Mm pftAS And Th Jras Country down from his I., imun frnm llnvk. -. Hunter rr.. .1 n ,. ... I I1IVC1 WrV" . ., 1 ..... mid iiieium . .1 ..I 1111 W ivai a visitor at the county V t .1 ...1. .. i) in mwii irmn isii'tuiiii V Ul It ' .. nni wrft (ii . ia nomn MCUncc ; i im Itl.lfllil?! 11191 ... j.itnri in - ----- . .t Hobimm was in town last ,f,om hn ranch near quiver. 'r r..i.... ..... . Ill II lffVnillll3 111 1.UITCI VTI19 ....I... L-.lllrdMI !.ivii or iii "- - i' , Warren Smith, who is having n a .i. iwrmne. is consiueraoiy im- iif II mufti nf He i er wns n vis- . ...I.. . I....1 juld Thursday looKing mm vusi- patter. M. R. HigK of rrlnevjlie Hdra last Snturdny looking nfter Vosiress. ii r,it wlin cnent the Summer ..m.ttlt, liel ufftL in lit 3(11 ...." . pelr Youncs. I !.. tF.tli-itri F-irrll Wl f, UU llli' II "" - " in town last Saturday from their ...a 1.4 I tMi 'I" '"it" i uviWnnd Ichm: A. Eallcj made oof on their hntncMeacu nciore ,.... Tiimrr TtlMrtitV. .... f..i...w tflti i r.nrfflfnf inn Osodmin Shoe Co , wns in town on iafrtd NFiinplcr of lower 1 rou ft in Madias last Saturday, hav- iftkWWJJ WViwiv - ' t.j.f ..r.-f.T i rvvmwr m vnm,- tu mm m ' m iTHHirrflffi 'ilfllffl' fflftY-'ilff Wff riViM retinc Niv 24, at Mountain View pQtoaie, the proceeds ol which wil. for purchasiii; a basket bull. (j.Col!iver ji.isscd through Madras . 1 .. 1 - 1. ... ij .... nn 1111 nav inline iiuiii i uu i tert he had been suinmuned to Wore the f cderal grand jury. IWfltlll nill dUIHIIHMIWU tw WWit ..l-t?. l I I ! . I (tk nd left on the stage Thursday itay Mr Davis will visit Seattle Maon, representing Porter Bros., day In the Matulcs country, last ilr. Mason is buying timber for Bios. H, Roush of Goldendale, Wa.hing- Miss Ada Ioiiili, of LaGrande, and suter of C. E Roush. ari a Madras Wednesday for n visit 1 i-fT"n ris . ... .... r... .1.. ... . . ".tti... j uui iui lllb nun- l Miss Tillic L. Fisch of Madras met It Itnlriin.. r.r u 'IWMI IllbVIIIWt tiUVM WW younh' people and well known county Redmond Hub. I llria.. 17 .. I . . I . , V 4"'K,csi "u "a uccii rcsiuing itttiilia, Washington, with his par- " toe past two years, arrived in t I'rulav and will remain in owty for several months. w. Mayrs and family, who have 00 the former's homestead iutt n kuiuj mi 111c piisj six years, hit n...l. . ' . 7 '"i 1CI1UC&5CC, wncrc mey la mitl ilia.. 1 1.. .u. r....... ( "v ' 11 IIUIIIC III IIIC IUIUIC. I'ray, son of S. E. Gray, has - nun imcrcsi 01 ine DiacK busm-ss of W. H. ClnlJers. ku'n$ in the fUUre will be ccn- ,---w me mm name 01 Liiiiuers I -HI "mm H.l-I UCCII ilriSISIiini UHll- --"uaK at me Baldwin Bheep LlBfl P.I. .. ... . . , v.u. s iiorq ni tlitycrcek for we J'Mrs, has atcerted a nosition " "lailrns Trndinn fnrannnv of r.v -. Wayinitp mwi r...ii.. f,i, 1. , ---.w I 1 1 1 1 1 V VVIltJ IIISIW ""inoniC at Mrilr fnr- llif Hait VtJfi l.f. 1 .. . i;iai j r uav lor vi cox. ItoD. Mr Wnvmire has sold his ' - "3 piace to a real estate firm, t'TI"l.? Q 1)1-11 lh. n,I . ,l,li ,0- "Mirij. " uuUOCk. tes ( Knolnn... wlih ,rK Of COnStrilPlinn nn 11m. Klroad frofrJ Madras o Red Tuesday for the Grass Valle 1 mo 1 jrsrmirpq itnirrnnn wt, .vviiiifim ld am Ui nihrt hoc 11 ' :'vpwn oVcr the donstfifctloff Li ' fchutes Hallrotfd fllsW '4Ue for Crass Vnllev. Owlng made.hv Ihr, nlrnfU nf I fie IChnnl .' . ,V... in ipe competition lor 1 County, Ifulr ws jecelepf, 'patrons hf it.. .f.J .1. . . ,w BlIIVUI "I ov .1.. .. . . . iiic . lettering, rccpgnilinn , ' w'l of tho chfldren. The tlbhnn. ...L!.t I 'Kat & 1V.IM .1... u,l,... I, rnuv ...... lesion 1. HurveV of lllllsboro, a land owner in llils m-ninn n.,,1 n ..1 . .- -. M iniiiiiii icar (lent, ii In Madras visiting relatives and frlendnnnd looking after business matters H, C. 1'lndell, recently from Seattle) arrived In Madras last Friday and will re main tn this vicinity fqr several days "looking around." Mr. I'indell spent some time in (lie Hend and Redmond vicinities before coming here, and he says that he is looking for Investmcants In the Central Oregon country. Mr. Hilllie, the timekeeper for Powell Hro, tailtoad contractors on the Des chutes Railroad, had the misfortune 10 slip Monday, when alighting trom his mid wrenched his knee. The acci dent is a pajnful one and it will be sev ernl days before Mr, iJollie will be able to attend to his work - The e,c.turc of(Dr. John Lewtas Mon day night'- which was illustrated by a large number of steriopticon views, was Inrgcly attended and held the rapt atten tion of the nudience lor over two hours. The views were superb and the' most select assortment ever seen in this locality. Those pertaining to Greece, the Holy Land, Egypt, and other ancient countries, including scenes in many modern lands, were particularly instructive and enter taining and as an educational exhibit is not easily surpassed. Drs. Lewtas and Reed's singing was also a pleasant feat ure. Dr. Lewtas has a masterly delivery, and his descriptions of the views were unique, humorous tnd impressive. . Joseph G. Huston, chief promoter for he Odin Fall irrigation and Opal Ciiy townsitc projects, was in town last Friday, having in charge a JJatty of surveyors, who were 6nroute to Ci'y to survey the electric line from that place 10 Prine- ville, which is being engineered by Mr. Huston. The proposed electric line will pass through the Culver and Lamonta districts aid then.'e over the large flat country on Crboked River to Prlnevillc. This is a rich farming and stockraising district and also at the boundary of an. extensive lumbering area and near the oil prospect on Grizzly Mountain, and the electric line which will penetrate it wil prore a valuable feeder lor the railway lines centering at Opal City. PRESIDENT SIKES WILL ADDRESS TliE PUBLIC OHVRIN OF CHRIST lEtfilEg Sunday school at Lamonta' eVery Sun- day at iB it. Hi. 'AT MADRAS Set Vices In Odd Fellows hall. Sunday school at ion. m. Commdnion service immediately fol lowing SUnUay school, You are invited to attend these services. NrttOonl Iitid i IiOMK6TEAt).-Niiti.!o for Fulilln linn, P par 1 itl tit. of Umi Interior, U 8. L'Uiil Ofllff, Tltf J)illen, Oregon, Novi'intier 1J, lOli'J. Nnlii'f In lreibv irlvcn Mint WILLIAM A. KLLIH, of Minimi, Oregon, wlw, on Oc'ober l!li, ll)03, muilf Ilidm-leml, HeriulNo. (I3(llfj, N..18"(JlO, fot iiwi Heol5, tp 11 h, r 13 c, w 01, Hum filed notlco of lntuiitloii to multe II mil five-your proUfi to eHtfibllsh c-lii 1 111 to the lanil nbovo doHCrlbod, be- foro Io ward W. Til ruer, U.S. Com' mlsslotibr ut his nlllcb at Minims, Orc ion, on the iilut dify of December, 10U9. Claimant names no wltiipntjOH: M 0 Maiioiii I F Sliutt, J H Homey, J 1' Iluliu, all of MhiItuh, Oregon. 0. W. Moore, iilS-dlO Rejfliitor Edward G. Pease Go. Inc. THE SHANIKO STORE President F. A. Sikes of the Oregon Farmers Educational and Co operative Union will be in Madras Tuesday, Nov 36 and address the farmers of this section along the lines of Successful Farming This meeting will be open to everyone and all tillers of the soil should make it a point to be present. President Sikes is a farmer of consid erable prominence ,nnd is not only suc cessful as a raiser of crojis but is profi cient at the market end of the problem. His talk will, probably not only handle and explain the best methods of tilling lh soil, cultivation opops and of harvesting, but will likely Aeal with the best means of keeping in touch with the markets and how to secure the top price for products. Rail transportation for this section will not only make a large demand for farm ing products, but will cause a heavy in flux of farmers to this section, with the result that competition will be steady and keen in the production of farm pro ducts and the farmer who successfully tills his land by labor-saving methods and economically markets his crops will be the winner in the race for agricultural sue .. . .il...l - I.I ...Ml cess. rrestucm awes- nuurcj win tuu Mdcr many topics along these lines from actual experience, WORKMAN KILLED BY FALLING ROCK John Legin, nn Austrian about 30 years of age, was killed at one of the Twohy Bros, cnhlps rtt the head of Porter Spring canyon yesteiday by n large mass of rock falling Upon him. He was engaged in station work and had a force 01 men workifig Under him who were n't thin time hauling olit a load of rock, nnd wlio, see ing the roftk crumbling, hallooed to Mn Leuin to give him warning, but befotc he could get out of 'he way was caught and It's head crushed to a pdlp. Sheriff Elklns and County Physician ' ... k . 11 1 Rosenberg were called to the camp ana took chrtrge of the body. Inlermeflt will lie lirfd In the Madras cemetery today. t,Aiilili'-T--k4 Warren Smith prof'rIctoH I Parlor r-iH 1 onsona 1 alllt 0NTE3T NOTICE. Department ol ' the Interior. U. S. Land Olllce, Tho DulleB, Oregon, October 20, 1000. A Hiifljclent politest affidavit buying been filed in this olllce by NEWT li. MELTON, conleptBiit, ngaliiHt lioineHtend entry No 03480, made Feb 24, 1005, for e- wi, iiwinwj ec i-'Q, and 111 m hoo 30, tpO, r 13 e, w m, by William V. Ziieruor, cotitehtee, In which it In ft I - leired Hint suiil Zueruer Uuh wholly ! iil'iiuiloiieil mild laud for more than hIx ' inontliH lant pnet, mid thut euid ubun- loiinientatill exlMln. Haiti ptirtlea are hereby notified to ; uppear, redpoml and otier evidence , touching Hald allegation ut 10 o'clock' 11. m, on Deo. 10, 1009, before Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commlt-slotier ut MHilrun, Oregon, und that final hour lug will be held at 10 o'clock a. m, on Deo. 10, 1009, before Hit) Hogistor and Receiver of the United Btaten L-ind Of ticn In Tiie Dal lee, Oregon. The 'euid ennteatant having, in, u proper uillilavl'. llled' Sept. 21, 1009, net forth fucts which uhow that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that eucl) notice tie given by due and proper publica tion. 0. W. MOORE, u4-d9 Register Solo Agents Sole Agents It is with grpt satisfaction that we dnnouhe'e our Sole Agency in Shaniko for the LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS PATTEllNS EXCELLED 1JY NONE; the most economical, unqucfitloiialjly the leaders In originality, and fntiltl. bs as to lit. A monthly stylo book mailed fice to each customer on n quest. to be put on our mailing list. PATTERNS 10c 8t 15c each A Guide Chart given free with each pat tern, which tells the exact quantity of material used and full instructions in cutting and fitting same. Scud us your name and address COMPLETE STOOK OF GENERAL HARDWARE A. E. PETERSON SHANIKO, OREGON ! Watchmaker t!t and jeweler: l - FIRST'CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Jewelry oJ.-nU kmd madoto br dcr and mp'nirrd. Settings for Predoui Stonet made. , The Pioneer gives you the home and county news and keeps yoti In touch with your surroundings. (Subscribe for It. Price $1.60 per year. 1 A II i) c Hue of the famous Diamond Edge CUTLERY TRY OUR DIAMOND EDGE RAZORS The best on the Market TIGER HEAD TAILORING 500 HUNDRED snappy and a: tractive sample of all-wool worst ed and fancy suitings for Fall. The cream of the IIOVAL TAILORS' stock lu Chicago lias just arrived, ami now ready f r your inspection. Suits made to order In lat est styles and every suit guaranteed to fit and hold its shape until worn out. Try us for your Fall suit. Prices from 18.00 up. ' MENMONITE SERVICES j JlAbRAS-SecohiiSunililr in each month at! 4t d. in. and 7:S0 p. m. In KrctJ MtithodUl 1 Church, Ol'Af, l'RAIRip-rKvDrji Sunday At UA. ru. And ( 7:30pim. In Ofml I'rdtrlD Clmrclln Union j Sunday school overy Sunday at 10 a. m. JUNIfEU HUTTE School Ifouse-EVdry Sun- day nt 3 p. in. Union Sunday aeliDOl every Sunday at 2 p. ra. , MOUNTAIN VIEW Sciidol House first and 3d Sunday of each rnoiith at 4j30 p. in. Un ion Sunday school every Sunday 3:30 p. ra, All ttre cOrdlallr invited to these services, ARTHUR and SllXA CREaSEV. PAtors, Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Lail fjfllce nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, October 18, 1909. Notice is hereby given that FRANOI8 M. licpLiNTlcK, of Madras, Oregon, who, on Oct. 20, 1901. mndQ Homestead, Serial No. 033H No. 13803, for Lot 2, sefpwM, wUe tec 31 tp 10 S, R 13 E, W M, lias filed nptice of intention o make final flvcycnr proof,, to establish ca'm ,to the land ,ntyoyc described, before Howard WiiTurnor', United States Cpmiuissiauer, at his ollice at Madras, Oregon, oil tl'io COth day of November, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: 1 W D McNceniar, C W K looto, h Foote, Robert L McLane, all of Madrasj Oregon. C. W. Al 001113 o28n25 Kejiistur WW Scientific 1 All advocate DISCIiMC ydur land hnrnediately after- the crop is removed, pYedaratory to Fall plowing. This d&ny- Served the riioistUre already in the sdilj &ta d,re$arefe th land to,, retain the rrioistu'rcQ oceaSio,rnedfby1.tHi?l Fall rains. You need bne 5f dUr DlSi : 1 fdr this dlass c5f W,6kk PMe& res&onabld, rdr" a standard ar- tldld, BUY ONE AT ONCE OREGON GALLS- "MORE PEOPLE1 Pafcs the Word to yout relatives and friends to come nqW Low Colonist .Rate To Oregoh Will prevail frohi the East Sept 15 To Oct. 15 VIA THE Oregon Railroad And Navigation Company AND souf herr PA&ilqe (Lines ill Oregon) From Chicago, $33 St. Louis, 32 Omaha, 26 -St Paul, 25 Kansas City, 25 JAteESS CAN BE PREP Alt) Depdslt tho amount of tjie fare with the nearest O. H. & N. or S. P. ageut.( Ticket will ho delivered lu the East without eXtr coat! Bend Us the uame uud address of anyone Interested In the state a forOregou literature. General Passcupr Ajent, Porllanj, Oregon H HARROWS iVi7! (ISOOERIBS,-HARDfAIIHMPLEMBNTS"STOVBS-RAN&ES, i km Madras', rfefebH . tNort Coal Ldnd OStESTEAD. Nntidw for l,llbllca tlon. Depurttnent ofUhe Iuterlon LT, S.-Liiud 0lilcet ufii $he Dalles, Ore grm, November lOQO. Notp t'ber3 (vemtLatr iJInvaod. OreiroilS . rthrtl nn Anrl iiliViiaiJfl Iloirietgail Serial Nft 081 111352, fun wJ5nei. nelnw4 andjpol, sep 18, tp 11 e( r 1,7 o, w mi has filed uUUbe of Intention to make final fiVe-yerir, fvroof,- to eatabllsh clalth Jo the land iibq.Ve desorljbed, bo ff)r,p Iloahl Turnen tt 0. Com ,tnpslonef, at his ottlof at Jidras, Or fRi), da tbb lrfth dily of December, KM. - .i U,, Claimant imhea tt wiesei; K D illi8t9i,j plrh, 8 Hlaplc, pi pUwo Qregon, A V Warreiij of lluyorbeh, Oregdlu j ,. fc ll dil - Iteglater irtWr-- " I,-!'" B8TKAY tiling takelt,.i(i, lar dim ooloml (-liofse, bnthdiff circle J uMici(ai unj omuijiiicu iu ieii eiinuui .1 . ' I . .! uernper can co,u (iiuvo smnu uy. CIUniKfollif apt!, jiuidig charges. -A, L, WUlIttuls,' Mttdrsn. Not Coal Land LJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publloa 1 tlon. department of the interior, U. S. Land Ofllce at Tbb Dailes Ore gun, November id, lfloD. ( Notice is u,ereby given thatt .' IlOBtT E. QALL0WAY. , of (ludrae, Oregon,, who, on(Decejpb- k. uuii .fwuiueaiuau ,Laeriai rja 03408 No. 1032 Jof eiuei, swjuefi m iwi seo 20, tp 11 s, r 16 8, w m. Hat Qled notice of, Intention to make' final five J'ear proor, toeotabllsh olalni k the laud above. descfbed, befor RoWarrl 1, TfifRer, U. S. qqmmls sioner, ajt hla olllce ;t Madras, rjregon' on the 22nd day of l)ecembert 1000. Claimant names as witnesses: 5trn. Faunlo Dartdn, CUrln Ilegl ' tiouer,,. BO Domtoroej dlllls filznev all of Madras, Oregon i O, "V. MooitE, nlS-dlO , Register. ''v"tv ' 4 - - ' NOTICE-All accounts duo mo for pro visional serVloeo dr olbennlse, Ilavo loft with Howard, V. (Turner, for colleotlon. Please (Qa.U,4 aottk at .earliest couvenlenco. Dr. J. PV" L Bartlett, ptct by those (icsirmg,