The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, October 21, 1909, Image 2

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    :! !nrhsit Gold
Qantiot gay
I'. BY
, . Author of
"A. Crooked Path." "MaM, Wife or
Widow," "Ilr Womnn's Wit." " Beaton's
Banraln." A Life Interest," '"Mona's
Choice," A woman s Heart."
BUY Is ono of tho star
stories. It Is rarely that
a better ono la offered.
Its class Is that of tho
home circle, and this
powerful serial Is rec
ommended for Its force
ful delineation of every-day characters
In connection with simple, yet ani
mating, Incidents that form tho his
tory of Interesting lives.
Mrs. Savllle Is a wealthy, self-willed
woman, whose Imperious nature
brooks no opposition. Sho really be
lieves that her money will buy her
not only luxury and ease, but power.
She thinks that power will enable her
to gain and guide those about her to
her own will, but she finds that there
Is something that gold will not buy,
namely, love.
In a most Interesting way the ro
mance tells how her son, Hugh Sa
vllle, marries the girl of his choice
against the wishes of his mother. She
turns him from her home and he Is
sent to war. His wife determines,
during his absence, to win the love of
the selfish mother. Under a false
name she becomes engaged as the
companion of Mrs. Savllle.
The story of her trials, her patience,
her humiliations brings out the nobili
ty of her true nature and perfect
womanhood. Day by day she wins the
love of the lonely old woman, whose
false pride and wasted wealth sink
Into nothingness in the final reconcili
ation with her son, and this charming
romance ends In a happiness that has
been well and worthily won by a most
captivating and worthy heroine.
Mrs. Sayville had stayed unusually
long in town, and, at the moment cho
sen to open this storj vras sitting at
the writing-table In her 'private room,
a rlchly-furnlshed and luxurious apart
ment with yellow brocade curtains and
stained-glass windows. She was a
small, slight woman, with regular, del
icate features, quick, dark eyes, and
hair nearly white, combed back and
surmounted by a tiny cap of exquisite
lace with a tuft of scarlet velvet rib
bon. The Bmall thin hand which held
her pen was loaded with rings that
rQashed and glittered even in the sub
dued sunshine, while the other gently
caressed the head of a small, Bllky.
pearl-colored dog which lay on a chair
beside her.
She was speaking with a fair, large
lady about her own age, who occupied
an arm chair at the other side of the
table, and who was rather gorgeously
attired in out-door dress.
"I am sure I interrupt you. You
are always so busy," said the latter,
with a comfortable smile, but showing
no Inclination to move.
"I do not mind being interrupted
this morning," returned Mrs. Savllle,
not too graciously; "my eyes are very
tiresome. They smart so when I read
or write for any time. I really must
get an amanuensis." ,
"Is It possible?' I should never sus
pect your eyes of being weak. The
seem strong enough and sharp enough
to see through anything."
"Thank you; they have served my
purpose well enough."
"When do you leave town?"
"I am not quite sure. I do not care
to go until Hugh returns. He ought to
be here now. This scare about trouble
with Russia may bring him his ap
pointment to a ship any day, and he
ought to be on the spot He has been
ashore now for nearly a year."
"I wonder he chose the navy," said
the visitor. "I should think the army
must be much the most agreeable pro
fession." "My dear Lady Olivia! who can ac
count for a young man's vagaries? My
son is positively enthusiastic about his
profession. He Is very scientific, y.ou
know, and will, I have no doubt, rise
to great eminence."
"Oh, I dare say he Is very clever,
but he Is not a bit like other young
men. I confess I do not understand
"No," returned Mrs. Savillo, with
much composure, "I don't suppose you
"Plot clever enough myself, eh?"
raid tfldy Olivia, with a good-humored
smile. 'Where Is this bright partlcu
lah star of yours Just now?"
"When he last wrote bo was still
at Nice. He has stayed on there too
long, I think, I trust and hope he
does not visit Monto Carlo too often;
I am not much obliged to Lord Ever
ton for Introducing Hugh fa his gam
bling friends there,"
"I don't fancy poor Everton's frlenda
are generally what would be consid
ered eligible acquaintances for tho
young and Inexperienced, especfally
when they have pretty daughters who
sing like angels or prima donnas,"
she added, with a comfortable laugh,
"Pooh!" cried Mrs. Savllle, with a
flash of anger in her keen black eyes,
"Hugh Is quite Indifferent to all that
"Ia heT What an unnatural mon
terl" said Lady Olivia, rising. "I
VUh I could say the same of my
Qeorge! However, ho has take to
admire married women lately which
Is a great relief."
Mrs. Savllle also stood up, and rang
tho bell. "Whero Is Evorton Just now?
I want him so much to' write to his
cousin, Captain Drydges, on Hugh's
behalf. I don't understand how It was
ho did not do so before on his own ac
count." "Oh, nobody knows whero Evorton is
to be found. Ho Is coming to us in
September nt Herondyke."
"Lady Olivia Lumloy's carriage"
said Mrs. Savillo to tho man vho an
swered tho bell.
"Good morning, then, dear Eliza
beth. Don't try your oyos too much.
Shall we meet you at tho Montgom
ery's to-night?"
"No; I am really sick of society."
"My dear, you must be seriously
ill?" cried Lady Olivia, with another
good-humored but rather silly laugh,
and tho sisters-in-law shook hands', and
parted. .
Mrs. Savllle picked up her little dog
and took a turn up and down the room
with It under her left arm, a look of
extreme annoyance quivering In her
eyes. "What a fool that woman Is!"
she murmured to herself; "not even a
well-bred fool! and to. look at her, who
would lmaglno she was tho daughter
of one earl, the sister of another? yet
there she Is, started by the moro acci
dent of birth In a position which cost
me all my fortune, my aristocratic
marriage, my brains, to achieve. Still,
I do not complain; had these class dis
tinctions not existed, there would have
been nothing to strive for, nothing to
attain. Still, Lady Olivia is a fool;
you are a wiseacre to her, my pre
cious Prince," sho continued, patting
the dog's head; "you are a natural
aristocrat; so Is Hugh, though ho has
some abominably radical Ideas."
Here tho footman opened tho door,
and said, deferentially, "If you please,
'm, Mr. Rawson would like to see you."
"Yes, certainly. Show him up."
In a few minutes the door again
opened, to admit a gentleman, a short,
stout, well-dressed man, slightly
breathless, and apparently well braced
up In his admirably-fitting clothes. His
hair and complexion were of that neu
tral tint which Is termed "pepper and
salt," his eyes light gray and twink
ling with a perception of the ridicu
lous, and his air, though it was po
litely respectful, showed a certain as
sured familiarity Indicative of a con
fidential position.
"Well, Mr. Rawson," said Mrs. Sa
vllle, resuming her seat and placing
her small favorite on the chair beside
her, "what has brought you here to
day?" Her tone was considerably more
amiable than it had been to her pre
vious visitor.
"What will, I hope, give you satis
faction. I fancy we will succeed in
getting that piece of the Everton prop
erty you have been so anxious to pur
chase, for your price, and It will be a
decided bargain. I am to see the
vendor's solicitor finally on Thursday,
when I fancy he will come In to our
VI am very pleased, Mr. Rawson,
very pleased Indeed. I must say, you
always manage my business most sat
isfactorily. But you say several farms
on tho property are unlet. Now, I
want my money to bring me In a de
cent percentage. What do you pro
pose doing with the land?" Where
upon solicitor and client plunged into
an animated discussion, in which Mrs.
Savllle proved herself to be a shrewd
woman of business.
"Well, Mr. Rawson," she said, after
a short pause, "respecting a smaller
matter, yet not an unimportant one.
Have you made any Inquiries about an
amanuensis or companion for mo?"
"I hardly thought you were serious
in tho wish you expressed "
"I am, exceedingly serious," she In
terrupted. "My maid, who has Just
loft me, was really a very superior
person, and could read aloud very
well; now I have a totally different
woman. I must have some one who Is
fairly educated, who can write, and
keep accounts, and read French I like
French novels; she must be fit to asso
ciate with, yet ready to leave me to
myself at a nod; I cannot be hampered
with any one whose feelings I have to
consider. She must have pleasant man
ners and a sweet voice-, and look fit
to be seen at luncheon and when she
comes out with me."
"My dear madam, you have Indeed
set me a task! You must give me
some time to find out such a treas
ure." "I cannot give you much time. You
must find her as soon as you possibly
can. Advertise In all the papers;
heaps of young women will apply;
pick out one or two, but on no account
let me be worried with an Indiscrimi
nate string of candidates; I know I
shall be disgusted with them. I will
not ask any of my acquaintances; they
always recommend the most unsuita
ble people md are offended If you do
not take thobr proteges. Then they
bore you with pitiful stories. No, my
dear Mr. Rawson, let It be a purely
business matter."
"I shall do my best Suppose I try
an advertisement In a provincial pa
per "
"Do what you like; only rmember
(, must have a presentable, well-educated,
well-mannered young woman
young, mind, who will Bave me trou
ble, not give me any."
"The labors of Hercules were a trifle
to this," sighed Mr, Rawaon.
"Oh, you will do It as cleverly as you
do everything. Now, tell me, have you
heard anything of my son lately H
"Of which, may I aakTMr?" Sa
vllle ?"
"No; of Hugh."
"Well, no, not for a weak. Ha vm
at Nice I think."
"1 know that, and It makes ma rtry
unoasy. Why doos ho slay there? It
Is not the Benson."
-"Aro'you afraid of Monto Carlo? I
don't think you need bo. Mr, Hugh
Savillo novor was Inclined to.gamble;"
"1 am afraid of Bomothlng. much
worse a designing woman.''
"Indeed!" And Mr. Rawson glanced
curiously at her.
"Yes," continued Mra. Savllle, strok
ing tho little dog's head thoughtfully,
"When he was abroad eomo ttmo ago
he made tho acquaintance of a horrid
old gambling, dlsroputablo .friend of
Lord TUvorton's. This man has ntlnnrh.
tor; and I heard' accidentally that
Hugh was a great deal with her. When
ihy son roturncd I warned him against
such penniless adventurers. He laugh
od In an odd, bitter way, and said,
'Don't trouble yourself, my dear moth
er; Miss Hilton would not look at me.'
I at once saw somo deep Bchomo in
this; don't you?"
"Woll, I can't possibly say; thore
are so many sld03 to human naturo
feminine human naturo especially.
The young lady must bo rather pecu
liar If sho would not look at Mr. Hugh
Savllle. I should say ho was rather a
pleasant object"
"I know you are fond of Hugh, Mr.
Rawson; your regard for him strength
ens the old ties . that your excellent
service has created."
"Humph!" said Rawson to himself,
"does sho think I am her footman?"
"Yes," ho observed, "your son was a
truo friend to my poor wild lad. It's
owing to him that ho is what he la
now, and has a chanco of a respect
ablo life."
"I am very glad he was of use to
your son," returned Mrs. Savllle, with
an air of Infinite superiority. ."But,
Mr. Rawson, do you not think Hugh's
answer evasive?"
"Mr. Hugh Savillo Is never ovaslve.
Ho may havo been a Uttlo huffed with
the young lady."
"Then she was on tho track of some
other prey," said Mrs. Savllle, scorn
fully. "I nave an admirable match for
Hugh, deslrablo In every way; so,
when I found he hnd wandered back
to Nice and was. lingering there, I felt
not a little uneasy."
"Did you say the young lady's name
Is Hilton?" asked Rawson, suddenly.
"Yes; her father Is, or calls himself,
Captain Hilton."
"Thtm I don't think you need dis
tress yourself. I saw tho death of a
Captain Hilton about a fortnight ago
In a newspaper. Ho died somewhere
in France, but not at Nice. I noticed
the name because oh, because 1 have
heard Lord Everton speak of him."
"How can you tell if It bo the
same?" Mrs. Savllle was beginning,
with great animation, when the butler
appeared, carrying on a salver a large
envelope bearing the inscription "On
Her Majesty's Service" and addressed
to Lieutenant Hugh Savllle.
"This is some appointment for my
son," cried Mrs. Savllle. "I knew It
would come in this unexpected way. Is
It not maddening that he should be
absent?" As sho spoke, sho tore the
letter open and glanced at It, and ox
claiming, "Yes, as I thought!" handed
it to her confidential adviser. He took
It, and read as follows:
"Admiralty, Whitehall, July 20.
"Sir I havo the honor to Inform
you that you are appointed to H. M. S.
Vortlgern, Flag-ship of Admiral Ward
iaw, on the West Indian Station.
. "You will proceed by the Mall leav
ing Southampton on the 2Cth Instant
for Port Royal, Jamaica.
"If H. M. S. Vortlgern has lert.Vou
will report yourself to the Senior Na
val Officer, from whom you will get
directions where to Join your ship.
"I have the honor to bo, sir, your
obedient servant,
"Secretary to the Admiralty.
"To Lieutenant Hugh Savillo,
"Stafford Square, S. W."
"There, that Is Just the opening
Hugh has wished for lieutenant of
the flag-ship on the West Indian Sta
tion. Why, If this threatened rupture
with Russia comes to anything, the
West Indian Bquadron would most
probably be ordered to the Black Sea
nothing Is moro probable; then ho
might havo a chance of distinguishing
himself. I want to seo my son an ad
miral! How infinitely pnnoklng that
he should be absent!"
"You must telegraph to him without
a moment's loss of time," said Mr.
Rawson. "If he starts to-morrow, or
to-night, why. he'll be hero in thirty
six hours. Very little tlmo need be
lost. Shall I wire for you?"
"Oh, yes, please; and reply to this,
too. Let them know he la corning."
"Well, there Is little danger of your
son being caught now, Mrs. Savllle.
If Venus herself had her hand on him
he must break away, when such a aunv
mons may mean fighting. Good morn
ing. Leave the telegraph to me, and
accept my best congratulations." Mr.
Rawson bowed himself out.
Mrs. Savillo mechanically rose and
rang the bell. Then she stood In
thought for a minute, and rang again.
This time the butler presented him
self. "Atkins," said his mistress, "I ex
pect Mr. Hugh on Wednesday or
Thursday, He will only stay to col
lect his 'luggage, and goeB on to Join
the ship to which he has Just been ap
pointed. I want you to look out his
chest and all his things. Lot me know
whatever you can see is wanting, and
order the carriage Immediately aftor
lunch. Send Jeasop to mo. I really
think I might as well go to the Mont
gomerys' this evening," she thought
"I feel 80 relieved.
(To bs continued.)
Two-thirds of tho native population
of ITganda baa been wiped out by the
laapBC aicknesa In seven yeara.
Kent BloritKO Hix tttr Veaetnlile".
IllHtrnil of knnnln? Mm voKotilblOS In
barrels or boxes scattorod all over tho
cellar, I havo mado a sot of storago
bins. Itonk nix ilrvcnotla boxes and
bolted thorn togothor as shown In the
drawing. I put logs on thorn to noiu
thorn off tho flobr nnd a covor on tho
box. Then I nalntcd on tho boxca the
names of the vegotnblca wo generally
.-' A 1 h.n.lV
store, inis mattes a nom mm uu
storago bin, and Is woll worth tho lit
tle tlmo It takes to mako It Before
wo had this bin wo stored tho dlfforont
vegetables In barrols, boxes, washtubs,
lard cans, or anv rocontaclo that hap
pened to be at .hand when wo harvest-
ed tho crop. These wero scattorod
about tho cellar promiscuously, and
sometimes wo know where to find what
wo wanted and sometimes wo did not.
There Is nothing mbro satisfying to a
farmer's wife than to bo ablo to take
a friend Into a collar whero everything
Is neat and in order. A. 0. Grinor In
Fanm and Homo.
Ventilation of Stnlle.
tTs ft
t, !'
Hero's a good method of ventilating
an ordinary stable. Intako flues are
constructed In the side walls. Tho ven
tilation flues will take up considerable
spaco but are more efficient than a
single flue. Openings aro at or near
the floor level and tho tops several feet
above tho ridge of the root. Caps or
cowls may be placed over them to keep
out rain and snow.
" y k j
Another arrangement of flues which
is quite effective in securing ventila
tion. Tho opening In tho center of U
may be provided with a shutter to
prevent too r.pld movement of air.
Separate outlets may be provided or
he slnglo cupola as shown.
To MnUo tho Hen l.ny.
If tho bens don't lay, turn them out
And lot them dig and hunt in the
ground for food, Is the advice of T. F.
McGrow, In the Country Gentleman.
Dury small grain whero they will And
It when thqy dig. This will Induce
them to hunt,, and while thus employ
ed thoy will find bugs and worms that
will quicken thp production of eggs. It
Is well to follow this plan as soon as
the spado will turn tho ground, for It
adds vigor and strength to tho hons
and Insures strong, healthy chicks. Tho
lazy, Idle hen Is of no uso but to sit
about, eat and grow fat. If sho will
not work, she will not lay. If sho will
not lay, her llfo Bhould end, and her
fr carcass graco tho table. You can
rest assured that tho Indolent hen Is
a nonproducor; soon sho becomes too
rat to lay and too tough to bo eaten.
ItlKbt Time to IMck Apple.
Apples Intended for cold stormm
should not be allowed to become too
rlpo on tho tree. When an nnnl
fully grown, highly colored, but still
nam, it la in prime condlt on to bo
picked and stored, It has then ob
tained ltfl highest markot valuo bo
causo It la most attractlvo In appear,
ance and best In quality. If picked be
fore entirely ripe apples deteriorate
moro rapidly, and It 1b best to allow
an applo to become a trlflo overripe
than to pack it In an immature state,
Many people have tho orroneoua opin
ion that apples should be nicked hn.
fore fully ripe In order to keep wolj
Ih cola atorago, but this la a mistake.
ItnUliiir Ohlt)l(oii"
Tho greatest drawback to tho chicle
nn hualnoBs 1b that thoro Is not n day'i
lot-up In tho steady routlno of work
from tho tlmo nn egg la plppod until
tho nx closes tho lion b history, it
natural nftor tho pullota nro feiithorotl
out and weaned nnd tho roosters bop
nratod from thorn to lot up n little
In tho caro bestowed on them. This
is a groat mlstnko if wlntor oggs aro
oxpootod. If thoro Is ono thing moro
than nnothor that tho nverngo poultry"
man Is Hablo to err in it ia lack of
fresh air in the coops at night. Slip
out somo hot night about 11 o'clock
and you will norhnns hoar tho tnump
thump of restless chickens crowding
around against each othor, fighting In
valu for a cool, nlry spot to sloop In
comfort. Or In tho morning tako r
whiff of tho fetid, unwholosomo air bo
foro lotting tho chickens out, and you
will realize that night Hpont undo
such conditions must provent tho
Btendy, hcnlthy growth nccosBiiry for
beat results. This condition or nrrnirfl
Is Hablo to bo worse with Incubator
chickens, becnuso thoy nro raUed In
larger flocks and tho tendency 1b to
crowd them moro nftor taking thorn
from tho brootlors.
AVlion Itcim Are Motiltlnar.
Ono of tho difficulties In poultrj
raising is to get tho hons to molt ear
ly, so that thoy will bo ready to lay
In tho fall nnd winter, when egga aro
high. Left to themselves, Iioiib will
tako a long tlmo to molt, and will not
flnlBh until cold wenthor Beta In. Thoy
will not then lay until curly spring
nnd all tho profits for tho wlntor
months nro lost. At tho poultry In
stitute hold In Denver by tho Colora
do Agricultural College W. J. R. Wil
son, a poultry man of long experience,
gavo his method of controlling tho
molting of hons. As soon aa tho hens
nro through laying hq turns them on al
falfa, feeding them dry brun only, In
addition. Under this trcatmont thoy
got thin. Then ho feeds them a mixed
rntlon of grnins and meat, giving a
light feed In tho morning nnd all thoy
will cat at noon and night. Undor
this treatment they finish molting
quickly, get new feathers and begin
laying In September. By October 1
they are In full laying condition and
mnko a profit through tho fall and
Alfalfa fur the Dlnrjr.
Successful dairy fnrmlng dopends h
groat deal on growing tho necessary
feed on tho farm. City milkmen can
buy high-priced feeds and make a
profit, but farmers who ship longer
distances require all the advantago
thoy can got Alfalfa Is getting to bo
ono of tho most Important dairy feods.
It can bo grown in almost any part of
the country whero thero Is sufficient
molsturo within reach of tho long tap
root, provided that thero Is no rock
to intorfero with Its growth. If you
nover tried alfalfa, commenco now by
fitting a small ploco of ground very
carefully and mako it very rich on
top. Tho new plants aro dollcato and
requlro careful feeding until they got
started. Most failures aro causod by
Insufficient preparation of tho seed bed.
Teatlntr Hrei-iU for 9111k.
In testing several breeds of cowb
tho Virginia Experiment Station found
that "In profits on milk tho Holstclnu
led with ?4.02 per individual per
month; tho grades wero second with
$4.27. The most profitable cow was
Buckoye DoKol, who milked twenty
ono months, gave 12,408.4 pounds of
milk and B24.24 poundn of butter. Tho
profit on tho milk wns $201.05 and on
tho butter $41.01."
When IIo Cotiifb.
Hogs not living In dusty houses, that
havo persistent cougha, aro, as a rule.
Buffering from wormB. An excellent
remedy la to dissolve one-half pound of
copperas In warm water and mixing In
the slop for 100 head of pigs. This
dose should bo given for Ave mornings;
then wait a few dayB, and repeat If
necessary. For a smallor number than
100 head glvo a good dram jto ench
head. .
Ilntryliiu I'roflta,
Profits In dairying do not dopond
so muoh upon the numbor of cows
kept, but upon tho kind. This fact
Is bolng realized moro and moro aa
the dairy Industry Increases. Ono
way to Increaso tho acreago of a farm
la to Increaso tho fertility of tho soil
of a farm; similarly, ono way to In
creaso a dairy herd Is to Increaso tho
cowb' produqlng power.
Graftliiir on Willow.
A horticultural curiosity Is to bo
seen In tho garden of Gloucester
Lodgo, Portsmouth Itond, near Lon
don. A gooseberry bush, a currant
bush and an eldorberry troo are grow
ing high up on a willow troo, to which
they have by ome means bocome
grafted. All aro fluorlBhlng and fruit
Is fanning on tho gooseberry and cur
rant bushes.
A Cheap Iimectlclde,
Somo Rardenors uso lima nni tnhnn.
co wator for doBtroylng many Insects
which prey on plantB. A half bushel
of lime la emptied Into a barrel of wa
ter, togother with a bucketful of to
bacco sterna. This la woll stirrnii nn
and after it has settled for H day or
two the clear water la syringed over
bushes, killing all Insects that coma
wunin its roaco.
Tho Russian czar rulos
000,000 persons. ' 0Vw HO,
At tho beginning of th
your 'tho population of KxXJmi
4,276,000. Aralla WM
It is figured that a million . ,
quarter persona 1ftfla ,J """,n an
London each day. ftnd out of
It ha boon announcod that . ,
uhlp lino, will bo In onerat 1 &lr'
tweon Pctadam anil norUn 8n bfr
In Athens thoro aro good ,wti .
nnd tho people uko Z J "
tooth. In tho mt of arSS 1 r
tlitry is usually PerfoS
barber, who only pulls teeth 9
On account of Its great strength
drawn glaaa 1. being widely rS S
to for many purposes, it wlthZ i
sudden changes of torn Z urt
strong a Rrftt CXtnt ftnU '5
Tho mooting of tho British a.
elation in 1013 will In all pS
bo hold In Australia. The effort u
bolng mndo by tho official, of the iVi
veralty of Molbourno, who are now In
correspondence with tho various edU.
cationnl and scientific bodies of tu
Bouthorn contlnont
Mr. Gabot, a French Inventor, has
recently conducted somo very Z
coasful oxiwrlments with a toroedo
oporatod by the wlroless system, and
ho any that In a short tlmo he Wi
havo his device perfected so that It
will bo poaslblo to control the death
dealing dovlco for a distance of elxht
mllea. 6
A Berlin museum has recontly ac
quired a very valunblo manuscript
which originated In tho second con
tury B. C. It eoms to bo of the na
ture of a biographical dictionary, for
It contains a list of the loading men
of tho tlmo In art, Btatosmanshlp and
warfare with much other general In
formation of u similar nature. Ths
paper was found In tho wrappings of
a mummy.
Of tho railways In Holland, E. V.
Lucas wrltoa: .'Tho trains corao In to
tho mlnuU) and go out to the mlnuts.
Tho ofllclals nro Intelligent and po
lite. Tho carriages are good. Every
station has Ita waiting room, where
you may alt and read and drink a cuy
of coffee that Is not only hot and fresh,
but Is recognizably tho product of
tho borry. It Impossible to travl la
tho wrong train."
Llttlo gophers and moles are the
causo of ondlcso trouble for tho South
ern Paclflo company, and continual
expenno, capoclnlly In tho Willamette
valley, whero tho land Is rich and the
gophors llko to llvo and dig. Fore
man Strawn la raising portions of
tho track near Etigcno an Inch to two
Inches nnd othor section foremen have
to do tho samo In othor sections.
Kugeno (Oro.) Guardian.
Birmingham, England, was the
homo of prize fighting when the ring
who patronized by literature and roy
alty. Thero was Bendlgo, who became
an enemy to all unrighteousness.
"WotW atheists?" ho asked once, on
bolng told that a gathering of men he
saw woro of that persuasion. He was
told. "Don't bellcvo In no God, don't
they?" ho Bhouted. "Hero, hold my
coat. I'll show 'cm wot's wot!"
Man's outer garments ought to be
mado so that ihoy could bo cleaned ev
ery week or so; Indeed, eomo now send
their woolen garments to dry clean
ers Instead of having them "cleaned"
and pressed In tho ordinary way, but
prices for dry cleaning men's clothing
aro unnecessarily high, nnd ought to
como down when dry cleaning would
bocomo a much greater Industry.
Other men in summer wear "wash
able" garments which aro worn a day
or so and then relaundored
York Press.
Mlsa Iloso Wolntraub of Philadel
phia la at tho head of the movement
to erect a memorial to Elizabeth A.
Phillips, known as Miss Santa Claus,
whoso death was rocorucu roccuu.
Thft work Is being directed by the
rciimimth A. Phillips Memorial Asso
ciation, nnd tho cents and dimes from
children who wish to contribute to
fn.i nn to im received by Drextl
Co. and Albert F. Maltby, who mi
to supply whntovor vomcies
Santa Clnua needed to distribute her
gift at Ghrlfrtmaa, will bo treasurer.
n n. Edwards of MacLeod.
Canada, has compiled a book show-
1nnt intllB Of WOUieD IB
Canada. Ono Injustice to wh Ich Mrs.
Edwards calls attention Is that
cording to tho lawa of f lJ
. :. it.- nni decides a3
ratuor.owna u -,,,iB
i. .. .j in m ion. domicile,
eto. Tho consent of tho father a on.
U required In regard to wo -
of a minor daughter, in one -
the province of Quebec,
Mr. Edwards, a father gaw i 1)1
yoar-old daughter ai a -comrade
of his who was over 40,
Jamea Payno wrote of W
.M in Edinburgh, Scotland, In
70. of tlio loot century; -street
where I flwt ro-ld ed It tru
me that, to Judge by the drawn , dow
blind-, the people spent a good
of their time upon mo
bod; on my second Sunday, how
1 w vnMMw
camo up anu hiiu,,.. - day
aha had not spoken of It W
she must now araw w d,
th. foot that WwM notnjMjto
buxgh to draw up the lnf hb3rt
on the Sabbath, and tht the n WJ
had begun to rhkerUntflSsbme
ful appearanoe of her wuu . fJU
wbloh baa heretofore been a God"
lag hoi'- M