op
i'vfuw,,,c outaln prii worn
HO t y by c,1Un our offlee.
A" work arusranted for tan jasrs
Fine Sprliitliitf lu llio Sulnirba.
"Is It really only ton minutes' walk
to the station from your Iioubo?" asked
Citlman. .
"What a ridiculous questlonl' ex
claimed Bubbubs. "Nobody in lovely
Swamphurst ever 'walks' to the .sta
tion. I may say, nowever, .. . -
about eight and a half minutes' run."
Cathpllo Standard Jind Times.
TJncle Bben'a PUIIoaophri
"Advlco," said Undo Eben, "Is sum
pin' like slngln', You either1 gits It
froe's tired o' listenln' or elss
It's so expensive you can't afford
ca'sely any." Washington Star.
. . M - V . .l..l
MCacarcte are certainly nn. a
MiVwotha doctor waa treating him for canctr
9'.w?r":..i. -ri.. n.ii moniluft' he paaa4
ISdff three daraV P.Med sjapwom. ,45j f..t
, f, wai Mr, Matt rrec. m
t' i.fff'fuSS cauaed by Lmpura blood."
ChiT ll. &SSSS, XewUlo,rt.. In CoJ
uu.a.nt Palatable, Potent, Taste Oeod.
ria Oood. " o.Bloken.Woak.nor Orlpe.
R? Vtoflbo; Haw aoW ia lk. Tho B;ot
Mia or you woaey
tllnatrotlon of the Canadian Illffb
Coniinlaloner' Scnae of Humor.
Lord Strathcona, tho Cunadlan
high commissioner In London, has hu
mor of what Scotchmen call tho pawky
variety, Four or flvo months ago an
old man called at tho offices of the Do
minion of Canada and asked to see
Lord Strathcona, saying that ho was
tho cabman who drovo young Donald
Smith down to tho docks and his ship
when years ago ho loft Caledonia to
make his fortune in Canada.
Lord Strathcona gavo orders that he
should be shown In at once, and right
pleasantly the two old men gossiped
of "Auld Lang Syne" and "Bonnie
Scotland." Suddenly the cabman
heaved a portentous sigh. Lord Strath
cona asked Its meaning. The cabman
He had not been prosperous, but had
fallen on evil dayn. He had to sup
port two grandsons, and one of them,
to his grief, had Just died. He had
little enough to bury him with and
next to nothing with wh.lch to main
tain himself and tho other. Lord
Strathcona passed a five-pound note
quickly Into tho waiting hand of the
tearful grandfather.
Now the cabman had Just made his
second call and tho high commission
er, not forgetful of his first visit, had
the veteran driver brought Into his
prlvato room. Onco more tho ntmos-
phero of the office became thick with
Highland reminiscences. Once more,
too, tho cabman sighed, and then with
breaking voice he related how in his
old ngo he had to support his two
grandsons, and now both of them were
down with typhoid fever. Once more
Lord Strathcona's purse strings were
loosened and ho passed coins Into the
old cabman's hands, who tottered out
stammering his thanks.
Now, Lord Strathcona's secretary
had been an auditor of tho scene.
When tho cabman had gone he came
"I hope, my lord," said he, "you did
not give him anything. When he saw
you some months ago he told you that
of his two grandsons one was dead.
Now he says both are down with ty
phoid fever. It looks, my lord, as If
he might be an impostor."
Lord Strathcona eyed his well
meaning secretary from underneath
Ms bushy brows.
"Thank you, thank you, very much,
Mr. Jones," he purred, "but do you
know that when I went out to Canada
first I was not driven down to the
docks In a cab nt all, but Just wheeled
my own things to the ship In a wheel
barrow?" .
A Ilornl Bodjrgrnard.
An ancient bodyguard Is that of
tho honorable corps of gentlemen-at-arms,
In England, which has celebrat
ed Its 400th anniversary. The origin
al duty of the bodyguard was to stand
in a ring around the King of Eng
land, should he go out on the battle
field, and protect him with formidable
battleaxes. It still has duties when
the King Is in London. At levees In
Bt. James' palace the men are required
to be In attendance, standing solemn
ly In quaint scarlet coats, and with
white plumed helmets, officially keep
ing clear a passage to the royal pres
ence. It Is their duty also to be pres
ent when there Is a court at Bucking
ham palaco and when the King opens
Their battleaxes date far back to
the days of the Spanish Armada.
They were actually brought over on
the ill-fated Spanish galleons, and
tailing Into the hands of the English
were given to tho King's bodyguard.
It Depend.
"How do you pronounce s-t-l-n-g-y??"
the teacher asked the young gentle
man nearest the foot of the class. And
the smart boy stood up and said It
depended a great deal whether the
word applied to a man or a bee.
A man with curly hair usual)
rears .his bat on the back part of his
Most of those who say they do the
best the? know how. dont
The Increased cost of living In In
dla generally and In Calcutta particu
larly Is severely felt not onlyvby Euro
peans, but also by Indians, according
to a correspondent of the London
Dally Mall. House rent In recent years
has trebled, and even quadrupled.
Ten years ago a family of half a dozen
persons could live in fair comfort for
11,000 a year, excluding extras. With
nothing less than $2,B00 can they live
In tho same way now, Tnia is recog
nizee by tho government, and the sal
aries of subordinate officials have been
revised'. Domestic servants' wages have
Increased enormously. A good cook
can not be had for less than (200 a
year, whereas halt that sum was sufflr
clent a decade ago,
Bom of his. Satanic majesty's lit
tenants go about handing out fm ad
ramas you mat not know
Two-thirds of Russia's population
are peasants.
The first Btono of St. Petersburg
wan laid In 1703.
Wages are higher In England than
In Germany or Franco.
Spain's congress of deputies consists
of 400 unpaid memberB.
In twenty-flve years the population
of Berlin has tripled Itself.
Great Britain owns more than one-
half of tho world's ocean shipping.
Buda-Pesth has a school where the
students are taught tho art of eat
Tho new municipal laboratory of St,
Petersburg is to be named after the
Russian biologist, Metchnikoff.
More titan 450,000 Immigrants have
landed at Ellis Island during the last
six months, nnd each ono who wished
It got a copy of the scriptures In his
own language from missionaries of the
New York Bible Society.
Tho first services are to be held In
the magnificent Cathedral of St. John
tho Divine, crowning Mornlngstar
Heights, New York, on St John's day,
Dec. 27, as tho choir and crossing will
be completed by that time, and Bishop
Oreer will bo in charge.
The magnificent memorial church
being erected In Birmingham, England
through the generous contributions of
world-wide admirers of the late John
Henry Newman, Is nearing comple
tion. It has beon built outside the old
Oratory, so dear to the heart of the
late cardinal.
The first chapter in a novel recently
published contained the following
"And so the fair girl continued to sit
on the sands, gazing upon the briny
deep, on Whose heaving bosom the tall
ships went merrily by, freighted ah
who can tell with how much Joy and
sorrow, and coal, emigrants and hopes,
nnd salt fish?"
Tho "singing arc" has been so far
perfected that It is made use of as an
advertisement feature of a Paris shop,
The lamp hangs in front of the store
and at all times during the day and
night there Is a continual concert of
musical features interspersed with vo
cal references to the virtues of the
articles to be found on sale within the
An ablo writer on missionary sub
jects who is himself an African travel
er of some distinction, ventured thus
to prophesy in the year 1900, "There
can be little doubt that before the
close of the coming century heathen
Ism will be practically extinct In the
continent of Africa. The whole popu
latlon will be either nominally Chris
tian or nominally Mohammedan."
Baron Wiyoshl, who died in Toklo,
Japan, a few weeks ago, left $5,000 to
three little German girls on condition
of their wearing Japanese costumes
until each ono reaches the age of 14
years. The baron formerly was at
tached to the Japanese embassy In
Berlin. He went bathing at a German
summer resort, and Hans Kvessler, a
mercantile clerk, the father of the
girls, saved him from drowning. Kress-
ler refused to accept any gift, but
lightly remarked that the baron might
remember the girls in his will.
The automaticon is a new advertis
ing device which Is designed for win
dow display. The observer sees noth
ing but a gilt frame with a ground
glass and Inclosed with a shadow box.
Extending back from this screen is a
funnel which excludes all light from
the back of the screen, with the excep
tion of that which comes from an au
tomatic, self-centering arc lamp situ
ated back of the rear opening (n the
funnel. The machine Is equipped with
elghtyslx slides, showing any subjects
desired, and when in operation will
automatically display these in succes
sion upon ihe ground glass screen at
Intervals of eight to nine seconds.
With the extension and development
of the railroads of the eastern nart of
Canada, the prospects grow brighter
for the establishment of a new ocean
route between tho Eastern and West
ern continents. The terminus on this
side will . be Green bay, Newfound
land, and the other will be some con
venient port of Groat Britain, and the
projectors claim that this will nos-
slbly Bhorten the transatlantic trip by
thlrty-Bix hours between the United
States and England. But little rail-
road construction Is required to make
the Green bay readily accessible from
any point A great point In favor of
this route Is that it is claimed to be
practically free of fog, and at all sea
sons of tho year vessels may ply this
water with Bpeed and safety,
Alma Holltngsworth of Portland.
Ore., has mado ono of tho fastest ns
conts of Mount Hood. She has far
surpassed tho climbing records of oth.
or women who havo gone up tho moun
tain, and only three men have beaten
her speed, both on the climb nnd on
the descent With three friends and
a guide she reached tho snow line In
the aftornoon. There part of the nicht
was spent, and In a few hours the par
ty began to go through the five mlion
of Bnow to tho summit The Btart
was made at 2:30 a. m. and the crest
was reached at noon. Here an hour
waa spent and then the descent bogan.
it was continued all the way down th
mountain and on to a hotel, reached
at 11 p. m., giving a total distance for
tne day of twenty-olght miles. A dance
was in progress at the hotel and Miss
Holllngsworth had enough enertrv laft
for a lively two-stop. i
A J'ooTlsh rintnt.
The learned writers for tho press
Are very, very good
At proving how wo warito on dress
Or furbelows or food.
Each writer new who friakcs his bo
With other sages yics
To show unhappy mortals how
They may economize.
They tell us of the thrifty French,
Who all excesses shun.
But I'm not anxious to retrench;
It isn't any fnu,
I'm weary of this endless song;
I wish some seer wise
Would show us how to get along
And not economize.
Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal,
. .
1 am sorry to have to tell you bo,
boys," said tho pleasant looking visitor
who was addressing the Sunday school
"but there is not one chanco in a thou
sand that any one of you ever will b
President of tho United States."
Still he failed to secure their undi
vided attention.
"But if you live up to your opportu
nities," he went on, eyeing them keen
ly, "some bright boy in this audience
may become a great baseball pitcher
or the world's champion batsman."
Instantly every boy sat up stralghl
and began to listen. Chicago Tribune.
"Fighting the Beef Trust." Seo the
Frank L. Smith Co.'s ad in this paper.
Eren the Ben Watch 'Era.
Hank Stubbs Hens layin' much
tow, BIge?
Blge Miller Skurce any.
Hanlc Stubbs What's the trouble7
Blge Miller Don't hev time fur
dodgln' them pesky autymoblles. Bos
ton Herald.
Arllallo Vociferation.
"You will miss your son John wbei
fce goes back to school."
'Tes," answered Farmer Corntossel
"I don't know how I'm going to gel
along. He has got all the critters or
the place so used to his college yel
that I don't s'pose anyone else kit
drive 'em." Wnhnrtnn star.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
A Vuirilluic Void.
"No mere mortal," declared the pro
fessor in astronomy, "can comprehend
the Immensity of space." .
"I think I can," ventured one of hia
"And why you?"
"I have a dall$ humorous column to
mi ud. L.ouisvnie courier-Journal.
Fine Becipe for Colds.
Any druggist can supply these in
gredients, or he will get tbcm from his
wholesale House.
"Mix half pint df good whiskey:
two ounces of glycerine; half 'ounce of
Concentrated pine compound. Shake
the bottle well each time and use in
doses of a teaspoonful to a tablespoon
ful four times a day." This prescrip
tion is said to work wonders.
The Concentrated pine is a special
pine product and comes only in half
ounce bottles, each enclosed in an air
tight case, but be sure it is labeled
"Concentrated" in order to get the
genuine article.
"Your milk costs you 12 cents s
Quart and your butter 45 cents a
pound? Why do you pay such exorbi
tant prices as that for them?"
"Bless you, I don't I'm merely add
ing in what it costs mo for Ico to keep
them sweet."
Children's Coughs
Catua tha
Onea Much Unneccuarr Sufferinc,
Tat d.ST KUClt m (UGHSuIlS
Una iutant rcEtf tootbea and beak the Kola
tbtoati and pcrrcsU note Kriou. Onea. OaUca
nia it too to flcaust to- take and doca Dot ttet
All DrugsUta, 25 cent.
Hair Germs
Recentdiscoverles have shown
that falling hair is caused by
germs at the roots of tho hair.
Therefore, to stop falling hair,
you must first completely de
stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula,
will certainly do this. Then
leave the rest to nature.
Dot not change the color of the hair.
Tormula with eaoh bottta
m Show It to yoor
Aak blm about it,
then do aebaaaya
Recent discoveries have also proved that
dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp.
Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing
to do Is to completely destroy these dan
druff germs. Here, the same Ayer's Hair
Vigor will give the same splendid results.
Made by Uia J. C.Xjtr Co., Lowell, Man.
Iter l-.icune.
"Bertha, my dear, I have been loolt
Ing over you? writing exercises. Your
orthography Is atrocious. You don't
seem to know how to spell even th
simplest words."
"Spelling, papa, is purely arbitrary.
Words were made before the alphabet
Painless Dentistry
Out of tows.pop!o
can bava their plat
and brklcawork fla.
Uhed In on day
It necewarr.
W will z i ro l tt4
22k geld er ecrtiliia
crown lor $3.50
Ml.. Cms. fi.OQ
22k BrWriTttth 3.50
GoM fillinp l.U
Fn.n.l Fillklfl 1.0
Inlay ftinnrt Z.OU
Good Rubber nM
PlitM O.UO
Bett Red rsb- n
tinvilituiniinwiuB rmi
alnleta Extraction h ree when plates or bridio iwoi
ordered. Consultation Free. Von cannot get
palnlfM work done anjwhere. Alt worU rullya-unr-
antced. ioaerneiecincequ,picufc. mp.w.
Wise Dental Co.
OFFICE EODES: S A. at. to S 7. It. Sandaj. to a
Means an unfailing water upply. It
it cans that you will have the moat practi
ca.' Domestic water eu- ply system now In
use No elevated tank, no frozen pipes in
winter, no stagnant water in summer, no
water nrpply troubles of any sort. Tank
placed in basement, out of sisht and way.
made of pressed steel, will not rust and
will last a lifetime.
You will be pleased with the LEADER
system of furnishing Domestic Water
Supr y. Ask for our catalogue and f re
booklet. "How I Solved My Water Supply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
No. 47-09
TTfrnEN wrltlnc to adrertlsora
i mention mis paper
rtlsors pleaao j
UHHalflTHi oil na i i I .I M
r otter shoes for mn
shoes that look, JL feel and wear richt.
- - - u
Made of selected leather leather that Ja hrat v
every ieaL Correct in stvle. Mnr1 hv th. fino
shoe makers, in the best equipped factory in existence.
ahoea at "hnltt nn Tmnnv"ti.ttt fo. - ll-. J .
DUllt for absolute nntfafnrttnn nnd Inattnn. frmfnr nl . ,
.-v. .... vi i a, v. fc. J 'feiti VniUCS
you can ever hope to tret for tho monev.
. . f m
There la an Honorbllt style that will ezactlv salt VOtl find fit vnn.
a. it, ""ici , u no uasn t write us. look lor
the ZKaytr Tiadt CXCatk on tho sols.
lKt.7Hsi i'-V0 u" th0 Wm Im d who " not hand,
farer Honorbllt Bhoea, we will lend you frae, postpaid, a band
ome cloture. iso. m..... "
... .a..MHiWU,
nr. , .
vv subu ma" waning uaay tstiocB, M or tha Washlnirton
". wmwv, iiiu uiuiuH oDon, opocMU Merit
uwuuui ouuea una wonc oaots.
I taiw,?.VVMhlnt"n St., Cer, SUlh
Miwi, H,ra U stay.