The Madras Pioneer Published every Thursday by THE PIONEER PUULISUiNO CO. BUtiaORIPTION RATfea: One yenr $1.60 Six months ........... .86 Thrcu month 60 ADVKKTI81NO UA.TKS 0?f APPLICATION Hnrnrm! nq Rpnnnri n.iniq rhiitfnr All trust ?, 1901, ftt tlio Postofflco al Madras, Ore., under the Act of Congress of Mnreli 3, 1879. THURSDAY NtV. 4. 1909 Incorporate The movement to incorporate the tpwij of Madras is timely, fpr.with construction work about to begin in this immediate vi cinity on a large acale on both railroads, there promises to be need for some form of local government so that peace and order can be preserved in the pommunity. In the old days before the railroads started work there was no urgent de mand for the incorporation of the town, and one former at tempt failed because of a lack of co operation on the part of some of the business men of the town, but the present movement is the result of a practically unanimous demand from all the residents and business interests for a local citj' government. i Madras is outgrowing itn vil lage daj's, and with two rail roads building into it, the growth, of the town will be more rapid from this time on. We want to aid that growth as much as possible along good health7 lines, and no other fac tor will contribute more to that result than a good local govern ment. Not only will it enable its to provide those improve ments which will be required as (the town grows,, but it will also enable us to make of it the kind of town which will attract people to it permanently as the natural home center of this en tire section of country. There should be nq opposition to in corporation from any one who lias the good of the town at Heart. from otlie,r, localities in Central Oregon, will attract aa tentioh, as, thaw front Idec por tions of tjie state. Soihq, qf . tlio most fertile and be,at advertised valleys in.jthe.Pacifio Nor,tliwest would still , bo uninhabited if they had not been favored with railroad transportation. TMie Deschutes has been slow in get ting under way, but is coming fast, now that it has atarted.--Oregonian. Sl, ft Rift Ml AT M. E. ttWfttyt I Sunday school at lb a. rh.j fepworth League at 7:00 p. m. Everyonerordiallyjpvjted,,, , G. R. ModRlitiAD, Pastor. -VV ) I r-T 1 m P ' WANTED A tenant sqiuolear iug iuhI breaking on my plnoa North' east of MadsaS. Inriulre At Plouoer ofllcc. PUBLIC SALE I will sell my on tiro tannine outfit at auction sale to the highest bidder ftt my plftce In it fid ras, Oregon, 011 Saturday, November J3, lOOPj Coiamcttcing st 10 n. tn. 8 head of work horsea, 1 good milch cow, 1 new cultivator, 1 barn door track, 1 doz. pitch forks, 1 ni In. wagon, 1 3$ iUMvagon Call fornla rack bed, 1 wagon ntld bed, "1 water tank, 2 wagon spring scats, 1 mower,' 1 hay rake, 1 wagon Jack, 1 tool box, 2 pigs feeders, 1 pig trough, 1 pair stretchers, 3 sets double trees, 2 neck yokes, 1 pulley, 1 set wooden harrows, 1 set iron harrows, 1 buggy, 1 set buggy harness, 1 set heavy work harness, 2 sets lighter work harness, 1 saddle, horse collars, nose bags, 1 kitchen cablnot, somo household goods, other articles too limner ous to mention. TERMS OF SALE: All sales of J10 and under Cash ; sales over f 10 a credit until November 1, 1910, purchaser giving note with approved security; interest 8 per cent; o per cent (lis count for cash on time sales, No property to be removed until tonus of sate are com plied with. LUNCH SERVED. Come to this sole if you want a farming outfit. Colonel V. H. Reynolds, Auctioneer w. R. COOK, Clerk McTAGGART & BYE, Owners WANTED. A boy to chores of even ings. Call at Pioneer office. i Warren Smith OUR DRY FARMING EXHIBIT ,, The Deschutes Vallev. of which the Madras country is an important -part and it may be Raid the best developed district -sit this .time, got a good deal ol line advertising out of its ex hibit at the Billings dry-farm ing congress. . Much attention .was attracted by the specimens 'of grain, fiuitvegetablea and forage plants, cent in from this .seqtion, and it doubtless open ed the eves of the many who caw them, as to the pcftsibili ties of this great region now be ing opened up by, the building .of two railroads. But from Mi .James J. Hill hjmself came one of the nicest compliments to the :Deschutes Valley exhibit. Be ,ing scheduled for an address to ,the congress and arriving late, ,Jie explained his tardiness by paying: "I went to 6ee the Des .chules Valley exhibit, and staj'ed longer than I intended." -Mr. Hill is building the Oregon Trunk Line into the Deschutes '.Valley, and that exhibit prob .ably couvincad him that he was making no mistake. . The Deschutes Valley exhibit ht the Dry Farming Congress at Billings, Montana, came oil victorious with the largest fill ver cup and a number of other -prizes. The light pf that great valley lids been hid under a bushel for so Jong, that it may be yet a few months longer be fore then5Bt of j the world will Jbecoind -vefjr familiar with the Deschues Valley. Time and a railroad will work wonders, lioweyer, and within a few ,yenrs the exhibits of fruit nnd Agricultural products from the !OesohutG8 Valley, as well as PROPRIETOR HP 1 1 1 1 onsonal Jr arlor BATHS a I 1 g I s I f I Npt Coal Lund T OMESTEAD; Notice lor Publl cation. Department of the lute rlor, U. 6. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 22, 1009. Notice Is hereby given that wilhelm thielman, of Madras, Oron, who, on April 14, 1903, ramie Homestead Serlul No. 02859 No. 12170, for frjnej, uisej nee 14, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m, lias filed notice of intention to make flunl five-year proof, to establish j'aim to the land above described, lie fore Howard W, Turner, TJ. S, Commis- ioner, at Ills office at Madras. Oregon, nn the 2nd day of December, 1909. Claimant names, ns witnesses: : J P IIxlui, S.E Gray, .Tobutll Jack -on, Fred Davis, all of Madras, Oregon O. W. Moons, -28 i2 Register FOR SALE.-Smith-Premier Type ' writer, with motal cover, at reason able price. Inquire- at The Pioneer 1 y VIllUCi Not Coal Land! LJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica- Minn. Department of the Interior, (J. S. Lund Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, Ociober 5, 1909. Notice Is hereby giyon that JACOB II. LOONEY, of Madras, Oregon, who, on October 20, 1904, made iIoraestead Serial No 03334 No. 13870, for nei sec 7, tp 10 , r 14 e, w m , ' , Has filed notice of -Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish-claim to the laud above described, 'before Howard W. Tumor, U. 8. Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on tho 17th day of November, 1009. Claimant names as witnesses: C R Loouey, G L Paz ton, 8 P Lov iug, George White, all of Madras, Or egou, 0.,W. MooltE, ol4-nll .' Register Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion, Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ofllcc, The' Dalles, Oregon, Octobor28,ltKW. Notice Is hereby given that DAVID TRAVIS, of Madras, Oregon, who, on ddtober 12, 1001, made Homestead, (Serial No. 03327) No. 1386, for nnwX ec 27 and ntfne sec 28, tp 10 s, r U e, IV H, Has tiled notice of Intention to make final live-year" proof, td establish clailn to tho. land aborfl:,derlbed, before Ilowaid W. Turnor, U. 3. Commissioner at Ills o(llce at Madras, Oregon, on the 7th day of De cember, Claimant namoa as witnesses! . W II titonehocker, James S'FlecJo; Cliarles W Parrish, of Madras, Oregon; L A Young, of Youngs, Oregon, ii4 d2 O. Y. MOORE, Register. 1 FOUND A pair of gold bow specta cles. Ownor can have the sumo by proving property aud paying for this ad. FOR SALE. Good, fresh milch cow. Inquire of Perry Read, Culver, Or. FARM LOANS!! Madras State Bank. NOTICE All ncconuts duo mo for pro feostoual eorvloea or otherwise, I havo left with Howard W. Turner for colleotlon. Pleaso call and settlo at earliest conveuleuco. Dr. J C. Bartlett. AUCTIONEERING-Col. W. H. Roy uolds, of Madras, Oregop, an Eaa,t em Auotioueer, will sell all kinds of merchandise or stock J farm sales a specialty. Will go auywhere In Or egon or adjoining states. Regular prices. Call ou or writo Col. W. II. REYNOLDS., or A. C. Sanford. nlfl-St ESTRAY I havo taken up n dark (hi i) colored horse, branded circle J on luft stifle; su'eenled In left shoul der. Owner can can havesamoby calling for It and paying charges. A. L. Williams, Madrus. FOR BALE Fresli Jersey cow. quire of J. II. Homey. In- MONEY TO LOAN We have money to loau on real estate at 8 per cent interest. VanTrtSel Land Co. PAINTING and Papor Hanging First class workmanship. Call on, or ad dress J. M. Larson, Madras. ALL KINDS of farm produce wanted Butler, egg, potatoes, nod other vegetables. Pays highest cash price at Huhn hotel, W. C. Moore, Prop, H .Not Coal Laud OMESTEAD. Notloo for Publica tion. Departniont of tho Interior U. B..Lauil OfllcgrfRt Tho Dalles, Ore gon, Soptomber 26, 1009. Notlco In hereby glvon that . HAMtjEL H. EDMONDSOtf, ojC Jittilras, Oregon, who, on.Novoutlior ,6, lOOl) mailt) idmesteud xorlal No. 0534lj N i3078, for tho WIS aoo 27, tp 0 b, r 18 0, w m, , ,, M, Hasfllpd notice or, Indention tn tnfkp Hunt ilve-year ptonfj to eblabllsh olftlin to the land above ilfsorlbed bo fore Howard W, Tumor, United Stalos Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Orcuron, on the 10ih day of Novem ber, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Hugh R Davis, G V Dillon, Waller Amey, Howard M Blaokorhy ull of Madras, Oregon, o7-nll 0. W. MOOUE, RoKister H Not Coal Land OMESTEAD. Notice for Publloa tlon. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oro gon, Ootobor 1, ltioo. Notice Is hereby given that SAMUEL R. COX, of Antelope, Oregon, who, on July 27, 1901, madg Homestead Serial No 032C03 No 13088, for nei sec 12, tp 8 s, r 17 cf ,w m, has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore" Herbert 0. Hooper, U. S. Com missioner, at his office lit Antdnpe, Oregon, on tho 10th day of Novem ber, 1009. Claimant names as witnoHes: FA Bernluc, F J Martin, TO Ward, D Nance, all of Antelope, Oregon, C. W. Moo m:, f,7-n4 Register Not Coal Land OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlea- T. 8. IIamiltohi Pres. ES II. Fhbnciii Vlbo-PrcB; J.rj, f. mSm Banking Co. ronilON EXOHAHQE 80UCHT AN I 80LD DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Capital Slodk,.5r0;0,C)ajc Dot .posit., $200,000 oHANIKO, 6fifeG0( KITCHEN and Dining Room help wanted at once nt Iiahn hotel. tf MONEY TO LOAN ON FAEMS, M-idras State Hank. Se DRIVERS WANTED For slip, wheel anil Fresno scrapers at head of Por ter Spring Canyon. Wui:es $35 and S40 per month. Dwyer & Cq. SEED RY"E FOR SALE. See Loucks Bros., Madras. LIST YOUR FARM property with R. Ilea, If you waut quick action upon it. Have buyers for desirable plaoes. STEAM ROLLED FEED For sale a- the water station at 2c per pound. J. C Way 111 1 re, Madras. tf TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mr. J. W. NIckols traded with me for over three j ears, or practically traded with mo all the time they were In Portland, and payed their bills promptly, ami docs not owe mc, nor any one else here, to my knowledge, anything. T. TOItSEN, Grocer. Portland, Oregon, Srptem'ber 25, 1009. inn, Department of I ho Interior, O S Land Office at Tlio Dalles Oregon, September 30, 1009. Notice Ih hendiy t'lven that WESLEY D. II ILL, of Madras, Oregon, who. on October 13, 1901, made Honu-u'eaJ Serial No 05347 No. KM0, for swK seo 35, tp , r 13 e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make fthal flvo year proof, to etttabllsh claim to l ho laud above dtcribed, before Howard ,W. Turner, U- S. Commission er, at his office ut Mailms, Oregon, on the 9th. day of November, 1909. Claimant names as ultnottot: Harry Gard, Charles ICtann, Hiram Links, Hugh R Davln, all of Sladras, Oregon. C. MooitK, o7 n Ruglstor fNot Coal LandJ HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Int. rlor TJ S Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, October 1!, 1905). Notice is hereby given that , CHARLES U. McCOLLUM, of Ash wood, Oregon, who, on Novmbor21, 1902, made Homestead Serial No 053S3J No. 11823, for se&tietf sec 29 and sJinwK iieifsw sec 2H, tp 10 s, r 10, e, w tn, Has lik-d notice of Intention to make (iiml five- year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before Howard W. Tur ner, U.tis. Commissioner, at ids ollice at Madras,. Oregon, on tlio 4th day of Do eomber, 1909. Claimant nniaos as wltnofigos: James Q Clark, John Baylos, Marvin Elkins, Ray D Clark, all of Ashwoud, Or egon. u. H. OIOOIIK, o28-d2 Register. Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD, .Notice foriPubllcatlon. Department .'pf -.tho Interior, IL S. Land Olllco at Tho Dalies, Oregon, Octo ber 18, 1905). Notice Is hereby glvon. hat -, MONT W. AKEYSDN, of Madras , Oregon, wjioj 011 April 1, 1905, made Homestead, (Serial No. 03535) No. 11327, for Lot 4, iec8, tp lQsrrdi e, and wHawXi sohwi sec 01, tp9s, rile, w m, . - Has filed notice of: intention to make final five-year proof, lo establish olalm to tlio land above duscrlbd, hoJtiuo How ard V. Turner, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, oil tho 80th day of November, 1905). Claimant nainus as witnesses: , Oliurloa MoKiunoy, John Alieii, Dafilel Splcoi) Elmer Mathers, all of Youngs, Or egon, 0, W. Moohu, 028-H25 Register Not Coal Jud HOMEMTEAD. N0H00 for Publica tion. Department of tho Interior, II. S. Land Office at The Dalle, Ore gon, September 30, 1109. Notice Is hereby ylven 1 1,: t FRANK 1 1. DA V I-, of Madras, Oregon, wl o, n J.iiiunry 0, 1009, made IIoniMtcHd S.-rli No 02180 Lota 8, 4 mid 5 xe.V nwi, (nwj) kcc 8, tp IB s, r 12 0, w 111, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, 10 establish claim to tho land above described, be fore Howard W. Tumor, U. 8. Commis sioner, ut his olllco t Madras, Oregon, un the 9th day of November, 1009. Claimant names as witnessc: James E Grout, William R Grout, J W Nichols, William A Hamioy, all of Madras, Oregon- , C. W. Moonu, o7-n4 Roglsler OUR NEW LINE OF Winter Goods IS HERE "" 1 1 1 n 1 A strong line of staple and fancy goods Bargains In Summer Wears Wc have a few Summer Goods left most of which are being offered at ONE-HALF Regular Price "nH..HMt.i,..,,ll'llM.'lt.,lM.I',H.l,l.,.l,M,rt,M,w,uM t.,,",,MiittMtii'iiniMii.iiH,i.,Hj.i,ii,,,,.,,llMrti(,l,,,,t adrasTradineCo. M C, E. ROUSH, MANAGER . n 1 mb " i-w 1 M .bwii'i i" 1 mum .- 11 1 nil' u 'H'li mi Din b .ng 1 u n -w,.. .t. ,,, 6) A. C. SANFORD II & THE AflKNCY FOE EDISON S LATEST Phonographs And Records. f ive a HhlpmoiH of the latest rcoordn each moulli. (Jive H iiie your list lit time ho voit can always got tho ue.v nnen 11 h hiioii an they are out. is "'y ht" "tj' )v w iy "j1 "ck "it1 'i- 'u1 y uf Ay w 'v w y&xv v ISOLATE I) TltACT. Notice for Pub. 1 Iluatinn.' Public Lund 8ap. Serlul No 0J526 ThtiDallos, Orogon, U. 8. Land Oilhio, Sept. 22, 1900. Notloo Ih hereby given Unit, uh dircotcd by tho Commissioner of tho Optimal Jinil Ollice, under jirovlHioiiH of At of Con grefia approved June 27, 10(10, Public No 303, wo will olliiriit public mile to tho highest bidder, ut 10:15 o'uIocc u, mi, on tho iOtli day of November, 1909, nest )(it thin ollice, tlio following traot of html, to wits sei hoc 9, lp 7 a, r 10 0. w m. . Any persoiiB claiming advcruoly tho abovc-doMcrlbed lundu aro advlsod to file their olulniH, or objections, on ,or before tho day uhove donlguntod for aalei "C, W. MOORE, b30n4 Register. T SOLATED TRACT. Notlco for Pub 1 llotUlou Publio Lund Mo Serial No 0222' TlioDalleH, Oregon, United Btates Land Ollice, Sept. 23, IU09.. Notlco Ih hereby given that, un dl reeled by (he -Coiuinh-Bloner of- tlio General Land Ollice, undur prbvisIoiiB of Act of CongreHH appiovod 3utio27,. 1000, Publlo-No. 303, wo will offer ut public huIu to tho liighest .bidder, at 11:30 o'clonlr n. 111., 011 tho 10th day or November, 1009, next, at this olllco, tho following truot of land, towK; ucl swi soo 17, tp Bi, 17 0, w tn. . Any poraons olalmlng udvorsoly tho ahovo'doscrlhed lauds aro ndvjued to fllo tholr claims, or objections, on or before tlio day wbovo dobiguatod for ulo. s80 nd O, W, Mooltu, RolHtor 'iAtirA-ri..t: mil itu run rtrrvuMH."UP VIViJlHA Will I'UUilM J ;r..f.U TlllSSCIIOOh ASTIIE I1E.V311N rl)ttTHFJI HKwitmixauu.-; Facts Worth Noting . Enrollment ol sludentj past year 4G0. All (jraduatos placed In good positions. Filled but CO per cent application for office help. Reputation for thorough and personal loitrucllon. Safe and refining Influences. Send for no v Foldor and Success Stories. TUdJiro COMPETENT WITHOUT ClIAIKiEpg ftUNSEl m r Bumet Miswlne ofrtr tho tender of tlili paper the beJt eO"! ' of tlio year 1 REVIEW OF rtCVICWS . ; . $3 0 vi SUNSET MAGAZIMC . . . . I '6 O nVlllb VWUll nmwM . Mpirtt rnu FREH with your order, bwuUM Pr' , AND mUL Uluitr-ted In four.olcr with 1 W!w SUNSET M AG A 2 ' N E -Mm tll!liel). CAUrOflP'4- ALL FOR $3.00 JfeOLATKil tnXoT-NOTtCJJ lpor 1 ll.L 1. 1 1 ... . 1 . . . n . j. 11 iiiii!iLi inn . I'lllilin I n ml Muni - IHMW BIVtlVB J'MI Borlal No, 015C4, United BtateH Land OOlco, The Dalles, Oregon, Oopt, 23, 1009. Notice Is hereby given that, us directed by tho ComitllsHloMor Of (ho Uoneral Land Olllo', under provisions of Act of Congress approved Jim 2t, 1000, Pnhllc-No. 1103, wo will oiler at publloMale to the h!ghent hihler( at Ij45 o'olnok p. in., on I ho 10th day of H nuvi'iiiDur, iuou, nojcr, at HUB onu tlio following tract of laud, to will Hwjncl Httu 2(1, lp 12 h, r 12 e, W 111, Any personu olulmlug ndvorfoly tlio above diviorlhed latidfl aro jidvlsed to fllo tholr olulms, or objection on or before tho day ubovo dtslgnatpd for sttlo, 0. W. MopitK, fcBOni Register 1 . I on! OMIWTBAI). N' S Dopurtiliontor ; 0(a Olllco at Tim JMi u,vs 21,1003. Notlco Is hnroi-y Blvcn t h r n tnVhBi ,mloHome.strl g J1,,,',, r lift I Hub filed notlro '' ;,,,,, mini fivo-yenr l-roo'. 'M ..... 1 1 ..l.ntli. illMfilD'Ol ...... J W. Turner, Vnu-A h - 0 nthls olUcft nt M"" ?' I 7th y 01 , Clh.,nnt.a" - M (J Mason, 1 ' f Mldr ui ,,ii. Aiiuiiaei jn'" - 1 "w" r IV Jt00llE.ItfgU ,.';k.iiGK C. V. I