The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 18, 1909, Image 6

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Observations of a Practical TImbbr-
man Clonal Sot Forth.
Journey of 96 Days Fails to Re
duce President's Weight.
(By J. .i3.y Yqpng.l inmahjt'oulson ""Log
gTngCo.f Kelso, Wash.) V
Tho Timbcrmntt As tho question? of
conserving our present forosts and
foresting our logged-off lands is now Govornffiont Exports inv08Ugato Pros-
or Three Weeks More on' Road
13,000 Miles Covored.
Washington, Nov. 11. Aftor an ab-
Bonco of more thnn threo months, dur-
pocts iu. Ooob County.
Marshfiold That platinum exists in
Gooa county sooms to bo tho opinion
of oxports and that tho dovolopmont
commanding so much attention, n few
observations from ono who has given
tho .subject considerable though,t .niay
not bo out of place. '
Pcoplo who aro dealing with statistics of tho mineral is bolng lookod into by
President Says He Could Stand Two and theories toil us , that ourtforc&ts will Won of "ny "r Ja no doubt. Dr.
be practically exhausted Jn 'fifty yoars. "-f i " 1 .7 y- "v ,.
. J. . Yi ' , oral division of iho geological survoy
at the prosont ratovof cuttjUg; Jiud as in Washington, D. C, has boon nink-
tho rato ot consumption will undoubt- ing investigations. Ho was sont out
odly increase, it would seem that our for tho purpose of investigating tho
ouly'hopo of a supply for futuro gonor- possibilities of platinum mining devol
utions is in growing inoro tree?. opmonts nlong tho coast. Ho is quotod
Tho question of conserving and pro- na savini? that ho has found somo plat
ing which ho has made a 13,000-milo mu rawiag mu mini m tno oro pxnminou so lar, ami
n. i. n, w t. i o i d crI) of timber to take tho place of tho hns stated that ho will givo Instruc
tnp through .tho -West and South, Pros- ouo wo ar0 uow cutting and destroying Hons in minors ns to how to snvo tho
idont Taft last night slept in tho White is purclv an economic ouo. and not cov- nlntinnm whlnii hn lmli nvA"j Is now lost
House. orned by academic thporics. Hence, "wo n lnrgo quantities in tho process of
Ho left tho capital August C with tho win conserve ami proieci pur prosem minim; for cold. A. Xi. Alncdonnld or
chcors of tho crowds ringing in his forests, plant and raiso a new crop of Schonoctady, N. Y., whoro mining mn
nnu. Ha rntiirnntl Inst nicht. in tlm trocs on our logged-off lands just as chinorv is manufactured, is accompany
tnno of tho same cheers, but ho tarried sotm a3 wo finU out that it pays to ing Dr. Day. Thoy havo gono down tho
only a moment with tho welcoming par- aoJ,0, . , . , const to mako furtbor investigations,
tics.- His objoctivo point was tho Tho writer remembers doing a lot of Th0 r0Sults of -tho work will bo of vnst
Whito Houso and Mrs. Taft, and as naru J ' 0 ' B . ""portanco to tho mining intorcsts of
quickly as ho could get away from tho ,ml"- ' .owners, ucswoy ing our lorosis wini coos and Curry counties.
imof speeches of wolcomo no climbed ..
into his big automobile. Tho chauffeur eat an ouf sto5 ?nd w?yf
Tjroko all the speed records of tho dis- Because these things to us had a value
mi. .i ..:.. .. n. them and nobody wanted to buy thorn.
Socioty Women of Eugcno to Assist in
Building Bungalow.
University of Oregon, Eugene. To
kept tho curious outside tho grounds, ""v" J"' L nf i,. Sit Z,rLB ? , University of Oregon, JSuRono.-To
nnd whnn Mr Tift nliirhted tnd rm Presont tmio one of tho chief sources of build a handsome bungalow to servo as
vw IL LatglLTl wealth to tho states along the Pacific the general headquarters and center of
moment and waved a smilinir farewell and WUere ,tn0 "P?1'0113 for co-od student life at tho university of
to rSS CaJnentlr his screti; be Oregon is the unique plan of a mnfiber
nel Spencer Crosby and Captain Archi-
made a source of wealth for all time to 0f prominont Eugcno society w
come. But as approximately only 20 1 inclitdiuir the wives of several u
bald Butt, his two military aides, who er ccnt of tho standing "timber of tho
Lad accompanied him from tho station.
President Taft decided that, except
ing for his impatience to bo with Mrs,
country is in the hands of tho govern
ment and about bU per cent under pri
vate ownership, tno question of retor-
Taft again, ho would not mind if tho estation .presents some serious dilBcul
trip should continuo two or three weeks tjeSt
jongor. no has been greatly fatigued Vhat is tho ago of our present f or
al, uiu cuu uj. auwu ui wo limy estsj what are tho means to bo em
sity professors.
The bungalow is to cost about $2000,
and will bo constructed along craftsman
linos. It will havo ono largo room for
meetings and social affairs, with a
small kitchen, bath and rest room. Tho
building will bo constructed on a lot
grammes of entertainment in a number ployed to ret0rcst our logged-off lands f iu" Z Univo
nf -if;no i,f o r,nr,A T.:,rfo aian ni.itr.xi xi. ;..6-- .,..-.... I "Y the Univorsity 1 oung Women '.
v uui, u u a I JUUL'tll OI .imo Will 1L IUKG I NVIiat . i ...-fit 1.
Tvays put the president m the best of benefits can bo derived. And then m"""""" 'Z
Tlin frronf nnnoMnn Wii it nnv? I -
I'residont Campbell is much pleased
with the interest the women are taking
in tho bungalow.
To the first question, I would answer;
"J.rom iuu to 4iU years." Tho na
tional government is at tho presont time
rossil Remains Are Those Sought for gathering tho data to answer questions
Tears by Scientists. TJl0 writer has mado somo obscrva
Chicaco. HI.. Nov. 11. The missinc tions regarding the growth of timber,
link between reptiles and mammals, for which lead him to bcliovo that growing to plant 500 acres to apples south of
Which SClOntlStS have been searching wmu.r win pay. x u.vo ioubu irees iw D The buildinc of tho Mount irnn.l
since Darwin first put forth his theory years old 52 inches in diameter .a the Pc' . "5-0' th0 ,
of - evolution, has been discovered in stump, that cut over six thousand feet '""-
northwestern Texas by Professor Sam- ot merchantable lumber. The annual trie establishing or the urcgon Jjiunt
Wnnjn wiiiMitn a. n.;m;wh!iowtii showed these trees were 24 .company's pinnt hero hns in three vcars
Um I sX V4.V. J--1 f I AM.ABIVA1 VI- bUU VX XXX VIOl It J I - I J-"V -
of Chicaco. accordine to an announce- inches on the stump at 40 years and at settled tho valley along flood river,
ment mado by the department of gcol
ogy of that university.
Big Orchard Near Dee.
Dec Portland peoplo aro preparing
that time should cut 900 feet of lumber. Many fine npplo orchards have been set
From my observations, extending over out. Logged-off lands have beeu cleared
Enormous lizard-like fossil remains several sections of timber, 100 trees 10 and where three years ago stood the
havo been unearthed by the university's
expedition, which Dr. williston is con
ducting, and the scientists declare the
animals, lived more than 15,000,000
years ago. Tho excavations in which
to is inches in diameter can be grown
on each acre in 40 years and these will
make 30,000 feet of merchantable lum
ber; these same trees will cut 75,000
feet at the end of 125 years. The
giant firs now aro seen buildings and
Largest Hatchery in World.
Salem Thn Inrrrnst snlmnn .inf Minn'
f Via ,; t question is, What will be the value of in tho world, to bn nwnml ml nnnr.itml
gion north of tho Wichita river. The this 3?,000net of timber grown on an by tho state of Oregon, will bo formally
fossils -were buried in a clay soil of a" 4? years, or the ,000 feet opened at Bonneville, Monday, Novcm-
B,unu ,uu a" a"u JU jvniai x wu uer J.i. The new central hatchery cost
" eBaf iu'' r Ui more tnan $i,uuo, and has an egg ca-
standing timber will be worth $S per pacity of 00,000,000 and nursery ponds
thousand in 40 years, and that an acre .nffieinnt in f,! r, nnn nnn v.nn,; f,..
of land planted to fir trees will earn $6 Th hnfoWv ;
"British Columbia 'ElBPtric Trains firash I nor vpnr fnr thn Antiro norinil nntl.i t.; '
. --- --- r-- i -" is uuing operaicu unuer mo uirec
U11UU6 luc ma . uc tuu u tion of Superintendent J. W. Berrian,
and poles during the 40 years.
X do not think there is any use to
what was onco a river delta.
at High Speed.
Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 11. Four
teen dead, nine injured, two fatally, is
tho net result of a collision between a
Autos Take Place of Stage. frniffht nnr mmnpr.lnilon finil I
- . . . .v.(-ul, -. .... i. . 1IV.I. iUL'L'U .L'ltLL ill ii 11.1 LUUL Will V 1 IT 1 1 I ,
a crowded interurban passenger coach as much wfealth, though to-the indi- I f, T x v
on the. British Columbia Electric Bail- vidual 40 years is a long time to wait li . , ' . & V
which wo can nut our mountainous. yuw-. xi. wenanay 01 uonu,
.i. i i i .i :n who has lor tho past two years opo-
lino In conjunction with
company between Bend,
way's litj near here early Wednesday for a harvest, but not long to the state oumona aPJf other points to Hhanlko
mornins. or nation. " ""I'uoyu ui u
Th A AtnA (ITirt ininrnrl nrn mncflv Tn rr,,. , i n ,1 nf 1, Diayu uuu UYVIY UuBluvan
working men. They were bound for tion that presents the most serious difli
the carbuilding shops at New Westmin- culties is the problem of taxation. I
ster to begin their daily toil. have no hesitation in saying that our
The passenger car left Vancouver at present system of taxation, particularly
copting somo holdings in Bend, lind has
put five up.-to-dato automobiles into tho
stage sorvico covering all points in the
5:50 o'clock. Just ahead of it was an legarding growing timber, is all wrong.
10,000 Bushels of Potatoes,
Oregon City J. H. Brown, of New
electric freight train, the rear car of I do not propose to discuss tho matter
wn 1 I I ...Til, 1, .... l..MnA lo6 in i.tlmflia. lm Ittnltnv inlnvnula 1, .... I
41. it.. i. -j, - v :.i 1. 1 Bra, comes very near borne the "potato
iiiiiiiurs. LiiH luti ul ;l sll'rd irraiiH 1 naiu tuu jjjuuu ui iuu iii.i.iu uj. luu luaco . . .. . ,v ....
- ... ... . , 1 k I' ' ill 1 in.inin. fi f.
n - ' - i-i - -
.. e
..4. 11.. :t lt. 1 1 in trio aof nr- of tno ni-oannt l..tln,,,K ul -t-'gH
it.. .i-i-3 ,i t , Ls bushels this year, beside 3400 bushels of
raised 10,000
1 1, 4.1. .-,.I j ilJ n ,,,.tnm nt ,lnQ nnt tl, ,m UHJl VCar, UUSlllC .1UU DUS
UlUliU LIUlll LUU XlUlUllt U11U OiailcU I u t.jwfcwu. v.ui. wv vm. 1 , - nrn . . -
on a wild run down the hill. Tho pas- crops of tho farmer, the gardener, or " S ' . "n T . i i
senger train was not more than a quar- the fruit grower, and taxes the growing "e?f.alluf hw
ter of a milo behind, but a curve at crop 01 timDer over and over, and at a " "r '
thn font nf tlm m-ndA i,t off a vSw nf rate that will confiscate the entire crop VDU"D VL --"" """'"B wen
tho track ahead. Just as the passen- m to 3o years, when it takes from
gor train rounded this turn the run- i years 10 raise una crop, is cer- TImi Countv Gets Nnw Towtl
n-n-ntr lnml.n. It.linlV OnQIl tO Villlll ODlCGtlOn. A .11
' -i iiiiu vn,.T. . .. . " . . Alhfinv Th A T.innt.n.n nl,..1
Vnnn t Y,n nc,nnnn.l I hll MSIlLUIf' IOT OUT IireSOnt KVStf'tn. OI I V -- " """"""
w. nio ijuoauiiKUia u;u juu uillll- I . . . i . -- I ... V . . ....... ... . ,
1 .1 mi "i.- -i i.-ii- i . nY nu t m iir h-ittnil nn vnliiAii 1 Ttrnnlil i wuihiwmj, iruiuu millio iu BOl nut
jurcu. xuubo wuo were noi, kiuuu or T, anOfl.nrn nW,l in tnn ,,n.l.,n
maimed when tho first ' crash came advocate a cuuing tax 10 e paid wncn ---- ' , 1
were caught under the heavy timbers tho timber is cut a port on of this tax o' L'" county will ostablish a now
oii,nr. frnm f,!i.t ,..v..i o be set aside to bear the expense or J1- uu xinuiimvun.
l-x1t.- "UBUOU rnfnrnntlon hv tl.A KtntA. n,l n nnr. Tho Site Of this nCW town has not been
jo uuaiu or auuereu uroKen Dones. i--- ,i;t, ,, ,.i u .. ...
lion 10 pay tne expense or protecting kUV vi...-un, n, nm wu jmar
our present forests from fire and denre- lue wnr 01 mo coiossai orcnaru.
dation. y
I shall not attempt in this article to
Jamaica Cable Is Silent.
Halifax, N. S., Nov. 11. Jamaica has
been cut off from the outside world for enter into the details of such a scheme.
nearly five days as tho result of a f am told on good authority that rais
Capital Stock Incroasod.
Klamath Falls At tho adiourned
mooting or tno iiiamath Watorsucrs' as
lmrrii-nnn that Wan thorn Ritnnl '"' trCCS b 1,10 Staf0 01 Jiation gOV- SOCiation tllO Capital Btock of tllO nSSO
hurricane that began thero Saturday ornnient niiV ln Euronoan countries. If ciatinn was inirnnRn.l frn, o nnn nnn tr
ntnhi- rmtr,n 41, .,1 !i I .... i , . . . . r Y-vv,v n
v....H Vv uuunucii juiuuujr i so, wny not. noro on our western cuusi,
whore the conditions are almost ideal?
(Concluded next week.)
Smoke Victim Packs Gun.
Chicago, Nov. 32. Tho war between
$0,000,000 by 9000 majority, while tho
proposition to incroase the par value of
tho stock from $20 to $30 per share was
lost by 2145.
Poultry Show for Pendleton.
tion it is feared horo that groat dam
ago has been done. All efforts to re
store cable connections of tho Wost In
dia company havo failed. Tests made
from the Halifax office indicated that
tho cable was in good condition, but
that tho land
where the cable
jnilns awav. worn
- ' 11 1 Mil i. 1 i U.
my mi. t. mnuuiii. Buuuruuiinc was ur-
: 1 : . i i .it.. i
Tariff Wanted as It Is. ttlul1 "u' """'B"" "
Chicago, Nov. 11. Tho paper and verted" smoker with a revolver in a
pulp manufacturers, whoso convention holstor strapped to his waist. The case
liAfrnn l.ArA tnrlnv. will firnnrn anv nnna. WUS Continued. Meanwhile tllO Smokers
" -v -j"-" I ,i:.,n.,,..i tl, nn.n.siu.r r.e .n:....
tion regarding legislation or tariff re- thn rnnrn,l nn,rmnv to raiso tmV.ks, in Dallas William Bhowoy is exhibit.
vision, according to President Arthur 0 k p k wi.ori ti'ev aro on tj10 BUr. ing n turnip which measures 34 inches
in good condition, but . . , " ' ., ,. . . n . n . Pendloton At tho meeting of the
linos from Bulls 'bay, of ho C 11CK nd Oak Park Umtjlla.Morrow County Poultry ass""
lands, to Kingston, 10 railway and smokers, who have been cjati0n, January 25, 20 and 27 woro sot
a down. arrested for smoking in cars, goos mor- the dates for tho big exhibition
of birds. Great intorest is being man
ifcstqd, and it is expected that thoro
will bo tho finest display of poultry in
it., i.t.t n.t ..i.r- w
iuu Jiiaiuiy ui mis Bcciiuii,
Big Turnip at Dallas,
C. Hastings, of Now York, hoad of the faco or roin8tato tho banished smoking in circumforonco. It is solid through
...i.!.i. i i.'ii! ii.. ' cars.
wiiiuii cunijirisca uuuut ii.ijj. iuu pupur
Kansans Take Contracts to Buy Lnrg
Acrongo Near Grants Pass.
Grants Pass Dovolopment of tho
country by tho colonization mothod has
boon started in Hoguo river vnlloy.
Sovernl largo projocts havo been nc
vanced that has caused n ireneral move
ni(jnt in this diroctlon, particularly tho
talk of an olectric lino from Grants
Pass to ABhland.
Another featuro that hns gone far to
ward tho rapid development of muc
land has been tho inauguration or
largo irrigation system for both high
arid low land.
A project to colonize 8,000 acres
within n few mileB of this elty was nn
nounced a fow days ago by W. B. Shor
man, who aByB ho has contracts with
sufficient ncoulo to take up this land 1
40 and 80-acre tracts'. Nearly nil th
buyers aro farmers from nenr KansnB
City, and they and their families wi
begin to arrlvo shortly. Tho advance
guard will -select tho Improved land
this fall, in order to be prepared for the
spring crops. Following in tho spring
another body will nrrivo, and within
year the entiro tract will bo settled
with Eastern farmers.
The price to bo paid by the colonists
for the unimproved land will vary from
$8 to $20 an acre.
"Fako" Label on Apples.
Hood Kiver Tho xnombors of tho
Hood Rivor Apple-Orowcrs union, which
comprises U0 per cent of the orclmrdiats
aro up in arms over tho report from
Now York that quantities of applet
were on the market thoro bearing the
wrappers of tho union which wore not
up to tho high standard of quality inn in
tainod by that organization. The wrap
pcrs of tho union nre regarded as a
absolute gunrantco of high quality i
tho east, and when theso applos woro
found to bo inferior in selection and
pack, many complaints poured in upon
Stomhnrdt Sc Kelly, who bought tho on
tiro output of the union this year.
Douglas Flans Oood Boads.
llosoburg This year Douglas county
spent $100,000 in good rond building
That tho work is to bo continued, only
on alargor scale, is provou by the pur
chases recently mado by the county
court, fciovcral weeks ago the court
purchased tho rock quarry and bunkers
vacated by the warren Construction
company, upon tho completion of the
company's paving contract in this city
This included all crushed rock that had
been loft by tho company.
New Sawmill for Wallowa.
Wallowa Plass 'Bros., a well-known
sawmill firm of Elgin, have shipped
thoir machinery to this city, where thoy
will consolidate with tho Bear Oreok
Lumber company, a now corporation re
contly formed. Tho Plass null will bo
installed on tho new company's hold
mgs to cut the timber for a new mill
which will bo installed next season
Thp company will put in a now band
saw with a capacity of about -10,000
root per uay.
Beet Weighs 30 Pounds.
Eugene Ole Casperson haB brought
back to JMigene a beet grown in his
garden that beats all beets in this sec
tion. The vegetable weighs just 30
Portland Markets.
Whcatr-Bluestom, $1.05: club. 05c:
red Bussian, 92ic; Valloy, 0495c;
Fife, 9203c; Turkey red, 00c: 40-fold,
Barley Feed, $2727.50; brewing
$27.50 per ton.
Corn Whole, $33; cracked, $31 per
Oats No. 1 whito, $28.5029 pe
Hay Timothy, Willamotto Valloy,
$M17 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $18
20; alfalfa, $15ffB10; clover, $14; cheat,
1 ol f n . i ' .... - ' '
viaxiyit.w, grain nay, ?n(g)io.
Butter City croamory extras. 30c:
fancy outside creamery, 3030c per
pound; store, 2224c, (Buttor fat
prices avorago lc per pound undor
regular muter prices;.
Eggs Fresh Orccon extras. AQCih
42M..C per dozon; Eastern, 3031c por
Poultry Hons, 1 3 14 (77)1 4 '.c: snrinM.
1314c; roostors, 010c; ducks,
HitfLLIc; gcoso, 10c; turkoys, livo,
1037c; dressed, 2021c; squabs, $1.75
iya per uozen.
Pork Fancy, 00c por pound.
Voal Extras, 0'j(ffil0c por pound.
Fruits Apples, $12.25 box; pears,
r ivuyyj
crato, 1012Vjc por banket; caaabaB.
oj.irij.uu per uozon; quiticoH, 91
1.25 per box: cranberries. &8.rQ(7Tii)zfi
por barrel; porsimmons, $1.50 por box.
Potatoos Oregon, 50(7700c por sack:
swcot potatoes, 1 (7D2c por pound.
Vogotablcs Artichokos, 75c por doz
on; beans, 10c per pound; cabbago, a)
lc: cauliflower. 00c(7i)41 nor dnznii! oaTI
ory, 5085c; corn, $11.25 par sack;
horseradish, 010c per dozon; peas, 10c
por pound; peppers, $1,50; pumpklnB,
Kvl'Ac; radishes. 15c
sprouts, 8c por pound; squash, $1(?7)U0;
tomatoos, 2500c; turnips, 75c(fi)$l por
sack; carrots, $1; boots, $1.25'; ruta
bagas, $1.10; onions, $l(fi)1.25 per sack.
iiopH xvw crop, 3JX,(w25o! 1008
and pulpmakors of tho country. It was
doclared that paper would novor again
bo as cheap as it was under tho Dingley
Government Forces Prevail.
Moxico City, Nov. 12. That tho Nic-
araguan government forces expect im
mediately to. retake San Juan del Norte,
out and vorv heavv. Tho -turnin was
grown on fern land a fow miles from croP 2.c; 1007 crop, I2c; 1000 crop, 8c.
Dry Land Potaocs.
Tho Dalles A. If. FJIgg has taken
near Oreytown, is tho statement of " w n, ,i iflVmin.?
President Belaya in a dispatch to tho ?rr?W5,bZ. li '""'fi.?0""'
Nicaraguan .minister, Francisco Castro.' 3.M.,Xr ...
Fho dispatch denios a report of tho " b
rebels' victory over tho govcrnmont . .. . .
Dallas H, E. Williams and I. N.
Opium ln Liner's Ooal.
San Francisco, Nov, 11. Opium val
ued at $1400 was diBcovored today by
Customs Inspector Emlow concealed
among tho coal in tho bunkers of tho troons at Ounusa. in which it was said
Pacific Mail steamer China. Tho drug more than 400 govornmont soldiers were
was confiscated and a searching inquiry lost, eoveral davs airo. Tho messaco Yoakum havo nurchasod of Thomas
jauea to aiscioso wuo naa aiiempteo to savs the government is triumphant on llolman 100 acres or hopyard, located
muggio ii into tms country, all sides, near JSoIa, for ?ao,ooo cash
Wool Eastern Orocon. lfli7n.i
pound; Mohair, choico, 24c.
Cattle Best steers, $4.254.50; fair
iSirtA3,8,64' medium and foodors,
$3.503.75; bost cows, $3.253.50: md
dium, $3; common to modlum, $2.50(0
2.75; bulla, $22.50; stags, $2.50(3.50;
calves, light, $5.255.50; heavy,-$4
Illinois Itiotors Lynch Two
Ohargod With Murdor.
Oniro, III.,. Nov. 12. With two mon
lynched by nn angry mob, another In
imminent danger and tho streets lllloil
with wlld-oyod mon thirsting for more
blood, Cairo, nftor a slcoplcsH night of
murdor and riot, waited anxiously to
.1-.. I1..- ll. ,1. Knl.lln.a 4l.t
llliy lur IUU lllllllll unci ui. numiuia iiiui. I
.. .... .... I fin i nil
nro on tho way to quon tno mob, at tho UCAYl LUdS OF I IFF IQ
orders of Covornor Donoon, 1 MIL 10
Will (Froggy) James, a nogro, con
fnuaiwl innriliirAr nf Annln 1'nllnv. wiim
t. i mill rlilillnil U'WIl lllllllll II Till lllirnAil
During Four Dnvs An
.... i . i. 4 i ft i - iiai
"H.B,lon ouirers Dim.
Heavy Downnour nf Rain
m mm mm ii
ah rruvious Hecords,
lust night, after a thousand dotormlhed
mon had chased Shorllf Dnvls nnd tho
negro for 21 hours and seized tho pris
oro of S500.000
Ifonrv Snlznor. white, hold for wifo Kingston. Jnnmi.. t.
' . '. 4.,. ' s ,t t .... J " ,,ov. 10. TlsIM
lUUlHUlf JilU'i livid uvvui tiilt lOy. Jm Kf 1
cago in tho county jail nnd hnngod and montiiry roports arriving 1,' ! 'r,?
that tlmo hud boon unsuccessful in cap tho storms nnd floods tint
iiiritur a ri iiur a nrnn mr. n Timrro. i tii i r it rAuniii ti.t.. i i - - uimm
........ ----- r, -, ---- - wanu smcoW
niii'iiiiui in .iiiinos ns an accomtiiico in ih nnnrmnu. niua
i - .
tho slaying of MIbs Policy. Ixiss of llfo hns rcsnltc, !
Alexander wns at last foun.l by tho ,n"los ntt Impomilblc. ' "ut
lirt I v puruon ot tho rnlturn
' i Liuimii ihih nn t im iwi.ii. . . " mi
i. i - . : ""i m it u o nr i.i.
I1V ll I USU. lltfio Wnitf n. VK uu ti,
Although tho horrors of a race war Proporty in nnd around Kim-sln
poneenblp citizens had begun to foar fnr bo'B, ctimnted at $500M0
..f a.ifli.i L The rooorloI rainfall from v2.
. , . I . 1 1 1 n . " "US 11 inclin. im
... , . uuiiiiiiiiiia. inn ,l,,l ...
.. . ... I f . . . ' miiiiv in I -M
" ' " ' i .. -"i ono tifi v
. ,. .. t.lll . 1 f I TlrMlllllll.i.ij. i I ""J IU
innr oinur niii-HdiiM lcinmi nnii uu i - """ mi uunifii tn 11 i .
, iu..a , " ' wc&in
.. nlKs , ...
rt.ADUIh,. - "V.IUI
today or nrmod Commiinlnntlnn .... .
. . ... i ... t;ruiiiiiiflnnfi
With tho arrival todny of
troops ii i nuiiovod nnu runner rioung wuu tno north const by Htcnmer
will bo avoided. Tho 4000 men roaming AH dnlegraph wir(lg nro'.lftu;
roots. n until dnvbrenk had ne. '""""gCHaro being sont from ,..:.
o many saloons which ronininod ? i ,,' ' i ,llml
"M an
and northeastnrn portions at iL ... "
iiiivii i win n iwui ii i.ii i .
. . ' V t IflltllV HIT. kA -i
... - vn in irii' Mat a i
tho strc
poss to many
open all night. Mayor Parsons and
thovchiof of police woro unable to close
Mm unlnfitm 1iiiifinii Hint' tvurn ulml nti
i.w ............. ."v. - - ... .... . . ... .i.ig linvn IWI
at homo by iho mob. Soldiers 'of tho '"voimi, mid tho fruit trado is at
Cairo militia finally wont to guard tho "iuiu mnmiMiii,
Iioiikih of tho miiniciiml nfllti'rn nnd I I 0 United I ruit Cnrnnnnv .i
a IT M . . - M "J ft II If
. . ..." --wiw It lur
-wHi-mu, m n lomi wreck. Thn Hr.,i
Tnrit it'tiu Lull .i a i-t.
Dominion Ofllclals Will Suppress Indian " 'v."':"" . .".?: ' Plmtt ot ."wbn
. . ouiiinruHB HHMIPH linvo ipnnln.tnffiv
' r"' f 1,0 Norwegian steamer Aminri
-iri.i.i ii n m... in m... wni n an nrn t i'..i I .
. ... ...., ... v., .M. AV. . - " ..v...W. UUL Wl
stables, with arms and ammunition for "oaieu.
20 more, have started from Prlnco Hit
port by special utoainor for beleaguered
Iln.olton, Intending to ascend tho
Hkeonu us far as navigation is possible
and thence take the trail. Au oxpodi
tiou of 50 more is expected to bo sent
up Nans rivor and overland 00 miles.
i'heso reinforcements will be Immedi-
ISrtvfln Dnmn.inlna nf vrmii. n .... .
dcr at Cairo.
Cnlrn. 111.. nv in Win. i.
iiruiur Alexander, iimi nr thmn i.
in ponnnctlnti u-llh Mm m...l. i..
ivaj nnu. nu tr r . A... n.ti. .
. . .... . I.... .. r k . 1 : . . . ....
. u.. ...ii..... ...i . r . .... A .,... . i... tj ill. ill iiiwii linn n .f .1.. in:
. I nn a Knimnn ijiin.i . .1.. i i .1
. . v...u . v ..v.. wi' .inuii uiiii 1. iiiimii liu" I 1 11 . . ... . . .
. . 1 iiiivii 1 nn iii.iii ...1.1.1. 1... 1 .1
.v..-. . .... .,.1.. ...uu, i;n)ro for rour days seems quelled.
llfimlnil 111' IlllUllll Alfnnf T.irlnir nn.ll A I
flitMti.MU ilnnl..yiii T.1I..- I I'J UIU IKJUfU tlUIIirn. UI1BI1I IDA VIM ffl
i i i it... .n. ... of Inst night 'ft mob, mn cnt to an i
ilium aim iuv immico lorcin luicriv in i m. ...
ailUIIIIllllJ I IIIL'UL LIIU MLlIIILKin. I IrtrlnV n ftnwttnttt Tin
. . . . i.iui r tiiiiHitiuiMK in nii csajiir
4 l.nt t A I ..t 1 1... -.. l I S - f I ft ...... 1
I-'-"'---"- V T V J J 1 - " - f V 1- IIUIU1 U
tho country." savs tho document, "was ovon compnnlcs of militia.,....,l,l in 1M,,in.t. .....ii. I mm n jiimi in- II lump ujc.
.u. ....... 'iviuiiii at inuiiiiin iikv nn it 1 i ..i in
asking that a largo force of mounted 1.1.,. vet! " camn from tho .neetalon
tmlii'i. Im iiliiiwi.l in Mia .lUlrlnl t. .....I . ...... .. ..1 .
inn irnnnpr
Air.irl ...ill 1.. Am .. . . I .1.. I ... ...... I
ponce no placed in tno district in an- Two sots of fours were in 1
ticipiition of troublo with tho closing tho prisoner, who was hand
of navigation." flanked by deputy sheriff
Ponding arrivul of rolnforcoments, no of fours followed. As th
of tho captured chiefs.
i'lwirni trtfi arrmr tn nritnTtn nr ins r
nnn ntiil n iirn niiDinnp t n 1 miriwi in in
rear, keeping back the crowds.
mnrkablo Confession.
mm 4 hl:iiiimi hm ,
SltoriiT Ilammill by liohcrt J'err,
Board Imports Them for Hawaiian
Honolulu, Nov. 12. Tho territorial
lonrd of inimigrntlon will soon send an
other agent to Harbin, tho metropolis
or southeastern Siboria, to got Russian
immigrant for Hawaii. This will bo
tho second representative of tho torrl
ory to L'O to .Siberia to indium Thhh1ii
Immigrants to eomo to iho Hawaiian young church worker ami wruer pi
Islands, luruti nun-i, wuu nn i...v,. . turn fnr tlir.fl nr ft II OIOrCYCIC.
T i I 1 1 I . . . . I .l"J MliV J - - ' .. .
j 11 iryuiK 10 soivo mo Jiinor nro 1 om 5... " i in iho imi
fnr fllll Ulllrn. .lrinft..tftu 7l, 1.. 1 . 6 I .... I.. .. Jn IrtfhAtftl1!
iiiiiniirrni inn una nvtiA. mnni.,. ...ill. nr I i itArunu iiin iniL-Lrii's. uiiii -
Mnnth Hun Tln.twlnni Cli, n.a .....1 il.. IMIIIO OI IIIO BIOJOII vriini" hb;-
..... wiiniunv mill UI-IIV'I I ... . . ...1 1...1 ritt
no t nnn III I .u. 11... n t . rnivurni 1 II nilMfl II II IIIIIIIIIB. MltM "
"""i. .iiiiiiv ui uiijKU iiucninu I " . .
.1 luu.,ll..ft...1 ..ill .1 ... I unn.,4 ... nnmlillllll niriir f.wi.r..! i.nw. m...i imriiiii. ill. i.tii. ...... ... . ..
nn 4 m r wnv ir,..,r.l..i.. i if i I ii'lilnli lm nvH ho StOlo, nnu -
prove satisfactory as plantation labor-
uiiiors win no sent ror.
Indian Outbroak Expected.
Victoria, B. 0., Nov. 10. Hnzolton
roports a gonoral bollof that tho In-
inns will attack tho town In force to-
Bimriir linn linen searcninK -
nrnl wnnkH. The reilinrKHMiv w"- :
. . - - , ...inn nrnncn
u n.irr .-.... v.. r nil miv,.- .
and return It to tho rightful owner..
nviir. Wnr floes to Court
wmh " .
Ann .Trnm. Cn .. NOV. JO.
I wan iunv .
trinPKAfif n 11.- i I .. .l Ihrt ir
"wun iu iuscuu Liin Hnvnn imnninnon ii . n. -.. -'ib. -mrur nnu iv -
I lUHI V-Vii w - - I 1.4 tCnP
C1IGIH (lliriniT llinlr frlnl rpim tuln. I II., UaU r t.mi' tftrn IUliJU"" '
rrrnttli l.i if . i " . ...i i tut inn lUUJ'v
jvjHiiinx rnrmfMi nrmni n hna i.nunin. I ..i,i" i,w irmnii hjw o .
Ilia lia.tV Z . u. . . k I . ,i,l( A 1 TIIIU
his hut in scores, and hns been told ioumovod by nutomobilo
ovor 700 nrmod natives will tin at i.,,5 in this city ana
Hazolton If tho chiefs nro convictod Armntromonts for tho Pl?ccuT.
nnd snntnnnnil 'Plm . 1,i..lii. . -i.... nn1 T .(ill 10 JjlDUi l.
"hootchinoo," nntlvo whlskv. nnd tlm in,m,i tnnrdorors of Ynng W"
ltiitnlin .nl.ll.. .. . I. ? ... ii.. n rniinCll
Ilflll TVIllin .nnn n 1...A 1..1. .1 1 1 . ...i.irn TIII1 DUI" .
tjn 111; 1 mi" -.. . rnnruc
Honor xowqi uoomoa. uog aing b.vuiu -.rii.i,.iider.
Topoka. Kan.. Nov. 10.Thn .atA against tho two aliegeu.0.
uuuni 01 noa in nas issued n. dnnrnn ...
nriuiiBt 1110 rniinr tntvni nm fi.n i.,.n. i uvavu, - - Mttv
. - r - r..v., ....v. frlllllj' I XTrt.r 1 Tl -yH"' -
nonorou nppondago to tho country nows- Phoenix. Anas., iy ,, Fori (i
f w v iLuiiouni j 1 1 11 rniinr imviti i in liiii ijud - . i..Ar iiuif
1 . " " O - . " 1 iV u p--.
1 r .7 "w . " "', "'. 1 . '"V.-i nn mi en iro .-;,
Bo iieuun mspoctors eiaim. Tho In- party touny vhnu8ted
snactors snv Mmf infuKiim.. ,itunnann n.lniv Tin wns utterly p""u,,,.Ai
. .....w Miauimua mi. iiiiai " ' . wlLlllu. .
I'.i ti ...... i i. . ...... ..1. .... , 1. . . .. . 1 i.hma iiniriinr ui,." . . . . .1
--...-w.. .uiuiiKu mu iuuur (uvyiiiB ubuu 1 uaiiuiiuiii-u, tinrris i'.
... wviiuiD. luiiiviiv nnri ninnn 1 fir i.viiiiir jui ' l.A.nma
111, HiKiii. i" over iu -
Ducks DIo by Thousandfl, two days no orovo - .
Imnnrlnl. f!l.. Nnu 10 rpi.n.,.,nnii on sauos, jov.---
of wild ducks aro dying In this valloy,
but whether from dlsonso or poison Is
Hogs-Best, mtim modlum, $7.B0
7.75: Btockors. tsma. '
fli,nn n.i ' Til... . wiiinmi
- .vjudl wiiLiinrn la vni-ziu nn . i .. -1. i . . l -
i . v'.uuui-i,uui i jiijl nnnwii. A limn nr ffrnln flnlilu nrnl JJUIIliuii, .. i..... (II
inir lo anon. WHTnivTij . . .. n-" w.u- i . ., .- .....i.i inn nunv " ,.1. in
4i fair to ffooaw w,tu ,,on(1 blr''B' wJl,, ot"i ftoro ;.MBVi.f Premier A!""":
i!Ua.r 10 6od, $3,C03.75: lambs,' rt ill 1 v nir. -nro so HtunnflmK 4i,JMoct iho budget, I "ni'1' , ej, - i - r?.
11.1.1., ifnliinRL .....AD
jjomiuii, "--. i..... nr i'""
i i .. ... :
..i, iiiiiiu uiuuinj i ----- . .... Tiffimltl i
stunoflod. that they .loot 4 ho budg t, Tnm
i wo cuugnt oy nanu