The Madras Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1909. NO.Ig STABLE I LIVERY, FEED &SALE MADRAS, OREGON HOOD & STANTON PIYU Your Orders Prompt Attention Transient Slock Giypn Best Of Feed And Qgre PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0, C. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Crook County Milling Go. For Madras Justloo of tbo Ponoo CULVER QREGON IjOWARD W, TURNER U. S. COMMISSIONER LARGE FLOURING MILL WILL Bg ERECTED HERE NOTARY PUBLIQ INSURANCE y i ;i urai ! Madras State Bank MADRAS. OREGON TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Money traiumiltcd to all patti of United States and Canada J, M, (jnklin, Pretidenl nd Cert, Mtn'gr j C. E, Rouih, Vice.Pfedit plia'i Tons i' K. Itmuli, M. 1'ulx, J, ('. Itntiltilon, ttobt. lien, J. M. Conktlu OIIJJUON Noyv Company Wll Hnve Partly Local Popltal-qtock Will Qo JOP Por Pherfi looatlon of railway constniption campo. Timber has been accural by tbe Por ters on tbo Matolos Hiver. wbicli will bo driven down that stream to the P(es chuteu and then on down to tho mil, Tbo lumber manufactured there wJ fop UBod in tho construction of tho Oregon Trunk J-jnonpd will qqnsiat prlpcjpaljy Of bridge timbers npd Hps. New machlpery nnd other equipment will bo instapd at tbp mi), wbioli will be put in operation n tic near future. PUBLIQ LANDS WITH DRAWN FROM ENTRY Harripp Roqd Will Be Of Seenio Grandeur WltLOW CREEK BRIDGE TO BE 270 FEU High Bridge And Deep Cut Neppspar To Maintain Uniform Grade? Stptlgn Site Located w. II. 8K00K PHYSICIAN & SURGEON QMleo In Vtug store. MADRAB OBEOON J. Li. CRCnPBEbli, Prop., WflDP,flS BEEF, PORK, VEAL Wc Imve the best line of Fresh Meats In the country JILL KINDS OF GARDEN VEGETABLES IN THEIR SEASON Jf H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTAIIY TUUUO KIro Inmrnnre, I'''0 Insurance, Surety Houds Ileal Kitiiiu, Conveyancing I'MN'KVILLK, OltKOON NO. 3861 . The First National Bank OF PR I NEVILLE, OREGON D. K. Ali.f.k, President. T. M. Halpwin, Cailiier. Win tt'irnxwiciMsn Vlco I'ros. H. Uxtiixm, Ant. Cashier. ESTABLISHED 1888 Capital, SilrpluS and Undivided $1 00,000.00 Profit A. M. WILLIAMS & GO, DKALKItH IN A. E. CROSBY Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods EVERYTHING DRUGS & KODAKS THE DALLES, OREGON Exclusive Agent For EASTMAN r N HOOTS AND 8IIOE8 I IIAT8 AND CAI'8 I I IMt UJtLLta UHtUUN ' f THE DALLES, OREGON . I i nnnn in inn ppp i , unur in An u ace iKw'i ' o:fi xj:lj :K:x:tq'jDs, "r? ttwsmM i . r nnnr-DV raiiSittHvEKf than wo navo on our iisih. rieuse I A. E. CROSBY S35BSs!iR7 call at our otllco ifyon desire to sell. van Mussel j.uuu v o. ROBINSON'S BBG STORE Ladles' Dress Goods 1 E. 8. Ieanca, a proirdncpt milling map of Walla Walla, lias been in Madras eeV' ernl days looking after tho matter of es tablishing another flouring mill at this place. Mr. Isaacs has made several trips into Central Oregon during the past Summer, looking over the county for the best localities for tho production of a choice grade of milling wheat, and he has decided that the country trlbu tary to Madras, with its largo produc tion of wheat, excellent quality and the facilities for shipping to market, make this tho point at which to erect tho mill The preliminary arrangements for a called the Crook County Millim: Company, to bo located at Madras, arc being carried out and the articles of Incorporation are being pre pared under the laws of Oregon. The capital stock has been placed at $15,000, and shares will be Eold at $100 each. It Is the intention of Mr. Isaacs and his associates to interest the farmers in thi vicinity into taking stock in the project to the amount of one-third, or more if they desire it. The Farmers Union is a strong organization in this section, and it expected to interest the members" in the enterprise to the extent that it shall have their support and co operation when in operation. A paper has been prepared and head ed by Mr. Isaacs for $10,000 worth of stock, and the paper will be circulated among tho farmers and business men in and around Madras and it is thought tho stock will all be subscribed in a very short timo. Negotiations are well under way with the townsite company for tho location of tho mill, and as soon as plans and specifiutions are completed, bids for tbe construction of tho mill will be adver used, anu work will commence as soon us material can be secured and placed upon the ground. pfverjs Wtl RoyiarSfppra Rasgryed r-tyo Noy rrlgat6ri Project Por Tho Present A recent dispatch from Washington, D. C, gives a list of lands withdrawn from entry by tho Department of the Interior which contain power sites or have petroleum deposits. Tho lands are in different parts of the West. The withdrawals include 2682 acres along White River, 440 acres of which, however, are embraced in pending claims approximately 20.820 acres along tlip Crooked River i 0441 acres along the middle fork of the John Day River; 9031 acres along the North fork of the same river, and 7030 acres along the South fork. AH these withdrawals are in Oregon and are believed to con tain water power possibilities. Secretary' Ballincer aleo announced tho withdrawal of 635 acres in Califor nia having petroleum depo'ita. There arc now 3,021,002 acres in this class of withdrawals. Because of tho uncertainty regarding results sought, the Interior Department iias abandoned the propoccd construe tion of the Walker River reclamation project in California and Nevada. Sec retary Ballingcr today announced that lands withdrawn from settlement in 1001 and 1005 in connection with that project aro restored to the . public do main, with the exception of those sites which are believed to contain water power possibilities. Notice is given that probably 40 per cent are embraced within ponding Eeg regations, and that intending settlers should bear in mind irrigation must depend upon their individual efforts or bo obtained through private enterprise What will be tho highest bridge in, tho state of Oregon when completed, will be the crossing over Willow Creek c'anyon at Madras on tbe Peschuteq Railroad. The length of the entire bridge will be approximately 10qQ Jebtj and have ft steel spun of about 120 feet. Tho height of this bridge above thq bed of the canyon will be 270 feet. It i$ the plan of the IJarriman people that they do not care to drop their road, jptq Willow Creek basin after having climbed the grade from Trout Creek tp almost i level wth tbe plains, and thja bridge of magnificent proportions is necessitated, in qrder. to ayojd the drpp. Tho depot and warehouse of tho Pes- chutcs road will bo located on the edge ' of Anency Plains about three-quarters; of n mile Northwest of Madras, where sufficient ground for trackage purpose has already been secured. ' Another work of the Harriman road, in this vicinity winch will bo of con siderable proportions is the cut through tho Duling and Monroe places, 2 miles from Madras, which will be !5 feet deep and about 15Q yards long. ... SPECIAL PROSECUTOR WILL CONPUCT GASES- Francis J. Hoppy Returns To PprtlgntJ To Try Ponding Lan'ti-Frsud Indictment KODAK COMPANY Rochester, N. Y, A full line of Pho to supplies always on hand. Printing and developing done. Mail orders RAILROAD BUILDING SETS SHANIKO BOOMING DESCHUTES ROAD'S SURVEY NOT APPROYED NEW AND COMPLETE LINE LAPSES AND CENKEMENS' FURNISHINGS For WHEAT And BARLEY On Accounts And hi Trade WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE Shaniko Star. Little old Slianiko is in tho swim of a genuine oUl-lasluoncu Western boom Situated at tho . southern end of the Columbia Southern railroad, 70 miles south ol the Columbia river, slio at pros? ent holds tho position preeminently as" the distributing point for all of Central Oregon, which is now tho raccca of the homeseoker and investor. Through this llttle,town must pass every pound of supplies for 0,000 men working in the construction camps of Hill and Harri man systems, and tho men themselves must pass through hero enrouto to and from tho camps. Resides this there is a wonderful in crease tn business to and from towns in tho interior. Tho increase in fneglit alone amounts to many thousand tons. and tluj streets of Shaniko in tbo vicinity of the fivo mam moth warehouses are jammed every day with four, six, eight and ten hor6o teams. Porter Brothers have just completed a second warehouse whprein to store great quantities of sup plies to bo employed in tho construction of tho Oregon Trunk lino, nnd this week unloaded two cat loads pf horses to bo added to their freighting outfits. Tho Slianiko branch of tho 0. R. & N. runs four freight trains into this placo every day, loaded to capacity, and aoats in tho ono passenger traiu aro always at aproniium. Tho hotels and lodging houses aro tilled to their capacity night-. ly and all business bouses do a thriving business. There is not a vacant business room, residence, or habltablo shed in Shaniko, and boiuo families aro living in tents this Winter. Thoro aro no unemployed men hero, except those who aro bo from cholco. Washington, Nov. 20. Tiio General Land Office today rejected the Deschutes Railroad Company's map for section 5 oi its line, in so far an it conflicts with the right of way for the Central Oiegon Railroad. An opportunity will bo given' to nle a new map which avoids this con flict. 'Section 5 covers tha,t part of the sur vey for tho Deschutes Railroad between tho Southern end of the Deschutes can yon and Madras," said General Mana ger O'Brien of tho Harriman lines last night. ''The principal point of conflict between our survey and that of the Ore gon Trunk is where these surveys cross the Crooked River. At that point, how ever, there is ample room for two or thrco railroads. Tho ruling of tho Gen eral Land Office simply means that we must make another survey covering that section of our road and submit a map to tho Interior Department for approval. this will be done." FRANK RODMAN'S INDICTMENT FAULTY The case of Frank Rodraon, who was accused with Mrs. Hazel Maddux ol manslaughter for running over Mrs. May Real on tho Lmnton road, Atigust 5, will bo resubmitted to tho grand jury, probably this morning, says Saturday's Oregonian. Presiding Judge BrotiaUgh sustained a demurrer to file indictment in tho circuit court yesterday just be fore Rodman'B case was assigned for trial. Ho declared tho indictment iauity. SURVEYORS FINISHING WORK Engineer Fremont Crane ami his par ty of surveyors moved to tbo Deschutes canyon noar tho Warmspring ferry last Friday, having completed permanent location and cross-sectioning down Wil low Pending Oregon land-fraud indlol ments finally are to be either wiped off the Federal docket or dates fixed for thtf trial of the indicted defendants, says a. recent issue of tho Portland Oregonian. trances J. Heney, for a number of yeara employed aa Special Assistant United States Attorney-under ex-Attorney Gen eral Bonaparte, will leave San Finn-, cisco before the end of the week. It wa6 through Mr. Heney that wholesalo indictments implicating prominent Ore gon people were returned four or fivo yoaro ago. It will be on his recommen dation that the same indictments will be dismissed or otherwise disposed of. Unitfd States Attorney McCourt barf no knowledge ot wtiat will happen w'hen .Mr. lleney arrives. It is known that his miesion is finally to consider all land-fraud cases untried and to recom mend the dismissal of several of thesu indictments. That all of these peiiding cases, lii m number, with tho exception , of the Binger Hermann indictment, will, . be dismissed is regarded as more thaii probable. Mr. Heney has been appointed special prosecutor under the Attorney General having resigned that position priorto tho election in San Francisco, when ho was defeated for district attorney. Mr. Honey assured Attorney General Wiqk- ersham, when ho tendered his resigna tion, that just as soou as possible after tho San Francisco election lie would come to Portland'. It is in keooine with- that promise, rather than a detormina tion to initiate further prosecutions, that Mr. Honey is believed to be coming. STOCK RAISERS IM PROVING THEIR NERDS PORTER BROTHERS TO OPERATE SAWMILL J. W. Gilchrist, tho Paulina stock-' man, was m Prinevlllo the last of tho week, returning from Haycreek with several registered Shorthorn bulls which Gilchrist Bros, had purchased from tho B. S & L, Co. to add to the thorough bred herds on upper Crooked River. Gilchrist Bros, recently purchased tho Logan Shorthorns and aro bulldinc un n Creek. Engineer Rlerdon and his largo herd of theso splendid beof cattln. crow, which has been at work In this as uro many of tho other Crook Cotthtv w"ji " ueen uisuiuiueu, part oi tno siocKinen, ana tins, policy Is ope that" men being employed in Madras and will attract wide J. C. & M. A. ROBINSON GENERAL MERCHANTS MADRAS, OREGON Porter Brothers, through their ropre- Botitativo, Mr. Mason, last week leased tho sawmill on tho Deschutes River near the WarmBplnga ferry, ntuThhvo also secured some lnad nt that point for the some of them going to Tho Dalles, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Howard Blackerhy to H. Links, l6p acles, consideration, $ 3350 Ivan Hhlc to Frederic Benedix. 1 60 acres,- . 3400 William Steinke, contract to cell j 10a trlct within, a few J-bUrs, na well aa bring ' profit to tho growers. Thu scrub nnd grado catto don't look good to tho Crook i County ranchers any more. But if u breeder show something flno ho can readily Interest our cattlemen and can usually find them ready to part with , fancy nrico It Umv tf,n nnt.nnic, that are UOOd ennntrh in nnl prn'..liJ -Journal,